Bluetooth Adapter PC, Long Range USB Bluetooth Dongle 5.1

Bluetooth Adapter PC, Long Range USB Bluetooth Dongle 5.1 EDR, 150M Bluetooth Stick for Desktop, Laptop, Printer, Keyboard, Mouse, Headset, Dual Antenna Dongle for PC Windows10/11, Plug & Play

From the brand

zBluetooth USB Dongle AdapterZ

Dimensions: 13.49 x 8.1 x 1.7 cm; 41 Grams
Model: 1A2272484337
Manufacture: ZEXMTE
Dimensions: 13.49 x 8.1 x 1.7 cm; 41 Grams
Origin: China

51 Responses

  1. ColbyAgeejqip says:


    Go to your device manager, right-click on the intel Bluetooth adapter and disable it, then plug the Realtek Bluetooth device, and no issues about updating drivers, etc.
    The antennas give me a much better distance connection with this adapter.

  2. RubinTressler says:


    Set for plug in and play no hassle. I purchased this because the stock bluetooth included in my motherboard had connection and range issues. I’ve had no problems with this product at all and the price was good. Highly recommend.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Ich suchte nach einem Bluetooth Verstrker fr meine Weinbar. Mit meinem Bluetooth Lautsprecher kann ich jetzt bis 30m weit gehen und habe immer noch super Empfang. Das ist wichtig da ich im Sommer drauen meine Bestuhlung habe und jetzt problemlos Spotify ber den PC laufen lassen kann.

  4. Nidhi Rawat says:


    Ich nutzte bisher einen Stick mit einer Antenne, und der Stick soll 100m Reichweite haben, was auch in etwa zutrifft. Ich benutze den hauptschlich fr meine BT-Kopfhrer die auch 100m Reichweite haben sollen. Auf dem Foto sieht man das Fenster mit dem Pfeil, dahinter steht der PC mit dem neuen 150m Stick dran, und der neue Stick behielt die Verbindung mit den Kopfhrern auf dem Feld, da stand ich mit den Kopfhrern auf, da hatte der alte Stick schon Probleme. Und die Entfernung ist schon beachtlich fr Bluetooth.

    Also alter Stick raus, neuer rein und was? Keine Verbindung, und keine Ahnung wie ich das hinkriege. Musste erst ne ganze Weile rumexperementieren, bis ich es raus hatte, musste erst mit neuen Stick drin den alten Treiber in dem Gertemanager deinstallieren, neuer installierte sich gleich von selbst, und dann lief alles bestens.

    Gutes Gerät das sein Geld wert is

  5. BlancaAPTssw says:


    I added the Bluetooth Extender to a 12′ USB extension cable. This allowed me to position the Extender closer to the window and to provide a lager range. Totally satisfied.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem ich stndig Probleme mit die Reichweite meinen Bluetooth-Verbindungen hatte ,suchte ich im Netz nach Mglichkeiten dies zu verbessern. Mit diesen Bluetooth Adapter wurde das Problem behoben. Habe jetzt eine sichere Verbindung in die ganze Wohnung!

  7. Anonymous says:


    Produkt spenia w caoci moje potrzeby. Dziaa zaraz po wsadzeniu do portu USB. Nie trzeba nic instalowa. Pierwszy raz mog wyj w suchawkach na ogrd i nie zrywa cznoci. Muzyka leci bez przerw.


  8. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I got this to connect a gamepad to a PC across the living room. I have never had it miss or duplicate inputs, it works on Linux and Windows out of the box, and the range is excellent. If you’ve had trouble with Bluetooth connection stability for your application, this adapter will likely help compared to builtin radios or adapters without antennae.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Very very nice gadget.
    It connects instantly.
    Although ,it’s in a different room with the door closed ,I have no issues disconnecting from my headphones.
    Very nice so far ,we shall see how much it will last.

  10. Justin Jaffe says:


    Der Dongle hlt was er verspricht. Ich kann zwar nicht sagen ob er auch 150 m kann, da bei mir das meiste des signals in der wand bleib

  11. Anonymous says:

     United States

    You DO have to delete any “OLD” Bluetooth adapters from previously installed units, but you can google how to do that, it was easy & you won’t skru it up. This piece definitely increase the range of my bluetooth devices connectivity by a considerable amou

  12. Anonymous says:


    It is very reliable product. I am using only this one for bluetooth. Connection is much better than from notebook. Thank you.

