Potensic T25 GPS Drone with 2K Camera for Adults, RC FPV

Potensic T25 GPS Drone with 2K Camera for Adults, RC FPV Drone with WiFi Live Video, Auto Return Home, Altitude Hold, Follow Me, Custom Flight Path, Professional Drones for Beginners, White

Prime DayPotensic T25 GPS Drone with Camera for adultsotensic T25 GPS Drone with Camera for adults , FPV RC Drone 1080P HD WiFi Live Video,Potensic T25 GPS Drone with Camera for adultsPotensic T25 GPS Drone with Camera for adultsPotensic T25 Drone with 2K Camera for Adults
Potensic T25 Drone with 2K Camera for AdultsPotensic T25 Drone with 2K Camera for AdultsTomzon D65 GPS Drone with 4K Camera for AdultsPotensic Dreamer 4K DroneTomzon Drone with 4K Camera, D30 GPS Foldable Drone for AdultsPotensic D68 GPS Drone with 4K FHD Camera
Camera 2K 2K 4K 4K 4K 4K
Flight Time 10 mins (1 battery) 20 mins (2 Batteries) 40 mins (2 Batteries) 31 mins (1 battery) 17 mins (1 battery) 25 mins(1 battery)
Motor Normal Normal Normal Brushless Motor Normal Brushless Motor
Transmission 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G

Weight: 1.06 kg
Dimensions: 41.29 x 27.6 x 13.6 cm; 1.06 Kilograms
Brand: Potensic
Manufacture: Potensic
Dimensions: 41.29 x 27.6 x 13.6 cm; 1.06 Kilograms

88 Responses

  1. Michael Fitzgerald says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for my kids . But it’s much better than I thought it was going to be my kids love it. Battery last about 10 – 15 mins and if they fly it to far it flies itself back . Cracking value for money

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Drone is brilliant for the money, I have the same problem as another one of the reviewers, the camera keeps freezing and loosing connection, can anyone from Potensic help? If I get a replacement camera working it will the best 100 quid I’ve ever spent!

  3. Anonymous says:


    Die Drohne verfgt uber Gps und Follow me modus. Ist sehr stabil in Luft. Sie verfolgt daher das verbundene Handy, wenn gewnscht. Die Drohne ist mit eine hervorragende HD ausgestattet. Sehr leicht steuerbar, selbst als Anfnger hatte ich es in wenigen Minuten raus. Die Drohne kann selbstndig starten und landen und das tut sie sehr gut. Viele Ersatzteile wie Stoschutz, Ersatzfsse und Propeller vorhanden. Wurde mit Montagewerkzeug und Anleitung geliefert. Fr Kalibrierung und steuern gibts in Potensic App Video. Die Drohne macht ganz viel spass und ich wrde jedem Potensic T35 empfehlen. Super Drohne, funktioniert super und sieht auch super aus.
    Komunikation mit Verkufer ist auch super, antwortet ganz schnell auf alle Fragen. Also auf jeden Fall sehr sehr empfehlenswert.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe drone is good for beginners. The minus is that it lacks the power to fly against the wind. This makes it difficult to return the drone back from a further flight and control the flight. I recommend learning how to fly with it on a windless day.

    Potensic GPS Drone With 1080P HD Camera

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersPlease follow the directions that come with this, the Potensic-G app also has the same guides written better to help you even more. The camera on this is extremely good and requires a micro sd card, so far I haven’t gone further than 30m as I’m keeping it in beginner mode until I feel comfortable flying it. Make sure you visit the CAA for a Operator and/or flying licence (9 a year). Get a good drone app on your app store too as this can tell you things you were not aware of. The low controller voltage warning will persist until it’s ready to fly so follow the guide.

    Good camera and stable flying.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great beginner drone, the gps works brilliantly, great ability to record videos to your phone, controls are easy to use and within a few minutes you can be doing basic moves but don’t worry about your drone flying into the distance, you can set a maximum distance the drone can fly before the system stops it. One button take off and landing this drone makes learning to fly much easier. In the UK you will need to register with the CAA. Overall a good beginner and intermediate drone.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What a wonderful drone, easy to fly, great for beginners. I have taken some wonderful aerial shots of my house and garden, very easy to do. Functions on this drone are superb, my son and I have had a great time with this.

  8. Chris says:


    Depuis quelques temps je voulais acheter un drone juste pour le plaisir mais je ne voulais pas payer 500-1000.
    J’ai donc dcider d’acheter le Potensic T35 et franchement c’est une trs bonne surprise !

    Tout d’abord, l’emballage. Le drone arrive dans un carton bien protg et aucun risque de casse.
    Dans ce carton on y trouve, le drone, la tlcommande, 2 jeux d’hlices, 2 pieds supplmentaires, les protections d’hlices, la batterie, un cble pour tout recharger et des outils pour faire le montage correctement.

    Il faut fixer les hlices et les protections, cela prendra peine 10 minutes mme pour quelqu’un qui ne bricole pas du tout.

    Une fois le montage fait, il ne reste plus que scanner le QR Code qui se trouve dans le manuel d’utilisation pour tlcharger l’application (iOS & Android).
    Au premier dmarrage de l’application, vous avez un tuto permettant de faire le parametrage correctement (faut compter 2 minutes).

    Aprs tout a le drone est prt tre utilis sachant que par dfaut il y’a de la batterie pour pouvoir jouer un peu avec sans avoir le charger et le premier dcollage se fait en mode dbutant ce qui permet de prendre le drone en main et d’apprendre le piloter. Ensuite vous pouvez aller dans les rglages pour dsactiver le mode dbutant et la .. c’est la libert !

    Une autonomie d’environ 25 minutes (batterie pleine) qui m’a permis de bien faire voler le drone, de tester le mode Follow me qui marche merveille (test en vlo), j’ai pu prendre quelque photos et vidos en 1080p grce la carte MicroSD que j’ai insr dans la camra (carte a acheter sparment), vol stationnaire, rglage de l’angle et de la vitesse du drone et sans me rendre compte que je n’avais plus de batterie aprs avoir bien test le drone, il est revenu tout seul l’endroit o je l’ai fait dcoller .. magnifique !

    Trs honntement, ce drone n’a absolument rien envier aux drones des autres marques qui cotent beaucoup beaucoup plus cher .. j’en suis extrmement content ! Je ne regrette pas du tout mon achat !

    Si je peux donner un seul conseil, il faut acheter 1 batterie supplmentaire vendu sur Amazon pour pouvoir s’amuser encore plus !

    Magnifique drone !

  9. Anonymous says:


    j’ai retourne mon achat car la charge de la batterie est d’une longueur pas possible il en faut deux,de plus il y avait du jeu dans une tige d’un moteur,je n’ai pas pris le risque d’un crash ce qui m’aurait empeche de le retrouner chez amazon.j’ai l’habitude des des drones,j’en est une demi douzaine,et je sais que ce moteur aurait lache,sinon,stabilite,maniabilite,image de la camera de tres bonne facture,des clones existent,chez holy stone,srjc, ils sont identiques,certains ont une camera 720p,que l’ont peut changer facilement en achetant une 1080p,en vente d’ailleurs sur le site!!!

  10. Anonymous says:


    Trs agrablement surpris par ce drone, trs facile d’utilisation, trs maniable et trs stable mme avec un vent assez fort. Les fonctions de base permettent un dbutant de s’amuser avec trs rapidement.
    Mon seul bmol est sur la vido qui a une qualit correcte ( pas teste avec une carte mmoire), mais la fluidit n’est pas au rdv… Est-ce cause de la qualit du signal WiFi ?

  11. Anonymous says:


    Je suis vraiment satisfait de mon achat…
    Je suis totalement dbutant, je me suis donc fier aux avis prcdents pour le choix de ce modle de drone.
    Et je ne suis pas du…. La prise en main est rapide, aprs quelques vols, je commence tre l’aise.
    Les fonctions sont vraiment surprenantes ce prix.
    Il y a tout de mme deux petits bmols, mais je me rpte, ce prix ce n’est rien de freinant pour l’achat :
    -dommage que l’appli ne dispose pas de la version franaise. Mais a reste tout de mme intuitif.
    -la vido saccade en 1080p, et j’ai constat la mme chose sur les vidos en commentaire d’autres utilisateurs.
    Pour ma part, j’ai mis une carte de 32G en 98mb/s… En 720p, donc sans SD, a saccade moins.

    Quoi qu’il en soit, je vous recommande ce drone si comme moi vous tes dbutant et que vous voulez vous faire la main moindre prix avant de dpenser une fortune dans un DJI ou autre.

    Ps: je vous conseille l’achat de batteries supplmentaires, parce que c’est plutt frustrant de devoir poser le drone aprs 15-20mn et de devoir attendre 5h avant de se refaire plaisir….

