Steadyrack Bike Rack – Wall Mounted Bike Storage Solution for Your Home, Garage or Commercial Application. Easy Install. Swings 180 Degrees for More Floor Space
Having been through the array of lesser bike racks, at small expense, the occasional injury and many rude words, I am relieved to have arrived at the definitive solution. Fair bit of money, but worth it. Happy biker.
I was needing to get multiple bikes out of the way in our garage. These SteadyRack’s caught my attention because once the bikes are hanging up, you can angle them left or right. The fact that they can pivot on the mount allowed even more room. My only issue with them is the cost. My need to get the project completed, didn’t allow me much time to look around for similar options or to compare prices with other racks. These appeared to meet my needs and could get here in the time frame I needed them, so I purchased three. (The different cap colors in the pictures were purchased separately on their website.) Watch the mounting video’s on YouTube and you shouldn’t have any trouble hanging them. I would recommend that you add an extra inch or two to the hanging height vs. what they recommend. Being able to get a broom under the tires makes it easier to clean up if your tires are dropping dirt/mud after a ride. If you don’t need a bike rack that pivots for the extra 25-30% more space you can gain by turning them to the side, then there as probably something out there significantly less expensive.
I was needing to get multiple bikes out of the way in our garage. These SteadyRack's caught my attention because once the bikes are hanging up, you can angle them left or right. The fact that they can pivot on the mount allowed even more room. My only issue with them is the cost. My need to get the project completed, didn't allow me much time to look around for similar options or to compare prices with other racks. These appeared to meet my needs and could get here in the time frame I needed them, so I purchased three. (The different cap colors in the pictures were purchased separately on their website.) Watch the mounting video's on YouTube and you shouldn't have any trouble hanging them. I would recommend that you add an extra inch or two to the hanging height vs. what they recommend. Being able to get a broom under the tires makes it easier to clean up if your tires are dropping dirt/mud after a ride. If you don't need a bike rack that pivots for the extra 25-30% more space you can gain by turning them to the side, then there as probably something out there significantly less expensive.
I was needing to get multiple bikes out of the way in our garage. These SteadyRack’s caught my attention because once the bikes are hanging up, you can angle them left or right. The fact that they can pivot on the mount allowed even more room. My only issue with them is the cost. My need to get the project completed, didn’t allow me much time to look around for similar options or to compare prices with other racks. These appeared to meet my needs and could get here in the time frame I needed them, so I purchased three. (The different cap colors in the pictures were purchased separately on their website.) Watch the mounting video’s on YouTube and you shouldn’t have any trouble hanging them. I would recommend that you add an extra inch or two to the hanging height vs. what they recommend. Being able to get a broom under the tires makes it easier to clean up if your tires are dropping dirt/mud after a ride. If you don’t need a bike rack that pivots for the extra 25-30% more space you can gain by turning them to the side, then there as probably something out there significantly less expensive.
I was needing to get multiple bikes out of the way in our garage. These SteadyRack's caught my attention because once the bikes are hanging up, you can angle them left or right. The fact that they can pivot on the mount allowed even more room. My only issue with them is the cost. My need to get the project completed, didn't allow me much time to look around for similar options or to compare prices with other racks. These appeared to meet my needs and could get here in the time frame I needed them, so I purchased three. (The different cap colors in the pictures were purchased separately on their website.) Watch the mounting video's on YouTube and you shouldn't have any trouble hanging them. I would recommend that you add an extra inch or two to the hanging height vs. what they recommend. Being able to get a broom under the tires makes it easier to clean up if your tires are dropping dirt/mud after a ride. If you don't need a bike rack that pivots for the extra 25-30% more space you can gain by turning them to the side, then there as probably something out there significantly less expensive.
It took a little while to determine the best location, as well as the actual height that would look the best and still insure easy loading of the bikes onto the racks. Once that was determined the racks were very easy to install, and extremely easy to use. The quality of the rack is even better than advertised, they worked perfectly for our full suspension Mountain e-bikes, making it very easy to put them away. An amazing space savers, and they protect our over priced bikes from garage items banging into or falling on them.
works great and gets bikes out of way. comes with screws for attaching to stud or drywall. I’ve had a 47 pound electric bike attached to one for about 10 months and the rack remains solidly attached to wall.
Conforme aux descriptions pour l’utilisation. Construction tres solide. Le modele Fender marche tres bien avec les garde boue. J’en ai install 5 avec un intervalle de 45 cm entre chaque. Impeccable. Je recommande sans rserve.
Ho acquistato questo porta bici verticale e devo dire che vale tutti i soldi che costa, le plastiche e la struttura in metallo sono di ottima qualit.
* qualit dei materiali
* facilit di installazione
* possibilit di ruotare la bicicletta
* possibilit di richiuderlo quando non si utilizza
* esteticamente piacevole
* solidit e robustezza
Sehr praktische Lsung um Fahrrder im kleinen Kellerraum zu verstauen. Wir haben 3 Stadyrack nebeneinander und knnen durch die schwenkbare Aufhngung jedes Fahrrad problemlos aushngen. Durch die Konstruktion knnen die Rder ganz einfach eingehngt werden.
Fantastic Bike rack. After struggling with where to store our mountain bikes and having them clutter our living room and garage for many years due we were introduced to these bike racks. As it turns out the bike store where we just made our most recent bike purchases uses these throughout their showroom to store bikes. We purchased 3 of these and installed in a small section of our garage. They installed very easily and while we were generous in our spacing between racks we could have spaced closer and saved even more room. They look great on the wall and when in the closed position take up only minimal space. It is quite easy to put the bikes on and take them off …this goes for a lightweight young adult to an older person who has limited capability for lifting. These take hardly any effort to get bikes into place. Glad we made the purchase and would buy again as our bike family grows.
Fantastic Bike rack. After struggling with where to store our mountain bikes and having them clutter our living room and garage for many years due we were introduced to these bike racks. As it turns out the bike store where we just made our most recent bike purchases uses these throughout their showroom to store bikes. We purchased 3 of these and installed in a small section of our garage. They installed very easily and while we were generous in our spacing between racks we could have spaced closer and saved even more room. They look great on the wall and when in the closed position take up only minimal space. It is quite easy to put the bikes on and take them off …this goes for a lightweight young adult to an older person who has limited capability for lifting. These take hardly any effort to get bikes into place. Glad we made the purchase and would buy again as our bike family grows.
The best bike storage for any bike. I bought other ones that worked good for my road bikes, but my mountain bike didn’t fit in them, so I bought this one. My Mountain bike fits perfectly in this and I love that I can rotate it. Wish I would have bought this one first for my road bikes also. It was easy to install and is super sturdy. I highly recommend this for your bike storage needs. I think it would also work great for those of you that do not have a garage and need to store on a patio or even in a room or apartment.
Ich hatte mir diese Steadyrack ausgesucht, weil ich meine zwei Mountain-Bikes in meiner kleinen Gartenhtte – neben dem ganzen Gartenutensilien unterbringen mchte und muss. Die beiden ngenden Rder kann man wie einen Trflgel drehen. Ich habe mittlerweile alle Gartengerte wieder eingerumt und viel mehr Platz als vorher.
Hinweis: Bitte die empfohlenen 2 Zoll = 5 cm Bodenabstand einhalten, das Rad wird beim Hngen um ca. 2 cm lnger.
Die Montage war sehr einfach. Einhngen geht so wie im Video. Das Einhngen erfordert etwas bung: Lenker gerade halten 90 Aufrichten und in den Bgel hineinrollen.
Queda genial. Las ruedas quedan totalmente protegidas. Muy fcil de colocar la bici y el hecho de que sea abatible permite ganar mucho espacio. Los tornillos son robustos y suficientes
Queda genial. Las ruedas quedan totalmente protegidas. Muy fcil de colocar la bici y el hecho de que sea abatible permite ganar mucho espacio. Los tornillos son robustos y suficientes
I bought this so I can hang bikes on the wall at an angle (to take less space). It’s easy to install, sturdy, and easy to use. Only minor drawback is when pushed at an angle, the handlebar of the bike is still about an inch from the wall, and that’s because the black plastic cover is blocking the rack from going further. And the cover can’t be taken off without taking apart the whole thing.
This is perfect for my E bike. It’s very solid and looks good. Moves to the side too which is great for access to charge it. I was worried that it wouldn’t be strong enough to hold the weight and this was my last resort for hanging on the wal. I store this inside my house and it’s now out of the way. Although this is the most expensive bike rack around it’s most definitely the best and great for Ebikes. My bike is really heavy and this is so easy to put on the rack. I thought my mudguard would have to come off and it fits between the wheel and guard perfectly which is great because I need it on for winter riding.
