Bosch PSM 18 LI Cordless 18 Volt Li-Ion Multisander (baretool: supplied without battery/without charger)

bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander
bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander
  1. bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander

    Effortless cutting

    The sander is suitable for sanding hard and soft wood, lacquered and painted surfaces, metal, whereby dust is conveyed into the Microfilter system box.

  2. bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander

    Safe and efficient

    With the help of the protector on the top of the device, you can easily work along the walls. Thanks to the SDS system and the Velcro fastener, the sanding attachment can be changed quickly.

  3. bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander

    Versatile in use

    The PSM 18 LI with its rotatable delta tip was specially designed for working on corners, edges and medium-sized surfaces with optimal use of the sandpaper.

Technical details

•Battery voltage/type: 18V/Lithium-Ion

•Battery capacity: 2,5 Ah

•Oscillation rate: 22.000 min-1

•Sanding area: 104 cm2

•Weight net/gross: 1,3/3,05 kg

bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander

18V / 2,5 Ah

Power supply

Corded, 50 W

22.000 min-1

Vibration rate

24.000 min-1

104 cm2

Grinding surface

93 cm2

Dust box

Microfilter system

1,3 kg


0,6 kg

18V / 2,5 Ah

Power supply

Corded, 100 W

22.000 min-1

Vibration rate

26.000 min-1

104 cm2

Grinding surface

104 cm2

Dust box

Microfilter system

1,3 kg


1,4 kg

  1. PSM Primo
    bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander
  2. PSM 100 A
    bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander

Flexible, powerful 18 V battery system

Grind, drill and trim hedge with just one battery? No problem. Stay flexible and quickly switch the lithium-ion battery from device to device. Save on the future purchases of additional 18-volt system devices, because there is no need for more batteries and chargers.

bosch multisander psm 18 li;psm 18 li: bosch multisander

Weight: 1.1 kg
Dimensions: 28 x 15.5 x 14 cm; 1.1 Kilograms
Model: 06033A1301
Part: 06033A1301
Colour: Green
Pack Quantity: 4
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: Lithium Ion
Manufacture: Bosch
Colour: Green
Quantity: 4

210 Responses

  1. PeterSchlemmer says:


    Wir hatten die Tapeten in unserem Ezimmer abgenommen und mussten die Unebenheiten, welche durch Farbreste geblieben sind, abschleifen.

    Mit dem PSM 18 hatten wir damit keine Probleme, der Akku hat gut gehalten auch das Ergebnis war super! Danach konnten wir den Kalkputz auftragen und es waren kaum noch Unebenheiten brig!

    Preis/Leistung stimmt!

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent, but very much hoping this one will last longer than the last one we had to return .

  3. HunterNewell says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDas gilt leider auch fr Dinge die bei der Kabelversion nicht gut sind. Hier ist in erster Linie das Staubdistributionssystem gemeint, von Bosch auch als Staubfilter bezeichnet. Das Schleifen mit dem Teil ist immer eine groe Sauerei. Im Vergleich zum Kabelmodell leidet die Handlichkeit, denn der Akku sitzt unter dem Griff, der damit prakitsch nutzlos wird. Halten und fhren muss man daher mit dem Kopf des PSM. Das geht aber auch ganz vernnftig. Das Teil ist nicht perfekt, aber es tut seine Arbeit und die Befreiung vom Kabel macht es viel universeller einsetzbar.

  4. MichelleMadigan says:


    Utilisation rgulire depuis l’achat, rien redire. Elle fait le travail. Agrablement surpris par la puissance par rapport une filaire.
    Je l’ai prise principalement car j’ai les autres outils de la gamme, donc pour le ct batterie c’est vraiment super pratique.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great piece of kit. Easy to operate, clean and does the job really well

  6. AndreasOatley says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Gert liegt recht gut in der Hand und ist verhltnismig vibrationsarm. Der Filter ist nett aber recht schnell voll / zu gesetzt. Ein Staubsaugeranschluss ist die bessere Wahl fr grere Aufgaben. Da wren ein paar Adapter im Lieferumfang angebracht. Das Klett hlt super und der schnelle werkzeuglose Umbau der Schleifplatte ist gelungen. Alles in allen ein gutes Produkt.

  7. WendiPGASnujv says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThis is a Bosch product which of course means it is exactly what you need when getting on with some DIY. My only concern is that I was hoping that I would be able to sand deeper into the wood. Maybe that is my bad with thinking that you can just keep sanding to get a tiny bit more wood off but it seems sanding is only ever about taking the very top layer off so that you can re-do the paintwork or similar.

  8. AdrianaLandrum says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEasy to use, and effective with a variety of easy fit velcro sandpaper grades. Handy to use same battery as range of other tools. My only gripe is that the so called dust trap on the back clogs up very quickly and doesn’t do much of a job. If dust is a problem best to connect vacuum cleaner.

  9. Dan Avery says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Cette ponceuse s’avre trs efficace.
    Le petit bac de rcupration des poussires est trs pratique l.
    Je souhaitais une ponceuse sans fil pour pouvoir rnover le chalet de jardin qui se trouve plus de 30 mtres de la prise la plus proche. Je n’ai pas t du.
    L’autonomie est tout fait satisfaisante. (je n’ai pas eu besoin d’utiliser la deuxime batterie)

  10. Ashley Spiker says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHad one for a while now and as long as you keep it clean and use the right pads,it’s a good addition to your power toolbox. Dust extraction is ok but better when you can connect it to a vacuum(which I do)

  11. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDas Gert braucht sich von der Leistung her nicht hinter Netzgerten zu verstecken. Die Verarbeitung ist gut. Mit zwei Akkus kann man fast unterbrechungsfrei arbeiten. Lediglich die Staubabsaugung wrde ich als mangelhaft bezeichnen.

