TIMBER RIDGE Folding Camping Table Adjustable Height, 4-6

TIMBER RIDGE Folding Camping Table Adjustable Height, 4-6 Person Lightweight Aluminum Roll-up Table for Camping Outdoor Picnic BBQ Backyard Party

Folding Camping TableFolding Camping Table2folding camping table

Weight: 6 Kilograms
Size: XL
Dimensions: 71 x 108 x 71 cm; 6 Kilograms
Model: 462
Colour: Brown
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: HF
Assembly: No
Dimensions: 71 x 108 x 71 cm; 6 Kilograms
Quantity: 1
Size: XL

42 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Ich bin begeistert, es geht so schnell ihn hinzustellen! Da man auch nur die Ecken einklicken muss is man im nu fertig, mein Mann hatte erst bedenken mit dem stndigen auf und abbau aber er war sehr positiv berrascht, das ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung. Wir lieben unseren Tisch!

    schnell und sehr schick und stabil!

  2. Anonymous says:


    Achete pour camper, c’tait top! Lavable trs facilement, rangement rapide et compact, lger. Elle pourra mme servir de table d’appoint la maiso

  3. Anonymous says:


    Der Tisch ist an und fr sich super da man ihn wirklich klein zerlegt bekommt und keine ganze Tischplatte im Camper verstauen muss. Einziges Manko sind die Plastikverschlussteile der seitlichen Tischplatte diese fallen gerne mal unbemerkt ab und lassen den Tisch billig wirken. Abhilfe schafft nur das einmalige ankleben daher nur 4 Sterne.

  4. Henry Catchpole says:


    Der Tisch ist schnell auf zu bauen, ist stabil (wenig wackelig) und lsst sich gut reinigen.

  5. Cheryl Pasquier says:

     United Kingdom

    Really brilliant table, looks great and very easy to assemble, would definitely recommend

  6. ChristoperStrom says:


    Ich bin so ein kleiner Pedant und gucke mir vor Bestellung immer 20-30 Produkte an und war deshalb auch nicht berrascht das der Tisch so schn ist.
    Er ist Einfach aufzubauen (Quasi 3 Handgriffe) und ist Sehr schn verarbeitet.

    Bisher haben wir nur zu 4 Erwachsene + 1 Baby im Kinderwagen bequem daran gesessen aber mit etwas Einschrnkung knnen bestimmt auch 6 Personen daran sitzen und essen. Die Hhe ist Standard und kann noch etwas reguliert werden. Er steht fest und wackelt nicht und das Packma in der Beigelegten Tragetasche ist auch unschlagbar.

    dafr das es nur ein Campingtisch ist, bin ich schon ein wenig Begeistert 🙂

  7. Oilang Maui says:

     United Kingdom

    Purchased to complement our existing patio set, as a side table. It is well made, solid, easy to set up, it looks good and its top matches our decking. Very happy with this table.

  8. CrystleDarr says:


    Fr einen Falttisch ist er sehr stabil und lsst sich schnell aufbauen.
    Ich habe den Kauf nicht bereut.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Der Tisch kam super sicher verpackt an – alle Metallteile waren gesichert.
    Der Aufbau war selbsterklrend und im Nu erledigt.

    Ein kleines Manko gab es allerdings: einer der 4 Klettverschlsse ist etwas zu kurz geraten – nichts, was man nicht mit einem Klettkabelbinder lsen knnte. Dafr muss man nicht den Aufwand der Rcksendung betreiben.

    Ein erster Test steht noch aus aber ich bin voller Hoffnung

    Sehr wertig

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very easy to put together and looks good. Comes in a bag which is very durable and has useful carrying handle. Great product.

  11. Lawrence Allan says:


    Der Tisch ist ruckzuck auf- und wieder abgebaut. Er lsst sich toll verstauen und macht auf dem Campingplatz echt was her!
    Das Verschieben der Platte ist uns nicht negativ aufgefallen. Er lsst sich bei jeder Unebenheit des Bodens schnell ausrichten.
    Auf jeden Fall eine Kaufempfehlung!