I assessed a few kinds of bike hangers and actually bought another but different one. Assessing my usage and needs, I think this one is the best choice at least for me. I have a few reasons why this rack is likely your best choice, other than being a few bucks more . You wouldn’t be sorry for the extra few dollars, and you will struggle the least putting your bike up in this rack than most others out there. Good luck
Great storage system! The only reason I gave 4 stars on installation was because the end caps were difficult to get on. These are perfect for getting our bikes out of the way. My 11 year old is able to store and retrieve his bike independently.
Space saving, easy to use and super strong. This is the best bike storage option I’ve found. I have 6 bikes. 3 ebikes and 3 regular. The ebikes are about 40lbs. These racks work great. Easy to put the bikes away and get them down. Saves me so much space. All the bikes are in a 6 foot space of wall. They stick out about 3 feet and I can push them closer to the wall if I need to. This is a very excellent product. Pure genius.
Montage ist super einfach und fr eBikes mit breiten Reifen geeignet.
Die Bikes lassen sich kinderleicht einhngen und von links nach rechts klappen um so mehr Platz zu bekommen.
Preis Leistung stimmt hier auf alle Flle.
Ich habe fr unsere 2 E-MTB drei verschiedene Systeme an Wandhalterungen bestellt. Die eine “Brstenhalterung” lsst keine Schwenkbewegung zu. Die andere mit dem “Haken” kann zwar seitlich geschwenkt werden, ist bei den schweren E-MTB aber ziemlich kippelig. Diese beiden habe ich jeweils zurck geschickt.
Die Halterung von Steadyrack ist bisher das beste und flexibelste an Wandhalterungen zur senkrechten Aufbewahrung die ich gesehn habe und ich habe mich vor dem Kauf einige Stunden damit im Internet beschftigt.
Die Halterungen sind extrem stabil, qualitativ hochwertig verarbeitet und unsere E-MTB mit der Reifengre 29″ 2.60 passen perfekt. Es ist aber auch noch genug Platz um Reifen der Breite 2.80 unterzubringen.
Die Montage ist sehr einfach, sie sollte jedoch mit 2 Personen durchgefhrt werden, zumindest beim anhalten und markieren der Bohrlcher. Wenn die Halterung zu nierig angebracht wird ist das Vorderrad nicht richtig im Bgel und wackelt, etwas hher passt es perfekt und es wackelt nichts mehr.
Als Fazit ist zu sagen, wer die Rder senkrecht lagern mchte/muss und dabei Platz sparen will kommt an dieser schwenkbaren Halterung nicht vorbei. Das Montagezubehr ist komplett…
Eine ganz klare Empfehlung von mir!
Auch wenn diese Halterungen nicht die preiswertesten sind ist der Preis jedoch vollauf gerechtfertigt fr das was geboten wird.
First one I bought, unfortunately didn’t come with all the installation equipment, such as bolts and nuts; so I had to figure that out since I didn’t plan on waiting a long time again to get a replacement. (product stock was in and out presumably during bike craze of pandemic). Found what I needed and it worked out very well, so I bought another. (This time it came with everything and much quicker). Didn’t allow to affect rating since the product itself is was not the problem and was more of an amazon issue.
They are very sturdy and the swivel is very helpful in moving our bikes out of the way in our small apartment. I’ve had one for 3 months and just got the other. Both have worked out great so far and seem durable as it has held up against lots of use and strain at a much higher height than made for. They even somewhat function to showcase our bikes at the same time. Only real con is that we can think of is that it is expensive.
Overall, it is a great product that does as advertised and allows us to store our bikes in a small space without taken up much room.
First one I bought, unfortunately didn’t come with all the installation equipment, such as bolts and nuts; so I had to figure that out since I didn’t plan on waiting a long time again to get a replacement. (product stock was in and out presumably during bike craze of pandemic). Found what I needed and it worked out very well, so I bought another. (This time it came with everything and much quicker). Didn’t allow to affect rating since the product itself is was not the problem and was more of an amazon issue.
They are very sturdy and the swivel is very helpful in moving our bikes out of the way in our small apartment. I’ve had one for 3 months and just got the other. Both have worked out great so far and seem durable as it has held up against lots of use and strain at a much higher height than made for. They even somewhat function to showcase our bikes at the same time. Only real con is that we can think of is that it is expensive.
Overall, it is a great product that does as advertised and allows us to store our bikes in a small space without taken up much room.
Easy to install and work as advertised, good how these can fold up if not used and swing around to make more space, seem decent quality, not the sturdiest, no issues yet but time will tell
UPDATE: I’ve got two installed now and I think it’s fair to revise my original, 2-star, review. These are sturdy and they look good. You actually can have bikes on each stud and they “lay” sideways and save space. The installation was horrific and all stated drill bit sizes were incorrect. Size your drill bits two standard sizes under what the instructions say for you to do (that’s 1/4″ for the primary support bolts and i want to say it was 7/32″ for the rear wheel, but I’m not certain about that one without looking) on all hardware holes. The end caps are pretty difficult to place correctly as well and take some “finesse”. The measurement process is absurd and I can see why it’s causing multiple issues and making installation drag on way longer than necessary. Just measure your bike from front to back and add a couple inches. Use a level if hanging multiple. After installation, I’m quite pleased with the functionality and performance. They truly have saved a ton of space in my garage over the standard bike rack I already was using. I’ll be ordering and hanging 5 more, now that I can skip the worthless instructions and get the job done quickly.
UPDATE: I’ve got two installed now and I think it’s fair to revise my original, 2-star, review. These are sturdy and they look good. You actually can have bikes on each stud and they “lay” sideways and save space. The installation was horrific and all stated drill bit sizes were incorrect. Size your drill bits two standard sizes under what the instructions say for you to do (that’s 1/4” for the primary support bolts and i want to say it was 7/32” for the rear wheel, but I’m not certain about that one without looking) on all hardware holes. The end caps are pretty difficult to place correctly as well and take some “finesse”. The measurement process is absurd and I can see why it’s causing multiple issues and making installation drag on way longer than necessary. Just measure your bike from front to back and add a couple inches. Use a level if hanging multiple. After installation, I’m quite pleased with the functionality and performance. They truly have saved a ton of space in my garage over the standard bike rack I already was using. I’ll be ordering and hanging 5 more, now that I can skip the worthless instructions and get the job done quickly.
UPDATE: I’ve got two installed now and I think it’s fair to revise my original, 2-star, review. These are sturdy and they look good. You actually can have bikes on each stud and they “lay” sideways and save space. The installation was horrific and all stated drill bit sizes were incorrect. Size your drill bits two standard sizes under what the instructions say for you to do (that’s 1/4″ for the primary support bolts and i want to say it was 7/32″ for the rear wheel, but I’m not certain about that one without looking) on all hardware holes. The end caps are pretty difficult to place correctly as well and take some “finesse”. The measurement process is absurd and I can see why it’s causing multiple issues and making installation drag on way longer than necessary. Just measure your bike from front to back and add a couple inches. Use a level if hanging multiple. After installation, I’m quite pleased with the functionality and performance. They truly have saved a ton of space in my garage over the standard bike rack I already was using. I’ll be ordering and hanging 5 more, now that I can skip the worthless instructions and get the job done quickly.
UPDATE: I’ve got two installed now and I think it’s fair to revise my original, 2-star, review. These are sturdy and they look good. You actually can have bikes on each stud and they “lay” sideways and save space. The installation was horrific and all stated drill bit sizes were incorrect. Size your drill bits two standard sizes under what the instructions say for you to do (that’s 1/4” for the primary support bolts and i want to say it was 7/32” for the rear wheel, but I’m not certain about that one without looking) on all hardware holes. The end caps are pretty difficult to place correctly as well and take some “finesse”. The measurement process is absurd and I can see why it’s causing multiple issues and making installation drag on way longer than necessary. Just measure your bike from front to back and add a couple inches. Use a level if hanging multiple. After installation, I’m quite pleased with the functionality and performance. They truly have saved a ton of space in my garage over the standard bike rack I already was using. I’ll be ordering and hanging 5 more, now that I can skip the worthless instructions and get the job done quickly.
We have a couple of bikes that we were trying to determine how to store in a smaller space. We were stumped until we came across the steady rack system. We bought one “regular” size and one “BMX” size for my wife’s ebike.
I was impressed by how solid the system was when it arrived. Installation was also really easy. (The hardest thing was holding the unit on the wall to mark the drill holes It has a nice algebra-looking picture (and you wondered what you were going to do with the math you learned in high school) 🙂 It is pretty simple. Back the bike up to the wall. Make a mark on the floor, and measure up the same distance (+ how far off the floor you want it to be) on the wall. That sets your drill holes.
