Stanley 1-12-137 62-Low Angle Sweetheart Jack Plane
Weight: | 2.86 kg |
Dimensions: | 39.8 x 17.5 x 7.8 cm; 2.86 Kilograms |
Model: | 1-12-137 |
Part: | 1-12-137 |
Colour: | Silver |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Stanley Black & Decker |
Colour: | Silver |
Quantity: | 1 |
Beau , bien fini et efficace , la lame est plutt bien afft d’origine mme si une petite retouche amliore encore la chose . On frle le riflard de luxe ! Lol
A conseill
Muy buen cepillo, bien hecho y con buen acero en cuchlla
Se nota la calidad y se nota que estas usando una herramienta de las mejores en su gama.
1-La livraison a t ultra rapide, mme en priode de ftes (me mettant mme un doute sur le fait qu’il soit vraiment import de GB… mais bon!)
2- c’est mon tout 1er rabot, la 1re fois que j’utilisais ce genre d’outil. Et aprs quelques tests et quelques essais de rglages, les 1ers copeaux sortent sans forcer…C’est un vrai rgal…. vraiment.
3- je trouvais la lame trs bien affte d’origine, mais ayant lu partout sur les forums que tout outil doit tre afft avant usage, j’ai raffut la mienne. C’est un peu mieux effectivement, mais je confirme que c’est dj trs bien afft sortie d’usine.
4- le rabot est magnifique, les poignes en bois…. perso j’adore, trs agrable au touch. Les finitions du corps sont excellentes, bien ebavur, et celui ci semble trs robuste.
5- mon seul questionnement reste sur l’avantage (ou non) du verrouillage du fer/ contre-fer par une vis, plutt que par un systme classique de “levier” comme l’on trouve rgulirement sur les rabots?….. malgr tout…. a fonctionne trs bien
6- j’avais pris l’option (comme je le fais systmatiquement dsormais) de bien rflchir mes achats, mais de viser des outils de qualit plutt que des entres de gammes mme pour un 1er investissement, pour tre certain d’avoir entre les mains un produit qui fonctionne (et ne pas me heurter a un chec a faire des copeaux, ne sachant pas si c’est mon geste, ou l’outil qui dconne!)….. Et bien je ne regrette pas du tout l’argent investit dans ce trs beau rabot qui, j’en suis certain, vieillira avec moi 🙂
Sehr gute qualitt
Przises Arbeiten ohne groen aufwand mglich
Schade dass er so rostanfllig is
C’est mon premier rabot. Pas du de mon achat !
bel objet. trs bien emball dans sa boite en carton avec film de protection et huil.
fer suffisamment affut pour tre utilis directement.
dj utilis et fait de beaux copeaux !
Je n’ai pas de point de comparaison mais je recommande
Beau, solide et parfaitement usin, ce rabot m’a surpris par sa qualit ds le dballage.
A l’usage, l encore aucun mauvais point. Le fer n’a pas besoin d’tre aiguis, il coupe parfaitement.
Un achat que je ne regrette absolument pas.
Muy buen cepillo. La base completamente plana. Laterales a escuadra. La cuchilla afeita tal y como viene de fbrica. Relativamente fcil de afilar a pesar de su grosor. Los mecanismos de ajuste son una maravilla. Simples y eficaces y mantienen la cuchilla en su sitio. La cama firme y ajusta bien la cuchilla. Puedes sacar virutas q casi flotan en el aire. La verdad es que cuando lo ves se nota q es una herramienta d calidad. Tengo otros cepillos baratos y no tienen comparacin. Base no plana, laterales sin escuadrar, mecanismos de ajuste q s aflojan….En resumen lo barato sale caro. Os recomiendo, sobre todo si estis empezando q ahorreis un poco y compris buenas herramientas. Es mejor tener un cepillo bueno q 3o 4 malos.
Haven’t any experience of the more expensive planes but this produces a gossamer shaving and feels good in hand. This plane is all that I wanted it to be.
My wife bought me this plane as I was setting up my workshop so it did not initially get much use. Some 10 months later I was using it and found that it did not cut well. I went to sharpen it and found that it had nasty machining marks on the flat side and the bevel had four different faces at different angles. I contacted Stanley and they sent a new plane almost by return of post. So great customer service. The new plane iron looks perfectly ground so I have great hopes. So 5* customer service but only 4* for not getting it right in the first place. I sharpened the iron and it cuts wood like gossamer. Really pleased with the purchase.
LLego a tiempo y bien envalada, pero a pesar de que venia limpia, con sensacion de no haber usada, traia un toquecito en la punta (se le ha quitado el pavonado y algun micro araazo por la herramienta apenas perceptibles a primera vista. La herramienta en si se ve de calidad, con una fantastica cuchilla, facil de ajustar en profundidad, giro y la boca,si has trabajado con este tipo de herramientas. Le voy a poner solo 2 estrellas pese a ser una herramienta 5 estrellas por esos detalles, que si bien con el uso salen, no deben venir de fabrica (dudo que esto le ocurriese en la fabrica) y menos en una herramienta premium. Me la han cambiado y ahora si llego una herramienta premium
Nicht berlegen einfach kaufen und Spass und Effizienz erleben. Sofort einsetzbar, Sohle plan, Blade war sogar echt crazy sharp out of the box.
