eufy Security Wireless Home Security Camera System, eufyCam E 365-Day Battery Life, 1080p HD, IP65 Weatherproof, Night Vision, Compatible with Amazon Alexa, 2-Cam Kit, No Monthly Fee

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EufySecurity AppUse your smartphone for high-resolution live streaming of what eufyCam sees in real-time, and warn trespassers they’re on camera. Compatible with iOS and Android devices. | Works with Amazon AlexaeufyCam works with Amazon Alexa for easy viewing and control of your surveillance. | IP-65 WeatherproofConstructed from cutting-edge ASA composite material, eufyCam works perfectly in rain, freezing -4°F (-20°C) winters, or scorching 122°F (50°C) summers. | Night-Vision EnabledTop-of-the-line Sony Exmor sensor, combined with a large f2.2 aperture, provides crisp and clear low-light footage in the evening. |
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Anti-Theft AlarmA 100-decibel siren sounds with the volume of a jackhammer if the always-active accelerometer detects eufyCam is being forcibly removed. | Excellent OpticsThe 140° wide-angle lens provides a panoramic view, spanning from your driveway to the front door—with no spots missed. | Two-way MountingEvery eufyCam E comes with a magnetic indoor mount for 1-second installation, and an outdoor mount for a more permanent mounting location. | Military-Grade SecurityYour data is for your eyes only. To access your recorded footage, you need to be logged on to HomeBase with the microSD card inserted. |

Weight: | 1.1 Kilograms |
Size: | 7 Piece Set |
Dimensions: | 6.8 x 12.8 x 13 centimetres |
Brand: | Eufy |
Model: | AK-T88023D3 |
Part: | AK-848061046410 |
Colour: | White+grey |
Batteries Included: | 3 Lithium ion batteries required. |
Colour: | White+grey |
Size: | 7 Piece Set |
J’en ai achet plusieurs depuis recharge facile qualit de l’image tout est quasiment impeccable le point noir c’est la fixation avec la boule et la tige filete qui se casse et impossible de rcuprer le bout qui reste dans la partie filetage au final la camra extrieur ne peut plus tre utilis cause de la fixation par ailleurs la couleur blanche n’est pas discrte il faut la peindre selon l’endroit o on est et a marche trs bien aprs si vous avez un problme avec la camra si vous lavez pas vous ne pouvait plus la ramener mais a vaut le coup
The cameras on this system are battery operated and wireless so installation is very straightforward. That said as it uses WIFI then you can fall foul of the vagaries of signa strength. As can often be the case where you think it will have a great signal it doesn’t and where you think there is no chance, it works perfectly. That said the camera setup mode helps you discover the best location. I managed to get the cameras to cover the areas I was concerned about without to much difficulty. Setting up the base unit might need you to scan the QR code on the base, I have had to do this a couple of times when normal setup did not work, it got there in the end. Being able to define multiple detection zones in the app is good, it helps to reduce false triggers from cats and other wildlife. Not having to pay for cloud storage is also a boon, it was nice to see it come with an SD card installed. Many others don’t. All in all for just over a 150 price tag I am very pleased with the system.
Le seul problme en cas de coupure du WiFi plus d accs distance ont ne peut savoir la raison .
Surveillance externe et interne. Vision nocturne et protection antivol amliore mais cela reste un bon produit. Livraison rapide.
Das Paket ist soweit in Ordnung nur die Verzgerung der CAM’s strt etwas
Excellent product. Top quality vision and clarity in both night and daytime.
Well worth the relatively small additional expense for a quality product.
Installation ultra simple, rseau priv.
Dommage qu’il n’y est pas la reconnaissance facile l’inverse du modle 2C
super Teil – 1 Jahr Batterieleistung haut ungefhr hin – kommt drauf an was wie man es eingestellt hat –
was wnschenswert wre – verschiedene Farben der Kameras !
die Zwischenzeit zwischen Erkennen und Aufnahme des Objektes knnte besser werden
Fazit: hatte Arlo und andere Sachen schon probiert – ist zur Zeit die beste Lsung
J’ai fait l’acquisition du pack EufyE avec deux camras en octobre 2020
Celle ci sont parfaites et facile d installation
En Avril 2021 j’ai constat le SAV Eufy pour les informer qu’une ds camra avait des soucis avec la vision infrarouge .
Le SAV EuFY est trs ractif et comprhensif dans la problmatique avec ma camra.
Aprs quelques vrifications d’usage du SAV (echanges de mail et photos et vido l’appui ) le SAV accept de m’envoyer une nouvelle camra compatible avec ma Homebase.
