BOSS Waza-Air Wireless Personal Guitar Amplification System

Weight: 320 g
Size: 1
Dimensions: 22.1 x 6.7 x 27 cm; 320 Grams
Batteries Included: 2 Lithium ion batteries required. (included)
Size: 1

66 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Belle sonorits de guitare, utilisable galement avec une basse, son impeccable. Application un peu longue lancer mais fait bien le job. On peut la fois jouer de la guitare et utiliser la musique de son tlphone en mme temps, parfais pour jouer sur bande ou suivre une formation musicale le soir lorsque la famille dors…
    Le seul point ngatif serait peut-tre son prix, on parle d’un casque tout de mme

  2. Anonymous says:


    Lo mejor que he probado para tocar en casa. Por decir algo malo… no tiene salida de audio asi que no se puede sacar el sonido de los auriculares

  3. Anonymous says:


    Il y a des moments dans la vie o on peut pas toujours casser les bonbons aux voisins ou la famille.
    Tu prends ton casque, ta guitare, ton tlphone ou tablette , fuis en montagne . Tu te mets au bord d’un lac la fonte des neiges et en plus d’avoir l’air pur dans les narines, tu as le waza air sur les oreilles avec tes blacktracks prfrs et un sont directement tir des meilleurs de chez Boss.
    Excellent en tout, le look, la dure de la batterie, le son bien sr. Top

  4. FOYDarbyde says:


    buona dimamica
    si connettono subito
    per chi non ha spazi in casa
    sono perfette

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    There is nothing bad to say about these apart from the usability of the gyro. It does not work correctly and when the static or stage mode is on the coins will move away which is very disturbing. Other than that these are AWesome

  6. Anonymous says:


    Ce casque est cher, certes mais si vous le comparez avec un bon ampli + un bon simulateur d’effets, c’est pas si cher.

    Etant en appartement parisien avec des murs trs fin, je ne pouvais pas utiliser d’ampli puissant du coup j’ai investi dans cette solution. Je suis fan des produits boss/roland a la base et je n’ai pas t du. Il ma fait redcouvrir le plaisir de jouer en appartement alors que j’etais bloqu depuis quelques annes.

    Point positifs :

    La qualit sonore est bonne, le systme filtre trs bien les bruits parasites et autres buzz, sur les guitares a micro simple bobinage comme les strat et telecaster par exemple, j’ai t suppris de redcouvrir un son clair et limpide.

    Sur iPhone la connectivit est relativement simple, il faut connecter le bluetooth + ajouter la connexion midi, mais une fois qu’on a pris le pli ca marche trs bien. On peut utiliser n’importe quelle autre appli (comme spotify ou deezer) comme backing track et c’est tres pratique. En passant, Si vous avez besoin d’un metronome, l’appli Soundbrenner est top.

    Point ngatifs :

    La soupe de reverb. Concernant le son surround, effectivement le son est beau, mais c’est principalement la reverb qui enjolive tout, en dsactivant le surround on dchante parfois ah finalement je joue pas aussi bien que a il faut en tre conscient.

    Le systme d’application des effets est pas trs intuitif/ergonomique (il fait passer dans des sous menus, il faut retenir un code couleur etc.) Bref, une fois qu’on a compris le principe, ca va, mais il faudrait vraiment qu’ils embauchent des UX/UI designers pour la prochaine version de l’application

    Le confort du casque, si vous tes habitu a du haut de gamme, comme les Bose quietconfort pour l’ecoute ou les beyerdynamic dt-770 pour la prod on est bien en dessous malheureusement, le casque serre la tte ce qui sur des session longues pose problme.

    Malheureusement quand le casque n’a plus de batterie on ne peut pas jouer et le recharger en mme temps du coup il faut arrter de jouer et attendre ! Le systme de rechargement est pas top, il faut 2 chargeurs pour le casque et l’metteur, il auraient pu mettre un systme de connexion de l’metteur au casque pour le rechargeme

  7. MVFElysenlgi says:


    Le cuffie sono facili da usare e la qualit audio notevole per essere tutto simulato e digitale. Consigliate a chi non pu/vuole fare troppo rumore ma ha piacere a suonare anche la sera!

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My daughter loves theses the sound quality is amazing took a while to work out all the features Not cheap but you get what you pay for. Totally recommend

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really enjoy using these headphones! They are very comfortable to wear, and the sound quality is fantastic. Better then other models I have tried.
    The battery life is ok 2-3hrs before you will need to charge.
    So many options to toy around with you will be fiddling around with fxs, mods, delay, reverb, amp types for ages!! The app isn’t the best, feels a bit uninspiring to use, they really missed a trick here, I don’t feel like I learn anything through the app when they could had educated the user on their products, how best to use based upon the sound you are after. Literally zero creativity was placed into it!
    The gyro setting does not work as well as some of the boss demos I watched indicated but turning this off doesn’t detract from the quality these headphones offer.
    The instructions in the box are poor for such an expensive bit of kit you would expect better quality to make you feel like you have just purchased something amazing! I ended up watching youtube videos on how to properly use.
    You can buy the actual carry case for these separately for safe transport.
    Overall they are great and happy to own a pair, just wish the app was as fancy as the phones!

