This 11 piece set is only missing two major dies. One which I needed was die #C which does open barrel connectors, and another die which I don’t need which does ferrels, a very specialized kind of connector used in automotive audio systems. I solved my problem by buying the additional die #C from Amazon for $17.95 to add to my set. Now I’m all good to go.
Mein Mann ist ein Handwerker und tftelt auch zu Hause immer an etwas herum. Er besitzt soviel Werkzeuge, dass selbst Werkstattbesitzer, wie mein Bruder, begeistert ist. Mein Mann achtet daher eher auf Qualitt, als auf den Preis, weil dann das Arbeiten einfach Spa macht, wenn das Werkzeug vernnftig ist und in diesem Fall war er sehr begeistert
Ik schrok van de prijzen van een professionele krimptang. Veel positieve reacties hebben me overtuigd deze te proberen. Heb er inmiddels wat krimpen mee gedaan en het voelt prima, resultaten zijn eigenlijk uitstekend. Enig minpunt is een beschrijving, die ontbreekt.
Would have given it a 5 star if it had a wire cutter on board. But a nice product. Was a little concerned at first because it didn’t crimp the first connector tight but I realized it was the junk connector I had . Nice unit!
I never seen a wire crimper with detachable heads. I tried out a crimp on a test piece of wire. Was impressed.
The tool is so smooth and reliable, I went ahead and made 4 crimps in a row. With this tool, crimping wire is fun, not an ordeal where you 2nd guess your actions. I since used the other crimp heads, they are quick and easy to interchange. There is an adjustment knob, but my experience, there was no need to mess with the factory setting. I recommend this to anyone wanting to crimp their own splices. + + +
Nachdem ich mich Jahrelang mit einem manuellen “altertmlichen” Krimpwerkzeug abgeqult habe bin ich endlich glcklich dieses Werkzeug gekauft zu haben. Die Haltbarkeit wird sich zeige
I’m giving it 5 stars overall because to me it was difficult to use, and saying that the issue i was having just could be me and the limited strength in my hands.
Professional mechanic here….. I got a pair and these work so good, that I had to buy my co-worker his own pair. The guy just kept going in my tool box for these and we all have other types, but these just work good. They became our go-to crimpers.
Compared to other crimpers, this isn’t cheap but wow is it a step up. It crimps with a pre-determined force so you don’t over-crush. I am in love with it and will only use heat shrink terminals from this point on.
Using it with 12 to 10 gauge wires takes a whole lot of hand strength to crimp using both hands. The changeable jaws slide out too easy when you start to crimp the wires. So you have to be extra careful to keep the wire in just the right spot or the lower jaw will slip and cause the tool to jam. But it does the job beautifully. Since I don’t use the tool too often I am alright with it.
I do commercial hvac and many times I’ve run into situations where a solid watertight butt splice is needed, not just wire nuts or the cheap butt connectors. This crimps perfect every time. I got the bigger kit with several heads but I use mostly the non insulated terminals for butt connectors. It crimps regular insulated terminals perfectly too but you can still do those with the crimpers on your cutter. This isn’t something I carry on my belt, but when I need it I need it I go down and grab it from the truck. It’s better suited for bench work but if I know I’m going to be at a location I’ll use i
I like these purpose made crimpers much better than stripper pliers. Produces a near perfect crimp, no pull outs or loose crimps. May take a few practice crimps to get the wire and lug positioned properly to align with the jaws. The jaws are not full width so it is possible to miss the jaw if not paying attention. I did that twice under the dash where visibility was limited.
Wish I bought these years ago.
Easy to fit crimp parts, superb crimping power without straining, and a lever to open if a problem found with crimping, far superior to the cheap old broken one it’s replaced, a well made crimping tool.
Been using the same different brand crimpers for years for insulated terminals. They did the job but on occasion went through the insulation. These are flat faced, half faced so can move to opposite side of terminal and crimp without squashing the middle section of a double butt terminal. Very nice to use and other mechanics impressed. Well made and very ergonomic to use.
These crimpers along with the swpeet wire crimps, (ferrule without the plastic insulator) worked very well in replacing a start capacitor for my 18″ band saw.
