AIRAJ Lightweight Hedge Shears(600mm),with Ergonomic

AIRAJ Lightweight Hedge Shears(600mm),with Ergonomic Lightweight Anti-Slip Handles and Razor-Sharp Blades,Professional Garden Shears for Hedges, Shrubs and Bushes – Easy Cutting and Trimming

AIRAJ Lightweight Hedge ShearLightweight Hedge ShearsAIRAJ Lightweight Hedge ShearAIRAJ Lightweight Hedge Shear

High-frequency Hardened Steel

Hedge Shears use a Zigzag shape design, greatly increasing the bite force during cutting, preventing branches from sliding out of the scissors mouth.The forged SK5 steel serrated blades cut all the way to the tip and produce smoothly operated crisp cuts.

Front: Labor-saving

When trimming the “flat surface”, the hedge shears face upwards, making it more labor-saving and convenient.It is very friendly to people with low back pain.

Soft and Anti-Slip Grip

The garden shears light weight handle is ergonomically designed, wrapped in soft rubber, non-slip and wear-resistant. It can be applied to the palm well, and the palm does not sweat or slip.

Weight: 1.14 kg
Dimensions: 63.9 x 21 x 5.8 cm; 1.14 Kilograms
Model: 3721
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Qingdao Qingqing Hardware Tools Co., Ltd.
Dimensions: 63.9 x 21 x 5.8 cm; 1.14 Kilograms

58 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Bastante contento, no puedo comparar con otras mas o menos caras porque son las primeras que uso en mi vida pero muy contento, se hace bien con ramas gorditas. Repetira compra

  2. Anonymous says:


    Diese Gartenschere wrde ich immer wieder kaufen, weil er Efeu ratzfatz schneidet, ohne ein Verklemmen der Schneiden. Das Handling ist wunderbar und fr hher hngende Zweige gibt es eine Verlngerung. Herz was willst Du mehr?

  3. Anonymous says:


    Bon produit qualité prix

  4. Anonymous says:


    Utilisation pour des haies et des arbustes, la coupe est nette et aise

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very comfortable to use and hope it will keep it sharpness

  6. Anonymous says:


    Pour le prix rien dire le scateur est top. Le ressort tombe son attention.
    Mais franchement a coupe bien et l’ergonomie est bonne.

  7. PeteHolcombe says:

     United Kingdom

    They work as described comfortable to use
    The thin blades make it easy to cut tight areas

  8. Varsha Saraogi says:

     United Kingdom

    They work as described comfortable to use
    The thin blades make it easy to cut tight areas

  9. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Mi piaciuto il taglio con la lama seghettata. Una grande differenza.

  10. FloridaJSL says:

     France 🇫🇷

    Difficile utiliser pour une femme mais sans aucune contestation d’excellente qualit et coupe trs prcise

  11. Anonymous says:


    J’ai command ce kit pour entretenir mes haies et mes arbustes l’arrive du beau temps.
    Un systme de dentition sur les lames de la cisaille permet de se maintenir parfaitement sur les branches sans risque de draper.
    Les lames sont galement traites afin d’obtenir une coupe parfaite.
    Le taille des haies devient plus facile qu’avec mon ancienne cisaille.
    Un scateur est galement fournis pour les coupes plus petites.
    C’est un produit que je recommande aux jardiniers en herbe.

    Un kit complet pour l'entretien des haies et arbustes.

  12. EvangelVBV says:


    Jusqu’ prsent, le tailleur de haies se dbrouille trs bien. Il a des dents diversifies sur la lame pour tenir le plus grand nombre de branches diffrentes . Les lames de cette coupe-haie sont faites d’acier au carbone faonn.

    Ces cisailles manuelles sont ergonomiques et parfaitement afftes pour une coupe parfaite.
    Il y avait aussi un petit ciseau dans l’emballage, ceux-ci sont venus inopinment, mais sont un bon plat d’accompagnement qui fonctionne galement.

    Dans l’ensemble, il n’y a pas de problme. embellir le contour gnral du vgtal.

    Un lger inconvnient pour le poids o c’est moi qui suis faible.

    Pour embellir les arbres et les végétaux 🌿💐

  13. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Heckenschere ist ausreichend fr den Hobbygebraucht. Es gibt aufjedenfall bessere die einfach schnell und scharf schneiden.

  14. maria elena says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Funziona molto bene nella potatura, siepi e pianti di mefio/piccolo fusto.

  15. HectorVillanuev says:

     United Kingdom

    What a great set!
    These shears do jobs no other shears do – none of that bending round the blades like nursery school scissors. Everything is like a hot knife through butter.
    Both are also lightweight and super comfortable to use.
    Very satisfied

    What a great se

  16. EverettLGNN says:

     United Kingdom

    What a great set!
    These shears do jobs no other shears do – none of that bending round the blades like nursery school scissors. Everything is like a hot knife through butter.
    Both are also lightweight and super comfortable to use.
    Very satisfied

    What a great se

  17. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto ben fatto e strutturato per le potature con rami di diverse dimensione.