5 toiles dans la prise en charge et suivi SAV.
Je recommande cette marque pour la qualit de son matriel avec un vrai sens du service client dans le SAV !
After a lot of research I opted for these cameras which have good quality picture, motion detection and night vision. After 18 months use I had a problem with one of cameras. Consequently I spoke with Agustin from Eufy customer service who was excellent and provided a great service. After discussing the fault with the camera, Agustin immediately ordered and sent out a replacement camera. I thought this was an excellent service and for me would be a reason to choose Eufy again. Very pleased and thanks.
Amazing product, super easy to setup. CCTV crystal clear, app easy to use
Very easy to set up and connect cameras to the base unit. Camera positioning is straight forward too as you can use your phone as a live view of field of vision.
Battery life is really impressive too. I have a camera covering my drive which also picks up passing cars, pedestrians, cyclists, neighbour’s cats, foxes etc, so it’s basically picking up a lot of activity, but has gone for around 6 months before needing a recharge.
Really good image quality too, even at night.
I did have an issue with water getting into the camera housing after some recent very heavy storms, which affected the image quality. That said when I contacted support they were more than happy to replace the camera with a new one – even refunded my return postage.
I bought this model to be able to put in a larger mini sd RAM, easy to take out existing one and replace. Connectivity to any eufy cameras and door chimes. Thoroughly recommend this CCTV. No extra/hidden charges huge plus. I didn’t like thought of someone storing our data on their cloud :/
Das Produkt funktioniert, wie es soll. Die Einrichtung und Installation ist sehr schnell erledigt und auch fr technische Laien problemlos durchfhrbar.
Die Kameras selbst haben ein super Bild und einen super Nachtsichtmodus. Das subjektive Sicherheitsgefhl wird durch Installation solcher Gerte tatschlich gesteigert. Preis-Leistung sowie Installationsaufwand sind sehr gut.
Ich hatte nach ca. 3 Monaten einen Defekt an einer der Kameras. Der Akku hatte keine Leistung mehr und war alle 2 Tage vollstndig entleert. Nach erfolgtem Kontakt mit Eufy und der Reklamation des Produktes habe ich zeitnah ein Ersatzgert fr die defekte Kamera erhalten.
Danke fr den Service und die problemlse Garantielsung.
Top Gert ! Keine Ahnung was andere Kunden fr Probleme haben. Fr mich als Leihe war es so easy zu montieren und anzuschliessen. Einfacher geht es nicht. Auch die Software ist Top. Einziges kleines Manko ist dass es ca 1-2 sec dauert nach einer Bewegung bis die Kamera aufnimmt.
Spitzen Qualitt und perfekt Verarbeitet !
Nur zu empfehlen.
Generell ein sehr gutes System, das ich auch jedem weiter empfehlen werde. Leider muss ich einen Stern abziehen, da die Tonqualitt miserabel ist. Mit jemandem ber die Kamera reden kann man vergessen. Die Kamera nimmt auch im Haus ein sehr lautes Rauschen auf..
Basically a brilliant system, however I don’t know where they get 365days battery life from had mine less than 6 months and had to charge both cameras and the doorbell 4 times already . For battery life I would give 2stars at bes
Ein gutes auf sich abgestimmtes System. Auspacken, Cameras in Ecken stellen oder anschrauben ( alles dabei!) und los geht’s. Plug and Play sehr gut umgesetzt.
Ich mag die Unabhngigkeit – ohne Cloud und ohne Folgekosten.
Einschrnkungen habe ich – aber das wird bei anderen Herstellen nicht wesentlich besser sein – Mit meiner Aussenkamera ber Eck. Hausecke 90 Grad soll von einem gg. liegenden Punkt berwacht werden, sodass zwei Seiten des Hauses berwacht werden (—> somit nur 2 Kameras fr ein 4 seitig freistehendes Haus.). Ich brauche also Bewegungserkennung links und rechts im Kamerabild. Der Weitwinkel schafft das, aber Nachts sind die Infrarotverstrker auf die Mitte hoch dosiert, aber nicht die Bereiche, die ich bruchte. Erlebt die Kamera Bewegung, sind die Personen nur gut im Zentrum, an der Ecke zu erkennen, nicht aber auf den Wegen links und rechts im Bild. Wer das bentigt, muss 2 Kameras installieren. Das ist eigentlich technisch logisch, aber wer hier mit hohen Weitwinkeln wirbt, damit genau eben ber die 90 Grad aufgenommen werden kann, sollte erwhnen, dass das Nachts nicht geht, weil die Infrarotsensoren eben nicht den Weitwinkel abdecken – und mal ehrlich fr den Nachtfall brauchen wir ja diese Cameras. Evtl. msste man sich Infrarot-Zusatzmodule anbringen, die fr die Ausleuchtung sorgen.