  12. PrincessWhitman says:

     United Kingdom

    Turn her on and she really goes ! Very useful and very powerful.

  13. Jordan Gerblick says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersHo comprato allettato dal prezzo, ma non mi sono reso conto che il prodotto veniva venduto senza la batteria. Alla fine, dovendo acquistare la batteria e il carica batterie non ho risparmiato nulla, anzi….
    Mi servir stare attento la prossima volta. Il prodotto conforme alla vendita 8come da me poi verificato).

  14. NVYSherlene says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent piece of equipment, the sanding pads that come with it are ok but not the bes

  15. HarveyMayers says:

     United Kingdom

    Great sander. Love the dust collector. But it could be easier to remove the battery from the sander.

  16. MauraK01tm says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic piece of kit. Had loads of garden furniture to sand down and repaint ready for winter storage, this little guy was more than man enough for the job and made it much easier than I ever hoped.

  17. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich bin ja nicht so das Handwerkertier. Aber ein paar Sachen rund ums Haus mache ich doch gerne selbst. Als ein Gartenmbel aus Hartholz unansehnlich wurde, sah ich mich gezwungen, dieses vor dem Neulen erste einmal abzuschleifen. Dafr habe ich mir dieses Gert gekauft. Praktischerweise hatte ich schon zwei Gerte aus der Serie, so dass ich den vorhandenen Akku weiterbenutzten konnte. Das Schleifen ging recht gut vonstatten, der Staub wird relativ gut abgesaugt. Der Kraftaufwand war minimal. Allerdings hat man schon einen gewissen Verbrauch an Schleifblttern, die man aber sehr einfach per Klett anbringen kann. Fr meinen Kleinbedarf ein gutes und gnstiges Gert. Wrde ich wieder kaufen.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Has been used around my Victorian cottage on many occasions, pleased with product, does the expected job well, though is tricky emptying wood dus

  19. Ida87Pvqfq says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersMir gefllt der Multischleifer sehr gut. Ich habe das Gert ohne Akkus erworben, was preislich sehr attraktiv ist.
    Die Akkus aus der Bohrmaschine und der Stichsge passen perfekt. Beim Kauf auf die Volt achten!
    Es gibt unterschiedliche Programme von Bosch!
    Das 3 beiliegende Schleifpapiere sehr wenig sind sollte jedem klar sein!
    Im Baumarkt bekommt man leider nur teures Papier direkt von Bosch. Deshalb ein Stern Abzug.
    Es lohnt sich bei Amazon das passende Papier von SBS herauszusuchen. Dann ist das Gert auch im Unterhalt gnstig.

    Das Schleifergebnis ist gleichmig und durch die Bgeleisenform kommt gut in alle Ecken.
    Ich habe schon mit grobem Papier Tren abgeschliffen (bzw. gekrzt) und mit feinem Papier Lack abgemacht.
    Beides ging sehr gut.

    Ich bin Heimwerker, fr mich das Gert super. Profis werden das vielleicht anders sehen.

  20. MargotHebblethw says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersUso una multilijadora Bosch desde aos, siempre con gran resultado, pero he decido pasar al sistema de batera para tener mas libertad de movimiento, especialmente para trabajos en el jardn.
    Buscaba una lijadora ligera, con filtro incorporado y sistema de batera compatible con el 18V de Bosch que ya utilizo.
    La lijadora viene con el filtro y recogedor de polvo y unas lijas para empezar a trabajar. Este modelo viene sin batera y es para complementar aquellas personas que ya dispongan de un sistema de batera de 18V Bosch.
    Una carga completa de batera de 2Ah permite lijar durante mas de 2 hrs de forma continua.
    El filtro es fcil de limpiar y recoge una gran cantidad de polvo sin ensuciar en exceso la zona de trabajo.
    El papel de lija empleado se sujeta mediante Velcro(r) y es compatible con la mayora de marcas.
    El resultado ha sido espectacular y creo que mi lijadora de cable se quedar guardada incluso para trabajos en interior.

    Pequeña, manejable y muy eficaz

  21. EveHaining says:

     United Kingdom

    Adding to already range i own find this tool a joy to use… easy on the wrist, easy on the palm of your hand and more than up for the job.

    Recommend this sander and any from this range also really surprised how well and how long the sanding pads from bosch last.. always bought cheap sanding paper for my previous sander been a learning curve buy cheap buy twice.

    dust extraction works a treat.. easy to empty
    Battery lasts couple hours continuous use but having batteries already from my other tools no issue popping another in 🙂

  22. WinifreNull says:


    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersIch bin glcklich ber meine Wahl und berrascht ber die doch recht hohe Qualitt dieses kleinen 50-Gerts.

    Fr einen solch handlichen und doch gnstigen Schleifer, macht er einen sehr durchdachten Eindruck. Die drehbare Deltaspitze hats mir angetan und ist super praktisch. Er ist leicht, gut ausbalanciert und der Staubfnger erledigt seine Aufgabe besser, als bei jedem anderen Schleifgert das ich bis jetzt kannte. Die Schleifleistung ist selbst mit sehr gnstigen Aufstzen von Drittherstellern hher als erwartet. Allein der Akkuwechsel geht etwas fummelig von der Hand. Aber da er lange hlt und bei mir allerhchstens am Ende einer Sitzung herausgenommen wird, ist das verschmerzbar.

