Audio-Technica ATH-M50XBT Wireless Headphones

Product Highlights
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Exhilarating wireless listening experience, with exceptional clarity and deep, accurate bass response. | Mic and button controls built into the earcup allow for easy handling of calls, music playback and volume adjustment. | 40 hours battery life on just one charge. |
Product Features
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Take full control of your headphones with the Audio-Technica Connect app. | Optional wired connection for times when wireless operation is not available or when battery power is low. | Over-ear design for excellent sound isolation in loud environments. |

Weight: | 308 g |
Size: | 22 x 11 x 25 cm |
Dimensions: | 22 x 11 x 25 cm; 309.01 Grams |
Model: | ATHM50XBT |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | 1 LR44 batteries required. (included) |
Colour: | Black |
Size: | 22 x 11 x 25 cm |
I was not able to run multiple applications and have the audio work (discord, music and game). Everytime I ran more than one the audio would die until I ended an application. After a massive headache, i was able to determine you have to disable the mic in CONTROL PANEL > HARDWARE AND SOUND > MANAGE AUDIO DEVICES (under sound) and disabling the one labeled HANDS-FREE AG AUDIO.
After doing this, I then had an issue where pausing audio from a web browser muted ALL audio. For whatever reason. To fix this, you need to update your firmware, which can only be done via Android or IOS. Again, not sure why AT doesn’t support updating this via PC…
To be clear, this means you cannot use the microphone and stereo speakers at the same time. Not sure if this is the fault of audio technica or bluetooth technology, but it’s pretty dumb. Either way I fault AT, given that they included a mic and no note in the manual on this. I luckily didnt want to use the mic anyway.
Besides the mic and stereo speakers not working simultaneously, the audio is really good as is the battery life. Real comfortable as well. I just hope i remember this if i have to do a fresh install of windows.
Just about a year ago, I purchased these headphones used, but in good condition on Amazon. Recently, one of the buttons stopped working, so I sent it to Audio-Technica for repairs. I expected to have to pay for the repair since I was not eligible for a warranty having paid. Unfortunately, the PCB was cracked, so the whole headphones had to be replaced, so the headphones had to be replaced, which Audio-Technica did at no cost to me as if they were under warranty. Audio-Technica Excellent customer service indeed! I would recommend to anyone.
However, most people should not get these particular headphones. Instead, get some other ATH product. They have a VERY flexible full year warranty and are of high-quality. Don’t get me wrong, the M50x-BT’s are very good headphones, and I love mine, but they are more made for professional reference and audio mixing. If you want casual listening there are numerous other products that are more suited. The M50x’s sound great and have very sterile and flat sound, which is good for technical applications, warmer and more rounded sounds are better for casual listening. I don’t have specific recommendations, but other reviewers have given some headphones in the same price-range.
I work as an Electrician. Have been since I was 15 and I’m 38 now. So I have a ton of experience dealing with every kind of headphone style or earbud style that is on the market. I have gradually spent more for better quality headphones as I get older. And I think I have finally discovered the holy grail for what I am looking for in headphones. I am by no means saying that these are the best in any way or category technically. I have no idea if they are or aren’t. Just what my needs and expectations are and how they fit those. I dont need perfection in any category. Just consistency, durability, dependability, ease of every day use, idiot proof Bluetooth pairing that is always fast and smooth, a few special features that are actually something that will be used and the Grand Pubah a BIG MEAN NASTY BAD*** BATTERY.
The Audio-Technical ATH-M50BT does all those things but better than even I expected. The sleek matte black color is low key but still cool.
The ear pieces are the most comfortable thing I’ve ever seen or felt. Coming from the earbud life, these feel like you are wearing a giant comfy pillow. I barely know I’m wearing “cans” on my ears. Trust me, if you are easy to please and just looking for something that is any level of comfort above buds, this is a grand slam. I give comfort a perfect 10.
The Bluetooth works perfectly every single time I flip the switch on the left side ear piece. It’s easy to find and slides right over. Volume can be controlled on the headphones or your device. I paired these to my phone originally in seconds and every time after it automatically links to my phone. Boom done. Simple. Bluetooth and controls is a 10.
Sound quality is superb for me. I have a Note 9 which has an equalizer option. I had to play with that a small bit at first but if you don’t have that option you should be good to go out of the box.
Now for the part I hoped was on another level above buds, BASS. I’m a rap fan and, Idk why, but I gots to have my bass. Just what I like. And these beauties have got bass in buckets. The first time I wore them it kinda caught me by surprise. I had no idea how much bass I was getting. To compare it to the best buds I’ve owned would be like comparing Android to Apple, Android eviscerates an IPhone by a gigantic margin. Sound quality is a 9 and bass is an 11.
I’ve rambled way too long. Look, if you wanna spend just a little bit more than the normal 25-50 bucks you usually spend on some type of headphone and you are a simple person that just needs a dependable long lasting product with pretty good sound quality plus you have had it with nasty earbud falling out of your ear, getting plugged with earwax(don’t act like it doesn’t happen to you, you ain’t gotta lie to kick it) then please I implore you to spend a few more bucks on something you will instantly love and will have for many many years. These headphones are the answer. The perfect answer to your problem. The last headphones you will buy for 10 years or more. I absolutely was not gonna spend basically $200 for this. No way. But I finally did it and I can’t describe how furious I’d be if I had been cheap again. I spend a lot of money a year on headphones, but that has been solved. You should also solve your problem, buy this pair of headphones. You can thank me when you write your 5 star review on Amazon. Lol. Enjoy. Thanks for reading this insane review. Peace.
These headphones are up to the standard of many reviews.
Although I find them to be a little bass heavy,this can be compensated by using appropriate eq.
The battery life is exceptionally long and provide hours of useage before a recharge.
The option of a cable connection is very useful,especially when playing live keyboards.
(Bluetooth presents too much latency,as per norm).
Wearing them for long periods can be a little tiring,but are fine for continuous listening of under an hour.
I like them.
Wonderful headphones. Sound is crystal clear with no over emphasized bass or treble. I’m hearing things I’ve never heard before when listing to songs I’ve played a million times before. These are easily the best sounding headphones I’ve ever owned. I set all EQ to flat or off just to get a base line. The sound is is so defined that I didn’t need to turn the EQ back on. I didn’t need it. All my music is perfectly balanced from songs with heavy baselines to songs that are vocal heavy. Bass isn’t overpowering and treble isn’t shrill. It just sounds Incredible. I’m using a gen 5.5 iPod classic which has been touted as the best sounding Apple device ever made.
How to quantify my experience with these headphones so you know where I’m coming from… I was curious to see if I could tell the difference between good and great sounding music, I went to a website that plays two versions of the same recording where one clip is higher def than the other. I was always able to pick out the better sounding version. I had to really listen, the difference was so subtle. It’s far from scientific but at least I know my hearing is somewhat sensitive.
Now the bad…my ears hurt. After the first 2 hours my ears felt a little sore. This is because there isn’t enough padding so my ears are up against the speaker grille. My ears aren’t big either. They don’t stick out at all. My ears are probably a small-med sized ear. I already purchased a better set of ear padding. All in, these cost me almost 200 dollars. Are they worth it? So far, a solid yes.
I deducted one star for the uncomfortable ear cups.
Either way, I recently decided to hit the refresh with what goes over my ears. I’m guilty of actually returning to a using the Audio Technica ATH-AD900 (not with the X) the most over the last decade, since my original purchase forever ago — YOU KNOW! The flashy headphones with that beautiful pink open-air siding! They’re great headphones, still. Either way, to this product… Strap in folks, I’m not gruntled by what I’ve seen from other reviews.
When looking over the critical reviews that seem to get helpful votes, they seem to float around the 3-Star mark, but for weird reasons. I read one that said too many of the headphone components were plastic. 1. What do you expect? 2. Did you take the headphones apart to examine the components that are actually producing the sound? 3. Not all plastic is junk, and while — sure — I can expect increased durability from a headphone frame made with nickel or whatever other metal alloy… If you can get at least three years out of your plastic framed headphones (almost every headphone has plastic on the market) without a break, that’s a victory.
I read another review that was critical of the bass for these headphones, saying there was none. That review floored me. While this is not a 1-to-1 comparison, I’m at the point with my current car that the sound system is worth a couple thousand more than the car itself. I have a great deal of appreciation for good CLEAN bass that doesn’t obstruct the mids and highs that make musician’s music *shine*… Y’all, these headphones have bass. They have bass not only where they are supposed to have bass, but in pleasantly unexpected places that in my opinion make relevant recent music better. For instance, for Lady Gaga’s Stupid Love, you can tell that it is supposed to have a persistent and pleasant bass kicker going throughout the song. These headphones when NOT wired, accomplish making that kicker immersive… On their own… As in, you don’t have to play around with the bass settings of whatever machine you’re listening to music on, and I think that’s effing fantastic.
This is when I’m going to talk about why I’m actually really appreciative of these headphones. I originally wasn’t going to leave a review yet because the first set I got in the mail was defective. One of the ear pieces was facing outside, which of course would make listening to music with both ears a bit difficult. Either way — I said “screw it,” to give the quality a check after confirming getting my replacement through Amazon. (Thank you Amazon Customer Support — Bezos needs to pay all you folks more than you do get paid). If we lived in some alternate dimension where I was a sports ‘caster only being able to used a headphone and mic set on one ear, leaving the other exposed… I would write an angry letter to Audio Technica demanding why they made all other headsets disappointing in comparison. I say this while also letting you all know that I recently purchased Audio Technica ATH-ADG1X headset with mic. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a solid headset that is built specifically for gaming and NOT studio production… But the M50xBT sound quality is in a different league. Whatever, besides the point.
These headphones are great. I haven’t tried listening to music with the aux cable in use. I think I read another review saying there is a difference in quality, as if that’s a bad thing. Y’all, of course sound quality through a cable is going to be improved compared to something sent through the air-waves. Do you think the music your listening to on the radio is going to be the same quality as when you listen to it via disk, FLAC, or WAV? Come on… Please, appreciate the care that has gone into a good set of wireless headphones that still lets you plug in.
So, yeah. I’m disappointed that I got a defective product from Audio Technica. I’m not going to hold it against them though because even if defective, I can still tell that it’s a superior product, and I’m just going to treat this like a practical joke. Like, “hahaha, Dillon, first time buying our wireless headphones, huh? You’re late to the party, iDioT!”
If you’ve made it throughout this entire review, you’re a champion of patience.
