Loupedeck+ The Photo and Video Editing Console for Lightroom Classic, Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Camera Raw, Photoshop, After Effects, Audition and Aurora HDR

Hands-on and highly intuitive – Loupedeck’s buttons, dials and sliders ensure your eyes and hands work seamlessly together. Complete control at your fingertips – adjusting and fine tuning your images and video becomes simple. Command multiple editing functions at the same time. Ergonomic design enables you to edit your photos and videos with ease.
New integrations with Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Final Cut Pro make video editing faster, intuitive and more affordable.
Total focus on your image with full screen editing. More functionalities. More customisation options. More control than ever before.
Designed in Finland.

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Get confident. Get creative. Experimenting with new editing techniques is easy. Adjustments are quick and simple. Meaning you can spend more time on what’s important – getting your photo or video just the way you want it. | Ergonomics enable you to edit thousands of photos and video without breaking your flow. Loupedeck+ lets your eyes stay on the image and your hands on the console – giving you total focus on your craft. | Take charge of your editing. Get your image just the way you want it with a plethora of customization options. | Pro or beginner, achieving the perfect edit quickly becomes second nature with Loupedeck+’s intuitive buttons, dials and sliders. Put the fun back into your photo and video editing. |


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Weight: | 1.18 Kilograms |
Size: | 39.5 x 15 x 4 cm ; 710 g |
Dimensions: | 3.96 x 1.52 x 0.41 metres |
Brand: | Loupedeck |
Model: | LD+ |
Part: | LDD-1801 |
Colour: | Matte Black |
Colour: | Matte Black |
Size: | 39.5 x 15 x 4 cm ; 710 g |
This is really awesome it makes editing so easy! I at times feel like i have a DJ board or whatever they’re called. It is Fantastic for precise editing absolutely useful i still at times prefer the mouse but this was very useful in helping me cut down on time. I would love to see some backlight in the future of this product. I have followed it since its gofund me days and I am very proud of their work.
IG @NeyeNAb
For lightroom this is absolutely incredible. I’m not particularly interested in an increase in speed (although it is faster). It is far more intuitive to use than a mouse and keyboard and much more enjoyable which leads to better and more creative edits.
I’ve seen this for years but never thought it was worth the price tag. I was wrong!
Looking forward to using it in premiere nex
Wegen der teils sehr kritischen Bewertungen zgerte ich sehr lange mit dem Kauf — was mich inzwischen etwas rgert.
Die Hardware-Verarbeitung / Materialanmutung lsst sicher Spielraum fr zuknftige Versionen, aber da Bildbearbeitung kein Action-Game ist, halte ich das Loupedeck+ fr angemessen stabil.
Unter Lightroom Classic erlebte ich eine sehr steile Lernkurve — wunderbar!
Auch wenn man anfangs keine Lust hat, sich durch die Vielfalt mglicher Einstellungen zu arbeiten: Man kann mit den Standardeinstellungen hervorragend arbeiten.
Fr mich ist die gesparte Zeit beim Bearbeiten der vielen RAW-Bilder jeden Cemt wert. Htte ich eher kaufen sollen, das praktische Teil … 😉
Ho comprato questo controller circa due anni fa. Uso principalmente Premiere e Lightroom e non riuscirei pi a tornare ad usare la tastiera (il che problematico visto che sto per switchare a Da Vinci. A dire il vero, uno degli ultimi controller Loupedeck supporta Da Vinci. E con un po’ di pazienza e smanettamento, anche questo Loupedeck Plus si pu configurare per Da Vinci, da quanto leggo in giro).
Ne faccio un uso abbastanza semplice per entrambe i software, quindi non arrivo a configurare i (mi pare) 4 livelli di layout. Uno per me pi che sufficiente.
La quantit di tempo che risparmierete usando questo controller impressionante, e render alcune task molto pi agevoli.
Do 4 stelle perch dalle foto sembrava molto pi solida, invece si tratta di plastica quindi dovrete trattarla con cura (detto questo, la porto spesso in giro e non si ancora scalfita).
The shipping of deserves a one star but the Loupdeck is awesome. Only hope that it could keep up with the updates that Adobe is doing to their products
I didn’t find any flaw so far. It’s very smartly build and easy to use.
Turning a physical knob or wheel gives you much more control when adjusting sliders.
As a Photographer and Editor, this editing console is such a helpful and timesaving device for me. I spend hours together on lightroom editing everyday. This speeds up the work time by 50% . As it is mainly made for Adobe Lightroom, all the controls and shortcuts you need are there in the console and you can even edit every single knob/button to your liking. It even works on other editing softwares as well (Premier Pro, After Effects, Photoshop , etc..,) You just need to do some tweaking in the provided loupedeck software.
I didn’t face any issues with it and it is working just fine. Yes, it is a little expensive, but, if you’re an editor/Photographer and u spend hours on lightroom, then definitely it’s worth the price.
I really like this console. It’s well made and light weight. I like what it supposed to do. I wish it worked with more apps I use Lightroom cc and it states only classic. I also use Topaz studio and NIK. It requires several downloads to get started. I’m still downloading the software.
Used this on Premiere pro. it was. game changer. Finally i could move around in the interface the way i always should have been able to. But the product basically has the design and quality of a cheap keyboard. If you are charging $250 then the hardware should be solid and next level quality. Its not. The price is ridiculous and they charge it because they they think they are the only game in town. I Love the functionality so much that I will either buy a used Pallete because the quality is ten times better or I will find this product used for under $150. If they made this closer to that price range it would sell so much more. Or just make a more solid product with better design and i would gladly pay $250. if your ok with cheap plastic for 250 the functionality is amazing. Also, there is a series of color dials that have 0 use for premiere pro, it makes no sense to not allow these to be mapped to functions as i had many ideas what i could do with them. also, a serious design flaw. Why not make the whole product useful?
After almost a year of using this, and if you are photographer looking to improve your workflow while using Lightroom, then this is tool you need, some keys feel kind of odd as well the “cling on them” do not feel like smooth, but the improvement working with the edition is great, of course there is ia learning curve but once you use to it, the process is very simple, in my case I’ve manage to reduce the time of editing from 4 hours in 50+ photos to 1.
By the way I use it with Mac
I have no idea how this works… Bought as a gift for my wife who is a professional photographer. This has taken her a little getting used to, but now she has mastered not it’s cut 30% off her editing time. Allowing her to focus on other things. She’s very happy with it.