    Empfehlenswerter kleiner Helfer, der auch mit greren Flchen kaum Probleme hat. Fr alle Vorbesitzer entsprechender Bosch-Akkus ein wahres Preiswunder, fr alle anderen eine berlegung wert.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This whole powerforall range is fantastic -just pick up and go- no more extension leads- good power and coverage for its size

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersGreat device – I’m a decorator by trade and use this regularly. It is very comfortable to hold, is lightweight and has a smoothness that doesn’t numb your hands after use (unlike some of my mains powered sanders). I use the 2.0 AH battery and it lasts ages. I’m really impressed and just hope it proves reliable long-term.

  25. DieterHervey says:


    Die Schleifarbeiten mit dem kleinen Gert machen wirklich Spa. Ich habe es mir fr 50 ohne Akku gekauft, um im Dachgescho unseres Hauses die Holzwnde und -Decken abzuschleifen. Ich nutze das Schleifgert mit dem 2.5 AH Akku von meinem Akkuschlagbohrer und damit kann ich eine komplette Stunde schleifen.
    Der Akku lsst sich gut anbringen und auch wieder entfernen. Der Staubfangbehlter ist hilfreich, nimmt jedoch nicht den gesamten Schmutz auf.

  26. Chrystal says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGert schleift sehr gut, allerdings fr kleine Hnde schwer zu halten, sobald man nicht mehr auf einer Ebene schleift, Kanten oder seitliches Schleifen wird sehr anstrengend. Ebenso treten hohe Vibrationen, dies ist aber bei Schleifgerten normal.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice sander, let down by relatively short battery run time so a 2nd 2Ahr battery is needed unless you only need to do very small jobs

  28. IrvinRQTdnnaq says:

     United Kingdom

    I think the whole series of these tools are just great with long lasting powerful batteries – Make sure you get the 2.0 ah battery though.

  29. Anonymous says:


    Ein absolutes Topgert, hlt was es verspricht. Wenig Dreck/Staub durch den eingebauten Filter. Die Vibrationen bertragen sich nicht auf die Hand und der Akku hlt mehr als lange. Habe meine komplette Kche damit abgeschliffen und bin hoch zu frieden mit dem Schleifer.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this little sander, its fast and easy and since its cordless you can use it anywhere and also makes it really easy to handle, I’ve managed to sand 2 doors and the stairs banister with just one sandpaper pad, had to charge the battery twice but that was really fast and easy.

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 24 From Our UsersDisposant dj de batteries Lithium 18V compatibles avec cet outil, j’ai achet la ponceuse seule c’est–dire sans le coffret, la batterie et le chargeur.
    Au dballage, on trouve un carton solide contenant donc uniquement la ponceuse, deux feuilles abrasives (et non trois comme indiqu) et un mode d’emploi multilingue (onglet en franais)
    La ponceuse est trs esthtique et la finition est mon sens des plus correctes.
    A l’usage, la ponceuse s’avre trs efficace et les vibrations sont bien moins gnantes que sur une Black & Decker filaire que je possde.
    Le petit bac de rcupration des poussires est galement un point positif ajouter au bilan de l’appareil.
    Ct bruit, je ne partage pas l’avis d’un autre acheteur qui la trouve je cite : ‘horriblement bruyante’
    Elle fait certes du bruit mais bien moins que ma mouse Black & Decker (ancien modle) pour ne citer que celle-l.
    Pouvoir utiliser cet outil sans fil est vraiment un norme avantage, quelle facilit que de pouvoir poncer ses chssis sans devoir tirer derrire soi une rallonge !
    Venons-en au seul bmol : le poids.
    Sans batterie la ponceuse pse 832g mais 1192g quipe d’une batterie de 18V 2aH
    Ct autonomie, je n’ai pas eu l’occasion de tester l’outil pour pouvoir donner un avis prcis.
    Si vous voulez commencer rapidement tester votre ponceuse, je vous conseille de la commander en y ajoutant pour 9,99 l’article suivant : Bosch 2607017112 Set de 25 abrasifs pour Ponceuse multi sur ce mme site.
    Au final, cette ponceuse n’est pas un bon mais un excellent outil qui a le seul dsavantage de trs vite faire sentir son poids.

  32. MeiMcKillop says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Toujours bluff par la batterie hyper pchue qui tient la cadence.J’ai achet la totale ,le perfo uneo, la scie sauteuse et la ponceuse, tout cel avec les mmes batteries 18V.Vaut largement certaines marques pro en usage domestique.
    Petit bmol sur la ponceuse trs bruyante et prise en main difficile pour les plafonds , mais c’est juste histoire de critiquer.
    Allez y les yeux ferms

  33. RTAJamikazm says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersHaving got tired of trying to juggle a sander, complete with the cable, and a rather heavy hoover hose whilst on top of a step ladder, I decided to look at a serious cordless sander. I don’t think any cordless tool in this price bracket is ever going to have the power or resilience of a good mains powered model, but after much deliberation I opted for this Bosch model.The built-in dust collection canister was an added bonus, making the tool completely free of cables and hoses. A massive plus point in my view.
    After a fair bit of recent use, this little sander has done everything I’ve asked of it, and is very good value for money. The dust collection canister works reasonably well, and it’s surprising to see how much has been gathered even on fairly minor sanding tasks. However, when I use the tool in my workshop, I will always opt for using proper dust extraction if possible. Bosch make a variety of attachments for direct extraction, but they seem a bit overpriced to me. I personally use a standard washing machine waste hose, which costs about five pounds and fits beautifully onto the dust port. I’ve attached a photo to show this.This actually works on many other tools I use, such as plunge saws, routers, etc.
    To sum up, I would say that this sander has been a very good buy and works very well within it’s limitations.One minor moan is the case. It has to be one of the most over-engineered pieces of plastic I’ve seen. Loads of ribs inside, which although giving it a bit of strength, do compromise what you can put in it. There’s not a lot of provision for sanding sheets for example. I may have to ditch it for a simple bag in due course.

