Winsome Yorkshire Pudding Tray 4 Cup Muffins Bakeware Tins

Winsome Yorkshire Pudding Tray 4 Cup Muffins Bakeware Tins & Trays Premium Nonstick Cupcake Tray for Oven Baking Roasting Tin (Pack of 1)

Baking Tray Tin Cake Tins Pudding Trays Oven Yorkshire Stick Non Mini Muffin Silicone Cupcake Casesyorkshire pudding tray yorkshire pudding tray 4 muffin silicone tray mini pudding tray non stickTray roasting tin muffin trays muffin tray cupcake tin silicone yorkshire pudding tray small
Yorkshire Pudding TrayPudding Tray Fluted Ring Cake
Colour Black Black Black
Material Stainless Steel
Shape Square Square Ring, Round
Oven safe? 100%

Weight: 211 g
Dimensions: 23.5 x 23.5 x 2 cm; 211 Grams
Dimensions: 23.5 x 23.5 x 2 cm; 211 Grams

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this to make air fryer Yorkshire puddings for the family to try them out as oven made takes ages well they don’t disappoint I have to make them weekly now and this tin is ideal for the size needed to fit on our air frye

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great for air fryer Yorkshire puddings

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well someone had been helping themselves in n my cudboards again, that was way back in 21 now I’m here in 23andci have not had a Yorkshire pudding since that year, but I can make some now I have been so pleased that I can make the thi GS I love with my Sunday roast, but after two years of struggling to eat, I now sit down and enjoy my Xmas dinner with all the trimmings on the side, that’s Yorkshire puddings as well as stuffing, and otherso as to the tin, well it’s a good sized tin, you can feel the weight of it, you know that when you hold it in your hand it was well worth every penny I have paid for it. Would I buy another one from here ,you bet I would.