  12. Anonymous says:


    Este Drone tiene caractersticas similares a otros de importe muy superior. Tras 2 meses de experiencia puedo decir con absoluta fiabilidad que es un equipo de plena garanta. Dispone de envo en tiempo real del video que capta su cmara va WIFI, su GPS lo hace ideal para la fotos y videos en exteriores y sus potentes motores permiten volar en condiciones de mucho viento con seguridad. Dispone de barmetro para conocer la altura.
    Al disponer de un efectivo GPS cuando detecta que tienes la batera baja de manera automtica retorna a tu lugar de ubicacin. De igual modo si pierde la seal utiliza la de salida del GPS y retorna con plena garanta.
    Es un equipo muy estable ideal para principiantes y expertos.

    Dispone de funcin FollowMe, permitiendo seguir un objeto en movimiento. Con respecto a la batera, he de indicar que posiblemente sea su punto fuerte. Su duracin en mi caso es superior a los 15 minutos ( muy por encima de otros equipos del mercado ).
    De material resistente soporta sin problema alguno los caractersticos pequeos impactos que puedas tener durante el vuelo.
    Su embalaje es perfecto y el montaje es muy sencillo e intuitivo.
    Para los amantes de la fotografa area, es perfecto ya que dispone de una cmara motorizada de gran definicin, la cual permite variar su inclinacin
    Si buscas un buen equipo a un gran precio no lo dudes es una excelente opcin de compra. Como referencia indicar que nosotros adquirimos dos equipos y ambos son fiables y excelentes en comportamiento de vuelo.
    El servicio post venta es muy eficaz, pendientes de tus consultas en todo momento. Gracias.

  13. Karl2897cxm says:

     United Kingdom

    As an absolute novice, this was a perfect fit – easy to have it take off and hover while I eased into controlling the movements.
    Spare battery was a good additional purchase as batteries don’t last long – mind you that appears normal reading reviews of other similar products.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersCe drone est un excellent compromis pour les “semi-professionnels”. Il possde autant d’avantages que de dfauts.
    Les plus:
    -Une autonomie de batterie correcte (10/15 minutes)
    -Des fonctions de golocalisation trs utiles pour les photos ariennes et le pilotage
    -Une prise en main assez facile (deux/trois essais et vous pouvez travailler)

    Les moins:
    -Son volume avec hlices est trs problmatique. Vous devez dvisser les hlices pour le transport (et les revisser sur place) mais les vis sont extrmement petites et difficiles tenir, encore plus visser…A tel point que vous pouvez passer une petite demi heure pour mettre en place 4 hlices. Et compte tenu de l’envergure, le transport et rendu trs compliqu…
    -Les dconnexions avec la tlcommande et le tlphone sont frquentes.
    -Je n’ai pas trouv d’applications permettant la planification de vol et de prise de vue compatible avec la marque Potensic….

    Conclusion, il s’agit d’un drone qui permet des photos ariennes correctes mais qui reste limit pour la photographie.
    Si vous voulez des photos souvenirs, inutile de prendre ce drone. Si vous voulez des photos professionnelles et avez davantage de moyen, prfrez un drone plus performant.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Ce drne est trs maniable, facile apprendre naviguer avec celui-ci.
    La qualit de la camra est irrprochable.
    Bien sur, une qualit 4K est mieux que du HD mais sincrement, cette camra fait de trs belles vidos et photos qu’on peut enregistrer sur une carte Micro SD place au niveau de la camra ou immdiatement sur le tlphone cellulaire.
    La notice est trs claire.
    Ce n’est pas un jouet.
    Il s’agit d’un drne de qualit fourni avec quelques pices de rechange en cas d’accident.
    La batterie est de bonne qualit et peut tenir jusqu’ 15 minutes si vous n’utilisez pas le systme wi-fi.
    Prvoyez quand mme une seconde batterie pour l’amusement.
    Systme suivez-moi : extra.
    Retour la maison : c’est magique
    Ne s’loigne pas s’il estime que la batterie ne sera pas suffisante pour un back to home.
    Convaincu ?
    Si pas, n’hsitez pas poser votre question.
    Pour info : service commercial disponible en franais et rponse relativement rapide.
    Comme promis au service clientle, je leur mets 150.000 toiles de satisfaction !!!!

  16. GaryTressler says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersPremetto che sono un principiante, il mio primo drone.
    Lo uso da una settimana, quello che ho riscontrato :
    – buona durata batteria, in linea con quanto dichiarato se non fate manovre troppo gravose e non registrate in modo continuo
    – stabilit molto buona: se ha un segnale GPS forte rimane abbastanza fermo, ma impiega 1 o 2 secondi per correggere il drone quando il vento lo inclina
    – buona facilit di controllo, le funzioni come RTH e le altre vanno molto bene. Non ho provato la Seguimi ma vorrei farlo presto.
    – da fermo riesce a mantenere la posizione fissa, mentre in movimento pu andare storto
    – si sente la mancanza di stabilizzazione della fotocamera

    Mi sembra tutto sommato un buon drone, ovviamente commisurato al prezzo che ha. Per avere un drone veramente ottimo bisogna spendere il doppio e anche pi.
    Questo va bene per un principiante.

    Assicuratevi di avere un segnale GPS forte prima di decollare, sia nel drone che nel cellulare. Pi forte pi sar preciso.
    Attenzione a tenere carica anche la batteria del telecomando, a volte fa i capricci.

    Un plauso va fatto anche alla Potensic che ha un’attenzione alla soddisfazione del cliente massima, contattatela per qualsiasi problema.

  17. Erin says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersSi no quieres gastarte cerca de mil euros en un capricho, siempre puedes comprar este, con caractersticas de drones de marcas caras a un precio mas asequible. Este dron, enva en tiempo real el video que capta su cmara va WIFI a nuestros telfonos mviles, su GPS lo hace ideal para la fotos y videos en exteriores y sus potentes motores lo hace ideal para poder volar en condiciones de mucho viento. Tambin internamente se cuenta con un barmetro que le pemite conocer la altura.

    El sistema GPS permite que el dron pueda tener las siguientes funciones de seguridad: si el drone detecta que tiene baja batera retorna a casa, podemos nosotros activar manualmente el retorno a casa y si el drone detecta que ha perdido seal con el mando el automticamente retorna a casa, ademas le permite mantenerse fijo en cualquier punto del aire.

    Tambin cuenta con la funcin FollowMe, que permite perseguir un objeto en movimiento.

    La duracin de la bateria es aceptable, entre 10 y 15m aproximadamente. Tambin he notado buena resistencia a golpes, ya le he pegado 3 y solo se ha araado un poco y ninguna aspa rota.

    Encantado con el

    El mejor en este rango de precio

  18. MairaHumphrey says:


    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our Usersj’ai achet ce drone car j’en avais dj 1 mais pas convaincu,( pas stable,pas d’autonomie 5 minutes …)
    Je reu le produit dans les temps, niveau emballage rien redire parfait . (voir les photos) , d’ailleurs j’ai pris plusieurs photos afin de montrer aux futurs acheteurs ce que contient la boite. (je prcise aussi que la notice est en franais).
    Celle-ci est trs sommaire concernant le montage , il ne parle que des hlices pour le reste on se dbrouille , je montre en quelques photos le montage des protections et aussi des hlices, les protections sont trs utiles en cas de chute surtout au dbut, par contre il faut des doigts de fe car les vis sont trs petites, mais dans l’ensemble a le fait.
    Une fois mont (compter un bon 1/4 heure) il faut le calibrer, rien de bien compliqu,il suffit de lire la notice et suivre la procdure (procdure que vous retrouv dans l’appli pour smartphone, mais en Anglais) . il faut galement tlcharger l’application (Potensic-G) pour smartphone, via le QR code, choisir le bon modle T35 si c’est le votre.
    Plusieurs menus:
    Quick start = l’aide au paramtrage
    Controls = l’application pour contrler le drone, prendre des photo etc…
    Pour les autres menus il s’agit de tutoriel , du mode help (aide)

    Aprs l’application est assez simple comprendre, noter j’ai parfois une perte d’image du drone l’cran au dmarrage, surement un problme de synchronisation (j’approfondirais la prochaine fois).
    Une fois l’ensemble paramtr et synchronis (drone et tlcommande) on peut y aller.

    On appui sur le bouton dcollage et hop le drone prends son envol quelques mtres du sol.
    La premire impression: le drone a une bonne tenue de vol, bonne stabilit, la qualit d’image est plutt correcte au vue du rendu sur le smartphone en mode stationnaire, au niveau maniabilit c’est que du bonheur, mme en vol stationnaire il assure.