  10. FannyHNFtm says:


    Der Klang ist wirklich atemberaubend aber ..,das ist mein zweiter Kopfhrer,der erste brach nach fnf Minuten die Verbindung ab und ich konnte ihn erst nach unzhligen Versuchen wieder verbinden mit meinem IPhone 12pro Max das gleiche Spiel ging dann so weiter ,unter Android wurde der Air Waza Audio Treiber erst gar nicht erkannt .
    Ich hoffe das dieser Kopfhrer diesen Fehler nicht mehr hat ,obwohl ich da nicht ganz berzeugt von bin.
    Fr den Preis was das Ding kostet,eigentlich ne Frechheit .

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Review specific to Using with Foot Pedal System
    I wanted to go completely wireless with my guitar and headphones. This does it!

    I also wanted to be able to do this and play like I would through my foot pedal system and worked out how to do that too.

    You get a lot for your money here. I will not provide a complete review – you can watch numerous videos etc – try the one from Andertons which is a great review. I love the headphones and use them by themselves to play along with streaming music – its really really cool and I love the different settings and effects – you get a lot for your money.

    Wireless Headphones That Sound Like a REAL Amp? BOSS Waza-Air Headphones for Guitarists! – YouTube

    Footpedal System:
    This review is about use with GNX4 Digitech (or other) Footpedal system.

    It took a bit of getting used to but is great.
    I now have wireless headphones and wireless guitar playing through my GNX4 system.

    Ensure Wazza is set up correct and connected to iPhone app.
    Set Gyro Ambience position to off
    Set Amplifier to Flat Acoustic
    Set all effects to off

    Plug Wazza transmitter into the OUT socket on the GNX system.
    I also used wireless LEKATO receiver and transmitter – I have a transmitter in the guitar and a receiver plugged into the guitar socket on the GNX

    I now have a complete wireless foot pedal system with wireless headphones

    If you watch the Andertons video you will see them do similar at the 21:10 mark


  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These are great for guitar practise late at night, they sound great too. Very well done BOSS…

  13. Shane Hickey says:

     United Kingdom

    Use through my pedal board at home for favourite effects. Excellent standalone when travelling or anywhere you don’t want to fuss with cables . Best headphones I’ve ever used . If they were ever stolen, I’d replace with same straight away ! Very much as near an “on stage” experience as can be through headphones. Completely different from my conventional Sennheiser’s through Amp headphone out.
    Expensive but so easy and convenient, I’m practicing much more than I used to & enjoying even more because I know I’m not pissing people off in the house !

  14. Anonymous says:


    Je ai achet sur le Warehouse au prix dj tres lev de 277. Au prix neuf actuel (360) je trouve a totalement injustifi…
    Attention la qualit audio est vraiment trs belle et la finition du produit est flatteuse. Mais je possde galement un Nux Mighty Plug 70 par ailleurs et mme si la difference de rendu est trs nette, rien ne justifie de multiplier la facture par 5. Vivement que la concurrence s’active. !

  15. HildegaAQCH says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent item really comfortable headphones with great additions via app

  16. Chris Matyszczyk says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent solution for guitar practice at home, sounds excellent and is so convenient. As others have said, the app is counterintuitive and the gyroscope on some modes makes the sound drift. Not had issues with bluetooth on iphone 12. Love that I can play music from my phone in to the headphones and play guitar on top and the music and guitar both have ambience effects applied so they sit well in the mix together. Highly recommended for all abilities and for the huge convenience a completely wireless solution offers.

  17. Mark Steyn National Review says:


    Super Sound und man kann easy jedes backing-track ber bluetooth einspielen.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Senza badare al prezzo, Boss WAZA Air al momento il miglior sistema di amplificazione chitarra personale.
    Ci sono altri sistemi analoghi e meno costosi, questo certo, e la qualit del suono per molti di questi piuttosto buona. Cos come ci sono plugin, anche gratuiti, con cui si pu suonare collegandosi ad un portatile o ad un tablet.
    Ma secondo me per essere davvero comodo, un sistema di amplificazione personale deve in primo luogo avere due caratteristiche: essere pratico e comodo, e di rapido utilizzo. E grazie al sistema compleatamente wireless, Boss Waza Air unico nel suo genere. Se ti capita di avere 20 minuti, o anche meno, per suonare durante una pausa lavorativa, il solo pensiero di prendere un cavetto, un paio di cuffie, un apparecchietto in cui infilare il tutto e poi rimettere a posto ogni cosa, gi ti passa la voglia. E se hai pi tempo per suonare e ti squilla il telefono, devi sbrogliare i cavi su cui sei seduto, poggiare la chitarra da qualche parte e finalmente essere libero. Con il WAZA Air non inciampi su nulla ed come suonare un normale amplificatore con connessione wireless. A volte la perfezione sta nelle piccole cose, in questo caso, il vantaggio nell’uso quotidiano, almeno per me, notevole.