  18. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Ich habe schon viele ausprobiert aber bis jetzt ist sie die Beste. Schneidet durch den Wellenschliff alles ab. Schneide lieber mit ihr als mit der elektrischen Heckenscherre.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The size is very decent and ergonomic to use without any wrist discomfort. The weight is not too much given its decent size. I found it easy to use to cut through the leaves and branches. The shear frame is quite sturdy as well.

  20. RichellGepp says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Muy buena relacin calidad precio. Recorta perfectamente los hitos y plantas y es muy cmoda de manejar. La tijera que viene de regalo corta muy bien toda la ramitas finas. He quedado muy satisfecha con mi compra

  21. Samara6798 says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Gute Verarbeitung, gutes Handling, sehr praktisch durch lngenverstellbare Griffe. Top!!

  22. Daniel Hollis says:

     United Kingdom

    hey are sturdy,very good blades and do the job exactly as I needed them fo

  23. Anglea17Oen says:

     United Kingdom

    hey are sturdy,very good blades and do the job exactly as I needed them fo

  24. CarmenDamron says:

     United Kingdom

    hey are sturdy,very good blades and do the job exactly as I needed them fo

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as a replacement and an excellent replacement at tha

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had these a few weeks now. They’ve had a reasonable amount of use clipping shrubs, socks and buttercups around the paddocks and menage. No problem whatsoever. The extendable handles are really useful.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had these a few weeks now. They’ve had a reasonable amount of use clipping shrubs, socks and buttercups around the paddocks and menage. No problem whatsoever. The extendable handles are really useful.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had these a few weeks now. They’ve had a reasonable amount of use clipping shrubs, socks and buttercups around the paddocks and menage. No problem whatsoever. The extendable handles are really useful.

  29. EllaStapleton says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese shears are tough, durable and effective at doing what they are meant to do. I don’t like using electric strimmer’s, so these shears mean I can prune bushes without needing to call in a gardener.

  30. Greg Nibler says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThese shears are tough, durable and effective at doing what they are meant to do. I don’t like using electric strimmer’s, so these shears mean I can prune bushes without needing to call in a gardener.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have used it many times and it is really great to use. I only got a small garden with a small hedge . so no need for electric trimmer. Really good value as well. Perfect.


  32. SallyBarrington says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Sono soddisfatto come mi aspettavo, taglia bene anche i rami secchi e comunque per chi ha un giardino ottima

  33. FlorenciaWang says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Praktisch robuste Schere. Der Wellenschliff ist sehr hilfreich. Der Anschlagdmpfer ist wirkungslos. Es schlgt Eisen auf Eisen.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersReally impressed with the product, good quality, you can hold it perfectly, you have to be strong to be able to cut big brunches but that’s normal, I would have liked a sharper blades but it’s something you can do il later on. It come with a small one really combinients

  35. Jo says:

     France 🇫🇷

    La cisaille est parfaite, lames bien affuts, coupe franche et nette sur le bois jeune), systme tlescopique pratique utiliser, vraiment lgres, pour les tenir bout de bras. m’a permis de couper des laurires dont certaines branches taient paisses (3 ou 4cm – en forant un peu bien sr, et en utilisant la partie la plus proche de l’articulation).
    Le scateur offert fonctionne bien aussi. Par contre, heureusement que les gants sont un cadeau, parce qu’ils sont de pitre facture. trous. effilochs, n’offrant aucune protection digne de ce nom, taillent petits (je fais du M/L~7.1/2), ils sont partis la poubelle…

  36. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    leggero,facile da tagliare i rami dei cespugli, non utilizzabile su rami grossi…. Per il resto fa il suo dovere…

  37. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Mi sto trovando molto bene.
    Le ho scelte per via del poterle allungare, il che le rende un po’ meno robuste delle classiche non telescopiche, ma fanno ci che devono alla grande.
    Pesano non tanto e si sente la fatica solo dopo un bel po’ di lavoro a braccia allungate, ad essere onesto ho visto dei modelli non telescopici pesare molto pi di queste quindi ottimo.
    L’acciaio e il filo della lama sembrano ottimi, spero che dureranno anche in previsione di affilarle.
    Considerando il prezzo ragionevole e i regali in confezione mi ritengo soddisfatto.

  38. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Ho una siepe che cresce ad una velocit spaventosa e devo aggiustarla almeno 3 o 4 volte all’anno. Dato che il giardiniere si prende una fortuna oltre al fatto che lo devi chiamare a gennaio per farlo venire a marzo ho deciso di attrezzarmi e di farmi questi piccoli lavori da solo. Questa forbice da potatura fa parte appunto di questa attrezzatura. Devo dire che mi l’ho trovata molto utile, leggera e con un bel taglio. La consiglio a tutti quelli che come me hanno voglia di fare questi piccoli lavori di potatura in autonomia.

