Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Chain Lock – 100cm – Black/yellow

Dimensions: 8 x 3 x 3 cm; 4.9 Kilograms
Model: 142585
Material: Alloy Steel
Colour: Black/Yellow
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Assembly: No
Colour: Black/Yellow
Material: Alloy Steel

170 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit Very sturdy and very thick chain for locking my bike up on the wall

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great lock for securing at home or garage. This is heavy so not portable. I use it on a carbon frame and have use some foam around frame to avid any possibility of damage.

  3. NorrisO72zae says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersIch bin bis jetzt nach knapp 4 Wochen Verwendung vom Schloss berzeugt. Ich habe es aufgrund der Anschaffung meines neuen Fahrrads gekauft und wollte nicht beim Fahrradschloss am falschen Ende sparen. Eines vorweg: es gibt kein Fahrradschloss, das zu 100 % sicher ist!

    Eine Langzeitbewertung kann ich natrlich noch nicht abgegeben.
    In einzelnen Bewertungen Ist zu lesen, dass der Schlssel abgebrochen ist. Dies lsst sich vermutlich vermeiden, wenn man den Schlssel sanft und mit etwas Ruhe, gerade und komplett in das Schloss einfhrt und erst dann den Schlssel versucht umzudrehen. Ich war anfangs auch etwas ungestm und merkte, dass sich ansonsten der Schlssel gar nicht ganz einfhren lsst.

    Der zweite Punkt: Es ist zu lesen, dass das Schloss von innen rosten wrde. Nachdem ich das Schloss noch nicht lange habe und das Fahrrad bisher noch nicht bei Regen drauen stand, kann ich nicht mit Sicherheit sagen, dass mir dies auch nicht irgendwann passiert. Einen gewissen Schutz knnte der sich am Schloss befindliche Schiebe-Riegel leisten (siehe Foto, gelb).

    Man darf zudem wirklich nicht das Gewicht von 5 Kilo unterschtzen. Ich habe das Schloss daher mittlerweile um den Rahmen gewickelt, da es auch als Rucksackladung ziemlich unbequem auf Dauer ist.

    Das auch dieses Schloss nicht zu 100 % Sicherheit bietet, sollte natrlich jedem bewusst sein. Aussagen wie, das es einer Flex nicht standhalten wrde oder hat, sollte doch jedem klar sein. Jedoch denke ich, dass das Schloss aufgrund seines massiven Aussehens die meisten Fahrradknacker abschreckt. Es sind ja auch nicht immer gleich Profis am Werk, die mit einem Transporter anrcken.

    Grundstzlich bietet es aus meiner Sicht den grten Schutz, wenn man nicht nur eines, sondern mindestens zwei qualitative Fahrradschlsser verwendet und mit einem davon das Fahrrad an einem unbeweglichen Gegenstand zu befestigen. Denn ansonsten lsst sich auch ein Fahrrad mit dem besten Fahrradschloss der Welt bequem davontragen.

    Wirklich Massiv

  4. Dale Smith says:


    Ein beraus massives Schliesssystem. Ein hakeliges Schloss, wie von anderen Kunden moniert, konnte ich nicht feststellen, bei mir funktioniert es einwandfrei. Kettenlnge reicht aus, ein E-bike um Laternenpfahl o.. anzuketten.
    Zum Mitfhren fnde ich das Schloss auf Dauer zu schwer. Ich benutze die Kette in Verbindung mit einem Bodenanker in meiner Garage. Fr unterwegs habe ich mir zustzlich ein Abus-Faltschloss gekauft.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve always used a Kryptonite D lock for my bike. For me they are the best on the market.
    Up till now, there were no Gold Standard bike chains, so when I saw this one, I had to give it a try.
    The only downside to this lock is that it’s extremely heavy. Having said that, I’ve found it very easy to wrap around my bike.
    My bike is very important to me and the reason I bought this lock in addition to the D lock is to make it as hard as possible for anyone wishing to steal it or to prevent them from doing it in the first place.
    I’m very happy with both locks and they have given me peace of mind.
    I highly recommend this bike lock if you don’t mind the weight of it.

  6. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Dieses Schloss ist echt massiv. Mit einem Seitenschneider keine Chance, da muss schon eine Akkuflex her und selbst dann sind 2 Schnitte notwendig. Der einzige Negativpunkt ist fr mich dass der Kettenschutz etwas zu kurz ist.
    Und man muss sich vorher ber das Gewicht klar sein.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt seems like a decent lock and chain but in hindsight I should have got a 16mm chain.I got the abus floor anchor to go with it so let’s hope it deters thieves stealing my new electric bike.Update…After reading up on this it turns out the lock isnt10/10 so I replaced it with the fahgettaboutit mini which is a beast and does just about fit through the links.

    he delivery guy left it on the floor outside my front door and didn't even knock my door....

  8. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    das ist der Hammer , ich glaube ich kann mein Rad jetzt berall abstellen und mit der integrierten Versicherung hat man auch noch ein gutes Gefhl, einzig der Preis ist recht hoch und das schlo ist echt schwer.

  9. Scott Ki says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersYou are in a forest, you’re walking with some random people, and a bear runs at you out of nowhere. You can’t outrun it.
    You don’t need to outrun the bear, just the next slowest person.
    You will never get a lock that is 100% protection, but if it makes the thief pick another bike with a less serious lock then it did it’s job.

    This chain is the canine’s cojones. The lock, not as much. In fact, I would consider it the weakpoint, if there was one. Not much of one though cause together they are a beast of a security system, but if someone has a grinder then they’re going for the lock itself.

    Note: combined, the are heavy. Like properly “change the bike’s dynamics if you have it wrapped round the seat-post” heavy.
    If you have an electric bike like me, then that is not a problem

    The added Anti-theft offer from Kryptonite is a nice thought that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside….. Don’t know if I’ll need it, or whether it’ll pay out, but I registered and paid 20-odd for five years of it anyway. You never know

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTruly a perfect chain and lock combo. I would say this is the most reasonable chain size you can carry with you for motorcycles to lock up somewhere, but that’s not to say it doesn’t make a viable permanent ground anchor for your home or work, it’s a true tank.
    If someone has the tools and power to cut through this lock or chain, 99.99% chance they’re going to have the power and tools to cut through any other huge chain irregardless of it’s size at this point.

    My only gripe is the lock, the evolution series 4 really does struggle to unlock and can be frustrating at times. That’s not to say it’s unreliable, it’s just time consuming.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Very heavy,but seems like a good deterrent for my bike. Going to take a saw and sometime to cut it,if they can.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I wanted this for securing to a ground anchor at home. It does the job, just. Really wish I’d bought the longer one. It seems robust and looks the part. Time will tell. I have taken the precaution of not storing my angle grinder in the same space as my bike, as a decent diamond blade will go through most locks and chains.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    + Thickness of Chain Links.
    + Unbreakable Look.
    + Anti-Theft Offer!
    + Life Time Warranty.
    + Key Safe Program 🙂

    — Heavy (nearly 7kg)

  14. JaiCasnerncjnxd says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Userssuper catena, va benissimo per moto-scooter e biciclette, gran bel peso ed ingombro,
    gli anelli sono veramente tosti!

    ricoperto da ottimo tessuto impermeabile che non permette il contatto della catena in metallo con superfici rigabili, quali cerchi, telai, e altre parti che si potrebbero altrimenti rigare o sverniciare

    il lucchetto molto saldo, comodo, ha una chiusura della serratura ove si inserisce la chiave, per evitare sporcizia all’interno

    viene fornito di 3 chiavi di ottima fattura e con una mappatura interessante, di cui 1 viene fornita con minitorcia led integrata nella chiave

  15. RhondaY10jgek says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    I waited six months before writing a review … This is a BEAST of a lock. I believe the world could end and this lock would still be locked for 1000 years. If security is what you’re after, this is 100% the right lock for you. If you want speed and ease of use, then this BEAST lock might not be the right tool for your bicycle (depending). It’s big and bulky and it takes a minute or two to unlock and get it through the bike’s tire before locking it again. The lock has chipped the paint from my bike so much, it’s down to the primer in some places. It’s just that big and bulky. But okay, it’s the price I pay for the security of knowing my bike will be there when I get back. GOOD LOCK – just BULKY.

