Ich suchte einen Overear fr den Heimgebrauch. Also Musik hren, mal am TV nutzen um die Umwelt nicht zu nerven oder ungestrtes Arbeiten am Mac. Deshalb whlte ich die 32 Ohm Variante.
Warum dann keinen Hifi-Hrer? Ich mag die Studiokopfhrer wesentlich mehr. Auch wenn ich kein Recording oder Monitoring betreibe. Mir gefllt es das zu hren was auch da ist und auch zu hren wenn etwas schlecht gemacht ist. Ich brauche zwar Bass, aber keinen angehobenen Bass. Ich hre nicht fr meine Umwelt, sondern fr mich.
Der DT770 ist geschlossen, was ich bevorzuge. Er klingt nicht so Hhenbetont wie seine hherohmigen Brder. Bass ist zwar angehoben, aber nicht bertrieben. Die Bhne ist grad noch da, aber fr mich zu klein wahrnehmbar. Mit EQ macht man allerdings ne Menge, wenn man das mchte.
Beim Tragekomfort ist er ber alles erhaben. Lffel jeder Art passen da rein. Sieht natrlich aber ehrlich auch schon monstrs aus der DT770 auf den Ohren. Nicht jedermans Sache. Zuhause ok, aber auerhaus muss man sich schon trauen.
Sinnvoll ist es die Ohrpolster aus velours von seinen Brdern zu nehmen.
Restliche Qualitt ist ebenfalls top. Wehrmutstropfen ist das fest verbundene Kabel, aber das sollte normal trotzdem lange Freude bereiten.
Hrgenuss muss zu einem passen. Meiner war er letztlich nicht. Denke die 80 Ohm oder hher machen sich bemerkbar. Mir zu verhalten alles. Klingt hifi-iger. Wrde ihn aber dem AT ATH 50mx vorziehen.
Unterwegs kann man ihn nutzen. Er hat gengend Lautstrke dabei, ist aber insgesamt wesentlich leiser als die Konkurrenz wegen der Kombi von Impedanz mit 32 Ohm und dem Schalldruck 95 dB. Da sind andere deutlich
lauter. Von den Umgebungsgerusche hrt man weniger, aber bei zu lautem Hren deine Umgebung dich.
Fr den Preis bekommst du hier eine Menge tollen Kopfhrer.
Am Ende habe ich mich bei meiner Auswahl aber gegen ihn und fr Shure entschieden. Der Shure war neutraler und in den Mitten besser und mit dem EQ kann ich bei Bedarf mehr rauskitzeln. Mir gefiel das Hrerlebnis mehr. Viel mehr Bhne, etwas weniger angehobener Bass, klarere Hhen, betontere Mitten. Was zu meinem Hrerlebnis besser passt.
I bought these mainly for gaming. While looking for a replacement for my old headphones, I found plenty of budget headphones and plenty of top end headphones at eye-watering prices (and plenty of fashion headphones, but who cares about those), but nothing in between. So I asked on a specialist PC gaming forum for recommendations for midrange heaphones. Most of the replies recommended these, specifically the 80 Ohm version if my hardware could drive it. I cross-checked with some reviews and then bought some.
The recommendations and reviews were right. The sound quality is excellent across the whole range. They’re comfortable even after I’ve had them on for hours. Everything is padded and all the padding can be removed and replaced with spares (widely available) if it becomes damaged or worn. They were initially a bit too tight across the top of my bigger than average head, but that resolved itself after a bit of use.
The noise cancellation isn’t active, which is why I didn’t give it 5 stars. It’s very good for passive noise reduction, hence the 4 stars. Closed back, thick padding fully enclosing the ear, solid construction.
Headphones for monitoring very good and clear.i bought 250 ohms version and you do need a good amp section to drive it, just about get away with using Focusrite solo but much better on Rodecaster Pro. Tried just for fun on a hifi system and was quite surprised how good they were, especially at this price. Would like to have seen a replaceable cable as if it fails you would need to undertake a repair or new headphones. That’s the only minor issue I have but all in all I only wish I had bought these instead of other headphones not really suited to music editing and wasted money.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
I’ve been using these for a year now and I’ve loved them so far, without an equaliser they sound quite flat though and until recently I didn’t realise how good they could be. I bought a mixer for other purposes, which I connected these headphones to, and wow they sound absolutely incredible now. My mixer isn’t even for powering these and yet I can finally hear the true potential of these headphones.
I’ve read some people say you don’t need an amp and I 100% disagree with them. You are seriously missing out if you do not power these properly and I’m not even using a proper amp. Also I can turn the volume way higher and the bass distortion is completely gone, every aspect of these headphones is improved now.
The only other headphones I feel that I will ever need is something wireless and noise cancelling for travel, as these sound about 60% when used through a phone.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Large soft ear pads spread the load well. Keeps out external noise. Reduced bleed when used as recording monitors. I use these in the studio for hours on end and they don’t give you compression headaches etc.
These are a real top quality studio monitoring headphone with flat frequency response. You will hear the real music. However, for those that want headphones loud enough to deafen you with exaggerated bass response then feel free to buy some other cheap rubbish! Those that want to hear the true music at a moderate level then buy these.
The clarity and detail of music, the relatively wide sound stage, the heavy built of the headphones – this is an amazing pair of headphones. Totally recommend this for anyone who want to use this as a casual pair of headphones for just using it for day to day tasks.
Two details to note though, firstly, the clamp of the headphones might be a bit heavy on the sides of your head, so it takes some getting used to and secondly, despite it being 250 ohms and a lot of online sites will recommend you to get a USB DAC and AMP to pair it/give it extra oomph, I personally found that my laptop can output the necessary volume to skip that, so if you’re interested, maybe get this first, test it on your system before deciding to go for that USB DAC and AMP that everyone recommends.
First, let me get the packaging/presentation out of the way — it wasn’t great. There’s no foam protection, or anything fancy other than a business-like drawstring bag. They were also shipped from Germany in a plastic Amazon bag with no bubble wrap, not even an Amazon cardboard box with the paper padding; this resulted in the product’s box taking a little beating in transit. However, they arrived perfectly fine and usable.
Now onto the good news… These are good, really good. I used the Sennheiser HD 558 for 5 years and the Sennheiser HD 598SR for 3 years. These are a seamless transition into closed-back headphones from these great open-back headphones. I’m not even 30 minutes into wearing them and I can tell these are a headphone for many years to come, the lows are better than I’ve grown accustom to, with ample sub-bass which is non-existant on the Sennheisers, and the highs are clear without being sibilant or harsh; I’m super happy.
Especially so, as I tried the new PlayStation Pulse 3D headset prior to these arriving and was disappointed in their small size, discomfort and fake virtual 3D sound.
These headphones genuinely seem to let me hear more than I could already with the Sennheiser’s, I don’t know if that’s placebo effect or due to the extra isolation, but it’s fantastic.
Update 1:
I paired these Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohm with the Brainwavz XL Large Perforated Replacement Memory Foam Earpads and wow, it really opens up the soundstage!
It does lower the bass just a tiny, barely noticeable amount, but you do also get a little more breathability and the lower end gets clearer (though I don’t know if that’s due to the driver being broken in — I used a random playlist of high quality music of the genres I enjoy, with a few pink noise tracks mixed in).
If you need a microphone apparently the Beyerdynamic MMX300 MkII is the headset to go for as they’re the DT 770 Pro enhanced, albeit at the cost of having to plug into the controller on consoles which I found to distort the sound.
Update 2:
I’ve since wound some wool around the headband for a little added comfort and to preserve the protein leather. Be warned that faux leather wears down quickly (I could see mine starting to flake after a few days use which is ridiculously bad).
I’m sold into the Beyerdynamic family now and would love to try the others. They’re well thought out and the spring steel headband ensures confidence in being able to stretch it out for comfort (due to the tight clamp at first) without any plastic creaking or snapping; as is the case with other headbands.
Damn good, must buy if you're a previous Sennheiser 598 or below user!
First, let me get the packaging/presentation out of the way — it wasn’t great. There’s no foam protection, or anything fancy other than a business-like drawstring bag. They were also shipped from Germany in a plastic Amazon bag with no bubble wrap, not even an Amazon cardboard box with the paper padding; this resulted in the product’s box taking a little beating in transit. However, they arrived perfectly fine and usable.
Now onto the good news… These are good, really good. I used the Sennheiser HD 558 for 5 years and the Sennheiser HD 598SR for 3 years. These are a seamless transition into closed-back headphones from these great open-back headphones. I’m not even 30 minutes into wearing them and I can tell these are a headphone for many years to come, the lows are better than I’ve grown accustom to, with ample sub-bass which is non-existant on the Sennheisers, and the highs are clear without being sibilant or harsh; I’m super happy.
Especially so, as I tried the new PlayStation Pulse 3D headset prior to these arriving and was disappointed in their small size, discomfort and fake virtual 3D sound.
These headphones genuinely seem to let me hear more than I could already with the Sennheiser’s, I don’t know if that’s placebo effect or due to the extra isolation, but it’s fantastic.
Update 1:
I paired these Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohm with the Brainwavz XL Large Perforated Replacement Memory Foam Earpads and wow, it really opens up the soundstage!
It does lower the bass just a tiny, barely noticeable amount, but you do also get a little more breathability and the lower end gets clearer (though I don’t know if that’s due to the driver being broken in — I used a random playlist of high quality music of the genres I enjoy, with a few pink noise tracks mixed in).
If you need a microphone apparently the Beyerdynamic MMX300 MkII is the headset to go for as they’re the DT 770 Pro enhanced, albeit at the cost of having to plug into the controller on consoles which I found to distort the sound.
Update 2:
I’ve since wound some wool around the headband for a little added comfort and to preserve the protein leather. Be warned that faux leather wears down quickly (I could see mine starting to flake after a few days use which is ridiculously bad).
I’m sold into the Beyerdynamic family now and would love to try the others. They’re well thought out and the spring steel headband ensures confidence in being able to stretch it out for comfort (due to the tight clamp at first) without any plastic creaking or snapping; as is the case with other headbands.
Damn good, must buy if you're a previous Sennheiser 598 or below user!
First, let me get the packaging/presentation out of the way — it wasn’t great. There’s no foam protection, or anything fancy other than a business-like drawstring bag. They were also shipped from Germany in a plastic Amazon bag with no bubble wrap, not even an Amazon cardboard box with the paper padding; this resulted in the product’s box taking a little beating in transit. However, they arrived perfectly fine and usable.
Now onto the good news… These are good, really good. I used the Sennheiser HD 558 for 5 years and the Sennheiser HD 598SR for 3 years. These are a seamless transition into closed-back headphones from these great open-back headphones. I’m not even 30 minutes into wearing them and I can tell these are a headphone for many years to come, the lows are better than I’ve grown accustom to, with ample sub-bass which is non-existant on the Sennheisers, and the highs are clear without being sibilant or harsh; I’m super happy.
Especially so, as I tried the new PlayStation Pulse 3D headset prior to these arriving and was disappointed in their small size, discomfort and fake virtual 3D sound.
These headphones genuinely seem to let me hear more than I could already with the Sennheiser’s, I don’t know if that’s placebo effect or due to the extra isolation, but it’s fantastic.
Update 1:
I paired these Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohm with the Brainwavz XL Large Perforated Replacement Memory Foam Earpads and wow, it really opens up the soundstage!
It does lower the bass just a tiny, barely noticeable amount, but you do also get a little more breathability and the lower end gets clearer (though I don’t know if that’s due to the driver being broken in — I used a random playlist of high quality music of the genres I enjoy, with a few pink noise tracks mixed in).
If you need a microphone apparently the Beyerdynamic MMX300 MkII is the headset to go for as they’re the DT 770 Pro enhanced, albeit at the cost of having to plug into the controller on consoles which I found to distort the sound.
Update 2:
I’ve since wound some wool around the headband for a little added comfort and to preserve the protein leather. Be warned that faux leather wears down quickly (I could see mine starting to flake after a few days use which is ridiculously bad).
I’m sold into the Beyerdynamic family now and would love to try the others. They’re well thought out and the spring steel headband ensures confidence in being able to stretch it out for comfort (due to the tight clamp at first) without any plastic creaking or snapping; as is the case with other headbands.
Damn good, must buy if you're a previous Sennheiser 598 or below user!
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Now let me preface this review by mentioning I am not too knowledgable about the specifics of sound. This review is from the perspective of someone who spends a lot of time using headphones however may not know the industry buzzwords.
Simply put, these headphones are fantastic. They have been my daily drivers for the past year, meaning 12+ hours of usage daily. The level of comfort is the first thing I feel I should touch on. I have a large head however they fit without trouble, and are exceptionally comfortable. Unlike many headphones I have had in the past, I never feel a need to take them off to “rest” my head – they almost feel like a part of my body at this point.
The sound is incredible, granted some equaliser fiddling (can be easily found online) will make the experience so much better. I use these headphones for everything from music, anime, movies, and games. They just deliver everything very richly and clearly. The bass seems especially solid, so if you’re a bit of a bass head like me, these headphones will serve you well.
The closed-back nature of the headphones also mean they do a good job at keeping the stuff you’re listening to in, and outside noises out. They are not noise cancelling of course, but they certainly work great at drowning out any noises that may be around you.
All in all, a wonderful set of headphones. I don’t foresee them breaking any time soon due to their exceptional build quality, but if they were to eventually die on me, I would likely pick up another pair as a replacement.
Not load enough , and sound isolation doesn’t seem great, update you need , a volume amp eg audio equipment with these headphones, if you just plug them into a phone , wont work well , so I edited my review
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
These headphones come highly recommended by most users and you have to use them and then look at the price ratio to understand the popularity of these headphones.
They do take a little getting used to and wearing in before the force of the clamp settles and then they become comfortable.
Not the most comfortable headphones but probably the best within the price range.
The sound isolation is a real plus for me and one of the strengths of these headphones in my opinion again not the best but probably the best within the price range.
The real pleaser is the sound quality and the atmosphere created by the low end. It actually makes you want to listen to music. You get a beefy nice pumping sound because its closed back, which is surprisingly detailed but with a pleasant and satisfying low end.
They come highly recommended and the majority can’t be wrong.
I like them and use them for listening to general music and then as my primary tracking phones before switching to something more intimately detailed for mixing.