Ein weiteres kleines Manqo ist die Bewegungserkennung. Man hat hier immer – aber das auch bei anderen Herstellern – die Problematik wie sensibel ich das einstelle…
Sollten wir in unserem Leben bspw mit diesem Set 5 Einbrche verhindern knnen so haben wir doch bis dahin 10000de Fehlalarme… Katzen, Spinnen, Strucher, Bltter, Ausblasender Nebel von meiner Luftwrmepumpe… Man kann es der Kamera nicht bel nehmen und man kann auch in der Software ein paar Parameter einstellen, aber wer denkt, I4.0 filtert alles automatisch weg der liegt falsch.
Ich betreibe aus diesen Grnden das Set als passives System —> Video Doku, Abschreckung und Aufschaltung aus dem Urlaub( funktioniert easy, super kurze Latenz!!!) ob alles OK ist.
Als Alarmsystem betreibe ich es nur, wenn ich eine Kamera ins Haus stelle, da ist dann die Erkennung = 100% Einbruch – Putzende Schwiegermtter allerdings auch 🙂
Preislich? Mega, was ihr dafr bekommt!
Picture quality is better than expected. Night picture is just as good. Really worth the money.
I’ve had other monitors but this tops the lot, night vision, detection and picture quality is 100%. The two monitors pretty much covers all I need.
Fastest Motion alert then my other previous camera. Picture quality is very good. Night version is also very good, as long as no wall around the camera.
Die Kamera ist wirklich gut am Tag sehr gut in der Nacht gut Bild aber an sich ein sehr gutes Preis Leistungs Verhltnis! Ich wrde es wieder Kaufen.
Deux de mes camras qui fonctionnaient parfaitement ont eu un souci de connexion, elles ont t remplaces sans aucun souci et dans des dlais trs courts.
SAV trs soucieux du suivi…
Vraiment au TOP
Great home security camera’s. very satisfied. Very easy installation and use. Modern design, top class quality. Recently after a year 1 camera just stopped working. Got a replacement without hassle. Superb customer service. Highly recommended.
Great quality, super easy to install, the apps easy to set up.. after seeing a friends install after a burglary we put up some eufy security lights and cameras.. no need for the alarm as we have one already..
So much to customise, zones, sensitivity, geofencing, it really does cover all bases.
The picture quality is fantastic, the lights are great so will expand the system in the future..
Have been recommending it to all my friends, it’s a great deterrent.
I purchased these after some research wanting a wireless system to pick up the comings and going’s of our cat, garden wildlife and parcel deliveries as no one is at home during the day and I live in a very rural area.
Initially they seemed to work well. But after a number of months they didn’t seemed to be less responsive. I spent months moving the cameras changing motion settings but still didn’t seem to work as well as they did initially. One also developed a condensation issue behind the lens.
I emailed eufy a number of times during this period and they were always very prompt in replying. Almost a year after purchasing eufy offered to replace the cameras and Homebase for a new unit.
Since installing the new units I’ve noticed an improvement and the cameras are working much better.
I still wasn’t happy with the way it was picking up postal deliveries so after some more research I decided to purchase the spotlight cam. I had a floodlight already at the front of my property and wiring up the unit was a breeze. I moved the 2 eufy e cameras to the rear of the property and the 3 second buffer from the wired spotlight cam at the front made a massive difference and pick up people walking towards the property from a long distance.
The app allows me to see all cameras together and with the ongoing firmware update works really well.
Although there have been teething problems for me eufy support has been amazing, eager to solve my issues and follow up with my concerns to make sure I was content.
I’ve purchased the up and coming eufy drop box and wouldn’t hesitate to purchase from this company again and again based on the high levels of customer service which to be frank are extremely rare these days.
I would highly recommend anyone to invest in the products this company has to offer. Thanks eufy!!!!!!
