KidKraft 53185 Grand Gourmet Corner Wooden Pretend Toy Kitchen for Kids with Role Play Accessories Included, Pink and White, 91 x 31 x 91 cm

KidKraft Grand Gourmet Kitchen, Grand Gourmet Play Kitchen, KidKraft Play Kitchen Elite Play Kitchen, playkitchen, kitchenette, toy kitchen, made of wood KidKraft Vintage Play Kitchen Pink, Vintage Pink Play Kitchen, Wooden Play Kitchen All Time Play Kitchen, Girl with Kitchen, KidKraft Play Kitchen, Play Kitchen KidKraft Prairie Wooden Play Kitchen for girls Modern Country Play Kitchen KidKraft
Accessories Included Yes No No Yes No No
Colours Pink & White White & Grey Pink White Off-White Pink & White
Product Dimensions 91.44 x 90.81 x 91.76cm 97.79 x 34.8 x 102.36cm 83.82 x 34.29 x 90.81cm 59.94 x 34.29 x 90.17cm 76.84 x 32.39 x 94.62 84.46 x 34.93 x 96.52cm
Counter Height 53.3 cm 55.9 cm 45 cm 50.2 cm 50.8 cm 53.3 cm

Dimensions: 91.44 x 90.81 x 91.76 cm; 26.31 Kilograms
Model: 53185
Material: Wood, Plastic, MDF
Colour: Pink and White
Pack Quantity: 4
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 36 months – 8 years
Assembly: Yes
Colour: Pink and White
Composition: MDF, Plastic, Fabric
Material: Wood, Plastic, MDF
Quantity: 4

209 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unsere Kinder gewesen. Sie kam super an. Etwas kleiner, als gedacht. Der Aufbau hat eine Zeit gedauert, aber wider Erwarten war die Anleitung sehr leicht verstndlich und alles an Schrauben da. Der Wasserhahn ist etwas anfllig, auf den muss man beim Spielen etwas aufpassen, ansonsten aber eine wunderschne Kche!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Best kids kitchen ever – four years later, our kids still play with this beautiful kitchen.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good clear instructions but assembly does take a good few hours. However my daughter (22mths) loves this kitchen and plays with it regularly. I would recommend. Excellent quality.

  4. MarisaZiesemer says:

     United Kingdom

    Had it nearly 2 years now and still going strong and still gets played with very regula

  5. TonyaCuevas says:


    Wir haben die kche ende des Jahres 2017 bestellt und sind super zufrieden!!
    Der Aufbau war durch die Anleitung und dadurch das wirklich jedes brett nummeriert war nicht schwer.
    Wir haben ca 2 stunden gebraucht zu 2.

    Als ich die ganzen schlechten Bewertung las war ich geschockt und war schon kurz davor sie nicht zu bestellen bin allerdings froh das ich sie dann doch gekauft habe.
    Wir finden sie echt schn und unserer tochter gefllt sie auch. Sie findet ihre neue kche ganz toll.

    Mittlerweile ist unsere kche jetzt 3 jahre alt und sie ist immer noch im super zustand und wird immer noch gern bespielt..
    Wrde ich wirklich immer wieder kaufe

  6. Anonymous says:


    Unsere Tchter 4J. und 2J. haben die Kche zu Weihnachten bekommen.
    Sie ist wirklich ein Traum, eine tolle Spielkche in der keine Wnsche offen bleiben.
    Wir haben die Kche bei Amazon fr 140 erworben und der Preis ist absolut gerecht.
    Mein Mann und ich haben 1 1/2 Std gebraucht und die Spielkche stand.
    -top verpackt
    -nichts beschdigt
    -schnelle Lieferung
    -Kidkraft hat fr uns schon immer die besten Aufbau Anleitungen, kaufen gerne Kidkraft 🙂
    Wir knnen die Spielkche nur empfehlen, unsere Tchter lieben ihre Kche

  7. Anonymous says:


    Anfangs war ich skeptisch, aufgrund der teilweise niederschmetternden Bewertungen.
    Aber die Kche ist toll!
    Unsere alte’ Kche ist 5-6 Jahre alt und auch von Kidkraft. Ich bin verliebt! Der Aufbau ist ein Kinderspiel. Alles ist beschriftet und super sortiert. (siehe Bilder)
    Die einzelnen Teile waren super verpackt, sodass ich nicht nachvollziehen kann, dass andere hier beschdigte Teile bekommen konnten. Aber vllt hat Kidkraft sich das auch zu Herzen genommen und die Verpackung berdacht.
    Meine Kinder sind von der Kche begeistert. Und ich als Mama bin es auch.

    Fr den Aufbau habe ich alleine 2-3 Std gebraucht. Man sollte sich also ausreichend Zeit nehmen. Als Werkzeug bentigte ich lediglich einen Kreuz-Schraubendreher. Alles andere wurde mitgeliefert. Lg 🙂

    Tolle Küche für große und kleine Kids.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersUna volta montata e’ un incanto e la mia bimba ci gioca tutti i giorni. Molto accurata nel design e nello stile, colorata e molto bella. Il montaggio per mi ha fatto faticare, e lo dice uno che si montato casa da solo con Ikea. Alcuni passaggi non sono ben spiegati nelle istruzioni ma con un pizzico di ragionamento si risolve in pochi minuti. Comunque il montaggio lungo e i pezzi sono molti ma nulla d impossibile. Per se andate di fretta o non vi piace montare….

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThere really isn’t anything wrong with it – no missing pieces, well crafted, has everything a kitchen would need. The pink gets to be overwhelming though, and the fact that it’s a corner kitchen set ended up being an annoyance. We wanted to move it to another room and it’s not as versatile as the 1 piece kitchen sets. Furthermore, as others have pointed out, it’s tiny. Everything is in reach for a 2 year old but as they get older, let’s say 2 kids wanted to share this, the one opening the fridge would knock into the one using the stove quite easily. So I’m giving it 4 stars as I went into it knowing all of this (though not necessarily understanding the implications) but personally, I regret purchasing it at this point.

  10. shopblogs411 says:


    Very solid little kitchen. Took 4 hours of build time with one person and an electric drill. Only issue is there was one board chipped and the refrigerator door *lock* mechanism do not line up to click together, so I had to glue them on. But everything else was good.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Also wir haben die Kche schon fr unsere 1-jhrige tochter gekauft. Und sie war von Anfang an begeistert. Probleme hatte sie nur etwas mit dem aufmachen der Tren da man viel kraft braucht. Aber schon nach 1 monat war sie stark genug und hat es hinbekommen. Auch jetzt mit 16 Monaten liebt sie diese Kche. Also das geld war es echt wert. Sie hat noch keine Kratzer oder sonstige Schden!