Nothing like using the right tool for the job. This crimp tool is perfect for the heat-shrink insulated lugs. Easy to use and rugged. I like it so much I bought a second one for my garage workshop so I don’t have to keep taking the other one back and forth between my workbench and the garage–where it always winds up in the place where I’m not.
These crimpers are pretty solid, however, I did return them since I had no need for them. Though I definitely would recommend them to anyone needing a good set!
An excellent crimper, the only down side is you cannot buy additional jaws for this version.
Would be helpful if this was declared in the product description.
Het leek erop dat een fatsoenlijke krimptang minstens 80-100 euro moet kosten, maar door de positieve reviews bij deze tang heb ik toch de gok gewaagd. Gelukkig maar, want het is een zeer solide en goed werkende krimptang. Wat mij betreft een absolute aanrader en het bewijs dat goed gereedschap soms ook betaalbaar kan zijn.
Ich hatte eine Crimpzange fr Isolierte Kabelschuhe-Stecker bestellt…
Geliefert wurde eine Zange fr Klemmen Schrumpfisolierung.
Diese Crimpzange ist von der Verarbeitung super.
Ich habe auch schon mit Crimpzangen aus der Profiliga gearbeitet…zum fnffachen Preis.
Diese steht denen in nichts nach. Sollte sie nur halb so lange halten wie die Marken-Zangen, ist es auf alle Flle eine gnstigere Alternative.
Klare Kaufempfehlung
For crimping shrink wrap electric connections it works great. The wire is tight and the shrink-wrap is not broken and can be heated without worry of allowing in water.
I’m an electrician and have owned this crimper for a while now and can honestly say it’s great. Excellent value for money, well made and can fit places my other crimper can’t.
Originally purchased for crimping “heat shrink style crimps” which I was using on low voltage garden lighting projects mostly. For this purpose it’s done exactly what I wanted it to do. No damage to the outer heat shrink on the crimps, and solid electrical connections. I’ve probably done a few thousand connections with it and everyone has been perfect.
There has also been a few occasions where I would usually use my other crimp tool (for normal style through crimps) where this tool has been a life saver. Very short Snapped wires in light switches for example, this tool was able to get in where other crimp tools couldn’t fit, one occasion this saved me having to chase the wall out on a call out.
It’s very well made, lives in my every day tool bag and should last for many years.
Me ha gustado la suavidad con la que la herramienta hace su funcin y la terminacin profesional que deja como resultado al crimpar los terminales. lo nico a destacar es el elevado precio, pero merece la pena.
Gli inserti magnetici sono molto comodi e rapidi da sostituire e la pinza abbastanza robusta e si comporta perfettamente con i capicorda pari marca (ci mancherebbe) ma attenzione a quelli di altre marche, con spessori pi grossi della lamina, dove lo sforzo diventa veramente eccessivo.
La scatola fornita comoda anche se inutilmente grande, forse pensata per contenere il kit completo ma nel mio caso c’e’ troppo spazio sprecato.
Dei 4 inserti quello che si comporta meglio quello specifico per i capicorda con la guaina termoretraibile, peccato per che costino tanto e siano un po’ troppo sottili. Non mi convince molto quello per i puntalini, mi sembra che chiuda poco, complice anche la sezione trapezoidale. Nella norma gli altri due (connettori isolati in nylon e non isolati) a patto di restare sulle prime posizioni mentre sul giallo dipende dallo spessore del metallo del connettore.
In conclusione mi sembra un buon prodotto, che fa il suo lavoro pur senza eccellere, forse un po’ costoso ma dipende anche molto da quanto durer.
Nice set of cable crimpers , does the job perfectly nice handles , works well in my electrical work crimping cable lugs on cables for terminations , decent price too . Thanks
Ancora non ho avuto modo di provarlo, ma dal materiale a primo impatto si sente che un buon prodotto! La praticit di avere il set con le pinze intercambiabili molto comoda. Consigliato
After years of using cheap crappy wire crimpers, I finally bought a real one. The ONLY thing I can complain about is not really tool related. It crimps perfect with thee exception of butt connectors. Modern butt splices are cheaply made and too short for the crimper on this tool. If you crimp one end, the other is partially crimped as well, making it unusable. Again, I think this is due to the cheapening of materials used to make the connector, not the tool. The stripper portion of the stripper pliers works great, the cutter portion is not as good as it could be. It cuts insulated wire great, but if you strip a little too much off and need to shorten it, it smears -kinda like dull scissors. Minor issue, we all have dykes
La herramienta esta bien. El problema es que se ha convertido en una mala compra porque solo tiene cabezales para un tipo de terminal en electrnica. He buscado los diferentes cabezales y hay que comprarlos en EEUU O CHINA y no vienen solos o sea hay que volver a comprar la herramienta de nuevo …. no estoy conforme con la compra .