My bike has been hanging for a couple of months with no problems. to hang the bike, i just picked the front up, and rolled it onto the rack. We ran into a small problem with my wife’s bike. Turns out she has a front fender on her bike (Its new and I missed that). We will take the fender off at the end of the season, and then the only issue will be picking up the front of the bike (that’s where the weight is). After I got the units, I found out there is a larger size available that is supposed to accommodate bikes with fenders. Oh well..
One thing to note. The advertising says that the unit will rotate 180 degrees. While that is true, don’t expect that much swing with the bike in place as you can only swing until the pedals hit the wall, but it does pivot extremely easy with the bike in place, and loading the bikes at an angle saves space.
We have a couple of bikes that we were trying to determine how to store in a smaller space. We were stumped until we came across the steady rack system. We bought one “regular” size and one “BMX” size for my wife’s ebike.
I was impressed by how solid the system was when it arrived. Installation was also really easy. (The hardest thing was holding the unit on the wall to mark the drill holes It has a nice algebra-looking picture (and you wondered what you were going to do with the math you learned in high school) 🙂 It is pretty simple. Back the bike up to the wall. Make a mark on the floor, and measure up the same distance (+ how far off the floor you want it to be) on the wall. That sets your drill holes.
My bike has been hanging for a couple of months with no problems. to hang the bike, i just picked the front up, and rolled it onto the rack. We ran into a small problem with my wife’s bike. Turns out she has a front fender on her bike (Its new and I missed that). We will take the fender off at the end of the season, and then the only issue will be picking up the front of the bike (that’s where the weight is). After I got the units, I found out there is a larger size available that is supposed to accommodate bikes with fenders. Oh well..
One thing to note. The advertising says that the unit will rotate 180 degrees. While that is true, don’t expect that much swing with the bike in place as you can only swing until the pedals hit the wall, but it does pivot extremely easy with the bike in place, and loading the bikes at an angle saves space.
Works great, easy to install following the tips in the instructions. If you have a fender that has a flare to it give it another 1″ to 1 1/2″. I daily commute my bike and coming home from work tired from the heat is when the simplicity of this rack shines.
Works great, easy to install following the tips in the instructions. If you have a fender that has a flare to it give it another 1" to 1 1/2". I daily commute my bike and coming home from work tired from the heat is when the simplicity of this rack shines.
Super straight forward installation. Had to get this one in order to hold a mtb with 27.5’s.
The only hang up I have, is I followed their instructions for measuring, and applying that to where to hang your top bracket on 3 different installs now, and every time the bracket is so high the bike ends up being 6″ off the ground. Not a huge deal as these are easy enough to pull down and remount.
The bike rack is easy for me to use and my bike now takes up less space in my rec room. I also really like that it rotates left and right depending on where I need more space. The one issue we had during installation was putting enough force on the back rack holder while the bike wheels were on the floor to determine where the bolts were to be installed on the wall. After installing one bolt and hanging the bike the first time, my bike landed lower than expected and we had to redrill new holes to move the rack up a bit. It was not a big deal and it works great now.
… fr ein Citibike dagegen ungeeignet.
Der Plan war, drei Fahrrder damit aufzuhngen, zwei mit dem VeloUp!.
Gut, dass ich zunchst nur einen Steadyrack angeschraubt habe und daran zunchst alle Fahrrder “probehngen” lies.
So musste ich zwei der drei bestellten Steadyracks dann doch leider zurcksenden, denn sie machen das Schutzblech, die Blechhalterung oder tlw. noch mehr kaputt.
Der verbliebene Steadyrack nimmt mein “echtes” Mtb super auf. Das Vorderrad liegt wie Bombe in der quasi Schale. Da muss man sich absolut keine Sorgen machen, dass die Felge Kratzer, Abdrcke oder Verformungen erleiden muss – alles absolut bestens!
Ich habe ihn dann nach der Neugestaltung der Installationspltze auch fast nach Empfehlung angebracht, nur 2cm hher, da ich darunter noch Laminat legen mchte.
Aber das “Einparken” geht so butterweich. Den Esel einfach auf’s Hinterrad, den Sattel gegen das Knie und auf geht’s.
Einfach Klasse!
Das Anbauen an der Wand war etwas trickig.
Hier ist Genauigkeit empfohlen und definitiv BESSERE Dbel als die mitgelieferten.
Das ist auch der Grund des Abzugs.
Ich habe sowohl Dbel nachgekauft als auch lngere Schrauben.
Letzteres ist unserer Wand geschuldet (recht dicke Putzschicht), aber die Dbel sind mal wieder die billigsten Dbel, die sich sonst keiner trauen wrde, irgendwo zu verschenken oder gar zu verkaufen. Genau an den Dingern sparen sie immer wieder.
Sorry Leute! Ihr seid nicht die Einzigen, die das so machen, aber echt jetzt?
Ich habe Eure Dbel und Schrauben NUR FR DEN TESTLAUF genutzt und binnen weniger Stunden war oben ein Dbel schon zu rund 2cm aus der Wand rausgezogen und der andere 0,5cm.
Und das mit dem leichtesten Rad im Bestand, nmlich meinem Mtb, was keine 7kg auf die Waage bringt.
Damit ist das Loch schlussendlich unbrauchbar und htte ich nicht ohnehin durch die Umgestaltung einen neuen Platz suchen mssen, htte ich es wegen der nicht mehr nutzbaren Lcher mssen. Die Lcher in der Wand, die es dann zuzumachen gilt, sind wieder unntiger Mehraufwand.
Das sind vielleicht 10Ct Unterschied im Produktpreis, aber JEDE Menge Unterschied am Zufriedenheitsbarometer beim Endkunden.
Da ist wirklich noch Luft nach oben!
Needed a solution to store two heavy electric bikes in a small garage space. Upright storage was the requirement but the bikes are too heavy to regularly lift up off the floor and place on a hook. This solution proved perfect for our situation. Easy to place on hanger, without lifting and fenders fit fine. Ability to pivot the bikes closer against the wall allows us just the right amount of space to also fit our vehicles. Great solution. Very satisfied.
I have two, 53 lb ebikes that I installed this for. Very easy to install. Very easy to load. My 5′ 8″ wife can put the bike on the rack. Definitely make sure you get the stud.
The reasons I went with this rack is that it distributes the stress over the wheel and not a single point on the rim and it is easier to load since you just roll it on. Bonus that you can swivel—now that I installed it, the swivel is a must have in my situation.
So… The product is outstanding, instructions are not so. Being a novice for a wall mount bike rack I found the instructions to be poorly written. let me start off saying I am very competent with a level and tools. The instructions give you a routine to follow for placement and that made sense, But what they did is after the instructions they just mention that the bike should be 1″-3″ off the floor. NOT indicating that once you mark the wall using the prescribed measurement method that you need to measure 3″ above to mark the areas to drill and mount. Yea, yea, I know… anyone who is very familiar with bike racks will say “duh” but I was a novice, the other two I installed went up in minutes. Needless to say it took some patching and paint to make it right. Sounds like a little thing but a few extra words in the right place would go a long way. Regardless of my small mishap I think this is one of the best bike wall mount designs available.
So... The product is outstanding, instructions are not so. Being a novice for a wall mount bike rack I found the instructions to be poorly written. let me start off saying I am very competent with a level and tools. The instructions give you a routine to follow for placement and that made sense, But what they did is after the instructions they just mention that the bike should be 1"-3" off the floor. NOT indicating that once you mark the wall using the prescribed measurement method that you need to measure 3" above to mark the areas to drill and mount. Yea, yea, I know... anyone who is very familiar with bike racks will say "duh" but I was a novice, the other two I installed went up in minutes. Needless to say it took some patching and paint to make it right. Sounds like a little thing but a few extra words in the right place would go a long way. Regardless of my small mishap I think this is one of the best bike wall mount designs available.
So… The product is outstanding, instructions are not so. Being a novice for a wall mount bike rack I found the instructions to be poorly written. let me start off saying I am very competent with a level and tools. The instructions give you a routine to follow for placement and that made sense, But what they did is after the instructions they just mention that the bike should be 1″-3″ off the floor. NOT indicating that once you mark the wall using the prescribed measurement method that you need to measure 3″ above to mark the areas to drill and mount. Yea, yea, I know… anyone who is very familiar with bike racks will say “duh” but I was a novice, the other two I installed went up in minutes. Needless to say it took some patching and paint to make it right. Sounds like a little thing but a few extra words in the right place would go a long way. Regardless of my small mishap I think this is one of the best bike wall mount designs available.