Nach vielem Benutzen nocht nicht einmal enttuscht worden und Einstellungen sind sehr stabel und zuverlssig.
This is a great hand plane as I would expect from Stanley, finish is not quite up to the Stanley planes of the past but this is only a small cosmetic flaw and will not effect the performance of the plane, and too minor to deduct a star.
Muy buen cepillo. Suela totalmente plana y a noventa grados con los laterales, la cuchilla es gruesa con lo cual no vas a tener problemas de vibraciones pero por contra preprate cuando la tengas que afilar, eso s viene muy afilada de fabrica. Lo que menos me gusta son las partes de aluminio pues por lgica duraran menos que si fueran de acero y las olguras que tiene a la hora de sacar o meter la cuchilla pues hay que dar ms vueltas de lo debido al tornillo aunque eso pasa en muchos cepillos claro que por este precio (110 euros) no se le puede pedir que sea un veritas o un lie-nielsen.
Anche questa pialla, una Jack Plane Stanley, acquistata in offerta ad un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo, una pialla di elevata qualit, costruzione raffinata e solida. Ben rettificata e precisa nell’utilizzo dopo averla settata per bene. Posizione ergonomica, lama ben affilata, ma mettendoci mano all’affilatutura si ottengono risultati superiori, trucioli trasparenti. Sono davvero soddisfatto di questo acquisto e la consiglio a tutti senza riserve. Nel video la prova d’utilizzo appena arrivata senza riprendere l’affilatura, solo regolata.
Presa in offerta ad un ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo, una pialla di elevata qualit, costruzione raffinata e solida. Ben rettificata e precisa nell’utilizzo dopo averla settata per bene. Posizione ergonomica, lama ben affilata, ma mettendoci mano all’affilatutura si ottengono risultati superiori, trucioli trasparenti. Sono davvero soddisfatto di questo acquisto e la consiglio a tutti senza riserve.
Che dire di questa pialla a parte che forse uno dei fiori all’occhiello dell’utensileria Stanley, che gi di per s sinonimo di qualit. Lama gi affilatissima e corpo in ghisa perfettamente rettificato e squadrato, regolazioni fini e ottima qualit complessiva. Forse anche troppo per il rozzo hobbista a cui andrebbe bene anche una semplice pialla giapponese (a tirare). Questo aggeggio, molto pesante, va utilizzato con tavolo e morsa da falegname molto stabili, perch solo col giusto movimento si ottengono risultati degni del prodotto, altrimenti con la regolazione fine si rischia solo di intasare lo strumento in quanto senza la giusta forza e velocit impasta il legno in prossimit della lama come il formaggio in una grattugiera, anzich sfogliarlo. Va pulito e conservato con cura a termine lavoro, possibilmente oliato e al riparo da umidit avvolto da un panno.
Une bonne rdition du lgendaire #62 de Stanley. Bon outil, agrable utiliser, par exemple avec une planche recaler maison facile raliser. Fonctionne trs bien directement sorti du carton, notamment pour des travaux de prcision. Je le conseillerai comme un des 2 rabots essentiels pour un budget limit: accompagn d’un petit “block plane”, lui aussi angle faible. Fonctionne bien comme riflard – peut-tre acqurir un fer de rechange pour cet usage. L’ajustement de la lumire fonctionne bien. Seul bmol: a fonte est un peu tendre donc sensible aux coups, donc il faut en prendre un peu soin. Un bon challenger dans cette catgorie et gamme de prix.
Soy un simple aficionado pero la calidad y los acabados son maravillosos.Solo con el peso ya es un placer usarlo.Cinco estrellas porque no hay ms .
Great plane but the new adjusting mechanism is sinsitive to accidental touch that moves the blade. Needs some training.
Der Hobel kommt mit geschliffener Klinge und kann mit dieser Standardschrfe sofort benutzt werden. Das ist nicht bei allen Herstellern selbstverstndlich. Natrlich kann man aber auch bei diesem Hobel durch das Abziehen auf Wassersteinen noch einiges an Schrfe herausholen. Die Haptik gefllt mir durch die beiden Holzgriffe besonders gut.
Fer de bonne qualit qui garde son fil. un plaisir utiliser.
un peu lourd mais pour le reste c’est un excellent outil avec lequel on prend du plaisir travailler le bois.
Cepillo de muy buena calidad. No es un Lie Nielsen o Veritas pero por el precio se le acerca.
El portacuchillas aparenta ser un poco endeble. pero creo que aguantara bien.
Los acabados muy buenos. Se nota que no son chinos.
El paquete de plastico donde venia el cepillo venia abierto. no se si es asi o no.
Muy buen cepillo.
De muy buena calidad. El porta cuchilla es de aluminio, da pinta de endeble; pero creo que aguantara.
Buen rectificado. La cuchilla viene afilada (aunque siempre es bueno darle un repaso).
No es china. biene de belgica. mas confianza la verdad.
Super rabot, je ne peux plus m’en passer, que ce soit pour dgauchir ou recaler il est excellent.