  12. Rachael says:


    This kitchen is sturdy and high quality. Even The screws have a red colored top to avoid distracting from the stylish look. The multiple doors and spinning oven knobs seem to keep kids captivated. The only negative is it is time intensive to put together. It took my husband about 3 hours. Every hinge, knob, screw, handle, etc. has to be put together. I don’t recommend trying to do this on Christmas Eve! You need your own screw driver for putting it together.

  13. MilagroPeyton says:

     United Kingdom

    Great toy, instructions were perfect but does take a long time to put together.

  14. RJXPriscil says:


    Im Groen und Ganzen super zufrieden. Unsere Tochter ist rundum glcklich. Das einzige mini Manko, ist der aufwndige Zusammenbau, sehr viele Teile, Schrauben etc.. Bei uns kam zwar kein Telefon wie auf dem Bild, sondern ein Handy (findet unsere Tochter super). Qualitt scheint mir bis jetzt sehr gut zu sein, aber bei dem Preis ist das auch wohl zu erwarten denke ich.
    Nach 5 Jahren Nachtrag: Schrauben fast alle ausgefallen, Gerst wo die Vorhnge sind, alles locker geworden mit der Zeit obwohl es nicht benutzt wurde auser zum Tpfe aufhngen. Schrauben haben schon nach kurzer Zeit schlecht gehalten genauso die Plastikteile die fr das einklinken der Tren da sind. Sie ist immernoch bespielbar, Lacke halten super das einzige waren eben nur die Schrauben und Plastikeinstze der Tren sonst immer noch Spitze.

    Kann es nur weiter empfehlen!! //Nachtrag

  15. LavonneLedoux says:


    Im Groen und Ganzen super zufrieden. Unsere Tochter ist rundum glcklich. Das einzige mini Manko, ist der aufwndige Zusammenbau, sehr viele Teile, Schrauben etc.. Bei uns kam zwar kein Telefon wie auf dem Bild, sondern ein Handy (findet unsere Tochter super). Qualitt scheint mir bis jetzt sehr gut zu sein, aber bei dem Preis ist das auch wohl zu erwarten denke ich.

    Kann es nur weiter empfehlen!!

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought this for our 1 year old boy. He absolutely loves his play kitchen and it keeps him entertained for a long time, every day! It takes a while to assemble (1.5-2hrs) because there are so many pieces and so many screws, but that just means it’s well made! The color coded screws are a nice touch.

  17. JadeTipping says:


    This set has been a huge hit! My only complaint is that the faucet is kind of fragile and my daughter broke it within the first couple of days (sharp plastic pieces broke off too so be careful!). My niece has had one of these for a few months longer than us and nothing has broke so it may not be a common issue.

    For anyone setting this up, note that there are 3 different colours for the same piece (screws). It’s not a big deal but I didn’t notice until the end so I have 2 in the wrong colour/place.

    Even without the faucet anymore she still spends a good hour every day with it. Well worth the price!

  18. Anonymous says:


    Meine Tochter hat die Kche zum Geburtstag bekommen; sieht toll aus, ist sehr stabil gebaut. Die mitgelieferten Utensilien laden zum Spielspa ein. Das mitgelieferte Telefon entspricht nicht jenem auf der Abbildung, ist aber zum Spielen dennoch ok. Die Aufbauzeit ist sehr langwierig trotz super Beschreibung, daher ein Stern weniger. Kche auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen!

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is amazing! We bought this for my little girls 3rd birthday and she has not stopped playing with it. It took my husband about 3 hours to put together but it was well labeled and the instructions were perfect. Cannot recommend this enough!

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great kitchen. Daughter loves it. Set aside a few hours to put it together though!!

  21. CierraBlalock says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWir haben auch sehr lange berlegt diese Kche zu kaufen. Aber ich habe mein Mann berzeugt, das “sein Mdchen” (10 Monate alt) so eine Kche zum 1 Geburtstag bekommen soll. Gesagt, getan! Nach 2 Tagen kam die Kche pnktlich an. Verpackung? Sehr gut! Aufbauzeit: (Mein Mann und ich zusammen) 3 Stunden. Aufbauaufwand: sehr einfach! Alle Bretter heil und bis auf eins alle nummeriert. Toll war aucj das alle Schrauben Buchstaben hatten und einzeln verpackt waren. Sogar Ersatzteile waren dabei. Die Kche sieht genau so aus wie auf dem Bild bei Amazon, nur dass das Telefon jetzt ein Smart Phone ist 😉 Wir haben die Kche bereits aufgebaut und ja unsere Tochter ist klein aber spielt jedentag damit und sie freut sich sehr Obst und Gemse aus dem Khlschrank zu holen und mir zu geben.

  22. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWir haben auch sehr lange berlegt diese Kche zu kaufen. Aber ich habe mein Mann berzeugt, das “sein Mdchen” (10 Monate alt) so eine Kche zum 1 Geburtstag bekommen soll. Gesagt, getan! Nach 2 Tagen kam die Kche pnktlich an. Verpackung? Sehr gut! Aufbauzeit: (Mein Mann und ich zusammen) 3 Stunden. Aufbauaufwand: sehr einfach! Alle Bretter heil und bis auf eins alle nummeriert. Toll war aucj das alle Schrauben Buchstaben hatten und einzeln verpackt waren. Sogar Ersatzteile waren dabei. Die Kche sieht genau so aus wie auf dem Bild bei Amazon, nur dass das Telefon jetzt ein Smart Phone ist 😉 Wir haben die Kche bereits aufgebaut und ja unsere Tochter ist klein aber spielt jedentag damit und sie freut sich sehr Obst und Gemse aus dem Khlschrank zu holen und mir zu geben.

  23. Laurel @ Ducks in a Row says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought as a gift for a relative, this corner kitchen was put together in about 2 hours and with no problems. The little girl who found this on Christmas morning was very happy and she loves to open the doors to place random objects inside (she’s quite young). She loves to mimic washing the dishes and making a cup of tea with her tea set. Her basket of fruit and veg is easily stored in the fridge section of the corner kitchen. It looks really attractive and feels homely with the provided pans and curtains. She really loves playing with this kitchen and I’m sure will use it for a few more years yet! It’s not overbearingly big, but it is a decent size, yet still leaves room for other furniture in her bedroom. The quality of the materials in the kitchen seem good and the flatpack panels were undamaged on arrival. This kitchen was on sale at 130 just before Christmas and we’re lucky to have bought it for that price.