Hesitated due the high cost but am impressed with the Wirefy system. Good strong joins and the heat shrinking works well. Yes, it requires more heat than a heat shrink sleeve, but not much more.
I really like that you can switch heads out quick and easy and crimp pretty much everything you can think of. The only thing I don’t like is that after quiet a bit of use that one of the braces that holds the jaws together had popped loose and when you need to crimp bigger wires the jaws spread apart and alow the crimp head to slip back and not make a complete crimp. Tacked it back together with a welder and it seems to be working now, not sure if I just got a bum pair or if they are all like that. Other then that small issue they are great! I would highly recommend them if your looking for new crimper just keep a eye on your jaws incase mine isn’t a isolated case
Parece de buena calidad, la terminacin es buena no tiene holguras , la use un par de veces y ejerce bien su funcin los terminales han quedado bastante bien crimpados, su uso es fcil, el precio me parece ajustado.
Bought these by mistake thinking they used interchangeable jaws. They look similar but don’t take interchangeable jaws. Kept them and they work very nicely on the crimp fittings that they were designed for.
I previously had a C.K. crimper, they would always cease up and after crimping a load my hands would start to ache. Thought I’d give this a go and it’s great! Crimps down easier whilst being consistent, plus the grips are comfy.
Recibida en tiempo corto. La tenaza es muy robusta y el manejo se hace comodsimo, adems del maletn de servicio que trae. De mucha calidad y realmente til el cambio de mordazas, despus de la mala experiencia de tenaza con tornillos.
La he utilizado con bastantes terminales en un cableado y ha sido perfecto, tanto el apriete como el
Resumiendo. Una gran herramienta y de total confianza y calidad.
La recomiendo. Tenaza para muchos aos.
Really well made, can see these lasting a long time, you need to take a little to line up the fittings where you want them as they work on a one way ratchet system.
Smaller hands may find them a little large to handle
I believe this is well build quality product. The rachet is spot on and the two crimping points will make a secure connection every time this is used. Would definitely recommend this product compared to the past rachet crimping tools I have used.
Over the years I have owned the typical cheap wire crimpers. I thought they all sucked, the KIND OF did the job, but really didn’t know any better. When I was wiring a rather complicated remote start for a Yamaha generator on a solar system, I quickly realized the importance of good connections, but these things kick ass. I can’t see how you could ever get better. With my old primitive “Joe Average” crimpers I had failures when I thought the connections were good. NONE with these. Since then I have used them for heat shrink ends on a boat project. Definitely a must for that so you don’t pierce the heat shrink on the terminals.
Il prodotto eccellente, in termini di qualit e di rapporto qualit / prezzo. Sembra banale, ma occorre saper utilizzare correttamente la pinza, altrimenti sar inevitabile l’insoddisfazione e verr ritenuto un cattivo acquisto.
Arrived quickly, as described and works well, much better than the cheap tools supplied with terminal crimping sets. Gives a strong well crimped joint.
Changed my life ! So much easier to crimp terminals with a decent tool and this is sturdy and simple to use for blue yellow and red terminals. Lovely colour that is easy to spot.
Tolle Crimpzange, perfekte Crimps, habe ich zusammen mit AUPROTEC Schrumpfverbinder wei 0,1-0,5 mm verwendet auf ROT gecrimpt, Sichtkontrolle perfekt, Abzugtest perfekt, Funktion ohnehin perfekt.
Konnte dadurch ein Hera Lampe 24VDC mit einem IKEA Trafo 30W verbinden.
The crimper tool is very well made, and it feels and acts like a quality tool should. The carrying case is great, and the crimping dies are excellent, except for the open barrel C dies.