This planer looks, feels and does its job as well as -or better than- planers 3 times its price. It’s become my go-to planer each time I need one. Couldn’t be happier.
The plane has built with accuracy and has a fine quality. Checking for flateness and squareness I found one side quite square and the other near to square for 2 degrees. The sole is not flat as at the center in length measures 15/100 mm at one side and 10/100 mm at the other side concavity. The blade is very sharp and perfect for immediate work. High quality blade and IMHO doesn’t require any adjust. Anyway a good and satisfactory purchase.
Es mi primer cepillo de calidad. Robusto y slido. Me llev un buen rato afilar la cuchilla. El acero A-2 es de una gran dureza. Por un lado tiene ms durabilidad de afilado, y por otro, te lleva ms tiempo conseguir ese filo deseado. Tambin le d un buen repaso a la suela (a sta con papel de lija progresivamente) para dejarla sin huecos aparentes Pues bien, empec a sacar unas tiras de papel de fumar de haya como si fuera mantequilla, y tambin con unos tablones de roble francs viejos. A los 5 minutos de usarlo, tena la sensacin de haber tenido el Sweet-Heart toda la vida en mis manos.
Aunque no es sencillo familiarizarse con el modo de ajuste de la cua, y dado que es de aluminio, ya veremos cunto dura.
Por otro lado -y esto es imperdonable y motivo de divorcio-, mi mujer tir a la basura la caja de embalaje (con el papel de la garanta dentro adems). Despus de varios das buscndola por el taller ca en la cuenta… Se lo pueden creer? As que tendr que construirle una casa al cepillo.
Reu dans les temps, trs trs bien emball, il y avait longtemps que j’avais reu un outil emball dans un papier gras. Excellent produit, un excellent tranchant, une prise en main remarquable, deux bmols, j’ais t oblig ds rception de serrer la poigne en cerisier et quelques temps aprs de mettre un ” enveloppeur ” (de la colle bois) l’intrieur du bois de serrage en cerisier de la lumire. Faire du copeau avec est un vrai bonheur, au dbut on trouve l’appareil lourd mais au bout de quelques temps on entends ” tu viens manger quand ?…Cordialement,
Brutal, excelente, ha superado mis expectativas.
Laterales perfectamente a escuadra para trabajar en una shooting board (tengo un juuma n4 que me cost bastante mas y no lo est).
Cuchilla super gruesa para reducir vibraciones con afilado mas que decente, y mangos para mi ms cmodos que el tradicional curvado de Stanley.
La suela no la he mirado en profundidad pero parece bastante plana, no creo que necesite demasiado rectificado, (que en un cepillo de estas disensiones puede ser un infierno).
La cama esta perfecta y el asiento de la cuchilla es genial. El nico “pero” como ya ha comentado mas gente es la cua que parece de aluminio y tiene poco peso, pero la verdad que no la veo endeble y cumple perfectamente.
No habia tenido un cepillo con ajuste norris pero me ha gustado bastante y casi hasta mas que el tradicional con el que a veces rozo con la mano mientras cepillo.
Las testas en pino y haya las deja pulidas, pero me falta probarlo en maderas de grano difcil aunque me da la impresion qie no me va a defraudar.
No se como ser un Veritas pero el precio duplica a este y por lo que vale no se le puede pedir ms.
Para mi un cepillo que con minimos ajustes se merece un 10 a Stanley.
Stanley liefert hier einen hochwertigen und vor allen Dingen sofort einsetzbaren Allround-Hobel zu einem unschlagbaren Preis.
Ich habe den Hobel hinsichlich der Parallelitt (Sohle) auf meiner Granitmessplatte berprft. Im Resultat hat die Sohle eine Genauigkeit
von 0,03 mm. Kein Nachschleifen kein Nacharbeiten.!!! Das Messer super scharf.
Ich kann diesen Hobel absolut empfehlen.
L’ho presa a mio marito per piccoli lavori fai da te, ancora non l’ha usata ma l’ha provata e la trova ottima
Meines Erachtens und fr den Heimwerker ein sehr guter Hobel. Mit den Einstellungen muss man sich natrlich beschftigen, nach Wunsch das Hobeleisen noch mit einem 8000er Stein abziehen und los geht’s.
Delivered suitably packaged, sooner than expected. Worked beautifully straight out of the box (after advancing the blade). Excellent purchase.
Manufactura maravillosa. Perfectamente escuadrado y planificado. No hay que tocarlo para nada, nada que rectificar. Encantado con la compra, relacin calidad/precio espectacular.
nica pega: La cua es de aluminio, por lo que su durabilidad me preocupa. No se va a estropear en unos meses pero… veremos. Si la cua fuese de un material ms resistente sera simplemente perfecto.
An as, le doy las cinco estrellas porque es una gozada trabajar con l y tiene un precio muy ajustado.
Pero insisto, no me gusta la cua. Pagara con gusto 20 30 euros ms por una cua de calidad.
Bit annoyed about plastic like material of the very lightweight cap iron. However, the blade is really good quality, the body is machined square and the tool cuts very fine. Very happy. Does as good a job as the veritas eqivalent for less than half the price.