  16. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIt will give a potential thief some work, the chain is very thick and with angles, which help in making a cut with anything other than a grinder of portable band saw very hard. The padlock completely disengage, which leaves the “U” part free to insert anywhere in the chain. This is not the kind of chain you carry around, it is very heavy. So it is to be used at home or left on a fixed spot at your destination. I used it to lock the wheels of my trailer, so weight is not an issue for me. I just with I had bought more length, 5ft would have been better for my use.

  17. hermelindamaltby says:

     United Kingdom

    Opens and locks like it did the first time, countless times dropped or thrown on the floor, been left out in cold and rain and its still doing fine

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Does exactly what it says on the tin…or chain…

    Haven’t tested it for security as that’ll kinda ruin i

  19. Anonymous says:


    Extrem massive kette. Frn Roller ist der Transport natrlich , beim Fahrrad muss man sich schon der 5kg bewusst sein.
    Lsst sich nach diversen Tests nicht per Bolzenschneider ffnen.
    Einziges Manko ist, dass das Schloss einmal gehakt hat. Der Trick war, dass der Schlssel durch mehrere ‘Scheiben, im Schloss muss und sich eine gedreht hatte, so dass der Schlssel nicht mehr einzufhren war.
    Es lie sich dann dadurch lsen, dass die verdrehte Scheibe vorsichtig mit dem Schlssel wieder in Position gedreht werden musste. Da muss man aber auch erstmal drauf kommen. Daher 1 Stern Abzug. Sonst jedem weiterzuempfehlen, dessen Sachen einem hheren diebstahlrisiko ausgesetzt ist.

  20. TwylaFSOWusdepx says:


    Ich verwende dieses Schloss in Kombination mit einem Abus-Wandanker um ein teures E-Bike versicherungs-konform in der Garage zu sichern. Wie andere Schreiber schon bemerkten, fhlt man sich an eine Ankerkette erinnert, unglaublich massiv, schwer und fast schon furchteinflssend. Einen Stern Abzug gibt es, weil die Ketten-Schutzhlle nicht bis zu den letzten Kettenglieder reicht und wenn man nicht aufpasst, ein Teil der Kette ungeschtzt auf den Lack des Fahrrads aufschlagen kann, was die Gefahr von Lackplatzern am Fahrrad beinhaltet, eben weil die Kette so unglaublich massiv und schwer ist. Fr Diebe drfte diese Kette eine sehr schwere Nuss sein.

  21. Anonymous says:


    Use this to lock our bikes to the bike carrier, its on the heavy side but works grea

  22. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Teil ist eine Granate! Das hlt alles aus. Es bietet etwas Flexibilitt im Einsatz – man kann das Schloss alleine bei Bedarf als Disk-Schloss benutzen.

    Bitte auf das Gewicht achten – stolze 5 Kilo. Sicherheit hat seinen Preis und Gewicht!

    Ich habe mir noch den Anker von Kryptonite installiert. Die Kombo macht einen sehr guten Eindruck. Das Motorrad gibt’s immer noch…

  23. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch hab mir wie viele andere Leute hier stundenlang den Kopf zerbrochen, wie kann ich mein Fahrrad am sichersten abstellen und somit vor Langfinger am besten Schtzen.
    Nach langem berlegen fiel die Wahl auf dieses Schloss.
    Was soll man noch zu dem Schloss sagen auer alter ist das viel Metall”.
    Das Schloss wickel ich bei mir ganz entspannt um den Sattel und mach es fest.
    Es ist schwer, aber wirkt auf alle Flle nicht so schwer wie 3 Wasser Flaschen.
    Die Leute die sagen es ist zu schwer oder zu viel, sollten die Beschreibung besser lesen.
    5kg ist wie ein Sack Kartoffeln da htte man das Gewicht ja testen knnen.
    Ich finde das Gewicht gibt mir ein Gefhl von Sicherheit und ich hoffe der Dieb guckt es sich nur von weiten an und geht unverrichteter dinger weiter.

    In diesem Sinne, Diebstahl freies Leben.

    Mit freundlichen Gren.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersI bought this chain from a Warehouse-Deal – good Price. I bought this since the Disc lock has the colours of the ”Fahgetaboutit” Series suggesting the maximum security you can get plus is rated within the Kryptonite Security levels as a clear 10. Unfortunately the lock had a few niggles accepting the key and I decided to open the lock and see if I could adjust it.
    Surprise: this mini d-lock is in fact only a Series 4 lock, being rated by Kryptonite a 7-8…..
    Now the chain you can be sure is max. = it is a brute, so no questions there – Level 10. But the rule is: a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link… in this case the disc lock itself which is only a Series 4 level , 8-7! So the whole combo has to be sold as that , not ”Fahgetaboutit Level 10, only Level 8)! Looking at which of the mini d-locks of Kryptonite are really level 10 you soon will find the Kryptonite New York LIBERTY lock with a level 10. Looks same… Difference : different weight resulting from the insides not being identical. The heavier body ( ”Liberty”) is round and consists of 2 hardened steel tubes inside each other making it a real ”brute”. The Series 4 is ( or here ”New York ” – Lock ) is although sold as level 10 only a level 8 since it has only 1oval hardened steel tube – a very thick hardened steel layer – don’t get me wrong, but it is in no way as chunky as the ”big brother”. The only thing they did do was put a ”Wolf’s coat on a Sheep”… by adapting the colours and selling it for what it is not.
    It is a shame, I and my family are really happy with the 5 other Kryptonite products . I am not unhappy with this – it is just not right do sell something in this way. But I will not trust this little disc lock a main lock but only use it as 2nd or third lock – for that it is splendid. Thankfully I paid a very good price for this and really only need the chain, the lock had no priority in my case. The chain will partner with my real U=lock mini ”Fahgetaboutit” with the 18mm shackle as main security. That is really a level 10.