Also, I’m writing this review 8June20. Right now, a lot of people are hurting across the world for various reasons and the United States is not immune to the trials and tribulations of human struggles. However, some people experience unfortunate dispositions by being treated differently, and in many cases inhumane, just because of their skin color. I want to applaud Bezos for his firm stance on Black Lives Matter. Although, I think he can definitely afford to not only donate more money to the cause, but also pay his freaking employees more. While being employed is far better than unemployment, that doesn’t always guarantee people will thrive or that their struggles will be greatly relieved.
Dude, you bald Lex Luthor looking jabroni, pay your people more.
TLDR: Black Lives Matter.
The sound is fabulous. They are light and well cushioned though noice cancellation was not that good. I loved them until the Bluetooth stopped working on their third day. I had no option but to return them but otherwise good.
La versione Bluetooth del grande classico di Audio Technica,ben fatta con la qualita’ audio al top senza funzioni varie di soppressione rumori e modalita’ ambiente che dopo un ora ti fanno venire nausea e senso di fastidio,(posseggo a tal proposito Bowers e Wilkins Px5….Sony wh 1000mx3….Sennheseir 4.50 bt…jbl live 650 btnc.
Tutte ottime cuffie per carita’ specie le Bowesr e le Sony,ma la musica secondo me va ascoltata cosi’ com’e’ stata concepita dall’artista.
Durata della batteria notevole praticamente non le ho mai caricate,anche se personalmente faccio poco testo in quanto cambio modello di cuffie ogni giorno quindi a turnazione la uso una volta ogni 15 giorni mediamente,
Nessun effetto drain la carica residua la trovo esattamente come l’ho lasciata.
Applicazione sullo smartphone praticamente inutile non aggiunge ne toglie nulla a una cuffia che si lascia amare per il suo suono analitico e preciso come la sorelle ben piu’ nota.
Un po’ di accentuazione sui bassi che pero’ non dispiace anzi e’ morbido e piacevole.
Buon volume massimo (la pecca di tante cuffie bluetooth).
Microfono per le chiamate orrendo,praticamente vi sentono come fossi ET che parla dalla navicella e col raffreddore.
Poche funzioni extra tra le quali l’area sinistra touch che richiama google…bisogna premerci a fondo non e’ affatto sensibile.
Ma le cuffie come questa nascono per ascoltare e non per parlarci a telefono.
Voto 9 Audio Technica non delude nemmeno stavolta
Until I put on this Audio Tehchnica headphones.
Now I can only listen audiobooks on airpods pro.
I’m in different world.
It’s like listen to Chopin played on small Casio synthesiser and on concert grand piano in concert hall.
This headphones have so lovely analog sound…
I’m so grateful I come across this headphones…
Decided to take a risk. I own [including this pair], 4 headphones. One is a standard BOSE Ae2 that I had for over 7 years [still works like a charm] and I use those for the gym. Next is another pair of BOSE that replaced the Ae2’s and they are known as Sound True. I use those interchangeably (gym and for work). Then I decided to step up to the noise cancelling wireless headphones and went with Sennheiser. BT 4.50 noise cancelling At the time I got my Sennheiser headphones, BOSE was dropping in the QC department and at that point, I refused to pay what they were asking. And their new products have the entire alexa nonsense and that is not the point of having headphones if you are really an audiophile. So, in the case of the Sennheiser headphones, it did the job sound wise. I have certain tracks that I use as a litmus test those tracks passed. As for the wireless feature- just like any wireless product, it is going to be spotty or laggy pending what you are around. That feature I did not care for too much. If I am sitting and utilizing the wireless feature, solid no issues of course. The issue I ran into the Sennheiser’s was more of a comfort thing. The ear cups does not fully cover my ears and it became uncomfortable after so many hours. I will say I had them for a year and a couple months. Every now and then I would do some research to see what is out there in the audio world. I WOULD NEVER purchase Beats, Sony, Jabra, BOSE or any major brand at this point because the risk is too high. So. in the case of the brand Audio Technica, I knew of them since many professional musicians or dj’s would utilize this particular brand. Did some digging on the product and took a chance. They came in today and they do have a wireless feature, but that is not a priority for me- more of an afterthought at this point. The headphones are extremely comfortable and super light. The sound quality is astronomical and the headphones provided a different musical effect for me. I was able to listen to various tracks of different genres for a good minute to see the capabilities of what the headphones can do. MAN! As an audiophile, I am a happy camper ! This will be the only brand I would purchase for now on. Anyone who is an audiophile will not be disappointed at ALL.
Used wired they seem quite balanced, although drums oddly lack attack, with a hollow lower-mid. Bass is not boomy though and music is generally well balanced, just remember these phones are quite good enough to show up the differences in MP3 bit rates. High treble is very sweet if available, try Wings’ Bluebird.
Speech is very clear and neutral, which is uncommon in phones although there is a touch of sibilance at the top end. Overall, pretty good, with a moderate if not expansive soundstage.
Wireless is horrible in comparison, but that’s purely down to Bluetooth compression and losses. You get used to it, but after the wired experience it sounds oddly mono. The phones ability with speech comes to the fore with TV though, but be warned it can be a bit unnerving since you can hear all the bits where there speech has been reinserted after filming, and sound effects are simply that, like audio photoshop!
Comfort is good, and they fit over my glasses well. I found them easy to use and to pair with assorted tech.
Overall, worth the money and better than most. Just don’t expect wireless to be hi-fi!
These are way better than Beats, Skull candy, or whatever other headphones you’ve probably used. Need I say more?
Alright, ill try to explain
So first of all, these headphones are not meant for everyone. Everyone has their own taste in music. Some people prefer heavy bass, some prefer heavy treble, etc. These headphones provide Clear, detailed, accurate, and balanced sound. These are meant for Audiophiles, people who prefer to hear every single detail in music. In other words, listening to music the way it was meant to be heard. Casual listeners may not like these headphones.
These are very comfortable, lightweight (I forget I’m wearing them sometimes) However, I do not recommend these if you are wanting to work out.
Only thing some people might have against these is that there is no active noise canceling, which I personally don’t care for. The Bluetooth version loses a very slight bit of sound quality when using these wireless, but its very hard to notice it. But they come with a aux cord you can use on your phone, laptop, pc, etc. If you don’t want wireless, save yourself $20 and get the regular wired ones.
If you’re looking for a pair of gaming headphones, just go ahead and press buy now. These are the droid you have been looking for!
Best headphones i’ve ever had. Does not have noise cancelling feature, but these are over the ear headphones, so by the nature of their build, lots of ambient noise is blocked. Sound quality is very good. Bass and treble is well ballanced. I use these for gaming, would not use different ones now. Only downside is, if you’ll have them on ears for 2+ hours in warm-ish room, your head will sweat around ears.
These are my sixth pair of headphones and are making me wish I had just bought these to begin with. Let me start by explaining what I wanted from a set of headphones. As strange as this may sound, sound quality was not my primary interest. My hearing is not that good and sound separation for me is a concept not a reality. That said, things sound way, way better with these headphones than anything else I’ve tried. I wanted a good quality headphone with great battery life and a comfortable over the ear fit. Secondly, I wanted them with Bluetooth that would pair easily and allow me to range away from the source without dropping the playback. Finally, they needed to fold up for travel and be adaptable to iPhone, iPad, PC, TV, ETC.
This is the first set of headphones I’ve owned that do all those things and do it well. The sound actually has separation that I can hear! The battery life is fantastic and the recharge time is short. I can also use them corded if I wish. I can leave my iPad in one end of the house and they still play just fine in the other end of the house without dropping the playback. Comfort! Comfort is different for each individual. This is the first set of headphones that are actually comfortable for me. I did replace the ear pads with a set of aftermarket pads that another reviewer recommended, and it made all the difference in the world. I wear glasses and there is no pressure on them at all. The headband is the right width, and the pads fit entirely over/ around my ears. I’ve worn these for eight hours straight and they were still comfortable! My ears didn’t feel pressured, they didn’t get hot or numb, I actually can forget I’m even wearing them. They also fold up and will pack nicely in my suit case and appear to be quite sturdy in construction. The noise canceling works also. When I’m listening to a video or to music, I hear no outside noise at all. I’m sure that is in part due to my hearing, but they do work better at canceling out room noise Than any of my other pairs did.
So, all things considered I couldn’t be happier with this set of headphones. For me and my needs they are awesome.
I’ve been using these for about a year now, and I love them. I used their predecessor (ATH-M50) for probably seven years before I bought these. These are very comparable in sound and build, they seem like the same headphones sans wires and with buttons. Let me tell you, I beat the crap out of those headphones, and they held up wonderfully. They started looking rough after a while, but they never broke.
The sound on these headphones is really great. It’s not for everyone, the emphasis is on clarity rather than bass. I love them for jazz, bluegrass, folk, lighter rock, and things like that. I’ll sometimes switch to different pair for metal, harder rock, and some electronica. They feel weak when you’re listening to noisy, bass-heavy music where the clarity of the headphones doesn’t do anything for you and the less exaggerated bass response takes away from the music.
The battery life on these things is great. I use them off and on throughout the workday, and I generally charge them once or twice a week. They do take a long time to charge, so it’s best to plan ahead a little and charge overnight. This might make them a poor on-the-go choice for some folks, but you’ll run into issues with their weight and bulk first for those uses. The controls are simple and easy to use. The buttons feel like they’ll keep up with the rest of the headphone in terms of durability. I don’t really use the touch-for-voice-assistant control, but it does work if you’re into that sort of thing.
They don’t have active noise cancellation, but they do passively block out noise pretty well. Word to the wise, glasses do interfere with that noticeably. Not a big deal in a quiet(ish) office, on planes I’ll take my glasses off to help block out noise. I don’t think that’s unique to these, it’s just a fact of life with over-ear headphones.
Overall they’re great headphones, worth every penny. Hopefully someday they’ll switch from USB-B Micro to USB-C, but I think it was a fair trade to get these to market at a good price.
If you are a fan of the Audio Technica ath-m50x wired version of these headphones, you will appreciate the sound from these as they are pretty much identical except for having Bluetooth.
Pros: Can attach a wire with a mic and use like a regular headset or as a backup if the battery goes out, which is very useful. Solid build, Classic sound with deep bass and performance at a reasonable price. (I got it on sale). Battery life is excellent as it will last for days with moderate use.
Cons: Bluetooth connection was sometimes finicky. Had to use switch twice to get it to respond at times. Same thing for the “touch” control feature on the ear cup, feedback was hard to tell if you pressed it properly. Slight static popping and ear pressure feels heavier than wired version (I have both). Hence, it was somewhat fatiguing for long term use. You can use a mic built in instead of the wired one, but the sound quality drops a lot and in a noisy room your caller will have a hard time hearing you.