The best headphones I’ve used for gaming and music. The sound is incredible and they’re so comfortable for long sessions. I like the material of the ear cups and how they feel.
The noise isolation is very good, I can still hear when my partner says something but I have to remove one ear to hear what she’s said. Whereas with something with active noise cancellation like my Bose QC-35II I would not hear that she had said a word at all. This suits me perfectly as I can use them for gaming and listening to music/watching videos and still respond when spoken to!
I prefer the sound from these to my Bose for absolutely everything, bass is great and not overwhelming and they certainly can be cranked up load from my PC front panel audio, I don’t need an amp or anything for the 80 ohm model.
They’re cheaper material but since they stay at my desk permanently, I don’t mind at all.
Only minor complaint is that my pair says “L” on both ear cups, but that’s just the housing, they work perfectly and I certainly wasnt going to send them back for something so unimportant.
Definitely don’t hesitate and you won’t regret it. My favourite headphones that will never leave my desk and for a 1/3rd of the price of other headphones I’ve bought!
They are an absolute pleasure to wear and are really comfy compared to the hd25s which were my dailies producing drum and bass. They sound a bit better than the 25s but to me the low end lets it down which sounds distorted and breaks up quicker in comparison and throughout the frequencies at volume. I’m going to return and get the dt990 pros instead as my producer friend recommended me them with a better bass, treble and general response overall.
I’ve been using 7506’s for a long time now and so the change to the 770 80 Ohm was a big one and mainly driven by comfort issues with my ears. While the 7506’s are clear and great for production, I find the earpads too small for my ears and I end up with outer ear earache if using them for any length of time.
The 770s are much more comfortable although strangely a little more firm on the head. However, they give my ears some good spacing so that while they do still touch my ears slightly, they are ok for reasonable lengths of time. For me, this is the main factor in changing headphones.
As for the audio response, I find the 7506’s are much more trebly than the 770s which seem to hold down the high end much more – but then in return give a better overall balance.
The other thing that struck me with the 80 Ohm version was that the overall levels seemed lower with the 770s than the 7506’s. Using the same levels for both and with a comfortable level on the 770s, then swapping to the 7506 lead me to hurry to the volume nob as particularly the treble was far too much for me at the level I ended up at. However, if you turn down the 7506’s the end result is ok when mixed with the 770s.
So, while the 770s are not perfect, they are very good and especially so at the price point. They are also far better on my ears even though firm on my head.
I ought also to say that I wear glasses and found that the 770s didn’t really cause me as many problems as I expected and again, I can wear them for a good length of time with glasses not being particularly noticeable.
The final question must be to ask if now I have the 770s and had to make the choice again would I still buy them? And, the answer has to be a firm YES. While I still like the 7506’s I end up in pain using them. And, as I have been swapping between them both to write this review and have just gone back to the 770s – NOW – sooo much more comfortable with just a flatter response.
I am overall satisfied with these headphones, but to get to the point I will list the few negatives I have, since that’s what matters the most to people reading.
– I found the earpads that came with the headphones to lack the proper thickness/comfort, so I had to replace them with a standalone pair from a different brand
– The build quality could be improved, as there are very loud cracks from time to time (so loud that you might think you broke something the first time)
I would definitely recommend these to anyone in need of a good pair of headphones. The price you pay offers a lot of value in return.
I also use these for gaming, and found no issues there. I pair them with a Fiio E10K amplifier.
Good neutral sound. The fact they are closed back did not seem to effect their openness to me. Importantly these are very comfortable, even when wearing glasses I can go four hours with no discomfort at all, I would imagine listening in excess of this would be fine too. The pads are far better then leather or pleather types, velour is definitely now my favourite pad material. They drive well, I’ve been using them domestically on an arcam a39’s headphone out, also on a rega ear headphones amp and additionally from my mobile through an audioquest dragon fly red, all of these options went more that loud enough for me. All in all a good set of headphones, if you can only afford one pair give them a go, I think you’d like them, I do.
I do a lot of audio mixing and bought a pair of DT880s a while ago, but because they’re open back they don’t give any noise reduction at all, which I sometimes need. I tried the Bose 700s and found the top end wasn’t as clean as the DT880s and the bass was too heavy, so I gave up the idea of active noise cancelling (and bluetooth) and opted for the DT770s. They basically sound like the 880s with a ‘smile’ EQ curve on them – the bass and top end are definitely boosted vs the 880s, so you get a more coloured sound approaching more of a Bose 700 sound, but it actually makes them nicer to listen to and once you adjust for it you can easily still mix with them. Well worth the money – I haven’t heard any other headphones at this price that come close to having the top end clarity of the DT770s.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
They’re different from what you’re used to. I have a pair of Bowers & Wilkins P5’s – on ear which are brilliant but uncomfortable after a while.
These are really comfy for long listening sessions but are quiet with a pixel 2xl android phone. I bought a little Bluetooth dac/amp and they came alive!
The volume was an issue for me, I bought the 32 ohm version which is supposedly suited to mobile devices but they haven’t got the oomph which is why I bought a heading headphone amp.
They’re great headphones but you really need an amp to bring them alive so factor in another 50 quid.
Bought these headphones for use with a desktop PC, primarily for gaming but also listen to music on them. They do both of these very well and I’m very happy with them, especially given the price I paid for them
The sound quality is great, particularly the vocal and music instruments separation. Hear more details comparing to the noise cancellation headphones I have. I purchased 250 ohms as mainly to use with my Dell XPS 13 at home, reaching hi-fi sound stage while using with iFi Zen AMP/ DAC. I also love the retro design of the headphone: the head-bang & closed back ear-pads are so comfy for long session!!! Will definitely recommend this pair of headset as the sound quality and comfort-ability are awesome at this price point.
Really great headphones. I have sensory issues and wear headphones for long periods of the day. These are really comfortable and dont hurt even after wearing them most of the day. They work great for blocking out noise even though there are not ANC and actually perform bettter than some ANC headphones i have had in the past.
I got the 80 ohm version which is the bassist of the trio and i gotta say that the bass is awesome, very detailed and goes low. The mid range is recessed but wasn’t a problem for me preference wise. The highs are crisp and isn’t as sharp in the treble although i could be wrong. The build quality is a mix of metal and plastic which creates a light but durable headphone which will lasts for years to come. Comfort has been excellent, pillows to my ears with the velour pads and doesn’t sweat as much. Downside is that of portability but the custom pros will be a great alternative if you want a headphone similar to this. There’s also other options at the price bracket which does things better sound wise. For the money, it’s a great option for gaming, music and everyday use if you don’t mind or love its sound signature.
I love the sound quality of these and the build but I am just disappointing that the cable is fixed so whenever it finally gives out the whole 100+ headphone will need to be replaced!
As I need to tidy up the cable after every use (cats in the house would otherwise destroy them) I worry about how long the cable, and therefore whole thing, will last, so I am worried about such an expensive headphone dying on me soon.
All being said though, the sound is incredible for mixing and recording music as well as practising my digital piano. the sound is so good its almost better than hearing it through the speakers!!!
This is just initial feedback as they only arrived today I’ve yet to run these in.
However I’m already hearing things I hadn’t noticed on some of my CDs before.
The bass appears firm and clear. Top end seems more sibilant than I’m used to, but I’ll wait to see if running them in changes that.
My main reason for buying these over the DT880’s or 990’s (sound isolation when using these to monitor recording at home) seems to be delivered reasonably well
These are amazing headphones. The build quality is fantastic, they look great and sound awesome. They have a very enjoyable sound to them. Nice bass and clear highs without being too overpowering. Compared to my old Cloud II gaming headphones, the 770 pros absolute destroy them. They have far better clarity and a richer sound. I use these pretty much solely on my pc with a Soundblaster Z card and it gets plenty loud enough. I usually can’t put it past 50% windows volume. Before these, I tried the DT 990 Pro and Philips X2HR. The 990’s treble was too harsh for me and the X2HRs were too big with annoying pads that constantly attracted lint. These 770 pros are superbly comfortable and always look pristine. The soundstage is also very impressive for closed back headphones. If you’re on the fence, give them a go! For the price, these are absolutely amazing headphones.
To really appreciate these, you need 192khz 24 bit music files, and a DAC equipped phone, or proper such as the LG V40 which I’m using, and then the clarity becomes amazing, especially on the said rate on streaming services like Qobuz and Tidal. I’ve tested the frequency response range, and bass as low as 5hz and treble above 16khz is perfectly audible. Just remember that these are 250 ohm headphones, so your audio equipment needs to be able to push them.
These headphones are good with most genres other than more bass heavy tunes. The clarity and soundstage are astonishing at this price point. Very a pleasure to wear fairly light and they leak very little sound even when cranked up a notch or three. I’ve been putting them through a Sparten Helot valve amp and they are pucker. There’s enough bass there very mid centric and the treble is precise high hats and cymbals sounds great. I highly recommend this product.
I’m a drum and bass / electronic music producer and I’ve been producing for going on 9 years. Over that time I’ve used countless different headphones, some good, some bad all around the 100 mark.
The beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO Studio Headphones are by far the best sounding, clearest headphones that i have ever used. at the time of writing this review I’m working on my new EP and the second i started to use them i was impressed. Usually headphones take some time to “break in” and that is true for the beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO. but from the start they sound incredible. so I’m excited to see how they sound after they have broken in.
The only thing that i have noticed so far is that the sound leaks from the headphones when at high volumes but as long as you don’t mind annoying the people you live with you can crank these headphones and still hear everything in perfect detail and clarity.
if your a music producer or even just someone who loves music. I’d 100% recommend the beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO
Erstmal hab ich die Kopfhrer 2 Stunden lang sehr laut einspielen lassen, dadurch wurde dann der Bass deutlich lauter.
Anfangs sind die Kopfhrer auch noch etwas unbequem weil sie zu stark an die Ohren/auf den Kopf drcken, aber auch das geht nach ein paar Stunden tragen weg und dann sind sie wirklich sehr bequem.
Auch wirken sie hochwertig verarbeitet und es gibt kein knarzen oder sonstiges.
Ich habe mich fr die 32 Ohm Variante entschieden und konnte keinerlei Strgerusche wahrnehmen.
Meine Gerte sind alle digital und lassen sich sensibel lauter/leiser regeln deswegen gab es auch gar keinen bedarf an mehr als 32 Ohm. Auerdem ist bei der 32 Ohm Variante das Kabel nur 1,6m lang und sehr flexibel.
Die Kopfhrer dmpfen Klang von und nach auen gut ab.
Der Bass ist sehr detailliert bzw. man hrt die Sinus Schwingungen gut raus.
Der Klang allgemein ist eher weniger realistisch, aber nher drann als andere Kopfhrer und man braucht weniger dB zum ausgleichen.
Bei einer Heimkinoanlage wird einem beim anfnglichen Setup das “Einmessen” vorgeschlagen, hier muss man leider selbst etwas Hand anlegen.
Hier mal meine EqualizerAPO Einstellungen:
Preamp: -6 dB
GraphicEQ: 20 -8.25; 29 -8.75; 30 -8.7; 40 -7.6; 50 -5.3; 56 -4.6; 60 -4.6; 70 -3.3; 77 -2.5; 80 -2.7; 90 -4.3; 100 -6.2; 125 -7.7; 200 2.25; 250 5; 300 3.85; 400 2.4; 500 2.25; 600 1.7; 700 1; 750 0.9; 800 1; 900 1.5; 1000 2; 1400 3.1; 2000 0; 2600 -2; 3000 -0.75; 4000 2; 4400 3; 5000 0; 6000 -8; 6500 -8.9; 13500 -5.5; 17500 2; 20000 4.5
Filter: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 6.5 dB Q 2
Filter: ON PK Fc 30 Hz Gain 12.1 dB Q 1
Filter: ON PK Fc 100 Hz Gain 8.7 dB Q 2
Wer EqualizerAPO noch nicht installiert hat, muss einfach nach der Installation den Ordner ffnen (C:Program FilesEqualizerAPOconfig) und meinen Text in die config.txt reinkopieren.
Diese Einstellungen sind fr die 32 Ohm Variante der Kopfhrer, wird sich also bei den anderen Varianten nicht soo gut anhren.
Dachte zuerst immer am PC braucht man eh keinen guten Sound frs zocken, ein 100 Headset von Logitech taugt allemal. Aber nachdem ich es leid war immer das ganze Headset wegzuwerfen nachdem die Ohrpolster abgenutzt waren, dachte ich, Kopfhrer mit austauschbaren Ohrpolstern kommen billiger und man bekommt heutzutage auch schon super Mikrofone fr ~30.
Aber ich muss mich wohl korrigieren. Der gute Sound beim zocken ist schon echt eine Bereicherung.
Sound reproduction is great, hence strong overall score. Used them daily for a number of weeks now, roughly 5 hours a day. But some things to be aware of.
Can confirm strong bass (and sub-bass) presence. I turn bass down a bit with my EQ. Probably due to closed back design. The up side is that sound leakage in and out is very low (good for office use). May want to consider dt880 instead if you aren’t happy with extra bass.
Fit is a little on the tight side, but acclimatised after a couple of days use.
Cable packed in such a way that it had a semi permanent kink. Rewrapping the coil around some dowel and leaving near radiator for 24 hours sorted it completely.
The size adjustment mechanism doesn’t inspire confidence in build quality, but no actual problems so far.
Included travel bag is cheap. Very thin too, so only purpose is to keep the cable in check while in your backpack.
I’ve now been using this pair of headphones for a year and a half and have never regretted buying them.
They are permanently plugged into my desktop and I have hardly ever taken them outside, so the only comment I can make on portability is that the cable is TOO long, and the noise cancellation is non-existent, so good luck hearing anything on a loud train / plane. If you’re going for a slow walk in a park it might work well.
Sound-wise, I love them. They handle classical, metal, J-rock very well. I don’t think I can remember any downsides at all. Maybe that sometimes you can hear how crappy the source is. Also I have no problem using my motherboard (ASUS B350-i) as the source.
I find them reasonably comfortable and a good fit for working/gaming in a relatively quiet environment longish hours. The fit is tight, but I don’t feel like my head is being squeezed.
Overall, if you need headphones with decent sound and you expect to use them indoors while sitting at your desk, I can recommend these to you.
Get the one with Velour pads.
The comform is amazing and the sound quality is just stunning for the price.