I heard this product was highly rated from others and decided to give it a try. Although it seemed a bit pricey, I have to admit it is well worth the investment ! It makes editing photos so much faster for me, and that is very important to me as a professional photographer ! I love it and highly recommend it to anyone who edits alot of photos in lightroom or photoshop !
This massively improved my workflow, saving me hours and hours of work. I highly recommend it.
I am a hobbyist, using FCPX, AURA HD, LIGHT ROOM, PHOTOSHOP, Extensively, At the moment only had the unit for 2 days, I can see the value, also edited some recent Raw pics, they were greatly improved after Loupedeck Editing. Great product. Trust there will be software for Luminary’s 4 shortly?
Product makes it very quick and intuitive to dial in a photo and then copy/paste to a batch of photos. Still trying to figure out how to customize some controls, but it will come with time and practice.
How did I ever get along without this? I publish multiple newsletters and maintain multiple websites, so I spend a lot of time in Photoshop, Lightroom, and Premier. This product saves me a ton of time and a great deal of my sanity. The bottom line is that it is easier to twist a dial than go through multiple menu selections and move sliders on-screen. Honestly, I think I doubled my productivity since I started using this.
…to replace a previous version for a professional photographer.
Of course it’s over-priced because they have the market to themselves BUT it does everything he needs to make photo editing easier.
He recommends it.
Excelente producto .ms Agilidad al editar . Me va bien al editar en premier y light room
Loupedeck Ltd is truly a brilliant product I very much appreciate it and how it is so easy to used and makes editing very much creative. I glad I Brought this product , it is excellent as it allows you to work at a much better pace and at a a very creative style. Their customers Services are 100 % awesome and they helped me a great deal as I was started to used this product. I am feel very creative and know it going to allow me to enjoy the whole creative process.
This device is great. You will find yourself editing twice as fast. There is a slight learning curve for those who have used a mouse to edit their photos in lightroom for years, but once you get the hang of it, there’s no going back to the mouse. I would go on to say that this has been the best purchase our photography company made last year.
Foest impressions were really good. The packaging is fantastic and I was very impressed.
Upon opening the box i was greeted with a quality product. I downloaded the software and then plugged it it, loaded lightroom and it just worked!!
I customised the spare nob for texture and some of the custom buttons to some other favourites that have been added after this was developed.
It takes some practice to get the muscle memory… I’ve not gotten there yet 🙂
Fantastic and well made, really well done LoupeDeck.
Editing with a mouse sucks, and the thoughtful tactical UI of this product makes editing a delight. I now concentrate on how an image ‘feels’ vs. what numbers I can slide to with my mouse, or enter on my numeric keypad. The customization capability is excellent, and the most used Lightroom editing features are available at my fingertips with fine-tune knobs or scroll wheels.
I backed their initial Loupedeck Kickstarter campaign years ago, and stuck with them because they clearly developed their products from the POV of photographers and not engineers.
I also wanted to give a HUGE shout out to Loupedeck’s sterling customer service. My first Loupedeck+ console developed a warp in the case over the course of one year of use, in normal room temperature conditions, so it ended up ‘rocking’ on my flat desk. I contacted Loupedeck, and shortly thereafter they shipped me a brand new unit, with a FedEx label to ship the old one back to them in Finland — and this was just AFTER the one year warranty was up. I love companies that take pride in their products, and everything I’ve experienced with Loupedeck sets the bar for how companies should develop products and respect their customers.
This loupedeck was purchased as a present so I have no personal hands on experience of it bur as far as I can tell the person for whom this was purchased is very happy with i
Well packaged and delivered on time.
Only just started to use but so far seems to work well. Makes the editing job easier and buttons dials etc feel good in the hand. Only used with Lightroom so far. Good to edit in full screen mode without distraction of toolbars etc.
I use this for editing my photographs, this is the best editing console I have ever usea
i like it! work well,easy to understand and setup. make my editing way faste
le mode d’emploi n’est pas vident et certaines fonctions sont difficiles a reteni
This was a birthday present for my daughter she as wait a long time for this and it great and it is good
I was unsure of this purchase because of the price. After the first set of photos I culled…I was sold. There is literally nothing I have been nothing I have been disappointed in with this unit. I use photoshop, lightroom and premier pro. All have saved me huge amounts of time. I will never be without one of these. The only reason I would trade it out is for a wireless version as I edit a ton on my laptop.
Nach Jahren als Fotografin ist das Loupedeck ein Lebensretter fr mich! Ich dachte bisher, schon recht schnell bei der Bearbeitung meiner Fotos mit Lightroom zu sein. Mit dem Loupedeck konnte ich nun noch mal Zeit einsparen.
Das Loupedeck macht es mir so viel einfacher, meinen Fotos den Look zu verpassen, den ich mir vorstelle- und das ohne nerviges Hantieren mit Mouse und Tastatur. Das Loupedeck ist ordentlich verarbeitet, es wackelt auch nicht- so wie es hier von einigen beschrieben wurde. Man muss natrlich das Kabel in der dafr vorgesehenen Fhrung festklemmen und der Tisch sollte gerade sein- dann steht es fest und nichts wackelt.
Viel Einarbeitung, manche Funktionen erschlieen sich einem nicht, z.B. FC Pro X, Bewegung auf der Time Line nicht mit groem Scrollrad, keine Taste ist richtig beschrieben,, Schablone oder Aufkleber wren fr den Anfang gut.
Es werden noch zu wenig Programme untersttzt! Das Arbeiten macht aber mehr Spa ,als mit Tastatur und Maus.
being a bit pricey, it made my editing life much easier anyway
I really like this product, it’s great as part of a photography workflow. The only issue I’ve had with it is that it doesn’t always work straight out and I find that I have to unplug it and plug it back in. This is not related to the computer as I’ve had the same issue on 2 different computers.
Having physical controllers instead of on-screen sliders/mouse is so much quicker and leads to more experimentation which can lead to some very nice effects!
I should of got one of these ages ago .I am a wedding photographer and have to edit and full large a!pints of images frequently.
Using a mouse to navigate round Lightroom is quite slow and also required a number of clicks meaning that after a long fun of weddings my arm and wrist became very painful .well only had the looped for a day and can definat!y say already saving me time and best of all you just download the software and of you go no major setting up
1) certainement pour une question de financement de ce projet de conception de cette console, elle ne fonctionne pas avec tous les logiciels. (mais a on le sait je le souligne juste)
2) Par contre quand elle est cense fonctionner avec Photoshop ce n’est pas tout fait le cas.