  13. Anonymous says:


    I am surprised and very impressed with this Bluetooth dongle.. I love on an acre with the location of the PC & dongle on the back middle of the property in my shop.. I can get to every corner of my property and still listen to the Bluetooth music.. I will have to get another one for my house and then my son’s place

  14. Anonymous says:


    Viel besser als die normalen Mini-Bluetoothsticks .In der Artikelbeschreibung wir allerdings ein wenig bertrieben. Die Reichweite reicht um ca. eine 75qm Wohnung abzudecken .Ich benutze den Stick fr einen Bluetooth Kopfhrer.

  15. TabathaBatty says:

     United States

    My mini PC’s bluetooth range is about 8-15 feet. This gives me around 30 feet of range which is perfect for my needs. This one is good, all you need to do is disable other bluetooth transmitters on your PC, reboot and it works.

  16. ShirleeIvory says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersZunchst funktionierte das Produkt einwandfrei, aber nach zwei Monaten stelle der Bluetooth Adapter ohne Voranzeichen den Betrieb ein.
    Nun lassen sich alle ber den Adapter gekoppelten Gerte nicht mehr entfernen.
    Schade, machte dieses Produkt anfangs einen guten Eindruck, leider war dieser nicht von Dauer.

    Aktualisierung (12.04.2023): Der ZEXMTE EU Store hat sich am 10.04.2023 unaufgefordert an mich gewandt und mir die Erstattung des Kaufpreises beziehungsweise den Austausch des defekten Produktes angeboten.
    Aufgrund dieses kundenfreundlichen Verhaltens und unter Bercksichtigung der anderen Kundenbewertungen habe ich mich entschieden dem Bluetooth Adapter eine zweite Chance zu geben, vielleicht habe ich einfach Pech gehabt und ein “Montags-Gert” erwischt.
    Sollte dieser Adapter ber einen lngeren Zeitraum funktionieren, werde ich meine Bewertung natrlich entsprechend anpassen.

    Aktualisierung (21.04.2023): Ich habe das Ersatzprodukt inzwischen erhalten, es ist seit einigen Tagen im Einsatz und funktioniert bisher einwandfrei.
    Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich die Gerte, die mit dem vorherigen Adapter verbunden waren, auch unter Verwendung des Neuen, nicht entfernen.

    ach zwei Monaten defek

  17. Darcy38Dppv says:


    Ich bin mit dem Bluetooth Adapter voll zufrieden benutze ihn hauptschlich fr meine Bluetooth Ohrhrer.
    Mit den einfachen Bluetooth Adaptern hatte ich oft Verbindungsabbrche jetzt kann ich in der ganzen Wohnung problemlos Musik hren, selbst mein Bluetooth fhiges Hrgert klappt damit wunderbar. Ob er allerdings die angegebenen 150 m schafft kann ich nicht sagen und die brauche ich auch nicht.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I’ve had consistent trouble with connectivity to other viable Bluetooth-enabled devices, but the problem could be my fault… I’m still unsure. My have to contact support. God forbid.

  19. RebeccaDivine says:


    Hat das gemacht was es sollte.
    Mein Bluetooth ist jetzt wieder optimal.

  20. ColbyAgeejqip says:

     United States

    Use or un-use must be followed by a restart. Not exactly ‘plug and play’ or ‘un plug and continue’ as I would like. It does increase the range enough for my purposes if only just. Does what it says and does it well.

  21. Lisa DeCanio says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIch besitze einen kabellosen Kopfhrer. Bei anderen Bluetooth – Sticks, die man ebenfalls per USB am Computer anbringen kann, habe ich immer Verbindungsschwierigkeiten gehabt. Sobald ich den Raum verlassen habe und um die Ecke gegangen bin, in einen anderen Raum, war der Kontakt weg. Zuerst ein Knacken u. Rauschen und dann gar nichts mehr. Mit diesem Antennen – Bluetooth Adapter habe ich wirklich das “groe Los” gezogen. Ich habe jetzt nicht nur eine Dauerhafte Verbindung von Raum zu Raum in der Wohnung, nein ich kann jetzt sogar die Tre zu machen und habe trotzdem noch vollen Klang und Ton im Kopfhrer. 😀 😀 😀 KEIN Knacken; KEIN Rauschen; Keine abgehackten Worte/Laute im Kopfhrer – nichts, alles ist und bleibt klar und deutlich, sogar bei verschlossener Tre. Die Installation selbst war kinderleicht. Bluetooth Adapter in den USB – Anschluss am Computer anstecken – Kopfhrer einschalten, kurze Suche und schon waren beide miteinander verbunden. Dieser Antennen – Bluetooth ist zwar teurer als die Mini – Bluetooth Adapter, aber fr mich persnlich, ist “er” das Geld wert. Kann diesen nur empfehlen, vor allem fr all jene, die mit einem kabellosen Kopfhrer sich durch mehrere und verschiedene Rume fortbewegen/fortbewegen mssen. Der Ton u. Klang bleibt ungebrochen erhalten.