The C dies are great for some very limited set of open barrel connectors. I tried to use them on some U-form wire splice connectors, and they didn’t work at all for those. The strain relief hooks which are supposed to grab the wire insulation always mangled to a huge mess, and they didn’t form in to J-shape like they are supposed to. Also, tried them on some Sumitomo connector open barrel terminals, and on AMP Superseals, same story everywhere. Had to use my el cheapo 10 chinese crimp pliers in the end, which this Wirefy crimper is supposed to replace.
Also for some reason Wirefy only offers one type of C dies, when there are actually multiple versions available. For example, Hsun Wang (the most probable manufacturer of these pliers) offers multiple types for different terminals.
The wire stripper tool is super, nothing bad to say about those.
I wanted a versatile crimping set to be able to tackle all terminal types I need when wiring up car accessories and renewing corroded connectors on my classic cars. This set fitted the bill. Crimps are good and strong, well completed and don’t pull apart. Having the option to use the best jaws for the job and being confident is a real plus. I’m happy. But there is room for improvement and it’s easy things too.
1. Why are the engraved numbers on the jaws not picked out in white? They are important but almost impossible to read. I did this myself, see pictures.
2. Why are not all the jaws available in the UK? I had to use Amazon USA for some, and this was needless if all jaws were made available.
3. The 9″ crimper should be the one supplied with the kit. It’s hardly much bigger but is a better design for larger terminal types
But all in all its a good kit and I enjoy using it so that’s a plus.
Great set, bought it for industrial electrical applications and it was smooth and consistent over the course of the job. Definitely worth the extra bit a money
Been trying to find a decent pair of crimpers for heat shrink connectors. Have tried many and failed but these are superb. Crimp tight and do not break plastic heat shrink.
Bought this one and to see how well it’s made/constructed; and it’s well made.
Returned it and upgraded/bought the kit in its place. That too (obviously) is well made and has the selection of easily interchangeable heads.
Whether or not I’ll ever use all the heads – who knows.
But based on my initial inspections both the single tool – and the complete kit (handset and assorted heads) – are worth serious consideration at least.
Given four stars as I haven’t actually used it (the tool itself in battle – yet; but I suspect either the single fixed head and/or the kit will pan out to five stars anon.
I have tried 4-5 different heat shrink crimpers and have found them to be disappointing. On some, the teeth do not line up, and others do not provide adequate pressure to properly crimp the terminal. These are by far the best pair, mainly because of the quality and variety of interchangeable dies. The three different wire gauge sizes are all sufficiently crimped in the ring, butt, and flag terminals; do yourself a favor and just get these right from the start and save yourself the hassle 🙂
Visto il prezzo,pensavo di imbattermi nella classica cinesata ma mi sono dovuto ricredere…Premetto che sono un’elettricit e che spesso maneggio utensili professionali ben pi blesonati…L’ho comprata per uso “fai da te”,non avevo grandi aspettative ma devo dire che fa lo stesso lavoro di una pinza professionale…Ho solo dovuto regolare l’intensit,per il resto va benissimo..Ho crimpato cavi occhielli con cavi di terra da 6 mm2 e nn ha avuto nessun problema,anche dopo un’utilizzo sporadico….Sono davvero stupito che un’utensile che costi cos poco sia davvero tanto valido..
The item arrived as expected and well packed. I can say from experience that many such tools do not meet expectations, but this tool is a well made and solid example of how a crimp tool should work. It has adjustable jaw pressure to adjust the crimp height and cope with a range of wire gauges and crimp quality and a ratchet mechanism to ensure the correct pressure is applied. A quality tool.
This 11 piece set is only missing two major dies. One which I needed was die #C which does open barrel connectors, and another die which I don’t need which does ferrels, a very specialized kind of connector used in automotive audio systems. I solved my problem by buying the additional die #C from Amazon for $17.95 to add to my set. Now I’m all good to go.
Ce n’est pas du professionnel mais on n’as pas toujours les moyens.