    A very worthwhile addition to the tool kit.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    expensive compared to a wired sander but brilliant quality, relatively quiet, effective dust extraction and comfortable to use. I got this to go along with my drill using the same batteries and it works like a charm

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Top notch tool from a top notch company for a top notch price with battery and charger.

  36. AbbeyMcAlpine says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIch habe keine groen Hnde, und irgendwie liegt das Ding nicht allzu gut in der Hand. Vielleicht ist das bei solchen Gerten aber so, ich bin eher ein Laie. Ansonsten passt alles.

  37. LeomaTPIUiu says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWie alles aus der grnen Serie der Fa. Bosch fr Heimwerker sehr gut geeignet. Schleifarbeiten gehen schnell von der Hand; die Saugvorrichtung ist zufriedenstellend.
    Einziger Nachteil: das Gert ist klobig und somit stark gewhnungsbedrftig. Aber solange man damit nicht tglich arbeiten muss, ist es durchaus empfehlenswert.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis is a great sander. I have used to sand back tables, bare wood and boards. It is quieter than the corded mouse sander, however is about 40% bigger due to the battery mounting. As a result I would say that if you have small hands then the corded mouse sander is probably the better option. Battery life seems to be around 20-25 minutes per charge. I found this to be ample time for the jobs I had to do. Overall very happy.

  39. Simon Smythe says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely brilliant sander, light, reasonable level of vibration, needs the extra longer nose to make it get into corners. Goes through sandpaper at the rate of a sheet every few minutes, so have plenty to hand. Found the Bosch sheets didn’t last any longer than a generic. Would buy again – boschfan.

  40. Maggie Tillman says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Fr seine Gre eine sehr gute Schleifmaschine, er hat uns die Arbeiten am Dachstuhl deutlich vereinfacht, da man auch fast in alle Ecken kommt, in denen man selbst mit der Hand nur schwer schleifen kann. Die Leistung ist durch den 18v Akku sehr gut. Man merkt den Unterschied erst, wenn man groe Flchen parallel mit einer 220v Version bearbeitet. Leider hat die Maschine den Dauereinsatz im Sommer nicht schadenfrei berlebt. Liegt sehr wahrscheinlich aber daran, dass er wirklich stndig im Einsatz war. Deshalb habe ich mir gleich wieder einen neuen bestellt, das nchste Projekt kommt bestimmt.

  41. MamiePaulson says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived quickly. Used this sander on some fence panels. Worked perfectly and so much easier without a lead getting in the way.

  42. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant piece of kit that shares a battery with other Bosch tools, therefore never without a fully charged battery.

  43. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a pretty good product, easy to use and nicely shaped to get into corners. The dust collection box collects some but not all of the dust. The sanding pads stick easily and last a fair length of time but are expensive- Generic brands are a bit cheaper and fit the same. The battery lasts ages and fits other Bosch 18v machines -I have 3 now so can have 1 battery charging whilst using the sander. All in all well recommended.

  44. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice bit of kit. Long running time from one charge.

  45. DarylBraxton says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent little Sander has tackled a full staircase restoration with ease , batt life really good as are charging times only downside is finger attachment is not included but that’s me picking fault where there is none.

  46. MadisonBalfe says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing piece of kit, used it to sand my decking.( Not I expect what it was designed for!) Quick battery charge. Altogether very impressed.

    rge on battery

  47. Rae Hodge says:

     United Kingdom

    Best sander ever. Brilliant, but you need the extra head attachments.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    No mess very little dust. Gets into corners well I love the shape of it. My last was circular I prefer this shape

  49. Anonymous says:


    Nein, hier gibt es nichts zum meckern! Das Schleifpapier hebt wunderbar, der Auffngbehlter nimmt fast den ganzen Abrieb auf und der Akku hlt ewig! Fr diese Schleifmaschi ne von Bosch gebe ich mit guten Gewissen 5 Sterne, wie auch fr den ganzen Rest diese Serie!

  50. DJ Pizzo says:

     United Kingdom

    Quite good low vibration, built in dust collector needs a bit of work hence the 4 star rating

  51. BrookDunckley says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersA great improvement on hand sanding but…….. why does everything you need come as an ‘add on’? Sanding sheets are not cheap or easily available – due to so many different models, found it surprisingly difficult to sand right angled corners – then found out that you have to buy yet another add on!
    But it’s so much easier to not be tied to a socket and to be able to go anywhere with the sander. Also the battery is a great improvement – faster to charge and longer lasting!

  52. Gabriel53N says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent bit of kit & does what I want it to…. nice & light weight even with the battery attached…

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Brilliant little sander from Bosch battery last for ages dust collects in nice little box at back great for when my grandma uses it and theres plenty of attachments to buy grea

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looks and works like a dream, just wish the sanding sheets were cheaper but who’s complaning

  55. ClydeChristophe says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this, had a few painted doors sanded in no time

  56. MarguerKemp says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGood sander, makes a quick job (no more hand sanding for me ever!!!) and the genuine Bosch sanding pads last a lot longer without clogging or wearing than the traditional oxide papers so don’t work out expensive in the end – I used one pad on my last plastering job and its still like new. The dust collection box does collect some but don’t expect the room to be dust free, glass table tops will show a lot escaped but at least it tried! Got it at half price so bargain! Would definitely recommend as with all Bosch tools! I have Bosch Lawnmower, Garden Shredder, Pressure Washer, Sander… and no, I don’t work for Bosch 🙂

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great sander – does a good job not to dusty. I found it quite noisy and vibrated alot in comparison with another battery model i had having said that it does do a better job.