Ich habe diese Kameras vor ca. einem halben Jahr gekauft, nachdem ich Kameras von Reolink und anderen Anbietern ausprobiert hatte. Das Produkt berzeugt mich , und ich wrde eine klare Kaufempfehlung abgeben. Das die Akkus keine 365 Tage halten wrden, war mir von vornherein klar. Man knnte solche Aussagen auch als irrefhrend bezeichnen. Die Kamera, die ich im Flur installiert habe, hat eine Akkulaufzeit von ca. 6 Wachen. Bei der Kamera im Abstellraum hlt der Akku ca. drei Monate. Das sind fr mich gute und ausreichende Werte. Die Bilder sind in Ordnung und entsprechen meinen Anforderungen. Warum die Kamera mit so einer langen Akkulaufzeit beworben wird, verstehe ich nicht. Mit der Wahrheit kommt man doch meist weiter.
Best I’ve ever bought, I’ve got Swann Security cameras wired in, but Eufy Wireless are far better in every way.
The only problem that I have found with the Eufy system is that it is prone to ‘false alarm triggers’ in heavy rain. Two of the three cameras are only partially covered by overhangs, the third is covered by a porch – the two partially covered are probe to the ‘tamper alarms being triggered’ in heavy rain.
Insgesamt ist Preis- Leistung gut. Die Einrichtung und Bedienung via App ist wirklich sehr gut, intuitiv und schnell erledigt. Am Anfang war ich echt begeistert.
Nach ca 6 Monaten haben sich aber ein paar Schwchen offenbart:
1. Die Reichweite zwischen Basis und Kamera ist nicht sehr hoch. Bei mir reicht es so gerade. Ca. 5-6m und 2 Wnde.
2. Leichte Verzgerung bei der Bewegungserkennung. Der Anfang ist nie aufgezeichnet.
3. Die Bewegungserkennung in den Randzonen zeichnet mal auf, mal nicht. Mitten im definierten Bereich bei schnellen Durchlaufen auch nicht.
4. Eine Kamera war nach ca. 4 Monaten beschlagen (Kondenswasser in der Kamera nach langen Regenfllen?). Wurde aber sofort durch den sehr guten Euffy Support ersetzt.
Trotzdem bin ich insgesamt zufrieden und wrde das System wieder kaufen. Ist halt sehr gnstig und nicht mit der Qualitt eines professionellen Systems fr ein paar Tausend Euro vergleichbar.
Have these just over a year, one has broken completely and customer service will not assist in any way. The other gives many false alerts, the battery runs down so quickly and the picture seems to be deterioriating too. So disappointed, will be buying from another company next time.
Update Oct 2020 – Eufy support reached out after seeing review and offered to replace the camera given the circumstances. The issue appeared to be a breach of the weather seal on one of the cameras which causes it to stop functioning. Replacement camera just arrived and is being charged up for use now.
Easy to install great picture quality so far so good.
The eufy wireless system is very good. The quality of daytime recordings is excellent with high-quality imaging and audio recording. The slight downside is the nighttime infrared imaging lacks clear imaging.
Overall the system is very good with the App regularly updated. Very easy to install and maintain. The online help facility is excellent with the support team communicating clearly and responding to with urgency.
I found these easy to install, set up and easy to use. They work perfect.
J’ai install 2 camras il y a environ 1 mois. Une chaque porte.
L’installation se fait trs facilement et en quelques minutes. Pas besoin d’tre fin bricoleur.
Tout le matriel est de bonne qualit. Le plastique donne un sentiment de solidit, les points d’ancrages ont t amliors par rapport au EUFY CAM 2. Le socle du point d’attache est toujours en plastique dur mais le tton o l’on visse la camra est maintenant en mtal. Trs bon point.
La camra en elle-mme est de bonne qualit galement. Assez petite et lgre. Elle sait se faire discrte.
Concernant la base, elle est assez sobre, blanche avec une petite lumire blanche au centre. La connexion se fera via l’Ethernet (RJ45) ou bien par Wifi. Un cble USB est fourni pour la recharge des diffrentes camras.
Au niveau qualit d’image, rien dire pour la vision de jour. Trs bonne qualit avec une vue assez large. On peut zoomer pour voir un dtail. La vision de nuit est moins nette mais de bonne qualit tout de mme (pour une camra ce tarif, il ne faut pas trop en demand non plus). On distingue trs clairement mais c’est trs pixelis lorsque l’on zoom. Attention bien positionner vos camras. Trop proche d’un mur, la vision nocturne surexpose ce dernier et a pour consquence d’assombrir le reste de l’image.
Le micro intgr permet de bien entendre mme si il sature assez vite (bruit d’un vhicule par exemple). Le haut-parleur est de bonne facture. Je l’ai test plusieurs fois et on m’a trs bien compris chaque fois.