Although it seems like more cons than pros, I think this is a good buy (especially if you prefer over the ear vs. ear buds) but not perfect.
I had a “wired pair” of these for a few years. When it came to buying a set of bluetooth phones there wasn’t really a choice when I seen these were available.
I didn’t even know they had noise cancellation, but to be honest the only thing I have noticed is they make far off noises like neighbours more obvious when you aren’t playing music.
Battery life seems awesome, even when hammered for hours then left on for a day.
The built in mic isn’t really useful for calls.
I bought these primarily for when I’m practicing with my bass. Never invested in headphones of this price before and I now see what I was missing.
They are worth the money. I now use them to listen to music too and I am hearing more of the range of instruments and vocals than before. I gave the noise reduction 4 stars as there is some leakage but that may be me playing my music louder than they advise is safe. Bring going to concerts since 84 so I have to have it LOUD.
I’ve had each version of the Audio Technica ATH-50: the original with the fixed cable, the 50x with the detachable cable, and now the 50xBT with BlueTooth and detachable cable. The audio quality is equally fantastic for all of them. I prefer flat response headphones such as these so I can accurately hear what I recorded or what the artist/producer intended.
The ATH-50’s weakness was the cable. It was 3m long which was a hassle working at a computer. The cable got damaged so I shortened it and put a new connector on. That eventually broke but the 50x was already on the scene.
Having the ability on the 50x to switch between the cables is wonderful. If the cable gets damaged, it is trivial to put another one on. However, it still requires a cable and it was annoying when listening to music and podcasts while doing chores around the house because I’d catch the cable with my arm or hand or a door handle.
Enter the 50xBT. You still have the *option* to use a cable, and I do, but the freedom of BlueTooth is wonderful. It maintains connection even if my phone is on the other side of the house, the on-headphone controls are easy to use, and the battery really does last 40 hours (!).
Everybody’s head and ears are different, but the headphones fit me well and the ear pads are comfortable for me. The only discomfort is the clamping force–the 50xBT clamps tighter than the 50x and 50 and sometimes I have to take a break. However, the greater clamping force is necessary so that the headphones are less likely to fall off of my head when I’m moving around. They still shift or start to come off, depending on what I am doing.
I love the ATH-50xBT headphones and use them everyday. If you value accurate audio and convenient connection, these are great.
LO BUENO: – Calidad de sonido muy buena, unos todoterreno. Recuerdan en el fondo a los antiguos M50x, pero con los bajos algo ms reforzados, lo que los hace ms comerciales o atractivos.
– Bluetooth de los mejores. Con cable incluso mejora el sonido
– Batera con duracin de unas 40h. Genial
– Me encanta la esttica.
– Calidad / precio de las mejores.
LO MALO: – Depende del tamao de tu cabeza, pueden apretarte algo (no es mi caso) y ser molestos.
– Depende del tamao de tus orejas, van a tocar las almohadillas. Es mi caso. Entre eso y el calor que se genera, resultan incmodos para llevar ms de 1h, excepto que los vayas moviendo contnuamente.
– Conexin bluetooth solo con un aparato a la vez. Se requiere desconectar de un aparato antes de conectar a otro. Esto depende del caso, puede ser incmodo. A mi no me importaba demasiado.
Muchos te dirn que les faltan bajos, pero creedme son personas que no han escuchado nunca unos auriculares neutros o estn acostumbrados a bajos exagerados, que tapan medios y sobretodo agudos. Por esa parte los recomiendo sin dudar.
Pero en mi caso y lamentablemente, la comodidad me hace bajarles la nota. Una pena, porque se disfruta mucho escuchando msica en alta calidad con ellos.
Ad Majora, Pino.
These headphones look amazing (at least in my opinion) and sound amazing too. The whole musicality of every song is great, and the sound is very rich, detailed and clear. You feel as if you can hear everything and it almost makes it look like you got surround sound. Just this is enough for a music lover like me.
Battery life is perfect; I can use them for weeks and not having to worry about charging them. They connect very fast to my phone, even though sometimes they glitch for a fraction of a second when I’m using them, but I think that is just my phone (possibly). They are also very sturdy and can handle almost anything.
There are a few cons however. The buttons at the back of the left ear are not very easy to use; I can press the wrong button a few times before getting the right one. Speaking of the buttons, I personally think that pressing 2 seconds to rewind is a little too much, considering that after 3 seconds into the song, the song restarts instead of backing up the the previous one (it’s a built-in function in the media player though that does this, not the headphones).
The bass is very clear, but not very persistent; even the most bass-boosted songs can have a hard time resonating. I would also say that even though they can be comfortable, it can also be hard to find the right spot for long hours. It is however just a personal feeling, since I never really found headphones that were comfortable for me for a long period of time. There is also no sound isolation whatsoever; the only way you can shut off exterior sound is by pumping up the volume.
– Astounding battery life
– Very sturdy
– Great musicality
– Rich, detailed and clear sound
– Great looks
– Very fast connection to devices
– Sometimes glitch (possibly, could be phone)
– Buttons can be hard to use
– No sound isolation
– Bass could use a little more vibration
– Can be hard to be comfortable for long periods of time (personal feeling)
Very great headphones for the price range. Battery life is one of the greatest aspects of these beauties. If you’re a great music lover, then the few cons are just minor inconveniences. The sound is amazing, even though bass could vibrate more. They can be tiresome however for someone that wants a lot of functionalities.
Ho recentemente comprato delle cuffie bluetooth per mia madre, delle cuffie da 50 della JBL bluetooth, quando sono arrivate ho fatto un test per vedere come erano e quale era il loro range, funzionavano anche a 4 metri di distanza, attraverso muri e porte chiuse (che il motivo perch io vorrei mai comprare delle cuffie bluetooth, per muovermi attraverso casa mia sentendo la musica senza il cavo che mi ancora davanti al mio computer). La qualit del suono non era nulla di spettacolare sia chiaro ma erano comode ed erano un buon regalo.
Dopo una settimana invece ordino le mie, ho un paio sempre di Audio Technica, ma la variante cablata, le ATH-M50X, le ho da anni e non ho mai avuto problemi ma vedendo le capacit di un paio di cuffie da soli 50ho pensato che prendendo la mia versione per con l’aggiunta bluetooth avrei avuto la stessa qualit audio ma senza l’impiccio dei cavi. Quando mi arrivano la connessione facile, veloce e senza troppi inceppamenti, la qualit pi o meno la stessa (i bassi sembrano un po attenutati ma giusto un filo) ma il vero problema si palesa quando vado a fare lo stesso test delle altre cuffie: gi con una porta chiusa il segnale cade quasi completamente, dove con le altre cuffie di fascia media/economica potevo camminare tre metri e si sentiva comunque tutto invece con queste dopo gi un metro e mezzo il segnale bello che andato. Se devo camminare per camera mia funziona tutto a menadito per gi quando devo andare al bagno (una distanza di 1 metro) devo stare attento a non chiudere ne la porta di camera ne quella del bagno perch potrebbe interrompersi il segnale.
Tl;dr: La qualit audio buonissima ma per quando si parla di range si fa battere da un paio di cuffie da 50. Se vi interessa la portata cercate da un’altra parte (se non siete troppo esigenti sulla qualit audio consiglio le JBL T450BT).
Best over ear headphones I’ve owned, better than Sony and Sonos of a similar prices
Buscaba desde hace un tiempo unos auriculares over-ear Bluetooth. En principio no quera gastar demasiado, pues era para uso espordico y por pura comodidad, pues para escuchas con mayor calidad ya dispongo de otros auriculares (V-Moda, Sennheiser, etc) con cable.
Inicialmente ped los Edifier W830BT, que poseen buenas crticas y no son caros (65). Eran cmodos, ligeros, con NFC, cdec aptX y de calidad aparente, pero pinchaban en lo ms importante: el sonido. Grave enfatizado, resto de frecuencias retrasadas y sonido en general “enlatado” y produciendo fatiga auditiva en escuchas ms prolongadas. Esperaba ms, pero no me convencieron.
Antes de devolverlos, ped directamente los ATH-M50xBT. Su precio es mucho mayor del que tena pensado gastar, pero esper a recibirlos y compararlos directamente con los Edifier para ver si dicho precio estaba justificado. La respuesta es sencilla: S.
En la mano ya se sienten claramente ms robustos y mejor terminados que los Edifier. Pero la verdadera diferencia viene al escucharlos: la misma cancin en uno y otro suena totalmente distinta. En los M50xBT hay mucha ms “vida”, detalle, “aire”, dinmica… El grave sigue siendo protagonista, pero no enmascara ninguna otra frecuencia, hasta el punto de llegar a preguntarme, tras probar varios temas, cmo demonios pueden sonar as unos auris por Bluetooth.
Inmediatamente tramit la devolucin de los Edifier y di por buena la inversin con los Audio-Technica.
En la cabeza se sienten algo ms pesados y “armatoste” que los Edifier, con mayor presin de la diadema. Pero en general son cmodos y no llegan a cansar es escuchas prolongadas. Eso s, en verano las almohadillas darn mucho calor, pues sellan muy bien el odo y no son transpirables.
Por ltimo, sealar que el sonido con cable es algo ms limpio pero con menor dinmica y volumen, al menos conectados a mi smartphone (Honor View 20). Me falta conectarlos al DAC/Amp de Fiio que tengo en el porttil.
En definitiva, y como conclusin, no esperaba gastar tanto en esta compra pero ha merecido la pena, pues los M50xBT valen cada euro que cuestan y la satisfaccin es plena.
Great headsets. Battery a bit of issue compared to other wireless headphones
I bought these headphones after reading great reviews online, and I have not been dissapointed. The sound quality is fantastic, they are comfortable to wear all day and the Bluetooth connection works without any effort – plus battery life to last ages.
Ideal headphones for a situation like mine – video editor with a requirement for accurate sound (no bass boost) and wired option to remove latency, but also want Bluetooth for my commute/casual listening.
I owned a pair of the original M50x, bought these as a replacement after they were stolen and was excited that they added Bluetooth functionality, until I used the Bluetooth functionality.
Overall these are good, but the Bluetooth is abysmal (see the bad), and strikes me as an afterthought in the design.
Considering how much cheaper the ATH-M50x’s (not-BT) are, I’d say go for the other pair.
The good:
-Very clean, symmetrical design with relatively minimal branding. These are the best looking “audiophile” headphones.