Avec camra Raw aucun souci pour rgler les hautes lumires, l’expo, contraste saturation etc. Les boutons rotatifs agissent bien, sont silencieux et prcis. Mais dans l’dition mme de la photo dans Photoshop ces boutons ne sont plus du tout assigns ces rglages et on ne peut pas les paramtrer ainsi.
On le voit bien dans la vido de dmonstration d’ailleurs.
Le jour o a sera le cas je l’achterai mme le double de son prix, car avoir tout porte de main a serai vraiment gnial.
Pour le moment il faut encore utiliser la souris… Du coup l’argument de l’avantage de pouvoir se concentrer sur son image en ajustant tout sur la console n’est pas trop juste.
J’avais pourtant tlcharg la dernire version 2.7 .
Les concepteurs vont certainement continuer faire voluer le produit et proposer des mises jour.
On dirait une version Bta d’un produit … Ce n’est pas compatible avec le fait qu’il faut apprendre bien le prendre en main, s’y habituer pour l’utiliser de faon optimum.
A suivre…
Pour ma part j’ai tent mais a ne m’a pas convenu.
The deck works great – when it works. But it continually drops the connection to Lightroom, so I have to constantly restart it. It’s supposed to make editing easier, but it ain’t that easy if I have to keep futzing with it to make it work. I hope they resolve this problem soon. I hate to think I wasted this much money on a poorly designed paperweight.
Definitely speeds up editing. I love going full screen and being able to edit large image gets me better results
The person behind the innovation understood the requirements properly
I had the original loupedeck which is great but this takes it to the next level saving even more time in editing.
Je dcouvre petit petit les diverses fonctionnalits de ce concept, qui semble en effet s’avrer trs performant ! cependant, le gros point noir est l’absence de mode d’emploi en Franais, car mme si j’ai quelques connaissances en Anglais, les diffrents termes techniques sont parfois difficiles identifier. Il faut un certain temps pour bien comprendre les interactions des diffrents modules et les combinaisons qui rgissent les outils. Je pense objectivement qu’il s’agit l d’un bon produit, lorsque j’aurai parfaitement intgr son fonctionnement. Un petit bmol : il est impossible d’interposer une rallonge USB (mon PC est trs loign de mes crans) … a ne fonctionne pas ! j’ai du rorganiser mon bureau.
Love it, I am a photographer and this will be a great help
It worked straight out of the box, just made editing in light room very simple
For me the Loupedeck didn’t really speed up my work flow process very much like I was hoping it would (it probably will a little as I use it more). But it did really help me get into the artistic flow of editing photos faster because I don’t have to go searching for all the color adjustments and other controls. I tend to use those adjustments more since they are all an equal distance from my fingers. I hope that as I edit more my fingers will begin to remember just where controls are without having to look down. That’s probably when it will really be better.
I still tend to have one hand on the mouse, you can customize the deck to have movement controls and all but its faster with the mouse. I’ve begun to forget some of my keyboard shortcuts now because I don’t need them when I have the Loupedeck in front of me.
Amazing. Just edited over 1200 photos from a wedding. Normall spend about 24+ hours on this. Did it in just over 5
Great to use but customisation is arbitrarily restricted with some functions allowed on some buttons/dials and not others for no obvious reason. Would be much (so much) better if you could put any function on anything. The help available is very poor with large chunks of functionality not covered properly – this is a shame as this could be a truly great product if only you knew how to use it properly! Even with these annoying problems this is a device that will greatly improve your productivity and creativeness.
El producto hace exactamente lo que se supone que debe hacer. Es muy prctico y agiliza mucho tu trabajo.
i like this product and the price was lower than in ebay
I don’t know how to quantify how much easier this makes my photo editing. I’m a LR-Classic and Photoshop CC user. For Lightroom, this will basically replace your entire keyboard and mouse combo when doing cropping and developing actions. Everything is so intuitive, so things like being able to click to reset and the way the dials and wheels work require little explanation. Probably the most beneficial thing is that while doing the Develop and Crop actions, my eyes rarely leave my image. Editing becomes fast and fun. I rarely write reviews, but this has saved me hours on editing. Admittedly, I’m new to photography, so maybe if I had years of doing it one way it would be hard to overcome my old habits.
What it isn’t – This keyboard does nothing for non-supported apps. I can’t get it to work with XNViewMP for culling. It doesn’t work with Elements for Adobe. Keep that in mind – if it isn’t part of the supported software it will do almost nothing for you. Sometimes a little glitchy, where I have had to plug it back in or restart the software prior to opening up LR. No biggie. And its a bit more on the expensive side, but welcome to niche products + photography. I’ve had this thing for a weekend and it’s saved me 4 hours at least doing editing, so factor your time into the equation and go from there.
Coming from a traditional darkroom where you turn knobs to make actual adjustments, this is SOOO cool and not just in a novelty way… The price is pretty hard to take, but if you are in a stuation going though a lot (hundreds/thousands) of photos at a time its well worth it just for sorting ease. I can also see how overtime it will allow you to become a better editor I am already finding myself using adjustments i would have never used without the ease of the loupedeck. Only complaint is the cord but I think speed would drop if it was cordless ask a gamer… lol
Overall I am happy I splurged on myself I think the quality is good, and its not that much more than a MAC/Corsair/other high end mechanical keyboard. It would be cool if it was built like a Corsair keyboard… I don’t need RGB but that cord… It would be better braided since this is going to get moved anytime its not in use, also at least backlight stuff PLEASE lol the color wheel dots are pretty small and who likes to have ambient light on to read a keyboard? Also since you insist needing a USB it would be cool if you had a passthrough USB on the deck somewhere, it’s wide enough you could easily put one on the side (I am sure you are already developing the next version). Its mostly NICE plastic…. Titanium or something would be cool but then again I probably couldn’t afford it if you did that lol. But don’t think because it’s plastic its ‘cheap’ its extremely well made. I think a lot of the bugs and stuff you read will be resolved with firmware updates, just make sure you are using the correct Lightroom version for your firmware it matters. ALSO INSTALL DIVERS BEFORE YOU PLUG IT IN!!!!
Seems well built, but not excessive for what it is… much like a quality keyboard. The knobs, dials & buttons seem of good quality and function smoothly. I think this will be a valuable add to my photography workflow.
I say ‘unusual’ because have only used it for about half an hour. I am 100% confident it will be superb. I have used the basic colour, vibrance, exposure, etc., controls, and they are absolutely brilliant. It is great that pressing the knob down will remove the adjustment made previously, even if it is a few steps behind. Great to concentrate on seeing the image change on-screen without having to move the mouse, sliders, etc.