  58. UrsulaBleau says:

     United Kingdom

    Well packed prompt dispatched. This is a great piece of kit don’t know why I didn’t buy one years ago

  59. AntoniaForeman says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to use, longer than expected usage from one charge. All the convenience of no trailing wires. Great little sander.

  60. JohnsonGersten says:

     United Kingdom

    ifty little thing which meant I could sand my window frames whilst up a ladder (never a good idea!) and still have some sense of control. I lived to tell the tale and the windows are fine. I’d like some sort of wrist-strap feature as my hands aren’t huge and it takes a bit of hanging onto when it’s going.

  61. Carlton8018 says:

     United Kingdom

    The only minor problem is – how does it fit in its case? Otherwise it is an excellent tool.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great sander
    I have only used a couple of times but very impressed
    I would recomend this for the ease of use , power availability and ability to interchange batteries in the products range of tools.

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great sander very pleased battery power has come a long way, uses same batteries as some of my other bosch tools, have used my sons very similar bosch mains sander mine is much more versatile through not being tethered to a cable, battery has always lasted longer than the job I was doing. I have read reviews where people have said it is no good at sanding down a :railway sleeper: I am not sure that these people should be using power tools of any description. Use it for what it is intended and it is brilliant.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis is a good little sander and works well for small jobs, i purchased this sander to work on my boat as I don’t have access to a power point, the sander is small and very light and quite powerful for its size I used it to sand hard wood rubbing strips and the hull before anti fouling and it performs very well, the battery life is about 25 -30min so I purchased an extra battery, nice little sander will be purchasing the drill and jigsaw soon.

  65. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat little machine, quieter and less vibration than my corded square plate sander. Just sanded ceiling, walls and skirts on my small box room bedroom which took about a few hours with 4 battery changes which was not a big problem as I have 2 batteries from my drill so just charge one while using the other. Dust bin is tight to open as mentioned elsewhere. Only thing I noticed is that dust will fly out of the side vents if you are sanding vertical surfaces with the front of machine pointing downwards.

  66. Sareena Dayaram says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersSmaller than you might imagine. I bought it because I have a drill that came with 2 of the batteries required. With these (one on charge and one in use) I managed to sand down a bench made from 2 old shipping pallets. It took about 3 or 4 full batteries and seems to have pretty much done for the 3 sets of included sand paper.
    The ‘bin’ is stiffer to remove than I would like and resulted in a good shower of sawdust the first couple of times I tried to empty it. It does however do a pretty good job of limiting the dust escaping during the sanding itself.

    Impressed enough that I may consider a couple of the other tools in the range.

  67. DemetriaFoltz says:

     United Kingdom

    Fab pice of kit. They don’t last to long if you use them hard. When I mean hard, I’m a carpenter and I grab it rarther than a sanding block. That’s a lot. Lasted two years. But it’s so cheap its no problem to change up. And the batterys just keep going.

  68. AntoineVanOtter says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch bin der 4All-Serie verfallen. Das System ist derart praktisch und wird jedes Wochenende egal ob mit Akkuschlagschrauber, Handkreissge oder halt mit dem PSM 18 Handschleifer verwendet. der Schleifer liegt perfekt in der Hand. Der Schwerpunkt ist optimal austariert – da haben sich die Bosch-Ingenieure bemht. Die auf das Handgelenk bertragenen Schwingungen sind sehr gering. Ich arbeite sehr gerne mit der PSM.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    quick postage, item as described. very handy piece of ki

  70. jj-jen says:

     United Kingdom

    Very competitive price, promptly delivered, all in good order, no complaints

  71. RodrigoFerraro says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersKlein, leistungsstark, kraftvoll, flexibel. Fr alle, die vom Stromkabel befreit arbeiten wollen und somit in den Genuss eines ganz neuen Arbeitsgefhls zu kommen. Zudem liegt das Gert toll in der Hand. Die Stromversorgung hlt erstaunlich lange und dennoch empfiehlt sich der Kauf eines zweiten Akku, um kein Risiko einzugehen. Mein Gert des Jahres 2014. Sehr zu empfehlen.

  72. Lexy Savvides says:

     United Kingdom

    I really don’t think I would be without this after owning it for just a few weeks, all those small sanding jobs are now actually small jobs. Very little mess and no fuss at all. I would recommend this for anyone DIY or professional.

  73. AthenaBravo says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m a great fan of Bosch equipment and this sander has so far proved a great buy.

  74. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersHandlich gro, nicht zu schwer und nicht zu leicht, liegt das Gert vorzglich in der Hand – ohne Kabel! Welch eine Wonne, wenn man Fenster- und Trrahmen mal eben anschleifen mchte – Akku rein, Bltter rauf und ab geht die Luzie. Auch in Ecken gelangt man ausreichend gut, der kleine Staubfangbehlter ist fr wenig Arbeitsmeter gut, ansonsten empfiehlt sich der Anschluss an einen geeigneten Sauger – aber dann hngt man wieder am Schlauch 😉 Zusammenfassend – ein Supertool der 18 V-Serie von BOSCH, welches fr den ambitionierten Heimwerker zu empfehlen ist. Passende Schleifbltter gibt es von einigen bekannten Anbietern, so dass man das “Staubsaugertten-Gewinnspiel” nicht unbedingt mitmachen muss.