-Comfortable to wear for hours on-end.
-Superb sound quality, after having these $20 earbuds just don’t cut it anymore.
-Buttons on the left ear-cup make it easy to tell left from right without having to look at the headphones.
-Battery life is good, with minimal use it usually lasts me about a month.
-The cable, this one is better than the original M50s, both ends are 3.5mm and the whole cable can be replaced by any ol’ aux cable in a pinch.
-Noise-cancellation is good, you can still hear the outside world but it’s quieter, sometimes I wear these just to hush things.
The bad:
-There’s an audible high-pitched whine/hiss/screeching when Bluetooth is on, this made my ears ring after a while and I try to avoid using it, which sucks because its the main feature I bought them for.
-Range for Bluetooth is awful. Works fine if you carry your phone in a breast-pocket but otherwise cuts out.
-Bluetooth of this low-quality is NOT worth an additional $50, I don’t know what they were thinking.
-I don’t see why the included 3.5mm cable needs a button/mic on it since the headphones already have both built into the ear-cup, I wish they’d spend that manufacturing cost on a better Bluetooth radio.
-I live in the damp pacific-northwest and have noticed some rusting around the right ear-cup, this could also be from sweat but it’s notable regardless.
-They are HOT to wear when doing anything physical, or in the heat.
As someone who uses these for both casual listening and actual music production, these are a great pair of headphones to have.
These headphones provide you with the clarity and levelness that the ATH Mx5 wired give you but through a bluetooth connection. There is no quality loss due to this though which makes them a better choice, especially as these headphones also come with a standard 3.5mm jack you can use to connect your headphones with.
Like the ATH Mx5, these headphones offer superb studio quality sound with the aim of giving you the truest sound through mixing. If you want a pair of headphones with lots of bass these are not it as the bass here is a true reflection of what is being sent to the headphones.
The only negative with these headphones is sound leakage, however if that doesn’t bother you then these are some of the best bluetooth studio cans you can buy
Isn’t as high tech as a WH-1000XM3 but that is OK if you don’t need noise cancelling. The stock pads are meh! I suggest getting brainwavz lambskin or suede or even a cheaper alternative is Gesongzhe pads which are on par with brainwavz. I personally use the Gesongzhe microsuede and they are super comfortable, the bass is reduced but present. I also have the protein leathers and the bass is increased with those. My work mate uses the brainwavz angled lambskins and they are also very nice and make everything smooth but I am not a fan of the angled hybrids.
Sound: Overall better than the Sony’s or any of the ANC headphones.
Range: The Sony’s win but it’s still decent range with these.
Build: These are plastic but good quality and roubust, they feel more solid than the Sony’s.
Noise cancelling: Not really here but ok for a closed back.
To sum it all up if comfort and music quality is what you want then these are it once modded with better pads. The WH-1000XM3 are kind of the tech king right now and if you need ANC then get those. These will wipe the floor with almost every BT headphone out there for music quality and I haven’t noticed any lag watching videos.
I originally had the ATH-M50X and none of the new headphones on the market really matched the sound quality. Even the expensive Sony or Bose. So I figured I would give these a try. I was concerned the sound wouldn’t be as good over Bluetooth and I had read about some issues with a faint buzzing. I’ve had them for about a week now and they sound exactly the same as the original so that’s a huge plus. Their is a very very faint hissing but only when no other sound is playing and it’s so minor you may not even notice it. However, their are two issues I have with these headphones and one other minor thing. Firstly, I don’t understand why Audio Technica didn’t use USB Type C, it’s been out for years now and it’s extremely annoying especially because the headphones will definitely last a couple of years. Secondly, their is a software glitch where if your listening to music and then open a video, the second sound won’t play. It will pause the original audio but not play the second. The last thing is not a real gripe but I’m just saying I would prefer if ATH included a hard case and charged a little more. Especially since these are obviously targeting mobile listeners. People aren’t bringing Bluetooth headphones to the studio. The next iteration should really fix these issues.
Just something to add to the overall excellence of these headphones (which are fantastic):
I got these as a Christmas present and was having trouble pairing them to my laptop. I jetted off an email to customer service on Dec 26, no urgency, just looking for some help. I got a standard out of hours reply. I genuinely wasn’t trying to be pushy – I thought it might go into a queue in an automated reply system. But I got a reply from an actual person on the very first day after the holiday break, helping me fix the problem. I was genuinely surprised. I think this counts for such a lot. Not just a quality product, but a company that seems to care about what they produce.
I was very excited to receive these headphones because I’ve heard nothing but good things about the M50s and, as someone who gets up to move around a lot, just the simple fact that they were wireless made it a no brainer for me to purchase. First impressions were pretty great. The sound is loud and clear and while the fit feels kinda tight, you get used to it and it conforms to whatever shape head you have pretty smoothly.
That being said, make sure you get the Audio Technica app on your phone and UPDATE THE FIRMWARE. I kept running into this issue where if I were to pause something making sound on my PC (Spotify or YouTube, for example) it would pause every single sound on my PC and the only way to get around this was to mute the application but keep it “playing” in the background. This was unacceptable! I tried reinstalling the drivers, repairing them, etc. Nothing was working. I was just about to return these headphones when I saw that there was an update available for these headphones. All I did was get the app and the headphones updated OTA and now everything is great! Just keep in mind that the update took me about an hour. Very slow download but was well worth it in the end just to be able to use these headphones hassle free – and it truly is hassle free!
They connect automatically, they’re easy to disconnect, the range is pretty good, and best of all the battery lasts forever.
Highly recommend these headphones to anyone looking for a great pair of wireless headphones for work or gaming.
TL;DR Best headphones for the price. Not built for workouts etc. No noise cancellation and it’s not a big deal as you might think unless you travel a lot or have an annoying co worker next to you.
This is the best headphones i have used under 20k price range. If you really care for sound quality and don’t like the hassle of using wires, this is the headphone for you.
Now there is a question in many people’s mind on sound quality of bluetooth headphones and does the price difference w.r.t it’s wired unit justify… I too had the same question but after using it, one thing was very clear that the price difference did justify as the sound was spectacular on both wired and wireless modes.. So that extra money is a premium you would be paying to getting sound clarity like you would be getting on older M50x but without a wire.
The headphones produces more crisp tunes with Apple music than Spotify and does have connectivity issues with older macbooks.. But laptops or computers running windows, linux or phones running android or iOS don’t have any issues.
Comfort is ok but definetely could have been better. Weight of the headphone is ok but it may not be comfortable for everyone so that can be a deal breaker.
It comes with a soft pouch and that doesn’t protect the headphones at all. Instead buy it’s official headphone case from headphone zone.
Sound quality – 4.8/5
Comfort – 3.5/5
Build Quality- 4/5
Noise cancellation – Not applicable
I opted for a pair of ATH-M50XBT’s after several online sites mentioned these within the ‘top 5 wireless headphones of 2019’.
So far I have used my headphones to record music, watch TV, listen to Spotify and they seem great in every scenario!
The standard earpads provide decent levels of bass and good noise cancellation. The battery life is apparently 40 hours on full charge which is really good, although I am yet to test this.
These really are a great pair of wireless headphones at an affordable price compared with other brands (Beats/Bose etc..)
There also seems to be an abundance of aftermarket accessories (earpads, hard cases, cables etc) available for the ATH-M50XBT’s which was another reason I purchased these headphones.
I would highly recommend the Audio-Technica ATH-M50XBT’s if you are in the market for a decent pair of wireless headphones around 150.
Great sound, even through a smartphone (sound best through a good sound source obviously.) Bluetooth sounds surprisingly full and satisfying. Fun headphones, would highly recommend.
The sound quality on these headphones is excellent. By far the best I’ve ever owned – I was a previous beats owner and the difference is night and day! Noise isolation isn’t great though in my opinion, would want to take something different on a long plane journey.
These headphones completely changed my listening experience coming from having only ever used apple earpods, AirPods, and beats headphones. When I first heard music on these, I thought that they lacked some of the bass I was so used to hearing on more mass market oriented headphones such as beats. However, it was just a matter of getting used to the new sound. After only a few hours, you start to realize the crispness the M50s offer and everything you’ve been missing with other headphones. After a day or two of using these, I tried listening to music through my AirPods again and it just wasn’t the same.
Sure, that punchy over saturated bass (which I enjoyed at the time and still do) was there, but music sounded more muffled overall, almost like listening to a lower quality music file. If you’re coming over from “mainstream” oriented headphones like beats or AirPods, give it some time. After a day or two of use, you get acclimated to the new sound and realize how superior it is. These totally changed the way I listened to music (for those wondering, I listen to trance, techno, and tech house mostly).
The sound is crisp, punchy, and immerses you into a musical environment even without active noise cancellation. I’ve had zero issues with connectivity and the battery life is fantastic. They’re quite comfortable as well.
I bought the bluetooth M50Xs to replace my gaming headset that I’ve had for a while. Amazing sound quality! Booming bass, solid mids and clear treble, these headphones are definitely worth the price.
Build quality is really good. Made of plastic but definitely does not feel cheap. Nice leatherette material on earpads and headband make wearing the headset very comfortable. However, when wearing the headphones, my ears tend to touch the drivers inside and causes some discomfort after a while. Not enough to knock off a star from this review, but definitely worth noting.
Sound quality is excellent, as to be expected from a product by Audio Technica. I’ve tried many different headphones from different brands, and this is by far the best sounding headphones I’ve ever tried. I use these both plugged in at my computer and wireless when I’m out with my phone, and the sound quality does not change. Volume is really loud at maximum volume which is great. The earpads provide a great seal which blocks out a lot of the outside noise. Althought it won’t achieve the same effect as active noise cancellation, this is great for casually listening to music or a podcast while on a bus or a train.
Overall, the purchase was definitely worth it. I highly recommend these headphones (ATH-M50x BT) to everybody.
I’m the least audiophilic (is that a word?) person you could possibly imagine, however I do know what I like and I like these head phones. Music really moves you when you’ve got these on – you hear every detail, including the twiddly bits.
I’ve only given 1 star for noise cancellation as I don’t think they are noise cancelling? I don’t use them in a noisy environment.
Bluetoothed up to my iPhone no problem at all and connect immediately every time I turn them on. You get a nice female voice in your ear telling you what’s happening, e.g. “Power on” “Connected to bluetooth”.
At the price, hard not to recommend these as an antidote to those horrible modern things you have to wedge in your ear canal.
Great headphones
Good Sound Quality
Reliable Bluetooth
Comfy fit
Long lasting battery
Only negative – very short charging wire.