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Easy to assemble/disassemble and lightweight for size. Looks great and the added adjustable legs will be a really useful addition.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Hi der Tisch ist im auf den ersten Blick super, hlt was er verspricht.

    Nur leider gibt es einen kleinen Fehler auf der Tischplatte wo schon der Lack ab ist. Ich wrde gerne mit den Verkufern in Kontakt treten. Nur finde ich leider keine Mglichkei

  14. InezCrossland says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWir hatten den Tisch nun eine Woche im Einsatz bei Camping.
    Er ist stabile und robust. Trotz zwei Kleinkinder mit Metallbesteck keine Kratzer.

    Die Fe lassen sich ca. 20cm ausfahren um Unebenheiten auszugleichen.

    Der Tisch ist sehr leicht und die Stabilitt bezieht sich auf die Bauweise und das Material. Wenn man dagegen stt wackelt er. Um das zu vermeiden msste der Tisch deutlich schwerer sein.

    Ich empfehle den Tisch weiter.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Perfekter Campingtisch ! Einfach zum aufbauen, sehr stabil, nicht zu gro !

  16. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe den Campingtisch fr unseren Camper gekauft. Er verbraucht unfassbar wenig Platz und ist wirklich gro. Evtl. Etwas zu gro fr nur zwei Personen aber uns strt es nicht. Tolle Verarbeitung. Ich wrde ihn wieder kaufen. Zur Haltbarkeit kann ich leider noch nichts sagen.

  17. AustinJamieson says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersDer Tisch ist toll, schnell aufgebaut und relativ robust. Leider fallen die Abschluss stopfen schnell raus und werden manchmal leider unbemerkt vergessen und sind somit weg. Dann sind sehr scharfe kanten von den Bleckprofilen das Resultat. Schade. Rate auch dazu sehr dnnes tesa Moll auf den Tisch zu kleben, dann ist auch kein reibgeruch von den Profilen mehr da und sie verschieben sich auch weniger

    Verkufer hat sofort fr Achsen Ersatz gesorgt. Danke.

    Mir wurde ein neuer Tisch als Ersatz zugesendet und ich bin begeistert. Mittlerweile hat man 4 Klett Streifen unterhalb des Tisches zum befestigen angebracht. Nun verschiebt sich auch nichts mehr. Die Stopfen sind auch bearbeitet worden und fallen nicht mehr so schnell raus. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Tisch. Danke

  18. EmileBellingsha says:


    Der Tisch ist sehr stabil und dazu noch sehr leicht und kompakt. Er ist hochwertig verarbeitet und ist sein Geld wert. Die verstellbaren Beine gleichen Unebenheiten auf Rasen aus. Ganz klar eine Kaufempfehlung.

  19. Anonymous says:


    Der Tich ist sehr licht zu tragen, die Beine lassen sich durch klapp Gelenke sehr stabil stehen.
    Konstant mit der Verkufer wegen kleine Anfrage war schnell und professionell.
    Als erist genau was wir brauchen.

  20. subs says:


    Table de camping solide esthtique et table d appoint pour la maison lgre et facile ranger et transporter.

  21. AnnisWJJzvoi says:


    Der Tisch sieht gut aus, ist schnell aufgebaut und macht einen qualitativ hochwertigen Eindruck. Zusammengerumt nimmt er auch nur wenig Platz weg. Ich bin daher rundum zufrieden!

  22. Anonymous says:


    Der Tisch hat ein kleines Packmass, ist leicht und schnell aufgebaut.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Fairly easy to assemble. Packs small. Makes a decent table.