Les camras sont quips d’une alarme qui se dclenche lorsqu’on les bouge. Et a sonne fort.
Le stockage des vidos prisent par les camras sont garder en mmoire sur la base qui une capacit de 16GO.
En bref, pour ce tarif, ce matriel est de bonne qualit et convient pour mes besoins.
Si vous souhaitez plus de scurit avec un agent derrire, il faudra payer tous les mois.
Je recommande fortement ce produit.
dit du 18/11/20 :
Les camras fonctionnent toujours parfaitement.
En revanche, je ne reois plus les notifications de dtections, de jours comme de nuits.
Les camras filment bien, les vidos sont bien stockes mais je suis oblig de me rendre dans l’application pour visualiser les vidos.
C’est dommage.
C’est tout de mme un trs bon produi
Bon produit.
Dommage que la camra intrieure ne se connecte pas sur la home base directement (sinon, j’aurai mis 5 toiles !).
Alarme extrieure qui est suffisamment forte pour alerter sans trop gner les voisins comme une sirne d alarme classique !
Sirne d’intrieur suffisamment forte.
A voir la qualit, la charge… Dans le temps.
Qualit audio et vido satisfaisante.
Des rglages pour affiner les dtections… Sont raliser surtout si il y a des arbres… Mais des zones de dtection sont possibles.
Excellent and very easy to install and set up. Gives me and my family great comfort to be able to monitor our house at all times.
Decent price and a great solution to a wire free security system. Easy to install, plus the app is easy to use. Would buy an additional camera to add to the system as the one I bought has 2. Easy to add a camera to the system. The cameras are quite small but do not impact on quality
Purchased this system, with an extra camera back in February and am really pleased with the picture and sound quality which are really good, there is about a 10 second lag on the recording but if you think about where you place the cameras that can be improved by using the feature where you can get a detection on one camera which will activate another (I think they call it pairing) which can be found in the set up menu.
I did have a slight issue with one of the Cameras misting up after a heavy storm, I sent a video to the customer support team to show them the issue and they replaced the camera FOC the next day.
I have found it a good stand alone system and will be adding some more cameras.
My first cctv purchase and I’m very impressed. Don’t quite get a year from the battery but as had to charge already but that may be down to me constantly looking through the cameras because I’m enjoying them so much.
The Wi-fi connectivity is excellent and the camera quality is good for most purposes. Being able to experiment with camera positions has been very useful. I probably have mine set too sensitively as birds, bats and sunlight trigger the record but as it costs nothing to run I don’t mind it. What I have found interesting is the amount of wildlife at night which I didn’t know about previously: badgers; hedgehogs; foxes let alone a variety of cats all wander past. Rain and spiders can be a problem for the lens but I am working on fixing that.
So easy to install, the app could be more user friendly
L’excellence… Le kit est trs bien emball, trs simple mettre en place et d’une qualit superbe. C’est vraiment le must, car dj on est au-dessus de ce que propose la concurrence un prix infrieur, et ce sans avoir besoin de souscrire quelconque abonnement. Allez-y les yeux ferms, c’tait srement mon meilleur achat de l’anne
Very good home security cameras that are very easy to install and set up. My front door one goes off quite a bit so battery life is about 5 months but they are easy to charge up (took 2 hours) and the customer support is very good if you need help. Very impressive cameras can see good detail day and night.
Die Installation der Gerte ist wirlkich einfach, man bentigt nur ein gutes und stabiles WLan. Sichtweite und Bildqualitt der Kamera sind sehr gut und die Sensibilitt lsst gut einstellen. Muss man halt ein bisschen rumprobieren, bis es so passt, wie man es mchte. Wir haben den Aussenbereich berwacht, da registriert die Kamera natrlich hufiger mal Bewegungen und somit mssen wir die Kamera auch fter laden. Wir haben zur Montage den Magnet genommen, da sich damit die Kamera wesentlich besser justieren und auch immer wieder vllig simpel abnehmen lsst. Das Schraubgewinde ist nicht ganz so optimal, die Magnetlsung ist um Welten besser und hlt auch bombenfest.
Wir hatten nun nach fast 6 Monaten einen Ausfall einer unserer drei Kameras. Leider hat die Komunikation ber Amazon nicht gut funktioniert, das die Mails bei Amazon hngen geblieben sind. Hier besser direkt den Support von Anker kontaktieren. Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr freundlich und wir haben binnen drei Tagen ein Ersatzgert bekommen.