  19. Steven Parton says:

     United Kingdom

    I use mine in my living room while my wife is watching TV. Really great headphones that sound far better than headphones out of an amp.

  20. JoleneShepherd says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m loving these so far, the sound quality is excellent and they are very comfy. Super handy for playing late or when you want to avoid upsetting anyone. Turned the gyro feature off pretty fast although do have to say it worked perfectly and is pretty impressive. I’m not finding it very intuitive to adjust but there are some great videos online of walkthroughs. It could do with a pouch or something for the dongle and cable but I think it’s pretty good value for money to be honest. Would recommend, I’ll be getting the expression pedal to go with it.

    UPDATE: for anyone using a guitar with active electronics, make sure you read the instructions, you may need a longer TRS cable and a female adapter so the dongle plugs in further away from the guitar, otherwise you’ll get high pitched hum. Both available on Amazon.

  21. AngelicPham says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is expensive for an item that is only used for practice but the sound quality and wireless freedom make it worth the money. You can dial in just about any sound variation you like from the dedicated app but you cannot output it for recording. I use it for bass, 6 string electric and 6 string nylon strung electro-acoustic and have found good sounds for all. There is a dedicated bass version but I find that this unit works just fine. I believe the bass version has some built in rhythm tracks but it is much more expensive. I use this linked by Bluetooth to my music library for backing tracks and wirelessly to the guitar – no cables! There is a gyroscopic feature as explained in the product description which is good fun but I found distracting for serious practice. It can be turned off. They are reasonably comfortable to wear. I found them a little tight at first but ok after a few sessions. Snug over the ears (depends on the size of your ears) and a little bit sweaty after an hour or so but that is probably long enough to be using headphones. Can be used just for listening to music. Not noise cancelling so there is a bit of leakage to annoy others. Initial set up was a bit fiddly. Build quality is superb. Recommended.

  22. [email protected] Noelle says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb. You get a lot of features and the sound and build quality is superb.

    One niggle it that the jack output adapter and the headphones both need charging but they only include one charging cable in the box. Which means you can only charge one at a time unless you have spare leads.

    330 is very expensive. You could buy a fairly decent guitar for that or a quality amp. But, it’s a niche product and better than anything else available.

  23. Rae Hodge says:


    Ausgezeichneter portabler Verstrker als Kopfhrer, perfekt fr auf Reisen, im Hotel oder zuhause wenn niemand gestrt werden soll. Einziger Kritikpunkt ist das zwar mchtigem aber nicht sehr bedienungsfreundliche und umstndliche ios Handy App, trotzdem 5 Punkte.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Para desahogarse en un piso con tu guitarra sin que los vecinos llamen a la polica es genial!!!. Con la app de Boss puedes ajustar el sonido tal y como ms te guste, me encanta XD

    Un sonido increíble!!!

  25. TiaKerrigan says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a seriously cool piece of kit.

    It seems expensive at first, but you get a lot for your money. There are two units in the box; a transmitter that plugs into your guitar, and the headphones themselves. Both are rechargeable (although they have to be charged separately). In order to use them properly you need to download the free Boss Waza-Air app,

    The app isn’t particularly intuitive to use, but it’s not difficult to get the hand of it. Once you do, you have access to, in essence, all of the effects and amp models of the Boss GT-1 guitar processor. You also have a high-quality set of bluetooth headphones which can be used as normal headphones too.

    The sound quality is excellent, and these headphones really make guitar practice much better. You have wireless access to a huge range of sounds without disturbing anyone else (or falling out with your neighbours). The charge seems to last for several days, although this might be less if you play for extended periods.

    For me the gyroscopic functions are a bit gimmicky. You can use the unit to make the sound appear to come from behind you, as though you were on a stage, and there are a variety of other “3D positioning” options. This might be just what you’re looking for, but I don’t use this feature much at all.

    Since I got these, I have been much more likely just to pick up the guitar and play. It takes seconds to get started, and it’s much less hassle that setting up an amp and a pedalboard. It really is a game-changer for me.

    Highly recommended.


  26. MelissaFrueh says:


    Très beau casque fonctionne très bien merci

  27. KirstenRHS says:


    Très beau casque fonctionne très bien merci

  28. Rowelynwood says:


    ho gi un katana artist 100 mk2 e posso dire che queste cuffie vanno molto da vicino ai suon del ampli katana, quindi sono soddisfatto,
    Il prezzo oltremodo esagerato, visto che le cuffie waza air costano come un ampli completo katana 50 watt. per questo prezzo pretenderei un servizio on line come il fender play o l’ottimo ecosistema di sparkle.
    La libreria on line di boss scaricabile dal tone studio incredibilmente povera eappunto, manca totalmente un ecosistema per apprendere la musica . Altra mancanza grave la assenza di possibilit di registrare quello che si suona. Un plus per la possibilit di abbinare pedale di volume wah e pedali pe ron off e effetti e cambi preset ma che sono costosi e da comprare a parte… diciamo che siamo sul limite che forse conviene comperarsi una pedaliera “tutto in uno” tipo la GT1000 invece che ste cuffie pi un ampli normale….