  25. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersHabe mir dieses Schloss als Warehouse Deal bei Amazon als Versandrcklufer gekauft nachdem ich diverse Testberichte im Internet konsultiert und Youtube Videos mit Lockpicking angesehen habe. Das Schloss wurde einen Tag nach Bestellung geliefert, allerdings ist das Schloss so schwer, dass der Versandkarton an der Seite aufgerissen ist. Habe das Schloss kurz inspiziert und mich sofort fr eine Rcksendung entschieden. Das Schloss wiegt ber 4,5KG das hrt sich erstmal nicht so viel an entspricht aber 3x 1,5 Liter Flaschen mit Wasser. Die Qualitt der Kette ist gut, allerdings muss der schtzende berzug von Kryptonite meiner Meinung nach verbessert werden um wirklich vor Lackschden am Rad zu schtzen. Was wirklich besonders ist und sich von Abus unterscheidet ist der Lieferumfang an Schlsseln. Bei Kryptonite erhalte ich bei fast jedem Schloss 3 Schlssel, einer davon sogar mit LED und diese kann sogar demontiert werden um wieder einen normalen kleinen Schlssel zu erhalten. Bei Abus sind es leider immer nur 2 Schlssel ein kleiner und ein groer mit LED Beleuchtung. Wenn das Schloss jetzt aber nicht nur von mir sondern auch meiner Frau verwendet werden soll bentige ich bereits 2 kleine Schlssel fr den Schlsselbund und einen 3 als Reserve. Bei Kryptonite kein Problem, bei Abus dagegen ohne Schlsselnachbestellung fr 20 Euro inkl. Versand unmglich. Ich habe mich aufgrund des extremen Gewichts fr das kleine Kryptonite Evolution 1090 entschieden und das gesparte Geld in eine Diebstahlversicherung investiert =)

  26. Elizabeth Henges says:

     Mexico 🇲🇽

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersEs muy pesada, y eso personalmente me gust. Intimida fcilmente y me da seguridad el dejar mi bicicleta con esto mientras estoy en el gym.
    El problema es al mismo tiempo su peso, al ser pesada y grande opt por transportarla agarrada a mi cintura, lo cual en distancias largas pueda desgastar.
    Si sabes de una buena forma para moverte con esta cadena vale completamente la pena el comprarla.

  27. CaraBraden says:

     United Kingdom

    No-one will try to steal your bike with this lock on it .. pure essential to have if you own a nice bike, or live/work/ride in city/urban areas where opportunists are waiting!

    Totally worth the money – excellent lock.

  28. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    >Preis ist mMn etwas zu hoch, aber ist eher Marktblich.
    -zu Schwer (hat man ja vorher gewusst, aber wenn man sein Fahrrad behalten mchte, ist das auch erforderlich)
    -Mechanismus rstet schnell ein.
    Sternabzug war wegem Ros

  29. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis chain and the small lock that accompanies it is stupidly strong… But also VERY HEAVY. And quite expensive. However, from my online research, the only way to get through this chain is with power tools, and would probably take at least 5 minutes, if not 10-15 to cut through this chain. It doesn’t get any better than that.

    This chain is very heavy and a pain to carry around (I do it when cycling to more risky areas or for longer periods). This would be way more useful if you could leave the chain at home or work or wherever, then use it to lock to that spot.

    In conclusion, if you want the strongest chain and lock possible, this is one of the best (might be the best available on Amazon Prime)

  30. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Das Schloss ist sowohl fr Fahrrder als auch fr Motorrder geeignet. Unglaublich schwer! Macht also nur Sinn, wenn man eine Transporttasche immer dabei hat. Wegen des Gewichts und der damit verbundenen eingeschrnkten Transport Mglichkeit nur 4 von 5 Sternen.

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersHabe die Beschreibung nicht richtig gelesen und war schockiert als der Paketbote das Ding die treppenhoch geschleppt hat. Echt schwerer als erwartet. Aber gut, wer lesen kann ist im Vorteil.

    Da ich es fr Touren mit denn Rennrad im Rucksack haben wollte, hab ich es bestellt. Aufgrund der Schwere dann aber doch zurck geschickt. Sah aber super sicher aus. Htte ich nicht etwas leichteres gesucht wr das Schloss sicher geblieben.

  32. Anonymous says:


    Es una cadena muy pesada, pero vale por la seguridad.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIch war glaube ich selten von etwas so begeistert, wie von dieser Kette. Die macht einen dermaen stabilen Eindruck, das ich glaube schon der bloe Anblick lsst Diebesherzen vor Angst erschttern.
    Jetzt steht mein E-Bike an einen Holztrger gekettet und ich wei, dass mein Schmuckstck sicher ist.
    Mit 5kg ist die Kette allerdings sehr schwer und unglaublich wuchtig, ich mchte sie im nicht dabei haben. Um ein Bike allerdings zu Hause des Nchtens in Sicherheit zu wissen, ist das Teil unschlagbar.
    Mir ist klar, dass nichts einer Flex standhlt aber ich hoffe, dass in einem Wohngebiet eine Flex doch sehr auffallen wrde. Ichhabe auf jeden Fall meine Ruhe und wei mein Bike in Sicherheit..

  34. StefanClisby says:

     United Kingdom

    One of the best on the market, just bought i

  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I use it to lock our 3 bikes together and it does the job very well

  36. MackenzBrigham says:


    Solo un error marca q es de 1.52 y es de 1 metro

  37. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersEs ist ein massives und gut verarbeitetes Schloss. Zu beachten ist das hohe Gewicht, weswegen ich es die Woche ber auf der Arbeit lasse wo ich dieses bentige und sonst in einer Gepcktrger Tasche transportiere.

    Das Schloss bekommt 4 Sterne wegen dem Gewicht ( etwa 3 mal 1,5 Liter Flaschen) , welches ja auch in der Produktbeschreibung steht. Ich kann den Interessenten nur empfehlen, mal beim Fahrrad fahren ein hnliches Gewicht und eventuell auch zustzliches Gepck mitzunehmen um die Situation besser einschtzen zu knnen.

    Ich komme mit dem Gewicht zurecht und denke mein Fahrrad ist mit dem Schloss gut abgesichert. Dadurch das dieses Schloss, wie jedes Schloss, Profi Diebe nicht standhlt denke ich das eine Versicherung notwendig ist, die hoffentlich auch durch Hilfe dieses Schlosses nicht verwendet werden muss.

    berlege mir wegen dem Gewicht ein 2. Schloss zu kaufen, weil dieses Schloss sich jetzt schon schwer ffnen lsst berlege ich mir ein anderes zu holen und vertage die Endscheidung noch

  38. HungTrethowan says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEst muy bien pero pesa mucho. Entre seguridad y peso hay que hacer un balance positivo. Es a veces un poco difcil de transportar pero tu bici lo vale.
    Si tu bici vale menos que la cadena no es para ti. Si tienes algo que cuidar y tienes que dejarla en un parking agradeces el peso extra y el seguro incluido.
    Recuerda aceitar la cerradura y el lugar donde se une el candado es la gran diferencia.

  39. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersIt’s not immune to professional thieves. However, I have to warn you people. If you intend to leave your e-moped or bike in a place like downtown of a large megalopolis overnight, – you will have it stolen, even if you get a chain twice as thick as this one. Leave it in a remote location, or a desolate place like a downtown library rack at night, and there will be plenty of time for a professional thief to go through it with a grinder and carbide cutting wheel. It is, however impervious to portable bolt cutters, and would be difficult and time consuming to cut with a hacksaw. It would also take a ridiculous amount of Liquid Nitrogen to freeze those links, while the lock itself could only be frozen enough to shatter after 30-60 minute of immersion into Liquid Nitrogen which means they will probably use Liquid Nitrogen spray on the lock’s barrels. Don’t know how well this lock would resist that, but from the fact that it has plenty of barrels , it seems that would at least take a bit of work to freeze consistently.

