Vangoa 4/4 Solid Wood Violin Full Size Acoustic Fiddle Set for Adult Beginners Intermediate Students with Violin Case, Bow, Rosin, Shoulder Rest, Piezo Pickup, Tuner, Strings, Manual

full size violin

AAA Solid Spruce Top

The top of Vangoa acoustic violin is made of spruce wood, which is a superior material to make musical instrument because of its light weight, low internal friction and its high quality of frequency respond.

full size violin full size violin
Violin Type Acoustic Violin Electric Violin
Size Full Size Full Size
Violin Top Spruce Wood Maple Wood
Violin Fingerboard Ebony Wood Maple Wood
Pick-up Piezo Pickup Built-in Pick-up
Violin Bow Standard Stick Shape Octagonal Stick Shape

Weight: 2.06 kg
Size: 4/4
Dimensions: 80.7 x 30 x 14.4 cm; 2.06 Kilograms
Colour: Natural
Colour: Natural
Size: 4/4

37 Responses

  1. BernardCarlile says:


    Ottimo prodotto e rifinito bene , gradita sorpresa l accordatore che non mi aspettavo

  2. Anonymous says:


    Le he montado el puente y las cuerdas y funciona bie

  3. DamarisTuckson says:


    Mio figlio si sta avvicinando al mondo della musica ed ho deciso di fargli testare questo violino elettrico, anche se lui ha sempre studiato violino acustico.
    Questo prodotto appartenente al marchio Vangoa, un buon prodotto.
    Ha un corpo realizzato in legno di acero, di buona qualit ed anche dotato di vernice metallizzata di colore nero.
    E’ un grado di riprodurre ed emettere suoni nitidi, brillanti e precisi.
    La tastiera in mogano selezionato in modo da garantire una riproduzione fluida.
    I pioli, la mentoniera ed anche la testa, sono invece realizzato in acero massiccio, in modo da risultare resistenti anche per un lungo periodo di utilizzo.
    Il violino elettrico, non produrr un suono troppo forte come il violino acustico, hanno quindi due suoni differenti ma entrambi belli.
    Ritengo che sia un aspetto da non sottovalutare e ricordare, nella scelta dell’uno o delll’altro.

    Nel pacco oltre al violino elettrico, troviamo anche un paio di cuffie che possiamo usare per suonare il violino in qualsiasi momento e ovunque siamo, senza preoccuparci di disturbare gli altri ed ottenere sempre una pratica silenziosa.
    Sul violino integrato anche un jack di uscita che consente di collegare il violino ad un amplificatore, sistemi PA per lo spettacolo e far sentire a tutti il nostro talento.
    E un violino elettrico adatto per studenti, principianti ma anche adulti, per divertirsi ed imparare cosa significa suonare un violino.

    Il set di violino elettrico 4/4 viene fornito con tutto il necessario per iniziare, tra cui:
    -una pratica custodia,
    -delle corde extra,
    -due colofonia,
    -un poggiaspalla,
    -un arco per violino,
    -un manuale,
    -un paio di cuffie,
    -degli adesivi per appunti
    -una batteria da 9 V
    -un cavo.
    Le dimensioni del violino sono di 78 cm x 28 cm x 10 cm ed ha un peso che si aggira intorno ai 2,64 kg.
    Per accordare i violino, possiamo utilizzare un vero accordatore o scaricare un’app per aiutarci.
    E’ bene sapere e ricordare che:
    -la prima corda accordata su E
    -la seconda corda accordata su A
    -la 3a corda accordata su D
    -la 4a corda accordata su G.
    Durante l’accordatura, consigliato spingere i perni di accordatura verso l’interno mentre lo si gira, per assicurarsi che il piolo rimanga incastrato.
    Mentre giriamo il piolo, teniamo la corda arrotolata uniformemente attorno al piolo.
    Al termine dell’accordatura, assicuriamoci che il lato cordiera del ponte sia ancora correttamente allineato. In caso contrario, non dobbiamo far altro che allentare leggermente le corde e rialliniamo attentamente il ponte.
    Buon violino e mio figlio ne rimasto entusiasta!