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Super quality sander as all Bosch products are it feels light but sturdy. Also the univeral battery idea is great. Will be buying more Bosch product range.

  76. Bob Joseph says:

     United Kingdom

    Works a treat, good at getting into odd corners. Main plus is sharing the batteries with the drill. Get a cheap food container to keep it in rather than and expensive custom case.

  77. BXWPhillip says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic tool with rapidly charging batteries, Gets into awkward shapes and doesn’t lose power as the battery life runs out. Free of cables and uses the same batteries and chargers as my drill. Grea

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersvalue for money does a first class job for small to medium jobs,I would recommend Bosch for any job worth buying.

  79. SiobhanEdmonds says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersNach wie gewohnter schneller und zuverlssiger Lieferung habe ich das Teil ausgepackt und den Akku rein geschoben. Der Akku passte ohne Probleme und rastete auch richtig ein. Und schon gibt es in unsere Baustelle um die Nhte der Gipskartonplatten zu schleifen. Der Schleifen hatte gengend Kraft und lieferte ein gutes Ergebnis. Nach ca. einer 1 Std. war der Akku leer und es kam der zweite Akku zum Einsatz. Auch der passte einwandfrei und es ging somit nach kurzer Unterbrechung weiter. Nach ca. 1 3/4 Std. war ich fertig und mit dem Ergebnis voll und ganz zufrieden. Der Schleifer liegt gut in der Hand, ist nicht zu schwer und bringt ein gutes Ergebnis. Verbesserungspotential gibt es noch bei der Staubabsaugung. Der Staubbehlter war zwar zwischendurch immer wieder voll, lie sich gut entleer, aber es ging auch einiges an Staub durch die Lftungsschlitze daneben. Das habe ich aber bei anderen Gerten schon schlimmer erlebt.

  80. HollySolomon says:


    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersEste tipo de productos Bosch es un alternativa ms que decente a los equipos con cable. Funciona genial y la libertad que da no tener cables no tiene precio.

    Si es cierto que el tema de la batera genera confusin y creo que deberan especificarlo mejor en la descripcin. NO lleva batera. La batera para esta aparato vale unos 60

  81. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersHallo zusammen,
    hab den Schleifer jetzt seit ca. 2 Wochen in Gebrauch und bin zufrieden. Akku hatte ich schon vorher und hat bei mir einwandfrei gepasst, was ja wohl leider nicht bei jedem der Fall ist.
    Aller dings lsst er sich etwas schwer wieder entfernen und werde das im Auge behalten.
    Auch ist es vorgekommen, dass sich der Akku whrend des Schleifens gelockert hat und das Gert ausging.
    Die Schleifleistung ist gut und eine Akkuladung hlt ausreichend lange. Ist der Akku alle, blinkt die Ladestandsanzeige zwar, ist aber beim schleifen nicht zu erkennen, so dass das Ende dann sehr abrupt kommt. Der Auffangbehlter ist gut, wenn auch naturgem nicht sehr gro.

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Usersponceuse trs pratique, petite, lgre, puissante, ne fatigue pas. j’ai ponc un meuble ikea avec, a a super bien march. mais a n’aspire pas assez la poussire. il y en avait partout. mieux vaut se munir d’un petit aspi pour aspirer en mme temps.

  83. LashundBaeza says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Users1930s bungalow, paneled door, casing and trim are wide and detailed.

    Both sides of one door and two casings sanded, just the paint sanded down, one 1.3amp battery used.

    Sander is light and has decent power, seems to have less vibration than my other sanders, I was sceptical that the batteries would last very long, for small jobs this is ideal.

    Problems with my shoulders mean lifting my arms above my head is difficult and painful, my soffits need repainting, this light sander makes it possible for me to do.

    You can buy, 1.3 amp, 1.5 amp, and 2 amp batteries for these POWER4ALL tools, bought some 2 amp for 30 online.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Received well packed in double quick time. Well done! this is an excellent little tool to add to my drill from the same Bosch 18v family.

  85. Anonymous says:


    Die Lieferung erfolgte schnell und problemlos. –
    Das ist Gert gut verarbeitet und handlich, dabei sehr effektiv.-
    Das Austauschsystem der Batterien ist ideal – z.B. mit Schleifer, Heckenschere und Bohrer. Mit total 2 Akkus kommt man gut klar und sehr weit.-
    Kann auch den telefonischen Kundendienst von Bosch nur empfehlen.-
    Kein Vergleich zu den Billigmarken aus den Discountlden!-

  86. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I had bought a 18V drill with 2 batteries from the Power4all range and wanted a sander. I saw this item on a sale deal (Bare tool) and purchased it and have been very happy with it. The sander arrived promptly and was well packaged. The sander is perfect for the jobs i have been using it for, especially for sanding around those tricky areas like the sink etc in the bathroom. I would have been happy to pay the standard price for it now that i have used i

  87. SherrieHeiman says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch habe mir den Akku-Schleifer gekauft, um ein Tretboot vor dem Neulackieren abzuschleifen.
    Das Gert ist sehr handlich und man kommt gut auch nach innen an gewlbte Oberflchen.

    Auch die mitgelieferten Schleifbltter in verschiedenen Krnungen sind super (wenn auch zuwenig -> am besten gleich welche mitbestellen).