If you can buy a DAC (Digital to Audio Converter, e.g FIIO E10K) and you are set.
They are superb comfortable and my ears don’t get sweaty at all.
Sound clarity is amazing.
If you use spotify make sure that the streaming and download is set to max quality.
Check out some 24bit music on YT or download some.
Make sure your OS and spotify/YT sound is set to 100% if you use a DAC.
These headphones are designed for being used in a studio or other professional environment. I don’t work with audio in any way but decided to buy these for casual use as I’m unhappy with other brands pumping up the bass or altering the sound artificially.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
These headphones are designed for being used in a studio or other professional environment. I don’t work with audio in any way but decided to buy these for casual use as I’m unhappy with other brands pumping up the bass or altering the sound artificially.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
These headphones are designed for being used in a studio or other professional environment. I don’t work with audio in any way but decided to buy these for casual use as I’m unhappy with other brands pumping up the bass or altering the sound artificially.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
These headphones are designed for being used in a studio or other professional environment. I don’t work with audio in any way but decided to buy these for casual use as I’m unhappy with other brands pumping up the bass or altering the sound artificially.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
These headphones are designed for being used in a studio or other professional environment. I don’t work with audio in any way but decided to buy these for casual use as I’m unhappy with other brands pumping up the bass or altering the sound artificially.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
These headphones are designed for being used in a studio or other professional environment. I don’t work with audio in any way but decided to buy these for casual use as I’m unhappy with other brands pumping up the bass or altering the sound artificially.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
Bought these as I wanted some higher impedance headphones to go with my new amp (marantz pm6006)
Seriously impressed with the sound quality! They have an incredibly precise sound I get the impression you are hearing the music exactly as it was intended with nothing added. So much so that I’m rediscovering my music collection again, it’s almost addictive!
The transducers are set quite deeply into the ear cups resulting in a very ‘spacial’ sound and improved sound stage.
The velour ear pads are a big improvement over most others that have faux leather pads that can get quite sweaty.
Overall very impressed for the cost. Possible only downside is fixed cable which is too long and could mean an expensive replacement if damaged.
Beyerdynamic DT770PRO in 32 Ohm Ausfhrung fr “on-the-way” am Samsung S9+.
Angefangen hab ich mit den Teufel Airy (via Bluetooth):
Lautstrke musste ich nie voll aufdrehen, da die am Samsung A7 Leistung ohne Ende hatten und ebenso am S9+. Auch beim Spprt fester sitz…beim Bankdrcken rutschten sie ein wenig. Klanglich….joar etwas viel Bass ….aber eben Laut.
Dann kamen die JBL 500BT (via Bluetooth und ab und an am Kabel):
Klanglich besser als die Teufel Airy extrem lange Akkulaufzeit aber leoder fing es damit am S9+ an, dass diese obwohl am Anschlag aufgedreht (auch Telefon)….naja, waren.
Nun hatte ich mir die beyerdynamic mx300 fr den pc an der externen Soundkarte/DAC Soundblaster G6 geholt…..ich war sprachlos vom Klang einfach geil….nichts zu extrem und einfach wow.
Nun bin ich ein Freund v Kabelgebunden, klassischem Stil und habe gelesen dass die DT770PRO klanglich too (ausgewogen, nichts zu sehr bertrieben sind) und die mmx300 auf den DT770PRO aufbauen.
Also, klanglich in der Soundkulisse Top!!! Aber leider muss ich trotz Mobiler Empfehlung und in der 32 Ohm Version feststellen, dass ich am S9+ voll aufdrehen muss und noch massig Luft nach oben wre……leider. ok, damit kann ich wenigstens mein Gehr nicht schdigen, aber wenn ich meinen 5 Minuten Moment habe….naja….auch wie die meisten hier finde ich es schade, dass man dass Kabel am Kopfhrer selbst nicht abnehmen kann zum verstauen. Und wie bei den beigefgten Bildern , trage ich oft Jacken mit hohem Kragen, welcher am festen Anschluss reibt, schiebt und naja ggf. etwas hrter dagegenknickt.
Werde sie vl demnchst ma an die externe Soundkarte G6 hngen…..aber dies bringt mir nichts da ich sie ja fr “on-the-way” geholt habe.
Ebenso erwhnenswert: Die DT770PRO sind bisher die best sitzenden so wie gemtlichsten Kopfhrer berhaupt, die ich bisher hatte!
Habe mir jedoch aufgrund gewohntem mmx300 die Velour-Austausch-Ohrpolster (Artikelnr. 926660), gleich mitbestellt und gegen die originalen schwarzen Kunstlederpolster, ausgetauscht.
Kurz: Klanglich 1A; klassischer Style; Kabel nicht gerade durchdacht jedoch hochwertig; super gemtlich (wenn Velour) und leider am S9+ Lautstrketechnisch viel Luft nach oben.
P.S. Ja, habe am S9+ in den Entwickleroptionen die Maximalstrke ausgehebelt 😉
Habe mir soeben einen mobilen Liam&Daan Kopfhrerverstrker hinzugekauft…mal sehen…
These headphones are brilliant. I wanted headphones that I could use with various devices – TV, computer etc and listening to my old prog rock cds on good hi-fi. The sound quality on all devices is excellent and they are well-built and comfortable.
I’ve been through a LOT of headphones and I always find my way back to Beyerdynamic products, mostly due to reliabilty and the fact that you can replace almost all parts if something breaks, which only ever happend on my very old DT-100s after about 8 years of use. The DT 770 Pros I use in the studio daily. They are solid and great for tracking and sometimes usful as another reference for mixing – I would never mix entirely on any headphones. I also take them around in my portble rig, although they don’t fold down, so not the most ideal for portability if traveling a lot. They’re well balanced and unlike DJ or gaming headphones, they don’t accentuate the low or high end. Don’t expect super sub bass from these if you plan on using them for gaming or listening pop, dance or hiphop etc. That said, I wouldn’t recommened to anyone that they listen to super low or high frequencies on any headphones as this will damage you hearing! Same goes for in-ear headphones. The Dt 770s offer a great balanced sound which I really prefer in any listening situation. They are also super comfortable which is great for long sessions and musicians we’ve worked with report the same. I wish the cable would detatch like on the the old DT100s as this is much better for portability and tidying away.
Finally settled on these after much trial and error with AudioTechnica ATH50 and Beyerdynamic DT990 (see other reviews). Their main purpose is for use with guitar effects unit for “silent” guitar practice. They work really well, the velour ear pads means they are very comfortable to wear for an hour or so at a time. Ears do get a little hot though, so good to take them off for a few minutes every so often. They clamp around the ears quite tightly, so give a good seal against external noise. They do not block out external noise completely though, which for this application is good. Also, because they’re fairly tight they stay o your head when moving about a bit. If you were intending to use them on a commute or while exercising I don’t think they would be suitable. Don’t block out enough external noise or secure enough on the ears.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Finally settled on these after much trial and error with AudioTechnica ATH50 and Beyerdynamic DT990 (see other reviews). Their main purpose is for use with guitar effects unit for “silent” guitar practice. They work really well, the velour ear pads means they are very comfortable to wear for an hour or so at a time. Ears do get a little hot though, so good to take them off for a few minutes every so often. They clamp around the ears quite tightly, so give a good seal against external noise. They do not block out external noise completely though, which for this application is good. Also, because they’re fairly tight they stay o your head when moving about a bit. If you were intending to use them on a commute or while exercising I don’t think they would be suitable. Don’t block out enough external noise or secure enough on the ears.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Finally settled on these after much trial and error with AudioTechnica ATH50 and Beyerdynamic DT990 (see other reviews). Their main purpose is for use with guitar effects unit for “silent” guitar practice. They work really well, the velour ear pads means they are very comfortable to wear for an hour or so at a time. Ears do get a little hot though, so good to take them off for a few minutes every so often. They clamp around the ears quite tightly, so give a good seal against external noise. They do not block out external noise completely though, which for this application is good. Also, because they’re fairly tight they stay o your head when moving about a bit. If you were intending to use them on a commute or while exercising I don’t think they would be suitable. Don’t block out enough external noise or secure enough on the ears.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Finally settled on these after much trial and error with AudioTechnica ATH50 and Beyerdynamic DT990 (see other reviews). Their main purpose is for use with guitar effects unit for “silent” guitar practice. They work really well, the velour ear pads means they are very comfortable to wear for an hour or so at a time. Ears do get a little hot though, so good to take them off for a few minutes every so often. They clamp around the ears quite tightly, so give a good seal against external noise. They do not block out external noise completely though, which for this application is good. Also, because they’re fairly tight they stay o your head when moving about a bit. If you were intending to use them on a commute or while exercising I don’t think they would be suitable. Don’t block out enough external noise or secure enough on the ears.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Finally settled on these after much trial and error with AudioTechnica ATH50 and Beyerdynamic DT990 (see other reviews). Their main purpose is for use with guitar effects unit for “silent” guitar practice. They work really well, the velour ear pads means they are very comfortable to wear for an hour or so at a time. Ears do get a little hot though, so good to take them off for a few minutes every so often. They clamp around the ears quite tightly, so give a good seal against external noise. They do not block out external noise completely though, which for this application is good. Also, because they’re fairly tight they stay o your head when moving about a bit. If you were intending to use them on a commute or while exercising I don’t think they would be suitable. Don’t block out enough external noise or secure enough on the ears.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Finally settled on these after much trial and error with AudioTechnica ATH50 and Beyerdynamic DT990 (see other reviews). Their main purpose is for use with guitar effects unit for “silent” guitar practice. They work really well, the velour ear pads means they are very comfortable to wear for an hour or so at a time. Ears do get a little hot though, so good to take them off for a few minutes every so often. They clamp around the ears quite tightly, so give a good seal against external noise. They do not block out external noise completely though, which for this application is good. Also, because they’re fairly tight they stay o your head when moving about a bit. If you were intending to use them on a commute or while exercising I don’t think they would be suitable. Don’t block out enough external noise or secure enough on the ears.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
These headphones were bought to replace a pair of DT660s that had superb “Fi” but a weak headband that breaks at the drop of a hat. As DT 660s seem to be impossible to obtain any more, it was hoped that there would be enough family resemblance in the sound between 660s and this 770 to give the same “sound” but better longevity. Not so. The bass is very heavy and requires a filter in the signal chain to tame it. Otherwise these headphones seem to be stronger than the DT660s so should last a reasonable time.
Benutze den Kopfhrer (32 Ohm) am Bassverstrker, am PC (Gaming und Musik) und dem Handy. Werde zu allen 3 Gerten eine kleine Review Und die Umstnde verfassen.
Verstrker: Hier wird er an einem Fender Rumble 50 genutzt um die Nachbarn nicht zu nerven. Ganz klassisch direkt ber den Kopfhrerausgang hrt sich der Kopfhrer super an jedoch ist es im Vergleich zu PC und Handy dringend notwendig die Lautstrke runter zu drehen und nach belieben hher zu drehen. Er hrt sich sehr laut an. Wrde empfehlen, wenn es nur um diesen Verwendungszweck geht direkt eine hochohmigere Variante zu whlen. Hatte den Vergleich zu einem 80 Ohmer von Sennheiser und da wirkte es noch nicht ganz so extrem laut.
PC Gaming/Musik: Hauptgrund des Kaufs. Luft hier durch den Audioausgang eines Rode Mikrofon, um ebenso ein Monitoring fr die Stimme zu haben. Hrt sich so an wie erwartet, voller, satter und klarer Sound mit klarer Definition. Wichtig zu wissen: Es wird (meines Erachtens nach) kein Sound verschnert, wenn die Musik schlecht aufgenommen und gemastert wurde hrt sich das dementsprechend an. Im Bereich Rock, Folk, Hiphop, Funk und Metal(-core) bringt er jedes Detail zur vollen Blte fr das nicht-audiophile Ohr. Besonders die Hhen und Mitten kommen sehr definiert zum Vorschein, der Bass ist fr meinen Geschmack genau richtig, kein Drhnen kein Brummen und bei der richtigen Lautstrke sprt man ihn sehr angenehm. Beim Gaming darf man nun kein 7.1 erwarten das jeder Schritt hinter einem klar definierbar ist, aber man hrt zumindest von welcher Seite jemand kommt und wirklich auch hinter einem. Sprachwiedergabe per TS3 sowie Discord top.
Handy: Hier ist er ebenso wie bei der Musik am PC fr mich persnlich perfekt. Billig aufgenommene mp3 Files hren sich dementsprechend drucklos an, FLAC ber den VLC Player ist peefekt, funktioniert auch super mit EQ-Einstellungen solange man den Frequenzbereich nicht zu sehr modifiziert.
Rundum ein Top Kopfhrer fr den Preis, klare Kaufempfehlung. Einziges Makel ist, dass die Abdeckungen fr den bergang von Verstellschiene des Bgels zu den eigentlichen Hrern nur aus Plastik ist (wenigstens verschraubt). Diese Brechen wenn man nicht vorsichtig ist nach langer Zeit sehr einfach, da die Weichmacher irgendwann aus dem Plastik weichen. Ist aber bei fast jedem Kopfhrer oder Headset so. Wrde mich dort ber Aluminium sehr freuen.
These are the first real headphones that I bought a while ago, and I’m still using them! Now, since I haven’t tried any other headphones (more expensive or similar), I can’t say that these are the best, but these are MUCH better than any gaming headset, that’s for sure. After using these headphones for all this time, when I put on ANY other cheapo (or even a headset that’s priced similarly) I can immediately tell that they’re “off” – I can hear less sounds than I could with my DT 770’s, the sound is more “muffled” or simply sounds worse and less enjoyable.
Comfort – excellent, ear pieces are really soft and you can have them on for the whole day and it won’t hurt at all.
Noise cancellation – pretty good, a lot of times I miss my phone ringing on my desk if I’m listening to music, watching a movie or playing a game.
These are micless headphones (that’s why it’s not a headset), but it was easly solved with a Modmic.
(previously had SH-HD215’s which broke after about 10 years), bought these to replace them.
On day 1: Loud treble, & mid-tones seemed quiet, bass good though, (so for the first week I turned on the EQ/equalizer settings on the PC audio card & manually increased the middle tones while lowering treble).
Played some white noise & a range of music to wear them in.
After a week: I turned off the EQ settings, because the mid-tones are louder now, & overall so much more balanced sound in my opinion).