  4. CandraNeal says:


    Grazie al programma Vine ho la possibilit di provare diversi prodotti e darne una valutazione obbiettiva.
    Da sempre ho desiderato di imparare a suonare il violino.
    Suono diversi strumenti ma non ho mai imparato il violino, pur possedendone uno da tempo, perch, durante i miei studi, darei troppo fastidio in casa e nel vicinato.
    Quando ho visto questo prodotto mi ci sono fiondato.

    Arrivato a casa sono rimasto molto colpito.
    Mi aspettavo un prodotto molto economico e scarso di accessori: NULLA DI PIU’ SBAGLIATO.
    Certo non una STRADIVARI ma devo ammettere che la sola dotazione di accessori vale il prezzo pagato.

    La custodia bellissima e molto ben concepita oltre che di buoni materiali.
    Chiusa con 2 cerniere, che tra l’altro sono anche protette con una fettuccia di stoffa, una volta aperto si fa subito notare per l’intelligenza con la quale stata costruita.
    C’, logicamente, lo spazio per il violino che viene anche preservato con un anello che ne ferma il manico. C’ un pratico alloggio per le corde di riserva, tra l’altro fornite.
    C’ l’alloggio per le cuffie. Insomma perfetta.

    Logicamente c’ l’arco, ce il poggia spalla e la colofonia per striare le corde dell’arco.
    Il violino elettrico molto carino.
    Nero lucido molto elegante e l’assenza di cassa armonica lo rende futuristico.

    Nella parte posteriore della cassa ci sono tutti gli impianti di amplificazione.
    Possiamo collegarci direttamente in cuffia ma e anche presente la possibilit di collegarlo ad un impianto esterno.
    Possiamo anche regolare il tono a nostro piacimento.
    Il video fornito con l’annuncio straordinariamente semplice e ci da le giuste istruzioni per l’assemblaggio dello strumento.
    La qualit del suono buona e, considerato che il tutto costato meno di 80, lo considero un miracolo.
    Presente anche l’accordatore elettronico, comodissimo e facile da usare.
    In dotazione anche una cuffietta e il cavo jack da 3.5 ”
    Se si potessero dare 100 stelle le darei.
    prezzo: a quel prezzo probabilmente pagheremmo solo gli accessori quindi lo ritengo imperdibile.


  5. Anonymous says:


    Ist eine sehr schne und gute Geige. Nur wenn man sich nicht auskennt, wie die Saiten eingestellt werden, ist das nicht so gut.

  6. NicoleDunckley says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs bon violon, son trs correct, le vendeur est trs pro, rpond de suite la moindre interrogation, au moindre problme. On peut leur demander la notice en franais pour bien dmarrer avec son instrument. Je recommande.

  7. BSUWolfgan says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHab mal nen Video gepostet nur zu zeigen ob das wirklich Silent ist. Als ich vor dem Kauf Silent gelesen hatte war ich begeistert. Jetzt eher ernchtert. Die Lautstrke hnelt etwas meiner anderen Geige. Sie lsst sich jedenfalls gut bedienen aber der Schlagwort Silent ist eher Fehl am Platz. Ja zum Gewissen Anteil ist es ein wenig leiser, aber nicht berhrbar.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s a lovely violin as a beginner I couldn’t figure out how to get a tune out of it until I scratched the Rosin abit to wax the bow but I love it now great little buy.

  9. Nate76Oojqd says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been playing violin for over ten years, and recently moved to a new country without my violin. I purchased this violin to just have something to play. The strings are a bit tinny (these can be replaced!), but the sound quality is quite good and very resonant. The violin comes with everything you need to play (shoulder rest, rosin) and some extras (tuner). This violin would be good for casual playing and learning at any level!

  10. Anonymous says:


    Il prodotto molto bello. L’ho fatto valutare dall’insegnante di violino e lo ha reputato valido al pari dei modelli da 150 che usano altri studenti. Il venditore mi ha seguito nel post vendita per ogni esigenza.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ich bin Positiv berrascht mit dem Zubehr, welches mitgeliefert wurde, sowie der uerst freundlichen Kundeberatung. Meine Erfahrung mit diesem Hndler war eine sehr gute und ich kann dieses Produkt einem jeden Musikinteressierten weiterempfehlen. Die Geige kam sowohl mit Koffer, sowie Stimmgert, Kolophonium, Harz, Ersatzsaiten und einem Steg / Bridge an. Ebenfalls haben die Verkufer eine Stimmanleitung mit zur Verfgung gestellt, welche sich als uerst hilfreich erwiesen hat. Alles in Allem ein gutes Produkt von verlsslichen Hndlern.