    I didn’t want to give it 4 stars because of the weight, it wouldn’t be honest of me since I knew exactly how much it weighed before ordering. Weight is the only reason I went with a 39-inch rather than 60- inch one, even though latter version would have made my e-moped more secure. So beware, – this chain will eat 5-6 kilometres out of your e-bike distance. If you intend to get this product for an e-bike, – then also invest in a lithium ion battery that has more amperage/mileage.
    The only clear unexpected con for me so far was the keys. I expected the key holes to be metal-reinforced, not plastic throughout, and I thought these holes would be a bit wider. They don’t fit properly on larger key rings, sticking at an angle, and take up all the space on smaller ones, not to mention it would be easy for plastic to break in cold weather. You need an individual tiny ring for a key like this, and then put it around larger key ring to not have it stick out through your pocket. Another feature I didn’t like was how loose the shaft feels around the key. I have a huge and heavy but rather cheap $35 motorcycle U-lock, as thick as the lock on this chain, but it’s cylinder and barrels feel really tight, and in the last 10 years it has never had any issues with key sticking or failing to turn. I am not so convinced this will be the case with this product. If I experience issues in the future, I will come back and change my review.

    My other advice is this: Don’t use this as your only lock. Use it in a combo with a serious motorcycle U-lock like one in my photo (this is the way I attach both when on the road). Also – get a motion-sensor, battery powered remote camera synced to your phone or/and SMS tracker with shock alarm/vibration sensor so you would instantly get notified on your phone if someone is touching your bike. If you only use locks – then only lock your bike during short store visits, never overnight, even if you live close by. If you use only locks – take your e-bike/scooter with you to your place of residence overnight. Help make bike theft as rare as possible.

    Has the power to deter most opportunistic-type thefts

  40. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 77 From Our UsersIch suchte ein sehr gutes Fahrrad schloss. Aber das hier war wohl zu viel des guten.

    Schon als es angekommen ist hab ich gedacht Amazon htte hier Metallwolle aus Blei als Verpackungsmaterial verwendet. 5kg sind schwerer als man denkt. Stell dir einfach mal vor du hast ein Fahrradschloss in der Hand, dass etwas schwerer als 3 1,5l Flaschen ist, die mit Wasser gefllt sind.
    Wenn dir das zu viel ist, dann bestelle dieses schloss lieber nicht. Und um die Masse noch ein bisschen zu verbildlichen, hab ich noch zwei Bilder beigefgt.

    Im erst: dieses Schloss ist was Erwachsenes! Sowas nutzt man, wenn man jemanden sehr rgern will, der gern dein Eigentum haben mchte.

    Eine menge Metall

  41. Candyce Nicole says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic bike lock I feel relieved that my bike won’t be stolen the chain is huge and heavy fantastic quality well worth the money the thieves will think twice about this chain and lock and move on recommend this lock and chain to anyone

  42. the naptown organizer says:


    Golden Review Award: 30 From Our UsersDas Schloss ist absolut beeindruckend. Es signalisiert meterweit “Vergiss es!”. Tadellose Funktionalitt. Ich bin begeistert.
    Die Kette ist grotesk gro und schwer. Man kann mit ihr einen mittelgroen Panzerkreuzer anketten. Sie ist RIESIG. Ernsthaft: ich habe es vorher gelesen, aber doch die falsche Vorstellung gehabt. Diese Kette ist fr ein Motorrad zu massiv, geschweige denn fr ein Fahrrad. Mit dem Kabelschloss kombiniert, ist das Schloss eine super Lsung. Das Schloss ist top, die Kette nur etwas fr Kapitne.

  43. Tim Stevens says:


    Great product, Really good quality, this is a tank, No one will mess with my bike.

  44. ChristalTKHC says:


    Golden Review Award: 42 From Our UsersDas Wichtigste vorweg: Wer glaubt dieses Kettenschloss knne man mal so nebenbei mit sich fhren ohne es zu merken, der irrt!

    Sie erhalten hier knappe 4.5kg massiven Stahl, die irgendwie transportiert werden muss. Ich sichere mein eBike damit und habe mich daher bewusst fr ein sehr massives und schweres Modell entschieden – ich bekomme ja Untersttzung beim Transport. Wenn Sie vorhaben sollten damit ein Rad von unter 10kg sichern zu wollen – kein Problem, aber aus ergonomischen Grnden eignet sich dieses Kettenschloss dann wohl nur bei einem stationren Einsatz (z.B. im Keller oder am Arbeitsplatz).

    Dieses Monster transportiere ich, indem ich das kleine Bgelschloss in der Hosentasche/Rucksack platziere und die Kette wie einen Rucksack ber die Schulter werfe (also unter dem Arm durch und ber der Schulter auf der anderen Seite… Sie wissen schon :)) Nur fr diesen Transportstil habe ich zwei Karabiner an den Kettenenden angebracht, was das “An- und Ausziehen” erheblich erleichtert.

    Ich bin sehr zuversichtlich, dass jeder Gelegenheitsdieb schon beim Anblick dieses Monstrums beschliesst, lieber ein anderes Fahrrad zu stehlen. Und selbst ein Profi wird sich berlegen, ob er die Zeit und den Lrm riskiert, um zwei mal 14mm bzw zwei mal 15mm (Bgelschloss) gehrteten Stahl durchzuflexen. Da gibt es in der Nhe sicherlich leichtere Beute!

    Fr extrem unwahrscheinlich halte ich, dass dieses Kettenschloss in einem realen Szenario mit einem Bolzenschneider bezwungen werden kann. Ein entsprechendes Video auf Youtube existiert – hier wird die Kette aber unter Laborbedingungen in eine Halterung eingespannt und der Bolzenschneider per Kettenzug gespannt – also nicht gerade das, was Ihnen “auf der Strae” blhen wird. hnliches gilt fr das Durchtrennen mit einem Trennschleifer – das ist natrlich mglich, unter Laborbedingungen (Kettenglieder eingespannt) in unter einer Minute pro Schnitt (zwei werden bentigt)! Aber in “freier Wildbahn” sind die Bedingungen natrlich nicht ganz so optimal, und der Dieb wird sich vermutlich ein leichteres Opfer suchen.

    Aber bitte vergessen Sie nicht – kein Schloss bietet absoluten Diebstahlschutz. Wenn ein Dieb, speziell ein Profi, Ihr Rad haben mchte – wird er es bekommen! Ich empfehle daher dringend, bei hochwertigen Fahrrdern fr Versicherungsschutz zu sorgen, z.B. ber eine Anpassung der Hausratversicherung – meiner Erfahrung nach ist das erheblich gnstiger als spezielle Fahrrad- oder eBike-Versicherungen.

  45. Anonymous says:


    Das Schloss und die Kette sind in einer Dimension, die vor allen Bolzenschneidern die mobil zum Einsatz kommen knnen sicher macht. Das Schloss ist sehr leichtgngig und liegt tief im Schlsselloch was Aufbruchsversuche fr diebe erschwert.
    Die Kettenglieder sind so dick, dass sie kaum durch die Fahrradspeichen passen, was einen guten Eindruck von der Wuchtigkeit des Schlosses vermittelt, die Textilhlle schtzt dabei gut vor Kratzern. verwende das Schloss selbst seit 2 Jahren mobil, und habe bisher keinerlei Probleme damit gehabt. mgliche Kritikpunkte fr Kufer knnten (wie in der Produktbeschreibung angegeben) jedoch das hohe Gewicht und die damit einherkommende schwiereige Handhabung und geruschvolle Anbringung sein. ebenso klimpert das schloss oft leicht whrend des Fahrens und errinnert so an seine Anwesenheit. Nach 2 Jahren hat die Textilhlle einige Buchstaben eingebt und die Kette hat ihren Glanz an den freiliegenden Stellen verloren. Das schloss luft dank entsprechender Pflege jedoch nach wie vor sehr leicht und zuverlssig. Auerdem noch ein Lob an den Kundensupport, er ist bei diesem Hersteler wirklich ausgezeichnet.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 68 From Our UsersFirst off my RadRover is still safe after 6 months of using this lock and chain. Which gives this setup a huge plus right of that bat. My bike is how do you put this…… not very low key. A huge fat tire e-bike seems to draw some attention. I use it to commute to work, all my daily errands. and where i live it frankly, must be locked up. This chain and lock work with the size of my bike, while also being able to lock into unique places your stranded U-lock wouldn’t work. I often find myself locking to columns, railings, and sometimes even trees. One negative is the weight, which really isn’t and issue with a e-bike. But as for carrying it in your backpack, I definitely feel it and wouldn’t recommend it. Its just to uncomfortable. Either chain to your bike, or leave it where ever you plan on locking it up. Its not going anywhere. Also you may ding up your bike a little if your not careful. Most of the chain is covered by a protected fabric, but the ends where you link the u lock are bare metal.