Wir knnen die Gerte und auch den Support bestens empfehlen.
Very very easy to setup and install. The pic and video quality is very good. Remember the camera is battery powered. I’ve mounted 2 cams in my sheck one out side and one recording inside.
The app is pretty forward to use, very user friendly. Most say the range is acceptable to. I have placed both cams about 18-20 meters away from homebase. And yet I have 3 out of 4 connection rings. And the 2 way audio is superb! The only con I have is the motion sensor which can be a problem. Ex if I turn night vision off in the app the cam won’t record even though there is motion, it just don’t sensor motion. Don’t know if it’s a bug…. overall iam very happy with it!!
UPDATE 1 year after:
Still love it and the 365 battery life is true! (Please see the updated pictures).
Great product easy to install and works well. If you want a Sercurity system that has no wires and only takes 20 minutes to put up it’s this one also loads of different options of how to set it up.
Great buy would recommend to anyone thinking of installing cctv but don’t want the cost of an install this is the CCTV for you
Very pleased. Works very well, easy to operate, clear picture, exceeds my expectations
A fantastic piece of security equipment that does the job well, and back up by a superb support team that will deal with your issue to your satisfaction!
Pas due de mon achat .
Pratique installer .
Facilit ajouter d autres camras ainsi que des dtecteurs de porte entre avec une longue porte de rception des app.
Les mises jour se font automatiquement et il y a toujours des nouveauts dans les mises jour qui font que le systme est encore plus performant.
L application est trs simple d utilisation et la qualit des images sont optimums de jour comme de nuit .
je me sens plus rassure de savoir que je peux surveiller ma maison de moi tout moment.
Toutefois la qualit du micro n est pas encore cela et il y a un dcalage .
Die Batterie hlt jetzt schon ber ein Jahr htte ich kaum geglaubt. Allerdings habe ich auch die Infrarotbeleuchtung abgeschaltet. Habe direkt dort eine Laterne die die gesamte Nacht leuchtet. Die Bewegungserkennung ist ausreichend. Die Einstellung der Bereiche zu Bewegungserkennung ist leider nur mit einer rechteckigen Auswahl mglich. Da bei mir das ganze schrg vom Haus weg zeigt wre mir eine flexiblere Lsung da deutlich lieber. Leider lsst sich das gesamte System nur mit einem online Zugang wirklich bedienen. ZwarZwar bleiben die Videos auf der Central Einheit trotzdem muss man immer eine Verbindung ins Internet bereitstellen um mit der App auf die Videos zu kommen. Ich habe leider auch noch keinen Weg gefunden ohne App an die Videos zu kommen. Beispielsweise durch einen RTSP Stream. Das Zwar bleiben die Videos auf der Central Einheit trotzdem muss man immer eine Verbindung ins Internet bereitstellen um mit der App auf die Videos zu kommen. Ich habe leider auch noch keinen Weg gefunden ohne App an die Videos zu kommen. Beispielsweise durch ein RTSP Stream.
Great picture quality.
Easy to install.
The only issue I am having is with the motion detecting zones I have set up, where the camera is recording events outside of the zones.
Franchement superbes cameras, matriel de qualit et trs facile installer.
Le rseau wifi est bon car la centrale est chez moi l tage et les camras en extrieur et la rception est bonne.
La dtection de mouvement est performante, les batteries ont l air de tenir conformment la dure annonc.
Je recommande vraiment ce produit.
Fantastic, best battery WiFi set up I have had, changed to 128gb as card to record too
I will have 16 months of recordings on it. Had it on and working for 2 months only lost 1 bar of battery with 15+ notifications per day. Have 4 cameras in all and have them linked to my Amazon so I can see on all my TVs and firesticks as well as echo.
If in doubt buy it.
After sales is ace too very prompt to reply and sort issues
Much better than the ring wireless cams I spent 600+ on and had to retu
The camera is working well but it detects everything like cats, dogs and cars, this is very disturbing.
It reacts to sunshine all the time.
Otherwise it’s a god camera with long life battery.
Absolutely the best wireless security system available , picture quality day and night very clear definitely recommend buying this system
I have had this for 2 years now charged the batteries for the cameras 2 times. Really easy to set up and use and connected to my phone easily
The app is simple to use and I get notifications instantly.
Overall very very good.
And offers peace of mind for the home
Tres satisfait de mon achat. Apres 4 mois d’utilisation j’ai recharg les batteries des 2 cameras sur 5. Elles taient juste a moiti consommes mais elles sont installs sur un passage tres frquent.