Stanley liefert hier einen sehr wertigen und vor allen Dingen sofort einsetzbaren Allround-Hobel.
Ich habe den Hobel hinsichlich der Parallelitt (Sohle) auf meiner Granitmessplatte berprft. Im Resultat hat die Sohle eine Genauigkeit
von besser 0,05 mm. Kein Nachschleifen usw.!!! Das Messer super scharf.
Ich kann diesen Hobel wrmstens empfehlen.
Con ganas de probarlo en el taller, tiene muy buena pinta, afilado, aspecto precioso y buenos acabdos. Recomendable al 100%
Cuando compras un cepillo que est bien construido, perfectamente pulido, escuadrado, con materiales buenos y por encima la hoja (gruesa) viene bien afilada, es que es una gozada. Las cosas deberan ser as, siempre.
J’ai hsit longtemps… j’ai lu des avis, des commentaires, des dfauts, des conseils (acheter Lie Nelsen, veritas ou juuma)…bref, impossible pour moi de mettre le double donc je me lance.
J’achte du 1er prix en gnral, et j’en suis content gnralement…Mais cette fois c’tait pour me faire un petit plaisir (Et il n’y a pas de type 62 dans les 1er prix).
Donc, je ne vois pas ce qui peut justifier le double du prix de ce n62. La finition est irrprochable, je n’ai pas trouv de faille dans ce rabot (test sur marbre, afftage, bavure, qualit de la finition, robustesse des matriaux, rglage de la lame et de la lumire parfait, poignes magnifique, et lame de qualit (pas loin de 4mm). Tellement content, que j’ai tap tout de suite en contrefil dans du chne, et ben…no comment!
Je donnerai n’importe quoi pour tester un vritas,Juuma ou Lie nielsen, simplement pour voir ce qui justifie cette diffrence, mais va falloir s’accrocher.
Pour finir, n’hsite pas et en plus je le trouve beau (ouais, je vais consulter).
pronta all’uso
appena la si afferra si capisce d’aver speso bene i propri soldi
un prodotto di ottima fattura
pi che soddisfatto
Acostumbrado con la garlopa de madera de mi padre, exte garlopin de angulo bajo me va incluso mejir para pulir, excelente control de la hoja, bien rectificado.
Vorweg: das ist mein erster brauchbarer Hobel, ich habe also weder viel Erfahrung noch einen Vergleich zu besseren Modellen!
Nach den ersten paar Stunden in der Werkstatt muss ich sagen, ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Hobel. Er liegt gut in der Hand, ist recht massiv und in meinen Augen ordentlich gefertigt. Die Anleitung ist auch fr Laien gut verstndlich. Das Maul sitzt bei mir quasi spielfrei.
Wie bei anderen Kufern beschrieben hat jedoch die Tiefenverstellung eine ordentliche Hysterese und die zum Patent angemeldete Lateralsperre” ist ein Witz, denn auch wenn die Tiefeneinstellschraube damit gut gegen seitliche Bewegung fixiert wird, hat die Klinge beim Lsen der Hebelabdeckungsschraube schon recht viel laterales Spiel. Diese Ungenauigkeiten rhren beide vom losen Sitz der Klinge auf dem Tiefeneinstellungsmechanismus, dort besteht also noch Verbesserungspotential.
Mit ein wenig Achtsamkeit komme ich als Anfnger trotzdem gut mit den verschiedenen Einstellungen zurecht, insofern kann ich diesen hbschen Hobel guten Gewissens weiterempfehlen 🙂
Prima di comprare altre pialle, bisognerebbe comprare subito questa, da qui si pu solo scendere a livello qualitativo, l’unica cosa che mi sono sentito di farle lucidare i filo ed il dorso della lama per il resto nulla da invidiare dalle pi blasonate.
I’m sometimes puzzled by 1 star reviews. People have complained about nuts being too short so the cap iron won’t grip properly, others have complained that the plane wasn’t packaged properly. I’m not saying that these reviewers are wrong, I’m just saying that in my experience, none of these drawbacks occurred. My plane came in a huge box with lots of packaging. When I unpacked the plane and wiped off any excess oil, I found it easy to assemble and adjust. I used the plane without doing any tuning up or sharpening the blade and found it a delight to use. I used it to clean up the outer veneers on birch faced plywood. This I’ve found to be particularly prone to tear out, but using this plane I found no tear out issues at all – so far at least. This, coupled with the fact that it is about 150.00 cheaper than the Veritas or Lie Neison equivalents make this a real bargain. Delivery too was much sooner than I expected. In short, I’m delighted with it. It looks gorgeous, the handles feel very comfortable and hopefully, this plane will give me pleasure every time I use it for the rest of my life and beyond.
Very nice plane for a decent price, works great just out of the box, I like the nice heavy, balanced weight of this plane, it cuts even shaves with ease.
I notice a bow of about 0.5 mm along the blade’s sole which I might spend some time and correct in the future although works well as is.
It took the suplier more than 3 months To ship the plane! they claimed they did not get the order?!
I have to thank Amazon custumer service for standing for their customer and it seems it was worth waiting for.