    Over all i really like this setup. and i would definitely recommend!

    I take one star off because of the theft protection guarantee they offer with lock. I would of like to have signed up but they gave me an old key with a invalid key prefix. No option on website, thus i couldn’t continue with the registration. They even have a option for if this happens. But after 3 emails and no response with that link, the “only 30 day after purchase” kicked it and now i’m out of luck. Really doesn’t take anything away from the lock and if i could leave a 4.5 review. I just thought it should be known this is a issue.

    Heavy but works in interesting places where a U-Lock wouldn'

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Although a little heavy this lock and chain are very secure so ideal for home use

  48. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersPreso per la moto , consegna perfetta come sempre, il lucchetto e’ massiccio , ho visto che posso usarlo anche senza la catena , entra nel freno a disco, fatto subito la registrazione al sito Kryptonite nel caso smarrisca le chiavi e nel caso che mi rubino la moto, avevo letto della chiusura che in alcuni casi era dura , ma per il momento e tutta fluida senza nessun ticchettio all’interno come alcuni avevano recensito. l’unico neo e’ che con la catema il peso si inizia a sentire se la si trasporta dentro uno zainetto, per fortuna io la metto nelle valigie. Il lucchetto arriva con 3 chiavi di cui una con la luce .


  49. Elisa Roland says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersLa cadena es sper tosca, ya que tiene eslabones muy gruesos, la imagen no le hace justicia al grosor que tiene el producto real.
    Las claras ventajas que tiene es que como es tan gruesa, nadie podra cortarla con una cizalla, la nica forma para poder cortar esta cadena es con un disco de corte o un esmeril. El candado es pequeo pero muy fuerte, su ventaja es que tiene doble cierre, es decir, si cortan un lado, el otro seguir firme en su lugar, tendran que cortar ambos para poder quitarlo, y de todas formas tampoco puede ser cortado con cizalla.
    La nica y gran desventaja a mi parecer, es que es muy pesada, as que considera que siempre debers llevarla en tu mochila, porque enredarla al cuadro de tu bicicleta como cualquier cable “chafa”, slo har que tus movimientos se entorpezcan mucho, primero por su peso y segundo por su grosor.
    Igual, es una excelente opcin para proteger tu amada bici.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought the 100 cm / 5 kg variant, but if you wanna catch by an wall anchor which is under your bike it could be a little bit too short.
    The lock has a nice arhitecture, the chain too.
    Yes, they are heavy, but it gives you max protection.

    You’ll get 3 keys, 1 of them with a strong blue light.

    BTW: It’s recommended to register on their site for warranty and to register the keys in the case you lose them.

    RE: CONS : The material on the chain could be waterproof 🙂

  51. Anonymous says:


    La cadena es muy robusta y de una manufactura excelente. Me da muchsima confianza utilizarla. Es pesada, aunque fcil de transportar.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I keep my bike outdoors (though in a shed) and the lock has been good enough to deter thieves for over 3 years now.
    I think it’s the look of the lock, it really is large and heavy – one can see from far away.

  53. RickWarrick says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDas Kryptonite Kettenschlo fllt wirklich sehr massiv aus.
    Die Kettenglieder sind sehr stark und das Schlo lsst sich sicherlich kaum knacken, da jedliche Angriffspunkte fr Werkzeug fehlen.
    Einzig die Kettenlnge von 1m lsst etwas zu wnschen brig, mir wren 1,5m lieber gewesen.
    Summa summarum jedenfalls ein gutes Produkt.

  54. ODBEsperan says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersVery sturdy chain. I lock my motorcycle to a Kryptonite Stronghold Ground Anchor and it has been safe in my apartment parking lot for the past few months. The chain is just long enough to loop it through parts on my bike. The cloth cover is nice, but a little scratchy, so be careful when pulling the chain through any expensive painted bodywork. Have personally heard a police officer say “no one is cutting through that chain” when looking at it.

    The U-lock is well built, and I appreciate the sliding plastic cover that keeps dirt out of the lock mechanism. I have had to add a little oil and graphite powder to the bottom of the U-piece due to some rust and dirt buildup, but nothing major. The included keys are nice, and one of them has a little blue flashlight built in to it.

    Note, this is a very heavy chain, so probably not something you’ll want to lug around in a backpack.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 28 From Our UsersThe pictures just can’t prepare you for quite how big and heavy this chain is. 15 pounds is a lot more than it sounds like, especially if you’re carrying around a lot of other weight on the bike.
    The links are huge, and I really have to finagle them through the spokes on my front tire. If I had to choose again, I think I might have gotten the next size down of chain.

    The chain does, however, give me piece of mind when I need to lock up my bike out of sight like at the grocery store or farmer’s market.
    I live in a high theft area, and while I know that this chain & lock won’t be 100% successful against a determined thief. The goal isn’t to make my bike “unstealable” but to make it harder to steal than the bike parked next to it.

  56. Kevin Coughlin says:

     United Kingdom

    Very heavy and strong but “someone” managed to break it and take my bicycle

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI wish I didn’t need it. Even with the little yellow lock weather guard you need to spray wd40 in the lock otherwise it locks up, pun intended, so no stainless steel interior for something that regularly will come in contact with rain and splashes. Its an awkward pain to lug around. If you have stationary lock this works well, transporting it around is not fun.

  58. TracieIbsch says:

     United Kingdom

    Super solid. Can’t imagine anything short of a decent angle grinder getting through this. Chain is a bit short though for anything other than a ground anchor.

  59. Anonymous says:


    So damn rugged, the robbers got fed up and beat-up my bike in frustration…

  60. Anonymous says:


    I’m sure that it would provide security but after a few days of dragging it around I just found it too heavy to carry it around in my panniers

  61. ChandaYNHpsbbih says:


    Ich habe das Schloss bestellt da uns aus dem Keller zwei Fahrrder gestohlen wurden die leider nicht abgeschlossen waren. Nach langer suche fr ein Schloss das nur fr den Keller gedacht ich war habe ich mich fr das Kryptonite entschieden,
    Die Lieferung erfolgte wie immer sehr schnell. Schon vor dem Auspacken war klar hier hat man es mit einem echten Schwergewicht zu tun, 5 kg pures Metall.
    Aufrund des hohen Gewichtes ist das Schloss auch nicht so gut zu Transportieren.
    Die Verarbeitung macht einen sehr guten Eindruck, das Schloss habe ich aufgrund einiger Rezessionen vorsorglich mit WD40 geschmiert.
    In Verbindung mit einem ABUS Wandanker hoffe ich den Langfingern das Leben schwer genug zu machen.
    Ob es ausreichend ist wei man allerdings erst wenn man wieder ungebetenen Besuch bekommen hat.
    Sehr solides Schloss, allerdings nur fr den Stationren gebrauch.
    Uneingeschrnkte Kaufempfehlung

  62. Anonymous says:


    Excelente la cadena impacta sin lugar a dudas, solamente se debe tener en cuenta que pesa al rededor de 4.5 kg

  63. Real Run Reviewers says:

     United Kingdom

    Solid chain ! Compared to the M-18 U-Lock I bought from the same brand, I can feel how much heavier this one is and feels. So this is both a good and a bad thing. In terms of security, I have to admit that this is the most secure you can feel when locking your bike. This chain makes bold-cutters completely useless and makes it clear that if you want to break it you’ll have to bring some serious tools and have a bit of time ahead of you, which is clearly the message you want to send to potential thieves.