So... The product is outstanding, instructions are not so. Being a novice for a wall mount bike rack I found the instructions to be poorly written. let me start off saying I am very competent with a level and tools. The instructions give you a routine to follow for placement and that made sense, But what they did is after the instructions they just mention that the bike should be 1"-3" off the floor. NOT indicating that once you mark the wall using the prescribed measurement method that you need to measure 3" above to mark the areas to drill and mount. Yea, yea, I know... anyone who is very familiar with bike racks will say "duh" but I was a novice, the other two I installed went up in minutes. Needless to say it took some patching and paint to make it right. Sounds like a little thing but a few extra words in the right place would go a long way. Regardless of my small mishap I think this is one of the best bike wall mount designs available.
It was a rainy day in June, so wet, yet warm like the hug from a loved one. I decided my trusty steeds needed a home off of the cold hard concrete. I had not one but four transports of different sizes. I received my units quickly with haste, for amazon prime has no time to waste. Product was boxed without damage. I measured my wall to each 16th of an inch. Found more studs than a Magic Mike reunion show. I installed my bike with the biggest of frames and girth first. Some call it a fat bike but I find that offensive, since I also have a similar tire around my waste. From there I installed the smallest of the two wheelers owned by my wee little. That way the handle bars wouldn’t touch when swung to the side. Next I installed my better halfs pedal cycle. I put it further away from mine because she has a lazy eye and I didn’t want my ride scratched. Finally I installed the “I’m a better biker than you Dad” child’s bike. He probably is but I wouldn’t say that out-loud. Little does he know, I let a bit of air out of his tires everyday just so he has to fill them up. Cheeky kid 0 Dad 1. With the floor savings I have received from putting the bikes on the wall I was able to install a pool table. I would definitely recommend these wall units. They save space and marriages.
I just reclaimed my garage because of these. 8 year old can take it their bike off the wall no problem, i got the mountain bike size, and they have fat tires and it works no problem. this is a must have item for your home
Highly recommend this product. I was hesitant due to the price compared to the cheap hook style out there. But after having ordered two separate hooks that said they did Fat tires and then couldn’t even fit my thinnest mountain bike tires (2.35) I got these. They are what they say and fit my 2.8 tires just fine as well as the smaller sized 2.35. Easy to move bikes on rack. Can even do some cleaning on the drive train if your careful while it is hanging on it. You get what you pay for.
Installation is what you would expect. Measure, drill holes, then screw (for wood).
The best two things about this product are how easy it is to store the bike and take it down, and the fact you can turn the bike closer to the wall after you hang it, so it doesn’t project into the room as much.
A very good product. Works perfectly. If installing in a staggered formation take time to get the rack position right. Only negative is a bit expensive.
This rack is expensive, but it is worth every penny. I ordered one to see if I liked it and I figured I would stick with the old fashion hooks for my other four bikes. After mounting up the one, I decided to order four more. The ease of hanging and removing the bike is drastically easier than standard hooks. My wife doesn’t need me to help her get her bike down anymore. Also, the way in which the product cradles the wheel is far gentler on the bikes rim. This is especially important for Carbon wheels. Lastly, the icing on the cake is the way in which the rack swings side to side. This allows me to mount the bikes closer together. Just swing the other bikes to the side to extract the one your going for. $450 invested but I don’t regret it.
Lassen sich mit entsprechendem Werkzeug problemlos montieren. Fr das Einstellen der MTBs Video anschauen. Nicht billig, aber auf Sicht eine tolle Variante.
Amazing. Purchased 2 being hesitant as I only have a single car garage. But they worked. I can easily get my SUV into my garage with both bikes on the wall. My other bikes are on a wall that don’t require the tilting feature, but I will be buying them steadyracks for the pure fact it is so easy to load and unload the bikes. Awesome rack!
Amazing. Purchased 2 being hesitant as I only have a single car garage. But they worked. I can easily get my SUV into my garage with both bikes on the wall. My other bikes are on a wall that don't require the tilting feature, but I will be buying them steadyracks for the pure fact it is so easy to load and unload the bikes. Awesome rack!
Had a real challenge trying to fit two large mountain bikes in a small storage cupboard. After a lot of research this seemed to be one of the few ways of doing it. Both installed and work a treat. Solid, sturdy and very practical. Fact can move to the side once installed is a bonus. Excellent solution.
Not the easiest bike rack I’ve ever installed. But they make it so our spare room has space while storing 2 large mountain bikes.
We move them often to allow us to have a workout area and access things stored beside them.
A very good option to keeping bikes out of the way.
Hlt genau das was es verspricht.
Dadurch wird endlich platzsparend “gestapelt”.
Trotz kleiner Kritik 5*
Meiner Meinung nach 15% zu teuer fr sehr viel Plastik.
Die kleine Halterung unten kann auch ohne Hergestellt werden.
Bessere Erklrung in Deutsch wre hilfreich.
I purchased a new ebike and wanted a rack that could hold the 50 pound weight of the bike and handle the wide 27.5 X 2.6 tires. This was easy to set up using the instructions and gets the bike out of the walking path of the garage. This is my fourth rack from steady rack. They work great in my garage.
I purchased a new ebike and wanted a rack that could hold the 50 pound weight of the bike and handle the wide 27.5 X 2.6 tires. This was easy to set up using the instructions and gets the bike out of the walking path of the garage. This is my fourth rack from steady rack. They work great in my garage.
Bei allen verschiedenen Rdern mit Schutzblech. Kein Problem – funktioniert. In Monatgeanleitung vorgegebene Hhe ist optimal.
Anders als andere Rezensenten fand ich die Dbel/Schrauben, zumindest fr eine Betonwand, vllig o.k.
Het is een prachtig mooi product maar blijf nadenken. De fietsen zijn ook in de lengte toch zo 120cm diep. Ik had me behoorlijk vergist. Maar ik blijf het een top product vinden. Degelijk, heldere uitleg, makkelijk te monteren.
I’m constantly buying new and different racks as I move apartments. This is by far my favorite! It’s easy enough to install and gets my mountain out of the way from the rest of my living room. If you really want it flush, loosen the handlebars and rotate 90 degrees. But don’t forget to torque them back to the proper spec before you hit the trails!
This is the second Steadyrack I have bought, one for each of my son’s mountain bikes. Simply put, they work great. They are mounted on the back wall of our garage, leaving plenty of room to pull the car into the garage. One of the best features is that the rack swivels, which comes in very handy. It’s very easy to install as long as you can find a stud in the wall. Loading/unloading the bike on the rack is very easy. One of the best bike accessories I have purchased.
Einfache Montage. Fahrrad b.z.w E-Bike halten sehr gut. mein 11 Jhrige Tochter kann auch ihr eigenes Bike einhngen.
Habe allerdings andere Markendbel verwendet.
Really pleased with this bike hanger. Have tried many different options over past few months to house 2 electric bikes. The E-bikes are quite heavy and lifting them on and off hangers hurt neck and elbow joints! No chance of my wife being able to hang the bike either! With this – you simply lift up the front wheel, walk into the Hanger and let the front wheel take the weight as it locates into the rack. The Fender/mudguard accessory works brilliantly. Not had any hassles with mudguards being clipped/mangled on the bracket.
Plus the swing allows the 2 bikes to sit close together, but when taking down or simple maintenance, swing out the way to access either in quite a tight space for storage.
Prodotto ben rifinito, istruzioni di montaggio complete , semplice installazione , fa guadagnare molto spazio in garage soprattutto se se hanno pi biciclette, e si utilizza facilmente.
I tasselli della confezione non si adattavano alla mia parete in cartongesso li ho dovuti acquistare a parte.
Concept is great and they are perfect for my application. Found a minor issue with the plastic locking tabs for the covers. They can easily break off if you are not very careful. Good news is that the covers still stay in place with one broken tab.
Best product for tight spaces. We need to be able to swing the racks to work with our small space. We bought 5. Make sure to get the right width for your tires.
It simply so effective and easy to use. The coolest bike rack I’ve ever seen and I have 4 of them in my garage. Just bough 3 extra ones – all fender racks because in my view these are the most flexible ones – you can just load racing and city or touring bikes. Just roll them in and turn them somewhat. Really super!
I don’t see exactly how they think someone with a bike with fenders is just going to roll up into this rack without lifting, but I love this for my bikes in my condo. Nice and clean way to get them off the ground and securely inside. I haven’t been able to find anything better, and I love that this one is designed with protecting the fenders and the bike itself in mind.
I bought ten of the regular racks and two of the fender racks to get my bikes sorted and stored in my garage. The two with the fender design are for me and my partner’s commuter bikes, and the racks accept both bikes with fenders easily. I am very pleased with the Steadyrack product design, and I’m very pleased with their construction. The alternatives on the market are cheaper, but you pay for what you get and I’m glad I spent the money for this top quality product. I also find myself using the swing feature a lot more than I thought I would. This is the product I’m endorsing for all my fellow cyclists with their storage needs.