    Lors de la premire utilisation le drone utilise le mode brid, en hauteur/distance (distance=30m, hauteur=30, hauteur de retour 25) aprs ce mode se dverrouille dans le menu via l’application. J’ai par ailleurs essay , j’ai dverrouill la hauteur (on peut avoir une hauteur max de 120m) la distance elle aussi peux tre dverrouille (max 500 m) .Bon au dbut on essaye un peu tout , monter, descendre, tourner, photo, vido, mais on est vite rattrap par l’autonomie de la batterie, et oui elle ne dure pas ternellement, j’ai du avoir 7/10 minutes de plaisir, mais j’avais prvu le coup j’ai achet une deuxime batterie ( je la conseil fortement). donc avec la deuxime retour aux essais, j’ai test le retour maison TOP ! le drone revient tout seul au point de dpart, j’ai au l’occasion de tester aussi le retour batterie HS, a fonctionne trs bien galement, je n’ai pas eu le temps de tout tester car la prise en main et le pilotage d’un drone ne se fait pas en 5 minutes, il faut plusieurs heures de pratique pour tre au top ce qui n’est pas mon cas. 🙂
    Je suis content de mon achat, en plus j’ai pu l’acheter au moment des PRIMES DAY donc petite conomie au passage.
    Le drone est de bonne qualit, attention tout de mme il reste en plastique.
    Au niveau batterie la recharge se fait bien l’aide du cordon usb, le temps de recharge est plutt long (point faible), c’est le problme de ce drone , son autonomie de vol (7-10 minutes).
    (aprs plusieurs essais) : le drone grimpe bien, et plafonne une hauteur de 120m max, ce qui assure un point de vue pas ngligeable, l ou je rejoint certains commentaires c’est concernant la photo et la vido , celles ci ne sont pas spcialement au rendez-vous ,photo parfois flou, et la vido pas toujours au top, en mode dplacement l’image du mal tre nette ce qui rends le vol moyennement agrable , j’ai mis une carte Micro SD (32 max) dans la camra, le rendu est loin du rsultat attendu par rapport au 1080p c’est dommage.
    J’ai galement lanc le drone 170 m devant moi, j’ai juste eu une seconde de perte de signal (le drone clignote rouge) mais c’est vite revenu, je ne l’ai pas essay plus loin.
    J’ai galement essay le casque virtuel (VR) , mon avis est mitig , la vision bord du drone n’est pas d’une super qualit ce qui fait que le plaisir s’tiole assez vite, dommage car c’est une super exprience de voir la 1ere personne.
    Sur ce coup je pense que le drone atteint ces limites ce niveau, si on veux de la prcisions que ce soit en vido ou photo il faut passer sur un drone PRO , mais ce n’est pas le mme prix .
    Me concernant je pense en acheter un autre plus tard mais pour l’instant celui ci me convient pour m’habituer aux manuvres.
    Pour le reste je vous laisse le dcouvrir vous mme si l’avis de franchir l’achat vous prends.
    J’espre que cela pourra aider certains dans leur acha

    BIEN, bon produit, mais...

  19. RoxannaSimonson says:

     United Kingdom

    Great piece of kit to use, really easy to fly, highly recommended and great technical support team.

    Potensic t35

  20. Anonymous says:


    Vorweg; Der Kopter macht einfach Spass.Erster Testflug war nicht nur Erfolgreich,es hat auch Spass gemacht.Muss doch noch einen zweiten Akku kaufen.
    Ich war berrascht,einige Rezensenten meinten der Kopter kommt auch gegen migen Wind an…tja…das stimmt tatschlich…Als der Kopter auf der Stelle blieb…wtend in den Wind geneigt 😉 … Scrollrad auf der Schulter der Fernsteuerung Speed erhht..und der kommt weiter vorran…Guuuuut….Das das Akkuleistung kostet drfte wohl klar sein.Also vllig normal.Ich kam mit der ersten Akkuladung ca 12 Minuten aus,wenn das Akku einige male geladen wurde werden es wohl 15 Minuten werden.Wie gesagt,es war etwas Windig Gestern.GPS funzt sehr gut,der Kopter reagiert recht genau und zgig auf Steuerbefehle.Beim T35 sieht man brigens die vorderen zwei Motoren im Bild,bei meinem Mavic wre das Undenkbar,hier gefllt mir das.
    Fr Anfnger also geeignet.

    Kleines Manko,
    Kinderleichter zusammenbau ist etwas bertrieben.Wer es mit der Sehstrke nicht so hat wie ich…Lupe wre eine Idee.Die Bedienungsanleitung ist etwas klein gedruckt…
    Mal “Eben” zusammenbauen und fliegen ist nicht…die Propeller werden Aufgesteckt,Unterlegscheiben mit Fett drauf…Distanzstck drunter…und mit einer Schraube befestigt die mit dem Mikroskop gesucht werden muss.Ist etwas fummelig,also man darf nicht zappelig dabei sein.

    Zu guter letzt; Der Potensic T35 schaut gut aus,und hnlichkeiten mit dem Phantom 4 sind gewnscht aber natrlich “Rein Zufllig”…. 😉


  21. AlishaElwell says:

     United Kingdom

    After much deliberating over specifications and reviews I plunged for the Potensic T35. My first reaction on opening the box was how solid and sturdy the drone looked, and not what I was expecting at this price point. It handles and feels like a serious piece of kit when compared to my other (smaller) drone.
    The T35 is smooth to take-off and land, and hovers at a fixed position when the flight sticks are released, with no drifting. The T35’s features are described elsewhere so I’ll not repeat them here, safe to say that everything performs exactly as it should.

    Videos and photos are saved by the phone app or at a higher resolution on the on-board SDcard. I did have a problem with my 64GB SDcard but eventually discovered that the card was preformatted to exFAT. Once formatted to FAT32 the 64GB card worked OK. (Formatting cards >32GB is not easy in Windows!)

    By nature I’m not easy guy to impress, but I must say that the T35 has exceeded my expectations, and I therefore have no hesitation in recommending to others.

  22. BillyHansen says:


    Voulant dcouvrir le monde du drone , j’ai effectu quelques recherches , qui m’ont toute dirig vers deux choix , le potensic T35 et le Potensic D80 avec sa malette. Donc j’ai comand le T35 et j’en suis vraiment satisfait , la camra est super , ne pas se fier a ce que l’on voit comme vido sur le site d’amazon(peut etre du au dl).
    Reu dans les temps , vous pouvez achetez les yeux ferm !! pour la calibration , il suffit de prendre le drone dans la main , une fois connecter sur le wifi du drone , et manette allum , faite lui faire un tour complet a l’horizontale puis une fois cette etape valid mettre vers le sol et faite un 360 😉

  23. Sheiky Baby says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to set up, easy to use and quite sable.

    Battery life could be better as could camera.

    But for the price a good introduction to gps based drones.

    Would recommend

  24. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersSo I never write reviews, despite being asked to review this by Potensic.
    It was a birthday present for my 11 year old son.
    He loves it and finds it easy to fly. It has good features that give you a very good command of flight and allow you to have the security that it will not get lost.
    We flew it on a windy day and the home button brought it back.
    The camera is good and links to my phone for real-time footage and recording although the wifi range is not quite as far as the flight.
    The battery lasted for around 12mins and if any improvements could be made it would be a longer flight time – but I bought it knowing that it would be 12mins so I cannot complain.
    Overall I am impressed and more importantly, so is my son.

    Good stuff.

  25. Christian Wischofsky says:

     United Kingdom

    Wanted decent Drone, got a very good one…..money well spe

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersWhen this drone became available on a lightning deal with and additional voucher it was too good an opportunity to miss.
    All packaged up very well with clear instructions.
    Battery now charged I was ready to go. Calibrated the GPS and set off with the beginner settings this is definitely a great drone for beginners and with some very advanced features that you’d only expect on a much more expensive drone.
    Photo and video quality also very good for the price – don’t forget to add a micro sd card to capture all your images but the user friendly app also shows you how to do this.
    Very happy with the purchase – well done Potensic!

    Superb drone and great value for money!