Primeras impresiones:
No es que sea muy importante, pero recin abierto el paquete, an con el aceite de la factora, la cuchilla vena lo suficientemente afilada como para afeitar el vello del brazo. Ni siquiera las cuchillas Veritas vienen de fbrica as de afiladas. Este detalle me ha impresionado mucho, aunque es slo simblico ya que un cepillo hay que afilarlo bastante a menudo, pero no me esperaba este refinamiento de Stanley, teniendo en cuenta que cepillos que le doblan o triplican el precio a este traen la cuchilla bastante peor (se sobreentiende que cada uno afila las herramientas a su manera, as que no es necesario que vengan afiladas).
Lo que me ha gustado:
– Buen acabado y buenas tolerancias, no hay problemas con la cama de la cuchilla ni su geometra, todos los ajustes funcionan perfectos.
– Precio.
– Listo para usar directamente desde fbrica incluso para obsesos del afilado como yo.
– Funciona. Suena raro decir que me ha gustado que funcione, pero lo normal en un Stanley sera que no funcionase.
– Permite ajustes muy precisos y virutas finsimas, algo inesperado en una cuchilla de acero tipo A2.
Lo que no me ha gustado:
– La cua que sujeta la cuchilla es de aluminio, temo que se acabe doblando por la presin o se pase la rosca del tornillo.
– Pesado, al menos comparado con mis Records y Stanleys clsicos. Ms trabajo con cada pasada, pero algunos los prefieren as.
– Los ngulos de la base con los laterales vienen bastante afilados, no tanto como para cortarte al cogerlo, pero peligrosos.
– La cuchilla tiene 5mm de grosor y es acero A2. Casi nada. Afilar este monstruo va a ser una pesadilla.
– El mecanismo de ajuste tipo Norris no est sujeto al cepillo y se cae a menudo al quitar/poner la cuchilla.
Actualizar esta opinin despus de ponerlo a prueba a fondo en el taller.
I received this plane a few weeks ago and it’s a real quality tool that’s a pleasure to use.
It was almost ready to go straight out of the box and is very versatile. The mouth adjuster means it can be set up for a variety of uses from a scrub plane to a smoothing plane. All the adjusters on the plane are firm and accurate and I’m expecting to get many years of great service from this plane.
A little hard to adjust the depth of cut. The sole was pretty flat. 40 minutes with some 200grit sandpaper under something flat and its really a good tool. Steel is good.
Really good planes if u flatten the sole. With the thick blade it makes for no vibrations whatsoever but it also takes longer to sharpen. Good steel holds an edge for a long time.
It has been years and years since I used a bench plane but this one seems good
Qualit ottima. Una vera soddisfazione utilizzarla.
Oggetto di alto pregio ed elevata precisione.
Molto soddisfatto. Se ci fossero 6 stelle le darei per differenziarla dalle altre 5 che ho dato su altri ottimi articoli.
Just returned a “Faithful” No 4 + block plane set after what appeared to be manufacturing flaws rendered the No 4 unusable (it did get 5 star reviews on Amazon so mine may have been an odd one”. Bought this instead, significantly more expensive but glad I did. The finish, design and function of this plane are superior to Faithful and normal Stanley tools. The handle is a larger and fits my hand well, the cutting iron is thicker and adjustment mechanism is easy and accurate.
Trs bel appareil, Sa fabrication est soigne. Le rglage est facile. Il est d’un bon rapport qualit prix. Je le recommande.
Habe mir den Hobel fr einen Abendkurs gekauft. Die hochwertige Verarbeitung des Hobels fllt schon mal gleich positiv auf.
Da man sich an das Arbeiten mit einem Hobel erst mal gewhnen muss ist das Teil eigentlich schon fasst zu schade um es als Anfnger zu benutzen, jedoch bekommt man schnelle ein Gefhl dafr. Der Meister selbst war ber den niedrigen Preis erstaunt, da wie er fand es ein sehr solider guter Hobel ist.
La relacion precio-calidad es inmejorable. Viene bastante bien afilado y tiene aplomo. Una maravilla. No se como sera un LieNielsen pero este va de maravilla.
Je suis dbutant en travail du bois. J’ai choisi cet outil (mon premier) aprs avoir longtemps rflchi et observ. J’ai acquis la conviction qu’il me donnerait satisfaction. Cela a t le cas ds la rception. Aprs une demi-heure de ttonnements et de rglages je produisais de longs copeaux boucls de 20 microns. Un authentique plaisir. Quelques jours plus tard, je produisais ma premire planche lisse, droite et d’querre partir d’un morceaux de bois grossier tuil, arqu et vrill. Juste parfait pour moi. Un afftage complmentaire (avec des grains 1000, 3000, 5000, 7000, cuir+oxyde de chrome) avec double biseau (25/30) augmente la performance et la sensibilit de l’outil un niveau surprenant. J’ai eu aussi le plaisir, a postriori que “Wranglestar/Youtube” l’utilise aussi et ne tarit pas d’loges. Je suis ravi. Merci
Imballo corretto, consegna rapida, funziona perfettamente.