  12. Marcia Sekhose says:


    Buon prodotto, realizzato bene. L’abbiamo preso per nostra figlia che alle prime armi e la professoressa ha giudicano il violino ottimo.

  13. BettieRoldan says:


    Lo strumento ha rispecchiato le aspettative: qualit del suono e rapporto qualit prezzo molto interessanti

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this for out daughter to start practicing violin lessons. It came with carry case which can be used as backpack carrier.
    Violin itself well polished , nice colour as well.
    On begging h just need to place bridge between the F-holes on 90 degree and tighten the strings.
    In package also included acoustic violin kit, shoulder rest, rosin, extra string and tuner.
    She is exited to have it, lessons starting , for now I need earplugs hope soon will start enjoy the music.
    For its price it brilliant package, kids now bit more away from tv .
    Have a look to my pictures to see real size, hope it will be helpful to decide if it’s suitable for personal needs or not.

    All in one package violin.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Such a pretty violin, came with a nice storage case, very well made, strurdy, perfect for befinners but also for people which playing violin already. Sound quality is really good!
    It was a perfect gift for my husband which just started to play violin. I would steongly recommend them, it was a good value for money

    Really good violi

  16. peanutpeak says:


    Per il prezzo a cui viene venduto credo sia ottimo. Andare su prodotti pi economici troppo rischioso, non solo per la qualit sonora ma anche per la resistenza dei materiali.
    Lo trovo sufficiente per un uso scolastico basico.

  17. Anonymous says:


    s bon produit, trs bien emball, pour un dbutant c’est trs intressant, prix trs abordable, en plus il y a beaucoup d’accessoires avec. Merci

  18. MillaFredrickso says:

     United Kingdom

    Never picked up a violin before, bought this to try and teach myself, going pretty good so far, this kit seems to have everything in it you need, tuner, spare strings, rosin etc, successfully made sound from it after only a few minutes, a week later can almost play something recognizable, definitely worth getting a violin tutor to teaching yourself.

    Good for beginners

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought it for myself and I’m really chuffed that I got this level of quality and all the accessories for the price. The average eye would not know the violin is a beginners in the low price range.
    I have so as far managed tuning and playing basic, one string tunes so far over the last month, I see no issues. I can’t review that it sounds beautiful as I can’t test it to that level but the sound quality is great. When tuned, the notes sound as they are meant to. If you were to play it next to a top range model, sure, you would notice the difference. However, if you’re looking at this product, you’re not ready to be playing a Stradivarius.
    I noticed in the reviews that the tuning pegs loosen, they just need to be pushed back into the head/pegbox once tightened and they will stay. Push the peg into the pegbox as you tighten the string. It’s surprisingly loud if you choose to be but it can also be played softly enough to not annoy people sitting in another room the opposite side of the house. The bow needs a lot of rosin and the strings need a fair bit too – just to get going. Less and less is needed the more it’s played. It looks just as advertised.
    Deffinitely worth it. I’m really glad I chose this one.

  20. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLa prof. di violino ha detto che un buono strumento

  21. Anonymous says:


    Achtung: Man muss diese Geige noch “zusammenbauen”, d.h. Wirbel eindrehen und Steg aufstellen! Das ist aber schnell und einfach getan.

    Ich besitze selbst mehrere Violinen, die schon einige Jahre auf dem Buckel haben. Diese klingen natrlich nochmal wesentlich besser. Wer aber einfach mal ausprobieren mchte, ohne zu viel Geld auszugeben, kann hier zuschlagen. “Aufrsten” geht immer.

    Der mitgelieferte Tuner ist eher mittelmig und man kann ihn an der Geige nirgends richtig anklemmen. Ich stimme eher mit einer Stimmgabel und Youtube 🙂

    Der Koffer ist funktional, erfllt seinen Zweck. Fhlt sich natrlich etwas billig an.