  27. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our Usersun bon drone dans l’ensemble quelques point a not qui sont a revoir.

    le drone en lui meme est dans l’ensemble correct a remarqu quelques dfaut de finissions mais rien de grave.
    bon point aussi au niveaux matriel : avoir des lises en rab et pied a sont importance. bon point aussi pour les pieds qui ne sont pas viss mais clips a l’horizontal.
    retour du drone plus giro plus camera corect (marche avec ma version android 8.1) quelques lag sur le retour mais lger comme sur la liaison du drone a la manette.
    mais meme avec cette perte le drone reste dans les airs quelques seconde jusqu’a retrouv le signal ou je pence qu’il retourne a sont point de dcollage (je ne suis pas arriv jusque la)
    bonne ractivit et stabilit aux vent retour aux point de dcollage prci dans la limite des 1metres
    bon point pour le retour home qui si enclench bip jusqu’a appui du bouton a nouveaux
    vido et retour cam correcte malgr quelques lag ou dsyncro mais sa reste lger

    en mode dbutant (ou limit) une fonction qui marche le drone se stop si il dpasse le rglage fait et revient dans la zone de limite que vous avez paramtr (ou en mod dbutant)

    point ngatif :
    dure de la batterie limit (mais sa sa peut se comprendre)
    le retour en cas de batterie faible : c’est tres pratique et scurisant mais pas de bip sonore pour indiqu qu’il retourne a sont point d’origine juste un affichage sur l’aplis en bas a droite et les led du drone qui clignote.
    la localisation du gps : a voir mais le drone c’est situer en Afrique or le tel situer bien ma position et la map qui si agrandi aux max ne fait apparaitre que la grille et pas la vue satellite (d’ailleurs voir si il est possible de mettre la fonction vue en plan (d’autre par il serait bien d’avoir les icnes pour le pilotage ou aux moin une explication a l’utilisation)
    une petite erreur (surement dans la programmation) si vous faite un vol avec le mod carte et que vous faite le retour home si le drone (en mode dbutant) est a la limite des 30m fix le drone ne revient pas malgrs la fonction home activ il est possible de reprendre la main sur le drone
    l’antenne de la camra qui est trop libre a mon gout

    dans l’ensemble trs bon conseill pour ceux qui n’on pas l’habitude des drones ou pour une prise en main autant que pour les habitues.

    un bon drone avec un bon prix

  28. Anonymous says:


    Zur Drohne kann ich nur gutes sagen, was ich mir erwnscht habe hat diese Drohne erfllt.
    Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut und vom aus sehen hherwertig anzusiedeln .
    Ich kam auch mit der Einrichtung sowie Inbetriebnahme sehr gut zurecht.
    Das Flugverhalten finde ich gut bis sehr gut, auch bei strkerem Wind steht die Drohne wie ein Fels in der Brandung stabil an Ort und stelle in der Luft.
    Die Bilder und Videos sind ausreichend scharf wenn auch etwas verzerrt.Da kein Gimbal vorhanden ist lsst es auch die Videos bei Windben oder zackigen Flugmanvern verwackeln, aber bei diesem Preis ist das zu verschmerzen.
    Die Videos und Bilder sind fr meine Zwecke in Ordnung.
    Vom Fliegen her bereitet mir diese Drohne sehr viel spass und ich habe schon einige Flugstunden hinter mir.
    Selbst in der Nacht lsst sich diese sehr gut steuern.
    Start und Landung im Anfngermodus funktionieren tadellos.
    Meine Beurteilungen ist meine persnliche Einschtzung und auch dem Preis diese Drohne geschuldet.
    Ich kann aber sagen das man sehr viel Drohne und spass fr sein Geld bekommt.

  29. MilagroRydge says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis drone really is fantastic value for money. Once the set up is complete it is so easy to fly. I would advise large open spaces to begin with but as it’s set in beginner mode to start with there is not too much to go wrong. The quality of the camera is also very good. We are currently in the process of building 5 houses and this is a great way of achieving interesting photos throughout the build. I would highly recommend this product.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The drone was great value for money. It did take a while to get it to take off. A previous mini drone I had was plug in and take off but this one required a few extra steps because of the extra functionality.
    The instructions were easy to follow but you do have to follow them step by step.
    The extra steps ensure that all the features like auto return work.

    Once off the ground, it was stable and easy to fly.
    I would recommend.this to a patient beginner or someone who has a mini drone and wants to take the next step.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very good drone for the money, well built, a bit tricky to assemble the propellor, but once completed and the GPS calibrated it was fine. Especially like the one button take off and land, very handy if it’s getting close to neighbours fence or a tree, press the button and it stops and lands. Looking forward to flying it in the park

  32. Sibylle Tinsel says:

     United Kingdom

    Great price for a very easy to use and set up drone excellent camera

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent piece of kit this! Really well built, easy to operate & fantastic features!
    Would recommend to anyone.

  34. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe diese Drohne fr meinen Mann zum Geburtstag gekauft. Meine Auswahlkiterien waren Gre, Gewicht, und Returnfunktion. Follow me natrlich auch , aber nicht in erster Linie. Nach einigen Anfangs-Schwierigkeiten konnte er sie dann endlich testen. Er ist begeistert von der Drohne. Das Flugverhalten lsst sich in keinster Weise mit seinen anderen Billigdrohnen vergleichen. Ich kann jetzt nur aus meiner Sicht Angaben machen und die Drohne steht auch quasi in der Luft, was ich positiv bewerte. Follow me Funktion konnte er noch nicht testen, da wir hier in einer bebauten Siedlung wohnen und fr woanders hinfahren, noch keine Zeit blieb. Die Gre und das Gewicht sind super. (Mein Mann kann die kleinen nicht mehr gut oben sehen) Bei leichtem Wind kann man sie noch gut kontrollieren, ohne einen Absturz zu riskieren. Alles in allem habe ich ihm anscheinend eine super Drohne geschenkt und er ist echt begeistert davon und ich bin natrlich auch sehr zufrieden. Ich hoffe, dass sie lange hlt.

  35. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem die erste gelieferte Drohne leider nicht richtig funktionierte (Probleme mit der Video-Aufzeichnung und Abbruch der Bildbertragung nach wenigen Metern) wurde mir eine neue zugeschickt. Der Support reagierte sehr schnell und freundlich.

    Die neue Drohne funktioniert super! Die Bildbertragung klappt ber mehr etwas als 200 m Entfernung (sogar deutlich mehr als ich erwartet hatte). Hier nun eine kurze Auflistung meiner Eindrcke…

    + absolut anfngertaugliche Bedienung
    + Return-to-home-Funktion (die Drohne landet automatisch wieder bis auf ca. 1,5 m am Startpunkt)
    + Starts und Landungen klappen immer (anders als bei meinen Modellflugzeugen)
    + die Drohne hlt dank GPS automatisch ihre Position, wenn man an der Fernbedienung nichts macht (auch bei Wind)
    + Einstellung der maximalen Flugentfernung per App
    + Einstellung der maximalen Flughhe (in Deutschland sind “nur” 100 m erlaubt, was aber auch absolut ausreicht)
    + Follow-me-Funktion ist auch ganz nett (ich nutze sie nur fast nie)
    + App bietet First-Person-View-Flug (macht mit entsprechender Brille echt Spa)

    +/- mittelmige Bildqualitt bei Fotos und Videos (fr die Preisklasse der Drohne aber vollkommen ok)

    – nichts!

    Eine tolle Drohne für Einsteige

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The T35 is very easy to use great for users at any level all the functions work as they should, worked well even in the wind, good picture quality all round good drone and a good price would recommend to anyone.

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We had issues pairing the drone to the controller. Following the steps correctly the drones light did not flash to confirm it was paired with the controller. They were a pink and purple colour. If you have this follow the steps to calibrate the GPS and gyroscope. The drone is very easy to fly and has lots of features. The photos and videos are record directly onto an iPhone so no real need to get the Memory card. Battery lasts a while and the charge level is displayed on the phone so you know when it is about to run out.

  38. NelleRalston says:

     United Kingdom

    Very pleased with this drone. I bought this drone as a backup to my more expensive drone – I wanted to learn to fly a drone without losing or crashing my more expensive drone.

    Drone handles very well and responds positively to my inputs. Video quality is good by I noticed the propeller guards are in view when horizontal. However, the ability to rotate the camera whilst in flight meant I was able to resolve this by pointing down slightly which is desirable anyway as I wanted views looking down.

  39. JulianaTuck says:

     United Kingdom

    It was a good purchase, especially for the price. It would have been nice if the camera worked, but attaching a go-pro to it suited my needs just fine.

    The battery only lasts approximately 20 minutes and takes hours to charge, so I’d recommend buying multiple batteries.

    In short, it’s ok. It’s definitely not brilliant, but any desperate issues I had were belatedly solved by the helpful and diligent support team, albeit with information often lost in translation. It’s pretty cheaply made, so often parts don’t work, or won’t click together or will just snap off completely. The instructions aren’t written very well and I found steps were often in the wrong order.

    However, once all of these issues were solved – I did have a good experience with this product. If you can stomach issues of this sort, then I would recommend this product, especially for the price.

  40. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersMy son paid around 1000 some years ago for a high tech drone with camera and GPS and so I wasn’t expecting too much when I paid 199.99 for the Potensic T35. I thought it would be a good ‘toy’ that would be a bit of fun for my partner but I could not have been more wrong in my thoughts! The T35 is a fantastic bit of kit or rather I should say a fantastic bit of ‘high tech’ kit.

    I bought this as a gift for my partner who had zero drone flying experience and at that time did not even know he wanted a drone but what else was I to buy a man who has everything! lol No flying experience and no enthusiasm, what could possibly go wrong? .. Nothing went wrong, this drone is amazing.