E’ una pialla pesante robusta e di ottima qualit, vale il prezzo per chi ne fa un utilizzo pi che occasionale.
I’ve been using this plane for several weeks on reclaimed oak and softer woods. Very little initial tuning needed, a gentle wipe across a dimond plate confirmed the sole is flat. I was a little doubtful about the adjustable throat at the front, but the mechanism is smooth and seems well fitted. Back of the iron was almost flat, just the tiniest hollow and it took very little work with 100 diamond followed by finer stone and then polish to get a mirror finish and the same for the bevel, that job is a one-off task for every new plane, and this was about as flat as I have ever seen. In use – I have an older no 4, well tuned up and I thought that was good, but this is in a different league. Smooth clean full length shaving that means all the attention is on controlling the tool, not pressing down or forcing. Taking out saw marks etc is painless. It took a short while to get used to the ajustments but now they are second nature. Blade is hard and holds edge well.
Pialla di alta qualit e stabile nelle varie lavorazioni di tutti i tipi,
con addirittura una garanzia di 10 anni da parte di Stanley.
Excellent plane, certainly worth the money. Good quality and usable straight from the box with only minor adjustments.
Avec la srie sweet Heart, Stanley semble vouloir reprendre son leadership dans l’art de concevoir de beaux et bons rabots. Face aux leaders du haut de gamme que sont Lie Nielsen et Veritas et les rabots d’entre de gamme, cette srie est un coup de force car elle cote juste 3 fois moins cher que les premiums. Le rabot est beau, lourd, bien usin, facile rgler, tombe bien en main et fonctionne ds la sortie de la boite. Ce n’est pas si courant. Je n’ai pas rsist l’envie de faire quelques copeaux, pour voir. Les rglages sont faciles et fluides , d’autant qu’une notice dtaille est fournie et donne les instructions pour les rglages et l’entretien. En 3 minutes, j’ai pu faire des copeaux d’une belle finesse. Objectivement, je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais reprocher cet outil. Stanley donne ici un sacr coup de vieux aux copies orientales qui, au del de l’apparence, ne viennent pas sa cheville. Je pense que c’est un trs bon rabot pour dbuter, l’erreur tant de vouloir commencer avec une cacahute.
Si buscas un cepillo bueno y aun no lo tienes decidido, te recomiendo este. Hoy lo he recibido y me ha impresionado. Slido, con el peso suficiente, las tres caras completamente a escuadra, bien recctificadas, la cuchilla viene afilada para empezar a sacar virutas. Trae su libro de instrucciones
Sin palabras me he quedado al abrir el perfecto encalare de Amazon y de la fbrica stanley,genial Genial!!!nunca he tenido una herramienta de tan altsima calidad a pesar de mis cuarenta aos de experiencia .si pueden ustedes ahorrar un poco ms ,se lo recomiendo nunca se arrepentirn ,genial ,…de otra poca en la que el artesano y los artistas se tenan presente,cuando la calidad y el buen hacer se premiaba antes que el bajo precio,quizs no pueda comprar otro modelo pero cranme lo intentare….(Genial)!!!!!!!!!.
Just about worked straight out of the box but with a little tuning it works perfectly. I’m already wondering which one to buy next, the No & looks tempting.
Nicely made. Paint finish is good. Flat and square. I never use any tool straight from the box but take it apart and get to know it first. A bit of sharpening and checking the base and ready to go..
Veramente di ottima fattura la Stanley SW di un’altra categoria presso la linea Bailey, precisa nella regolazione del ferro ben rifinita e in mano da il senso di un oggetto prezioso. veramente molto soddisfatto
Veramente di ottima fattura la Stanley SW di un’altra categoria presso la linea Bailey, precisa nella regolazione del ferro ben rifinita e in mano da il senso di un oggetto prezioso. veramente molto soddisfatto , possedendo anche la numero 4 SW, dico che questa ancora meglio nel suo genere.
I love it. It has a great Feel and well balanced.
Pour un dbutant qui a essay vainement des modles beaucoup moins chers, celui-ci inspire confiance et fonctionne parfaitement.
Il faut tout de mme le rgler la sortie de la boite et la lecture du mode d’emploi multilingue ne m’a pas t inutile.
A recommander les yeux ferms.
Das Hobeleisen ist sehr schauf und musste nicht erst nachgeschrft werden, der Hobel selbst schn schwer und liegt sehr gut an. Auch die Handhabung ist sehr einfach, die Ergonomie stimmt. Die Verstellbrkeit ist gut und einfach zu handhaben. Der Hobel luft sehr gut und die Sohle ist wunderbar plan. Ich bin rundum zufrieden.
Sadly I never got to really used this plain because when I received the item it was damaged so has to send back. But having owned a number of plains before I can say that the quality is high and the main thing I noticed was it is much heavier and feels great in the hand compared to other plains.
I was expecting to have to put a bit of effort in to get this working but, to my surprise, it actually took decent shavings right out of the box on Ash and Beech. All square and a good level of fit and finish. Mouth and blade adjustment work well. As with most things, a dud is sure to slip out now and then but I found nothing untoward with the one I received. I bought this because I have a lot of accurate jigs to make out of plywood and acrylic on the shooting board, (not the kind of material I want to use my LN or vintage planes on), and it could then assume a permanent role as a general “household” plane but I’m sufficiently impressed with it that it might stay in the workshop.