There IS a learning curve, but it will be worth it. For example, I press ‘Export’ and nothing happens – it should apparently be possible to take the image straight into Photoshop. Never mind, I will find how to do it. Pressing the arrow key does not move on to the next image. Once more, I will find out how to do it. Correction, two days later. It works – security settings have to be updated on the Mac (don’t know about PC).
In that half hour I plugged it in and did the adjustments on twelve photos. The only thing i really dislike – so far – is that you can’t turn it off, except by unplugging the USB cable. Finally, the instructions are complex, but then I suppose they have to be. There SHOULD be an installation guide, even if it was a sheet of white paper, you have to wade through the problems section on the website to find out that you need to change security.
i will update this review after a few weeks.
I use most creative cloud products on a daily basis, especially Premiere Pro. I’ve always hankered after control surfaces but baulked at the price. I wasn’t sure about this as it’s designed for Lightroom (which I also use a lot) so thought I would give it a go.
First few hours with it now, but have to say one of the best things I’ve ever bought. Physical controls make everything so much easier, more intuitive and faster. Yes there’s a learning curve, but well worth the effort.
Simple test, if you understand what this is, you probably need it.
Fantastic piece of kit, make adjustments on Lightroom easy, almost intuitive, and subsequent file handling a doddle.
This definetly help you speed your video editing, and even more for photo editing. My only complaint is the fact that the keys on the keyboard does not match the software, plus they could better organized the position on the keys. The concept is awsome and i am surenthe enxt version would be bette
It’s amazing. Highly recommend it for anyone serious about photography. It makes editing fun and even more creative. Everything your would ever want is at your finger tips
Llevo utilizando la consola unos meses y estas son mis conclusiones:
– Si editas grandes cantidades de fotos, con la consola lo hars volando
– El ajuste “fino” que consigues con la consola en comparacin con el ratn, es increible (solo lo entenders si lo pruebas)
– Tiene muchisimas posibilidades de personalizacin de sus botones
– Puedes dejar el ratn de lado para casi todo
– Por ahora solo he encontrado a faltar la retroiluminacin (aunque tampoco es un gran contra, por que no edito a oscuras) y quiz que fuera bluetooth (aunque en mi caso tampoco es un problema ya que lo utilizo solo en el despacho).
Como conclusin, lo recomendara y sin ninguna duda lo volvera a comprar.
P.D.: Por ahora solo lo he probado con Lightroom, pero tiene compatibilidad con otros programas como Photoshop / Adobe Premier / etc….
I use Adobe Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC , Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC, Audition CC… and it’s amazing how this panel works seamlessly with all of them giving me a very professional workflow with a lot less mouse clicks and pad scrolls!!
Super intuitif, plutt que de faire a la souris, c’est l’idal pour faire de l’talonnage de base.
ATTENTION de choisir la bonne version ! Il s’agit bien de LOUPEDECK + ! Seule compatible avec Premire Pro…
Je recommande….
Aber nun mal zum Gert an sich: die Verarbeitung finde ich okay. Nicht wirklich auf dem Niveau eines rd. 250 Gerts in dieser Kategorie aber doch in Ordnung. Einzig das groe Drehrad knnte stabiler ausgefhrt sein. Es hat ziemlich viel Spiel und lsst sich sehr leicht von links nach rechts, oben und unten kippen. Auch wrde ich es toll finden, wenn es sich leichter drcken liee. Beim Druck darauf (vor allem beim Beenden des Crop-Modus in LR) hat man immer Angst, das Rad durch den starken Druck nochmals anzudrehen und das Bild zu verrcken. War aber nie der Fall bei mir.
Das Loupedeck hat ein sehr gutes Gewicht, was es stabil da stehen und wertig wirken lsst. Ich finde die kleinen weien LEDs bei manchen Knpfen sehr praktisch. So sieht man gleich, in welchem Modus man sich befindet.
Was ich gut finde:
+ Sehr gut funktioniert das schnelle durcharbeiten der Fotos (vor allem, wenn man die Bilder schon mit einer 1:1 Ansicht importiert hat). Mein Workflow beinhaltet hauptschlich die Belichtungskorrektur, Lichter, Tiefen , das Anwenden eines Presets und eine 5-Stern Bewertung als Exportmarkierung.
+ Man kann mit der Zeit die Fotos fast blind bearbeiten, wei, wo sich welcher Knopf und welches Drehrad befindet und kann sich dabei voll auf das Bild konzentrieren, whrend man die Anpassungen macht. Eben so, als wrde man mit einer Schreib-Tastatur und 10-Finger-System arbeiten. Sehr effektiv!
+ Man erspart sich ganz einfach gesagt Zeit. Quasi die Wege, die man mit der Maus durch die Gegend fhrt, um den passenden Regler zu finden, das Preset auszuwhlen usw. .
+ Mir gefllt auch die feine Regelbarkeit mit den kleinen Drehreglern. Man hat nie das Gefhl, die Kontrolle zu verlieren. Des Weiteren reagiert die Anpassung in LR auch sofort auf eine Drehbewegungen. Ein Problem gibt es aber mit dem groen Drehrad im Crop Modus. Dazu unten mehr.
+ Die sofortige Verfgbarkeit vieler Presets auf Knopfdruck. Man braucht zwar ein gutes Gedchtnis, wenn man sehr viele unterschiedliche Presets nutzt, aber es ist toll, diese Mglichkeit zu haben.
+ Die Konfiguration der ganzen Regler und Knpfe mittels Loupedeck Software ist auch spitze gemacht. Man kann extrem viel selbst belegen. Es gibt einen Custom Mode (eigene Taste am Loupedeck), mit dem man einen Groteil der Regler auf eine andere “Ebene” umschalten und seine komplett eigenen Funktionen einstellen kann. Hierzu wre es dann aber sicher angebracht, die Regler irgendwie zu beschriften. Hier wren kleine weie Felder unter den bestehenden Beschriftungen toll, auf die man mit Bleistift die angepasste Funktion schreiben kann.
Was ich nicht so gut finde:
Leider gibt es von meiner Seite auch einiges zu bemngeln. Also:
– Lokale Anpassungen. Zwar bietet der Treiber/Gertesoftware des Loupdecks beinahe alle Mglichkeiten, auch Pinsel, Radialfilter, Verlufe & Co anzuwenden, allerdings bin ich da mit der Maus 10x schneller. Zugegeben, ich habe es nicht mal ausprobiert. Will ich aber auch nicht, das kann einfach nicht so effektiv und schnell funktionieren, wie mit der Maus.