  24. PamPerduehs says:


    Fantastica. Regalata a Natale alla mia bimba di due anni e mezzo. Ci gioca tantissimo. Rifinita benissimo, robustissima. Non le manca nulla. Ci vogliamo ovviamente delle ore per montarla in quanto molto grande ma le istruzioni sono chiarissime. Consegna puntualissima. Prodotto di ottima qualit. La consiglio. Costa rispetto alle altre ma c’ il suo perch!

  25. TraceeEsquivel says:

     United Kingdom

    Beautiful well made kitchen. My daughters face on Xmas morning was priceless! It does take someone with carpentry knowledge about 3 hours to put together though, but so worth it!

  26. CraigS05wxi says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI have 2 year old twins and they LOVE it. ok they fight a little bit over who gets to stand in front of the sink and I’m surprised (knock on wood) that one of them hasn’t slammed the others fingers in the fridge door yet. It is the perfect height for them and they use it every day. It is a bit of a process to put it together, if you thought Ikea furniture was bad… this one will give you a run for your money. Just make sure you give yourself some time to get it all together otherwise you might be up all night if you need it for the next day. Once it is together it is pretty solid though.

  27. John Falcone says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNach langer berlegung haben wir uns fr diese Kche entschieden. Ich war Anfangs skeptisch da ich einige Rezensionen gelesen habe das Teile kaputt oder zerkratzt geliefert wurden. Darauf habe ich natrlich alles nich genauer angeschaut.
    Unsere Kche wurde makellos geliefert.
    Der Aufbau dauerte lnger aberces war in ser Anleitung alles gut beschrieben und auch jede Schraube ist perfekt Sortiert und beschrieben.
    Die Kche hlt auch einiges aus. Meine Tochter hat sie zum ersten Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen und ist manchmal recht grob.
    Sie liebt ihre Kche, und wir auch.
    Total niedlich gemacht, wunderschn.
    Ein echter Hingucker. Wir werden oft gefragt wo wir sie herhaben, weil bei uns eher Plastikkchen oder diese kleinen 1Meter Kchen Standard sind.
    Ich wrde sie immer wieder bestellen.

  28. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAchet en 2014 pour ma faille de 4 ans, je ne regrette pas un instant cet achat.
    Il a t assez facile monter seul (2h environ si on est tatillon) et ma fille a jou avec des heures avec sans aucune lassitude.
    Aujourd’hui encore elle y joue et sa petite soeur de 2 ans l’adore.
    Effectivement le prix rebute un peu mais il faut le voir comme un investissement car contrairement certains jeux qui finissent au placard, celui-l les enfants l’adorent. Quand je parle d’enfant, je parle aussi des autres enfants qui viennent la maison et qui adore y jouer, surtout les garons 😉

  29. RafaelaHrv says:

     United Kingdom

    Beautiful kitchen! Although it did take all evening to put together, but so worth it.
    The quality is lovely, the worktop is a nice varnished wood, all of the door and fixings are really sturdy.
    It’s VERY heavy when assembled so if your little one likes to throw objects down the back of things, it won’t be a quick shift to retrieve it.
    The only minor criticism I have it that the curved worktop on the opposite side to the fridge sticks out about 3-4″ which my little girl kept knocking her head on when she stood up getting things out of the washing machine.
    It’s really well finished and super hard wearing, it’s something that can be handed down time and time again. Although my little one is only 3 I don’t doubt that I’ll be seeing my future grandchildren playing with this too. It’s going to last a very long time. Well worth the money.

  30. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersEn recevant le colis j’ai eu peur car j’ai vu qu’il avait t rescotch plusieurs fois visiblement mais au dballage, rien ne manquait. Par contre l’intrieur peu soign, je m’attendais des pices abmes et puis non…

    En revanche j’ai t impressionne par le plan du montage, la numrotation de chaque pice, la planche des visseries trie et numrote et le montage expliqu au top!!!
    J’ai mis du temps mais je me suis rgale car pas de prise de tte, pas de doute, tout tait clair…

    Ma fille aura bientt 19mois, elle s’amuse dj bien avec sa cuisine, c’est chou de la voir…

    Je suis ravie et surtout conforte dans mon choix car j’avais hsit entre plusieurs modles mais cette cuisine et superbe et je pense qu’elle va durer longtemps…

    Je conseille…


  31. Anonymous says:


    Unsere Tochter hat diese Kche zu Ihrem 2. Geburtstag bekommen, da sie auch in der Kinderkrippe am liebsten mit der Kche spielt.
    Der Aufbau ging ganz leicht und flott, da alle Kchenteile und Schrauben beschriftet sind. Einfach super!
    Optisch ist die Kche der absolute Hingucker. Sehr s gemacht, mit vielen Details.
    Qualitt finden wir auch Top.
    Wrde ich wieder kaufen.

  32. Product Reviews Net says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent could not ask for better for my Grand Daughte

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersLovely kitchen! Bought for my nearly 2 year old for a Christmas present and she loves it! Took partner just over 4 hours to put together though, but worth it! (Easy for me to say haha!)

    Would recommend!

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for my three year old daughter at Xmas took 3 hours to build but I am very happy with it. Daughters loves it plays with it everyday! Brilliant size well worth the money would definatly recommend!!

  35. JeanettQuinto says:

     United Kingdom

    Fabulous kitchen, my two children age 3 and 6 love this.

    My daughter who is 3 loves the idea of it having a washer machine.