    Einziges Manko ist der etwas schwache Akku, da htte ich mich ber lngere Betriebsdauer schon sehr gefreut…
    Hier werde ich mir wohl oder bel noch einen Zweit-Akku bestellen mssen, aber der lohnt sich sowieso (vor allem wenn man noch andere Power4all Gerte besitzt)

    Alles in Allem ein solides Gert, dass ich weiterempfehlen kann!

  88. Hollis8018 says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI bought this sander a couple of months ago, but the job I wanted to do was delayed so I`ve only just had the chance to test it in service.
    I was surprised how securely the pads remain fixed to the sander. It wasn`t unduly noisy and was quite effective. It doesn`t feel that secure in my hand and feels a bit bulky and a touch unwieldy when in use. But that`s probably me not being very familiar with it yet, plus there`s a quite bulky motor to cover somehow! And that motor and the pads are buzzing about at a fair old rate.
    As others have mentioned, it`s quite hard to get the filter box off. However, to my mind, that`s better than it being too loose and getting knocked off every now and then, usually at the most inopportune moment. I did manage to connect it to the vacuum cleaner (sort of) and was pleased with the way flying dust was reduced. It`ll be even better when I buy the proper adaptor!
    It is quite manouverable but I was a bit disappointed with the odd place I couldn`t get at, for example a skirting board with a central heating pipe running along just above it.But that`s not the Sander`s fault, I simply thought that it would be less bulky than it is! But, like I said, it`s got (and needs ) quite a hefty motor to do what it does.
    On an open flat or curved surface, no problem. Saves a lot of time, effort and temper! All in all very satisfied and happy to recommend it. I just need to learn to drive it properly!

  89. EveHaining says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI bought this sander a couple of months ago, but the job I wanted to do was delayed so I`ve only just had the chance to test it in service.
    I was surprised how securely the pads remain fixed to the sander. It wasn`t unduly noisy and was quite effective. It doesn`t feel that secure in my hand and feels a bit bulky and a touch unwieldy when in use. But that`s probably me not being very familiar with it yet, plus there`s a quite bulky motor to cover somehow! And that motor and the pads are buzzing about at a fair old rate.
    As others have mentioned, it`s quite hard to get the filter box off. However, to my mind, that`s better than it being too loose and getting knocked off every now and then, usually at the most inopportune moment. I did manage to connect it to the vacuum cleaner (sort of) and was pleased with the way flying dust was reduced. It`ll be even better when I buy the proper adaptor!
    It is quite manouverable but I was a bit disappointed with the odd place I couldn`t get at, for example a skirting board with a central heating pipe running along just above it.But that`s not the Sander`s fault, I simply thought that it would be less bulky than it is! But, like I said, it`s got (and needs ) quite a hefty motor to do what it does.
    On an open flat or curved surface, no problem. Saves a lot of time, effort and temper! All in all very satisfied and happy to recommend it. I just need to learn to drive it properly!

  90. KathaleenSander says:


    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersHabe mir das Gert gekauft, weil ich einen Bosch Akkuschrauber und bereits drei Akkus besessen habe.

    Die Akkus vom Schrauber passen perfekt. Die Akkus halten je nach Gebrauchsstrke des Schleifers zwischen 45 – 75 Minuten.

    Die Ersatzscheiben sind preislich auch noch zu verkraften. Auch die Tatsache, dass kein Stromkabel bentigt wird ist toll, es dadurch sehr mobil ist, ohne sprbar an Leistung einzuben .

    Der Akku und der Staubfangbehlter lassen sich schnell und relativ problemlos wechseln.

    Schleifen tut das Gert gut bis sehr gut.

    Nun zu den beiden Nachteilen:
    1. recht laut, vor allem, wenn es etwas verdreckt ist
    2. es vibriert in den Hnden (mich strt das nicht, aber meine Frau ist empfindlich und bekommt dadurch schnell geschwollene Finger bzw. Hnde)

    Alles in allem klare Kaufempfehlung.

  91. ruby says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this sander as was sanding and filling walls of reasonable sized third bedroom to prep the walls for painting.

    I had been using a sanding block and sanding by hand. After developing aching arms and slow progress popped online and saw this. Already have a Bosch drill driver (came with two 0ne4all batteries and charger) so knew it was probably going to be a quality product, I wasn’t disappointed.

    It came in the post, I enlisted the help of my brother who groaned when he saw the sander, we both commented after finishing the sanding that for a small tool it packs a punch. Very happy with it although as other reviewers have said the dust collector doesn’t catch much dust.

    Will be doing more sanding in the not too distant future and know I now have a decent tool ready for the job.

  92. Tiffany Yannetta says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich war zwar erst skeptisch, vor allem, da ich den Schleifer nicht wirklich brauchte (aber wenn man schon einen Schrauber mit zwei Akku’s hat, die ewig halten…), habe ihn mir dann aber doch zugelegt. Und lange nicht benutzt. Bis ich dann mal in die Verlegenheit kam, und jetzt ist er tatschlich immer in Griffweite. Hier mal kurz was nachgeschliffen, da mal schnell drbergegangen…. Aber Vorsicht bei “Erstinbetriebnahme”: Der Schleifer hat, wie hier schon beschrieben, keine Regelung. Und deshalb schn festhalten, er rattert nmlich heftigst los.

  93. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI wanted to renovate my stair case, it needed stripping, and re-painting.
    Having the Bosch power for all cordless screwdriver set with two li-Ion batteries, this made sense.

    I worked all day on and off with it, and only used on battery, it stays operating at full power unlike nicad systems, and I only used 3 sanding pads. I bought the Bosch 25 pack to go with it.

    Dust collector works well also.