    The list and description of features in the ad is correct but here is that list translated: You do not have to know anything about flying! In auto mode the take off is done for you. If you feel like you are going out of control let go of the levers and the drone will just hover and wait for you. It will auto land for you. When the battery gets low it will return to where it took off to land. I think you would have to try very hard if you want to crash it! The controller is light to hold and easy to learn. Your phone is held within the pull out draw on the controller and you can choose to fly the drone by watching it or you can fly it by watching the map display on your phone. You can even tell it a point on the map and it will fly there for you! Drones hold zero interested for me but .. I love it! I have flown it and not only have I flown it but I flew it on my very first attempt with ease.

    The onboard camera is excellent. It has been used to record fast moving action and the video quality is brilliant. For me this was pretty much the main reason for choosing the T35. I wanted something that him indoors could use for a practical purpose because I knew he would have very little interest in ‘just’ the flying of it. Already we have the most amazing aerial pics of our house! The wide angle of the camera means we have some pretty neat photos and videos from it. The other thing that is really cool is setting the height and distance of the drone and then choosing the follow me option. You can literally ‘act natural’ whilst being followed and videoed. I guess the biggest testament to the Potensic T35 is from our son, he was quick to say that he was very impressed with it and that it was far more advanced that the drone that he had paid circa 1000 for.

    Important .. you must buy a micro SDXC card NOT an SD card. I would suggest: SanDisk Ultra 128GB microSDXC Memory Card + SD Adapter with A1 App Performance up to 100MB/s, Class 10, U1 – You can record video and photos on your phone but a good Micro SD card inserted into the T35 on board camera will be better.

    I cannot recommend this drone highly enough. I would say that it is a perfect ‘play’ gift as well as a perfect ‘practical’ gift for anybody, young or old. It is a lot of stress free fun. – Buy two batteries. Each battery lasts a long time but a long time is not long enough when you are having fun! Oh, and they recharge quickly too which is good.

    The communication from the seller was fast so this seller and this product has been a good combination for me. Very happy.

  41. Kelly Kaliszewski says:


    J’ai achet cet appareil pour moi notamment mais pas seulement quand je joue avec mes petits enfants aprs un premier bas de gamme bien trop limit pour tre intressant. J’explore seulement l’utilisation pour le film et la photo. La conduite est assez aise surtout en mode headless qui vite de trop se poser de questions sur le sens du drone. Je n’ai pas encore test toutes les fonctionnalits mais il semble bien conu, en particulier sur le plan scurit : arrt des moteurs en cas de choc et par les procdures de retour et atterrissage automatique en fin de batterie. La dure de vol est honorable mais il est impensable de faire une sortie avec une seule batterie. La qualit de l’image est bonne et la stabilit bonne en vol stationnaire. Le mode d’emploi est trs succint mais on trouve sur youtube de nombreuses vidos qui permettent de se familiariser.

  42. LavonSedgwick says:

     United Kingdom

    I purchased the T35 as a special birthday present, it arrived very quickly, on arrival it did not work correctly. I contact the supplier and it was replaced immediately with no fuss or hassle. When it arrived it worked perfectly. The service given by the supplier was excellent they are to be commended
    As for the drone it does what it says on the box, great bit of kit.

  43. Malicia Basdeo says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great little Drone with lots of useful features and represents good value compared to other products. The set up is quick and easy and it takes some great photos. Very happy with purchase.

  44. DominikHaigler says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a Christmas present for my son , he is very pleased with the drone , this is his first one and found it very easy to fly , saftety features work well and very durable drone on the whole fab !!!!!

  45. AleenGrishin says:

     United Kingdom

    I haven’t had a opportunity to fly the drone yet, so I can’t say at this stage whether it performs well, hence only 4*. However it arrived reasonably promptly, and in good condition, was well packaged and appeared to be as described. It seems a well made product. It’s a nice idea that the manufacturer includes some spare parts for the most fragile items like propellers and the means to attach them plus spare landing rack

  46. KJ Callihan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is my first drone and I am quite happy with it.
    It took some patient to put tiny propeller screws but this is done only once so it is not a big deal.
    Once the app is downloaded on the phone it guides you how to calibrate compass and GPS which is very helpful if you haven’t done it before.
    By default T35 has a beginner mode which will stop you from going to far and losing it. This gives you some confidence as a beginner.
    There is a button for automatic taking off, which will lift the drone at height about 1m and stay there and wait for your further instructions from thumb joysticks. I found this also very useful as a beginner because the first time you use it you don’t know how high and fast it will go if you push the joystick.
    I found headless mode as a very good feature. Without that as a beginner I would crash the drone by now. This will match your directions with the drone, so you avoid mixing left and right like in normal mode.
    There is a return to home button which will land your drone back to a starting point in case you get confused with controls. This will save you as a beginner also many times. This functions (return2home) is activated also when a battery level is too low so you don’t need to worry from drone falling down because of power loss. If you want to land your drone by your self when battery level is critical you can do so by checking the battery level from the phone app or from the lights on the drone — 2 indications will make sure you don’t miss this information.
    Battery has a similar capacity of your phone, so to recharge it with the same charger it will take the same amount of time — about 4 hours in my case. If you use your laptop as a charger you will probably double the time needed. The flight duration lasts about 15 minutes, but experience of time is different when you are flying 🙂

    I have attached one picture using this drone so you have an idea of the quality. This is the only reason I am giving 4 stars for this drone, otherwise this is a great choice. I was thinking to buy a small one first to practise but this design with so many safety features gave me exactly what I needed. As a beginner I haven’t utilised yet fully the capabilities of this drone and it will be challenging to switch off the beginner mode in some point.

    Perfect for beginners

  47. MarguerKemp says:

     United Kingdom

    I found this to be a very good product, being well made and easy to fly. There is some minimal assembly required, which is a little fiddly, but not difficult. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. It also comes with several spare parts including additional propellers.
    Once assembled it is very easy to fly. Download the app, set it up and you’re off.
    The drone is very stable in flight and thanks to the GPS returns to you at the press of a button.
    The camera also seems good taking clear stills and smooth videos.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I liked the reviews questions and answers about this Drone, helped me slot pick the right one for my husband.. he loves it.. wonderful service from Amazon as usual don’t go anwhere else now as it’s such a good service, you feel so protected

  49. Mackenz9803 says:

     United Kingdom

    You get a lot of drone and extras for your money with this drone. Literally does everything it says on the box. Very very happy.

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good value for money, plenty of spare parts although one landing leg broke on its first flight (perhaps defective, hoping they will replace this for me)… fun to fly and the software for your smart phone is good also !!

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI chose the Potensic T35 because it has a swivel camera and 15 minute battery life. It is powerful enough to cope with reasonable wind speeds, and the automatic take-off and landing and home button have worked flawlessly. The android app is easy to use and we have uploaded videos to F&cebook. You can limit the distance and height it will fly until you get more confident with it. You can adjust the camera to point straight down to video directly underneath the drone using the remote control, or frame the view. My son is very pleased with it.

    Swivel camera

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Arrived exactly as described! Works perfectly and easy to assemble! Really worth the money! Purchased as a gift and the photos are awesome!

  53. TrudyKaufman says:

     United Kingdom

    The Potensic Drove with camera is excellent, it handles really well, very sturdy, it is my first drone and I found it very easy to learn how to operate it. It also has a good battery length. The camera and live video is also really good quality, I am fortunate to live in a very open area near fields and and have been able to take some excellent quality photographs. I would highly recommend this product for beginners and proficient drone users alike.

  54. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersFlugverhalten ist in Ordnung; Aufnahmen der Kamera siehe Anhnge (Speicherung auf dem Handy ber W-LAN); die Drohne ist recht gro, daher besser mit dem Auto zu transportieren; den Follow-Me-Modus konnten wir nicht testen, da wir die entsprechenden Vorgaben des Mindestabstands zur Fernsteuerung nicht herstellen konnten; leider hatte mein Exemplar bereits bei Lieferung einen Schaden an einer Landesttzenhalterung, so dass sie nach einen Probeflug wieder zurck ging; Rcksendung und Erstattung durch Amazon lief reibungslos.

    Schöne Einsteigerdrohne

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this drone for my husband for Christmas and he loves it! Although he found the screws a bit small and fiddley it was simple to set up and he had it flying on Christmas Day evening. The flight time is good and the quality of the images on the camera are great. He quickly got grips with the controls and has successfully tested the return function. Overall a excellent buy in this price range for a very good quality drone.

  56. DebbraBHBF says:

     United Kingdom

    Good product, came really quick, everything I thought it would be and great customer service, defiantly worth the money

  57. OnitaTKEbch says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI am a complete beginner and not particularly tech savvy but I needed a drone to take photos to use for my artwork which often involves views from above. I didn’t want to spend a fortune and other reviews made me decide that this drone was the one for me. A few teething troubles were quickly solved with advice from Potensic customer services and it does everything I wanted and more. I am really pleased with the quality of the photos. Excellent value. I should also add that I was offered no incentives to write this review; I am simply a very happy customer.