    Fabulous quality and very heavy. It’s very pretty and lovely

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Overall v good quality. Just a few niggly chips on edges etc… On the whole tho that’s me being picky as my daughter loves it too bits. The smile on her face forgives anything. Instructions for assembly are excellent, but don’t get cocky read everything as there are subtle differences . Took me about 2hrs to build but I do know one end from the other of a screwdriver. Get some help if you don’t as the odd slip could see you easily damaging something. Lovely product when finished so worth it. So much better than the plastic rubbish otherwise available. Comes with spare bits n bobs aswel in case you lose em in the carpet lol. All bases covered , Enjoy

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant kitchen my 3 year old loves it and so do I! Well worth the money only took 1 person 2.5 hours to build 😀

  38. Anonymous says:


    Verpackung war sehr gut und nichts war beschdigt. den aufbau machte mein mann, da ich als frau leider nicht so begabt bin und ich denke auch das ein wenig handwerkliches geschick auch fr diese kche notwenig ist
    kche wie abgebildet – sehr schn und mit viel liebe im Detail unsere tochter mochte gerne damit spielen. wir haben uns bewusst fr eine stabile holzkche entschieden denn das plastikzeug ist mir zu instabil und auch wirklich nicht sonderlich schn
    wrden wir jederzeit wieder kaufe

  39. PatriciaNesbitt says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI’ve just spent about 4 hours assembling this kitchen and wanted to share my experience with potential buyers. The first step was to unpack the many parts and check that nothing was missing. This was an easy task as each piece was clearly labelled and simple to compare with the inventory diagrams. The pack of fixings was excellently put together with each item clearly identified and colour coded to match the surrounding material at its location. The pack also contained some extras in case of loss or damage during assembly. The instructions were very easy to follow with clearly defined images and logical steps keeping the process simple. If I had to give advice it would be, not over tighten the plain wood screws as it would be easy to strip the threads. Everything went together well with good alignment in most cases. Where several parts had to align with each other I found it better to leave the screws lose until all parts were attached then tighten once alignment was achieved.
    Over the years I’ve assembled lots of flat pack items but I have to say that the quality and accuracy of this kitchen made the whole process a pleasure. I was very impressed wth the end result and would highly recommend it. My 3 year old granddaughter will love it I’m sure and I can’t wait to see her face on Christmas Day.

  40. DarnellNobles says:


    Super schnelle Lieferung. Obwohl wir kein Prime haben kam die Kche am nchsten Tag.
    Zum Aufbau: Als mein Mann und ich das Paket geffnet haben kam erstmal die Angst, jedoch vllig ohne Grund. Jedes Brett ist mit eine Nummer beklebt und auch die Schrauben sind kompakt zusammen und mit einem Buchstaben markiert! Bei den Schrauben ist sogar ein Fach dabei das mit “Extra” gekennzeichnet ist falls was fehlen sollte. Bei den schrauben wurde auch darauf geachtet das sie den selben farbigen Kopf wie die Bretter haben. Also bei Rosa – Rosa, bei wei – wei usw. Liebe zum Detail wird da sichtbar.
    So war die Kche in Null komme nichts aufgebaut…
    Sie is super schn. Unserer Tochter gefllt sie auch wahnsinnig gut. Ich denke wir werden lange Freude an der Kche haben.

  41. Anonymous says:


    Wir haben diese Kche vor einem Jahr unserer Tochter zum 2. Geburtstag geschenkt und sie liebt sie immer noch hei und innig.
    Der Aufbau ging mit der Anleitung recht fix und die Teile sind gut gearbeitet. Sehr robust und bietet unzhlige Mglichkeiten fr neue
    Spielideen. Kann sie nur empfehlen und wrde sie immer wieder kaufen. TOP

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Beautiful kitchen my 2year old twins had this for their birthday they absolutely love it, however it was very difficult to put togethe

  43. Scott Learn The Oregonian says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBrilliant product looks amazing when up my partner put it together by himself and it is lovely

  44. [email protected] Emma Button says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 92 From Our UsersPutting It Together:

    I had read other reviewers before purchasing this kitchen and did not believe reviewers claiming a long assembly time. My husband and I do this sort of thing on a regular basis and I assumed together we could knock it out on 2 hours. I was wrong! It took over 5 hours before it was complete, with 2 adults working on it (and with a toddler climbing over the pieces during assembly).

    Here are tips to make your assembly go smoother then ours did (The instructions are not detailed enough to make it easy or fast):

    1. The ends of screws/bolts are color coded: yellow for wood pieces, pink for microwave door and to attach pegs to pink valance, silver for oven door, curtain rod, and metal pieces, and white for the majority of it (which is white). This is fairly logical, but since the instructions do not state this, you find it out half way through and waste time correcting the mistakes.

    2. The screws/bolts are neatly identified by number (example: J) in separated compartments, however there are multiple compartments for each number (example: J)) containing the exact number of screws/bolts needed for each job (example: attaching oven door handle). Again, the instructions do not make this clear, so it is easy to think you ran out of screws/bolts or worry you don’t have enough if you don’t know that you have to look for them in multiple places/sections.

    3. The instructions have you start off attaching hardware (handles, knobs, etc) to separate pieces in a haphazard fashion, which waste time because you have to find and handle each piece more then once. It is completely not logical the way it is laid out. If you are good with visualizing the final work from the various pieces then, skip ahead in the instructions to where the pieces are formed together into the final structure and attach the stove pieces/sink/valences before attaching the counter, attach oven shelf grooves to interior of oven and attach the knob/handle to the oven door before attaching it to the rest of the structure and do the same with refrigerator/freezer/ washing machine doors so you don’t have to handle them multiple times.

    4. Keep plastic snack bags/masking tape/pen available to label and use them to separate extra screws you don’t use (you will need them later on and they easily become lost) if you are assembling this while your child is awake. The best option is to do it while the kids are in bed, but do it on a weekend because you will be up late and fairly comatose the next day.

    Playing With The Toy:

    The kitchen seems sturdy, is made of medium density fiberboard/particleboard (MDF) with real wood poles (soft not hardwood) and wood veneer counter-top, plastic clicking knobs and accessories, fabric curtain and oven mitt, 2 small metal pot/pan, 1 thin metal spatula, and 1 metal ladle. The metal cooking utensils are a little flimsy and will probably need to be replaced by others if your child is hard on their toys.

    I purchased this kitchen because it was the cheapest one I could find with a refrigerator and enough counter space to place the ‘Melissa and Doug Wash and Dry Dish Set’ next to the sink. It does fit the dish-washing set, however the counter top is much smaller then I expected. This kitchen is a fine size for one child, but I do not think it is large enough for two to play comfortably. The space is very cramped. For example: The oven and microwave doors hit each other while being opened which will potentially shorten the life of the doors (damage), but your child may like the banging noise the collision produces 🙂

    My daughter loves playing with this kitchen while I make dinner and I am glad I bought it, however there are a few things a perspective buyer should be aware of:

    Even though the kitchen is a corner kitchen, the back of both sides are not very pretty if you don’t want to use it in a corner. The backing for the cabinets is white, but has 2 unsightly circular holes in each piece. I used this kitchen to divide the room and had to cover the backside with art board to give it a smooth look. You could also attach a chalkboard or farmers market stand to the front if you wanted to cover the holes and add play options for your child.