Mein Mann ist ein Handwerker und tftelt auch zu Hause immer an etwas herum. Er besitzt soviel Werkzeuge, dass selbst Werkstattbesitzer, wie mein Bruder, begeistert ist. Mein Mann achtet daher eher auf Qualitt, als auf den Preis, weil dann das Arbeiten einfach Spa macht, wenn das Werkzeug vernnftig ist und in diesem Fall war er sehr begeistert
Also Daumen hoch
Ik schrok van de prijzen van een professionele krimptang. Veel positieve reacties hebben me overtuigd deze te proberen. Heb er inmiddels wat krimpen mee gedaan en het voelt prima, resultaten zijn eigenlijk uitstekend. Enig minpunt is een beschrijving, die ontbreekt.
Works great for electrical connections and wiring. Perfect for homeowner or electrician.
Pince nickel en un coup trs facile l’emploi je recommande viveme
Se ha cambiado la instalacin elctrica completa de un barco, ni una queja con esta herramienta, ha cumplido su funcin, sobre todo por este precio.
Comoda anche per chi usa una sola mano! Consigliata! Ottima linea
excellente pince, cela vaut vraiment la peine de faire un effort sur le prix, la pince le vaut bien!! je suis trs satisfait de cet achat.
Would have given it a 5 star if it had a wire cutter on board. But a nice product. Was a little concerned at first because it didn’t crimp the first connector tight but I realized it was the junk connector I had . Nice unit!
Ottima pinza..ha tutto quello che serve in un unico attrezzo direi fatte proprio bene senza spendere una fortuna
Been wanting one of these for a long time! Finally got around to getting one and I’m glad to have it now. Makes crimping much easier and faster!
Liked because it takes less time to use Easy to select a specific size wire for crimping and only one motion completes the crimp
Usata parecchie volte sembra uguale a quella che ho gi ma dal costo doppio
un po’ difficoltosa da usare con i terminali isolati da 6mm, per il resto va bene
Se ve robusta y fiable en el primer uso. Veremos cuando pase un tiempo si sigo teniendo la misma sensacin.
Mordazas para cualquier terminal.
The tool is so smooth and reliable, I went ahead and made 4 crimps in a row. With this tool, crimping wire is fun, not an ordeal where you 2nd guess your actions. I since used the other crimp heads, they are quick and easy to interchange. There is an adjustment knob, but my experience, there was no need to mess with the factory setting. I recommend this to anyone wanting to crimp their own splices. + + +
Nachdem ich mich Jahrelang mit einem manuellen “altertmlichen” Krimpwerkzeug abgeqult habe bin ich endlich glcklich dieses Werkzeug gekauft zu haben. Die Haltbarkeit wird sich zeige
These crimpers are awesome. I only wish I had bought them sooner.
I’m giving it 5 stars overall because to me it was difficult to use, and saying that the issue i was having just could be me and the limited strength in my hands.
Pratique pour sortir bon nombre de COS trs bon matriel
Good quality, Easy to use, works great
Very happy with this tool.
Like the color coding on the interchangeable Sets
Worth the money
Compared to other crimpers, this isn’t cheap but wow is it a step up. It crimps with a pre-determined force so you don’t over-crush. I am in love with it and will only use heat shrink terminals from this point on.
Using it with 12 to 10 gauge wires takes a whole lot of hand strength to crimp using both hands. The changeable jaws slide out too easy when you start to crimp the wires. So you have to be extra careful to keep the wire in just the right spot or the lower jaw will slip and cause the tool to jam. But it does the job beautifully. Since I don’t use the tool too often I am alright with it.
Pince qui donne entire satisfaction. l’outil est de qualit voir sa dure dans le temps
Bon rapport qualit prix. Semble assez solide a l utilisatio
I like these purpose made crimpers much better than stripper pliers. Produces a near perfect crimp, no pull outs or loose crimps. May take a few practice crimps to get the wire and lug positioned properly to align with the jaws. The jaws are not full width so it is possible to miss the jaw if not paying attention. I did that twice under the dash where visibility was limited.
Wish I bought these years ago.
Easy to fit crimp parts, superb crimping power without straining, and a lever to open if a problem found with crimping, far superior to the cheap old broken one it’s replaced, a well made crimping tool.
Using for work, comfortable to use and seems good quality
Solid tool easy to use makes the best crimps I’ve seen any tool do
Worked well with the connectors, super easy to use, and fast.
Did not like the fact it was not made in us. If I would known, would not have bought.