    On the other hand, it’s indeed very heavy (around 5kg), and if it doesn’t fit on your bike, it will add up a fair amount of weight to your backpack. If you don’t have a backpack, I am not even sure you could carry it. I personally carry a few times a week with my laptop and other things, it’s doable but definitely not the best.

    In terms of length, I would say it is the very close to the minimum required to lock your bike without any issue. As in, it is long enough to roll it around a regular/thin pole + your bike, but you definitely won’t have much more extra length to suit too complex positions.

    So, overall, it’s a very solid product which makes you feel safe, but you should definitely consider it to be a non-mobile option, as its weight makes it more adapted to staying at a single place.

  64. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very thick chain.Heavy! But that’s good.Stiff lock.
    You can tell it’s strong.

  65. Caroline Roberts says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This is sure solid enough – 9/16″ hardened steel chain and 3/8″ u-bolt lock. I’m using it to secure a trailer (wrapped around the axle and through the wheel) along with a ball lock for the hitch and nobody has attempted to steal it yet that I can tell. Ultimately, a determined thief can steal anything, but this should serve as a pretty good deterrent for anyone who doesn’t have a torch or a 15,000 lb hydraulic cutter.

  66. HildegardIbarra says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent chain and lock but if you buy make sure you oil the lock other wise it will be a pai

  67. Brean Horne says:

     United States

    This lock and chain are very heavy duty. I have gotten a few comments about this lock already. I was searching for some specific details such as the hex shape links instead of the normal round links due to their ability to resist lock/bolt cutters because their hex shape provides less area for the cutter edge to grab and keep straight before the cut. The New York Fahgettaboudit U-Loc is the standard lock to obtain for a worry free experience. I like how this chain is long enough for me to keep around my waist because this chain and lock set is heavy, about 9-10 lbs per the feature section. I have never personally weighed the lock and chain itself but I can say they do weight around that if not, a little bit more. This set was about $100 when I purchased it and was well worth the investment because I do not have to worry about my bicycle being stolen, whether it be my $500 track bicycle or my wife’s $700 mixte. I also do not have to worry about any other future bicycle purchases that I may or may not be investing into in the future.

  68. Anonymous says:


    I am impressed by the quality, would highly recommend this product.

  69. TaraMuncytojzah says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWow – this is quite some lock! Its a pretty intimidating beast, and quite heavy too (as one would expect)… but then again, I wanted something that would dissuade any potential thief, and this would very likely do just that. I’m not sure I’d want to cycle any significant distance with it around my shoulder, mind you, but its certainly do-able (I’m 6′, and when I carry it around a shoulder and under the other arm, the lock rests just above my waist). Expensive… but a lot cheaper than replacing a bike and/or forking out on the house insurance.

  70. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersDas ist die beste Kette die ich jemals gesehen habe. (und wahrscheinlich noch sehen werde)
    Ihr Anblick alleine hat etwas von martialisch bis erregend. Ich wrde sie am liebsten neben mich ins Bett legen um beim Einschlafen ein sicheres und ruhiges Gefhl zu haben. Leider muss sie in Keller und Garage meine Lieblingsrder beschtzen und tut dabei einen exzellenten Job!

    Fr das Gewicht gebe ich bewusst keinen Abzug, weil es eben eine massive Kette ist. Sie wiegt ca. 5 (fnf) Kilogramm, also sicher nix fr den Transport am retro Rennrad. Ich lasse Sie eigentlich stationr hngen und hnge dann nur die Rder dran. Bei einer Kette in Kombination mit einem Wandanker gehen sich locker zwei Rder mit einer Kette aus, wenn man den Anker gut platziert (Hier kann ich den Anker von AXA sehr empfehlen – der ist durchdacht und preisgnstig)

    Ich finde die Kette fr den Transport am Fahrrad ungeeignet. Wer etwas fr Unterwegs sucht wird mit den Bogenschlssern (Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit, Faghettaboudit mini, New York Lock, etc.) sicher zufriedener sein.

    Ich berleg mir wirklich ob ich mir noch eine zum Kuschenln zulege so sehr verliebt bin ich in das Teil…

  71. JohnDean says:


    Golden Review Award: 113 From Our UsersDas Schloss ist wirklich massiv! Ich denke hiermit knnte man auch einen LKW Anketten! Dessen sollte man sich bewusst sein.

    Ich habe es mir aufgrund diverser Tests auf Youtube gekauft. Hier haben Leute versucht es mit einem Bolzenschneider, einer Sge usw zu knacken. Ohne Erfolg. Natrlich wird kein Schloss der Welt einer Flex standhalten, auch dieses garantiert nicht. Aber das ist mir bewusst und ich lagere” mein Rad entsprechend in der ffentlichkeit so dass solche Aktionen definitiv auffallen wrden!
    + 3 Schlssel mit dabei
    + Kette ist zustzlich ummantelt (eine Art Stoff-Schlauch)
    + Ein Schlssel ist mit LED Licht ausgestattet (finde ich persnlich berflssig, aber ok, war halt dabei)
    + einfach zu handhaben und viel Spielraum um das Rad auch an einer Laterne zu befestigen

    – Die Versicherung ist fr den Ar***! Verlasst euch nicht auf solche Versprechen, sondern sucht euch eine real existierende Hausratversicherung wenn ihr euer Bike sicher wissen wollt!

    * Es handelt sich bei dem Schloss um ein so genanntes Disc Detainer Lock”. Menschen die sich ber einen Abgebrochenen oder nicht mehr funktionierenden Schlssel beschweren sind meiner Meinung nach selbst schuld! Hier gilt es den Sicherheitshinweis am Schlssel wirklich zu beachten! Derartige Schlsser haben die Eigenart das sich die Discs” beim Transport verschieben und man diese nun beim einfhren des Schlssels wieder in die Grundstellung bringen muss. Dies ist ganz einfach: dreht den Schlssel einfach mehrfach um 45 hin und her bis er ganz einfach und ohne Gewalt ein zu fhren geht. Es ist wirklich ganz simpel! 🙂

    Anbei noch ein Foto zum Grenvergleich

    Sicherheit vs. Gewich

  72. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIch habe das Schloss mitte April 2016 gekauft und es erfllt bisher alle meine Erwartungen.
    Alles funktioniert einwandfrei, auch das massive Schloss und der Schlssel.
    Ich habe das Schloss auch gleich bei der Firma Kryptonite per Post wie im Prospekt beschrieben registriert, um die zweijhrige Garantie mit 2000 Euro Absicherung zu erhalten. Bis heute habe ich noch keine Besttigung darber von der Firma erhalten.
    Hat schon jemand Erfahrungen mit dieser Versicherung?
    Wie luft das im Schadensfall eigentlich ab?