The one huuuuge flaw that I found months into owning these is that it can only pair with one device at a time. By that I mean, if it’s paired to my iPad, and I want to use it for my iPhone, I can’t switch from the iPad to my iPhone without manually turning off the bluetooth on my iPad first and then it’ll search for other devices to pair to. Most devices, you can hold down the power button when you turn it on, and it will search for other devices to connect to, but this one cannot do that. And when you have multiple devices/users at home, it can get really annoying. At one point, I went around the house looking for which device it was paired to just so I can use my headphones. LOL. If you don’t own multiple bluetooth capable devices, then you should be fine. Might be something to consider if being able to quickly switch between devices is a must for you.
I don’t know why Amazon prioritizes cheap Chinese headphones with fake reviews, but this one is a real gem: just check out youtube and any blog post and you’ll get the idea where the best quality sound for reasonable price lies. Just started using, but already love the sound (prioritizing mids, not bass like any cheap would do), and I love that they don’t have noise canceling – that technology just creeps me out as it still blows sound trough mics.
My old Sennheisers began coming apart. As good as they are , their construction is sub -standard. Bought these and I am blown away – as good as my old ones. They have less bass than the Sennhuisers , but on balance cannot be faulted. Really impressed.
Headset is great and I’ve used to use the wired version of this.
In order to update the firmware to fix issues inherent on Computer OS (both Windows, Mac and Linux) you need to use an IOS device as the Android app doesnt’ support this headset model.
If you can’t update the firmware, the headset is near enough not usable due to playback issues when pausing and play audio. Commonly reported issue where you play a youtube video, or Spotify music if you pause it the entire OS sound device stops playing audio to the headset, until resume whichever media application you were last using; crazy.
Firmware update patches this.
Well, I use this for music with my phone, wireless, and for gaming on PC on wire. It is great hp. Better than ath-pdg1 to be honest, which I used before. Very pleased with sound quality. Microphone is quite good too.
But had to use Brainwavz hybrid memory foam earpads, as stock was kinda stiff and uncomfortable in more than 1 or 2hrs.
La calidad de sonido en Android est a un gran nivel gracias al cdec aptX, prcticamente suenan igual con cable que por Bluetooth. El emparejamiento es sencillo, aunque solo con un dispositivo a la vez, y aunque en el manual se especifica que puede emparejarse a varios dispositivos, la realidad es que el cambio es bastante tedioso, pero si no se cambia de dispositivo con frecuencia no hay mayor problema.
Los controles son fsicos y funcionan muy bien. Tienen una parte tctil con la que llamar al asistente del telfono, pero funciona con mucha irregularidad.
No he tenido problemas en la calidad de sonido en llamadas, los dems pueden escucharme perfectamente, sobre todo cuando la llamada es en HD.
La autonoma es su mayor virtud despus de la calidad de audio. Con una carga los puedo usar perfectamente toda la semana, usndolos durante varias horas en el trabajo y a veces por algunos minutos en casa. La carga aunque no es rpida es bastante aceptable para un gadget que se carga una vez a la semana.
Respecto a la ergonoma, si bien le varios reviews negativos por el espacio para las orejas, yo no he sentido ninguna incomodidad al respecto. Aunque si suele sentirse un poco de calor alrededor de las orejas despus de varios minutos, por lo que de vez en cuando se tiene que dar un “respiro”. La diadema puede ajustarse a cualquier tamao de cabeza, aunque esta si suele ejercer cierta presin en el crneo que puede llagar a resultar incmoda, pero se soluciona movindola un poco.
El punto malo es que vienen con un estuche de “piel” que no es ms que una bolsa que no ofrece ninguna proteccin y se tienen que doblar para que quepan en la bolsa. Realmente esperaba algn tipo de estuche rgido.
Incluyen un cable con botones para usarlo de manos libres con el telfono y el cable de carga micro USB.
Realmente valen mucho la pena a pesar de los pocos detalles negativos que tienen. La calidad de audio es muy superior a audfonos de otras marcas que pueden llegar a costar el doble. Por la calidad de construccin se nota que estn hechos para durar y adems tienen una autonoma increble.
Et peine une semaine plus tard Audio Technica annonce cette version Bluetooth ! J’tais aux anges mais aussi inquiet. Certes je possdais dj le Bose QC 35 qui a montr que le Bluetooth avait fait des progrs considrables au niveau qualitatif. Mais de l reproduire la richesse sonore du M50X….
Eh bien ils l’ont fait !! A un degr moindre (je dirais peut-tre un tout petit moins de spatialisation) on retrouve la mme signature audio sur ce M50XBT que sur son an ! Et sans le moindre son parasite que peut produire un rcepteur bluetooth ! D’ailleurs quand on branche le casque en filaire (car le casque dispose d’une prise jack) on n’entend aucune diffrence ! Bluffant. Toute comme la batterie… gargantuesque… compter prs de 40h d’autonomie. Il m’arrive de ne pas charger le casque pendant 2-3 semaines en l’utilisant au quotidien !
Et quand on ralise que le casque est vendu peine plus cher que son an… wouaw.
Au niveau “ngatif” le casque garde toute la construction du M50X classique savoir une isolation passive pas exceptionnelle. La voix n’indique pas le niveau de la batterie c’est dommage.
J’ai remarqu quelques bugs sur l’iPhone quand je change de source. Je ne sais pas si c’est iOS ou le casque mais si j’coute de la musique sur Spotify et que subitement je passe Youtube je dois reslectionner chaque fois le casque dans les sorties audio pour avoir du son. Rien de mchant mais amliorer.
Micro intgr moyen quand on passe un appel tlphonique. On m’entend mais assez mal il m’arrive de devoir prendre l’appel directement depuis le tlphone.
Pas de multipoints mais comme beaucoup d’autres casques.
Pas d’tui solide fourni. Toujours le mme tui souple simili cuir de bonne facture mais anecdotique pour un transport. Il faut dire que le casque reste plutt volumineux et basique dans son systme de repli. La concurrence fait mieux.
D’un point de vue usage multimdia pas au top de la liste donc. Mais assurment la meilleure qualit audio sur un casque Bluetooth que j’ai jamais eu en mains (pas encore test le fameux Sony 1000MX M3 mais le M2 ne m’avait pas bloui). Et puis surtout un vrai M50X !
sound pretty good with both wire and bluetooth, good build quality.
I spent ages trying to find the ideal headphones for the purpose of listening to music a flight without hearing the noise of the jet engines and the general ambient noise within the aircraft itself.
So, they had to be over the ear, closed back etc and I settled on Audio-Technica ATH-M50XBT Wireless Over-Ear Portable Headphones.
They are indeed high quality units, Bluetooth worked flawlessly with my iPhone.
However, I knew within 30 seconds that I had made a mistake with this purchase as I could clearly hear the sound coming from the television set during quite passages within the music I was listening to.
The sound leakage (coming in to the headphones) was so bad that I packed them up and sent them back within about 10 minutes of trying them on.
No good whatsoever for my purposes – unfortunate but that’s how it is.
I’m now looking at the more expensive Bose Quiet Comfort 35 Series II or the Sony WH-1000XM3.
I purchase the Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT Wireless Bluetooth Over-Ear Headphones, Black $189.99 CDN in July 2019.
First, I purchase this Headphone because of the amazing sound quality over wireless Bluetooth. I wanted the Bluetooth 5.0 feature for a strong signal range, and the aptX performance, also the AAC support in case I or someone in the family need to listen on a crazy Apple device. I also wanted some passive noise cancelling and this unit performed perfect for my expectation. I did NOT want the active noise cancelling headphone offered in Bose and Sony because I use this headset to work outside sometime in the cold and I did not want to be tune out of the world and miss other important sound, and I don’t need to tune out the wife, she is fine. So, I really enjoy my music with this headset while remaining in this world. With these features and the price point, they are the best in my opinion.
Now the Bad. It has been mentioned in other reviews: I also rated it 4 out of 5 stars as the buttons on the side of the ear cup could be a lot better. There is a lack of tactile feel that clearly distinguishes the buttons intent. And to make matters worse this button is needed in a totally worthless complicated firmware update process from a terrible APP which somehow require you to have 3 hands while pressing 5 buttons simultaneously.
The update requires 4 buttons on the headset to be press simultaneously, including the button on the side cup which I still don’t know if I am pressing it properly, and 1 one button on the APP which is available to download from the app store. The Headphone came out of the box with firmware 1002. I don’t know and could not find any documentation anywhere about what is updated in firmware 1003, went to Audio Technica web site for info and after 4 days received a reply saying email them for support. It must be some kind of top-secret firmware update. lol.
So now after the first firmware update failed on me, I am very weary to try again. For now, I will settle with the current firmware continuing and wondering what I am missing in this update from this otherwise great wireless headphone.
TLDR: I would buy these again without hesitation. I might even have purchased over the ATH-M50x if these were available when I purchased my first pair a few years ago. They sound the same when running directly via 3.5mm cable. They are built the same and they feel the same; very comfortable.
+ Can be used cord free via bluetooth connection.
+ Can be used with 3.5mm aux cable without bluetooth (like, oops, I drained my battery or no BT reception).
+ Using via 3.5mm cable doesn’t require batteries, it’s passive, just like any normal headphones (like the ATH-M50x).
+ The head phones have a large memory so that it will remember multiple device connections (8 if I remember).
+ The reception is good 20-30 feet away from a bluetooth device. I’ve been able to walk into other rooms or down stairs and remain connected. I’ll get a skip or studder depending on distance and number of walls (which is totally normal and to be expected).
+ Switching between bluetooth and wired is as easy as connecting the cable. You should turn off the power switch since technically you’re not streaming over bluetooth. I accidentally left the BT connection to my phone on and plugged in the cable to my laptop. It worked and I didn’t realize until I walked away and returned to see the pulsing white light (I had left on the power switch).
+ I can get a few days of 8-hour use before having to charge them again.
+ They sound the same as the ATH-M50x when the power is off and they are connected via 3.5mm cable.
+ They have a small bump in base over the ATH-M50x when connected via bluetooth.
+ Same build quality and feel as standard ATH-M50x head phones.
+ Little to no sound leak (using glasses with thick frames will be an exception).
+ Although they are not noise cancelling, they do a good job isolating external noise because they are over the ear. With music playing, you won’t hear much around you. With music paused, you can hear when people are trying to talk to you (planes, public transit, etc…).