After burn-in, these are great headphones : )
These bring new life into music that I thought I was familiar with.
Can hear much more bass with these than my previous headphones (HD-215). Treble is clear. Frequency range is amazing.
I have the 80ohm version, need to turn the volume up a bit more than my previous headphones to be the same volume, but even with my old i-pod video, they are loud enough when turned up.
Very pleased with these & glad I bought them now (thanks to the reviews for helping me choose).
(previously had SH-HD215’s which broke after about 10 years), bought these to replace them.
On day 1: Loud treble, & mid-tones seemed quiet, bass good though, (so for the first week I turned on the EQ/equalizer settings on the PC audio card & manually increased the middle tones while lowering treble).
Played some white noise & a range of music to wear them in.
After a week: I turned off the EQ settings, because the mid-tones are louder now, & overall so much more balanced sound in my opinion).
After burn-in, these are great headphones : )
These bring new life into music that I thought I was familiar with.
Can hear much more bass with these than my previous headphones (HD-215). Treble is clear. Frequency range is amazing.
I have the 80ohm version, need to turn the volume up a bit more than my previous headphones to be the same volume, but even with my old i-pod video, they are loud enough when turned up.
Very pleased with these & glad I bought them now (thanks to the reviews for helping me choose).
(previously had SH-HD215’s which broke after about 10 years), bought these to replace them.
On day 1: Loud treble, & mid-tones seemed quiet, bass good though, (so for the first week I turned on the EQ/equalizer settings on the PC audio card & manually increased the middle tones while lowering treble).
Played some white noise & a range of music to wear them in.
After a week: I turned off the EQ settings, because the mid-tones are louder now, & overall so much more balanced sound in my opinion).
After burn-in, these are great headphones : )
These bring new life into music that I thought I was familiar with.
Can hear much more bass with these than my previous headphones (HD-215). Treble is clear. Frequency range is amazing.
I have the 80ohm version, need to turn the volume up a bit more than my previous headphones to be the same volume, but even with my old i-pod video, they are loud enough when turned up.
Very pleased with these & glad I bought them now (thanks to the reviews for helping me choose).
Play something through them for a little while before trying them if buying new. I was really confused as to why everything sounded like bees but I just had to wear the speakers in a little. Headphones sound really nice, and they are stupidly comfortable. I can fall asleep in bed wearing these. You really need a DAC/AMP though. The on-board DAC/AMP on my motherboard can get these headphones to a decent level, but the bass response isn’t there and it just feels weak compared to using even a cheap fiio dac/amp. The same goes for phones. It’s still totally usable in a phone or with on-board audio, but it’s not the full experience… (and really, you would be better off buying something else if that’s what you wanted to use these with.)
I own an AKG K812 with which I have been pleased with for a number of years. I bought these because I wanted i) Closed back headphones for sound insulation ii)more comfortable ear pads iii) the AKGs are what might be called audiophile headphones and I wanted to compare them with professional studio headphones iv) these are about 400 cheaper.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I own an AKG K812 with which I have been pleased with for a number of years. I bought these because I wanted i) Closed back headphones for sound insulation ii)more comfortable ear pads iii) the AKGs are what might be called audiophile headphones and I wanted to compare them with professional studio headphones iv) these are about 400 cheaper.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I own an AKG K812 with which I have been pleased with for a number of years. I bought these because I wanted i) Closed back headphones for sound insulation ii)more comfortable ear pads iii) the AKGs are what might be called audiophile headphones and I wanted to compare them with professional studio headphones iv) these are about 400 cheaper.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I own an AKG K812 with which I have been pleased with for a number of years. I bought these because I wanted i) Closed back headphones for sound insulation ii)more comfortable ear pads iii) the AKGs are what might be called audiophile headphones and I wanted to compare them with professional studio headphones iv) these are about 400 cheaper.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I own an AKG K812 with which I have been pleased with for a number of years. I bought these because I wanted i) Closed back headphones for sound insulation ii)more comfortable ear pads iii) the AKGs are what might be called audiophile headphones and I wanted to compare them with professional studio headphones iv) these are about 400 cheaper.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I own an AKG K812 with which I have been pleased with for a number of years. I bought these because I wanted i) Closed back headphones for sound insulation ii)more comfortable ear pads iii) the AKGs are what might be called audiophile headphones and I wanted to compare them with professional studio headphones iv) these are about 400 cheaper.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
My first set of decent headphones. I can power them at 80% volume from my Samsung Galaxy Edge S7 phone but I’ll be looking to purchase a Fiio E10K amp in the near future.
Amazingly comfortable thanks to the velour ear pads, I can wear them for hours at work and at home. They were recommended by my friend, a DJ for Chorley FM and comparing them to the 250 ohm studio version he uses, there is very little difference other than volume when connected to a non-amplified source and a slightly bassier tone on my 80 ohms.
It’s no wonder these headphones have been popular for years and remain a favourite still
Firstly, headphones are personal so this is just my opinion. You might have other needs that these headphones won’t meet. I’m a professional musician and always do my research….way too much research! We’ve all been there – it only takes one forum comment, a bad review or friend’s opinion to send you back to the drawing board, even when you think you’ve found ‘the ones’. I hope this review gives you a good overview.
I needed something mid range price for tracking vocals and as another reference point for mixing. At first I went for a pair of ATH-M50Xs. They went straight back as weren’t very comfortable (for me) and I think mine were faulty. The headphones didn’t seem balanced and I wanted something flatter. Just a little too much bass.
DT770s (80 Ohm)
Comfort: Immediately much more comfortable and feel fine wearing for a long time which I do when editing. They’re nice and light.
Build Quality: The build quality is excellent and you can replace parts which is handy. When I see a bit of metal in the mix (and not just plastic) I’m always reassured.
Sound: The sound quality is perfect for me – very flat but still has clarity and character. For once I didn’t sign at over the top bass or intrusive treble. This is a very clean, honest sound that will give you a true reference point. Of course, always use monitors for mixing and the car stereo is the true test 🙂
Sound isolation: there’s no noise leakage, as you’d expect.
If you need studio headphones look no further. For leisure use they’re great too but the lead is a bit long.
TL;DR: The sound of the DT 770 Pro 80 ohm is very respectable. I find that, in general, the DTs can hold their own against the legendary Sennheiser HD 650, and even greatly surpass it in one respect: bass extension and “wow” factor.
Build: These headphones look and feel very sturdy. The headband is a thick metal sheet that seems unlikely to snap, and the earcups are a solid and rugged plastic. The top of the headband is wrapped in a soft, leather-like material that looks and feels posh. Certainly the best build quality I’ve personally experienced in headphones!
Comfort: These are very comfortable cans. They surround my ears completely without touching them, and the velour pads are very soft and nice on the skin. The noise isolation is good. The clamping pressure was a bit annoying at first, and I initially could hear a high-pitched ringing in my ears due to it, as well as hear my blood pumping in my ear sometimes, but both these annoyances went away after a couple days. Perhaps the headband became less stiff with use, or I got used to the pressure.
Sound: Now, let me state that I do not believe in assessing headphone sound in isolation. I don’t trust people’s sonic memory, or my own for that matter. I think one must always compare something against a standard. Fortunately, I got Sennheiser HD 650s (which are reference-class headphones and some of the most well-regarded cans in the world) a couple months after getting the DT 770s, creating a suitable parameter for comparison.
How I tested: My testing methodology was to:
1- repeat the same section of a song over and over again, switching between both headphones as fast as I could (short-term sonic memory lasts only a few seconds). I did this for dozens of different songs.
2- running each headphone on a separate Apple device (both have the same internal DAC and sound the same to my ears) so that headphone switching can happen as fast as possible (takes about 1 second on average), and
3- matching the volume as closely as possible for the fairest comparison, since louder songs tend to sound better all else being equal.
The DT 770s have surprisingly wide soundstage, considering they are closed-back, to the point that I don’t notice much difference between both headphones’ soundstage (pretty impressive considering we’re comparing closed vs. open here).
The DT 770s have considerably more satisfying bass. It’s less accurate, sure, but it has more “thump” or “oomph” or however you wanna call it, being more fun to listen to.
The DT 770s seem to have a noticeable boost in the high frequencies relative to the HD 650s. Everything sounds a little higher in pitch, like it was tuned slightly up, but not to the point of seeming inaccurate or annoying. The effect is minor and doesn’t feel like it’s doing something wrong, just different.
Overall I am impressed with the DT 770s to the point I don’t have any issue using it over the HD 650 (i.e. so as to not bother someone else in the room). With other headphones I would be bothered with the fact I’d not be getting the best sound quality, but with the DT 770s its so close that it doesn’t matter.
TL;DR: The sound of the DT 770 Pro 80 ohm is very respectable. I find that, in general, the DTs can hold their own against the legendary Sennheiser HD 650, and even greatly surpass it in one respect: bass extension and “wow” factor.
Build: These headphones look and feel very sturdy. The headband is a thick metal sheet that seems unlikely to snap, and the earcups are a solid and rugged plastic. The top of the headband is wrapped in a soft, leather-like material that looks and feels posh. Certainly the best build quality I’ve personally experienced in headphones!
Comfort: These are very comfortable cans. They surround my ears completely without touching them, and the velour pads are very soft and nice on the skin. The noise isolation is good. The clamping pressure was a bit annoying at first, and I initially could hear a high-pitched ringing in my ears due to it, as well as hear my blood pumping in my ear sometimes, but both these annoyances went away after a couple days. Perhaps the headband became less stiff with use, or I got used to the pressure.
Sound: Now, let me state that I do not believe in assessing headphone sound in isolation. I don’t trust people’s sonic memory, or my own for that matter. I think one must always compare something against a standard. Fortunately, I got Sennheiser HD 650s (which are reference-class headphones and some of the most well-regarded cans in the world) a couple months after getting the DT 770s, creating a suitable parameter for comparison.
How I tested: My testing methodology was to:
1- repeat the same section of a song over and over again, switching between both headphones as fast as I could (short-term sonic memory lasts only a few seconds). I did this for dozens of different songs.
2- running each headphone on a separate Apple device (both have the same internal DAC and sound the same to my ears) so that headphone switching can happen as fast as possible (takes about 1 second on average), and
3- matching the volume as closely as possible for the fairest comparison, since louder songs tend to sound better all else being equal.
The DT 770s have surprisingly wide soundstage, considering they are closed-back, to the point that I don’t notice much difference between both headphones’ soundstage (pretty impressive considering we’re comparing closed vs. open here).
The DT 770s have considerably more satisfying bass. It’s less accurate, sure, but it has more “thump” or “oomph” or however you wanna call it, being more fun to listen to.
The DT 770s seem to have a noticeable boost in the high frequencies relative to the HD 650s. Everything sounds a little higher in pitch, like it was tuned slightly up, but not to the point of seeming inaccurate or annoying. The effect is minor and doesn’t feel like it’s doing something wrong, just different.
Overall I am impressed with the DT 770s to the point I don’t have any issue using it over the HD 650 (i.e. so as to not bother someone else in the room). With other headphones I would be bothered with the fact I’d not be getting the best sound quality, but with the DT 770s its so close that it doesn’t matter.
TL;DR: The sound of the DT 770 Pro 80 ohm is very respectable. I find that, in general, the DTs can hold their own against the legendary Sennheiser HD 650, and even greatly surpass it in one respect: bass extension and “wow” factor.
Build: These headphones look and feel very sturdy. The headband is a thick metal sheet that seems unlikely to snap, and the earcups are a solid and rugged plastic. The top of the headband is wrapped in a soft, leather-like material that looks and feels posh. Certainly the best build quality I’ve personally experienced in headphones!
Comfort: These are very comfortable cans. They surround my ears completely without touching them, and the velour pads are very soft and nice on the skin. The noise isolation is good. The clamping pressure was a bit annoying at first, and I initially could hear a high-pitched ringing in my ears due to it, as well as hear my blood pumping in my ear sometimes, but both these annoyances went away after a couple days. Perhaps the headband became less stiff with use, or I got used to the pressure.
Sound: Now, let me state that I do not believe in assessing headphone sound in isolation. I don’t trust people’s sonic memory, or my own for that matter. I think one must always compare something against a standard. Fortunately, I got Sennheiser HD 650s (which are reference-class headphones and some of the most well-regarded cans in the world) a couple months after getting the DT 770s, creating a suitable parameter for comparison.
How I tested: My testing methodology was to:
1- repeat the same section of a song over and over again, switching between both headphones as fast as I could (short-term sonic memory lasts only a few seconds). I did this for dozens of different songs.
2- running each headphone on a separate Apple device (both have the same internal DAC and sound the same to my ears) so that headphone switching can happen as fast as possible (takes about 1 second on average), and
3- matching the volume as closely as possible for the fairest comparison, since louder songs tend to sound better all else being equal.
The DT 770s have surprisingly wide soundstage, considering they are closed-back, to the point that I don’t notice much difference between both headphones’ soundstage (pretty impressive considering we’re comparing closed vs. open here).
The DT 770s have considerably more satisfying bass. It’s less accurate, sure, but it has more “thump” or “oomph” or however you wanna call it, being more fun to listen to.
The DT 770s seem to have a noticeable boost in the high frequencies relative to the HD 650s. Everything sounds a little higher in pitch, like it was tuned slightly up, but not to the point of seeming inaccurate or annoying. The effect is minor and doesn’t feel like it’s doing something wrong, just different.
Overall I am impressed with the DT 770s to the point I don’t have any issue using it over the HD 650 (i.e. so as to not bother someone else in the room). With other headphones I would be bothered with the fact I’d not be getting the best sound quality, but with the DT 770s its so close that it doesn’t matter.
Originally bought the Audio Technical ath-m50x but were far too bass heavy for studio monitoring. Went for my second choice the Beyer Dynamic Dt770 Pro 80Ohm version as I’d owned Beyer headphone previously and loved them.
These headphones are perfect for studio monitoring as the EQ response is totally flat (to my ears anyway!) so they project music pretty much the way it was intended to sound when recorded and produced. If you like your music bass heavy go for the AT’s. At 80 ohms they take a bit more driving than others so I would probably avoid if you intend to use with your phone but are great through my audio interface.
They are really comfortable and I can wear them for long periods without discomfort.
I can certainly recommend these for home recording and enjoying music in general.