  58. RichelleDupont says:

     United Kingdom

    only tried it a couple of times on the low hight, workes very well, few more week be able to give a good test, very robust had a couple of bumps, no damange.

  59. YolandaCrowther says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersFirst impressions of the Potensic T35 are positive. Build quality looks to be sound with good quality plastics used. It would have been nice if the drone had been packaged in its own carry case, to help with transportation (as this is quitea large item).The set up instructions weren’t perfect but were clear enough to follow: nonetheless, you will need someone with a very steady hand when inserting the fixing screws to secure the propeller blades.
    Despite the fiddly bits, I was impressed with the first test flight. The downloadable app gave well presented information: optional controls, a live feed, and a good gps link with the drone. The drone responded well on the default beginner mode with the ‘follow me’ and’return to home’ modes also working with some accuracy. Battery flight time was not far off a respectable 15 minutes. The camera images were sharp but quite dark on a dullish day, so better light conditions are probably required for decent results.
    All in all, (after only a week and 3 flights in) I have been impressed with the purchase. Granted, this will not have the sophistication of an expensive DJI drone but that would be comparing apples with oranges. The Potensic T35 is a fraction of the price and (at the point of writing this review) an ideal choice fora newcomer to the hobby.

  60. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our Usersune demi heure de vol encore des manipes a dcouvrir comme le systme point par point sur le tel pour guider le drone par gps …..PAS COMPRIS ….. le stricte minimum sur la notice et l appli en anglais. Par contre une chose que j ai compris et la notice ne le dit pas, la cam accepte que les carte mc sd de 8gb sinon carte vide et grosse dception . alors attention a l offre sur Amazon DRONE+BATTERIE+CARTE DE 128GB . Sinon le drone est trs stable le mode retour et le mode follow fonctionne a merveille

  61. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersAl principi vaig tenir algun problema amb el mando. Em deia que estava carregat per no em funcionava. Vaig provar de connectar-lo amb un altre dispositiu mbil i es va solucionar.

    s un bon drone si no n’has tingut cap abans. Molt fcil de controlar.

    Els dos nics problemes que hi trobo sn que no t estabilitzador, i qualsevol petit moviment es nota molt en el video. A la que vas una mica lluny es sol tallar la connexi i el video es talla.
    L’altre cosa a tenir en compte s que quan se l’hi est acabant la bateria torna en direcci recta cap al lloc on s’ha enlairat, sense avisar ni preocupant-se de si t algun obstacle a davant.
    El follow me et segueix, per la camera no.
    Amb tots els pros i contres crec que s un molt bon drone pel preu que es ven.

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The drone arrived on time. As it is my first drone, I found it easy to understand and learning how to fly it is fun!

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    When we purchased this product we were a little concerned as we were unaware of the brand. However when it arrived we were very pleasantly impressed by the quality of the product and it’s performance. So much so, that we immediately ordered another one for our other grandson. We have now had the opportunity to fly both drones, and are amazed and the quality and performance of them. They truly compete very well with drones more than twice the price. The boys are delighted with them and have got some very good footage. Well done

  64. LetaNorthfield says:

     United Kingdom

    Delivered promptly. Drone will be used for agricultural surveys of crops and fields. Just needed an aerial platform with a good camera and this one fits the bill at a reasonable price.

  65. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 38 From Our Usersel dron esta bien, lo compr sabiendo que la bateria dura poco (es lo que hay si no te gastas mas de 600 euros)
    montarlo es facil, lo dificil es sincronizar el dron y acordarte de que tienes activar wifi, gps, tener muy buena cobertura y saber que cada vez que lo utilizas desde un punto de partida diferente hay que volverlo a sincronizar.
    en youtube no encontrareis ninguna solucin, porque los frikis que hacen videos sobre este tipo de dron, se dedican a sacarlo de la caja explicarlo como lo tienes que montar (cosa que sabe hacer cualquiera) lo dificil es arrancarlo y en esos videos los listos ya te lo ensean volando pero nadie graba como lo se programa o ajusta para que empiece todo a funcionar. no soy youtuber, asi que no voy a hacer un tutorial, pero si yo lo consegui todos podrn ( para ayudaros en la app de potesic-g, ajustar los parametros de distancia, fue lo que hizo que mi dron arrancase)

  66. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really really pleased with the T35, this the 2nd Potensic drone i have bought for my husband, the 1st being the d80.
    He has only only used it a handful of times but he loves it, he loves his photography and this drone is perfect for it, obviously its no dji phantom but for the price its just as good.
    The only issue he said he had was fitting the propellers, there are 4 tiny screws you have to fit which he said were very fiddlie, but in the bigger picture, its a minor thing.

  67. debra92691 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is my second Potensic drone, the earlier one being a little smaller and more of a toy really. This T35 is a real boys toy. At 750gms you have to be serious now. Fly by the rules, not over anyone or thing as if it comes down it will hurt !! Now with the safety announcement over, go out and enjoy a fantastic stable and responsive drone from Potensic. The battery life is about 15 minutes and recharges quite quickly. By a spare, though as its a quick reload and you’re off up again into the skies.
    The camera is mounted below on a gimbal which you can adjust the angle from the remote controller, really cool and semi-pro feature. Quality is good on both video and still image. Takes a microsd card (up to 32gb) in the camera mount and transfers live images to the smartphone too.
    It has its own built-in Wifi which I found to be very stable indeed. If you should lose signal it will come back to where you launched (as long as you reset the GPS from that point pre-launch VERY IMPORTANT). also it has a one-button launch and same brings it down too which is a really cool feature. Can’t praise this enough and at the price its a steal. Nice on Potensic

    Dronetastic T35

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersI purchased the drone after buying a smaller cheaper one. The cheaper one was difficult to control. The reason I wanted a drone was to check the condition of my roof which is too high for ladders and as I had two slates come loose. The photos were to get a quote for repairs. My garden has three telephone lines crossing it this meant I needed a calm day and accurate control. I got everything together and lifted off. A slight wobble stabilised and gentle movement of the joysticks allowed me to navigate above the obstacles, rising higher and heading for the roof 4 floors up was a little nerve racking, but the T35 behaved well, by moving the drone over the ridge I managed to take a number of photos and rather than use the return home due to obstacles I flew it with the controls. I was relieved that I had successfully done what I set out to do. I can highly recommend this product, although there were two landing legs that were broken in the carton, they do supply spares so no big issue. Not all the broken pieces were in the package so this looks like a rare case of packing in the factory. The camera is easy to control with the ability to control its vertical position from the controller, horizontal is controlled by positioning the drone by rotating it. Good points, stable, good visual appearance, easy to control with speed setting, distance setting, ability to set points to travel under gps location setting. Only one thing that would make this an exceptional drone would be object avoidance. But that would increase the price, but it is the latest technology that is now appearing in the area of safety for drone users. I have yet to use the other features, follow me, return to home, draw the dot (placing markers on a map for the drone to travel to, way points). Video storage on SD card, I did 3D print a new phone holder as my giant Nexus 6 was a little too large in its protective bumper case. Without the case the clip presses the power and volume buttons. My Pixel 2XL refused to provide video, this is a common issue with some phones. Therefore, it makes sense to use an old phone as you don’t need to tie up your usual handset to act as monitor and for GPS provision. The drone only uses 2.4 gighertz, not the latest 5ghz. I also printed some propeller caps in bright green plastic.

    Best of the three drones I have owned.

  69. LynetteRichie says:


    Golden Review Award: 152 From Our UsersJe n’avais jamais pilot de Drone avant celui l.
    C’est rellement un produit trs facile matriser.
    Le dmarrage est trs simple et extrmement comprhensible.
    Le retour au point de dpare est juste ahurissant.
    Par contre je n’ai pas encore compris comment fonctionne le mode suivi …. Il me tourne le dos… 😉
    Bref moi perso je vous le recommande sans aucune hsitation.
    autonomie de la batterie en mode film du dcollage l’atterrissage entre 9 min 15 et 9min 45. vid 4 fois les batteries (oui j’en ai achet une seconde) et la tlcommande est toujours en charge.
    le dcollage et l’atterrissage sont automatique au fait…. 😉
    le mode dbutant permet vraiment de prendre vite confiance en soit faible distance … Et du coup on saute vite en mode expert via l’appli du tlphone.
    Petite info pas inutile du tout…. pensez bien choisir votre Drone dans l’appli du tlphone… Sinon rien sur la carte SD.
    Voil je crois avoir dis tout ce que j’avais dire.
    Bravo Potensic.

    Parfaitement accéssible.