Cons (the first two are minor):
– The pleather bag that comes with these is really small. Yeah, the headphones fit but it should probably have a minimum of an inch more in length and width. This would help bag not be as tight around the headphones, especially when the cable is there.
– After only 8 months, the factory 3.5mm microphone/remote cable that came in the box wore out last week. This was without any drops, yanks, or hard wear and tear. I listen to bluetooth at home and while commuting on the train. I turn off bluetooth in the office and just listen via cable because crApple osx 10.6 has massive bluetooth failures (100% apple, not the headphones).
– Micro USB to charge. Seriously, this is stupid. Micro USB is cheap so that’s why people use it in hardware designs, but omg don’t try to connect this to power in the dark. It will take you a year to first locate where the port is for power, let alone figuring out if the cable is upside down or not. They should have put up the money for USB-C. it’s more robust and is bi-directional. That is my biggest gripe about these, honest. Everything else is tolerable.
**Edit** November 2019
It’s been a year of daily use for these now. I stand by my origional review. I only wish charging was USB-C type of connector.
– Audio still great.
– Call clarity still great.
– Construction still sturdy.
– Battery still holding up.
– 3.5mm audio port still holding up.
– Single replacement cable still holding up and that’s with connecting /disconnecting daily.
– Cushions still in great condition.
– BT pairing still spot on.
Regarding the comment on the factory audio cable:
I replaced the broken mic/audio cable with a nice braided cable, 3.5mm on both ends (one side naturally has an extra conductor and insulation band for the mic). For those of you looking to replace a cable, spend the money and don’t buy cheap low quality cables; you’ll be so much happier with a soft braided cable of higher quality of you need a replacement.
Great sounding headphones and battery life is amazing! Well worth the money.
I was apprehensive buying a pair of headphones nearing 200, but eventually took the punt and bought these and they are worth every penny. Amazing depth of sound, comfort and the battery life is fantastic (big plus for me)
After using SkullCandies Aviator for 7 years finally decided to switch to wireless. Initially I settled on Sennheiser Urbanite XL Wireless, but decided to get another headphones for comparison, so after some research settled on ATH-M50xBT.
1. Wired sound quality. While in wired mode M50 & Urbanite were quite comparable. Urbanite would deliver heavier bass, mostly to please Beats fans, while M50 would be slightly crispier & deeper overall.
2. Wireless sound quality. M50xBT were noticeably better in wireless model (I used Spotify Extreme mode to compare, so, sound is as good as Spotify and my iPhone can deliver). Unlike Urbanite, sound was deeper and crisper. That’s mostly explained by the codec – Urbanite uses SBC when paired to iPhone while M50 AAC. That’s an important difference due to iPhone doesn’t support AptX and SBC sounds cheap.
3. Wireless vs wired sound quality. Comparing M50 in wireless vs wired mode I’d say they were very close to me. So close that I don’t bother to wire them for the most of the time. In some tracks, like U2 sometimes I feel that wired is a little bit better, but not critically better. Again, I tested only on Spotify so some lossless tracks might have shown bigger difference.
4. Bluetooth. M50xBT have good Bluetooth reliability. While commuting with Urbanite I felt several interruptions per trip. Not the case of M50. One thing where Urbanite stand out was connectivity to multiple devices – like iPhone + Mac. That’s handy as with M50 I have to manually switch it back and forth. Again, it’s OK for me.
5. Comfort. Here Urbanite were better as I would start sweating in M50 right after putting them on (it’s summer time now, so makes things worse). Solution – I bought a pair of 1″ pads on Amazon and problem got solved. Now M50 are even comfier than Urbanite so returning the latter.
Summary: great headphones with superb sound quality. It’s possible to make them comfortable for all day long usage with a pair of third party pads (I got Wicked Cushions but something else might work as well, just make sure they are 1″ to get more clearance).
Great sound from these headphones. Very comfy fit with little or no leakage. Recommended
First of all it doesn’t have noice cancellation, which I don’t really care that much about, but if you want then look somwhere else,even thoughnoise isolation on these are pretty good but it doesn’t compare to any premium noice cancellation headphones.
Now coming to why i bought these:
1). Exceptional sound whether you play wired or wireless, better than most Bluetooth headphones, lows are little bit more emphasized, mids sound just as good, and shrillness of highs are toned down a little bit compared to original m50x. You will not get this kind of sound even if you buy 1000xm3
2). Sounds same whether on wired or in wireless, just little bit difference which most will not be able to listen.
3). Battery life is insane doesn’t know it goes 40 hours or not but it sure goes beyond my expectations, i tried draining them itook me 1 week of heavy usage to darin them even then it drained to 20% when i plugged them to charge.
4).Build quality is good hipe it lasts as long as the original ones which i had for 4 years and they still not showing any degredation in sound and its structure.
So if you concerned about sound quality only, look nowhere else these are simply on higher end of sound on Bluetooth headphones, but if you want noice cancellation don’t go for these, go for sony wh9000n at nearly same price as these also pretty solid
By far the best headphones I have ever used! I use them for listening to music, recording/mixing and playing bass and guitar. Amazingly clear and defined sound. I use them when listening to records and they pick out even the finest details.
Overall, these pair of headphones have exceeded my expectations. It has taken me a long time to find a headphone brand to satisfy my needs but when using these headphones Audio-Technica should be proud of themselves for achieving such quality well built headphones. However, one drawback is the sound leakage that sounds quite noticeable but most of the time I use these headphones in doors anyway, I wouldn’t recommended using these headphones outdoors but rather indoors.
Great overall sound, bass not too punchy (not overbearing), clear and crisp sound. If you’re used to shure quality sound, these headphones definitely live up to a similar standard! Pairs easily with any bluetooth device.
Only improvement I’d suggest to AT is to improve placement of up and down volume controls by removing play /pause to some other place. Also maybe allow long press of play pause to initiate assistant? (As earcup control is not easy to initiate!)
Good all round sound quality. Can’t beat it. No heavy bass or anything just real good sound
Die anderen getesteten Modelle waren:
– Audio Technica ATH-AR5BT (142,59)
– Audio Technica ATH-DSR7BT (249,99)
– Sennheiser Momentum M2 BT (229,-)
– Sennheiser PXC 550 (229,-)
Der ATH-M50xBT berzeugt klanglich auf ganzer Linie. Das Klangbild ist recht neutral mit einer leichten Anhebung in den Tiefmitten, die aber nicht negativ auffllt. Die Hhen sind klar und spritzig, ohne scharf oder stechend zu sein, die Mitten angenehm warm und nicht berprsent, Bass ausreichend vorhanden (soweit man halt bei Kopfhrern von Bass” sprechen kann). Nicht ohne Grund ist der M50x ein sehr verbreiteter Studio-Kopfhrer. Er ist zwar nicht absolut steril, macht dafr aber etwas mehr Spa beim Hren. Der Tragekomfort ist zwar nicht ganz so luxuris wie bei den beiden Sennheisern, aber man kann ihn durchaus mehrere Stunden tragen ohne dass es unangenehm wird.
Der einzige andere Kopfhrer in meinem kleinen Test, der klanglich mithalten konnte, war der ATH-DSR7BT, allerdings hatte dieser ein so penetrantes Grundrauschen, dass es fr mich ein Ausschlusskriterium darstellte.
Der Sennheiser PXC 550 kommt klanglich ein kleines bisschen schwachbrstiger daher, klingt aber immer noch sehr gut. Zudem ist er bequemer zu tragen als der M50x und verfgt ber Active Noise Cancelling (ANC). Wer also viel mit Zug oder Flugzeug unterwegs ist, kann hier bedenkenlos zugreifen.
Der Sennheiser Momentum M2 BT sieht zwar totschick aus und glnzt mit luxurisen Echtleder-Ohrpolstern, hat mich aber klanglich eher enttuscht. Er klingt mumpfig, die Hhen wollen nicht so recht in Spielfreude geraten und unten rum passiert auch nicht allzu viel. Wer seinen Kopfhrer eher als Mode-Accessoire trgt und keinerlei Ansprche an den Sound hat (*hust* Beats *hust*) mag mit dem Momentum glcklich werden.
Der Audio Technica ATH-AR5BT (142,59) ist der einzige on-ear-Kopfhrer in diesem Verlgeich und zudem der gnstigste in der Runde. Klanglich eher unspektakulr, aber nicht unterirdisch, dafr sehr kompakt und portabel. Preis/Leistungs-technisch also ganz interessant, vor allem fr Leute, die ihren Kopfhrer hauptschlich unterwegs nutzen wollen.
I had a pair of M40x’s before and ended up buying a 3rd party Bluetooth adapter for my commute. Worked great for almost 2 years until they broke. Saw the Bluetooth version for the M50x and had to try it.
Oohh wweee these sound nice! What a nice upgrade! I didn’t notice that these have Qualcomm aptX audio chips in them until I got it. So you get true HD 3D Surround Sound. I have an LG V40 and it has DTS:X 3D Surround Sound/Hi-Fi Quad DAC and it makes AAC lossless and WAV files sound amazing. I listen to heavy metal, deathcore, hip hop, r&b, rap, house, drum and bass, you name it and it ALL can sound amazing with the right adjustments and enabling those features. I love the optional 3.5mm audio cord that comes with it. Can use it on my Switch and other devices so the headphones become very versatile.
The app kinda sucks on Android. You need location services and Bluetooth enabled for it to work IF it decides to even open. And then find your headphones… Takes about 10 tries. But when it does open, it can be useful to adjust numerous EQ settings and configuration.
The battery is fantastic! I spend about 2.5 hours a day commuting on the train and I can go about 40 to 60 hours without charging these! However for some reason the headphones will report to my phone that it is almost dead about 80% of the time. Yet I can go 60 hours without charging? Not sure what’s going on there but not an issue for me really since it will say “BATTERY LOW” when they are actually dying (you have 10 to 15 minutes left). A plus is even if the headphones are dead, you can use the 3.5mm audio cord that comes with it. Another note about Bluetooth is the mic: sometimes when you are listening to music and answer a call, the Bluetooth mic won’t work unless you switch your call mode (Bluetooth to speaker and back to Bluetooth as an example). Rarely does it happen, but annoying when your boss calls you…
The headband is comfortable and can be worn for a long time. However I am not a fan of how firm the cups are, so I usually buy third party foam cups that are a little softer. And they do a better job at noise cancellation in my opinion. I take the train so the noise cancellation is about 80+/-% stock, but with 3rd party foam cups I would say it goes to 90+/-% since these are passive noise cancellation (active is like Bose where there is a switch).