Absolutely love these racks. Pretty easy to mount and then it’s a breeze getting your bike on and off. Much better than any other bike storage solution I’ve tried
Works just as described. Really easy to wheel bikes into position with no lifting required. A very clever design. Has maximised use of space for bikes in our kitchen. I mounted two of these close together but staggered the height so the handlebars didn’t clash. The plastic feels a bit cheap/brittle, but is only there for cosmetic reasons – it doesn’t perform any mechnical function. Takes the weight of my partner’s 26kg e-bike without any problems.
I used my own wall plugs as the ones supplied were a bit cheap.
gestern 4 Rder platzsparend, kraftsparend, flexibel an die Wandgehngt. Prinzipiell perfekt. bitte vorher auf Details achten: Steht der Gepcktrger oder der Fahrradstnder nach hinten raus.? die Sache mit den Schutzblechen funktioniert super. Die mitgelieferten Schrauben tuns allemal! Platz in der Garage!
Absolutely perfect for me and extremely well put together. Ideal for a single installation or multiple installations in a garage environment or apartment.
I got the fender model because it’ll handle bike with or without fenders. Also perfect for supporting expensive HED wheels that cannot be hung on a hook.
Yup – there are lots of cheaper options out there – I looked at them all first. Will be buying more of these.
Trs bon produit, solide et pratique, facile monter. Changer seulement les chevilles et les vis si mur creux. J’ai suivi la notice de montage rcupre sur le site de Steadyrack (malheureusement en anglais!) et j’ai augment de 10 cm comme suggr la distance mesure au sol mais c’tait encore un peu haut. J’ai donc descendu l’ensemble de 2,5 cm et c’est plus facile pour y mettre la roue de devant sans trop forcer ni soulever le vlo, et malgr les 2,5 cm plus bas, la roue arrire ne touche pas le sol.
This rack excels in saving space without compromising accessibility. I’ve been using the Steadyrack ‘Fender’ and ‘Classic’ models for the last 6 months and they’ve worked great. I’m now done with the ‘ceiling hoist’ racks, and my teenage daughter can now put her own bike away.
– saves space
– Allows bikes to swing or pivot against the wall
– Bikes can be mounted as close as 14″ apart and still pivot against the wall
– Relatively simple installation and online videos available
– Simple to put bike up and down
– not the cheapest solution
– Drywall anchors included are inadequate (try and use a wall stud)
I use the Steadyrack Fender racks to hold two 26″ beach cruisers with large front fenders. The bikes are held vertically with the rear tire just off the ground. Just tip the bike up on its rear wheel and roll it onto the rack, and swing the bike to the side until the handlebar meets the wall (tires remain against wall while bike rotates to either side).
Installation considerations:
– Installation instructions state bikes can mount as close as 14″. This works for similar bikes (two beach cruisers or two mountain bikes), but with different bike types the handle bars can interfere with each other. You need to move them farther apart or stagger one higher off the ground.
– Drywall anchors included are totally inadequate. Do not use these to mount into Sheetrock without a stud. I suggest using Snaptoggle type anchors (Home Depot, etc.).
One reviewer marked this product down for the poor wall anchors. This isn’t unique to this product, included anchors are usually junk. Weight bearing items usually mount to a wall stud for support. I prefer not to pay extra for a product to include quality anchors, and if needed I purchase my own.
If your priorities are space and convenience I strongly suggest you look at this rack. The ceiling racks I used were hard for my wife and I to use, and way too difficult for my kids. The bikes just weren’t getting used. I hope this review is helpful in selecting a bike storage solution.
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I got 2 of these for the garage and whilst a bit more expensive than many of the other products available, they are fantastic. Great quality and the fact that they can be folded when not in use is brilliant.
Mit dem Steadyrack ist das Cross-Bike ruck-zuck an die Wand gehngt und kann auch noch gemtlich von der einen auf die andere Seite ‘geklappt’ werden. Damit lassen sich zwei oder mehr Fahrrder platzsparend an der Wand hngend aufbewahren – PERFEKT!!
See my detailed product review for the regular Steadyrack. I love it.
As for the Fender Rack specifically, I read about possible interference of the fender supports & the rack, when placing the bike on the rack & how to handle that. The first time I put my bike up, I encountered this “interference”, but I have to chalk that up to the simple learning curve – because it hasn’t happened since that first day.
One thing to be prepare to address:
When I pop my bike up to get my front tire on the rack, my rear fender hits the concrete floor. (The grinding noise is enough to let you know you’re scraping paint off the fender. Mine wasn’t too brutal, but it could have been worse.) My beach cruiser is 44 lbs. so it’s not necessarily easy to lift it up. I place a small rubber mat on the floor there when I put my bike on & off the rack. Even a thin rubber-backed rug would be enough, but it’s certainly something to be aware of… This is not enough reason to avoid the purchase. Just prepare for it.
This product is solid and it works great to organize our family bikes. Photo attached.
The rather amazing trick that this rack performs is to let you simply roll your bike up to the horizontal arm, then gently push it into position without physically lifting the bike fully off the floor. It’s nearly effortless. Once mounted, the bike can be rotated left or right to save space or better access things stored between two bikes mounted similarly. The fender rack is a modified version of the standard rack that replaces the wire front cradle with a thin plastic cradle that can slip between the bike wheel and the fender stays. Trick: bend the two sides of the lower arm together by gentle squeezing to get the spacing right. There’s very little gap between tire and fender with modern fenders. Once that’s set, follow the mounting instruction and you’re set.
Put this up in my garage at the weekend and what a difference getting the bike out of the way as it always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time lol!, brilliant! It was actually really easy to fit (assuming you have a power drill and appropriate sized bits etc obviously). The product feels very well made and the instructions were really clear – I got it bang-on where the bike just rolls in and out with very little effort. Once in place the bike feels solid in the frame, you can add a padlock/chain if required, and you can adjust the nuts top and bottom – behind the little plastic covers – to allow the frame to swivel around the vertical, or tighten right up to lock the frame in one position if preferred. Great product which doesn’t damage your wheel rims, like a lot of the hanger-types can do. Highly recommended.
Easy to fit once you have found stud.
Went for mountain bike size. Takes 2.6 tyres and 22 kg ebike .super easy to get bike on and swing close to wall.
Having been through the array of lesser bike racks, at small expense, the occasional injury and many rude words, I am relieved to have arrived at the definitive solution. Fair bit of money, but worth it. Happy biker.
It took a little while to determine the best location, as well as the actual height that would look the best and still insure easy loading of the bikes onto the racks. Once that was determined the racks were very easy to install, and extremely easy to use. The quality of the rack is even better than advertised, they worked perfectly for our full suspension Mountain e-bikes, making it very easy to put them away. An amazing space savers, and they protect our over priced bikes from garage items banging into or falling on them.
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Mudguards are protected and the swivel function is a great space saving idea.
works great and gets bikes out of way. comes with screws for attaching to stud or drywall. I’ve had a 47 pound electric bike attached to one for about 10 months and the rack remains solidly attached to wall.
Ho acquistato questo porta bici verticale e devo dire che vale tutti i soldi che costa, le plastiche e la struttura in metallo sono di ottima qualit.
* qualit dei materiali
* facilit di installazione
* possibilit di ruotare la bicicletta
* possibilit di richiuderlo quando non si utilizza
* esteticamente piacevole
* solidit e robustezza
* per ora nessuno
Sehr praktische Lsung um Fahrrder im kleinen Kellerraum zu verstauen. Wir haben 3 Stadyrack nebeneinander und knnen durch die schwenkbare Aufhngung jedes Fahrrad problemlos aushngen. Durch die Konstruktion knnen die Rder ganz einfach eingehngt werden.
Fantastic Bike rack. After struggling with where to store our mountain bikes and having them clutter our living room and garage for many years due we were introduced to these bike racks. As it turns out the bike store where we just made our most recent bike purchases uses these throughout their showroom to store bikes. We purchased 3 of these and installed in a small section of our garage. They installed very easily and while we were generous in our spacing between racks we could have spaced closer and saved even more room. They look great on the wall and when in the closed position take up only minimal space. It is quite easy to put the bikes on and take them off …this goes for a lightweight young adult to an older person who has limited capability for lifting. These take hardly any effort to get bikes into place. Glad we made the purchase and would buy again as our bike family grows.
Fantastic Bike rack. After struggling with where to store our mountain bikes and having them clutter our living room and garage for many years due we were introduced to these bike racks. As it turns out the bike store where we just made our most recent bike purchases uses these throughout their showroom to store bikes. We purchased 3 of these and installed in a small section of our garage. They installed very easily and while we were generous in our spacing between racks we could have spaced closer and saved even more room. They look great on the wall and when in the closed position take up only minimal space. It is quite easy to put the bikes on and take them off …this goes for a lightweight young adult to an older person who has limited capability for lifting. These take hardly any effort to get bikes into place. Glad we made the purchase and would buy again as our bike family grows.