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This is a neat gizmo and would be great to stow in an RV or perhaps a trunk. It’s a clever idea and works pretty well. I didn’t find the extensions in the legs to provide much meaningful height gain, but aside from that, a compact way to carry a solid table.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Adjustable height is welcome. Can use lower as a coffee table or higher for dinner seating. It’s pretty sturdy for how portable it is.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This folding table has been used a few times for camping and backyard parties. The table top and frame are very well made. No need to install legs, just lock the table top directly to the top of the frame.The size is large enough for a gathering of 6 people.This camping table sturdy and smooth features makes it easy to use when we are camping.It is easy to carry and does not take up too much space in the trunk. Just what I needed.

    Excellent camping table

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States

    First off, if there was a way to do 4.5 stars, I would do it. I’ll start with what I liked:
    – It’s not super compact, but it is compact enough.
    – It’s 42.5″ wide x 28″ deep x 27″ high; good space for four people.
    – This is an ideal height for camp chairs, so it’s perfect for car camping. I can’t say I would use it around the house unless I had to, but it would probably do fine.
    – Very stable BUT MAKE SURE YOU LOCK THE LEGS (or straighten the buckle, per instructions).
    – Every area is coated, so unless it’s scratched, rust isn’t a concern. It’s weatherproof.
    – It comes with a good carry bag that completely covers the table when stowed and it’s easy to get the pieces in and out of the bag.

    If I had to pick one place where this table fails is the leg extensions (and the fact the user guide card that comes in the bag says nothing about these extensions). In my opinion, the extensions are a waste for two reasons: 1) it wasn’t easy to use them; they didn’t all come out the same distance and if they came completely out, it was work to get them back in past the silver tab that locks them in; 2) they don’t come out enough to make a real difference; also, there is enough tube in the frame to make them longer so they can make a difference, but the Mfr chose to make them super short and I can’t’ figure out why. In the end, these extensions are unnecessary weight and the locking mechanism just gets in the way when collapsing the frame.

    Two other comments: 1) It is a little on the heavy side (12.4 lb), but not a deal breaker since it is sturdy; I don’t think I would put more than 80 lbs on it, but it’s sturdy; 2) Velcro straps to hold the legs and top in the collapsed position while in the bag would have been a nice touch, but again, not a biggie.

    Still a great table and worth a look if you are in the market.

    Love the table with a couple of exceptions

  28. Kailla Coomes says:

     United States

    I’m not what I’d call an avid camper, but I tend to go camping once or twice a year. I also take the family to a nearby lake several times a year. Up until this year, during these outdoor experiences, any time we used a table, it was either a table that was already there, that someone else brought with them, or it was a top of a cooler or a side table in a chair.

    But this year, I got the Timber Ridge table, and it leveled up the game instantly. Having an actual table you can position between all the camping chairs on the beach or on the campgrounds is a game changer.

    When I whipped it out and put it together in just under 30 seconds at the lake, the nearby dads got attracted to our site to express their approvals like moths to a bug zapper. I was a local celebrity for the rest of the day as people kept putting their half-finished beers and diet cokes on the waist-high table instead of bending over to use their camping chairs or the ground like the plebs. We were as close to royalty as we could ever get.

    In all seriousness, I and everyone around me love this table. It’s quick to assemble (just unfold the legs, spread out the top, and attach the 4 hook points), looks great, has a larger surface area than most camping tables, is height-adjustable, and folds down to a footprint similar to a camping chair. The latter is a big selling point because it makes it a no-brainer to bring it with me everywhere without my significant other complaining that it takes up too much space.

    We even used this table to great success at the last party because we ran out of larger folding tables.

    The only downside for me, which I pointed out in the video review, is how the slats slide around, especially toward the middle of the table which could inadvertently result in spills and drops if someone pushes up against them. Some sort of a lock in the middle location to prevent the majority of the sliding would have been perfect. This is mostly a theoretical downside though, as nobody spilled anything during any of our trips, so I’m not going to dock any stars here.

    The height adjustment is nice, but it’s weird to see the extension only extend out 2-3″. I guess it’s cool if you want to line it up with another surface. I just keep my permanently extended.

    The bag seems sturdy enough and there’s sufficient slack to make packing and unpacking the table easy. I hate it when bags are too tight, and this one is most definitely not.