  94. Marguerite Reardon says:

     United Kingdom

    Very impressed, pleasantly surprised by the integral dust catcher. A very effective sander, pitty the sanding sheets are unique to Bosch

  95. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    brilliant little sander the jobs i have done with it you would not beilieve to say i love it is an understateme

  96. Corinna West says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersBe aware this is a bare tool – it does not come with the batteries! (although 2 batteries, a charger and a hammer drill with case is available from the orange DIY chain for just under a hundred pounds at 19.09.12)

    This is a great little sander with an extending forward section to get into small areas most sanders won’t.

    Only had this sander a few weeks but first impressions are positive with both the sander and the sanding packs I bought at the same time really helping sand some teak chairs with tightly packed wooden “spokes” being done in minutes where I could not get my old sander nor easily get a block of wood with sandpaper wrapped around it.

    The batteries have been lasting about an hour (they are about 6 months old and have been used many times on a Power4all jigsaw and hammer drill) and the power is at least as good as my old Black and Decker mains sander.

    Reasonable light
    Really like the fact you can get into tight spaces
    Has extractor
    Versatile in handling and being able to take away from mains due to being battery operated.

    Only that it works out expensive if you don’t already have the batteries.

    If you have the batteries and need a sander – this is an excellent product.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersBe aware this is a bare tool – it does not come with the batteries! (although 2 batteries, a charger and a hammer drill with case is available from the orange DIY chain for just under a hundred pounds at 19.09.12)

    This is a great little sander with an extending forward section to get into small areas most sanders won’t.

    Only had this sander a few weeks but first impressions are positive with both the sander and the sanding packs I bought at the same time really helping sand some teak chairs with tightly packed wooden “spokes” being done in minutes where I could not get my old sander nor easily get a block of wood with sandpaper wrapped around it.

    The batteries have been lasting about an hour (they are about 6 months old and have been used many times on a Power4all jigsaw and hammer drill) and the power is at least as good as my old Black and Decker mains sander.

    Reasonable light
    Really like the fact you can get into tight spaces
    Has extractor
    Versatile in handling and being able to take away from mains due to being battery operated.

    Only that it works out expensive if you don’t already have the batteries.

    If you have the batteries and need a sander – this is an excellent product.

  98. OtalChristensen says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersI needed a new portable drill/driver and spent lots of time in DIY shops handling various options as I think that this is the only way to see how they feel; balance, weight, quality of build etc.

    I wanted a drill with the latest lithium-ion battery as I hoped that the initial cost would be outweighed by life and ease of use; I also wanted fast (1 hour) charge and working light and hammer option with plenty of torque settings for drilling.

    I was very taken with the Bosch PSB 18 volt hammer drill/driver that came with two batteries (B+Q) so got it and have been really happy; great piece of kit and the option of using the batteries across other tools is excellant.

    So got the Bosch PSM multisander (bare tool as I already had two batteries); arrived quickly and it seems a really good piece of kit. In use the batteries last really well, the inbuilt vaccum is also powerful enough to collect most of the dust from the sander face and its light enough to handle easily without being a flimsy build. The inbuilt dust collecting box is well designed and is easy to remove and empty.

    It does only come with four sanding sheets in the box so you need to invest in more pretty quickly.

    I think that Bosch has been really clever here with the mulitool battery approach and I will look at other tools/gadgets in the range.

    JUST BE AWARE as previously mentioned this is a bare tool without battery.

  99. RochelleOconnor says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersI needed a new portable drill/driver and spent lots of time in DIY shops handling various options as I think that this is the only way to see how they feel; balance, weight, quality of build etc.

    I wanted a drill with the latest lithium-ion battery as I hoped that the initial cost would be outweighed by life and ease of use; I also wanted fast (1 hour) charge and working light and hammer option with plenty of torque settings for drilling.

    I was very taken with the Bosch PSB 18 volt hammer drill/driver that came with two batteries (B+Q) so got it and have been really happy; great piece of kit and the option of using the batteries across other tools is excellant.

    So got the Bosch PSM multisander (bare tool as I already had two batteries); arrived quickly and it seems a really good piece of kit. In use the batteries last really well, the inbuilt vaccum is also powerful enough to collect most of the dust from the sander face and its light enough to handle easily without being a flimsy build. The inbuilt dust collecting box is well designed and is easy to remove and empty.

    It does only come with four sanding sheets in the box so you need to invest in more pretty quickly.

    I think that Bosch has been really clever here with the mulitool battery approach and I will look at other tools/gadgets in the range.

    JUST BE AWARE as previously mentioned this is a bare tool without battery.

  100. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 37 From Our UsersDie Kritik vorab: Der Handschleifer ist ungeregelt. Es gibt lediglich einen Ein-/Aus-Schalter. Meistens ist das zwar kein Problem, aber feinfhliges arbeiten knnte zum Problem werden.

    Ansonsten Superteil! Klein, handlich, leicht und dennoch leistungsstark. Der Akku kommt in die Aussparung zwischen dem Staubfilter und dem Handgriff. Er steht nicht zustzlich nach hinten raus. Man hat also eine recht kompakte EInheit in der Hand. ein Akku hat brigens von vornherein ohne Probleme gehalten.

    Auch die Standzeit des Akkus ist, wie in der ganzen Akkuserie von Bosch, super. Ich habe zwei groe Deckchairs (Adirondacks) damit abgeschliffen und dann war erst das erste von drei Akulichtern erloschen = noch 2/3 Ladung verfgbar.

    Das Schleifpapier wird brigens zweiteilig im Stickfix-Verfahren (Klettverschluss) angeheftet.