Been using the same different brand crimpers for years for insulated terminals. They did the job but on occasion went through the insulation. These are flat faced, half faced so can move to opposite side of terminal and crimp without squashing the middle section of a double butt terminal. Very nice to use and other mechanics impressed. Well made and very ergonomic to use.
These crimpers along with the swpeet wire crimps, (ferrule without the plastic insulator) worked very well in replacing a start capacitor for my 18″ band saw.
Loved the tool. I primarily do marine electronics wiring and the crimper give a secure solid connection every time
Trs facile d’utilisation et d’un abord robuste. voir dans la dure.
Was using the wrong crimpers for the longest time and kept cutting into the heatshrink. These solved my problem, thanks.
Nothing like using the right tool for the job. This crimp tool is perfect for the heat-shrink insulated lugs. Easy to use and rugged. I like it so much I bought a second one for my garage workshop so I don’t have to keep taking the other one back and forth between my workbench and the garage–where it always winds up in the place where I’m not.
These crimpers are pretty solid, however, I did return them since I had no need for them. Though I definitely would recommend them to anyone needing a good set!
An excellent crimper, the only down side is you cannot buy additional jaws for this version.
Would be helpful if this was declared in the product description.
Het leek erop dat een fatsoenlijke krimptang minstens 80-100 euro moet kosten, maar door de positieve reviews bij deze tang heb ik toch de gok gewaagd. Gelukkig maar, want het is een zeer solide en goed werkende krimptang. Wat mij betreft een absolute aanrader en het bewijs dat goed gereedschap soms ook betaalbaar kan zijn.
Ich hatte eine Crimpzange fr Isolierte Kabelschuhe-Stecker bestellt…
Geliefert wurde eine Zange fr Klemmen Schrumpfisolierung.
Diese Crimpzange ist von der Verarbeitung super.
Ich habe auch schon mit Crimpzangen aus der Profiliga gearbeitet…zum fnffachen Preis.
Diese steht denen in nichts nach. Sollte sie nur halb so lange halten wie die Marken-Zangen, ist es auf alle Flle eine gnstigere Alternative.
Klare Kaufempfehlung
For crimping shrink wrap electric connections it works great. The wire is tight and the shrink-wrap is not broken and can be heated without worry of allowing in water.
I’m an electrician and have owned this crimper for a while now and can honestly say it’s great. Excellent value for money, well made and can fit places my other crimper can’t.
Originally purchased for crimping “heat shrink style crimps” which I was using on low voltage garden lighting projects mostly. For this purpose it’s done exactly what I wanted it to do. No damage to the outer heat shrink on the crimps, and solid electrical connections. I’ve probably done a few thousand connections with it and everyone has been perfect.
There has also been a few occasions where I would usually use my other crimp tool (for normal style through crimps) where this tool has been a life saver. Very short Snapped wires in light switches for example, this tool was able to get in where other crimp tools couldn’t fit, one occasion this saved me having to chase the wall out on a call out.
It’s very well made, lives in my every day tool bag and should last for many years.
Ich habe diese Zange hauptschlich verwendet um Lautsprecher mit entsprechenden Klemmen oder div. Verbinder zu crimpen.
Hat wunderbar funktioniert, man sollte ein wenig Kraft einplanen beim zusammen drcken.
Me ha gustado la suavidad con la que la herramienta hace su funcin y la terminacin profesional que deja como resultado al crimpar los terminales. lo nico a destacar es el elevado precio, pero merece la pena.
Gli inserti magnetici sono molto comodi e rapidi da sostituire e la pinza abbastanza robusta e si comporta perfettamente con i capicorda pari marca (ci mancherebbe) ma attenzione a quelli di altre marche, con spessori pi grossi della lamina, dove lo sforzo diventa veramente eccessivo.
La scatola fornita comoda anche se inutilmente grande, forse pensata per contenere il kit completo ma nel mio caso c’e’ troppo spazio sprecato.
Dei 4 inserti quello che si comporta meglio quello specifico per i capicorda con la guaina termoretraibile, peccato per che costino tanto e siano un po’ troppo sottili. Non mi convince molto quello per i puntalini, mi sembra che chiuda poco, complice anche la sezione trapezoidale. Nella norma gli altri due (connettori isolati in nylon e non isolati) a patto di restare sulle prime posizioni mentre sul giallo dipende dallo spessore del metallo del connettore.