  70. Iris4490raq says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI’ve recently got this drone to replace one from a disastrous time with another make. The Potensic T35 was set up and flying in no time. Easy to use, the instruction manual was simple enough to get you going and using an old Iphone with the app just made it a pleasure to use. Either flying by what you see on your phone screen or by watching the drone you soon get to grips with the controls.

    When setting up your app give you guidance, just follow the easy instructions and away you go. Using it in a beginners mode allows you to fly within a safe parameter, the drone can’t fly away or go too high, this allows you to get a feel for flying before you go to expert. I’ve managed to get around 20 mins flying time per charge which I find is enough for a learner. You’ll need a micro sd card for the slot in the camera where the images you take can be stored but it also will store them on your mobile linked to it.

    I’m impressed, this drone does exactly what I want and exactly what it says on the tin, easy to use and set up you can’t go wrong.

    Super Drone, well worth the money.

  71. RoseannDoi says:

     United Kingdom

    his is the 2nd drone we have had and its fantastic so easy to use takes off and lands itself hovers well for taking pictures and if you are not sure hit the home button and it comes straight back to within a meter of where it took off

  72. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThis drone is a fantastic bit of kit and is probably the best in this price range. I’m new to the drone market and found the T35 easy to set up and use. I did buy an additional battery as I wanted longer flying times.

    The T35 feels well made and the AI technology within it is smart enough so that it knows where the ground is and where it’s take off point is. The camera transmits a very clear and crisp 1080p image on the app.

    One point about the Image transmission is that it works best in open areas away from obstacles and interference. I’ve taken it to a couple of places where there were a few trees around and these can interfere with the image transmission as I have discovered. The live feed tends to freeze when this happens, but you can still maintain control of the drone.

    The controller feels good and responsive and makes flying the drone very enjoyable. There is a button to take off and to land the drone easily.

    The Drone’s “Potensic-G” app is ok, but it lacks a few features which would really be beneficial. Some examples would be a Battery percentage indicator instead of a battery symbol with 3 bars so that you see exactly how much battery you have remaining.

    Also, there doesn’t seem to be a way of seeing where the drone is on a map. I can only see my current location, but not the drone’s location. If I were to accidentally lose the drone, this feature would aid in getting it back. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    There is also no way of changing any of the camera’s Settings e.g. Resolution or Brightness. The camera is crisp and sharp and displays a good image non-the-less.

    These are just a few minor niggles with the app which I feel should be improved on, but the app does serve it’s purpose and works fine.

    I’ve found the drone’s return to home / landing sensors don’t work well in darkness or low light (understandably) so something to keep in mind. Although the camera does a fairly good job in low light it has to be said!

    Return to Home works well overall though and I find the drone lands within a couple of feet of it’s takeoff point. You can also set the RTH altitude within the app.

    There are plenty of spares in the box, so parts can be easily replaced if they get damaged.

    To get the best out of the T35, it is important that it is flown in open spaces like parks, away from obstacles and people.

    I’ve put a Micro SD card in the back of the camera and the record / photo functions work well. Something to bear in mind is the recorded video seems to come from the transmitted live feed so any loss of live video connection does have an effect on the recording.

    The T35 is easy to pick up and fly and so is great for those new to flying drones like myself. Overall I’ve had a lot of fun with this fantastic bit of kit so far, even if the app does need some improvements.

    If you are in the market for a drone but want a good cheaper alternative to a DJI Phantom, this is it.

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The battery comes with potensic T25 drone. It is a great product which is easy for beginners and customer service team are exceptional.

  74. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis is my first purchase into the drone market and after some extensive research I found this drone had all the features I was looking for based on the budget I had.
    It is easy to set up and get running and the added features make flying easy. The camera and video function even in mild wind is excellent.
    Customer service is fantastic and respond to any questions within 24hrs.
    I would recommend this product and I am looking forward to hours of fun.

    All the features you require for a sensible price

  75. AngelBirdsall says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought as a gift for my husband who had everything…. but not this! Really pleased with speed of delivery, customer service and quality of product! Would recommend for this price.

  76. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Looks like a good product, haven’t tried it yet wind a bit strong

  77. Katie Hale says:


    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersJ’ai achet ce drone cet t aprs une exprience difficile avec un autre sans stabilisateur. Celui-ci est juste parfait car il est stable, simple d’utilisation (aprs la premire mise en route).

    Les + :
    – simple d’utilisation
    – stabilisateur performant
    – dcollage / atterrissage automatique pratiques
    – Vido de bonne qualit (1080)
    – le paquet contient des ailes (sous le paquet) et des protections d’aile et pieds de remplacement

    Quelques infos complmentaires :
    – Les vidos sont bien sauvegardes sur une carte SD de 32 Gb (la carte 128 ne passe pas)
    – Il serait agrable de pouvoir dmonter facilement le drne pour le transporter, en l’tat il faut dvisser les ailes et les protections sous les ailes pour le replacer dans sa boite
    – Il ne comprend pas de dtection d’obstacle donc si vous cliquez sur “retour point de dpart”, assurez-vous que l’espace soit bien dgag
    – Une batterie supplmentaire est ncessaire si vous voulez vous amuser plus longtemps que 20 minutes

    En conclusion : pour dbuter et viter les erreurs de pilotage, ce drone sera parfait pour votre usage et pour apprendre piloter dans des espaces dgags (quand vous en avez l’autorisation bien entendu). Prvoyez de la place pour le transporter et le stocker car il ne se dmonte pas facilement. Bon vol !

    Un drone pour bien débute

  78. KarissaX93 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI was looking for a good quality drone for a beginner and decided on the Potensic T35, this was a great choice as it is easy to fly and it has most of the extras that a drone 5 times the price would have, I am very happy with my purchase and I can’t praise the support team at ipotensic enough as they are first class.
    PS. I’ve attached my very 1st 2 photos taken from onboard camera.

    The sky’s the limit.

  79. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersLa livraison a t ralis trs rapidement. Commande jour T et livr le surlendemain. Coffret protg dans un carton. Notice en Franais, montage trs facile (hlices et protection hlices), batterie charge ainsi que tlcommande, prt voler.
    Pour le vol, un calibrage du GPS est ncessaire et pas facile la premire fois, beaucoup plus simple par la suite comme si le drone avez trouv son cheminement. L’application est performante et vous apporte une aide apprciable lors du vol. Ce drone est assez exceptionnel avec la facilit que l’on trouve le piloter. Je joins un film qui permet d’apprcier la stabilit en vol et il y avait du vent en rafale tant nophyte dans ce domaine 25 minutes de vol mon actif. Commande dcollage et atterrissage du drone seul qui vous met en confiance. Retour sa base si plus de batterie ou perte du signal. Je suis vraiment satisfait de cet achat et je le recommande , il n’y a aucun soucis.

  80. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good product for ky first drone, special gift as won the 100 draw free battery.

    Will update once more fun has been had

  81. DakotaSpowers says:


    Golden Review Award: 39 From Our UsersJe teste ce drone depuis 3 jours.
    Captation de concerts devant et au dessus de la scne (avec autorisation et accrditation ), survol d’ espaces verts et de fleuves et rivires.
    Ce drone n’a pas rougir face la rfrence parmi les drones de loisirs ou semi-pro : le DJI Phantom 4
    Les diffrences ?
    – Le Potensic T35 cote 7 fois moins cher qu’un DJI Phantom 4 tout quip ( soit 2000 ! ).
    – La camra du Potensic ne peut avoir de rotation horizontal 360 , mais il suffit de faire pivoter le drone sur lui mme pour obtenir le mme rsultat. Exit donc ( sans camras additionnelles…) les captations vers la gauche ou la droite, tout en avanant.
    – L’autonomie de la batterie est moindre : 28 min pour le DJI Phantom 4 et entre 15 et 20 min pour le Potensic. Tout dpend de la force du vent et donc de l’nergie consomme pour assurer la stabilisation parmi les rafales. Le DJI Phantom 4 ne fait pas exception la rgle dans ce cas, non plus…Il suffirait, pour augmenter les dures de vol, de trouver des batteries gnriques avec un amprage suprieur 2500 mAh et le tour sera jou ! Le premier qui trouve nous le fait savoir ! Merci 🙂

    Pour le reste les similitudes sont surprenantes en raison du faible cot du Potensic T35 !

    J’ai opt pour la version T35 car le T25 est beaucoup plus sensible au vent de part sa taille. Il ne possde qu’un GPS et sa camra ne peut s’orienter en vertical qu’ 75 contre 90 pour son grand frre. Or, filmer la verticale du drone, peut s’avrer intressant.