– Es wre toll, wenn man die Gradeinstellung des groen Drehreglers im Crop-Modus anpassen knnte. Fix eingestellt sind 0,8 Drehungen. Das klingt auch nach einer sehr kleinen Schrittweite. Dennoch kommt es sehr oft vor, dass es nicht fein genug ist (der Horizont muss bei mir immer exakt gerade sein, da bin ich sehr genau 😉 ) und ich das Bild damit nicht so hinbekomme, wie ich mchte. Hier muss man dann erst wieder mit der Maus nachhelfen.
– Verzgerungen der Einstellungen zwischen Loupedeck und LR. Ja, ich habe zuvor erwhnt, es gbe keine Eingabeverzgerung. Das stimmt auch, aber nur insofern, dass man bei einem Knopf-Dreh auch sofort die Anpassung sieht. Will man schnell mehrere Aktionen hintereinander machen (z.B. Foto bewerten, Belichtung anpassen und dann gleich ein Preset anwenden (jedoch trotzdem in einer normalen Geschwindigkeit), dann kann es passieren, dass LR erstmal nicht reagiert. Es wird einem der ausgefhrte Befehl zwar als Text am Bildschirm angezeigt (wie bei allen Aktionen brigens!), jedoch kommt hier ziemlich sicher LR nicht mit dem Ausfhren der Befehle nach, da ich auch schon fter eine Fehlermeldung mit einem Timingproblem erhalten habe. (FYI: an zu wenig Leistung meines Systems mit einem Ryzen 1700X 3.4GHz, 32GB RAM und einer GeForce 1070Ti wird es garantiert nicht liegen).
Dann muss man fter z.B. den Preset Button drcken, bis dann nach dem 3. oder 4. mal jenes Preset auch angewendet ist. Vielleicht ist es auch eine Treiber Sache und das Ganze wird noch gepatched in Zukunft.
– Hat man LR oder PS im Hintergrund geffnet und benutzt man das Loupedeck gerade nicht, reagieren beide Anwendungen trotzdem auf Eingaben durch das Loupedeck, wenn man z.B. mal versehentlich einen Regler bewegt o.. . Das nervt sehr! Ist auch gefhrlich”, wenn im Hintergrund gerade hunderte Bilder exportiert werden, alle markiert sind, man an einen Drehregler kommt und sich pltzlich alle Fotos zugleich ndern! Katastrophe, wenn man das nicht bemerkt. Dann ist die gewonnene Zeit gleich wieder dahin!
Mein Fazit:
Im Groen und Ganzen bin ich damit sehr zufrieden und bereue den Kauf nicht. Auch wenn es seinen Preis hat, ist jener durch diesen speziellen Anwendungsfall und die Zeitersparnis gerechtfertigt. Vor allem fr all jene, die sehr oft sehr viele Fotos bearbeiten und aussortieren mssen. Fr Berufsfotografen wird so ein Betrag nun auch nicht extrem ins Gewicht fallen, die ersparte Zeit jedoch schon! Fr reine PS Anwender wrde ich es nicht empfehlen. Da ist noch immer das Grafiktablett die 1. Wahl.
Ich werde das Loupedeck+ auf jeden Fall weiter benutzen und hoffe, dass ich dadurch in Zukunft viele wertvolle Minuten und Stunden sparen kann!
I’ve not customised any of the buttons yet as I’m in the middle of a wedding shoot edit with time constraints. I am looking forward to customising it for myself.
There are some reviews saying it doesn’t sit flat on the desk, this must be small problem as mine is perfectly flat.
I’ve been able to edit photos in such a short period of time, and the biggest help I’ve found so far is full screen editing.
Get one, you won’t be disappointed
My Background
Have used photo editing software for almost 40 years and photoshop from version 2. But now that I have the Loupedeck+ I am going back through my photos again because it makes me better! Have worked in the prepress world for magazines and newspapers. In a day I go through tons of photos.
Loupedeck+ Rocks
It puts all the controls I want at my fingertips so I do a better job quicker. Set up was easy. It can be customized easy. But I haven’t changed a thing. I use it in Lightroom the most. I use it in Premiere. I have a new phobia. What would I do without it!!!???
Thanks for this great product.
Quality and build are brilliant reduces time in post editing
I bought this as I had just shot a wedding and had over 4000 photos to sort and edit. I started using this with Lightroom Classic CC and I am amazed at how it easy it makes the whole process, I genuinely did not think it would have that much of an impact. After just a few minutes, I wasn’t even watching what my hands were doing, I found myself just looking at the photos I was editing and getting them exactly the way I wanted them without worrying about faffing with the sliders on the right of the screen. Having physical knobs and dials makes this a truly tactile, stress-free experience. I really can’t recommend this enough. 50 photos done, just another 3950 to go!
This is just based on a few days of ownership in which it did take a bit of getting used to is great in which you are not eyeing up your sliders while adjusting your image. its ideal for those minor adjustments and speed but there are a few things in which could have been better, 1st, the usb cable could have been removable as for people who have a hub on there desktop could buy a shorter cable so didn’t have a metre of cable trying to hide. 2nd would have been those little legs keyboards have to angle them, I have used some bottle caps to angle the board as i find it too flat. and 3rd, an enter key, as when you click on export you either have to use your mouse and click ok or your pc keyboard’s enter key in which if you have had to place the keyboard to one side is pretty annoying. Don’t get me wrong this is a great bit of kit for what its intend but there is still some refinement to be offered in which you can put your keyboard to one side and just use this, hopefully in the next versio
First off, I must agree this has beautiful packaging.
I received this as a Christmas gift.
When working in Lightroom I find this easily replaces any need for my own keyboard, all of the options in the develop mode, that I used to use shortcuts for, seem to be covered.
The ‘custom mode’ mode button allows you to access a secondary set of controls, such as your tone curve. I really enjoy the tactile feeling of having knobs and dials, I makes working in Lightroom feel much less frustrating.
It’s not magic, it is just a midi controller, but I like it, and I use it every time I power up Lightroom if I can. I would recommend it to someone who uses it A LOT. This and a graphics tablet are all you need for serious retouching.
The reality: a really slick web site and packaging (a thick brown cardboard lidded box, with an embossed black box inside which itself has a black embossed sleeve) gives the impression of a high-quality product, which it should be at 200! First issue, the unit didn’t sit flat on my desk, who wants a rocking ‘keyboard’ ? I contacted the support guys weeks ago, but no response. I found that the issue had be reported on the US amazon product page, with a solution from the Loupedeck support of putting it on your knee and bend it back into shape. Well that worked and it has remained flat ever since. Other main issue is that it feels cheap, especially the large ‘control dial’ it wobbles around like a joy stick, but it isn’t.