In conclusione mi sembra un buon prodotto, che fa il suo lavoro pur senza eccellere, forse un po’ costoso ma dipende anche molto da quanto durer.
Nice set of cable crimpers , does the job perfectly nice handles , works well in my electrical work crimping cable lugs on cables for terminations , decent price too . Thanks
No more struggling, brilliant, should have got one years ago
Ancora non ho avuto modo di provarlo, ma dal materiale a primo impatto si sente che un buon prodotto! La praticit di avere il set con le pinze intercambiabili molto comoda. Consigliato
After years of using cheap crappy wire crimpers, I finally bought a real one. The ONLY thing I can complain about is not really tool related. It crimps perfect with thee exception of butt connectors. Modern butt splices are cheaply made and too short for the crimper on this tool. If you crimp one end, the other is partially crimped as well, making it unusable. Again, I think this is due to the cheapening of materials used to make the connector, not the tool. The stripper portion of the stripper pliers works great, the cutter portion is not as good as it could be. It cuts insulated wire great, but if you strip a little too much off and need to shorten it, it smears -kinda like dull scissors. Minor issue, we all have dykes
La herramienta esta bien. El problema es que se ha convertido en una mala compra porque solo tiene cabezales para un tipo de terminal en electrnica. He buscado los diferentes cabezales y hay que comprarlos en EEUU O CHINA y no vienen solos o sea hay que volver a comprar la herramienta de nuevo …. no estoy conforme con la compra .
Good quality for the money, crimps nicely worth they money
Oggetto come da descrizione . Mi serviva esattamente allo scopo . Materiale buono
This crimping tool has a superb design, a solid engineering and is built to last. Very easy to use with different types of terminals.
Not needed very often, but like most tools it is prefect for its intended use
Prodotto specifico per capi or da elettrici, nello specifico Rossi gialli e Bleu.
Ottimo prodotto qualit prezzo
Hesitated due the high cost but am impressed with the Wirefy system. Good strong joins and the heat shrinking works well. Yes, it requires more heat than a heat shrink sleeve, but not much more.
I really like that you can switch heads out quick and easy and crimp pretty much everything you can think of. The only thing I don’t like is that after quiet a bit of use that one of the braces that holds the jaws together had popped loose and when you need to crimp bigger wires the jaws spread apart and alow the crimp head to slip back and not make a complete crimp. Tacked it back together with a welder and it seems to be working now, not sure if I just got a bum pair or if they are all like that. Other then that small issue they are great! I would highly recommend them if your looking for new crimper just keep a eye on your jaws incase mine isn’t a isolated case
Parece de buena calidad, la terminacin es buena no tiene holguras , la use un par de veces y ejerce bien su funcin los terminales han quedado bastante bien crimpados, su uso es fcil, el precio me parece ajustado.
Pinza crimpatrice molto robusta, facile da usare e dalle crimpature perfette.
Produces firm crimps that you won’t achieve with non ratchet tools.
Bought these by mistake thinking they used interchangeable jaws. They look similar but don’t take interchangeable jaws. Kept them and they work very nicely on the crimp fittings that they were designed for.
I previously had a C.K. crimper, they would always cease up and after crimping a load my hands would start to ache. Thought I’d give this a go and it’s great! Crimps down easier whilst being consistent, plus the grips are comfy.
Super crimpers! When using the heat shrink connectors these are a must. Well built.
Recibida en tiempo corto. La tenaza es muy robusta y el manejo se hace comodsimo, adems del maletn de servicio que trae. De mucha calidad y realmente til el cambio de mordazas, despus de la mala experiencia de tenaza con tornillos.
La he utilizado con bastantes terminales en un cableado y ha sido perfecto, tanto el apriete como el
Resumiendo. Una gran herramienta y de total confianza y calidad.
La recomiendo. Tenaza para muchos aos.
I haven’t used it yet but I have full confidence in i
Really well made, can see these lasting a long time, you need to take a little to line up the fittings where you want them as they work on a one way ratchet system.
Smaller hands may find them a little large to handle
I believe this is well build quality product. The rachet is spot on and the two crimping points will make a secure connection every time this is used. Would definitely recommend this product compared to the past rachet crimping tools I have used.