  73. MargariNkn says:

     United Kingdom

    Pretty good overall, locks up mike bike well but seems a little short sometimes, unfortunately this chain has two down sides, because more chain links then necessary are exposed it has e tendency to chip the paint on your wheels, and secondly i keep this under a cover and the lock still rusts and jams sometimes making it hard to open.

  74. Thomas Wilde says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersSturdy lock and if it’s too cold to go to the gym you can use this instead.

  75. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPros:Calidad Indiscutible, Tamao-del-eslabn impresiona, Seguridad(10/10), Abarca ms espacio que candado-U.
    Contras:Pesada, compleja de maniobrar y transportar, pero vale la pena.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBought this to secure my bikes to my campervan bike rack overnight when we are traveling. It weighs a tonne. Can’t imagine any thief could be bothered with trying to break into it, it’s insanely chunky and robust. I feel very secure when using this, it would be easier to steal my van than the bikes. However, the down side is that because of the weight we can’t leave this lock on whilst driving as it would hang down and bash the rack. Ideal if you want to secure your stuff. Not good if you want a lock that you intend to carry about with you. My priority is making sure my bikes don’t get nicked and I really believe this lock is about as secure as you can get so it suits me perfectly.

  77. GregoryAbigail says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    This lock is amazingly solid but you should not get it to put on bicycles. It’s too dang heavy. Someone could easily kill someone with it, as another reviewer has already mentioned. It feels like it is heavier than 10 lbs because it’s compact. This would be perfect for a scooter. If you get it for your bicycle, stow it in your vehicle back and forth. I am certain it would take an act of congress to break but it’s not practical to ride a bike with it on.

  78. Tom Caswell says:

     United Kingdom

    do not buy this thinking you will carry it around. it’s great, if you are going to leave it at work or outside.

    its not a question of “can you steal my bike” but “will you steal my bike compared to this other bike with a crappy lock?”

  79. SvenWhitaker says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersReally HEAVY duty. Great for the shed at home but not suitable for taking on a ride & securing your bike. Its weight does make it difficult to wrap around he frame.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Beefy chain, smooth locking mechanism. Better for leaving at home/work than anything portable due to its weight.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this to lock up my dual sport bike at home. I received the 14 mm chain and 15 mm lock and use the chain in combination with a ABU’s disc lock and motorcycle cover. The chain is intimidating to look at, which is the whole point, as the idiot contemplating stealing it would probably move over to something easier. I got the 5 feet version, so I can wrap the chain around a street light, small tree, etc. and still be able lock the rear wheel. Only gripe is that the chain is extremely heavy and best left at home or other fixed parking place.

    The lock itself can double as a stand-alone disc lock. Very solid and colored yellow to act as a visual deterrent.

  82. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBon achat pour quelqu’un qui a besoin de scuriser son vlo. Cette chane est pratiquement indestructible et je ne vois pas comment quelqu’un pourrait la couper moins d’avoir de puissants outils lectriques. Cette chane est par contre trs lourde et elle n’est pas faite pour tre transporte.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very sturdy lock that so far has done its job. Has a real high quality feel to it. As you would expect for something that carries the “Sold Secure Gold” rating.
    The nylon cover around the chain gives a little more protection to the paintwork/lacquer of whatever you are chaining up.

  84. KathaleenSander says:


    I’ve three similar locks from Kryptonite. All securing our $8,000 worth of bikes inside the garage. I would not buy or trust any other lock.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    You loose about 8″ in length on these chains due to the THICKNESS and wrap. I bought the 39″ for my bicycle and 60″ for my motorcycle. I ended up using the 60″ for my bicycle (because I needed to go through frame and BOTH tires and it was *just* long enough with few inches to spare for this). I returned the 39″… although that would have been enough to go through bicycle frame and ONE tire.
    My M/C is 1000 lbs (big Harley) so I decided I don’t really need this lock.
    If you have a moped, the 39″ is probably long enough for front tire to rack.
    These are HEAVY. I can only really use this on my bicycle because I have old panniers I leave on the bike and dump the chain in one of them.
    I would want a 72″ chain for my motorcycle. If owned a bike that weighed under 600 lbs, I would get the 60″ chain to lock it up.

    All that said this is *the* way to lock your bike up and ensure it does not get stolen. However, I had to deduct one star for the weight. If they could somehow make it lighter and still as strong/secure, it would be 5 stars. I think the weight means you have to have panniers or something to carry this in.

  86. LavernUOOexbh says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat heavy duty lock for securing the bikes at home and when travelling by car. Would also be good for a motorbike.

  87. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 16 From Our UsersI cycle with it chained around my waist.* V. secure, good length.
    I did a lot of research before buying and this is as good as it gets. If it’s off the ground, you can’t get through it.

    Only issue I’ve had is the lock key mechanism won’t work unless I push the yellow lock onto the U bar fully, then the key will turn and lock/unlock the bike.

    Great investment.

    *Quick edit, please don’t forget that if you are hit or fall with any moderate sized chain wrapped around your hip, it can cause serious, maybe even permanent damage to you joints, ability to walk or even ride. I now wear mine across my chest, also makes me look pretty cool.

  88. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a strong feeling that my bike will never be stolen, if only because no thief will be able to lift it with this attached.

  89. HershelWeldon says:

     United Kingdom

    After getting my bike nicked I wish I had gone a bought one of these as I would still have my bike 4K today. Online video shows a thief using a grinder which took 15 minute to compromise. Heavy to carry about better to leave and secure at a known point. Always use two different locks.

  90. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI researched bike locks for weeks before deciding on this one as my #1 lock. When I unpacked this chain I was impressed. It’s solid, heavy and intimidating. I knew I would have to probably have this in my back pack while riding to work and I accepted it. As a bonus I can wrap it around my waist instead, whether I am working or riding anywhere else. I have a size 34 waist and it’s a perfect fit, like a belt.

    If you want a more convenient lock that has a holder on your frame, then you sacrifice security for convenience. I use this Kryptonite chain as my primary protection for my bike and a u-lock as a secondary.

    Yes, any lock can be busted, whatever. Good luck to any low life thief that attempts to break this chain in enough time. You would need to set up a metal shop to cut through it fast enough or a few thieves to stiffen the chain so a third thief can use a power tool to even attempt to cut through it. I don’t see too many other options that would work against this chain.

  91. [email protected] Sean McKenna says:

     United States

    It’s one BAD-A$$ beast of a chain, and the weight proves it. At near 10.5 pounds w/lock, just figuring out a way to carry it is a major issue. As a geezer, I returned these 14mm links, and got the 12mm links instead. (Be careful with Amazon, I thought I was getting 12mm links to start with.) Lock is almost the same, but with the 12mm links it ‘only’ weighs about 8.3 pounds. I bought a Topeak rack & trunk just to put this monster in it. While it does fit around my waist, it’s not comfortable, and throws off your balance.

    If you don’t mind scratched paint, (my bike is still new), I’d wrap it around the seat post somewhere. Yeah, it’s got the sleeve, but it’s abrasive, and constant rubbing on the frame and related parts, is going to wear through that sleeve, and of course, your paint.