  29. ViolettBoase says:


    Parfait pour guitariste.

    Un vrai plaisir qui donne le sourire
    pas de latence
    des effets impressionnants
    Parfait pour jouer pendant que les autres regardent le tl, isole bien des bruits extrieurs.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    These sound great and are so versatile with the app

  31. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSuper Klangerlebnis
    Nach Einrichtung einfach Transmitter in die Gitarre und Kopfhrer an. Auch im Verbund mit z.B. IPad (YouTube, Lern-Apps,). Allen’s Kabellos und zuverlssig.

    schwaches UI der zugehrigen App. Unhandlich dort.
    Headtracking leicht verzgert und muss hufig neu kalibriert werden. Verwende ich daher nicht hufig.
    Keine Mglichkeit, Audio aufzunehmen.

    Dennoch: fr ein schnelles Spiel bei eindrucksvollem Klang hervorragend. Ich bereue den Kauf nicht.

  32. KristiaChatham says:

     United Kingdom

    My only issue is that now I’m going to have to buy a full fledged katana because none of my amps sound anywhere near as good as these do.

    The ui is a little bit clunky on the app but once you figure it out, set and save your 6 presets to the headphones you never really need to open it again…. unless you want to use the chromatic tuner which has its own dedicated page and is super easy to get to and use.

    If you are going to use it in a pedalboard situation or into the headphone jack of something that will be stationary, plug the transmitter into the headphones before changing the setting to sound sensing for it to take effect.


  33. Anonymous says:


    C’est un outil plutt cher. Mais avec juste quelques heures de pratique, je suis totalement conquis.
    L’ergonomie est remarquable, la qualit du son n’a rien a envie au KATANA. Pour s’entrainer sans embter tout le monde, c’est absolument parfait.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo acquisto, eccezionale per suonare da solo o su basi.

  35. EverettButterfi says:


    Tutto top .unica nota..mi sarebbe piaciuto ricaricare simultaneamente le cuffie e il
    penso non si possa

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you want to keep the noise down these are just the thing.
    Once you start upsetting neighbours who knows what it could lead to!

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I was a bit hesitant about buying the Waza Air, thinking it was on the expensive side. But I am glad that I decided to go for it. I think it is a good system and I am enjoying using it. It was quite easy to get started and I installed the App on my iPad which works well, also using GarageBand or streaming music from my Android phone and other Bluetooth sources.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I having researched these headphones by the renowned Boss established music hardware developer my only hesitation on its release was two fold…i) initial supply was difficult to obtain and ii) it is a considered purchase, especially at its rrp. Anyway after a considerable time the supply improved and ii) I was able to purchase these at a reduced price. My only criticisms would be my preference for a USB-C connection for charging as opposed to the older USB-B and for the still considerable price a lack of any storage case/cover. In respect of the sound quality and wireless freedom this gives in being able to play uninhibited by wires and or disturbing anyone else…this is a game changer.

  39. ClevelaPve says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with the first use of this – still have to test it more fully though – happy thus fa

  40. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersRecensisco dopo tre mesi di uso quasi quotidiano. Premetto che le ho comprate ricondizionate a 320 euro altrimenti erano un po’ troppo costose. Le ho comprate perch volevo poter suonare in casa la sera quando gli altri dormono ed in questo senso mi hanno permesso di migliorare ed esercitarmi in orari serali. Il giroscopio abbastanza inutile e dopo un po’ suono solo con il surround. I suoni sono ottimi e ci sono minime interferenze se mi avvicino al router wifi ma questa fisica inevitabile. La carica intorno a 5 ore e bisogna ricordarsi di ricaricarle perch non si possono usare durante la ricarica. Manca una custodia e con 20 euro ho preso una da cuffie dj e certo x sto prezzo potevano mettercene una inclusa. Punto dolente che i suoni sono belli ma da l non escono nel senso che a volte vorrei poter registrare sul PC con i suoni che ho settato sull’app Boss Tone ma purtroppo dalle cuffie non c’ un uscita esterna audio…come c’ ad esempio sul waza air katana…per un attimo avevo pensato a renderle e prendere un katana air ma poi la praticit di prendere chitarra e cuffie e suonare ovunque ha prevalso…me le tengo sperando in un update del firmware con possibilit di uscita audio

  41. NormandKYSM says:


    Concernant le produit : Il a un son incroyable et l’application permet de faire beaucoup de rglages. Et, contrairement ce qui est dit gnralement sur la connexion entre un tlphone android et le casque, je n’ai pas eu de soucis. Il faut simplement comprendre qu’il faut chaque connexion, rappuyer longuement sur le bouton de bluetooth qui est sur le casque afin de le reconnecter, sinon l’application ne le retrouve pas.