The best bike storage for any bike. I bought other ones that worked good for my road bikes, but my mountain bike didn’t fit in them, so I bought this one. My Mountain bike fits perfectly in this and I love that I can rotate it. Wish I would have bought this one first for my road bikes also. It was easy to install and is super sturdy. I highly recommend this for your bike storage needs. I think it would also work great for those of you that do not have a garage and need to store on a patio or even in a room or apartment.
Hinweis: Bitte die empfohlenen 2 Zoll = 5 cm Bodenabstand einhalten, das Rad wird beim Hngen um ca. 2 cm lnger.
Die Montage war sehr einfach. Einhngen geht so wie im Video. Das Einhngen erfordert etwas bung: Lenker gerade halten 90 Aufrichten und in den Bgel hineinrollen.
Queda genial. Las ruedas quedan totalmente protegidas. Muy fcil de colocar la bici y el hecho de que sea abatible permite ganar mucho espacio. Los tornillos son robustos y suficientes
Works perfect, swinging the bike over saved space. Would recommend.
Queda genial. Las ruedas quedan totalmente protegidas. Muy fcil de colocar la bici y el hecho de que sea abatible permite ganar mucho espacio. Los tornillos son robustos y suficientes
I bought this so I can hang bikes on the wall at an angle (to take less space). It’s easy to install, sturdy, and easy to use. Only minor drawback is when pushed at an angle, the handlebar of the bike is still about an inch from the wall, and that’s because the black plastic cover is blocking the rack from going further. And the cover can’t be taken off without taking apart the whole thing.
Ideal for hanging bikes in the garage- I now have 3!!
Super stabile und funktionale Fahrradwandhalterung. Groe Platzersparnis da man die Halterung schwenken kann.
This is perfect for my E bike. It’s very solid and looks good. Moves to the side too which is great for access to charge it. I was worried that it wouldn’t be strong enough to hold the weight and this was my last resort for hanging on the wal. I store this inside my house and it’s now out of the way. Although this is the most expensive bike rack around it’s most definitely the best and great for Ebikes. My bike is really heavy and this is so easy to put on the rack. I thought my mudguard would have to come off and it fits between the wheel and guard perfectly which is great because I need it on for winter riding.
I assessed a few kinds of bike hangers and actually bought another but different one. Assessing my usage and needs, I think this one is the best choice at least for me. I have a few reasons why this rack is likely your best choice, other than being a few bucks more . You wouldn’t be sorry for the extra few dollars, and you will struggle the least putting your bike up in this rack than most others out there. Good luck
Very easy to install, very easy to load unload the bike and the best design in space saving. Simple and solid build.
Great storage system! The only reason I gave 4 stars on installation was because the end caps were difficult to get on. These are perfect for getting our bikes out of the way. My 11 year old is able to store and retrieve his bike independently.
Space saving, easy to use and super strong. This is the best bike storage option I’ve found. I have 6 bikes. 3 ebikes and 3 regular. The ebikes are about 40lbs. These racks work great. Easy to put the bikes away and get them down. Saves me so much space. All the bikes are in a 6 foot space of wall. They stick out about 3 feet and I can push them closer to the wall if I need to. This is a very excellent product. Pure genius.
Great rack – pity the aussis dont make it in australia.
Die Bikes lassen sich kinderleicht einhngen und von links nach rechts klappen um so mehr Platz zu bekommen.
Preis Leistung stimmt hier auf alle Flle.
Ottimo prodotto. Permette di recuperare molto spazio. Consiglio di utilizzare dei tasselli pi performanti per il montaggio.
Die Halterung von Steadyrack ist bisher das beste und flexibelste an Wandhalterungen zur senkrechten Aufbewahrung die ich gesehn habe und ich habe mich vor dem Kauf einige Stunden damit im Internet beschftigt.
Die Halterungen sind extrem stabil, qualitativ hochwertig verarbeitet und unsere E-MTB mit der Reifengre 29″ 2.60 passen perfekt. Es ist aber auch noch genug Platz um Reifen der Breite 2.80 unterzubringen.
Die Montage ist sehr einfach, sie sollte jedoch mit 2 Personen durchgefhrt werden, zumindest beim anhalten und markieren der Bohrlcher. Wenn die Halterung zu nierig angebracht wird ist das Vorderrad nicht richtig im Bgel und wackelt, etwas hher passt es perfekt und es wackelt nichts mehr.
Als Fazit ist zu sagen, wer die Rder senkrecht lagern mchte/muss und dabei Platz sparen will kommt an dieser schwenkbaren Halterung nicht vorbei. Das Montagezubehr ist komplett…
Eine ganz klare Empfehlung von mir!
Auch wenn diese Halterungen nicht die preiswertesten sind ist der Preis jedoch vollauf gerechtfertigt fr das was geboten wird.
First one I bought, unfortunately didn’t come with all the installation equipment, such as bolts and nuts; so I had to figure that out since I didn’t plan on waiting a long time again to get a replacement. (product stock was in and out presumably during bike craze of pandemic). Found what I needed and it worked out very well, so I bought another. (This time it came with everything and much quicker). Didn’t allow to affect rating since the product itself is was not the problem and was more of an amazon issue.
They are very sturdy and the swivel is very helpful in moving our bikes out of the way in our small apartment. I’ve had one for 3 months and just got the other. Both have worked out great so far and seem durable as it has held up against lots of use and strain at a much higher height than made for. They even somewhat function to showcase our bikes at the same time. Only real con is that we can think of is that it is expensive.
Overall, it is a great product that does as advertised and allows us to store our bikes in a small space without taken up much room.
First one I bought, unfortunately didn’t come with all the installation equipment, such as bolts and nuts; so I had to figure that out since I didn’t plan on waiting a long time again to get a replacement. (product stock was in and out presumably during bike craze of pandemic). Found what I needed and it worked out very well, so I bought another. (This time it came with everything and much quicker). Didn’t allow to affect rating since the product itself is was not the problem and was more of an amazon issue.
They are very sturdy and the swivel is very helpful in moving our bikes out of the way in our small apartment. I’ve had one for 3 months and just got the other. Both have worked out great so far and seem durable as it has held up against lots of use and strain at a much higher height than made for. They even somewhat function to showcase our bikes at the same time. Only real con is that we can think of is that it is expensive.
Overall, it is a great product that does as advertised and allows us to store our bikes in a small space without taken up much room.
Easy to install and work as advertised, good how these can fold up if not used and swing around to make more space, seem decent quality, not the sturdiest, no issues yet but time will tell
I was impressed by how solid the system was when it arrived. Installation was also really easy. (The hardest thing was holding the unit on the wall to mark the drill holes It has a nice algebra-looking picture (and you wondered what you were going to do with the math you learned in high school) 🙂 It is pretty simple. Back the bike up to the wall. Make a mark on the floor, and measure up the same distance (+ how far off the floor you want it to be) on the wall. That sets your drill holes.
My bike has been hanging for a couple of months with no problems. to hang the bike, i just picked the front up, and rolled it onto the rack. We ran into a small problem with my wife’s bike. Turns out she has a front fender on her bike (Its new and I missed that). We will take the fender off at the end of the season, and then the only issue will be picking up the front of the bike (that’s where the weight is). After I got the units, I found out there is a larger size available that is supposed to accommodate bikes with fenders. Oh well..
One thing to note. The advertising says that the unit will rotate 180 degrees. While that is true, don’t expect that much swing with the bike in place as you can only swing until the pedals hit the wall, but it does pivot extremely easy with the bike in place, and loading the bikes at an angle saves space.
We are very pleased with this unit so far.
I was impressed by how solid the system was when it arrived. Installation was also really easy. (The hardest thing was holding the unit on the wall to mark the drill holes It has a nice algebra-looking picture (and you wondered what you were going to do with the math you learned in high school) 🙂 It is pretty simple. Back the bike up to the wall. Make a mark on the floor, and measure up the same distance (+ how far off the floor you want it to be) on the wall. That sets your drill holes.
My bike has been hanging for a couple of months with no problems. to hang the bike, i just picked the front up, and rolled it onto the rack. We ran into a small problem with my wife’s bike. Turns out she has a front fender on her bike (Its new and I missed that). We will take the fender off at the end of the season, and then the only issue will be picking up the front of the bike (that’s where the weight is). After I got the units, I found out there is a larger size available that is supposed to accommodate bikes with fenders. Oh well..