    The circular door for the washing machine is pretty small and it can be hard for a guy with big hands to empty out all the things their child throws into the opening. The interior of the washing machine is larger then the opening, so it can get really jammed and crowded with toys.

    A child under 3 years old will need to be constantly observed during play because the kitchen provides many unstable climbing surfaces. My daughter is two years old and almost flipped the entire kitchen on top of herself while climbing when my back was turned. She also can not get the oven shelf back into its grooves and complains every time she takes it out. Save yourself a headache by removing it/hiding the oven shelf until your child is coordinated enough to play with it properly.

    I prefer unisex colors for all the kids toys, but this was $100 less then the unisex kitchens… so if your child has a sibling on the way (might be a boy!) you can prevent future embarrassing photos for your little man, by using red/blue/yellow contact paper on most of the girly pink parts. You will need basic sewing skills to change the curtain/potholder fabric color. The pink plastic oven knobs/handle can be sandpapered/spray painted or replaced with wooden ones.

    I would replace the chalk board completely with a good quality slate chalkboard. The pink part is plastic. The chalkboard surface is porous and will not hold up to years of chalk use without becoming disgusting.

    I did get this on sale for around $150 and think it is a good value for what I paid, however there are better options out their if you are paying more.

    Honestly, if I lived in a house and had some work space (instead of a small apartment without a yard), I would have built my little girl a real sturdy hardwood kitchen from scratch… the kind of heirloom piece that would last generations. It would be sturdier, safer, last longer, might be cheaper to build, and I think I could even assemble it in half the time! 🙂 It’s all just boxes put together with doors on them, so it isn’t hard to design your own if you have some creativity and ingenuity.

    If you do decide to build your own instead of buy: For safety reasons make sure your doors open from the side (not top down oven doors), or your child will use them like a ladder and the door will come off/kid will fall.

    Hope that helps!

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersAbsolutely love it. Bought for my DD 2 years ago ( she’s 4 now ) and she plays with it all the time. Every little friend or cousin ( boy or girl ) that comes into the house goes straight to it and keeps them entertained for hours! It fits perfectly under our stairs & we added the ikea trofast beside it for extra storage. It’s been played with constantly and even with little 1 year olds pulling out of it and opening and closing the doors and there isn’t a mark on it! Highly recommended 🙂

    Absolutely love it. Bought for my DD 2 years ago ...

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is lovely, as you’d hope for the price. It’s a great size and will last my four year old for many years. The quality is excellent and the build, while it does take a couple of hours, isn’t complicated. My only issue is that the dials for the cooker and hob were missing from the original package. A replacement set was issued but they sent the wrong parts. So now, a month on, I’m still waiting for the right parts. Thankfully these aren’t essential or I’d have had a very disappointed birthday girl. That said, it’s such a lovely kitchen that I recommend it anyway.

  47. EdisonRittenhou says:

     United Kingdom

    Lovely kitchen, looks great and loads to play with. Has lots of room to store food etc. bottom left cupboard fits the Casdon washing machine inside. You have to take the Door clip off to get it in but meant the children can’t pull it out which is a bonus. Really please with this produc

  48. BridgetCascarre says:

     United Kingdom

    I highly recommend this product. Everything was numbered and the screws and bolts were organized. Very good quality. Cannot wait to see my little boy face on his birthday.

  49. EileenBishop says:

     United Kingdom

    My granddaughter loves it. Best bye I have ever purchased. Would highly recommend this.

  50. HamishDickerman says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBrilliant! Very well made and our little girl of 2 loves it. Only downside was it took a while, mostly due to a few screw holes not lining up very well.
    Still well worth the money.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My daughter really love it.high qality kitchen.very happy.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It took my brother 6 hours to put together but the end result is excellent. The product was delivered very quickly. It is exactly how it is in the picture and in the product discription. My baby girl loves it and plays with it everyday.

  53. Prakhar Khanna says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThrilled to bits with the new kitchen for the playhouse – even if it took two of us nearly five hours to build! Clear instructions to follow. Sturdy design, perfect size, worth the money. I hope my grandchildren love it as much as I do! Arrived quickly and very well packaged. Would highly recommend.

    Grandma's new kitche

  54. RandellO43 says:

     United Kingdom

    This kitchen is very beautiful when together..but it will take 3 hours to get there! Its very sturdy and well designed and much prettier than any other kitchen we’ve had and thats most of them! However..although instructions are generally good some things could be clearer..also quite a few screw holes did not lign up which really irritated my husband! All in all its worth the time and effort but its not cheap and construction should be easier..also there should be a line on the phone..its just asking to be lost!

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFantastic Packaging.
    All pieces numbered.
    All fastenings come fully organised, alphabetically ordered for ease of construction.
    All the above being said, still takes a couple of hours assembly.

    Fantastic Product - Well Done KidKraft!!

  56. IndianaPoninski says:


    Nach Erfahrungen mit anderen – gnsigeren – Plastikkchen hatten wir unsere Erwartungen schon gesenkt. Aber die Anschaffung hat sich gelohnt: Perfekte Verarbeitung und uerst robust. Das hlt ein ganzes “Kinderkchenspiel-Leben” lang, selbst bei intensiver Nutzung. Die Tatsache, dass das Ensemble nicht ganz so viel Detail-Schnickschnack aufweist wie ihre Plastik-Konkurrenten, ist da wirklich zu verschmerzen. Kinder haben genug Fantasie.

  57. Caroline Haskins says:

     United Kingdom

    This kitchen was bought as a Christmas present & my 2 year old twins & 4 year old daughter love it. It is a well put together bit of kit although the screws provided to attach the feet were the wrong size so we had to nip to the local DIY store for replacements. A few months down the line & it has a few bumps and scrapes but still looks great. I would recommend if you are looking for a nice looking sturdy kitchen for your kids. Plus it has the added bonus that you can store all your kitchen accessories inside!

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Took my husband and son about 3 and a half hours to build but it looks good and is sturdy and our little grandson loves it. I really like the retro style and much more stylish than a plastic kitchen whichi is what I bought for my children when they were younger. I’m sure our next grandchild will love playing with it too.