  39. Audra2063vrqdf says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Die Heckenschere ist sehr leicht und trotzdem absolut gut in der Handhabung,dickere ste kein Problem ohne Kraftanstrengung,ich hab es nicht bereit die Schere gekauft zu haben.

  40. NatashaZhang says:


    La bella stagione alle porte e la mia attrezzatura per curare la siepe davvero malmessa, frugando tra le offerte di Amazon ho trovato questo completo set che comprende una ottima cesoia con leve estensibili ed una forbice manuale, a corredo vengono forniti un paio di guanti che non ho nemmeno considerato, inizialmente.
    Dopo una giornata di lavoro e memore della vecchia attrezzatura non intendo fare impietosi raffronti ma di certo posso confermare l’ottima scelta: innanzitutto le lame di entrambi gli attrezzi sono eccellenti, con un minimo sforzo si tagliano anche rametti di sezione importante, le cesoie grandi, in particolare sono molto leggere, grazie alla struttura completamente in alluminion con rifiniture in solida plastica, le braccia estensibili permettono di lavorare in punti angusti come in quelli meno vicini o che necessitano pi leva in agilit, grazie ad una precisa regolazione concentrica, comandabile anche con i guanti pi pesanti. Una cosa che ho molto apprezzato il puntuale lavoro che operano i gommini di fine corsa, impedendo alle nocche delle dita di impattare durante l’utilizzo. La forbice piccola un portento, taglia di tutto, addirittura il filo animato che utilizzo per contenere la siepe. Per ultimi ma decisamente rivalutati, i guanti che nemmeno volevo usare, mi hanno egregiamente evitato le vesciche alle quali mi ero rassegnato.

    Ottimi prodotti

  41. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersMi serviva un prodotto pratico e maneggevole e sopratutto che occupasse poco spazio. Trovato questo articolo coi manici telescopici , una volta finito d’adoperare facilmente riponibile nel mio armadietto dei attrezzi.

  42. Anonymous says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Juego de tijeras de podar para jardn. El material (sobre todo los agarraderos) es de calidad, no resbala. El filo corta bastante sin hacer fuerza en exceso y a longitud de la hoja es de 23 cm aproximadamente. Lleva un dentado especial para girar y hacer el corte con menos fuerza. Lleva tres niveles de altura. El pack incluye tambin guantes y unas tijeras pequeas para cortar las ramas pequeas que van quedando cuando podas.

    Cortan sin hacer fuerza al cerra

  43. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Insieme al tagliasiepi ci sono anche un paio di forbici e i guanti, il tagliasiepi davvero resistente e le lame taglienti, si pu anche allungare, anche le forbici sono ottime per tenere ordinato il giardino.

  44. Andrew Martonik says:

     Spain 🇪🇸

    Las tijeras perfectas, lo nico que los guantes venan rotos.

    Material roto

  45. FelicitasWeddin says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    Prodotto davvero valido, il suo manico telescopico ti offre quella marcia in pi per arrivare anche al rametto pi in alto. La parte finale a punta fornisce un taglio meno incisivo rispetto al altre forbici, ma basta andare con la parte dentata ed il problema risolto. Nella stesso prezzo una forbice da potatura e un paio di guanti. Rapporto qualit prezzo davvero ottima. La consiglio.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Husband very pleased with the shears. Everything as advertised. First class

  47. Anonymous says:

     Italy 🇮🇹

    le ho usate poco ma mi sembrano ottime per l’uso amatoriale che devo farne io

  48. Simon Anderson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersExcellent product, neat and tidy, easy to use especially if shoulders are weak.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lightweight, flexible to use with the extending handle, sharp at the moment hopefully they will stay that way!!!

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersReally sharp, well made blades. Comfortable to hold and snap. Telescopic arms are really helping to get those higher branches without extra effort. Solid.

  51. MarceliBrabyn says:

     United Kingdom

    The extending arms really help cutting the borders,very sharp blades

  52. JohannaRobichau says:

     United Kingdom

    Shears a quality product, do the job well. Secateurs poor and wouldn’t bother with it.

  53. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI have only used them once, but they did what I wanted them to do.

  54. Anonymous says:

     Germany 🇩🇪

    Exakt wie vom Hersteller beschrieben. Diese Handschere ist ergonomisch, sehr gut geschrft und schneidet bspw. eine Buchsbaumhecke schnell und ohne Probleme. Selbst etwas dickere ste von Struchern oder Rosen schnippt sie problemlos durch. Ein gutes und solides Produkt. Wenn man nicht immer die Elektrosge herausholen mchte und schnell ein paar Hecken und Strucher nachschneiden oder begradigen will, absolut prima.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our Userssharp, cut perfectly and handy telescopic feature make these a great buy

  56. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Shears were fine but the free gift of a pair of gloves both had holes in and had to be thrown.

  57. Mike Hume says:

     United Kingdom

    Shears were fine but the free gift of a pair of gloves both had holes in and had to be thrown.

  58. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Shears were fine but the free gift of a pair of gloves both had holes in and had to be thrown.