One thing to note. The advertising says that the unit will rotate 180 degrees. While that is true, don’t expect that much swing with the bike in place as you can only swing until the pedals hit the wall, but it does pivot extremely easy with the bike in place, and loading the bikes at an angle saves space.
We are very pleased with this unit so far.
Works great, easy to install following the tips in the instructions. If you have a fender that has a flare to it give it another 1″ to 1 1/2″. I daily commute my bike and coming home from work tired from the heat is when the simplicity of this rack shines.
Super straight forward installation. Had to get this one in order to hold a mtb with 27.5’s.
The only hang up I have, is I followed their instructions for measuring, and applying that to where to hang your top bracket on 3 different installs now, and every time the bracket is so high the bike ends up being 6″ off the ground. Not a huge deal as these are easy enough to pull down and remount.
The bike rack is easy for me to use and my bike now takes up less space in my rec room. I also really like that it rotates left and right depending on where I need more space. The one issue we had during installation was putting enough force on the back rack holder while the bike wheels were on the floor to determine where the bolts were to be installed on the wall. After installing one bolt and hanging the bike the first time, my bike landed lower than expected and we had to redrill new holes to move the rack up a bit. It was not a big deal and it works great now.
Der Plan war, drei Fahrrder damit aufzuhngen, zwei mit dem VeloUp!.
Gut, dass ich zunchst nur einen Steadyrack angeschraubt habe und daran zunchst alle Fahrrder “probehngen” lies.
So musste ich zwei der drei bestellten Steadyracks dann doch leider zurcksenden, denn sie machen das Schutzblech, die Blechhalterung oder tlw. noch mehr kaputt.
Der verbliebene Steadyrack nimmt mein “echtes” Mtb super auf. Das Vorderrad liegt wie Bombe in der quasi Schale. Da muss man sich absolut keine Sorgen machen, dass die Felge Kratzer, Abdrcke oder Verformungen erleiden muss – alles absolut bestens!
Ich habe ihn dann nach der Neugestaltung der Installationspltze auch fast nach Empfehlung angebracht, nur 2cm hher, da ich darunter noch Laminat legen mchte.
Aber das “Einparken” geht so butterweich. Den Esel einfach auf’s Hinterrad, den Sattel gegen das Knie und auf geht’s.
Einfach Klasse!
Das Anbauen an der Wand war etwas trickig.
Hier ist Genauigkeit empfohlen und definitiv BESSERE Dbel als die mitgelieferten.
Das ist auch der Grund des Abzugs.
Ich habe sowohl Dbel nachgekauft als auch lngere Schrauben.
Letzteres ist unserer Wand geschuldet (recht dicke Putzschicht), aber die Dbel sind mal wieder die billigsten Dbel, die sich sonst keiner trauen wrde, irgendwo zu verschenken oder gar zu verkaufen. Genau an den Dingern sparen sie immer wieder.
Sorry Leute! Ihr seid nicht die Einzigen, die das so machen, aber echt jetzt?
Ich habe Eure Dbel und Schrauben NUR FR DEN TESTLAUF genutzt und binnen weniger Stunden war oben ein Dbel schon zu rund 2cm aus der Wand rausgezogen und der andere 0,5cm.
Und das mit dem leichtesten Rad im Bestand, nmlich meinem Mtb, was keine 7kg auf die Waage bringt.
Damit ist das Loch schlussendlich unbrauchbar und htte ich nicht ohnehin durch die Umgestaltung einen neuen Platz suchen mssen, htte ich es wegen der nicht mehr nutzbaren Lcher mssen. Die Lcher in der Wand, die es dann zuzumachen gilt, sind wieder unntiger Mehraufwand.
Das sind vielleicht 10Ct Unterschied im Produktpreis, aber JEDE Menge Unterschied am Zufriedenheitsbarometer beim Endkunden.
Da ist wirklich noch Luft nach oben!
I have two, 53 lb ebikes that I installed this for. Very easy to install. Very easy to load. My 5′ 8″ wife can put the bike on the rack. Definitely make sure you get the stud.
The reasons I went with this rack is that it distributes the stress over the wheel and not a single point on the rim and it is easier to load since you just roll it on. Bonus that you can swivel—now that I installed it, the swivel is a must have in my situation.
It was a rainy day in June, so wet, yet warm like the hug from a loved one. I decided my trusty steeds needed a home off of the cold hard concrete. I had not one but four transports of different sizes. I received my units quickly with haste, for amazon prime has no time to waste. Product was boxed without damage. I measured my wall to each 16th of an inch. Found more studs than a Magic Mike reunion show. I installed my bike with the biggest of frames and girth first. Some call it a fat bike but I find that offensive, since I also have a similar tire around my waste. From there I installed the smallest of the two wheelers owned by my wee little. That way the handle bars wouldn’t touch when swung to the side. Next I installed my better halfs pedal cycle. I put it further away from mine because she has a lazy eye and I didn’t want my ride scratched. Finally I installed the “I’m a better biker than you Dad” child’s bike. He probably is but I wouldn’t say that out-loud. Little does he know, I let a bit of air out of his tires everyday just so he has to fill them up. Cheeky kid 0 Dad 1. With the floor savings I have received from putting the bikes on the wall I was able to install a pool table. I would definitely recommend these wall units. They save space and marriages.
I just reclaimed my garage because of these. 8 year old can take it their bike off the wall no problem, i got the mountain bike size, and they have fat tires and it works no problem. this is a must have item for your home
Highly recommend this product. I was hesitant due to the price compared to the cheap hook style out there. But after having ordered two separate hooks that said they did Fat tires and then couldn’t even fit my thinnest mountain bike tires (2.35) I got these. They are what they say and fit my 2.8 tires just fine as well as the smaller sized 2.35. Easy to move bikes on rack. Can even do some cleaning on the drive train if your careful while it is hanging on it. You get what you pay for.
Installation is what you would expect. Measure, drill holes, then screw (for wood).
The best two things about this product are how easy it is to store the bike and take it down, and the fact you can turn the bike closer to the wall after you hang it, so it doesn’t project into the room as much.
It seems well made too. So no complaints.
Very easy to install , great bike rack as can move bikes aside and easy to get them in rack , we ordered 2 more
Super Fahrradaufhngung. Hlt was es verspricht. Werde ich fr die restlichen Fahrrder auch kaufen.
A very good product. Works perfectly. If installing in a staggered formation take time to get the rack position right. Only negative is a bit expensive.
This rack is expensive, but it is worth every penny. I ordered one to see if I liked it and I figured I would stick with the old fashion hooks for my other four bikes. After mounting up the one, I decided to order four more. The ease of hanging and removing the bike is drastically easier than standard hooks. My wife doesn’t need me to help her get her bike down anymore. Also, the way in which the product cradles the wheel is far gentler on the bikes rim. This is especially important for Carbon wheels. Lastly, the icing on the cake is the way in which the rack swings side to side. This allows me to mount the bikes closer together. Just swing the other bikes to the side to extract the one your going for. $450 invested but I don’t regret it.
The bikes adjust from straight out to folding on the wall Perfect for garage. Space saver , and easy to remove or place bike in.
Lassen sich mit entsprechendem Werkzeug problemlos montieren. Fr das Einstellen der MTBs Video anschauen. Nicht billig, aber auf Sicht eine tolle Variante.
Had a real challenge trying to fit two large mountain bikes in a small storage cupboard. After a lot of research this seemed to be one of the few ways of doing it. Both installed and work a treat. Solid, sturdy and very practical. Fact can move to the side once installed is a bonus. Excellent solution.
Not the easiest bike rack I’ve ever installed. But they make it so our spare room has space while storing 2 large mountain bikes.
We move them often to allow us to have a workout area and access things stored beside them.
A very good option to keeping bikes out of the way.
Rapidez de servicio , prctico , fcil de montar despus de ver la pgina web , precio de acuerdo con la calidad
It was really easy to install following the instructions, love the fact that I don’t have to lift the bike onto the wall anymore, excelle
Hlt genau das was es verspricht.
Dadurch wird endlich platzsparend “gestapelt”.
Trotz kleiner Kritik 5*
Meiner Meinung nach 15% zu teuer fr sehr viel Plastik.
Die kleine Halterung unten kann auch ohne Hergestellt werden.
Bessere Erklrung in Deutsch wre hilfreich.
Bei allen verschiedenen Rdern mit Schutzblech. Kein Problem – funktioniert. In Monatgeanleitung vorgegebene Hhe ist optimal.
Anders als andere Rezensenten fand ich die Dbel/Schrauben, zumindest fr eine Betonwand, vllig o.k.