If I had anything negative to say it would be that the lever cap certainly isn’t as nice as a big lump of bronze but it doesn’t affect performance. I also think the handle is a little on the chunky side and definitely not as comfortable as my favourite vintage Marples planes or my Lie-Nielsens but it’s not a deal breaker for me.
Compared to the other low angle jacks out there, the Lie-Nielsen is almost exactly twice as much, the Veritas twice as much and then some and even the Quangsheng is about 40 more. By any reasonable criteria it’s a perfectly acceptable tool but I’d even go as far to say that it’s actually rather good for the money. Yes, a Veritas or LN would beat it soundly in a woodworking magazine shootout but it works just fine under real world conditions and any minor shortcomings, (the handle, lever cap), are perfectly forgivable considering the price. Probably not one for tool fetishists but as functional item I can’t really fault it.
Now, this is definitely a tool for the enthusiast that’s for sure. And if you are then come on in.
This Stanley plane of course buys into the resurgence – especially in the US – of hand tools used in woodworking. And amongst that movement, hand planes have taken on an almost hallowed status with online arguments to rival WW2. The upside is of course that companies like Stanley have decided to offer top end products that border on works of art. Which this is.
Firstly the build is superb. The cast plane has a fine grain texture and quality that is immediately obvious. It is as perfectly flat as I can tell – and I’ve had 30 years as an engineer working with multi-million dollar bits of machinery installed to superfine tolerance such as steam turbines. I know when something is flat and it would take a high end marking out table and super high quality measuring tools to determine if this was out of true. You won’t find it with a steel rule as the level is so good.
It is fitted with an A2 plane iron which contrary to what some think is not some sort of esoteric metal offering the nirvana of surgical edge with the longevity of the Queen. It’s simply air hardened steel that is a nice balance of edge and life. Personally I prefer O2 steel (oil hardened) that will take a finer edge but require a bit more regular honing. A2 is the buzzword right now for planes so this comes with it.
Handles feel tactile and comfortable. I like the matte finish which isn’t as quite as the old planes would have been as they would have had a gloss varnish on them. Adjustments are excellent with a quality finish and feel.
I tried this out of the box on some end grain and it cut well. Of course like the plane pedant that I am I honed it afterwards and tried it again to see if it was better which it was. But not by a huge margin. Tick one for Stanley.
Overall a great alternative to the much more expensive Veritas or Lie Nielsen planes.
Den Hobel kann ich auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.
Super Verarbeitung, schwere Ausfhrung – trotzdem handlich.
Schnelle und leichte Verstellung des Hobels.
Spitzenklasse !!!
Excelente calidad y precio . Los nostgicos por las herramientas manuales estn de enhorabuena, desde aqu se le anima ( Gerencia Stanley ) para a recuperar estas joyas con el sello PREMIUM y las nuevas mejoras en calidad de corte ( A 1) .
ausgepackt, bewundert, eingestellt (Schnitttiefe) und losgehobelt. Ergebnis: astrein! Absolute Empfehlung fr jeden ambitionierten Holzhandwerker! Das Geld ist er auch wert!
Mise part le manche lgrement de biais ( c’est dommage … ) . Il est trs efficace d’entre , aprs quelques petits essais : ” il vous fait de superbe copeaux ” et laisse une surface nickel . Aucun regret hors mi le manche …
Trs bon rabot. Aussi beau qu’efficace. Vendeur srieux. Ayant reu par mal chance un rabot dfectueux. J’ais pu effectus un change .j’ais reu ce dernier 4 jours aprs. Je recommande!
Che pialla! Costosa ma ogni euro ben speso. Siamo ad altissimo livello di qualit e professionalit : consiglio registrate il vs. Acquisto.
Brilliant smoothing plane for the price. I have had it a few months and have found it true pleasure to use, the plane seems to stay sharp for good lengths of time even when using hardwoods. The adjustable mouth has turned out to be more useful than i original thought it would, it really helps to tone into suppe fine shavings which i have found hard to achieve with cheaper hand planes. The sole comes perfectly flat out the box but it can be easily scratched. The only downside to this plane is that the norris style adjuster is hard to get use to and can be really fiddly but after many months use i now find it quite simple to use it just take some getting use too. As mentioned in one of the other reviews the paint is slightly chipped but its a tool the paint will get chipped in time so does it really matter it shouldn’t put you off buying it!
Une fois affut correctement (obligatoire comme pour tout rabot neuf) il remplie trs bien sa fonction. Tous les rglages sont port de main, facile et ne ncessite aucun outil! Les copeaux raliss peuvent tre trs fin (1.5 centimes) et la lame tient bien l’affutage. Au final rien redire!
Superbe rabot, trs belle qualit et finition.
Coupe parfaite sortie du carton de beaux copeaux en perspective.
Aucun regrets allez-y les yeux ferms
Vale la pena. Me ha gustado mucho la calidad de los materiales y los ajustes tambin son buenos. El peso tambin esta muy equilibrado para un buen cepillado.