Ich suchte einen Overear fr den Heimgebrauch. Also Musik hren, mal am TV nutzen um die Umwelt nicht zu nerven oder ungestrtes Arbeiten am Mac. Deshalb whlte ich die 32 Ohm Variante.
Warum dann keinen Hifi-Hrer? Ich mag die Studiokopfhrer wesentlich mehr. Auch wenn ich kein Recording oder Monitoring betreibe. Mir gefllt es das zu hren was auch da ist und auch zu hren wenn etwas schlecht gemacht ist. Ich brauche zwar Bass, aber keinen angehobenen Bass. Ich hre nicht fr meine Umwelt, sondern fr mich.
Der DT770 ist geschlossen, was ich bevorzuge. Er klingt nicht so Hhenbetont wie seine hherohmigen Brder. Bass ist zwar angehoben, aber nicht bertrieben. Die Bhne ist grad noch da, aber fr mich zu klein wahrnehmbar. Mit EQ macht man allerdings ne Menge, wenn man das mchte.
Beim Tragekomfort ist er ber alles erhaben. Lffel jeder Art passen da rein. Sieht natrlich aber ehrlich auch schon monstrs aus der DT770 auf den Ohren. Nicht jedermans Sache. Zuhause ok, aber auerhaus muss man sich schon trauen.
Sinnvoll ist es die Ohrpolster aus velours von seinen Brdern zu nehmen.
Restliche Qualitt ist ebenfalls top. Wehrmutstropfen ist das fest verbundene Kabel, aber das sollte normal trotzdem lange Freude bereiten.
Hrgenuss muss zu einem passen. Meiner war er letztlich nicht. Denke die 80 Ohm oder hher machen sich bemerkbar. Mir zu verhalten alles. Klingt hifi-iger. Wrde ihn aber dem AT ATH 50mx vorziehen.
Unterwegs kann man ihn nutzen. Er hat gengend Lautstrke dabei, ist aber insgesamt wesentlich leiser als die Konkurrenz wegen der Kombi von Impedanz mit 32 Ohm und dem Schalldruck 95 dB. Da sind andere deutlich
lauter. Von den Umgebungsgerusche hrt man weniger, aber bei zu lautem Hren deine Umgebung dich.
Fr den Preis bekommst du hier eine Menge tollen Kopfhrer.
Am Ende habe ich mich bei meiner Auswahl aber gegen ihn und fr Shure entschieden. Der Shure war neutraler und in den Mitten besser und mit dem EQ kann ich bei Bedarf mehr rauskitzeln. Mir gefiel das Hrerlebnis mehr. Viel mehr Bhne, etwas weniger angehobener Bass, klarere Hhen, betontere Mitten. Was zu meinem Hrerlebnis besser passt.
I bought these mainly for gaming. While looking for a replacement for my old headphones, I found plenty of budget headphones and plenty of top end headphones at eye-watering prices (and plenty of fashion headphones, but who cares about those), but nothing in between. So I asked on a specialist PC gaming forum for recommendations for midrange heaphones. Most of the replies recommended these, specifically the 80 Ohm version if my hardware could drive it. I cross-checked with some reviews and then bought some.
The recommendations and reviews were right. The sound quality is excellent across the whole range. They’re comfortable even after I’ve had them on for hours. Everything is padded and all the padding can be removed and replaced with spares (widely available) if it becomes damaged or worn. They were initially a bit too tight across the top of my bigger than average head, but that resolved itself after a bit of use.
The noise cancellation isn’t active, which is why I didn’t give it 5 stars. It’s very good for passive noise reduction, hence the 4 stars. Closed back, thick padding fully enclosing the ear, solid construction.
Headphones for monitoring very good and clear.i bought 250 ohms version and you do need a good amp section to drive it, just about get away with using Focusrite solo but much better on Rodecaster Pro. Tried just for fun on a hifi system and was quite surprised how good they were, especially at this price. Would like to have seen a replaceable cable as if it fails you would need to undertake a repair or new headphones. That’s the only minor issue I have but all in all I only wish I had bought these instead of other headphones not really suited to music editing and wasted money.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
These are wonderful headphones at their price, with excellent sound reproduction for anyone wanting to know exactly what the artist recorded.
I’ve had both the 80ohm and the 250ohm models, the former being a wonderful introduction to HiFi and the latter having a fuller rounder sound if you have a decent amplifier to drive them and deliver that ‘sub-bass’.
One other aspect to these headphones is the Beyerdynamic design which while not particularly pretty, is made so that the average user can repair any small problems quite easily, and the guys with a soldering iron can completely overhaul a set: all the parts being available for individual repairs.
You can also replace the cups quite easily, and if you’re interested in noise isolation, adding a set of leather cups will effectively block all outside sound, no ‘noise cancellation’ necessary — though this will make the soundstage even more closed, and give an even more aggressive bass than you might be prepared for.
I’ve been using these for a year now and I’ve loved them so far, without an equaliser they sound quite flat though and until recently I didn’t realise how good they could be. I bought a mixer for other purposes, which I connected these headphones to, and wow they sound absolutely incredible now. My mixer isn’t even for powering these and yet I can finally hear the true potential of these headphones.
I’ve read some people say you don’t need an amp and I 100% disagree with them. You are seriously missing out if you do not power these properly and I’m not even using a proper amp. Also I can turn the volume way higher and the bass distortion is completely gone, every aspect of these headphones is improved now.
The only other headphones I feel that I will ever need is something wireless and noise cancelling for travel, as these sound about 60% when used through a phone.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Ooooh my god, this is the best decision I have made. Pair these headphones with a good DAC/AMP and you are on a journey of glorious sound. If you are new to high quality audio, you will want to listen to clarity and high frequencies to point out the differences.
At first, I really didn’t want high frequencies because I was oblivious to what was actually better, I was the type of guy that is always BASS, BASS AND MORE BASS, but looking back, it was just horrible sound quality and wanted more bass to make up for poor quality audio. Buy these and pair it with a good DAC/AMP, you won’t regret it. I bought them and I don’t regret them.
Very crisp audio
Tight bass
Passive Noise Cancellation is fantastic!
Built very well
The ear pads will get dirty overtime, especially with sweat
The cable is REALLY long (but also a good thing)
Painted letters on the ear cups can be rubbed off over time
In conclusion, it is worth the money and you should buy it.
Large soft ear pads spread the load well. Keeps out external noise. Reduced bleed when used as recording monitors. I use these in the studio for hours on end and they don’t give you compression headaches etc.
These are a real top quality studio monitoring headphone with flat frequency response. You will hear the real music. However, for those that want headphones loud enough to deafen you with exaggerated bass response then feel free to buy some other cheap rubbish! Those that want to hear the true music at a moderate level then buy these.
The clarity and detail of music, the relatively wide sound stage, the heavy built of the headphones – this is an amazing pair of headphones. Totally recommend this for anyone who want to use this as a casual pair of headphones for just using it for day to day tasks.
Two details to note though, firstly, the clamp of the headphones might be a bit heavy on the sides of your head, so it takes some getting used to and secondly, despite it being 250 ohms and a lot of online sites will recommend you to get a USB DAC and AMP to pair it/give it extra oomph, I personally found that my laptop can output the necessary volume to skip that, so if you’re interested, maybe get this first, test it on your system before deciding to go for that USB DAC and AMP that everyone recommends.
Now onto the good news… These are good, really good. I used the Sennheiser HD 558 for 5 years and the Sennheiser HD 598SR for 3 years. These are a seamless transition into closed-back headphones from these great open-back headphones. I’m not even 30 minutes into wearing them and I can tell these are a headphone for many years to come, the lows are better than I’ve grown accustom to, with ample sub-bass which is non-existant on the Sennheisers, and the highs are clear without being sibilant or harsh; I’m super happy.
Especially so, as I tried the new PlayStation Pulse 3D headset prior to these arriving and was disappointed in their small size, discomfort and fake virtual 3D sound.
These headphones genuinely seem to let me hear more than I could already with the Sennheiser’s, I don’t know if that’s placebo effect or due to the extra isolation, but it’s fantastic.
Update 1:
I paired these Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohm with the Brainwavz XL Large Perforated Replacement Memory Foam Earpads and wow, it really opens up the soundstage!
It does lower the bass just a tiny, barely noticeable amount, but you do also get a little more breathability and the lower end gets clearer (though I don’t know if that’s due to the driver being broken in — I used a random playlist of high quality music of the genres I enjoy, with a few pink noise tracks mixed in).
If you need a microphone apparently the Beyerdynamic MMX300 MkII is the headset to go for as they’re the DT 770 Pro enhanced, albeit at the cost of having to plug into the controller on consoles which I found to distort the sound.
Update 2:
I’ve since wound some wool around the headband for a little added comfort and to preserve the protein leather. Be warned that faux leather wears down quickly (I could see mine starting to flake after a few days use which is ridiculously bad).
I’m sold into the Beyerdynamic family now and would love to try the others. They’re well thought out and the spring steel headband ensures confidence in being able to stretch it out for comfort (due to the tight clamp at first) without any plastic creaking or snapping; as is the case with other headbands.
Now onto the good news… These are good, really good. I used the Sennheiser HD 558 for 5 years and the Sennheiser HD 598SR for 3 years. These are a seamless transition into closed-back headphones from these great open-back headphones. I’m not even 30 minutes into wearing them and I can tell these are a headphone for many years to come, the lows are better than I’ve grown accustom to, with ample sub-bass which is non-existant on the Sennheisers, and the highs are clear without being sibilant or harsh; I’m super happy.
Especially so, as I tried the new PlayStation Pulse 3D headset prior to these arriving and was disappointed in their small size, discomfort and fake virtual 3D sound.
These headphones genuinely seem to let me hear more than I could already with the Sennheiser’s, I don’t know if that’s placebo effect or due to the extra isolation, but it’s fantastic.
Update 1:
I paired these Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohm with the Brainwavz XL Large Perforated Replacement Memory Foam Earpads and wow, it really opens up the soundstage!
It does lower the bass just a tiny, barely noticeable amount, but you do also get a little more breathability and the lower end gets clearer (though I don’t know if that’s due to the driver being broken in — I used a random playlist of high quality music of the genres I enjoy, with a few pink noise tracks mixed in).
If you need a microphone apparently the Beyerdynamic MMX300 MkII is the headset to go for as they’re the DT 770 Pro enhanced, albeit at the cost of having to plug into the controller on consoles which I found to distort the sound.
Update 2:
I’ve since wound some wool around the headband for a little added comfort and to preserve the protein leather. Be warned that faux leather wears down quickly (I could see mine starting to flake after a few days use which is ridiculously bad).
I’m sold into the Beyerdynamic family now and would love to try the others. They’re well thought out and the spring steel headband ensures confidence in being able to stretch it out for comfort (due to the tight clamp at first) without any plastic creaking or snapping; as is the case with other headbands.
Now onto the good news… These are good, really good. I used the Sennheiser HD 558 for 5 years and the Sennheiser HD 598SR for 3 years. These are a seamless transition into closed-back headphones from these great open-back headphones. I’m not even 30 minutes into wearing them and I can tell these are a headphone for many years to come, the lows are better than I’ve grown accustom to, with ample sub-bass which is non-existant on the Sennheisers, and the highs are clear without being sibilant or harsh; I’m super happy.
Especially so, as I tried the new PlayStation Pulse 3D headset prior to these arriving and was disappointed in their small size, discomfort and fake virtual 3D sound.
These headphones genuinely seem to let me hear more than I could already with the Sennheiser’s, I don’t know if that’s placebo effect or due to the extra isolation, but it’s fantastic.
Update 1:
I paired these Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 32 Ohm with the Brainwavz XL Large Perforated Replacement Memory Foam Earpads and wow, it really opens up the soundstage!
It does lower the bass just a tiny, barely noticeable amount, but you do also get a little more breathability and the lower end gets clearer (though I don’t know if that’s due to the driver being broken in — I used a random playlist of high quality music of the genres I enjoy, with a few pink noise tracks mixed in).
If you need a microphone apparently the Beyerdynamic MMX300 MkII is the headset to go for as they’re the DT 770 Pro enhanced, albeit at the cost of having to plug into the controller on consoles which I found to distort the sound.
Update 2:
I’ve since wound some wool around the headband for a little added comfort and to preserve the protein leather. Be warned that faux leather wears down quickly (I could see mine starting to flake after a few days use which is ridiculously bad).
I’m sold into the Beyerdynamic family now and would love to try the others. They’re well thought out and the spring steel headband ensures confidence in being able to stretch it out for comfort (due to the tight clamp at first) without any plastic creaking or snapping; as is the case with other headbands.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Excellent clarity and very deep bass. I was very surprised when I first put this headphones on it felt like I was under water,sort of isolated from this world. These are not noise cancelling headphones but they definitely feel like one. Sound is really detailed and sound stage is surprisingly wide for close back headphones. Mids are little laid back but I personally prefer v shaped sound. Bass shocked me little bit when I first heard it and it hits hard. It felt really weird at first because the feeling of isolation and the deep bass made me feel sick at first but that might be only me and I think the reason for that might be because for long time I had my Sennheiser open back headphones and they feel like you have nothing on your head you can hear everything around you. My conclusion to this review is I really love these headphones and I am happy with my purchase and give them a chance if you looking for something different.
Now let me preface this review by mentioning I am not too knowledgable about the specifics of sound. This review is from the perspective of someone who spends a lot of time using headphones however may not know the industry buzzwords.
Simply put, these headphones are fantastic. They have been my daily drivers for the past year, meaning 12+ hours of usage daily. The level of comfort is the first thing I feel I should touch on. I have a large head however they fit without trouble, and are exceptionally comfortable. Unlike many headphones I have had in the past, I never feel a need to take them off to “rest” my head – they almost feel like a part of my body at this point.
The sound is incredible, granted some equaliser fiddling (can be easily found online) will make the experience so much better. I use these headphones for everything from music, anime, movies, and games. They just deliver everything very richly and clearly. The bass seems especially solid, so if you’re a bit of a bass head like me, these headphones will serve you well.
The closed-back nature of the headphones also mean they do a good job at keeping the stuff you’re listening to in, and outside noises out. They are not noise cancelling of course, but they certainly work great at drowning out any noises that may be around you.
All in all, a wonderful set of headphones. I don’t foresee them breaking any time soon due to their exceptional build quality, but if they were to eventually die on me, I would likely pick up another pair as a replacement.