    Schn ist, dass das Kolophonium einen seitlichen Griffschutz bietet. Mein eigenes besitzt so etwas nicht.

    Praktisch sind auch die Ersatzsaiten – der Verkufer wei anscheinend, was er hier anbietet…

    Insgesamt also ein ausreichendes Komplettset zum Ausprobieren, natrlich erwartungsgem kein Meisterstck.

  22. EmmanueKiek says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersBin voll zufrieden,
    Versprte den drang geige zu lernen, und gar keine vorkenntnis.
    Hatte angst das ich so ein spielzeug bekomme, weil ich keine ahnung hatte was ich fr das geld erwarten kann.
    Aber bin positiv berrascht,
    Ein freund von mir hatt sich direkt auch eine bestellt…
    Das ding macht was es soll und ebenfalls nen soliden eindruck

  23. Kim Wetzel says:

     United Kingdom

    Beautiful violin of very good quality! Very satisfied with my purchase as it has exceeded all my expectations. I bought it for my son who considers it the best – he loves it so much.

    It is very comfortable and extraordinarily well adjusted, the height of the bridge and the capo is optimal and the pegs slide smoothly and precisely as expected from a professional instrument and not just studio instrument. The sound is balanced, immersive and with an excellent warm touch.

    The bow comes well waxed and with good finishes. The other elements: case, replacement strings, pad, tuner and amplifier pickup are all you need to have a complete kit.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This violin comes with everything you need to begin playing – apart from sheet music and lessons obviously – though it does require stringing first. (The strings are included).

    It comes nicely packed, the entire set is decent quality.

    This is a really good instrument for a learner.

    It’s a full adult size violin, definitely not for children.

    For the price, the quality is pretty good.

  25. Anonymous says:


    L’article manquait d’un fil cass. Mais tout tait parfait.

  26. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAcheter pour debuter le violon. Me parait suffisant mais je ne suis pas jne specialiste … le son est bon, les cordes peuvent tre changes pour gagner en qualit. L archet et bien. Tout fonctionne parfaitement. Bon rapport qualit prix !

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersGreat set, wife was very pleased. Well packaged and great communication from selle

  28. Alex Allegro says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMe gusta tocar el violn a igual que otros instrumentos pero a fin de cuentas doy las gracias

  29. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersWenn Sie eine Geige fr einen Anfnger kaufen mchten, ist es wahrscheinlich keine schlechte Idee, sich beim Einrichten der Geige von einem Nicht-Anfnger helfen zu lassen. Insbesondere mssen Sie die Brcke installieren, das Kolophonium fr den ersten Gebrauch vorbereiten, den Bogen mit Kolophonium vorbereiten, und die Geige stimmen. Das Set enthlt keine Anweisungen dazu, obwohl Sie diese Informationen jetzt sicher online finden knnen, da ich die Schritte fr Sie aufgelistet habe.

    Meine Mutter ist Geigerin, aber ich habe das Instrument selbst kaum berhrt, bis ich es auf Amazon bestellt habe, sodass ich Ihnen nicht wirklich sagen kann, wie die hier rezensierte Geige im Vergleich zu anderen Geigen ist, aber fr mein Ohr klingt sie gut.

    Mir ist aufgefallen, dass ich sehr vorsichtig sein muss, um sicherzustellen, dass die Stimmwirbel sehr fest eingedrckt sind, da sie sonst herausspringen und die Geige verstimmen.

    Die Tragetasche ist einfach, aber sehr funktional. Sie enthlt einige weitere Zubehrteile, darunter einen elektronischen Tuner und einen Tonabnehmer, den Sie zur Aufnahme an der Geige befestigen knnen. Der Tuner ist nicht so toll. Insbesondere scheint er die E-Saite nicht sehr gut zu hren.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersAs a child i took violin lessons but i got bored pretty quickly. As an adult i was keen on setting the record straight by finally learning that musical skill that fell by the wayside in my youthful days. This beautifully crafted violin took me straight back to my childhood, And i as admired the curves in the spruce and maple wood, I had a sense of anticipation of what i could be – if i practised for the next few months.