Beautifully made, handles like a dream. Was using it for the first time last night, planing some end grain, using it out of the box; it made a fantastic job. Looking forward to a lifetime of usage, it feels like a heritage tool.
Packaging perfecto, herramienta (casi) lista para su uso inmediato. Altamente recomendable . . . . . . . . .
Trs belle outil pression fournie un travail de qualit pro pour un prix raisonnable . . . . . .
Stanley SW plane
I Purchased the Stanley 91/2 plane to replace the Stanley 60 block plane because the build quality was poor. I am so pleased with the replacement a pleasure to use and own although it’s a hefty beast weighing in at 2lb 5oz. not recommended for your tool bag.
For the price excellent tool out of the box. Would recommend to Stanley to include oil cloth for storage or storage box.
I ordered this for work which needed a more gentle approach than an electric plane. When I took this tool out of its box, I was struck by the quality of the craftsmanship. Using it was even more of a pleasure. Set it up properly and you will be left with a surface which does not even need sanding; it is also super – smooth in operation, giving complete control of the job.
My only problem with it was where to put it after the work was done. It is so pretty, I didn’t know whether to put it back in its box or display it on the mantlepiece!
It is just brilliant.
Cuts just as well as the very expensive alternatives. Heavy, but so is the competition. Not quite as nicely made but very good value.
Una herramienta de gran calidad con un diseo del siglo XIX . Es una joya imprescindible para cualquier artesano de la madera. Adems, lo recib incluso antes del tiempo previsto y en perfectas condiciones.
I cant give to much of a detailed review as i am not that experienced with these tools I bought this to learn on as part of my furniture making college course
I have had good success using it and my instructor seems to think highly of it
I had very little work to do sharpening the cutting iron, the back was already flat
I would recommend this tool to someone else
Wow really does as it says sraight out of the box, a little tuning and it becomes the best plane ever used
Comme le modle LOW ANGLE, ce rabot angle standard est vraiment excellent en sortie de bote. La semelle est plane, le rebord l’querre, le fer afft.La lumire est rglable et sans jeu. Le rglage de lame est trs ais.
Je recommande ce produit qui pour moins de 70 n’a rien voir avec les autres modle de la marque peine moins cher mais bien moins qualitatif.
La bote est plutt pas mal pour le ranger (si ncessaire), et il est bien protg la livraison. Avec l’utilisation, le produit qui est appliqu en protection disparat totalement, alors qu’il n’est pas facile enlever la main.
Les caractristiques et la qualit de coupe en font un bon HdG, mais des dtails de finitions peuvent l’empcher de rentrer pleinement dans ce qualificatif. Mais rien de grve pour un prix prs de 2 2,5 fois moins cher qu’un veritas & al. on pardonne le petit dfaut de peinture qui n’affecte en rien le fonctionnement.
Je pense continuer acheter les autres rabots dans la gamme chez quand ceux-ci seront au prix UK comme mes deux premiers achats. ( dj en possession du paume Low Angle 112139).
I took this plane into my workshop the day it arrived, took it out of the box adjusted the blade wiped the oil off the sole
and presented it to a piece of rough sawn oak.
The plane worked the oak beautifully producing gossamer like shavings leaving it silky smooth and square,
i can only imagine what it will perform like after I sharpen and flatten the blade.
Should some of the more expensive premium brand makers be worried? probably not as there are plenty of brand conscious people
in the woodworking circle with money to burn.
This bench plane is a good performer straight out of the box, but with the blade sharpened and flattened it is a brilliant performer.
The sole and sides are flat and square so there is no need to worry on that score (unless you’re really anal) and it neatly fills the chasm between the affordable and the fancy and expensive,
in fact it performs almost as well as the fancier brands leaving me to wonder at the pricing (either Stanley are losing money on these planes or some others are grossly overpriced).
So well done Stanley, let’s see a nice jointer plane now.
I own several Lie Nielsen planes which out perform my old Stanleys and Record planes by a good margin, they look great, are built with care and craftsmanship and do exactly what they should, no fuss, no issues. I vowed I would never buy another Stanley, as they have been nothing but a disappointment by comparison. I had some tricky maple to finish and needed a new smoother, tough decision, pay nearly 300 for the Lie Nielsen or take a punt on this new Stanley for less than a third of the price. I took the plunge after reading (very few are out there) some positive reviews, and how glad I am! This plane is as far from recent Stanleys and as close to the current USA made market leaders as you could wish for. Not quite as well finished, but these are only minor cosmetics, the functional bits are great. The plane is hefty, straight, solid and feels like a quality product. The cutter comes sharp and adjusts easily, the shavings are even, wafer thin and the mouth adjusts to nearly nothing quickly and easily. It has made short work of my maple worktop and I’m sure will rapidly become my favourite, go to plane. When you consider the price, the quality is more than close enough to justify the purchase, I’ve got a bargain, and am delighted with the saved cash I still have in my pocket. If you have concerns of recent Stanley planes’ quality, dull, soft cutters and poorly finished castings, don’t worry, this one is great!