I have been using it on an off for three weeks. I am still not yet proficient with it but getting there. I still use the mouse, mainly for; cropping, straitening, applying the graduation filters and the spot removal tool. I have made my own personalised ‘cheat sheet’ to remind me what all the controls do, including the few I have customised.
I really really want to love it. I do like it and will keep using it. It is worth 200? Probably, if you value your time, as it will save you loads of time and considering how much we all pay for our camera equipment and computers, go for i
Fullfills it’s primariy function nicely. To me it is a game changer. Not needing to take my eyes off the picture and watch my adjustments take effect in real time (provided the used computer is fast enough). Added benefit is that the full screen can be shown without distracting menus as they are mostly obsolete with the keyboard. It does reduce post processing time without a doubt.
Only criticism is the high price tag and that the customizability isn’t quite as flexible as I had hoped.
The product quality is really great, just like the responsiveness of the support team. The Loupedeck Plus is a worthwhile tool for Photoshop and Lightroom Classic, it will drastically speed up the editing workflow. We are very happy with that, and would recommend it to any professional. Many thanks for the Loupedeck Team from Aniko Portrait Photography.
Once the software is downloaded and running, the Loupedeck+ does what it says. With a few turns of knobs or pressing of buttons most of the major editing functions can be controlled. Cropping, black / whites, shadows / darks, clarity / sharpening etc. The only time a mouse is needed to the ALT key doesn’t work with the adjustment controls, so if you want to do (say) alt + whites to see the effect of the adjustment, the mouse & keyboard is required. But 90%+ of the strain on your wrist is removed, and controlling the sliders is much more accurate. And supplier pposted and delivered in incredibly quick time.
Loupedeck Plus has transformed my relationship with Lightroom. As it says your eyes are on the screen as you make adjustments. If it is so easy to work often play about with several adjustments at any given time without having to search for the adjustment when it is not in the section that you are using. So fast and intuitive to use. It is more than an extra. It is a must!
Ottima tastiera, utile per chi lavora con lightroom, per visto la possibilit di configurare tutti i tasti e potenziometri, con tutti i soldi che costa potevano fare anche un manuale in italiano. Altra cosa non mi piacciono le rotelle taratura colori poste in orizzontale, Potevano sistemarle anche quelle in verticale come tutte le altre che sono molto pi funzionali. Ha molte potenzialit, ma se aveva un manuale in italiano verrebbe sfruttata molto di pi! Comunque a parte questi aggiornamenti, la consiglio.
Als das Loupedeck+ bei mir eintraf, hatte ich groe Erwartungen. Der erste Eindruck war gut. Das Gert kommt in einer ansprechenden Verpackung, die das Essentielle und keinen unntigen Schnickschnack enthlt. Schnell wurde der Treiber installiert und ich konnte das Mischpult direkt mit Premiere verknpfen. Die blichen Tastenkrzel fr die Arbeit mit Premiere hat Loupedeck direkt integriert, was die Arbeit zu Beginn enorm erleichtert. Die Belegung und Anordnung der einzelnen Tasten ist sehr intuitiv, so dass ich mich schnell an die neue Arbeitsweise gewhnt habe. Das Blttern in den Aufnahmen, das Festlegen der In- und Outpoints sowie das Schneiden haben super funktioniert. Das wahre Highlight ist allerdings die Farbkorrektur, denn diese muss sich nicht im Lumetri-Farbfeld befinden. Ein einfaches Drehen an den Reglern fr Belichtung, Sttigung und Kontrast etc. sorgt schon fr die gewnschte Vernderung und dabei knnen sogar mehrere Regler gleichzeitig genutzt werden. Durch die przisen Regler sind auch feine Farbkorrekturen mglich. Das Loupedeck+ hat meine Arbeit in Premiere Pro unheimlich effizient gemacht.
Ich bin mit dem Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis total zufrieden. Wenn man bedenkt, wie teuer andere Produkte zur Videobearbeitung sind, sind 230 absolut gerechtfertigt. Zumal das Loupedeck+ eben auch noch die Bildbearbeitung mit anderen Programmen ermglicht. Ich bin gespannt, was da in Zukunft noch von dem finnischen Hersteller kommt und mchte das Loupedeck+ schon jetzt nicht mehr missen.
Mit den defaultmigen Einstellungen konnte ich schon super arbeiten. Meinem Workflow entsprechend habe ich ber die sechs frei belegbaren Regler noch weitere Anpassungen vorgenommen. Bildnderungen sieht man sofort und ohne Verzgerung in Lightroom.
Da ich ab und zu auch mit anderen Programmen wie Aurora arbeite, habe ich auch das mal kurz angetestet. Der Wechsel zwischen den Programmen funktioniert einfach und Loupedeck gibt auch direkt ne Info, welche Knpfe nun mit welcher Funktion belegt sind. Auerdem ist es wohl noch mit Capture One und Premiere Pro kompatibel, hab ich bisher aber noch nicht selbst ausprobiert.
Ich kann das Loupedeck+ nur jedem Fotografen ans Herzen legen. Von mir gibts deswegen 5 Sterne.
Product arrived on time and was well packaged. A few thoughts right off the bat.
1) It’s not plug and play. I am too used to plugging in periphials and having them install. The directions state that you should download drivers first. So I unplugged and did that. But then ran into a problem
2) When i booted lightroom, I received a TCP error. Two restarts later – same error. I went to Loupedeck support, which indicated I had to resent a file in Mac via terminal. But there was no direction on how to do it. I contacted apple, who couldnt help. After digging on the internet a bit, I found a reset for the same issue with iTunes. That worked. It would be helpful if Loupedeck would reference similar directions or point you to the fix via the internet.
Only other comment is that the keys are a little plasticy. I would put them on par with a logictech keyboard. Not an issue really, but for $250 weighted switches would be nice.
Having said all that, the unit works as advertised, and is effective. I think, as a pro shooter, this can help me speed up my workflow enough to pay for itself. Happy with the purchase – would have been 5 stars if installation had been simplier.
I was wrong, it is absolutely worth the 200!
Firstly it makes choosing, discarding, and grading images superb fast. I’ve over 100,000 images to go through and this will save me days.
Secondly it has taken my post processing to a whole new level. It is difficult to over state how much easier and quicker it is to get the results you want. With everything at your fingertips literally, it’s a completely different experience to using a mouse or graphics tablet. Find myself altering settings I used to ignore.