Not load enough , and sound isolation doesn’t seem great, update you need , a volume amp eg audio equipment with these headphones, if you just plug them into a phone , wont work well , so I edited my review
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
If you have a suitable amp or av receiver, get yourself the 250 ohm version, as there is more detail to be heard over the 80 ohm.
Audio is clean and natural, but with a healthy dose of bass and treble. Soundstage is big and open considering they are closed back headphones. I was pleasantly surprised that they work very well with lower quality music sources, but ideally, you want to feed them higher quality music, and you will be blown away by blu-ray audio.
These headphones have some of the BEST sub-bass in a headphone you can get. It’s what brings me back to these headphones, because their a few headphones available that can reach subwoofer-levels of bass, but the DT770 manage this and it makes all other headphones sound boring.
I find I can listen to music on these headphones and it’s very pleasant to listen to at lower volumes, without feeling the need to blast the music. At no point do I feel like anything in the audio mix or frequencies are missing, unlike the 80 ohm versions where it would occasionally sound vague.
The only issue I have is the annoying coiled cable, which weighs too heavy for my liking. Some people love this. However, there are cable mods available.
These headphones come highly recommended by most users and you have to use them and then look at the price ratio to understand the popularity of these headphones.
They do take a little getting used to and wearing in before the force of the clamp settles and then they become comfortable.
Not the most comfortable headphones but probably the best within the price range.
The sound isolation is a real plus for me and one of the strengths of these headphones in my opinion again not the best but probably the best within the price range.
The real pleaser is the sound quality and the atmosphere created by the low end. It actually makes you want to listen to music. You get a beefy nice pumping sound because its closed back, which is surprisingly detailed but with a pleasant and satisfying low end.
They come highly recommended and the majority can’t be wrong.
I like them and use them for listening to general music and then as my primary tracking phones before switching to something more intimately detailed for mixing.
The best headphones I’ve used for gaming and music. The sound is incredible and they’re so comfortable for long sessions. I like the material of the ear cups and how they feel.
The noise isolation is very good, I can still hear when my partner says something but I have to remove one ear to hear what she’s said. Whereas with something with active noise cancellation like my Bose QC-35II I would not hear that she had said a word at all. This suits me perfectly as I can use them for gaming and listening to music/watching videos and still respond when spoken to!
I prefer the sound from these to my Bose for absolutely everything, bass is great and not overwhelming and they certainly can be cranked up load from my PC front panel audio, I don’t need an amp or anything for the 80 ohm model.
They’re cheaper material but since they stay at my desk permanently, I don’t mind at all.
Only minor complaint is that my pair says “L” on both ear cups, but that’s just the housing, they work perfectly and I certainly wasnt going to send them back for something so unimportant.
Definitely don’t hesitate and you won’t regret it. My favourite headphones that will never leave my desk and for a 1/3rd of the price of other headphones I’ve bought!
They are an absolute pleasure to wear and are really comfy compared to the hd25s which were my dailies producing drum and bass. They sound a bit better than the 25s but to me the low end lets it down which sounds distorted and breaks up quicker in comparison and throughout the frequencies at volume. I’m going to return and get the dt990 pros instead as my producer friend recommended me them with a better bass, treble and general response overall.
I’ve been using 7506’s for a long time now and so the change to the 770 80 Ohm was a big one and mainly driven by comfort issues with my ears. While the 7506’s are clear and great for production, I find the earpads too small for my ears and I end up with outer ear earache if using them for any length of time.
The 770s are much more comfortable although strangely a little more firm on the head. However, they give my ears some good spacing so that while they do still touch my ears slightly, they are ok for reasonable lengths of time. For me, this is the main factor in changing headphones.
As for the audio response, I find the 7506’s are much more trebly than the 770s which seem to hold down the high end much more – but then in return give a better overall balance.
The other thing that struck me with the 80 Ohm version was that the overall levels seemed lower with the 770s than the 7506’s. Using the same levels for both and with a comfortable level on the 770s, then swapping to the 7506 lead me to hurry to the volume nob as particularly the treble was far too much for me at the level I ended up at. However, if you turn down the 7506’s the end result is ok when mixed with the 770s.
So, while the 770s are not perfect, they are very good and especially so at the price point. They are also far better on my ears even though firm on my head.
I ought also to say that I wear glasses and found that the 770s didn’t really cause me as many problems as I expected and again, I can wear them for a good length of time with glasses not being particularly noticeable.
The final question must be to ask if now I have the 770s and had to make the choice again would I still buy them? And, the answer has to be a firm YES. While I still like the 7506’s I end up in pain using them. And, as I have been swapping between them both to write this review and have just gone back to the 770s – NOW – sooo much more comfortable with just a flatter response.
Hope this helps.
I am overall satisfied with these headphones, but to get to the point I will list the few negatives I have, since that’s what matters the most to people reading.
– I found the earpads that came with the headphones to lack the proper thickness/comfort, so I had to replace them with a standalone pair from a different brand
– The build quality could be improved, as there are very loud cracks from time to time (so loud that you might think you broke something the first time)
I would definitely recommend these to anyone in need of a good pair of headphones. The price you pay offers a lot of value in return.
I also use these for gaming, and found no issues there. I pair them with a Fiio E10K amplifier.
Good neutral sound. The fact they are closed back did not seem to effect their openness to me. Importantly these are very comfortable, even when wearing glasses I can go four hours with no discomfort at all, I would imagine listening in excess of this would be fine too. The pads are far better then leather or pleather types, velour is definitely now my favourite pad material. They drive well, I’ve been using them domestically on an arcam a39’s headphone out, also on a rega ear headphones amp and additionally from my mobile through an audioquest dragon fly red, all of these options went more that loud enough for me. All in all a good set of headphones, if you can only afford one pair give them a go, I think you’d like them, I do.
I do a lot of audio mixing and bought a pair of DT880s a while ago, but because they’re open back they don’t give any noise reduction at all, which I sometimes need. I tried the Bose 700s and found the top end wasn’t as clean as the DT880s and the bass was too heavy, so I gave up the idea of active noise cancelling (and bluetooth) and opted for the DT770s. They basically sound like the 880s with a ‘smile’ EQ curve on them – the bass and top end are definitely boosted vs the 880s, so you get a more coloured sound approaching more of a Bose 700 sound, but it actually makes them nicer to listen to and once you adjust for it you can easily still mix with them. Well worth the money – I haven’t heard any other headphones at this price that come close to having the top end clarity of the DT770s.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
It was quite a surprise to be honest.
Sound is just excellent. Rich bass, plenty highs, no resonance, no distortions.
Very comfortable, head pressure is just right.
Another unexpected benefit(by me) – good sound isolation.
You may listen what you like without leaking sound outside, so people around you will not annoyed with your music playing loud.
Same time, you may escape from noises around, like TV, neighbor playing his music loud e.t.c. – nothing coming though to your ears. Sometimes I just put them on even without any music – just to low down unwanted noise.
Well, they are great.
Buying them was with some issues.
Initially I’ve got defective pair – cable was broken at 3.5 jack.
Amazon picked up defective unit in couple days from my home – no probs here.
But then, I had to wait for 3 weeks to replace them… and it was a gift…
Looked like they had to send defective pair back to Germany by horses and transport replacement using same means..
It is 21st century people – it got to be faster than this..
Anyway, I’ve got my replacement and quite happy with headphones.
I definitely recommend it.
For the price, you will get hi end product.
I liked them then I hated them then I loved them.
They’re different from what you’re used to. I have a pair of Bowers & Wilkins P5’s – on ear which are brilliant but uncomfortable after a while.
These are really comfy for long listening sessions but are quiet with a pixel 2xl android phone. I bought a little Bluetooth dac/amp and they came alive!
The volume was an issue for me, I bought the 32 ohm version which is supposedly suited to mobile devices but they haven’t got the oomph which is why I bought a heading headphone amp.
They’re great headphones but you really need an amp to bring them alive so factor in another 50 quid.
Bought these headphones for use with a desktop PC, primarily for gaming but also listen to music on them. They do both of these very well and I’m very happy with them, especially given the price I paid for them
The sound quality is great, particularly the vocal and music instruments separation. Hear more details comparing to the noise cancellation headphones I have. I purchased 250 ohms as mainly to use with my Dell XPS 13 at home, reaching hi-fi sound stage while using with iFi Zen AMP/ DAC. I also love the retro design of the headphone: the head-bang & closed back ear-pads are so comfy for long session!!! Will definitely recommend this pair of headset as the sound quality and comfort-ability are awesome at this price point.
Really great headphones. I have sensory issues and wear headphones for long periods of the day. These are really comfortable and dont hurt even after wearing them most of the day. They work great for blocking out noise even though there are not ANC and actually perform bettter than some ANC headphones i have had in the past.
I got the 80 ohm version which is the bassist of the trio and i gotta say that the bass is awesome, very detailed and goes low. The mid range is recessed but wasn’t a problem for me preference wise. The highs are crisp and isn’t as sharp in the treble although i could be wrong. The build quality is a mix of metal and plastic which creates a light but durable headphone which will lasts for years to come. Comfort has been excellent, pillows to my ears with the velour pads and doesn’t sweat as much. Downside is that of portability but the custom pros will be a great alternative if you want a headphone similar to this. There’s also other options at the price bracket which does things better sound wise. For the money, it’s a great option for gaming, music and everyday use if you don’t mind or love its sound signature.
I love the sound quality of these and the build but I am just disappointing that the cable is fixed so whenever it finally gives out the whole 100+ headphone will need to be replaced!
As I need to tidy up the cable after every use (cats in the house would otherwise destroy them) I worry about how long the cable, and therefore whole thing, will last, so I am worried about such an expensive headphone dying on me soon.
All being said though, the sound is incredible for mixing and recording music as well as practising my digital piano. the sound is so good its almost better than hearing it through the speakers!!!
This is just initial feedback as they only arrived today I’ve yet to run these in.
However I’m already hearing things I hadn’t noticed on some of my CDs before.
The bass appears firm and clear. Top end seems more sibilant than I’m used to, but I’ll wait to see if running them in changes that.
My main reason for buying these over the DT880’s or 990’s (sound isolation when using these to monitor recording at home) seems to be delivered reasonably well
These are amazing headphones. The build quality is fantastic, they look great and sound awesome. They have a very enjoyable sound to them. Nice bass and clear highs without being too overpowering. Compared to my old Cloud II gaming headphones, the 770 pros absolute destroy them. They have far better clarity and a richer sound. I use these pretty much solely on my pc with a Soundblaster Z card and it gets plenty loud enough. I usually can’t put it past 50% windows volume. Before these, I tried the DT 990 Pro and Philips X2HR. The 990’s treble was too harsh for me and the X2HRs were too big with annoying pads that constantly attracted lint. These 770 pros are superbly comfortable and always look pristine. The soundstage is also very impressive for closed back headphones. If you’re on the fence, give them a go! For the price, these are absolutely amazing headphones.
To really appreciate these, you need 192khz 24 bit music files, and a DAC equipped phone, or proper such as the LG V40 which I’m using, and then the clarity becomes amazing, especially on the said rate on streaming services like Qobuz and Tidal. I’ve tested the frequency response range, and bass as low as 5hz and treble above 16khz is perfectly audible. Just remember that these are 250 ohm headphones, so your audio equipment needs to be able to push them.
These headphones are good with most genres other than more bass heavy tunes. The clarity and soundstage are astonishing at this price point. Very a pleasure to wear fairly light and they leak very little sound even when cranked up a notch or three. I’ve been putting them through a Sparten Helot valve amp and they are pucker. There’s enough bass there very mid centric and the treble is precise high hats and cymbals sounds great. I highly recommend this product.
I’m a drum and bass / electronic music producer and I’ve been producing for going on 9 years. Over that time I’ve used countless different headphones, some good, some bad all around the 100 mark.
The beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO Studio Headphones are by far the best sounding, clearest headphones that i have ever used. at the time of writing this review I’m working on my new EP and the second i started to use them i was impressed. Usually headphones take some time to “break in” and that is true for the beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO. but from the start they sound incredible. so I’m excited to see how they sound after they have broken in.
The only thing that i have noticed so far is that the sound leaks from the headphones when at high volumes but as long as you don’t mind annoying the people you live with you can crank these headphones and still hear everything in perfect detail and clarity.
if your a music producer or even just someone who loves music. I’d 100% recommend the beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO
Erstmal hab ich die Kopfhrer 2 Stunden lang sehr laut einspielen lassen, dadurch wurde dann der Bass deutlich lauter.
Anfangs sind die Kopfhrer auch noch etwas unbequem weil sie zu stark an die Ohren/auf den Kopf drcken, aber auch das geht nach ein paar Stunden tragen weg und dann sind sie wirklich sehr bequem.
Auch wirken sie hochwertig verarbeitet und es gibt kein knarzen oder sonstiges.
Ich habe mich fr die 32 Ohm Variante entschieden und konnte keinerlei Strgerusche wahrnehmen.
Meine Gerte sind alle digital und lassen sich sensibel lauter/leiser regeln deswegen gab es auch gar keinen bedarf an mehr als 32 Ohm. Auerdem ist bei der 32 Ohm Variante das Kabel nur 1,6m lang und sehr flexibel.
Die Kopfhrer dmpfen Klang von und nach auen gut ab.
Der Bass ist sehr detailliert bzw. man hrt die Sinus Schwingungen gut raus.
Der Klang allgemein ist eher weniger realistisch, aber nher drann als andere Kopfhrer und man braucht weniger dB zum ausgleichen.
Bei einer Heimkinoanlage wird einem beim anfnglichen Setup das “Einmessen” vorgeschlagen, hier muss man leider selbst etwas Hand anlegen.
Hier mal meine EqualizerAPO Einstellungen:
Preamp: -6 dB
GraphicEQ: 20 -8.25; 29 -8.75; 30 -8.7; 40 -7.6; 50 -5.3; 56 -4.6; 60 -4.6; 70 -3.3; 77 -2.5; 80 -2.7; 90 -4.3; 100 -6.2; 125 -7.7; 200 2.25; 250 5; 300 3.85; 400 2.4; 500 2.25; 600 1.7; 700 1; 750 0.9; 800 1; 900 1.5; 1000 2; 1400 3.1; 2000 0; 2600 -2; 3000 -0.75; 4000 2; 4400 3; 5000 0; 6000 -8; 6500 -8.9; 13500 -5.5; 17500 2; 20000 4.5
Filter: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 6.5 dB Q 2
Filter: ON PK Fc 30 Hz Gain 12.1 dB Q 1
Filter: ON PK Fc 100 Hz Gain 8.7 dB Q 2
Wer EqualizerAPO noch nicht installiert hat, muss einfach nach der Installation den Ordner ffnen (C:Program FilesEqualizerAPOconfig) und meinen Text in die config.txt reinkopieren.