La qualit d’image est superbe, la port du rseau wifi est impeccable et la facilit d’installation est un jeu d’enfant.
J’ai eu un soucis avec une des camera (des temps en temps elle affichait une image rose) mais le SAV m’ont envoy une nouvelle camera gratuite – ils sont tres ractifs.
Super impressed so far. Very easy to set up. Didn’t realise that the base station can be connected via WiFi not just Ethernet cable. Easy to set detection area to avoid neighbours’ activity setting off camera and alerts. Image is excellent day and night. Geofencing is a good feature as it recognises when someone is at home and auto switches to home mode. Battery life not yet tested as recent install, but so far still showing full charge.
Great product wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.
Can I also add that customer service is also terrific. They sorted out my camera ASAP and without fuss.
I’d been looking to buy a wireless surveillance system for some time. Other systems on the market are quite expensive, especially the all weather types, so I was pleased that I came across the Eufy system.
Setting up the security system is very easy and straightforward, just a few steps to follow.
Picture/audio quality are very good. Altering settings to suit individual requirements is a useful attribute.
I was so pleased with this security system that I purchased more cameras. Unfortunately there was an issue with one camera. I contacted Eufy Customer Services and they responded immediately, resolved the issue within three days by replacing the camera. I found their assistance excellent and follow up enquiry very friendly and reassuring.
This is a quality product, well designed and excellent value for the money.
I would definitely recommend this product.
The Whole system is easy to set up with the added bonus of not having to route cables everywhere. The cameras are easy to mount and work well. It’s easy to set detection zones by using the Eufy app which is also easy to use giving you various modes to set depending on your needs along with total control of the system. The in built alarm in the cameras may not be the loudest but it’s enough to make an intruder think twice about hanging about outside your property once you trigger it. The microphone picks up conversations really well allowing a clear two way conversation with the use of the in built speaker. Overall I’m really impressed with whole system at the moment, i know it’s early days as I’ve only had it installed just over a week but it seems to do everything i wanted it to do. I had to contact Eufy customer services on an unrelated issue (nothing to do with the system) and they couldn’t have been more helpful.
Better than ring at every point. Only thing I don’t like is that the base isn’t compatible with other type of cameras than the one comes with it. Good signal strength. Hope developer update separate ring tones so users can set up tones for different cameras. At present only one notification ( phone selected -tone). Other than it’s a great camera.
Great product! Would highly recommend. We actually charge the camera about once every 6 weeks as we would prefer it to capture all motion than miss something hence the degrade in battery. Still it’s not an issue though. We rotate the cameras whilst one is charging
Really good camera!
Picture quality is very good both day and night.
Motion detects 99.9 of the time time
Battery life is brilliant!! 1270 clips recorded on two cameras and still has full bars.
After support was brilliant had a slight problem with one of the cameras they where very quick to fix and replace..
Only negative is when it detects motion theres a slight delay around 1-2 secends before recording..
If you can live with that it’s the perfect wireless camera
A very reliable and easy to use system. The better life is excellent and the picture quality is great. Would highly recommend it.
So I purchased this over a year ago via their Kickstarter programme that they had.
It’s been great that I’ve been able to keep all the data locally on the base station instead of sending it off to the cloud as well as backing up the footage to my Synology NAS box.
Usage: the app can sometimes have it’s quirks, but once it’s set up you can literally forget about it.
The quality of day time video is very good, the night time isn’t too bad. Compared to Arlo that my friends have its on par or better in video quality.
Batteries can last a very long time.
I have one in my hallway where my two cats triggers the capturing all the time 24×7 and easily lasts over 2 months.
My garden camera where no one really enters apart from a fat pigeon easily lasts 9 months and my drive way camera maybe 4 to 6 months depending on how many deliveries I get.
The only let down I have is that the base station has to have internet access for your app to connect to the base station.
I would have loved to be able to lock the home base from having internet access and VPN home to connect to it so it’s not secure. But that’s not the case here.
The cameras charge via micro USB which can be annoying.
And the motion sensing can be a bit slow.
Just don’t expect much from the “human” detection as shadows appear as human notifications which is a bit weird.
But all in all I’ve very happy considering the cost of this and the distance that you can put the camera from the house. Just fantastic!
Superb quality, had them for 6 months now and still over 75% battery on both cameras. Easy to set up and low, low maintenance. Highly recommend!
A brilliant piece of kit with good picture and sound quality I am well impressed the app works really well and is easy to use.