  59. Trista2611 says:


    unglaublich aber es ist wahr!
    viele meine Freundinnen, die die Spiekche von Kidkraft bauten, sagte es mir:
    3 Stunden dauert es, egal was du versucht…
    Ich und mein Mann waren fix und fertig beim bauen.
    Positive – Wie alle finden : schn und gross und aus holz!
    Negative – Bei der Lieferung wurde paare Teile gekratzt und das ist rgerlich bei ber 200
    Aus Holz aber auch nicht massiv. (Ikea freund…)
    Bei den Tren des Khlschranks gibt es weisse plastikteile, die beim zuschlieen die Tr klemmt,
    aber nach 3Tagen wurden sie kaputt gegangen.. also..wie gesagt.. ikea…freund..oder noch schlechter…

    Aber ich habe 3 Kinder, musst einfach grosse Kche kaufen! In Asien verkaufen sie noch mit Upgrade version.
    Man kann extra paar dinge kaufen und selbst installieren : Telefon zum Handy wechseln und Beleuchtung,Geruscheffekte bei Kochfeld.

  60. Alicia8266 says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this for my daughters 3rd birthday. Had it at a great price too. Took my partner around 3 hours to construct with an electric screwdriver. I organised the pieces into numerical order to help. A few pieces were marked or chipped but you can’t see them now it’s put together.
    She absolutely adores playing with it. Great toy!

  61. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What every little girl dreams of! My 16month old daughter loves this kitchen and plays with it everyday. It did take three hours to put together mind with two adults but well worth it and very well made

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A fantastic kitchen, my 2 children who are 2 and 4 get a lot of joy out of this toy. It’s made of strong wood and makes lovely clicking sounds when cupboards are opened and closed and dials are turned. It’s not the tallest kitchen in the world, but it fits in my childrens room prefectly! Would definately recommend this kitche

  63. Anonymous says:


    My little girl absolutely loves this kitchen. There are only a few drawbacks to it. First, be prepared to spend some time putting this unit together. Thank goodness I didn’t wait until the last minute to put this unit together before Christmas! Second and more importantly, the faucet unit over the sink is made of some light and “less-solid” plastic material. My little girl started to pull at it and I swear it was on the verge of breaking off.

    So far so good though.

  64. AnnelieMcArthur says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely fantastic kitchen it did take about 2.5 hours to build however it had very easy instructions to follow this kitchen will last our 3 yr old many many years it’s so study and made of top quality wood well worth every penny and minute building i

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy father and law and I put this together in about 2hrs and 15 min on Christmas Eve. We did not use power tools as the materials felt a bit too frail and it really was not necessary as this is a finesse job. We did have our own phillips screwdrivers and wrenches. Having two people working on this at once is a big advantage. One of us was determining and collecting the materials needed for the next step while the other executed on the prior step.

    There were a couple of instances in the instructions that were not particularly clear. However, if you skipped ahead a couple of steps you could deduce the appropriate orientation of the pieces and which piece it was referring to.

    Overall I would say that this is a bit more complex than most pieces of IKEA furniture but well worth the work to see my almost 2 year old daughter’s reaction on Christmas morning.

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Still on a box! Very excited about this little kitchen!!! Can’t wait for Christmas to put it together! The only thing is we bought it recently of here for 100 so if engine is planning to buy one wait for the price to go down again!!!

  67. WoodrowVerdin says:

     United Kingdom

    My son has just received his kitchen as part of an early Christmas and he absolutely loves it. I built it myself over 2 nights and in total took 5 hours. The only problem I encountered was the screws to put the feet on. All 4 of mines got stuck with quite a bit left to go. I had to remove them with a vice grip and use proper screws instead. These went in a lot easier and it is still very sturdy. Amazon offered to replace the full kitchen when I explained my problem but I had spent 3 hours assembling the kitchen before I got stuck with the screws. Me and my son are very happy with our purchase. I just wanted to highlight the feet problem .

  68. ThaddeusMatthew says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGorgeous quality wooden kitchen with lots of lovely features (moving plate in microwave, clicking dials on oven, phone). Took about 3 1/2 hours to construct but was so much easier to make than our usual ikea purchases (screws etc in individual labelled compartments to prevent any confusion) – they even had red covering on screws.
    Love it – and more importantly my daughter does do – highly recommend

  69. Kim Bullock says:


    Die Kche ist wunderschn und sehr gut verarbeitet. Die Schrauben passen sogar farblich zur Kche. Der Aufbau war sehr einfach erklrt und zu zweit haben wir es in drei Stunden geschafft. (Ich bin eine Frau). Einziger Mangel ist, dass die Kche fr diesen Preis leider keine Gerusche macht wie andere gnstigere Kchen. Die Tren gehen auch teilweise sehr schwer auf (z. B. Waschmaschine) und die Drehknpfe sind auch bisschen schwer zu drehen. Aber meine Tochter hat sie zum zweiten Geburtstag bekommen. Vielleicht hat sie nchstes Jahr mehr Kraft, damit sie die Knpfe drehen kann.

  70. QuyenEERpza says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a lovely kitchen! It took my husband 5 hours to build it by himself. Very solid and sturdy!

    Only negative is that the screws for the legs were too small! We will contact the company and ask for new bits-
    But it is fine without legs! I will update on what kidkraft customer service is like….

  71. TheresaHutchiso says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this for my little one this Christmas, still in the box but checked and everything looks good! Can’t wait to see his little face! Best one around I think! Looked at loads and this is perfect!

  72. Albert Bassili says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWir haben die Kche zum 2. Geburtstag unserer Tochter gekauft.
    Die Lieferung erfolgte zwei Tage spter durch UPS.
    Fr ihre Gre ist die Kche sehr kompakt verpackt.
    Der Aufbau hat uns zu zweit ca. 2 Stunden gekostet. Durch die absolut detaillierte und beraus verstndliche Anleitung war dies jedoch wirklich ein Kinderspiel. Die Bretter und Schrauben sind durch Zahlen und Buchstaben markiert, was zu keiner Zeit Ratlosigkeit aufkommen lsst. Wie bereits in einer anderen Rezension gelesen, kann sich IKEA hiervon eine ganz groe Scheibe Service abschneiden!

    Die Kche steht absolut stabil und auch die Plastikteile machen einen guten Eindruck. Die Tren wackeln nicht und lassen sich gut ffnen und schlieen.
    Meine Tochter entdeckte die aufgebaute Kche nach dem aufstehen und war direkt begeistert. Sie kam mit ihren zwei Jahren gut damit zurecht. Das Tren ffnen klappte ohne Hilfe. Die Hhe der Arbeitsflche ist auch fr 2-Jhrige geeignet.