Diese Einstellungen sind fr die 32 Ohm Variante der Kopfhrer, wird sich also bei den anderen Varianten nicht soo gut anhren.
Dachte zuerst immer am PC braucht man eh keinen guten Sound frs zocken, ein 100 Headset von Logitech taugt allemal. Aber nachdem ich es leid war immer das ganze Headset wegzuwerfen nachdem die Ohrpolster abgenutzt waren, dachte ich, Kopfhrer mit austauschbaren Ohrpolstern kommen billiger und man bekommt heutzutage auch schon super Mikrofone fr ~30.
Aber ich muss mich wohl korrigieren. Der gute Sound beim zocken ist schon echt eine Bereicherung.
Sound reproduction is great, hence strong overall score. Used them daily for a number of weeks now, roughly 5 hours a day. But some things to be aware of.
Can confirm strong bass (and sub-bass) presence. I turn bass down a bit with my EQ. Probably due to closed back design. The up side is that sound leakage in and out is very low (good for office use). May want to consider dt880 instead if you aren’t happy with extra bass.
Fit is a little on the tight side, but acclimatised after a couple of days use.
Cable packed in such a way that it had a semi permanent kink. Rewrapping the coil around some dowel and leaving near radiator for 24 hours sorted it completely.
The size adjustment mechanism doesn’t inspire confidence in build quality, but no actual problems so far.
Included travel bag is cheap. Very thin too, so only purpose is to keep the cable in check while in your backpack.
More plastic in packaging than really required.
Only used for listening to music while at work, but unfortunately must be a loose wire inside as can’t hear out the right speaker.
Unfortunately not a DIY job, and no warranty in place.
Still 4 stars as could be just unfortunate, but definitely not ideal.
I’ve now been using this pair of headphones for a year and a half and have never regretted buying them.
They are permanently plugged into my desktop and I have hardly ever taken them outside, so the only comment I can make on portability is that the cable is TOO long, and the noise cancellation is non-existent, so good luck hearing anything on a loud train / plane. If you’re going for a slow walk in a park it might work well.
Sound-wise, I love them. They handle classical, metal, J-rock very well. I don’t think I can remember any downsides at all. Maybe that sometimes you can hear how crappy the source is. Also I have no problem using my motherboard (ASUS B350-i) as the source.
I find them reasonably comfortable and a good fit for working/gaming in a relatively quiet environment longish hours. The fit is tight, but I don’t feel like my head is being squeezed.
Overall, if you need headphones with decent sound and you expect to use them indoors while sitting at your desk, I can recommend these to you.
Get the one with Velour pads.
The comform is amazing and the sound quality is just stunning for the price.
If you can buy a DAC (Digital to Audio Converter, e.g FIIO E10K) and you are set.
They are superb comfortable and my ears don’t get sweaty at all.
Sound clarity is amazing.
If you use spotify make sure that the streaming and download is set to max quality.
Check out some 24bit music on YT or download some.
Make sure your OS and spotify/YT sound is set to 100% if you use a DAC.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
I’ve listened to a wide variety of different types of audio with these and they’ve never let me down; from music to gaming, the audio is always fantastic. I’ve noticed that these headphones let you hear things which aren’t always clear or audible on other headphones such as background noise in recordings or slight mistakes in songs.
I’m very happy with the comfort and size of these headphones. I’ve had long sessions with these on almost continuously and after a while I just stop noticing them. The build quality seems good, but it is made mostly from plastic so they probably won’t survive being bashed around. The cable quality is great and has a thick layer of outer insulation.
I use these regularly with a MacBook Pro (Late-2013) and the built-in audio jack is perfectly capable of driving these headphones. Max volume is very loud, enough to damage hearing over time. I also tried these headphones with a cheap Lightning to aux cable on an iPhone X and the volume was quieter than the MacBook but still loud enough for almost any situation. I have also tested these with a battery powered Anker Soundsync Bluetooth receiver and once again there were no problems driving the 80 Ohm model.
For casual home-use, these headphones are amazing. If you’re the sort of person that loves extra bass you’ll need an equaliser or a different pair of headphones but if you like realistic audio, these are close to perfection.
Bought these as I wanted some higher impedance headphones to go with my new amp (marantz pm6006)
Seriously impressed with the sound quality! They have an incredibly precise sound I get the impression you are hearing the music exactly as it was intended with nothing added. So much so that I’m rediscovering my music collection again, it’s almost addictive!
The transducers are set quite deeply into the ear cups resulting in a very ‘spacial’ sound and improved sound stage.
The velour ear pads are a big improvement over most others that have faux leather pads that can get quite sweaty.
Overall very impressed for the cost. Possible only downside is fixed cable which is too long and could mean an expensive replacement if damaged.
Beyerdynamic DT770PRO in 32 Ohm Ausfhrung fr “on-the-way” am Samsung S9+.
Angefangen hab ich mit den Teufel Airy (via Bluetooth):
Lautstrke musste ich nie voll aufdrehen, da die am Samsung A7 Leistung ohne Ende hatten und ebenso am S9+. Auch beim Spprt fester sitz…beim Bankdrcken rutschten sie ein wenig. Klanglich….joar etwas viel Bass ….aber eben Laut.
Dann kamen die JBL 500BT (via Bluetooth und ab und an am Kabel):
Klanglich besser als die Teufel Airy extrem lange Akkulaufzeit aber leoder fing es damit am S9+ an, dass diese obwohl am Anschlag aufgedreht (auch Telefon)….naja, waren.
Nun hatte ich mir die beyerdynamic mx300 fr den pc an der externen Soundkarte/DAC Soundblaster G6 geholt…..ich war sprachlos vom Klang einfach geil….nichts zu extrem und einfach wow.
Nun bin ich ein Freund v Kabelgebunden, klassischem Stil und habe gelesen dass die DT770PRO klanglich too (ausgewogen, nichts zu sehr bertrieben sind) und die mmx300 auf den DT770PRO aufbauen.
Also, klanglich in der Soundkulisse Top!!! Aber leider muss ich trotz Mobiler Empfehlung und in der 32 Ohm Version feststellen, dass ich am S9+ voll aufdrehen muss und noch massig Luft nach oben wre……leider. ok, damit kann ich wenigstens mein Gehr nicht schdigen, aber wenn ich meinen 5 Minuten Moment habe….naja….auch wie die meisten hier finde ich es schade, dass man dass Kabel am Kopfhrer selbst nicht abnehmen kann zum verstauen. Und wie bei den beigefgten Bildern , trage ich oft Jacken mit hohem Kragen, welcher am festen Anschluss reibt, schiebt und naja ggf. etwas hrter dagegenknickt.
Werde sie vl demnchst ma an die externe Soundkarte G6 hngen…..aber dies bringt mir nichts da ich sie ja fr “on-the-way” geholt habe.
Ebenso erwhnenswert: Die DT770PRO sind bisher die best sitzenden so wie gemtlichsten Kopfhrer berhaupt, die ich bisher hatte!
Habe mir jedoch aufgrund gewohntem mmx300 die Velour-Austausch-Ohrpolster (Artikelnr. 926660), gleich mitbestellt und gegen die originalen schwarzen Kunstlederpolster, ausgetauscht.
Kurz: Klanglich 1A; klassischer Style; Kabel nicht gerade durchdacht jedoch hochwertig; super gemtlich (wenn Velour) und leider am S9+ Lautstrketechnisch viel Luft nach oben.
P.S. Ja, habe am S9+ in den Entwickleroptionen die Maximalstrke ausgehebelt 😉
Habe mir soeben einen mobilen Liam&Daan Kopfhrerverstrker hinzugekauft…mal sehen…
These headphones are brilliant. I wanted headphones that I could use with various devices – TV, computer etc and listening to my old prog rock cds on good hi-fi. The sound quality on all devices is excellent and they are well-built and comfortable.
I’ve been through a LOT of headphones and I always find my way back to Beyerdynamic products, mostly due to reliabilty and the fact that you can replace almost all parts if something breaks, which only ever happend on my very old DT-100s after about 8 years of use. The DT 770 Pros I use in the studio daily. They are solid and great for tracking and sometimes usful as another reference for mixing – I would never mix entirely on any headphones. I also take them around in my portble rig, although they don’t fold down, so not the most ideal for portability if traveling a lot. They’re well balanced and unlike DJ or gaming headphones, they don’t accentuate the low or high end. Don’t expect super sub bass from these if you plan on using them for gaming or listening pop, dance or hiphop etc. That said, I wouldn’t recommened to anyone that they listen to super low or high frequencies on any headphones as this will damage you hearing! Same goes for in-ear headphones. The Dt 770s offer a great balanced sound which I really prefer in any listening situation. They are also super comfortable which is great for long sessions and musicians we’ve worked with report the same. I wish the cable would detatch like on the the old DT100s as this is much better for portability and tidying away.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
Where they excel is in listening to music in a fairly quiet environment. They offer a truly excellent listening experience – detailed, balanced frequency response and great soundstage. If you have high quality lossless music you’ll love these. I’ve used them with PC, iPad and iPhone with flac files and discovered nuances in the music I’d not heard before.
The only suggestion for improvement I would make is for the cable to be detachable and to have a choice of different lengths, like the ATH50x. The cable works great for when I’m playing guitar but is a bit long for plugging into an iPad on your lap on the sofa.
Nonetheless I would highly recommend these.
These headphones were bought to replace a pair of DT660s that had superb “Fi” but a weak headband that breaks at the drop of a hat. As DT 660s seem to be impossible to obtain any more, it was hoped that there would be enough family resemblance in the sound between 660s and this 770 to give the same “sound” but better longevity. Not so. The bass is very heavy and requires a filter in the signal chain to tame it. Otherwise these headphones seem to be stronger than the DT660s so should last a reasonable time.
Benutze den Kopfhrer (32 Ohm) am Bassverstrker, am PC (Gaming und Musik) und dem Handy. Werde zu allen 3 Gerten eine kleine Review Und die Umstnde verfassen.
Verstrker: Hier wird er an einem Fender Rumble 50 genutzt um die Nachbarn nicht zu nerven. Ganz klassisch direkt ber den Kopfhrerausgang hrt sich der Kopfhrer super an jedoch ist es im Vergleich zu PC und Handy dringend notwendig die Lautstrke runter zu drehen und nach belieben hher zu drehen. Er hrt sich sehr laut an. Wrde empfehlen, wenn es nur um diesen Verwendungszweck geht direkt eine hochohmigere Variante zu whlen. Hatte den Vergleich zu einem 80 Ohmer von Sennheiser und da wirkte es noch nicht ganz so extrem laut.
PC Gaming/Musik: Hauptgrund des Kaufs. Luft hier durch den Audioausgang eines Rode Mikrofon, um ebenso ein Monitoring fr die Stimme zu haben. Hrt sich so an wie erwartet, voller, satter und klarer Sound mit klarer Definition. Wichtig zu wissen: Es wird (meines Erachtens nach) kein Sound verschnert, wenn die Musik schlecht aufgenommen und gemastert wurde hrt sich das dementsprechend an. Im Bereich Rock, Folk, Hiphop, Funk und Metal(-core) bringt er jedes Detail zur vollen Blte fr das nicht-audiophile Ohr. Besonders die Hhen und Mitten kommen sehr definiert zum Vorschein, der Bass ist fr meinen Geschmack genau richtig, kein Drhnen kein Brummen und bei der richtigen Lautstrke sprt man ihn sehr angenehm. Beim Gaming darf man nun kein 7.1 erwarten das jeder Schritt hinter einem klar definierbar ist, aber man hrt zumindest von welcher Seite jemand kommt und wirklich auch hinter einem. Sprachwiedergabe per TS3 sowie Discord top.
Handy: Hier ist er ebenso wie bei der Musik am PC fr mich persnlich perfekt. Billig aufgenommene mp3 Files hren sich dementsprechend drucklos an, FLAC ber den VLC Player ist peefekt, funktioniert auch super mit EQ-Einstellungen solange man den Frequenzbereich nicht zu sehr modifiziert.
Rundum ein Top Kopfhrer fr den Preis, klare Kaufempfehlung. Einziges Makel ist, dass die Abdeckungen fr den bergang von Verstellschiene des Bgels zu den eigentlichen Hrern nur aus Plastik ist (wenigstens verschraubt). Diese Brechen wenn man nicht vorsichtig ist nach langer Zeit sehr einfach, da die Weichmacher irgendwann aus dem Plastik weichen. Ist aber bei fast jedem Kopfhrer oder Headset so. Wrde mich dort ber Aluminium sehr freuen.
These are the first real headphones that I bought a while ago, and I’m still using them! Now, since I haven’t tried any other headphones (more expensive or similar), I can’t say that these are the best, but these are MUCH better than any gaming headset, that’s for sure. After using these headphones for all this time, when I put on ANY other cheapo (or even a headset that’s priced similarly) I can immediately tell that they’re “off” – I can hear less sounds than I could with my DT 770’s, the sound is more “muffled” or simply sounds worse and less enjoyable.
Comfort – excellent, ear pieces are really soft and you can have them on for the whole day and it won’t hurt at all.
Noise cancellation – pretty good, a lot of times I miss my phone ringing on my desk if I’m listening to music, watching a movie or playing a game.
These are micless headphones (that’s why it’s not a headset), but it was easly solved with a Modmic.
(previously had SH-HD215’s which broke after about 10 years), bought these to replace them.
On day 1: Loud treble, & mid-tones seemed quiet, bass good though, (so for the first week I turned on the EQ/equalizer settings on the PC audio card & manually increased the middle tones while lowering treble).
Played some white noise & a range of music to wear them in.
After a week: I turned off the EQ settings, because the mid-tones are louder now, & overall so much more balanced sound in my opinion).
After burn-in, these are great headphones : )
These bring new life into music that I thought I was familiar with.