Overall, I love these headphones so far even with the slight issues it has. They feel well built and the sound quality is superior. Replace the foam cups with something more comfortable and these will do the trick. If you have a device that has DTS:X or Hi-Fi Quad DAC then I highly recommend these to get the best music/sound experience. I wish I could give it 4.5/5 stars but I gotta give it the lower end due to the rare mic issue, battery status issue and the foam cups. 4/5
-long battery life (40 to 60 hours)
-superior sound
-comfortable (stock: 8/10 can be 10/10)
-optional 3.5mm audio cable
-3D surround sound ready (DTS:X and Hi-Fi Quad DAC)
-Qualcomm aptX chips (True AAC and WAV)
-great passive noise cancellation with 3rd party cups
-foam cups can be uncomfortable for some. I recommend 3rd party ones that are softer.
-stock foam cups do an OK job at noise cancellation
-the audio technica app gets 2.5/5 stars…
-battery reporting status to Android Bluetooth 5.0 is funky
-Bluetooth Mic is OK. Doesn’t work on some calls and requires switching call modes. Rarely does this happen but annoying when it does.
Lightweight, easy to store and quick to charge. Sound quality at this price point is so good I have bought 2 pairs.
I am a casual listener. Unwinding with music at the end of the day helps me get through each day of stress and hardships. I had been using the earbuds that came with my phone, wired AKG tuned earbuds by Samsung, which were just fine and I liked them a lot. Unfortunately, the right earbud stopped working and so I was stuck with only the left side and decided it’s time to shop for a headphone because Samsung does not sell those any longer. Because smartphones are slowly getting rid of the audio jack, I wanted to get a wireless headphone so I can continue to use it with future phones, but as much as I would have loved to buy the new Sony WH-1000XM3, anything over $200 is a bit too much for me. So after doing some research, I came down to the TaoTronics TT-BH060 (was for $49) and the Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT (on sale for $149). Here is what I noticed when using the two headphones… (both come with bluetooth 5.0, which is nice)
– Both are fairly comfortable for me. Maybe because the Taotronics are less expensive, I feel less worried about future wear and tear. The Audio-Technica ear cups are softer and more plushier… which up to each individual is a good or bad thing, but that doesn’t mean the Taotronics are hard or uncomfortable.
– Audio-Technica definitely wins in the sound quality department in my opinion, which would make sense considering the cost. Listening to the Taotronics afterward gave me a headache. It has a more thumping/muddy/enclosed sound to it compared to the clean spacious bass and clear vocals on the Audio-Technica. That being said, I was fine with the sound quality from the Taotronics before I heard Audio Technica… just a noticeable difference that I found between the two.
– Less sound leak on the Taotronics. I was actually surprised at how much sound leaked from the Audio Technica, and was a bit disappointed… but it wasn’t so bad to return it.
I can’t say much about the button controls, build, or battery life, but from the amount of time I’ve had them, I’d say they’re both pretty good in those areas. Ultimately, the sound of the Audio Techinca won me over the Taotronics.
I like these headphones a lot for the great sound quality and good Bluetooth connection but it has a few issues. They are a bit tight if you have a big head, the headband is a bit too stiff and the ear ups could be deeper. The sound stage is also quite narrow compared to some other headphones I’ve tried. However I would still recommend it but think about changing the ear ups to improve comfort.
I can’t really compare it to any decent headphones that I have had owned so far, so before I got these set I went really through the reviews about the sound and decent comfort for wearing it, set the budget, and decided to go for this ones.
From the start I have been really satisfied with what I received.
I had a little issue with disconnecting bt after the battery went below 80% so I rang technical support of Audio Technica and it appeared I hadn’t done the firmware update. Once got it sorted all is the way it supposed to.
I would defo recommend it to anyone who looks for a good sound, loooong lasting battery span and comfortable wearing.
Very happy purchase!!!
These are excellent headphones, one of the best that I have tried. The bass may be a little too strong for some but I like their sound and the bass doesn’t overwhelm the mid or treble sound range, giving me a well rounded overall sound. I like the fact that you can pair them with up to eight other devices, which should be more than enough for anyone I would imagine.
For anyone wanting an extension lead that works with the BT version, this fits and works fine, they do a 1.2M and a 2M version.
Also this case works well with them, looks quality and has ample room for anything extra that you wish to carry, cables, clothes etc. It is also only 13
Excellent sound, sound better with the wire than on Bluetooth. Battery life excelle
Sound quality is amazing and incredibly clear, like nothing I’ve heard before. The Bluetooth connects quickly and without issue. The battery life is excellent. Finally, the headphones are light and comfortable and look great.
As for the wireless connection, it sounds nearly as good as the wired and certainly is the best you’re going to get over Bluetooth at this point. Supports AAC and sounds great and transparent coming from an iPhone. There are no problems with connectivity, no drop-outs. And the battery life is exceptionally long; used on back-to-back long trips without recharging, with no problems. So this is great news considering travel and portability are obviously top concerns for wireless headphones.
My one complaint is that they apparently can only be “attached” to one device. So for instance if I wanted to switch from my iPhone to my laptop, I can’t just click “connect” on the laptop and the headphones automatically switch; I have to first manually disconnect from the iPhone, then connect to the laptop. But this is minor and, having no prior extensive experience with bluetooth headphones, may be standard for all I know.
Overall, a great purchase. Not just a supplement, but a total upgrade to and replacement for the ATH-M50x. This is now my third pair in the M50 series, following the original and then the X. I’ve had some variety of M50 for several years now, and I stick with them because they work well and sound great. I’ve heard supposedly higher end headphones, but you just can’t get a better set for the money as far as I’m concerned.
These are good headphones and the Bluetooth capability is useful, how ever at nearly 180 they are over priced and there are better sounding headphones then these for less.
These are definitely the best headphones I’ve used, these would get 5 stars but my only issue is the built-in mic isn’t very so most times I have to use the cable with the mic when making calls but other than that a fantastic produc
Crisp sound and very comfortable. Easily the best over-ear headphones I’ve ever purchased.
-) and the control button as shown in the figure for 8 seconds. The product will start “searching for devices” and you can pair Bluetooth
devices that you want to connect.
The difference between wired and BT is negligible with the aptX codec, the sound is detailed and it’s nice to have a BT off switch. They’re not the most comfortable phones I have, the cups could do with being a little larger but I can manage. All in all good value for the money.
As these are Bluetooth headphones you can connect to any device with Bluetooth (smartphone/PC/Mac/etc), however, for Android and iOS, Audio-Technica provide an app to manage your Headphones (AT Connect). If you intend on using these with a PC or Mac, there is no app to mange it with, meaning you cannot see how much battery life the headphones have left. The only way to know is if you connect to the app to a smartphone, which is very frustrating as you can only pair it to one device at a time. This is a huge oversight on something fairly fundamental.
As for the overall sound performance, these are excellent headphones, as you would expect from Audio Technica.
Having recently moved my new hi-fi set up needed the headphone lead to trail across the main walkway from living room ~ trip risk!! Thought I’d give Bluetooth a crack, tried a few makes in local retailers but most too hot or too tight. Based on reviews I tried these, could not find a local dealer unfortunately, SUPERB, far better sound than I expected ~ better than my old connected cans too. As a Floyd fan I am enjoying my music at a new and far superior way. Very pleased with my purchase ~ great sound and very comfortable, can only hear the TV when the volume increases above normal.
* Audio quality is good, as expected from a mid-range pair. If you’ve had the original M50X, expect the same good quality.
* Detachable cable lets me use it indefinitely with my laptop, and without wires on my commute
* Battery life is great, I haven’t had it die on me and I only charge it in short bursts when I’m not using it
* Passive isolation is enough to reduce outside noise to manageable levels
* Fold-able design
* They sit on your head a bit too tight, the headband is stiff
* As expected from the pads, it can get warm and sweat cannot really escape
* Buttons are a bit annoying to use (hold-to-skip takes too long) and the touch button is limited to siri/google/whatever (it would be nice to be able to change functionality
* Cable provided is short
* Cannot use BT while charging
Great sound and build quality from one of the worlds best audio companies.
I purchased this product because its a living legend in the audio world. I was completely satisfied with the audio quality but the head cushion is not comfortable at all.
After 15 min of wearing i feel pain on the top of my head, i am really disappointed.
Use to connect to my phone whilst walking around. Wanted some good sound quality headphones and was recommend these by an audiophile. His recommendation was correct, sound quality is superb even over BT which is what I wanted them for! Comfy to wear, easy to use, look good. Can’t fault them really, I fully recommend if you’re looking for an awesome set of headphones!
When I ordered these, I was expecting the same great sound of M50’s only without wires. This is pretty much what I got, with a few caveats. Here are pro’s and cons of these headphones that I would like to mention:
– The sound is great! It’s quite neutral, so pretty much all genres of music sound good with these cans. There’s very minimal sibilance and the bass is tight and controlled. If you are a bass-head you’ll probably be disappointed, but if you like balanced and natural sound with a flat-ish frequency response curve – these will do great!
– The build quality is fantastic. These cans won’t fall apart easily. Sure, the pads will get stiff sooner or later, but that is the case with the majority of headphones. They are replaceable though and so it really isn’t an issue.
– The battery life is amazing and theres almost no self discharge which I experienced with many other wireless headsets.
– Google Assistant/Siri integration is useful, and the possibility to take calls is a nice bonus.
– The integrated amp has mediocre noise to signal ratio, which results in a constant “hiss” whenever the cans are on. During the quietest parts of your favorite songs you WILL hear it and there’s no way around it. This is a bit of a bummer as otherwise the sound is great.
– The volume changes in steps that are a bit too chunky. Sometimes I find a volume a tad too low, so I increase it by one step and…it gets a tad too high. Smoother control would be nice.
– The leather pads will stiffen up if you have naturally oily skin around your ears. You will probably need a replacement in a few months. Fortunately, good third-party options are available, so it isn’t a big deal, but I would still prefer if AT used a better quality leather, as this is otherwise a very well built product.
– No USB Type C. Come on, guys… enough with outdated connectors already. There’s no reason to keep using micro-USB anymore.
In dettaglio:
– Qualit sonora: sono a livello delle Bose QC 35 II e Sony WH-1000xM3, anzi somigliano pi alle Sony per il basso pi pronunciato e in generale secondo me un pelo sopra a entrambe. Sul mio iMac, ho scoperto che supportano il codec Enhanced aptX, in quanto il bitrate si attesta sui 384kb/s e riesco a trasmettere file flac fino a 24 bit e 48khz tramite il software Audirvana Plus. Il salto di qualit si percepisce sensibilmente rispetto a iTunes.