    Heute, nach einem knappen halben Jahr, sieht die Kche noch aus wie am ersten Tag. Selbst nach dauergebrauch einer 2-Jhrigen! Es ist noch nichts abgeblttert und die Plastikkomponenten sind noch an Ort und Stelle und funktionieren reibungslos.

    Anfangs hatte mich der Preis ein bisschen abgeschreckt. Heute kann ich nur sagen, der Preis ist es wert!

    Ich kann diese tolle Kche wirklich uneingeschrnkt empfehlen und wrde sie jederzeit wieder kaufen bzw. verschenken!

  73. Frenalyn Untalan says:

     United Kingdom

    I am very happy with my choice. The delivery was very fast(1 day) and on time. The assembling took a couple of hours for my partner but he was very pleased to see the great quality of this little kitchen. The packaging was superb, all items were individually wrapped protecting them from scratches.
    I am sure the kids will love this fantastic kitchen. I highly recommend it to others!

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic my little girl loves it she plays for hours and will last for years very happy:) gits perfect in corne

  75. SophiaHubbard says:

     United Kingdom

    Great sturdy, gorgeous wooden kitchen for our 2 year old. He loves it and so does his older brothers. Took a good 2+ hours to put together, but instructions were easy to follow, and all parts of good quality. Should last for years to come!

  76. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    I started assembly of this kitchen at 11pm on Christmas Eve thinking it would only take an hour or so. I was wrong. It took quite a bit longer than that. I am good as assembling things, but there are just so many parts to this. I should have known I was in trouble when I saw the size of the box (small).

    That said, once assembled it is great quality and durable. We did have a defect in the washer door and I went on KidKraft’s website and was able to order a replacement (free) and it was received within a couple days. You really can’t beat that customer service.

    My daughter is about 22 months and she loves the kitchen. It doesn’t take up a huge amount of space being a corner unit.

  77. PZHZackwopto says:

     United Kingdom

    Well built, sturdy and my two girls love it. The quality is excellent which is what I wanted as my two have already managed to dismantle a previous kitchen toy!

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this kitchen for my daughter for Christmas, and she loves it. But I would like to add that it is very time consuming to build. Between my husband and myself I think it took us about four hours to build. That being said it is very soild, sturdy and well made.

  79. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    But don’t procrastinate until the last minute to put this together. I ordered this in plenty of time for my husband to get this together for Christmas for our son, but you know how things go. This took several hours to put together, and I really didn’t feel like the instructions were very clear. There were a couple of bolt issues too according to my husband, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome with some patience. They did supply a good amount of extra hardware, so that is always helpful. Over all this is a great and sturdy kitchen. It is a little smaller than some of the other ones, but I don’t mind that and feel like it works for our smaller house. My son will be 3 in a couple of months and is about 3 feet tall and I can see him still playing with it for a couple of years. I love that it isn’t so girly, because boys love to play pretend with food and cook too. It might be nice if it had some “sound” features, but really not necessary. There is lots of storage for the food. We bought the Melissa and Doug food and pots and pans set and it fits really well. The only thing I would caution you on is to make sure you bolt it to the wall or something. We put it in front of the Christmas tree without bolting it and when he pulled one of the doors the latch is pretty tight and the Kitchen fell on him. That is definitely no fault of KidKraft, but, I thought it was worth mentioning. They do include the hardware to do that. If you can’t bolt it for some reason, I would recommend leaving the latches off since when you open the cabinets/etc it takes some force. Over all this is a great little kitchen and I am glad we bought it. I felt the price was just right and so far the quality seems to be good after a couple of weeks of use

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good quality product, just the right size for our 18 month old grandson.
    We bought this kitchen for Christmas, be warned it takes about two hours to assemble so maybe a good idea to do it before the special occasion .

  81. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is one of the best purchases for my then-two year old. Over the last year and half, she has grown with it, and still enjoys it immensely. It’s a bit of a project to assemble (time-consuming), but straight-forward and if you’re like most parents, you’re pretty used to putting these types of things together. The look is great. The size is great. It’s perfect for a corner of a room. I love the little curtains and pots it comes with. My daughter “calls” Santa on the phone all the time to thank him for the kitchen. Goes great with Melissa and Doug food items. Plenty of storage/space in the fridge. It’s relatively hardy, though one of the wood pieces on the back of the freezer bowed when we relocated my daughter’s nursery. All in all, very pleased.

  82. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWe got this for my daughters 2nd birthday and not only does she love it but so does my almost 4 year old son! It seems really hard wearing and looks amazing, a really nice change to so many awful plastic toys. Would definately recommend.

  83. StacyReitz says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPurchased for preschool play group the kids love it and the colour was great it was easy to build and the children help to unpack i

  84. Bob Joseph says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI got this today – arrived very promptly! Construction was easy enough with the help of very detailed instructions. My 3 year old loves it. He has played with it non-stop since getting it. Personally, I love the vintage design, which fits into our home much, much better than the cheaper, plastic versions, and this one with last!

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usershis kitchen is great!!my child has hours of endless fun with it. Perfect height too for a 20month old as all the other kitchens I saw were too high for her to reach to top of. The paint does chip easliy so beware when building!

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersgreat product. one door was pe screwed wrong so had to have another sent out . but my little girl loves it hours of fun .:)

  87. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis kitchen was bought for my 19mo old daughter for Christmas. This kitchen was very well priced (much less than the price at time of posting this), so we bought it as soon as we saw it. We made a comparison to the plastic kitchen sets and decided that this one had much more style, quality and beauty. It is truly a very sturdy and cute/eye-appealing piece. It did take a while to assemble (as I describe below), but that was not enough to detract too greatly from the positives of this item. Hence, I only deducted one star because I believe the quality and style of the piece and the satisfaction I got after finishing assembly and still get seeing my daughter play with it daily far outweigh the amount of time put into assembly.

    The reason for 4 stars instead of 5 is due to, what I deemed, an overly long assembly process. The assembly has ~35 steps and took me 4-5 hours. The hardware package is a cardboard piece shrink wrapped in plastic. The cardboard has very poor perforations for each set of hardware, making it very difficult to punch them out, causing situations where multiple compartments would open and scattering and combining some hardware that looks very similar. I tried to be very careful to keep the pieces separate to make sure that, in the end, I had used all the pieces and also that I wasn’t short any pieces. Other hardware packages I’ve seen (individual plastic packs) have been much easier to work with. The instructions were very clear and I never felt lost in the process. However, some steps seemed truly unnecessary if the manufacturer had just attached some small pieces to other pieces and packaged them that way. For example, the handles for the freezer, refrigerator, microwave and oven doors should have come pre-attached. I’m sure they could figure out some package configuration to make that happen in the existing box. Also, all the knobs that hang the pots and pans needed to be individually attached. These little things add up. One additional note is that there are slight imperfections (small chips or flakes) on several edges of painted/powder-coated surfaces (both plastic and wood). I personally don’t think that this should be cause to reduce the rating, but you should beware if you are looking for that “never-chip, never-flake, dyed plastic” kitchen; this isn’t it.