    J’ai command ce casque un vendredi. Le samedi j’ai un appel du service client qui me dit qu’ils ne pourront que l’envoyer lundi (soit 3 jours aprs, pas un trs grand dlais de retard..) et me propose un remboursement si le dlais ne me convient pas. Je trouve a trs pro d’une part tant donn le dlais de retard si court. De plus, malgr ce retard, j’ai fini par recevoir ce casque plus tt que la date initiale prvue ! Et tout ceci avec un suivi par mails concernant l’expdition du casque. Rien redire, le service client est trs pro et c’est trs agrable d’avoir affaire des personnes comme cela.

  42. Anonymous says:


    Non avrei mai creduto di poter sentire cos bene il suono della chitarra tramite Bluetooth. Come sistema operativo utilizzo IOS, per cui la valutazione si basa sull’esperienza provata con questo sistema. L’applicazione (scaricabile delle App Store gratuitamente) ha sicuramente dei punti migliorabili, ad esempio a partire dalla mancata possibilit di utilizzare l’iPad in landscape (peraltro obbligatoria se abbinata una tastiera). Vi sono diversi tipi di amplificatori, clean e crunch, e svariati effetti sottostanti da abbinare, ciascuno perfettamente regolabile a proprio gusto. La regolazione pu essere effettuata sia tramite manopole (virtuali ovviamente) che impostata in valore percentuale, metodo a mio avviso molto pi pratico. Probabilmente anche la sensibilit delle manopole andrebbe migliorata. Il suono prodotto sicuramente l’aspetto pi importante, ed di ottima qualit. Inoltre si pu impostare la provenienza del suono rispetto allo strumento, che sicuramente all’inizio pu sembrare strano, in realt una modalit di ascolto incredibile. Le cuffie sono ergonomiche e leggere, non danno fastidio anche se indossate per lunghi periodi. Il prezzo non proprio a buon mercato, ma la qualit del prodotto elevata. Merita tutte e 5 le stelle. Infine complimenti ad Amazon per la velocit delle consegna, molto in anticipo rispetto a quanto inizialmente pianificato.

  43. DelorasIrd says:


    Sin latencia, realmente perfecto. Hace tiempo que esperaba que este producto existiera. El nico inconveniente es el espaciado que no es demasiado interesante pero que no es una obligacin. Tan perfecto

  44. MaryannKincaid says:

     United Kingdom

    Great piece of kit if you want to practice guitar without annoying the rest of the household – or your neighbours. Tremendous effects. Headphones are very comfortable and give excellent sense of space and depth in the sound.
    Totally wireless & stacked with various effects and guitar sounds.
    NOTE – If your electric guitar has a front recessed jack input socket, then I’d recommend this short cable – as the small Boss Waza Air receiver unit doesn’t quite slide home -

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Don’t worry about stage mode it does drift.
    For sound these are worth every penny for the people that can’t practice in flats or house shares. Perfect practice amp in your ears

  46. [email protected] Dan Forcella says:

     United Kingdom

    It arrived a18:43 and it was packed up and ready to go back at 19:40 – the sound is good but i didnt find it that comfortable for the 40 minutes i had it on and that along with the price meant it was not to be

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAs with other reviewers, I would recommend the Waza-Air, but not without reservations. My main gripe is that I find the app very non intuitive to use. The management of groups of patches via ‘livesets’ is pretty clunky. For editing, the manual (online PDF) goes into extensive detail on the effects parameters, but the interface itself is puzzling. For instance, I ended up finding buried in a Reddit post confirmation that selection between Delay and FX is an either / or. I had been randomly pawing at the screen on my mobile trying to make the split dial control set volumes for both. Maybe this is some sort of signal chain taboo I’m not aware of.

    As a consequence, I have uploaded and tweaked a half dozen patches – without the head tracking stage setting – to the headphones and have only occasionally gone back to the app. I imagine this is a pretty common usage pattern.

    While the build quality of the headphones is solid enough, the exposed wires are a little flimsier than I’d prefer. I also find the fit of the headphones slightly tight when using them for longer periods.

    Final observation: I have been very taken with the wireless experience and did some research to see if it would be possible to use the bundled transmitter with a ‘replacement’ receiver, as well as the headphones. It appears that Boss don’t offer them separately, which is possibly one way of dealing with any compatibility issues.

  48. Andrew Hoyle says:

     United Kingdom

    In summary, these sound great, probably a little pricy, and the app can be frustrating until you realise that there are *two* Bluetooth connections you need to make! One for MIDI and one for audio. However, they sound so good, that you’ll find yourself playing for ages, and that’s the big win. I’m not that bothered about the gyro effects which seem a bit gimmicky. It’s impressive that different guitars retain their character despite the processing. If there was a way to record the output.. These would be the perfect home rig for me.