    On recommendation from another reviewer, I started using tablecloths, so cleanup is now not an issue. But even without that, a quick sponge-down would be sufficient to wash off any leftovers. Add a garden hose to make the process even more painless.

    The table top was pretty easy to scratch in my experience, but hey – this is a camping table. And using the aforementioned tablecloths will both help avoid scratches and hide them.

    All in all, Timber Ridge made a fantastic portable table, and you should absolutely get it without reservations.

    For my next trick, I’m thinking of using this table at home as a side table for grilling. There are never enough surfaces to put things down, and it would provide ample space for all the meats, foils, paper towels, and other stuff.

    Level up your camping game

  29. jstewart says:

     United States

    This is an excellent addition to our glamping setup. It’s easy to deploy and looks very nice. We’re debating on leaving it as is or dressing it up with a cloth. It makes sense to leave it as is since the finish is pretty nice.

    Setup is a breeze. There’s instructions but I still haven’t looked at them. It’s a table after all. Not hard to figure out which side goes up.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United States

    As a travel nurse in grad school, finding a place to stay that has everything I need can be a little tricky. This time it was a desk that was lacking. I originally got this folding table for a camping trip, but after I opened it up, I realized it’s PERFECT to use in my room as a desk! It is big enough to fit my laptop and extra monitor, my books, cup of coffee, and any other clutter that inevitably magically appears. This thing is lightweight, travels well, is sturdy, and looks very nice. The design is very thoughtful, the faux wood grain does not look gauche, and it holds up well. I’m really pleased and look forward to several years worth of use out of it, even beyond grad school!

  31. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Love the look of this out door table, very light, easy to install and carry around. I used it for camping and the backyard of my house, Looks beautiful and modern.

    Love the look of this out door table, very light, easy to install and carry around. I used it for camping and the backyard of my house, Looks beautiful and modern.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United States

    This table is well-designed. The top surface is supported by an X-xhaped trestle. Each leg of the trestle can be extended by about 2 inches. That makes it possible to get a level and stable surface on fairly uneven ground. The top consists of 2-inch metal slats with a woodgrain coating. The slats are connected by an elastic cord, and the two end slats egage with lugs on the trestle. This results in a very stable assembly. There is a gap of approximately 1/8 inch between the slats. When it is set up, it is about 42 inches by 28 inches, and about 27 — 28 inches high.

    Easy to set up and take down. There’s a storage sack for the two components. When folded up, the package is 9 inches by 5 inches and 42 inches long.

    When I first picked it up, it seemed pretty heavy, but I weighed it and found it does weigh slightly over 12 pounds. Not the kind of thing you would want to take backpacking, but good for RV and car camping. Definitely stable enough for a camp stove or a tabletop grill. Or it could serve as a meal table for 2-4 people.

    If you touch the table, the slats that form the top will move laterally an inch or so. I started out thinking of this as a negative, but I’m not so sure. The “give” in the slats will keep the table from falling over if you bump into it.

    Finally took the table out with the trailer up into the woods, and it performed better than expected. Very stable, even on uneven ground.

    A stable table

  33. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Made well and is failed sturdy, so could find no defects on mine. Assent is quick and easy too. For the price, its a great table for car camping for sure.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It looks really nice, made of metal and sturdy. Comes in a handy, easy to set up, and well packaged. Good value for a portable camp table.

    It looks really nice, made of metal and sturdy. Comes in a handy, easy to set up, and well packaged. Good value for a portable camp table.

  35. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Considering this is a metal table, although somewhat thin metal, it is pretty lightweight yet still sturdy. It sets up in less than a minute and is easy to transport. Once the ends are secured onto the nubs, the table surface is very stable. However, there is nothing holding the middle of the table in place. It just sits on the metal rods underneath, and can be pulled in either direction about 2″. Only elastic bands hold the metal slats together. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as no one tries to lean on it, just something to keep in mind.