I haven’t used it yet but it seems to be of a very high quality
Over the years I have owned the typical cheap wire crimpers. I thought they all sucked, the KIND OF did the job, but really didn’t know any better. When I was wiring a rather complicated remote start for a Yamaha generator on a solar system, I quickly realized the importance of good connections, but these things kick ass. I can’t see how you could ever get better. With my old primitive “Joe Average” crimpers I had failures when I thought the connections were good. NONE with these. Since then I have used them for heat shrink ends on a boat project. Definitely a must for that so you don’t pierce the heat shrink on the terminals.
Il prodotto eccellente, in termini di qualit e di rapporto qualit / prezzo. Sembra banale, ma occorre saper utilizzare correttamente la pinza, altrimenti sar inevitabile l’insoddisfazione e verr ritenuto un cattivo acquisto.
Arrived quickly, as described and works well, much better than the cheap tools supplied with terminal crimping sets. Gives a strong well crimped joint.
Changed my life ! So much easier to crimp terminals with a decent tool and this is sturdy and simple to use for blue yellow and red terminals. Lovely colour that is easy to spot.
Tolle Crimpzange, perfekte Crimps, habe ich zusammen mit AUPROTEC Schrumpfverbinder wei 0,1-0,5 mm verwendet auf ROT gecrimpt, Sichtkontrolle perfekt, Abzugtest perfekt, Funktion ohnehin perfekt.
Konnte dadurch ein Hera Lampe 24VDC mit einem IKEA Trafo 30W verbinden.
The C dies are great for some very limited set of open barrel connectors. I tried to use them on some U-form wire splice connectors, and they didn’t work at all for those. The strain relief hooks which are supposed to grab the wire insulation always mangled to a huge mess, and they didn’t form in to J-shape like they are supposed to. Also, tried them on some Sumitomo connector open barrel terminals, and on AMP Superseals, same story everywhere. Had to use my el cheapo 10 chinese crimp pliers in the end, which this Wirefy crimper is supposed to replace.
Also for some reason Wirefy only offers one type of C dies, when there are actually multiple versions available. For example, Hsun Wang (the most probable manufacturer of these pliers) offers multiple types for different terminals.
The wire stripper tool is super, nothing bad to say about those.
Finally got to use it. This is an expensive kit but the crimper is fantastic. Works more like a ratchet preventing me from over crimping.
I love the way the RATCHET works and then RELEASES.
These are well made and function as intended. No issues at all.
Consegna rapida, l’ho usata per ora solo un paio di volte ma mi sembra robusta e facile da usare, prodotto secondo me eccellente, di buona quali
1. Why are the engraved numbers on the jaws not picked out in white? They are important but almost impossible to read. I did this myself, see pictures.
2. Why are not all the jaws available in the UK? I had to use Amazon USA for some, and this was needless if all jaws were made available.
3. The 9″ crimper should be the one supplied with the kit. It’s hardly much bigger but is a better design for larger terminal types
But all in all its a good kit and I enjoy using it so that’s a plus.
Great set, bought it for industrial electrical applications and it was smooth and consistent over the course of the job. Definitely worth the extra bit a money
Been trying to find a decent pair of crimpers for heat shrink connectors. Have tried many and failed but these are superb. Crimp tight and do not break plastic heat shrink.
Returned it and upgraded/bought the kit in its place. That too (obviously) is well made and has the selection of easily interchangeable heads.
Whether or not I’ll ever use all the heads – who knows.
But based on my initial inspections both the single tool – and the complete kit (handset and assorted heads) – are worth serious consideration at least.
Given four stars as I haven’t actually used it (the tool itself in battle – yet; but I suspect either the single fixed head and/or the kit will pan out to five stars anon.
Brilliant tool great tool for automotive wiring. Has a lot of use and is sturdy and dependable.
Item as described, easy to use, sturdy the price is worth it.
Haven’t stopped using them since I got them absolutely love them
Sturdy item and does the job well but maybe a bit pricey…..
Fast service and feels good quality
Just to put them to the tes
A vey well made crimper for 20, I brought for insulated terminal, I didn’t realise it actually comes with 3 other jaws as well so an absolute bargain.
This is a nice, heavy and robust crimp tool, works well with the heat shrink crimps it’s designed for.