  49. VictoriThornber says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve had my WAZA-AIR cans for 6-7 weeks now, and thought I’d jot down a few comments. I’ve owned a BOSS Monitor Amp (MA-12) since I was fifteen (1988) and have had other products like the ME-70 and RC-300 for many years. They are well built and durable, and can take a decent amount of abuse, in addition to being superb kit. So I was pretty excited to lay my hands on these.

    Build quality is not as high-end as the price-tag or images might lead you to expect. In the pictures they look all vintage powder coated metal and leather, but it’s an illusion. They’re just plastic and faux leather, and don’t feel as robust or as solid as I’d hoped given the outlay.

    That said, I have no complaints based on my usage of them. With the obvious benefit of being pretty much plug and play, they get used daily, and they haven’t suffered for it. The sound quality is fantastic. The spatial gyro flibbertygibbert is interesting, but the novelty is fleeting, after which it’s simply a distraction, although easily disabled.

    Bluetooth connectivity is slightly flakey requiring two separate connections for the transmitter/studio app and audio playback. And it doesn’t seem to like playback through one andriod device (tablet) with the studio app running on another android device (phone), which increases the likelihood of the connection bugging out. The studio app is neither particularly intuitive, nor expansive, but I’ve managed to re-calibrate the six available presets to something approaching the tones I want so they’re ready at the touch of a button without having to use the app most of the time.

    Others have commented on the lack of a carry case which I have to agree is peculiar… it means the headset and transmitter get bundled in a drawer rather than lovingly tucked away. And I also think it’s odd, and a missed opportunity, that the transmitter in jack is only used for initial pairing, and not for charging the WL-T transmitter, so it has to be charged separately to the headset.

    Minor gripes aside, the Waza-Air is comfortable to wear for a couple of hours at a time, and a nice piece of kit overall. And the fact you can plug it in and instantly jam away without really disturbing anyone else in the house is a real winner. A side effect has been that the Waza-Air has also largely made my stompboxes obsolete, so I think at some point I’ll have to give the Katana Air a go too, because sometimes I do just want to fill the room with noise.

  50. KristianCrensha says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI bought these after much searching for a decent set of wireless headphones for guitar practice without wires. Normal Bluetooth headphones are no good because they ‘lag’ too much with the sound, and wireless RF headphones seem to be pretty much a lucky dip in terms of sound quality versus hiss as far as I could tell.

    Enter the Waza-Air….

    Wireless sound, great quality, no lag, can play over backing tracks via a phone or laptop etc. Awesome!

    But they’re bl**dy expensive!

    If you do your research, you’ll also see loads of reviews harping on about these great features designed to ‘put you on the stage’ or ‘keep you in the sound space’ blah blah blah… In theory, this allows you to ‘place’ the amp/band in a particular spot in your listening environment… and then as you move around/turn your head, the amp & band magically stay where you put them. And they do… and it’s really nifty… for about 30 seconds. Then they start to ‘drift’, slowly circulating the room until you ‘fix’ them again. Hmm…

    The stage feature is a pretty nifty idea… but it simply doesn’t work in my experience (and others). I think it has something to do with the gyroscope inside and you naturally moving your head around. Whatever… it doesn’t work properly so they ought to fix it or stop using it as a selling point.

    That being said, if you just switch the sound to normal ‘surround’, it’s great – it sounds great, works great, and does exactly what I bought them for – allowing me to practice without bothering everyone else in the house.

    Oh, I should also mention that they do a bunch of different amp tones/sounds etc that are great quality – not something I’ve delved into too much, but you can also make your own tones if you feel the need, and it’ll store 6 tones on the headphones themselves so you can use it without the accompanying app if you want to.

    Bizarrely enough, the Waza-Air seem to be the ONLY wireless headphones on the market to do this effectively, so if you want excellent, wireless, lag-free sound for guitar practice then you’ll have to pony up the pennies to get them. Just don’t buy them for the snazzy gimmicky stuff.

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely fantastic. Very well designed to be as dead simple as possible to set up and use. Literally took 5 mins to set up. Sound quality is flawless. If playing along with your own songs from iTunes/Spotify etc, the headphones seem to blend the guitar with the music and it sounds like you’re doing a live performance with the band you’re listening to!
    My only negative is that the price is about 100 too expensive. I get there isn’t much around that is similar, but it’s just that bit too pricey.