    As for longevity, I doubt this will last very long if left outside, say on a patio or something, exposed to the sun and elements. While the table is mostly metal, the elastic bands will probably deteriorate if left exposed for too long. The bands are required so you can stretch the end slats over the locking nubs. They’re the weakest feature of the table, yet the most important. If they every break, the table is useless. Also, this table may rust after a while. This is mostly speculation though, based on my first impressions, and will update with any issues.

    But for temporary use such as outings, camping, or sporting events, this is pretty great. Not as sturdy but much lighter weight than the old school wooden or plastic folding tables of the past. Still, quite sturdy for what it is. My friend had one of these and even set up a propane griddle on top and used this as a cooking station while camping.

    All in all, a great, lightweight and stable, very portable table that fits in an easy to carry canvas bag (included).

  36. Kyle Sledge says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI wanted to get a bigger, hard top table compared to the small fabric collapsible one I’ve been using. The fabric ones work but easy to topple things on. It came as described with a fabric carry bag that stores the legs and top separate. This is where a simple upgrade could make a big improvement. A holding strap around the top slats to keep the bundle secure. Being slick slats they want to come undone while pulling out of the bag. The setup is easy and is as shown in the video in the listing. It uses an elastic cord to hold it all together. I’m thinking the feed hole is close enough to the end for replacement when the time comes. With the legs out I get about 27 1/2 inches of clearance. Not sure why they kept the slide out legs so short other than maybe a structural strength issue. That brings me to another place I think could use just a little bit of work. The half legs don’t have a cap on them or anything to reinforce them. I can see that being a weak spot. I’d have the engineers look at adding something to distribute that load a little more or other reinforcement. The last thing I could like to see is a lock of some kind of the top slats. They want to slide around the top some. Not a lot but might make it a little difficult when using a stove.

    Overall, I like the table so far. A few simple improvements would be helpful in a second generation.

    Pretty nice table, a couple simple upgrades could make it grea

  37. Stephen Shankland says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWe purchased a smaller roll-top camping table that is essentially the same as this but not as long and it has been a revelation. Gone are the days where the cooler top doubles as a prep station, dinner table and seat while we are out camping.

    The smaller one is just about perfect as a prep station or a side table by the fire, but we wanted something larger so that a few people could pull it up to it for dinner, or so that we could use them both together and do prep on one but cook and eat on the other. This one is big enough to do it all without having to put away the stove! I put a 12 pack of seltzer on it to give you a sense of the surface area, and pulled a regular sized kitchen chair up to it to show the height.

    One of the coolest things is that, for the added surface area, it really doesn’t pack much bigger or heavier than the other table. The carrying bag is also really nicely set up with a divider so the frame for the table and the roll top each can slide into their own side (it doesn’t matter which goes in which). Setting up and taking down the table is a breeze. The frame opens up and you simple expand the roll top over it and the last piece on either end hangs down and has a slide lock to hold it all in place. Reverse that to take it apart.

    Once it’s put together, it is very stable. I wouldn’t sit on it or anything, but it can certainly handle a good amount of stuff without any fear of malfunction. There is good tension on the table top, so it isn’t sliding around. There is a bit of distance between the slats, but that is true of all tables of this style and isn’t too much of an issue for most activities. Can definitely play a board game on it without any trouble. Dealing cards or doing anything with really small pieces is obviously going to be a bit problematic, but nothing a cheap tablecloth won’t fix. I like that the legs can each extend a bit to level it out on uneven ground.

    If you’ve got room in the car for an extra folding chair, you can bring this along. We might even try to find room for this in the canoe. Not something we’ll be hiking with and a little too big for the kayaks, but it’s a must have for glamping situations.

    Great size, sturdy and easy to set up/break dow

  38. Emilio93Vv says:

     United States

    This is probably the best collapsible camping table I have yet to find. When erected it is solid and at the right height. The legs are adjustable so that it can be leveled even on moderately uneven ground. For general food preparation and eating, it is perfect. It can also serve as a good card table in the field.