-Connettivit: il pairing con cellulari/pc/Smart TV rapido e non mi ha mai dato problemi. La connessione stabile anche a distanza.
-APP: l’app molto scarna e purtroppo non paragonabile per impostazioni a quella Sony. Se le collegate a un computer con un buon software di riproduzione audio (io uso Audirvana Plus su Mac) non ne sentite la mancanza.
-Qualit delle chiamate: in ambienti chiusi il microfono incorporato consente di effettuare telefonate in tranquillit senza bisogno del cavo in dotazione su cui presente un microfono. Dalle prove che ho eseguito, il mio interlocutore non aveva difficolt a sentirmi e a capirmi.
– Durata della batteria: ottima, dura per giorni e parecchie ore di utilizzo.
-Comfort: sono abbastanza comode, ma dopo lunghe sessioni di ascolto (oltre l’ora) iniziano a stringere un po’ e a scaldare l’orecchio.
Accessori in dotazione: non presente una vera e propria custodia ma un sacchetto morbido per il trasporto che di sicuro non le mette troppo al riparo da urti/cadute. Il cavo minijack in dotazione ha i contati dorati ma un po’ corto. Il cavo di ricarica il vecchio micro-usb e i tempi di ricarica si attestano sulle 5 ore circa.
Se non vi interessa/serve la riduzione del rumore andate sul sicuro. Utilizzate con un buon equalizzatore sono una bomba con tutti i generi musicali, rock/metal soprattutto!
What I love most about these headphones is when you run out of battery (after 40 hours of playback time), you can just plug the auxiliary cable into the headphones and your phone and off you go again.
Amazing sound. Also I’ve had these for a 2 months and use them everyday on my commute, I’ve never charged them and still have 60% battery remaining!
Excellent product and service very pleased with my order most comfortable set of headphones I have ever used before.
These headphones have been lauded with high praise, and deservedly so. I am enjoying my music far more through these as I can really hear the subtleties of the tracks in a way I couldn’t previously. The Bluetooth functionality is liberating are becoming more essential due to the decline of the 3.5mm jack, however, they do come with a cable which allows for standard wired use. Although these are not noise cancelling, the passive cancelling is effective in most settings. These are a great pick for those who are looking for quality sound on the go where active noise cancelling is not essential.
Very comfortable, Bluetooth connection very stable, sound quality really good
Stunning sound quality. Very close sounding to wired version of the same headphone. Good kids and excellent bass response.
Very retro style, but leagues ahead in sq over Bose and Sony wireless cans that are more expensive. Bluetooth sound quality really has come on in the last few years. Incredible battery life too.
I’m am more than impressed than these set of headphones. Choosing On-ear/Over-ear headphone was difficult for me as I wear glasses and as a result I get quite a lot of ear fatigue from prolonged use, however these are extremely comfortable and I haven’t had any problems even with prolonged use with the original earcups. They also sound incredible with no distortion at very high volumes. These have a clear bass presence even at low volumes and the highs are crisp and metallic even at high volumes and mids are pronounced all the way through. In terms of sound quality these are definitely up there with high end headphones like the Sony MDR-1000Xm3s. I would have liked to have seen USB-C charging and perhaps more colour options. Nevertheless, the build quality is excellent with no creaks or squeaks and has a premium weight (perhaps thanks to the battery) that doesn’t tax your ears. These are incredibly versatile whether you are mixing, immersing yourself in the latest titles or even casual listening, these sound excellent no matter what you throw at it and these are definitely the best headphones most versatile monitors you can get sub 200 maybe even 250 thanks to its balanced sound, excellent drivers and it’s blue and wired connectivity. If you are sceptical about the looks or the build quality, don’t be, as they feel and look much better than what images can depict.
Absolutely amazing. Great battery life (only charged once since Christmas). Very comfy to wear. Pretty excellent sound as well!
I was looking at getting a good quality pair of headphones, and came across this pair, WOW!. I was not disappointed,
the sound is second to none, I listen to a lot of music right across the board,the sound you get from these headphnes, are phenomenal and these are just perfect.
Headphones are very sturdy and well built, and fit nicely on the ears and on the head.
Bluetooth function is great and very easy to set up, just download the app to connect to your phone, make sure your Bluetooth s on, and hey presto.
I would say if you have other Bluetooth device’s in the room, make sure they are turned off, because, it will have trouble connecting to the device you want.
I have had these a month now, and just love these headphones and glad I bought them, and for under 200 notes, you won’t go wrong.
Great set of cans, was blown away by the sound quality when I got them. They do a great job reducing noise (without having noise reduction built in).
Bluetooth is a great mystery. You can leave your phone two rooms away and hear your music perfectly. But if you put your phone in the wrong pocket then the sound occasionally skips.
All in all, a good buy.
Fit- Initially, these headphones weren’t very comfortable. I have a large head and these clamped down too tightly. After wearing them for a week, however, the headphones really broke in. Now I can wear them for 4-6 hours and barely notice they’re on. The earpads are nice and comfortable and create a good seal around my ears. They’re not noise cancelling, but they still manage to block out most ambient noise.
Sound- these sound absolutely amazing. The bass is clear and punchy. The highs are sharp and piercing, but not too shrill. The mids come in clear and vibrant. Every detail of my music is represented wonderfully. While these are technically monitors and have a relatively flat profile, they aren’t cold or dull. You’d have to pay almost double the price to match the sound here.
Bluetooth- The Bluetooth connection is pretty great. The only time I’ve had issues is when I’m walking outside with my phone in my right pocket. The Bluetooth radio is in the left ear cup, and the connection tends to drop when my phone is on my right side. This is a pretty common issue with Bluetooth, however. As long as my phone is in my left pocket, the signal never drops. I can also walk anywhere in my house with my phone on the kitchen counter and never lose signal. Even more surprisingly, the Bluetooth doesn’t take anything away from the sound. These sound every bit as good as a wired set of headphones at this price range.
I’m very satisfied with my purchase. I would recommend these to anyone.
Nada malo. Cuando se estrenan unos auris, hay dos cosas a tener en cuenta: la adaptacin al sonido del nuevo auricular al que no ests acostumbrado, y el rodaje de los propios auriculares, que suele ser necesario en bastantes casos.
Dicho todo lo anterior, que seguro que carece de inters, dejo aqu las primeras impresiones.
Comparados con ATH-M50x :
Son menos planos. Tienen algo ms de amplitud de escena y de profundidad. No son tan analticos y esto es lgico, ya que si queris auriculares de monitorear, la opcin lgica es con cable.
No tienen tanta claridad, ni por arriba ni por abajo. Cierto que el rango de frecuencias es mucho ms medio, con lo cual en la franja de Hz en los que se mueve est ms que bien. Los bajos no son tan claros ni los agudos tienen la misma sibilancia que su hermano con cable.
Mira que los M50x son pueteros en el sentido de que no perdonan fallos, pero creo que estos (aun movindose en rangos medios) son ms exigentes en ese sentido.
Comparados con ATH-MSR7:
Es a los que ms se parece en sonido. esto seguro que es porque son destinados al mismo fin, que no es monitorear, sino ms bien el uso domstico y tambin en dispositivos mviles. No tienen ni la escena ni la profundidad que tienen los MSR, pero tampoco es que est tan lejos, ya que como explicaba arriba, tienen mucha ms que los M50x.
La conclusin es que es un hbrido bastante resultn entre estos dos modelos que menciono. NUNCA debemos olvidar de que se trata de unos auriculares bluetooth, por lo que no sera justa la comparacin sin tenerlo en cuenta.
Que si valen lo que cuestan?
Depende de cada uno, en mi opinin s que lo valen y lo amplo: la comparacin anterior era contra los productos ms parecidos a ellos con los que lo pude hacer, pero ambos son con cable, por lo que parten con una cierta desventaja.
Comparados con otros auriculares bluetooth que tengo, os cuento.
Con el Bose Soundlink II:
Voy a decir primero lo que le veo mejor al Bose, que es la comodidad. Ya. Aunque tambin es cierto que si mueves la cabeza un poco rpido tienden a moverse del sitio.
Y en todo lo dems que sea importante, estn mucho mejor los AT. Mejor sonido y menos enlatado, aislamiento acstico bastante mejor (cierto es que tambin aprietan ms).
Contra los Marshall Major III BT:
Los otros son unos on-ear, as que ya no aislan tanto. Mejoraron mucho con respecto a los Major II, pero no estamos hablando del mismo rango de producto ni de precio. Los AT son mucho ms contundentes.
Y hasta aqu lo que puedo opinar de momento. En caso de tener algo significativo que aadir en un futuro, con respecto a interrupciones de seal, duracin de batera, etc. lo har, pero en cuanto a todo lo anterior no creo que cambie mucho. No voy a decir que sea un profeta, pero tengo cierta experiencia y aun as, recordad:
El odo es como el paladar, lo que a unos les encanta, otros ni lo tragan y viceversa.
Depende del odo y gusto de cada uno.
P. D.: El color es un negro mate muy bonito. Ms bonito que los M50x normales, que tienen un negro distinto.
Edito segundas impresiones:
Con Smartphone (Huawei P10) suena bien, pero como el telfono ya tiene un sonido ecualizado, en segn que canciones o pistas hay cierta tendencia a la exageracin de graves. Pero esto es por lo dicho del telfono.
Emparejado a un DAP Hi-Res (Fiio X5 III) es donde este par de auriculares da toda la gloria que os podis imaginar. Sin necesidad de amplificador auxiliar. Todo en su rango exacto, sin distorsiones ni efectos raros. Aqu S que lo puedo comparar con su hermano de cable y aguanta la comparativa sin ningn problema (supongo que el codec APTX del reproductor tiene mucho que ver en esto).
Con respecto a la seal: Va bien y es inmediata, pero lleva mal la cercana con emisores elctricos (centarlitas de alarma o acceso, etc.) siempre que no llevis el reproductor o telfono encima. Distancia correcta.
La duracin de la batera parece buena y lo que ofrece el fabricante.
Desde hace cuatro das que los recib no los apagu en ningn momento y con un uso de 5 – 6 horas al da, ah estn sin flaquear ni dar sntoma alguno de que se le vaya a agotar la autonoma a corto plazo.
Lo dicho: en su precio y prestaciones, de 10.
If I had to give two improvements to these headphones, it would be including USB-C for charging (it’s 2018 now cmon) and also, the headband could be ever so slightly thicker with its padding and so I could wear it for hours without any fatigue around my head.