  52. RandiBoatwright says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersFirst saw these when scrolling through some (on-line) Guitar videos, and thought “I’ve got to have a closer look at these”. As a purely ‘bedroom guitarist’ I was fed-up with being told to “turn it down” when playing through a normal portable amp (even at a pretty low level). The Waza-Air Headphone Amp seemed to be just the thing I needed!
    Only problem was that I couldn’t find anywhere (in the UK) that had them ‘in-stock’. All the normal suppliers (including Amazon) had them on ‘back-order’ with no idea if or when they would get any stock.
    By chance, I recently spotted a link on the Amazon Page, that they were available to buy (via the Amazon Marketplace), from a supplier called Scotto Musique, in Marseille, France.
    To be honest, I was a bit worried as to whether it was going to be a good idea to take a chance and order them, considering the ongoing global ‘lockdown’ issues. Especially as they were going to be a tad over 400 including delivery (elsewhere they were advertised anywhere between 350 – 385 including p&p…… albeit that no-one had them available!).
    Eventually took the plunge and went for it. I couldn’t have been happier with the supplier, I was emailed within a day that they had been shipped, with tracking information that enabled me to track them at every point to a safe delivery within 3 days.
    As for the Waza-Air Headphones themselves, I was just ‘blown away’ with them. They are everything I was hoping they would be. Yes, they probably have some finnicky ‘issues’ that some other reviewers have pointed out. But I can now wirelessly ‘plug and play’ to my hearts content, any time, day or night, without annoying other family members (or neighbours!). With all manner of Amp/Effects configurations (that only I get to hear), available via the on-line free Boss App. On top of that I can wander around the house, if I want to, and still carry on being ‘plugged in’ without any restraining wires/pedals to hold me back.
    They are perfect for both Electric and Electro-Acoustic guitars (and Bass guitar if that’s your instrument)
    Like other reviews, I was a bit surprised that Boss didn’t include a hard case, considering the price of the headphones. But as pointed out by another reviewer ‘epoch71’, I was able to purchase a case (on Amazon) that was a perfect fit for both the headphones and the transmitter etc. Something Boss might want to think about in the future.
    If, like me, you want to avoid the ‘noise complaints’, then I highly recommend these (albeit expensive?) brilliant Boss Waza-Air headphones.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Just connects without a problem and works perfect when playing to music from a paired phone.
    The amount of sound settings on the headphones which is setup through the app is no less than amazing.

    The only thing I think is missing is a microphone for answering or making calls .

  54. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have no idea how Boss managed to get an amp into a pair of headphones – they are really versatile and contain a huge amount of effects
    Well worth the cos

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great for a quick practice. Pick up guitar and play.

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese are awesome, the sound quality is amazing and they give you a real valve like tone.
    you can customize the amps, effects, pedal chain…..everything……really really cool product!!
    it arrived, i plugged it in and 2 hours passed in the bling on an eye!

  57. DaniHargrave says:

     United Kingdom

    These headphones are superb, excellent sound quality with guitar, guitar and music and just music. It’s like magic….

  58. Blanca58Bgymkv says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersZugegeben ich bin ein unterdurchschnittlicher Gitarrist (verfluchte fehlende bungszeit!!!!) aber das Ding ist ne Granate im Bett. Klang: toll (50mm groe Treibereinheit sprechen fr sich, oder ?), Effekte: toll – und ich habe bei weitem noch nicht alles ausprobiert -. Es gibt “downsides” aber die liegen eher an meine Unfhigkeit mit elektronischen Produkten (z.B. die Anbindung mit dem Smartphone gelang mir nicht auf Anhieb) oder einfach an die Tatsache, dass die Perfektion dieser Welt nicht gehrt (z.B: die Einheit – sowohl der Sender als auch der Kopfhrer selbst- haben einen relativ kurzlebigen Akku – kann man aber als Segen fr seine Ohren ansehen! Oder Der Sender hat keinen “On/off-Knopf”, was erlauben wrde das Teil an der Gitarre zu lassen – Allerdings fr Gitarre mit Piezo-Pick-up, die eine Batterie bentigen, muss man die Gitarre entbinden ansonsten geht die batterie flach-). Wenn der Sender sich sehen lsst, wirkt der Kopfhrer aber WIRKLICH hochwertig und deshalb bedauere ich, dass Roland keine Aufbewahrungsbox mitgeliefert hat – und zwar eine dedizierte Hlle fr den Kopfhrer, den Sender, einen USB-Kabel und einen Handy (der App wegen). Wenn ich anfangs bedauert habe, dass es nur einen USB-Kabel gab, habe ich schnell bemerkt, dass das keine Rolle spielt, da der Betrieb des Senders bzw. Kopfhrers unterschiedlich lang ausfllt (die Akkus und die Leistung, die man davon verlangt ist ebenso unterschiedlich) und daher selten bis nie gleichzeitig aufgeladen werden mssen. Thema Latenz (Reaktionszeit zwischen das Zupfen einer Saite und das Hren eines Klanges) ? Ich behaupte fr 98% aller Spielerinnen und Spieler dieser Welt wird es eine Fehlanzeige bleiben! Ich geniee die Bewegungsfreiheit / Kabellosigkeit enorm (selbst wenn man keinen Marathon beim Spielen zurcklegt, mag man sich ohne Einschrnkung bewegen knnen ). Und dieser Eindruck, dass man so ne riesen Ton erzeugen kann egal wo, im Garten, im Zimmer und niemand wird gestrt – da verliert man jede Hemmung schamlos zu ben und scheut man sich nicht mehr vor “falsche Noten”!!! Insgesamt ein tolles Paket das ich jeder/jedem ans Herz liegen mchte. Noch eins: reich bin ich aber wirklich nicht und deshalb war mir die Preisfrage schon ein Bichen schmerzlich, aber hey ! Das Ding ist 100% sein Geld Wert. Nur die Freude ist gratis…