My only grumble is that for 200 it should come with a carrying case.
I bought the one in the picture for 20 and it does a serviceable job.
XANAD Logitech Craft Case for Logitech CRAFT Wireless Keyboard Storage Travel Carrying Protective Case https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07CB8KW1V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_jP4kCb1B4XPXC
I purchased this product to use with LightRoom Classic and it seems to work very fluently with the program. Like all things, there’s a small learning curve to set up and use efficiently but I believe if you push yourself to use it often, it will integrate more & more into your workflow.
When adjusting the knobs, the onscreen program will jump to the item you selected to change which is good. However, it only shows the section where that item lives and not to the item itself. Meaning, if you have an expanded few of different sections you would need to still grab your mouse to scroll the side panel to see the value of that specicif item being changed.
Excellent piece of equipment which allows me to be more precise using th excellent dials. Very solid.
Die vorgegebene Belegung der Tasten und Drehregel ist sinnvoll. Dennoch hier mein grter Kritikpunkt: Warum kann man nicht ALLE Bedihnelemente an die eigenen Vorstellungen anpassen?? Vor allem in Custom Modus wrde ich den Drehregeln gerne andere Funktionen zuweisen, geht aber nicht.
Mein vorlufiges Fazit nach ein paar Tagen: Ntzlich fr den Alltag, mir persnlich hilft es, die Nachbearbeitung zu beschleunigen und vor allem angenehmer zu machen. Qualitt ist nicht optimal, aber akzeptabel.
Das Loupedeck Plus ist preisgnstiger, wirkt im Vergleich etwas wertiger, die Tasten stehen etwas ber die Tastaturoberflche heraus und bleiben daher nicht mehr so leicht in gedrcktem Zustand hngen.
Tasten und Funktionen wurden sinnvoll erweitert.
Fr meine Bedrfnisse f. d. digitale Entwicklung von RAWs und gezielter Bearbeitung in Adobe Lightroom 6.14 (letzte Kaufversion) sind die defaultmigen Einstellungen vollkommen ausreichend, ich musste bis dato nichts gezielt anpassen.
Mchte das Loupedeck Plus keinesfalls mehr missen.
Im Falle eines Softwarewechsels wre die Kompatibilitt mit dem Loupedeck Plus ein entscheidender Kauffaktor.
Derzeit kompatibel mit Aurora HDR, Capture One, Premiere Pro und Lightroom ab Lr6.
Ich denke, dass knftig auch noch weitere Programme mittels Firmware-Updates dazu kommen knnten.
Zur Funktion:
Ich bearbeite alle meine RAW-Dateien mit LR und habe dabei einen weitgehend gleichen Workflow. Dieser beinhaltet sowohl die Freistellung/Transformation, die Grundeinstellungen, HSL, Gradationskurve, Details und auch Pinsel, Filter etc.. Alle Funktionen lassen sich mit dem Konfigurations-Tool des Loupedeck+ fr meine Zwecke konfigurieren, auch wenn dabei die Anordnung der Regler vielleicht nicht so optimal ist; aber das ist reine Geschmacksache.
Die Regler reagieren sensibel und die Druckpunkte sind straff, so wie ich es mag.
Weshalb ich keine 5 Sterne vergeben kann: Lightroom bietet in den Details (Schrfen) die Nutzung eines Hochpass-Filters (oder zumindest einer dementsprechenden Darstellung) an. Das Schrfen (Betrag/Radius/Details/Maskieren) MIT dieser Option halte ich fr (fast) unverzichtbar! Leider funktioniert dies mit dem Loupedeck+ eben nicht. Eine Anfrage beim Hersteller wurde mit dem fehlenden (Teil im ) SDK von Adobe begrndet; das lsst sich zwar nicht verifizieren, klingt jedoch glaubhaft. Man will versuchen dieses Problem mit Adobe zu klren.
Preis/Leistung: Ja, ich halte den Preis auch fr etwas zu hoch.
Meine Version von Lightroom: Ver 6.14
Noch ein Hinweis: In dieser Version gibt es keinen Regler fr “Dunst entfernen” (Dehaze), In spteren Versionen findet dieser sich unter “Effekte”, die Funktion ist jedoch implementiert! Mit Loupedeck+ ist Dehaze nutzbar.
Okay here is some more feedback
1. Once you get comfortable with it, you learn more about lightroom. Since you have so many features on a dial, you remember to adjust colors, tint, sharpness, etc.
2. You might think that because you know all the commands in lightroom that you don’t need a programable device to help you use it. The difference between having this thing and not having it is like typing a text message with just your index fingers vs using all the fingers on both your hands. Think of how much faster you type because your thumb is always covering the space bar, so you don’t even look at the keyboard it becomes intuitive. That’s how Loopdeck is to Lightroom.
3. These type of products really need to be tried so you can feel the difference. It’s shame there is not one on display at the apple store or in best buy so you can see the difference this type of peripheral makes. Great Great product!
This beauty is amazing! Speeds up my workflow by at least 25%
Image size comparison with XTouch
Buttons and dials are distant to the finest, but they are different from the first generation who was told that “pushing (turning) becomes unpleasant”
Although it is not superior to a high-end gaming mouse & KB, has it become about a thousand yen Cheap article gaming machine (personal impression)
Because this is a pricey device, I would like to seek a switch and texture similar to luxury mouse & KB if possible
Because it is not necessary for everyone because it is dedicated to LR (2 other software seems to be provisionally corresponded) it may be useless
Since the required function is almost implemented as a button (Dial) (2 banks in FnKey) You can access without hesitation (it takes time to get into trouble)
In the case of MIDI 2 LR All functions are manually allocated to buttons, so it is a setting to set ~ from the left according to your workflow
In the case of Loupe Deck, it is an image that is arranged as a control group.
Both of them have advantages and disadvantages, so it’s not supported, but I tried turning on both plugins and I lived together.
If it is unresponsive right after start-up etc., I can go with restarting the plug-in (device rescanning).
From the moment you touch MIDI 2 LR, the value you are adjusting will come on-screen, but LoupeDeck will not be displayed (maybe somewhere in the configuration?)
Does it feel like concentrating on the image Just watching the image in a while makes you not sure the standard?
As the slide bar moves corresponding to the button you are touching, it is good to see it but if it is at the boundary of the scroll it is specification whether it will not go there
Is it the environment of my house? At the moment MIDI 2 LR is better suited to me.
