POLIGO 2 Pack Safe BBQ Grill Brush and Scraper, Heavy Duty

POLIGO 2 Pack Safe BBQ Grill Brush and Scraper, Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Grill Cleaning Kit with Extra Brush Head, Woven Wire Bristle Grilling Cleaner Accessories for Gas, Charcoal, Grill Grates

2 Pack Safe BBQ Grill Cleaning Brush and Scraper with Extra Brush Head, Stainless Steel Grilling Cleaner Accessories for Gas, Charcoal, Grill Grates

grill brushgrill brushSTEP 2STEP 4How to replce the head?


Like most men’s hobbies it’s all about the accessories!

Weight: 331 g
Dimensions: 42 x 10 x 9 cm; 331 Grams
Model: P2001-01
Dimensions: 42 x 10 x 9 cm; 331 Grams

14 Responses

  1. mkayius says:

     United Kingdom

    As always arrived promptly through Prime. quickly assembled and put to use. On some cheaper units after some use they have left metal tufts behind which if not cleaned away can get attached to the food. This one is sturdy enough for that not to happen. There is a spare wire attachment which is easy enough to change over.
    There is a scraper on the top which is useful and TBH it has cleaned the BBQ very well.

  2. Niels Broekhuijsen says:


    Voici une brosse mtallique qui fait exactement ce qu’on lui demande: nettoyer les grilles de barbecue, toujours dlicates car trs grasses et calcines. Pas de souci avec ce type de brosse cela va trs bien.
    A noter qu’il y a une brosse de rechange avec. Parfai

    Une brosse efficace

  3. ShirleeBeit says:


    Recentemente, adquiri um Conjunto de 2 Escovas e Raspador para Grelhas de Churrasco de Ao Inoxidvel e estou extremamente satisfeito com a minha compra. Este conjunto uma ferramenta essencial para manter as minhas grelhas de churrasco limpas e prontas para cozinhar.

    O que mais me impressionou neste conjunto a qualidade dos materiais utilizados. As escovas e o raspador so feitos de ao inoxidvel, o que significa que so durveis e resistentes corroso. J usei estas ferramentas vrias vezes e esto a aguentar muito bem, sem sinais de desgaste.

    O design das escovas e do raspador tambm muito bem pensado. As cerdas das escovas so firmes e densas, permitindo-me limpar a grelha do churrasco de forma eficaz. O raspador, por sua vez, excelente para remover os resduos mais resistentes sem danificar a superfcie da grelha.

    Alm disso, as escovas e o raspador possuem cabos longos, o que permite um manuseamento seguro sem se aproximar demais do calor da grelha. Isso mostra que a segurana foi levada em considerao no design destas ferramentas.

    O nico ponto negativo que posso apontar que as escovas podem ser um pouco difceis de limpar aps o uso, especialmente se os resduos da grelha estiverem muito incrustados nas cerdas. No entanto, isso uma pequena desvantagem em comparao com a eficcia geral destas ferramentas.

    Em resumo, estou muito satisfeito com o Conjunto de 2 Escovas e Raspador para Grelhas de Churrasco de Ao Inoxidvel. Estas ferramentas so durveis, eficazes e seguras de usar, tornando a limpeza das grelhas de churrasco uma tarefa muito mais fcil. Recomendo este conjunto a qualquer entusiasta de churrascos.

  4. MelKirk says:


    Habe in den letzten Jahren immer wieder verschiedene Brsten gekauft. Es gibt bessere und schlechtere – dieses Teil gehrt fr mich zu den besseren. Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis.

  5. TUCJannett says:


    Also die Idee mit dem Wechselaufsatz ist super. So hat man immer eine Ersatzbrste parat.
    Die Reinigung damit klappt ziemlich gut. Vor allem die kleinen runden Ausbuchtungen um die Stbe vom Rost sauber zu machen benutze ich sehr hufig.
    Natrlich geht damit auch nicht alles “wie von selbst”, aber solche Wunder gibt es nicht. Das kann mir keiner erzhlen. Ein guter Reiniger und etwas Muskelkraft sind schon ntig.
    Der Stiel liegt angenehm in der Hand, wird allerdings wenn er feucht ist (durch Wasser oder Reiniger) etwas rutschig. Ich mag das Holz, aber ein geriffelter Kunststoffgriff wre wohl praktikabler gewesen.
    Der Brstenkopf selber weist nach viermaliger Benutzung schon deutliche Putz-Rillen auf. Die Haare verbiegen sich also leicht und bleiben dann auch so. Ich wei nicht ob das normal ist.
    Wrde das Set aber trotzdem weiterempfehlen.

  6. Leslie Gornstein says:

     United States

    I am more than happy with purchase ,very sturdy brush

  7. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Just bought this – used this once and was easy to clean – works as advertised and expected.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I’m actually surprised at how sturdy this brush is. It can take a strong amount of pressure with no destruction of the bristles. I am completely satisfied and I recommend this fabulous grill brush. I can see myself forgetting where I put the refill in a couple years or that it has one great brush, thanks!

  9. Anonymous says:

     United States


  10. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Good product, I used this on my grill as soon as it arrived. Worked great. Also received an extra (replacement) grill brush in the package. This was an extra bonus!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is a truly great grill cleaning brush!Very sturdy and easy to use!I have no doubt it will last quite awhile.And there was not one but two for a better than one deal!

  12. alecrosenberg says:

     United States

    Great little scraper/brush, I think if I were to buy one again I get one of the three row models just to make it a little bit faster to scrub the grill down. Also was kind of expecting the handle to be wood. But it appears to be a plastic with wood grain it still feels sturdy though. I would just prefer to be wood so I wouldn’t have to worry about it melting. I do really like that the wire brush piece is replaceable though.

    Great little scraper/brush, I think if I were to buy one again I get one of the three row models just to make it a little bit faster to scrub the grill down. Also was kind of expecting the handle to be wood. But it appears to be a plastic with wood grain it still feels sturdy though. I would just prefer to be wood so I wouldn't have to worry about it melting. I do really like that the wire brush piece is replaceable though.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This brush does a wonderful job on my Weber stainless grates. I can offer more than this a I have had it for a few weeks but it seems to be holding up very well!

  14. slimsprayftwz says:

     United States

    This grill brush works well… does the job!!
    I’ve only used it once, to close the grill for the winter..
    it’s built well, designed to last, and it did a great job cleaning my grill, without damaging or scratching the grates..
    Lightweight and easy to use, also, the brush itself cleans up easily , to store away for the season.
    Overall, I’m very pleased with my purchase.