My only slight concern is the range between the base station and cameras it would be good if they could make some range extenders..
I do like the alerts on to your phone too they are very quick and allow you to check almost instantly as to what’s happening.
Prodotto non solo di ottima qualita’ ma anche disegnato per essere semplice da usare ed efficace.
L’installazione e’ molto semplice ed immediata.
Le videocamere danno la sensazione di essere costruite per resistere alle intemperie e per durare.
La qualita’ video e’ ottima. Filmati cristallini e fluidi.
E’ possibile avere diverse modalita’ di funzionamento:
– camere che registrano quando il movimento e’ rilevato
– camere che suonano quando il movimento e’ rilevato
– camere che suonano se qualcuno cerca di rimuoverle
– si puo’ anche attivare l’allarme sonoro sulla stazione base
Dopo 3 mesi di attivita’ le batterie non hanno dato segni di scarica.
L’applicazione fornita per la gestione di tutto il sistema e’ estremamente facile ed intuitiva da utilizzare. Si ha l’impressione di avere tutto sempre sotto controllo. Ci sono le varie modalita’ che si possono settare (esempio: impostazione notturna, fuori casa, in casa, etc…) e che si possono customizzare.
Non sono riuscito a trovare punti negativi. Piu’ che soddisfatto dell’acquisto. L’assistenza e’ veloce a rispondere e disponibile a risolvere qualsiasi problema si presenti.
Davvero un prodotto che mi sento di consigliare.
Very simple to setup.
I was worried that the cameras would find the base through concrete walls but it worked well first time. The quality of the cameras is very good although I find the night vision a bit washed out especially when our security light comes on.
Very pleased over all.
Love it, easy to install, no wires works great on phone app or amazon firestick on tv. Will add more cameras at later date.
I’ve been wanting to get security cameras outside our house for a while, so when this system came up on offer I decided to go for it.
I was a little concerned about the reviews which mentioned that the signal range from the cameras to the base station wasn’t great, but even though one of the cameras is installed “diagonally” through a wall about 20 feet away from the base station I still get 2 out of 4 bars on the signal, and the picture is fine.
Setting up the Activity Zones for motion detection is a little fiddly as you can only select rectangular areas, but even though there are one or two “blind spots” the coverage is sufficient for my purposes.
The ability to hear what’s going on outside and optionally speak to someone out there could prove useful, it’s like a video doorbell but with a much wider field of view!
One thing that could be improved is Guest Access on the phone app – I set my wife up as an Admin guest, but on her app it didn’t show the boxes with the number of events on each camera for the day, and more annoyingly, when a motion detection notification comes through, pressing it takes her straight to the Live view instead of showing the event first, as it does on my phone. We have got around this by logging her in as me on her phone, which doesn’t appear to cause any problems with both of us being logged in on the same account.
Overall though, I’m very pleased with this system and would recommend it (although maybe it wouldn’t be quite so suitable for someone with a larger house or thicker walls, as mentioned in other reviews). I’m considering purchasing another camera at some point to cover the back garden, so I’m just keeping an eye for when the single cameras are on offer again!
Tu c’est quelle heure tout le monde entre et sort de la maison.
Pratique si on veut pas faire passer des cbles lectrique.
Easy to install; excellent quality both day night; instant feedback is really clear. Highly recommend!
Trs bonnes camras.
Vision jour et nuit nette.
Facile d’installation. Dommage pour la notice en anglais.
L’application Eufy permet de bien grer ses fonctionnalits.
Attention cependant, sur certains tlphones la vision en direct ne passe pas par les donnes mobiles.
Bin SEHR zufrieden, klare Kaufempfehlung!
Installation war sehr einfach, und alles functioniert wie beschrieben. Super Bild Qualitt. Eufysecurity App fr Android ist sehr einfach zu bedienen. Aber alles auf Englisch.
Gestern Nacht kamm die erste Pushnachricht auf meinen Handi – die Nachtbar Katze war auf meiner Terrasse.
Das Beste: Kein Abo mit Folgekosten ntig weil alles ist local auf mitgelieferte/installierte SD Karte gespeichert.
Nach ein bisschen Troubleshooting, haben festgestellt eine Kamera war defekt (super Bild, aber kein Tonaufnahme). Eufylife Kundenservice hat schnell und freundlich reagiert und ich habe prompt eine neue ersatz Kamera per Post bekommen. Eufy hat die Kosten fr die defektive Kamera Rcksendung auf mein Amazon Konto gutgeschrieben. Vielen Dank Eufylife Support Team!