    Still much better than any cable. Cables can be quietly snipped a few strands at a time till it gives. Nobody is going to snip this monster! Power grinder and ten minutes would be very noisy, but the fastest way through this chain or lock. Good stuff!…

  92. CoreyADXod says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersI was looking for a lock to secure my new Cannondale to the bicycle shed at work. As this shed is open to anyone and is in a very quiet area anyone with criminal intent would be undisturbed for a long time, therefore a gold secure lock was a prerequisite.
    The photos of the lock do not do it justice – this thing is MASSIVE, the weakest link in the chain being the bike shed itself!! If anyone wants to steal my bike without damaging the bike they’ll consider dismantling the bike shed before tackling the lock.
    As with anything so overbuilt, there is a price to pay and that is the weight of the thing – i keep mine in my desk at work so it isn’t an issue but i wouldn’t want to carry it any further. In a rucksac, it would back your back or maybe test how well made your rucksac is…
    To protect my bike i use a piece of polystyrene foam tubing (used to protect frames during transportation) where the chain wraps around the frame and this has saved the bike from any damage from it’s protector.

  93. JulissaClune says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 29 From Our UsersOh my gosh I laughed out loud when I opened the box I had no idea just how big this chain was going to be. There’s a famous picture of Isambard Kingdom Brunel standing next to the SS Great Eastern surrounded by its anchor chains, and I’ll bet in a tug of war the massive liner chains would break first. Could be used to tow planets.

    Awesome training tool, take this on your Sunday morning cake shop runs and by the end of the season you’ll have thighs like tree trunks. Really big tree trunks at that.

    No thief would even bother to try.

    Update after four months: Like another review my mini d-lock started to jam after a while. Mine lives permanently fixed outdoors to my drainpipe so it has been in the weather 24/7 for all this time. A good squirt of 3-in-1 oil seems to have done the trick.

  94. Jaqueline93R says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThis bike lock will keep your bike safe! They even put a guantee on it; so if someone comes along and breaks it open, Kryptonite will replace your bike for you!

    My only problem with the lock is the weight; I knew it would be heavy (I even went into Evans to have a look at it before buying for the much better price here on Amazon) but it is almost too heavy; I have to leave it at work as it is uncomfortable to carry in my bag and I don’t want to scratch my bike by looping it round part of there. However, this is my opinion, and as I have experienced back troubles in the past few years it may not be something you experience.

    My only other problem, is that as I left it at work, in both sun and rain, the internal mechanism has got a bit rusty, and sometimes it takes a good whack to open the lock; which I am scared one day will get me in trouble as someone might think I am stealing the bike!! This is despite the weather cover, so therefore I am going to give it 4 stars.

    Overall very happy with the lock! Well worth the money!

  95. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 206 From Our UsersEleven pounds of pure steel. I gotta say, when I pick this bad boy up, I feel pretty manly despite having just moisturized my hands with Bath and BodyWorks Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion.
    When the zombie apocalypse comes (and it will), this will be my weapon of choice. I envision myself, biking from town to town, looking for human survivors and wielding this to decapitate the undead as I speed by.
    Or, maybe on the way home one night, I come across a couple of street urchins brandishing a blade. I stop, swing my leg off my bike with a cowboy swagger, confidently dangle this tank of a chain and do my best Steven Seagal impersonation by swiftly and gracefully dispatching justice without all the face bloat and over-gelled ponytail-ness of the aging star.
    Is this good for locking up a bike? Absolutely. It’s not undefeatable. Any thief with an angle grinder and spare time will beat it. The goal is to make it as hard and intimidating as possible. This is intimidating. This is hard. The reports on youtube and other sites show this as taking as much as two and a half minutes to saw through with a grinder. Yep. Even the best ULocks don’t last long– maybe a minute, minute thirty. By comparison, this thing, while heavy and cumbersome, will hold up pretty well, even against the BEST thief tools.
    Your bike is always there for the taking by a thief who’s well equipped. Just make it harder to get yours than the next guy’s. I know, that sounds terrible, but it’s reality. Your only other option is a GPS tool. However, some of them are too noticeable and savvy thieves will just destroy them. Waste of money. Besides, if you know your bike’s been stolen and is being held at some guy’s house in an area known for murdering suburban guys who wear lycra bike shorts, what are you going to do? Go get it? Call the cops? Neither will happen. Either you’ll be capped by a gangbanger or you’ll fill out police reports that go nowhere. I’ve been there, I know. (The police thing, not the “being capped by a gangbanger.” This is not a posthumous review.)
    Just get the best locks you can (preferrably more than one if you care about the bike), and make them earn your bike. And if you’re froggy and savvy yourself, hypothetically, you’ll spray a little mace on the lock everyday when you leave it and wipe it off when you come back in hopes that some thief has an itchy eye while trying to snatch your goods. NOT THAT I’M RECOMMENDING THIS.

  96. Bert Atkinson Jr. says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersi feel a lot safer with this lock on my bike, its very heavy, so its more of a home/garage lock, buy a lighter one for travelling with.

  97. JorjaManners says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersLike other people who’ve written reviews, I wasn’t expecting this thing to be SO big and heavy. Seriously, this lock is a weapon. Literally. If you swung this at someone’s head, you would take it off. If you want to take this with you, make allowances – get a lighter bike, don’t take the two bricks you were planning to take, or lose 10lbs.

    That said, if you want to secure your bike, this will do the job. Any self respecting thief would look at this thing, and move on. It makes every other bike look attractive. But if you want to be practical and take a lock with you everywhere, get a different lock.

  98. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’ve been using bikes to commute for a few years now. But I always lived in low density cities where a lil Kryptonite in my back pocket was enough. Now I live in Queens and ride to Chelsea most days, so I need a more rugged solution.

    And the NY Fuhgettaboutit is that solution. Too bad it’s too heavy to carry safely on the bike. Seriously, this lock is 10 lbs at least. I tried keeping it in my Chrome, I tried wearing it for a belt…I just feel dangerously off balance and extra exhausted on rides. No fun.

    EZ solution: keep it at work. I ride in, temporarily lockup with my little Krypto and run and get the Fuhgettaboutit from my desk and lock up both wheels with this heavy metal monster.

    So…my reco is if u need mega safety and have a place to keep the lock, go for it. But if u need a bikeable carry solution, go for something a little lighter, like an array of Krypto U-locks and a cable, maybe.

  99. Anonymous says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI bought this lock for a pedicab that I ride around so the normal weight considerations aren’t too relevant for me (whats another ~10lbs when your bike weighs 100+?). The whole lock just feels SOLID. I feel safe leaving my cab just about anywhere now. I’m much more worried about vandals than thieves.

    One thing, and perhaps this is done for security reasons, both arms of the U on the U-lock come out of the lock body (unlike other kryptonite u-locks where one side is locked and the other side is bent inside the body to keep it in place). It has taken some getting used to because (especially with the weight of the chain hanging on) sometimes you feel like you need a third hand to lock up your stuff.

    Love the lighted key idea!

  100. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 220 From Our UsersThis lock is not only effective against theft, but also assault, robbery, terrorism, bullies, you name it. Just pull it out and start swinging it, guaranteed to kill anything that’s human. You can even use it to repel bullets, although you shouldn’t try swimming with it.

    I almost broke my toes on several occasion, when it wiggled itself out of my grasp through its sheer weight and hit the floor. My carbon fiber bike is about the same weight as my friend’s steel bike with this monster, and I always fear that it will rip through the bottom of my backpack.

    That being said, it probably intimidates any bike thief before they even attempt to break it. I lived in Oakland beside a public high school (go figure what all these little buggers do in their free time. Stealing bikes, that is). At the bike storage area of my building bikes get stolen left and right, but my sweet little ride remained untouched in the eye of the storm, as though it was protected by a spell.

    Perfect if you want maximum security, not so if your back is not strong enough to carry it.