    It is not backpackable as it is too heavy except for short distances.

    The table is easy to erect can be done in under a minute if you know the steps.

    The problem I found with the table is the end caps on each table slat come off what too easily. If grab the end slats when you take it out of the bag, make sure you are grabbing the metal slats, not the end caps.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I purchased this table for my road trips in my conversion bus. It’s very simple to setup and pack away. Great design with nice carrying bag. Height and width is perfect.

    I purchased this table for my road trips in my conversion bus. It's very simple to setup and pack away. Great design with nice carrying bag. Height and width is perfect.

  40. AhmedBraud says:

     United States

    If you need a table that will fit easily into the trunk of a car, this one is a great choice. Easy to put together and durable enough to actually use, I couldn’t be much happier with it. There are only three things that prevent it from being perfect. First of all, it is not light at all. If you are car or truck camping, it won’t be a huge deal, but if you have to carry it for much distance at all, you might want to come up with another plan. Secondly, the extensions on the legs are only a few inches long. I’m sure this is for making adjustments to level out the table, but it would be nice if they were a bit longer to add some height to the table. Finally, getting the table top locked onto the base is not easy. You really need to visually see the nubs as they lock into the socket. Just makes getting it together a bit more difficult. But overall, this really is one of the better fold up tables I’ve seen available. Recommended.

  41. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Pulling it out of the box, this table arrives in perfect condition because everything is perfectly wrapped in Styrofoam and plastic. I managed to scratch it a little bit almost immediately putting it together. I don’t care about scratches on my camping table but maybe other people do. The finish should probably be tougher. In humid areas, scratches lead to rust and corrosion so it could be an issue for some people.

    But otherwise this table has a LOT of great features. It was so easy to put together. I didn’t even have to glance at the instructions to put it together or take it apart. The legs open up in a couple easy motions. The top unfolds and can only fit on the top one way. Once it snaps into place the table is pretty sturdy.

    The slats of the table top are held together with elastic bands of some sort. So there is some wiggle back and forth that you can see in my video. But that shouldn’t have any effect whatsoever on the table’s strength or overall stability. In the video the table is on uneven ground and it still did great.

    The bag is big enough to make it easy to put everything away without much of a fight. I did it by myself with no issue whatsoever. I really luke that the bag comes with a divider down the middle to keep the top and the legs from banging together. The wide strap makes the bag very comfortable to sling over a shoulder and carry.

    My only concern with this table will be longevity. I am not happy that the design requires elastic bands between all the slats. I understand why this design required it, but I am worried that the bands will have a much shorter lifespan than the rest of the table. My concerns are perhaps unjustified, but only time will tell.

    My only other concern is that the easily scratchable surface will allow rust or corrosion to shorten the life of the table. Might be nothing, might be something.

    I want to give this 5 stars because of how simple it is to put up and take down, how small it packs, how sturdy and convenient it is when assembled, and how good the storage bag is. But the elastic connections and surface vulnerabilities mean I had to take off a star.

    Very well designed - simple and sturdy

  42. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersYou can never have a light enough or strong enough table when out camping. The issue is almost always a compromise. You get a strong table and its heavy or you get a light table and its breaks or bends under weight. This one is a very nice blend of both. It achieves this by the design of clever use of having the aluminum slats going along the width of the table vice the length. The next thing is the ends lock into place with hooks. Now the table not only packs up smaller, it is capable of being picked up while opened up and repositioned in your camp site without it falling apart. The legs can be adjusted a few inches to help level out the table on uneven terrain. The natural wood finish give it a pleasant look over the standard aluminum. The bad has two chambers, so you can slide the top into one side and the frame into the other. This makes storing or packing up easier to do. the table has a smooth finish which can be good and bad. The good is things wipe off and clean up easier when spilled. The bad is camp stoves or grills may be slippery when you set them on top. The table is set at camp chair height and is comfortable to eat at. I will definitely bring this on my next outdoor adventure.