Het is een prachtig mooi product maar blijf nadenken. De fietsen zijn ook in de lengte toch zo 120cm diep. Ik had me behoorlijk vergist. Maar ik blijf het een top product vinden. Degelijk, heldere uitleg, makkelijk te monteren.
Preislich nicht der gnstigste aber mit sicherheit der best durchdachteste
I’m constantly buying new and different racks as I move apartments. This is by far my favorite! It’s easy enough to install and gets my mountain out of the way from the rest of my living room. If you really want it flush, loosen the handlebars and rotate 90 degrees. But don’t forget to torque them back to the proper spec before you hit the trails!
Easy to install, got 4 bikes hanging and they swing out of the way
A little pricey but worth it. I have two now .. MTB and Fatbike models. Great quality and works great.
This is the second Steadyrack I have bought, one for each of my son’s mountain bikes. Simply put, they work great. They are mounted on the back wall of our garage, leaving plenty of room to pull the car into the garage. One of the best features is that the rack swivels, which comes in very handy. It’s very easy to install as long as you can find a stud in the wall. Loading/unloading the bike on the rack is very easy. One of the best bike accessories I have purchased.
Habe allerdings andere Markendbel verwendet.
Really pleased with this bike hanger. Have tried many different options over past few months to house 2 electric bikes. The E-bikes are quite heavy and lifting them on and off hangers hurt neck and elbow joints! No chance of my wife being able to hang the bike either! With this – you simply lift up the front wheel, walk into the Hanger and let the front wheel take the weight as it locates into the rack. The Fender/mudguard accessory works brilliantly. Not had any hassles with mudguards being clipped/mangled on the bracket.
Plus the swing allows the 2 bikes to sit close together, but when taking down or simple maintenance, swing out the way to access either in quite a tight space for storage.
Prodotto ben rifinito, istruzioni di montaggio complete , semplice installazione , fa guadagnare molto spazio in garage soprattutto se se hanno pi biciclette, e si utilizza facilmente.
I tasselli della confezione non si adattavano alla mia parete in cartongesso li ho dovuti acquistare a parte.
Concept is great and they are perfect for my application. Found a minor issue with the plastic locking tabs for the covers. They can easily break off if you are not very careful. Good news is that the covers still stay in place with one broken tab.
Best product for tight spaces. We need to be able to swing the racks to work with our small space. We bought 5. Make sure to get the right width for your tires.
It simply so effective and easy to use. The coolest bike rack I’ve ever seen and I have 4 of them in my garage. Just bough 3 extra ones – all fender racks because in my view these are the most flexible ones – you can just load racing and city or touring bikes. Just roll them in and turn them somewhat. Really super!
I don’t see exactly how they think someone with a bike with fenders is just going to roll up into this rack without lifting, but I love this for my bikes in my condo. Nice and clean way to get them off the ground and securely inside. I haven’t been able to find anything better, and I love that this one is designed with protecting the fenders and the bike itself in mind.
Perfekt,passt genau fr mein E-bike.Preis total okay und leichte Montage.Bin sehr begeistert,wrde es noch mal kaufen.
A little bit expensive, but works really well.
It a really great to save space in a tiny place.
They work great had no problem with the installation and they are very well constructed.
Con questo supporto c’ pi spazio a disposizione e le pulizie sono facilitate
I bought ten of the regular racks and two of the fender racks to get my bikes sorted and stored in my garage. The two with the fender design are for me and my partner’s commuter bikes, and the racks accept both bikes with fenders easily. I am very pleased with the Steadyrack product design, and I’m very pleased with their construction. The alternatives on the market are cheaper, but you pay for what you get and I’m glad I spent the money for this top quality product. I also find myself using the swing feature a lot more than I thought I would. This is the product I’m endorsing for all my fellow cyclists with their storage needs.
Following excellent instructions made for an easy fool proof installation. Placing a bike is exactly as easy as shown in the videos.
Genau so eine Fahrradhalterung habe ich gesucht und auch gleich 3 bestellt. Bin sehr zufrieden.
Bought this some time ago and just fitted it. Best bike rack I’ve found – a bit pricey at just under 60 but worth it.
Excelente producto. La instalacin es sencilla, y queda bien anclado a la pared. Montar la bicicleta es sumamente sencillo
Absolutely love these racks. Pretty easy to mount and then it’s a breeze getting your bike on and off. Much better than any other bike storage solution I’ve tried
These are very good. I bought 3 to put up all our bicycles in the garage so they weren’t in the way of the cars. They also seem quite sturdy
Works just as described. Really easy to wheel bikes into position with no lifting required. A very clever design. Has maximised use of space for bikes in our kitchen. I mounted two of these close together but staggered the height so the handlebars didn’t clash. The plastic feels a bit cheap/brittle, but is only there for cosmetic reasons – it doesn’t perform any mechnical function. Takes the weight of my partner’s 26kg e-bike without any problems.
I used my own wall plugs as the ones supplied were a bit cheap.
Great product hold bike really well and secure, frees up space
This is brilliant!, was looking for a suitable rack for 3 bikes and was recommended these and they tidy the bikes away nicely.
gestern 4 Rder platzsparend, kraftsparend, flexibel an die Wandgehngt. Prinzipiell perfekt. bitte vorher auf Details achten: Steht der Gepcktrger oder der Fahrradstnder nach hinten raus.? die Sache mit den Schutzblechen funktioniert super. Die mitgelieferten Schrauben tuns allemal! Platz in der Garage!
Absolutely perfect for me and extremely well put together. Ideal for a single installation or multiple installations in a garage environment or apartment.
I got the fender model because it’ll handle bike with or without fenders. Also perfect for supporting expensive HED wheels that cannot be hung on a hook.
Yup – there are lots of cheaper options out there – I looked at them all first. Will be buying more of these.
– saves space
– Allows bikes to swing or pivot against the wall
– Bikes can be mounted as close as 14″ apart and still pivot against the wall
– Relatively simple installation and online videos available
– Simple to put bike up and down
– not the cheapest solution
– Drywall anchors included are inadequate (try and use a wall stud)
I use the Steadyrack Fender racks to hold two 26″ beach cruisers with large front fenders. The bikes are held vertically with the rear tire just off the ground. Just tip the bike up on its rear wheel and roll it onto the rack, and swing the bike to the side until the handlebar meets the wall (tires remain against wall while bike rotates to either side).
Installation considerations:
– Installation instructions state bikes can mount as close as 14″. This works for similar bikes (two beach cruisers or two mountain bikes), but with different bike types the handle bars can interfere with each other. You need to move them farther apart or stagger one higher off the ground.
– Drywall anchors included are totally inadequate. Do not use these to mount into Sheetrock without a stud. I suggest using Snaptoggle type anchors (Home Depot, etc.).
One reviewer marked this product down for the poor wall anchors. This isn’t unique to this product, included anchors are usually junk. Weight bearing items usually mount to a wall stud for support. I prefer not to pay extra for a product to include quality anchors, and if needed I purchase my own.
If your priorities are space and convenience I strongly suggest you look at this rack. The ceiling racks I used were hard for my wife and I to use, and way too difficult for my kids. The bikes just weren’t getting used. I hope this review is helpful in selecting a bike storage solution.
Das Produkt ist leicht an der Wand zu montieren, auch fr Frauen einfach zu handhaben, sparsam im Platzverbrauch und deshalb absolut weiterzuempfehlen!
Muy til y cmodo para colocar tu bicicleta, luce bien el la pared ya que lo instalas. Recomendado para la bici
I got 2 of these for the garage and whilst a bit more expensive than many of the other products available, they are fantastic. Great quality and the fact that they can be folded when not in use is brilliant.
Mit dem Steadyrack ist das Cross-Bike ruck-zuck an die Wand gehngt und kann auch noch gemtlich von der einen auf die andere Seite ‘geklappt’ werden. Damit lassen sich zwei oder mehr Fahrrder platzsparend an der Wand hngend aufbewahren – PERFEKT!!
As for the Fender Rack specifically, I read about possible interference of the fender supports & the rack, when placing the bike on the rack & how to handle that. The first time I put my bike up, I encountered this “interference”, but I have to chalk that up to the simple learning curve – because it hasn’t happened since that first day.
One thing to be prepare to address:
When I pop my bike up to get my front tire on the rack, my rear fender hits the concrete floor. (The grinding noise is enough to let you know you’re scraping paint off the fender. Mine wasn’t too brutal, but it could have been worse.) My beach cruiser is 44 lbs. so it’s not necessarily easy to lift it up. I place a small rubber mat on the floor there when I put my bike on & off the rack. Even a thin rubber-backed rug would be enough, but it’s certainly something to be aware of… This is not enough reason to avoid the purchase. Just prepare for it.
This product is solid and it works great to organize our family bikes. Photo attached.
Really great engineering. I’m impressed.