Can hear much more bass with these than my previous headphones (HD-215). Treble is clear. Frequency range is amazing.
I have the 80ohm version, need to turn the volume up a bit more than my previous headphones to be the same volume, but even with my old i-pod video, they are loud enough when turned up.
Very pleased with these & glad I bought them now (thanks to the reviews for helping me choose).
(previously had SH-HD215’s which broke after about 10 years), bought these to replace them.
On day 1: Loud treble, & mid-tones seemed quiet, bass good though, (so for the first week I turned on the EQ/equalizer settings on the PC audio card & manually increased the middle tones while lowering treble).
Played some white noise & a range of music to wear them in.
After a week: I turned off the EQ settings, because the mid-tones are louder now, & overall so much more balanced sound in my opinion).
After burn-in, these are great headphones : )
These bring new life into music that I thought I was familiar with.
Can hear much more bass with these than my previous headphones (HD-215). Treble is clear. Frequency range is amazing.
I have the 80ohm version, need to turn the volume up a bit more than my previous headphones to be the same volume, but even with my old i-pod video, they are loud enough when turned up.
Very pleased with these & glad I bought them now (thanks to the reviews for helping me choose).
(previously had SH-HD215’s which broke after about 10 years), bought these to replace them.
On day 1: Loud treble, & mid-tones seemed quiet, bass good though, (so for the first week I turned on the EQ/equalizer settings on the PC audio card & manually increased the middle tones while lowering treble).
Played some white noise & a range of music to wear them in.
After a week: I turned off the EQ settings, because the mid-tones are louder now, & overall so much more balanced sound in my opinion).
After burn-in, these are great headphones : )
These bring new life into music that I thought I was familiar with.
Can hear much more bass with these than my previous headphones (HD-215). Treble is clear. Frequency range is amazing.
I have the 80ohm version, need to turn the volume up a bit more than my previous headphones to be the same volume, but even with my old i-pod video, they are loud enough when turned up.
Very pleased with these & glad I bought them now (thanks to the reviews for helping me choose).
Play something through them for a little while before trying them if buying new. I was really confused as to why everything sounded like bees but I just had to wear the speakers in a little. Headphones sound really nice, and they are stupidly comfortable. I can fall asleep in bed wearing these. You really need a DAC/AMP though. The on-board DAC/AMP on my motherboard can get these headphones to a decent level, but the bass response isn’t there and it just feels weak compared to using even a cheap fiio dac/amp. The same goes for phones. It’s still totally usable in a phone or with on-board audio, but it’s not the full experience… (and really, you would be better off buying something else if that’s what you wanted to use these with.)
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
I am particularly interested in reproduction of the human voice, and as far as music is concerned, I have a wonderful recording of Bach’s Mass in B Minor which I use as my reference. All sound is processed by a Chord Mojo.
The two headphones are different and I can see why these headphones are preferred as studio headphones. The AKG somehow manages to create a sense of space and clarity which is great for listening to music but for analytical listening these headphones are better. Precisely the lack of spatial information allows me to concentrate on the sound produced, which is completely neutral with sound detail similar to the AKG. I will use both headphones. Excellent purchase. A bargain.
17/6. A word of warning. After listening to these for many hours, it seems they are a bit bright. I need to rest my ears after a long listening session. Perhaps it is the price one pays for the detail. The AKGs have a similar problem, but not quite as strong, at least in my experience.
18/6 I liked it so much I bought another one.
But not quite the same. The 80 ohm version is, as I expected, slightly less detailed than the 250 ohm version, but also a bit less bright: the highs are not as ‘forward’ or aggresive. It is better suited to extended listening. For once the manufacturer’s product description is correct. What I did not expect, is that they take the same power to drive. My Chord Mojo has sockets for two headphones, so that I can switch from one headphone from one to the other without unplugging and reconnecting headphones. I can do this without even changing the volume level.
I do like what Beyerdyanmic is trying to do with these headphones: accurately recreate the the original signal in an isolated environment. Simple, no-nonsense headphones.
19/6 There is another difference. The 80 ohm has a stronger bass response. While the 250 ohm has a high frequency bias while the 80 ohm has a low fequency bias. Pop music (or anything with a lot of bass) sounds more convincing on the 80 ohm headphones (depending on taste). Vocals are about the same on both (less detail on the 80 ohm version) and, in my opinion, quite neutral. At least similar to the AKG K812s.
My first set of decent headphones. I can power them at 80% volume from my Samsung Galaxy Edge S7 phone but I’ll be looking to purchase a Fiio E10K amp in the near future.
Amazingly comfortable thanks to the velour ear pads, I can wear them for hours at work and at home. They were recommended by my friend, a DJ for Chorley FM and comparing them to the 250 ohm studio version he uses, there is very little difference other than volume when connected to a non-amplified source and a slightly bassier tone on my 80 ohms.
It’s no wonder these headphones have been popular for years and remain a favourite still
Firstly, headphones are personal so this is just my opinion. You might have other needs that these headphones won’t meet. I’m a professional musician and always do my research….way too much research! We’ve all been there – it only takes one forum comment, a bad review or friend’s opinion to send you back to the drawing board, even when you think you’ve found ‘the ones’. I hope this review gives you a good overview.
I needed something mid range price for tracking vocals and as another reference point for mixing. At first I went for a pair of ATH-M50Xs. They went straight back as weren’t very comfortable (for me) and I think mine were faulty. The headphones didn’t seem balanced and I wanted something flatter. Just a little too much bass.
DT770s (80 Ohm)
Comfort: Immediately much more comfortable and feel fine wearing for a long time which I do when editing. They’re nice and light.
Build Quality: The build quality is excellent and you can replace parts which is handy. When I see a bit of metal in the mix (and not just plastic) I’m always reassured.
Sound: The sound quality is perfect for me – very flat but still has clarity and character. For once I didn’t sign at over the top bass or intrusive treble. This is a very clean, honest sound that will give you a true reference point. Of course, always use monitors for mixing and the car stereo is the true test 🙂
Sound isolation: there’s no noise leakage, as you’d expect.
If you need studio headphones look no further. For leisure use they’re great too but the lead is a bit long.
Build: These headphones look and feel very sturdy. The headband is a thick metal sheet that seems unlikely to snap, and the earcups are a solid and rugged plastic. The top of the headband is wrapped in a soft, leather-like material that looks and feels posh. Certainly the best build quality I’ve personally experienced in headphones!
Comfort: These are very comfortable cans. They surround my ears completely without touching them, and the velour pads are very soft and nice on the skin. The noise isolation is good. The clamping pressure was a bit annoying at first, and I initially could hear a high-pitched ringing in my ears due to it, as well as hear my blood pumping in my ear sometimes, but both these annoyances went away after a couple days. Perhaps the headband became less stiff with use, or I got used to the pressure.
Sound: Now, let me state that I do not believe in assessing headphone sound in isolation. I don’t trust people’s sonic memory, or my own for that matter. I think one must always compare something against a standard. Fortunately, I got Sennheiser HD 650s (which are reference-class headphones and some of the most well-regarded cans in the world) a couple months after getting the DT 770s, creating a suitable parameter for comparison.
How I tested: My testing methodology was to:
1- repeat the same section of a song over and over again, switching between both headphones as fast as I could (short-term sonic memory lasts only a few seconds). I did this for dozens of different songs.
2- running each headphone on a separate Apple device (both have the same internal DAC and sound the same to my ears) so that headphone switching can happen as fast as possible (takes about 1 second on average), and
3- matching the volume as closely as possible for the fairest comparison, since louder songs tend to sound better all else being equal.
The DT 770s have surprisingly wide soundstage, considering they are closed-back, to the point that I don’t notice much difference between both headphones’ soundstage (pretty impressive considering we’re comparing closed vs. open here).
The DT 770s have considerably more satisfying bass. It’s less accurate, sure, but it has more “thump” or “oomph” or however you wanna call it, being more fun to listen to.
The DT 770s seem to have a noticeable boost in the high frequencies relative to the HD 650s. Everything sounds a little higher in pitch, like it was tuned slightly up, but not to the point of seeming inaccurate or annoying. The effect is minor and doesn’t feel like it’s doing something wrong, just different.
Overall I am impressed with the DT 770s to the point I don’t have any issue using it over the HD 650 (i.e. so as to not bother someone else in the room). With other headphones I would be bothered with the fact I’d not be getting the best sound quality, but with the DT 770s its so close that it doesn’t matter.
Build: These headphones look and feel very sturdy. The headband is a thick metal sheet that seems unlikely to snap, and the earcups are a solid and rugged plastic. The top of the headband is wrapped in a soft, leather-like material that looks and feels posh. Certainly the best build quality I’ve personally experienced in headphones!
Comfort: These are very comfortable cans. They surround my ears completely without touching them, and the velour pads are very soft and nice on the skin. The noise isolation is good. The clamping pressure was a bit annoying at first, and I initially could hear a high-pitched ringing in my ears due to it, as well as hear my blood pumping in my ear sometimes, but both these annoyances went away after a couple days. Perhaps the headband became less stiff with use, or I got used to the pressure.
Sound: Now, let me state that I do not believe in assessing headphone sound in isolation. I don’t trust people’s sonic memory, or my own for that matter. I think one must always compare something against a standard. Fortunately, I got Sennheiser HD 650s (which are reference-class headphones and some of the most well-regarded cans in the world) a couple months after getting the DT 770s, creating a suitable parameter for comparison.
How I tested: My testing methodology was to:
1- repeat the same section of a song over and over again, switching between both headphones as fast as I could (short-term sonic memory lasts only a few seconds). I did this for dozens of different songs.
2- running each headphone on a separate Apple device (both have the same internal DAC and sound the same to my ears) so that headphone switching can happen as fast as possible (takes about 1 second on average), and
3- matching the volume as closely as possible for the fairest comparison, since louder songs tend to sound better all else being equal.
The DT 770s have surprisingly wide soundstage, considering they are closed-back, to the point that I don’t notice much difference between both headphones’ soundstage (pretty impressive considering we’re comparing closed vs. open here).
The DT 770s have considerably more satisfying bass. It’s less accurate, sure, but it has more “thump” or “oomph” or however you wanna call it, being more fun to listen to.
The DT 770s seem to have a noticeable boost in the high frequencies relative to the HD 650s. Everything sounds a little higher in pitch, like it was tuned slightly up, but not to the point of seeming inaccurate or annoying. The effect is minor and doesn’t feel like it’s doing something wrong, just different.
Overall I am impressed with the DT 770s to the point I don’t have any issue using it over the HD 650 (i.e. so as to not bother someone else in the room). With other headphones I would be bothered with the fact I’d not be getting the best sound quality, but with the DT 770s its so close that it doesn’t matter.
Build: These headphones look and feel very sturdy. The headband is a thick metal sheet that seems unlikely to snap, and the earcups are a solid and rugged plastic. The top of the headband is wrapped in a soft, leather-like material that looks and feels posh. Certainly the best build quality I’ve personally experienced in headphones!
Comfort: These are very comfortable cans. They surround my ears completely without touching them, and the velour pads are very soft and nice on the skin. The noise isolation is good. The clamping pressure was a bit annoying at first, and I initially could hear a high-pitched ringing in my ears due to it, as well as hear my blood pumping in my ear sometimes, but both these annoyances went away after a couple days. Perhaps the headband became less stiff with use, or I got used to the pressure.
Sound: Now, let me state that I do not believe in assessing headphone sound in isolation. I don’t trust people’s sonic memory, or my own for that matter. I think one must always compare something against a standard. Fortunately, I got Sennheiser HD 650s (which are reference-class headphones and some of the most well-regarded cans in the world) a couple months after getting the DT 770s, creating a suitable parameter for comparison.
How I tested: My testing methodology was to:
1- repeat the same section of a song over and over again, switching between both headphones as fast as I could (short-term sonic memory lasts only a few seconds). I did this for dozens of different songs.
2- running each headphone on a separate Apple device (both have the same internal DAC and sound the same to my ears) so that headphone switching can happen as fast as possible (takes about 1 second on average), and
3- matching the volume as closely as possible for the fairest comparison, since louder songs tend to sound better all else being equal.
The DT 770s have surprisingly wide soundstage, considering they are closed-back, to the point that I don’t notice much difference between both headphones’ soundstage (pretty impressive considering we’re comparing closed vs. open here).
The DT 770s have considerably more satisfying bass. It’s less accurate, sure, but it has more “thump” or “oomph” or however you wanna call it, being more fun to listen to.
The DT 770s seem to have a noticeable boost in the high frequencies relative to the HD 650s. Everything sounds a little higher in pitch, like it was tuned slightly up, but not to the point of seeming inaccurate or annoying. The effect is minor and doesn’t feel like it’s doing something wrong, just different.
Overall I am impressed with the DT 770s to the point I don’t have any issue using it over the HD 650 (i.e. so as to not bother someone else in the room). With other headphones I would be bothered with the fact I’d not be getting the best sound quality, but with the DT 770s its so close that it doesn’t matter.
Originally bought the Audio Technical ath-m50x but were far too bass heavy for studio monitoring. Went for my second choice the Beyer Dynamic Dt770 Pro 80Ohm version as I’d owned Beyer headphone previously and loved them.
These headphones are perfect for studio monitoring as the EQ response is totally flat (to my ears anyway!) so they project music pretty much the way it was intended to sound when recorded and produced. If you like your music bass heavy go for the AT’s. At 80 ohms they take a bit more driving than others so I would probably avoid if you intend to use with your phone but are great through my audio interface.
They are really comfortable and I can wear them for long periods without discomfort.
I can certainly recommend these for home recording and enjoying music in general.
Why many? Because they are designed to break down after the warranty period.
Not with the DT 770s. I bought these in January 2013 and they are still excellent 6 years on.
I mainly use these for gaming but also music when I want a richer sound experience.
Rainbow Six Siege, Apex Legends, PUBG and Titanfall 2 are just some of the games that benefit from having headphones like these.
Note, a headphone amp is needed to use these.
I’m currently using the FiiO E10K Olympus USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier (also on Amazon).
These headphones have recessed mids. Keep this in mind if you’re looking for balanced frequencies.
Headphone characteristics:
Bass: Emphasized
Midrange: Recessed
Treble: Emphasized
Intended use: Desktop only
Source: /r/headphones guide