    IMPORTANT : les vidos sont sauves automatiquement sur votre tlphone via l’appli ( trs bien faite et compatible Androd et Mac ), MAIS : la rsolution maxi sera alors de 1280 x 720 p !
    Pour obtenir des rsultats en full HD (1920 x 1080 ) il faut insrer une carte mmoire au format TF ( 8 64 GO ) dans le slot de la camra du drone. Il est alors facile de copier/coller ces vidos via un lecteur de cartes standard, au format SD ( les cartes tant livres avec cet adaptateur pour environ 15 en 16 GO) :

    Enfin, je vais tester aujourd’hui les captations 360 aprs avoir install 2 mini camras ( HankerMall Mini Camra SQ11 HD ) qui filment, elles aussi en full HD, avec ou sans dtection de mouvement, de jour comme de nuit ! ( voir les photos ).

    Je vous propose 1 vido en rsolution 1280 x 720 p et par vent fort ( environ 50 km/h par rafales…et tourbillonnant car en montagne ) car je n’avais pas encore de cartes TF insrer dans la camra du Potensic…

    Les vidos suivantes seront visionnables en full HD ! ( 1920 x 1080 )

    A bientt pour de nouvelles aventures !

    PS : ce drone entrera galement en scne, en octobre, dans un lieu charg d’histoire ( principalement au Moyen Age…allez ! chercher un peu 🙂 ) et grandiose, adapt au thme de sa chanson, lors du tournage du premier clip de la premire cration piano / voix d’un jeune artiste tnor, avec une voix de rare qualit ( timbre, tessiture, ambitus et grain ) 🙂

    Un drone qui n'a pas à rougir face au DJI Phantom 4 !

  82. AntjeDickinson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 47 From Our UsersThis is my first drone I’ve bought, I was a bit uneasy when buying it as there wasn’t any reviews but I thought I’ll just buy it and risk it. I’m so glad I did this drone is excellent easy to set up, bit fiddly putting the propellers on as they have tiny screws but easy enough. Took it outside after downloading the app to my phone turned it on and synced it to my phone and controller easily. Calibrated the GPS and compass by using the instructions easily and took off. It flies so easily I still had it in beginners mode on first flight so I could get used to it, it limits the height to 20 meters and distance to about 30 meters but that was fine for first flight. Tested out the return to home feature that works a treat literally lands within a foot of where it takes off. The video it crystal clear and instant to your phone it doesn’t say in the item description but you can change the angle of the camera through a switch on the remote. I could see the battery was wearing down after around 15 minutes of flight so I thought I would keep flying and make sure the return to home feature worked when battery was low and once again returned to around a foot of take off spot. The battery to charge took around 4 hours which seems a bit excessive, that was using the supplied charging cable might try a different cable to charge next time and see if I can get the charging time down. It cannot do flips like a stunt drone but this type of drone isn’t designed for that kind if flight. The controller has a built in rechargeable lithium battery which can be charged up through the supplied cable. It doesn’t come with a charger but I think just about any USB phone charger will work. I haven’t used the GPS point to point feature yet so I cannot comment on that but looks promising. There’s also a vr feature through the app which isn’t mentioned in the item description which I haven’t used yet, not sure if you need to purchase the potensic vr glasses separately for that to work. I would highly recommend this drone as I found it easy to use, well made, has tons of features usually only on expensive drone, the app is very well designed and has loads of features. It doesn’t have to be connected to your phone but I think it’s well worth doing. Sorry if I’ve rambled a bit but I’m highly impressed with this drone even though I haven’t got anything to compare it to

  83. RaymondReinke says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI bought a cheaper drone at first but found I couldn’t fly it even in a light breeze. The T35 however is very stable and easy to fly. This is my first drone and I have never flown one before but found this very easy to control. It is currently in beginner mode which still allows a good flight range but has the scope to change the settings and fly up to 300m which is further than you think. I was able to suss the camera operation on the first flight too. The drone feels very well built and I would really recommend this product.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great product, does everything I need it to with taking videos and pictures of construction jobs.

  85. HueySleath says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersColis reu la date prvu et en parfait tat! L’emballge est trs soign.le drone est de bonne facture et respire la qualit! Il ressemble d’ailleur au modle haut de gamme Phamtom 3 ou 4.
    Je reviendrais vers vous aprs quelques utilisations mais pour le prix je peux vous confirmer que le drone vaut le coup!

    Me revoil aprs quelques utilisations!
    Le pilotage est vraiment intuitif et on apprend trs vite!
    L’autonomie des batteries est conforme la description mais prvoyez quand mme 2 batteries supplmentaires pour pouvoir en profiter car la charge dure entre 4 et 5h.
    Pour info lors du dballage les hlices se trouvent sous la bote en polystyrne, pas vident de s’en apercevoir sur le coup!
    La transmission vido et la qualit d’image est top mais il serait intressant de pouvoir augmenter la porter vido car il est dommage que le drone ait une porte de 300m alors que le vido plafonne vers les 150m et c’est ce moment qu’on en a le plus besoin!
    Sinon vous pouvez y aller sans problme c’est du trs bon matriel!

    Très bon rapport qualité prix!

  86. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 36 From Our UsersPour commencer, munissez vous d’un tournevis de prcision, puis le montage se fera en un rien de temps (7 minutes pour ma part). N’oubliez pas de monter les protections d’hlices, elles jouent vraiment leur rle.

    tape trs importante : La calibration GPS du drone. Respectez bien cette tape et de prfrence en extrieur sans lments pouvant interfrer.

    Tlchargez l’application “Potensic-G” et appairez votre smartphone au drone via wifi.

    Le drone est en mode “dbutant” (limite de hauteur de vol…). Vous pouvez desactiver ce mode via l’appli si vous tes confirm et vous sentez l’aise.

    La fonction “decollage/atterrissage” est un pure bonheur. Au decollage il se stabilisera une hauteur d’environ 2 mtres du sol et l’atterrissage, il fera tout pour atterir de la meilleure faon et en douceur.

    Important : Veillez ce que le signal GPS soit toujours optimal, sans quoi certaines fonctions ne seront utilisables.

    Si vous perdez le contrle de votre drone, et que le RTH est bien paramtr, le simple fait d’teindre votre telecommande ramnera votre drone a son point de dcollage.

    La camra du drone enregistrera en full hd uniquement si vous y insrez une carte micro sd.

    Prvoyez tout de mme une ou deux batteries supplementaires pour amliorer votre exprience de vol.

    Pour conclure, je suis trs content de mon achat. Je vais d’ailleurs le complter par une mallette de transport.

    Bravo Potensic pour la conception de ce drone!

  87. Deidre33Yvbzqe says:


    Golden Review Award: 55 From Our UsersJ’ai mis 5 toiles car j’ai t bluff par ce produit qui rpond tout fait ce que j’en attendait.
    1- La qualit de l’image qui offre des dtails saisissant et un quilibre colorimtrique trs raliste.
    2- Les fonctions avances qui permettent, en cas de fausse manoeuvre de faire rentrer l’appareil son point de dpart sans effort,
    3- La stabilit en vol mme avec un vent latral important et des turbulences,
    4- La trs fiable connexion WI-FI qui permet de visualiser sur le smartphone les images prises en vol et diriger le drone mme aprs l’avoir perdu de vue,
    5- La livraison rapide (plus tt que prvu) du produit avec les batteries charges qui permettent une prise en main immdiate de l’engin.
    6- Son bon rapport qualit/prix.

    Les moins :
    1- J’ai trouv l’autonomie un peu faible car je n’ai pu faire voler l’appareil que 7 minutes aprs la troisime charge complte de la batterie mais je suppose que le fait d’avoir fait voler le drone par vent latral soutenu, a contribu une consommation d’nergie plus importante.
    2- La procdure d’initialisation qui est dconcertante et qui ne marche pas tous les coups mais, avec un peu d’exprience, le fera!

    Je joins une vido de ma deuxime sortie d’essai sachant qu’elle est loin d’tre parfaite car j’ai encore de nombreuses heures d’apprentissage avant de matriser compltement le drone car j’ai constat qu’il fallait un doigt plus que dlicat pour que l’appareil puisse se dplacer avec fluidit et permettre d’avoir des images stables et agrables visionner.

  88. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersCe drone est vraiment plus facile et maniable que les modles plus bas de gamme. On sent la diffrence du GPS qui fait tout. Les autres drones que j’ai ne savaient pas tenir leur position. Ici il reste en place et il est possible de prendre facilement des photos. Il est trs ractif et facilement contrlable. Grce l’application Android on peut voir en temps rel l’image de la camra. J’ai fais quelque photo avec et la qualit est quand mme pas mal. Il n’y a pas besoin de carte mmoire pour faire des photos elles peuvent directement s’enregistrer sur le tlphone. Je ne sais pas si la qualit est optimale quand il n’y a pas de carte car il est dit que l’affichage est de 720p au lieu de 1080p quand on l’utilise en wifi.

    Il est mont en trs peu de temps, il suffit juste de visser les hlices et les protections (qui sont optionnelles mais je prfre toujours les mettres). Le tour est mont en moins de 10 minutes. J’en suis trs satisfait !

    Rapide précis et stable