  88. SophieTFWf says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersBought this for my daughter whos almost 2yr old for Xmas, excellent height & chunky features makes it easy to open/turn for her. Excellent quality & sturdy kitchen. Plenty of storage to hold all pretend food, pots/pans set which are included are of good quality & perfect size for little hands & also my just turned 4yr old boy loves it too, big enough for 2 possible 3 to play at 1 time. Kitchen came well packaged & took 3hrs for daddy to build (who is quite handy)! So give yourself plenty of time! All in all would highly recommend kitchen.

  89. Eric Brackett says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat quality kitchen, our daughter loves it. It took about 2.5 hours to build it but each piece is numbered so the instructions are easy to understand. Fabulous product and years of fun ahead.

  90. Anonymous says:

     France 🇫🇷

    j ai achet cette cuisine pour le noel de ma fille qui aura 4 ans donc je lui est mont pour que justement le jour j elle puise jouer tout de suite avec et j avais tres tres peur etant une femme le montage de meuble nest pas evident et franchement j ai fini de la monter hier j ai mis 3h seule il faut juste un tournevis et perceuse ce qui est super c est que les plaques sont noter ainsi que les vis donc super rapide par rapport a d autres enseigne qui mettent les vis dans un sachat et cest a vous de vous debrouill pour voir quel vis va avec quoi
    par contre vu le prix un peu decue je l a pensais un peu plus grande et effectivement il m anque des etageres et quelques accesoires en plus serait un petit plus

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersBought this wooden kitchen for my god daughters 3rd birthday, comes complete with some accessories, but more can be bought in stores like mothercare etc.
    Although fiddly to construct, over 140 peices it was well worth the 6/7 hours toil to see her face in the morning. Would be handy to have electric tools as hard on the hands after a few hours. Very well made and instructions pretty clear for a novice like me.

    Has given her hours of fun so far and sure to give many more, my grand daughter loves playing with it as well when she visits and they have tea parties for the teddys and dollies.

  92. ElsaStopford says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy daughter had this for her 4th birthday and has played with it daily for the past nearly 2 years. It was very hard to put together but once it was together it looked absolutely amazing. It’s such a beautiful kitchen with lots of storage for any items you wants to add to it. Easy to clean and very well made! We love it!

  93. EddyPickrell says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersLo compr como regalo para mi hija quien acaba de cumplir 2 aos. Al verlo se qued alucinando! Pasa todo el da diciendo ‘kitchen, kitchen’ (‘cocina’ en ingls), quitando y poniendo cositas de un sitio a otro. Como juguete es muy divertido.
    Quera algo duradero que nos valdra durante aos y creo que cumple con eso. Tambien me gust que dos nios pueden jugar con ella a la vez.
    Mi nica queja es cuando mi hija cuelga el telefonillo en su sitio, deja marquitas de pintura (color plata) en la madera. Es poca cosa, pero algo es.
    Tard 2h30 para montarlo todo (sola y haciendolo con mucha tranquilidad) usando un destornillador electrico y otro manual. Las instrucciones estn claras y faciles de seguir.

  94. MarisaQIFV says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought this for my 18 month old and 3 year old and they absolutely love it. It did take about an hour to put together, but it’s very sturdy and looks great. Amazon shipped it over to hong kong just for 22 pounds! Very happy with my purchase.

  95. ingrid2 says:


    Ich habe diesen Artikel fr 199euro gekauf. EInfach eine Traumkche ,da schlgt nicht nur das Kinderherz hher. Sie ist zwar nicht gerade leicht auszubauen ,mein mann brauchte vier stunden . Aber es lohnt sich , Material ist super ,es wurde auf alles geachtet . Schrauben wurden sogar in rosa gefrbt. Ich wrde da gerne noch mal selber Kind sein . Hat das Geld sich wirklich gelohnt, hatten vorher eine aus plastik ,kam nicht annhert an diese aus Holz ran . Alles wie bei einer grossen Kche. Kann ich absolut weiter empfehlen . WEiter so …

  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersI recently purchased this kitchen for my daughter for her 2nd birthday and she LOVES it! It is so cute and stylish and she just looks adorable in her 50’s skirt cooking up a batch of cookies 🙂 The whole thing is really well built and the instructions are clear with all parts very well labelled. It took me 2.5 hours to put together but this was prior to my morning coffee and I am far from a handy woman! You need to be careful of the paint when putting it together as it scratches easily which is the only downside, however as I had been warned of this I was careful and only ended up with one small mark that you can hardly notice. Melissa and Doug red accessories go very well with it. Enjoy 🙂

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat toy my daughter loved it !! It’s a great sturdy product although it took 3 hours to construct !!

  98. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI bought this kitchen for my daughters 2nd birthday, she absolutely adores it and I loved the fact it is different from most other play kitchens.
    The structure is strong and sturdy, it took about 2 hours to put together but the end result is lovely.
    The doors can be a little stiff to open, but thats the only negative comment I can make about this charming kicthen. I can tell already it will be played with for years, and she loves having friends round to play too, it’s big enough to occupy more than one child which is a great bonus.

  99. LorrieFurey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersWe bought this kitchen when we were redecorating my 3 year old daughter’s room and are really happy with it. My daughter loves it, particularly the little extras like the telephone and utensils. Hours of fun to be had. Recommend it highly.

  100. fredrik says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWe got this for our 2.5 year old daughter for Christmas. After reading the reviews, I convinced my husband to put it together a couple days before Christmas so he could take his time (we hid it on our porch), so the time consuming problem wasn’t too bad. Our daughter loves it, and although she’s colored on it already, the marks wiped right off with no problems.

    Overall, I’m very happy with our choice. It’s super sturdy, has lots of play area, and has some very cute and semi-realistic options. It doesn’t make any sounds or light up, but it allows her to use her own imagination in this way. Very cute and fun kitchen choice.

    Perfect for our 2yr old and wipes clean!