  59. SalShaycdnx says:

     United Kingdom

    I was a bit apprehensive about ordering these as I had read mixed reviews and there was supposedly a Firmware problem but when Amazon got them back in stock I decided to try them out. I’m glad I did. They are very comfortable to wear and light. They work brilliantly for what I want them to do which is to be able play/practice guitar without damaging our dogs ears or disturbing anyone else in the house. I’ve downloaded the free Boss App that comes with them but haven’t used it yet and although I will probably use it in time. They are expensive but they are worth it for being able to play guitar with only you being able to hear your playing.

  60. KathariLHGD says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersPros:
    No latency
    Endless possibilities for tone

    Gyro effects are garbage
    No protective case
    Bluetooth operation on Android is dreadful and unreliable. Fine on iPhone.
    Instruction leaflet way too unmanageable

    If we could give half a star this would be 3.5. This *is* a good piece of kit. The headset is light. The audio quality excellent. The accompanying app is fine for getting your tones sorted. For sure this’ll make practising much more fun.

    However, the gyro drift issue is a massive negative. To explain, when in the stage and static modes after a while the amp starts “moving” on its own, irrespective of your own position. You can reset the position using buttons on the headset, but of course that means taking your hands off the guitar! I doubt BOSS can fix this because it’s a fundamental issue with gyros. That’s why VR headsets anchor themselves to a room using cameras or lighthouses. It’s a neat feature that’s for sure, just let down by technology limitations. I’m just sticking to surround mode.

    For the hefty price BOSS are asking one would have expected a protective case or pouch, but no. And the instruction leaflet is the size of a small duvet. Suggest going straight to the BOSS website and locating the PDFs there.

    Connectivity wise, I had more success with iPhone than Android. On Android (Oneplus 6T) the Bluetooth connection between the phone and headset kept dropping. The guitar stays connected to the headset, but you’re unable to modify stuff without the phone connection. I’m not sure if this is a problem with the BOSS hardware or Android. For sure Android’s implementation of Bluetooth has been broken since day 1 so I’ll give BOSS the benefit of the doubt on this one. No issues whatsoever on iPhone though.

    TL;DR – as per the title. This really is a great piece of kit and if you can justify the price then do give it a try. You can always return it if you’re unhappy!

    If anyone’s interested I’ve also purchased the following accessories which are quite handy:
    Protective Case:

    Small extension cable. On some guitars (e.g. Stratocaster) I found the transmitter could get in the way, so I just plug this short cable in, and the transmitter into that, and hook it behind the strap:

  61. StanleyDEA says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersKlanglich und in der Vielseitigkeit einfach hervorragend. Es ist allerdings auf Dauer etwas unbequem die geschlossenen Kopfhrer zu tragen. Hier liegt mein Grund fr den fehlenden 5. Stern. Ob der Preis gerechtfertigt ist, wird sich an der Haltbarkeit bemessen.

  62. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersExcellent matriel de trs bonne qualit.
    Le seul bmol est l’appairage Bluetooth avec un smartphone Android qui est trs compliqu, voire impossible.
    Ceci dit, l utilisation du casque est vraiment bluffante !!

  63. VincentAdair says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAM4











  64. DemetriaFoltz says:


    I’ve been using Katana Air since it came out, now these headphones. The audio quality, the richness of the tone in the headphones, surpasses anything I expected, I’m excited to practice from any room in the house or in the stairwell at guitar school waiting for class, all you need is a BT phone to add metronome or audio track to play against. While the BT pairing to a phone works reliably for streaming audio, I’ve only seen 1 or 2 dropouts so far, trying to manage the tones and settings with the Android app is unreliable and flaky, same as the Katana Air, it is sooooo hard 1) to connect to the midi device and 2) to maintain that connection for long periods of time. My suggestion: turn off the gimmicky gyroscope settings for stage/static amp placement modes, configure 6 tones that you like, and never use the Android app to program the headphones ever again. I’ve used multiple Android devices, all unreliable for the management app, I don’t know if Iphones would have better luck, but because I’ve lived with Katana Air app unreliability for 1+ years now I am used to it. No audio out, so I give it 4 stars, but again, my practice routine is crazy fun and easy now, untethered from a soundproofed basement you can go to the park, play in the car, extreme play while skydiving, do anywhere. Minus 1 star for the management app connectivity finicky unreliability.

  65. Ryan H. says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersProduit bluffant. Qualit sonore au top. Les effets et simulations ont un excellent rendu. On retrouve facilement les effets BOSS.
    Le caractre plug and play est vraiment apprciable. La spacialisation des effets est impressionnante. Le casque est trs confortable.