If you buy this thing, be a little patient with it. Like learning how to type, your fingers don’t originally know exactly where to go. Eventually, my brain just learned where all the pots that I regularly use are. I’m much more efficient using the Loupdek+ for most of the images that I need to adjust. I don’t typically make adjustments to individual color tones, so I don’t use the back row of sliders. It almost seems like a bit of a waste to include them, consideringly how rarely I would use them.
As far as the large keys go, I guess they would be important for people who swap keyboards for when they’re editing. For me, I keep the Loupdeck+ directly behind my keyboard, and I use the keyboard for pretty much everything it works for. I use the Loupdeck+ for the pots.
I was going to give this a 4-star rating, but it really does do exactly what it claims, and it saves me a ton of time. If I had to change one thing, I would make it be able to adjust Shadows and Highlights in Lightroom without needed to go into Develop mode because that takes time to enter and exit. Of course, this is probably a LR limitation, not really Loupdeck+’s fault.
I will provide a follow-up later, but it seems like a fairly well built controller. The functioning is quite nice and I think once I memorize the locations of the knobs, the a much natural adjustment will happen without looking down so much. I wish it had some flip out legs like a keyboard, but I often hold it in my lap when I’m doing a lot of tweaking.
There is a slight flexing in the hardware that concerns me if I begin to holding it a lot. It would be nice if latency was not an issue and this could be a rechargeable bluetooth device that would really lend it to be held.
The functionality of this thing is perfect, don’t get me wrong…I love it. It doesn’t get 4 stars though because the craftsmanship is just not on par with the price. A lot of the similar knobs don’t feel the same, My HSL/Color dials shift right to left a bit, the print on my P1 and P2 buttons are noticeably crooked, the buttons overall just feel very cheap in front of my MacBook Pro, to name a few problems.
Also, for the money…it needs wireless connectivity. Whether Bluetooth or with a small USB device like Logitech keyboards/nice. It SHOULD be wireless.
Unfortunately, I don’t use Lightroom, I use Capture One and at least for now, there is the rub. The implementation on C1 is in beta release, and lacking a lot of the slick functionality of the LR version.
After trying this on Lightroom, I desperately want this tool to edit with. In C1 at the moment, Loupedeck is interfacing by emulating a keyboard, meaning turning a knob generates key presses in the system. It does not have the “push knob to reset” functionality, and since a knob turn is generating what the system sees as a series of key presses, Undo requires hitting a number of key presses to actually Undo the knob turn. Clumsy and inelegant. Loupedeck installs a Capture One Keyboard shortscuts file to interface. The problem there is a number of C1 users, including myself, bought the Capture One bundle from Phase One that included the Logic Keyboard for C1. That keyboard requires its own Keyboard shortcut to work. So right now Loupedeck will not work with the Phase One keyboard, and vice versa.
Now Capture One has internal support for the Tangent Wave controllers, and this is activated by a checkbox in the preferences of C1. TangentWave panels are great, but they are almost $4K for the whole rig, and far more than a photographers needs. They do support the “press to reset” knobs as well. Tangent also make a VS version, using an iPad for the panel, but dragging my finger on glass doe not have the great interface feel of a physical knob.
I emailed both Phase One and LoupeDeck to ask that they please work together to make this as seamless on C1 as Loupedeck it on LR. I plan to keep bugging both companies.
Love the LoupeDeck+, just need to see it fully functional on Capture One.
1) Custom buttons don’t work in brush/graduated filter/radial filter mode. I have C5/C6 assigned to zoom in and out and it reverts to the default button setups when in adjustment brush mode. Wouldn’t be a big deal other than zooming in and out and panning is kind of needed when in that mode. While there are keyboard shortcut buttons available — none of those are the space bar, which I use for zooming and panning, so if I’m working in the adjustment brush, I have to use the keyboard space bar for zooming and panning.
2) It randomly loses connection to my computer if it sits for a while. A restart of the computer fixes the problem and it only happens after it has been plugged in but not used for a couple of days.
3) There are a few things that are customizable to one set of buttons or dials, but not another. Just a little quirk. In develop mode I can’t assign the scroll wheel to go to next photo (it is assigned to function + wheel — even though that is what the default setting is when it is in library mode).
All of those are software issues, that should be able to be addressed with an update to the software. I wish that some of the keyboard adjustments would also work with photoshop as well. Overall, I HIGHLY recommend this to a photographer who likes to tweak their photos more in Lightroom than in another program.
A few usage comments:
1) I found the Exposure knob much faster and easier for quickly dialing in a good exposure than mousing it and is my most frequently used adjustment.
2) I didn’t realize before I got it that the large Control Dial could be used for adjusting angle. I’m often shooting in situations where I’m switching quickly between horizontal and vertical and don’t always get things very level, but the Control Dial makes it easy to quickly fix it. However, I do wish the software would allow for fine-tuning the increments of change for that dial and others.
3) The D1 dial is very handy for fine-tuning image cropping and is something else I didn’t know about ahead of time.
4) The Undo & Redo keys also turn out to be much more useful than I expected.
5) After a couple weeks of use, I’m using about half the knobs and buttons very regularly and the others rarely or not at all so far.
6) The physical set-up I use at my workstation is to put the Loupedeck+ closest to me and put the regular keyboard behind it and the mouse to the right. I find that I still need to use the keyboard and mouse for some things.
Areas for improvement:
1) One of the sticky rubber feet on the bottom keeps coming off
2) Ability to change adjustment increments as mentioned previously
3) The software seems to have a bug using it with LR Classic CC. When in Crop mode and using the mouse to move the image relative to the cropping (instead of the arrow keys), LR will sometimes start rapidly adding Crop Rectangle steps to History.
4) I would like the Loupedeck+ to be able to be propped up at a higher angle like you can with some keyboards
5) I would like it if there was some way to indicate on the keyboard what I’ve set the custom dials and buttons to besides putting a piece of tape on the Loupedeck+ with the custom function written on it.
6) Make the color spots under the eight knurled dials larger so they’re easier to see, especially in the dim lighting many of us use when editing
7) I would like the Control Dial to have a much softer/lighter push down action.
Bottom line:
For me, the Loupedeck+ is worth the money and I look forward to ongoing improvements of the hardware and software.
1) Do you use Lightroom as your primary editing tool
2) Do you need to edit large groups of photos
3) Do you want a simpler way to get to the finished photo
If you answered yes to any of the above questions then Loupdeck is for you. I am not trying to sound like a commercial but I just returned from vacation with 1K worth of photos to sort and edit. BTW I am an amateur photographer just working on learning the craft. This is an amazing tool just as valuable as an ND filter at noon that will not only speed up your workflow but make it much more enjoyable.