    The violin is superbly constructed, With all the bells and whistles you would expect from a beginner’s violin. It comes with the instrument, Spare strings, A tuner, Rosin, Shoulder rest and carry case. At first i was unsure what to do with the extras that came with the violin, But i found plenty of how-to videos on YouTube to get me up to speed. The first thing to do is to get the violin set up, So you will need to prop up the flat wooden bridge under the strings to form an arch, And then tighten the strings down. If any fall out, Don’t worry, They can be threaded back through a hole in each tuning peg, And wound back up and wedged back into it’s socket.

    The next thing is to prepare the bow. It won’t play well without the provided box of orange rosin, Which forms a protective waxy layer on the bow strings – that allow the tones to vibrate. Make sure that the bow is tightened and the rosin is carefully layered on the bow strings without using a heat source. After this, It’s pretty much ready to go. The chin rest is self-explanatory, But the videos online will show you where to put the pieces.

    My next step is to watch as many violin videos as i can, And use the tuner to get the violin playing exactly how i want it. There is a short video of me playing it before i have tuned it, But I’m sure with several months ahead, I would have picked up a wonderfully entertaining skill that will not only cheer me up, But also bring joy to my family. I hope this review has been helpful.

    Stunning and versatile violin to start learning with

  31. ArlenSnelling says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBeautiful violin, I’m a complete beginner but it came all almost everything I needed….a violin teacher!

  32. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuena bastante bien para ser de esas caracteristicas. Pero me vino sin la esponja, las cuerdas no valen mucho y la resina tampoco es muy allaa.

  33. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDo 4 stelle poich corredato di vari accessori. Ovviamente sono alle prime armi ma secondo me il prezzo giusto per 100 non si pu pretendere altro.
    L’unica nota dolente secondo me sono i tiracantini, ma ho risolto acquistando una cordiera migliore.

    Da 4 stelle mi sento di portarle a 5. Suono lo strumento da quasi un mese e nonostante sia da studio e con corde economiche, un insegnante di violino lo ha ritenuto un buon prodotto. Ora ho ordinato delle corde qualitativamente migliori per notare poi la differenza d’intonazione. Oltre a tutto questo si aggiunge l’eccellente disponibilit del fornitore che nonostante una consegna rapida ed anticipata, mi ha risolto il problema che avevo avuto con la cordiera nel giro di un giorno.

    Consiglio vivamente questo prodotto, ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo e rivenditore eccellente.

    Per principianti, ma consigliato vivamente

  34. The Mummy Diary says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersGreat value for money. Good tone. Give it time to settle.

  35. MarieBirtles says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI really like this violin. I didn’t buy it expecting concert standard and for the price, this is pretty decent.
    You will need to set up the bridge when you get this violin but it’s fairly simple to do and there are lots of how-to videos online.
    The fine tuning knobs are fine but the tuning pegs will bounce back a little so may need frequent tuning.
    I did break a string fairly early on and so the spare set of strings in the case were very helpful and a simple change quickly got me back to playing.
    The bow is standard. Nothing phenomenal and nothing wrong either.
    The rosin is not the best quality but it does the job well enough; be sure to rough it up considerably and rub the bow hair generously the first time you use it.
    The clip-on tuner is okay but it doesn’t react to every note played, perhaps because the only place to clip it on easily is the chin rest. It’s easily replaced by numerous apps and websites if you want to tune it yourself.
    I haven’t used the pick-up as I’m not recording at the moment.
    The shoulder rest is helpful if you need guidance with your positioning and don’t like cranking your neck or shoulder too much.
    The case itself has enough handy cubbies to keep your items together and feels secure enough that I’m not concerned about damaging the contents when I travel with it.
    In general, this product is exactly what you see. It is fully functional, perfectly ordinary, and a good violin for students and beginners of all ages.

    Decent violin that’s well-suited to beginners

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersPerfect for someone who wants to learn the violin and works fine.

  37. AngeliaMacdonel says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our Usersif you are like me wants a child to play the violin or already an accomplished player you will love this natural acoustic violin pack. this includes a 4/4 full-size violin, case and bow. the head, back and side of this acoustic violin are all crafted from beautifully finished composite wood and with a modern plastic fingerboard, my son just had few lessons and still are learning but loves it already, it is great beginners violin.