  22. WillaFennescey says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersEs war von Anfang an klar das dieses Gert nicht eine solche Reichweite im realen Umfeld schaffen wrde. 50m im Haus wren noch immer nicht realistisch.

    Jedoch ist es fr meine Zwecke vollkommen ausreichend. Ich war mir des fragwrdigen Marketings bereits im voraus bewusst und hab den Stick als ausreichend eingeschtzt. 20m sind ohne Probleme drinnen. Auch mit dicken Wnden.

    4/5 Sterne

  23. UtaHendrix says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFor some reason, by Dell laptop did not include Bluetooth capability. I bought a set of earbuds before I knew this! So, I went to Amazon to find a USB Bluetooth add-on. This one caught my eye for it’s distance capability. It supports my earbuds to the far end of my house, though a brick wall! I’ve also used it to add an external speaker and a wireless keyboard as well. I would buy it again without hesitation.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Nachdem ich stndig Probleme mit meinen Bluetooth-Verbindungen suchte ich im Netz nach Mglichkeiten dies zu beheben. Habe diesen Signalverstrker gefunden und zum Testen bestellt. Hat mein Problem auf Anhieb erfllt. Der Preis ist top fr diese Leistung. Einzigster Makel, es macht einen nicht sehr stabilen Eindruck und es wre gut wenn die Antennen Arme in beiden Richtungen zu bewegen gehen – bei mir ist das alles kein Problem da es fest installiert wurde.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Truly excellent radius, could circle the entire house without my headphones dropping the signal. The only negative I can think of is that the antenna could be rather delicate and prone to breaking if knocked. Just be careful and it’s fine.

  26. EarthaDove says:


    Bevor ich diesen gekauft habe hatte ich einen tp-link nano Bluetooth Adapter, leider hat sich rausgestellt das dieser mir Probleme machte fr meine zwecke da nicht mehr kompatibel mit Windows 11, abgesehen davon das das kleine teil natrlich nicht die reichtweite hatte welcher dieser hier locker bringt.

    Ich hab den Adapter jetzt auf einem 10 Meter USB Kabel verbunden damit ich im Wohnzimmer (via aktiv usb hub) ohne Probleme mein Headset, Keyboard und Maus nutzen kann.

    Bis jetzt funktioniert alles super, und die Installation war wirklich problemlos, da plug&play.

  27. EricaW96cfmquk says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNO LE DOY 5 ESTRELLAS POR UN FACTOR. Tamao

    el perfecto,
    1. distancia 10/10 puedo irme relativamente lejos sin perder calidad de sonido.
    2. sonido, 10/10 se mantiene perfecta, nunca petardea, sin importar el volumen.
    3. tamao, 5/10 no cabe, cuando lo colocas en el puerto tapa la entrada del puerto que est al lado, tuve que comprar un extensor para conectarlo. (un gasto extra).
    4. conectividad, 10/10 detecta todos mis dispositivos.
    5. interferencia, 10/10 a pesar de tener muchos dongle no hay interferencia con ninguno.(cosa que pasa muchas veces cuando tienes muchos de la misma marca).

    La mejor compra que he hecho.

  28. WilsonZepps says:


    Since a few years I have been looking for a solid Bluetooth coverage into every corner of my small apartment, even through a few stone walls with partially wires inside. I tried different modules, also with larger antennas, but this one finally has no drop puts, even with the headset that usually has the worst sensitivity/range. I can totally recommend this outstanding USB transceiver. Don’t forget to disable your computers built-in BT device, else it may reduce the range, when they are both active and may cause interference to each other so close by.
    My Windows 10 based computers instantly recognized the BT interface with all of its features, not just audio. With around 10mA current draw it is obviously a very modern and efficient chipset, meaning that you might use any simple USB extension cable to install it at the most suitable location.
    Seit ein paar Jahren bin ich auf der Suche nach einem Bluetooth Interface fr meine Computer, was mein kleines Apartment bis in die letzte Ecke ohne Aussetzer versorgt. Ich hatte bereits andere Module mit hnlich groer Antenne probiert, aber dieses ist der erste BT-Stick, der solide Abdeckung liefert. Er hat meine absolute Kaufempfehlung. Bitte nicht vergessen das im Computer befindliche BT Interface abzuschalten, sonst knnte es zu reduzierter Reichweite/Strungen kommen. Meine Windows10 basierten Computer haben das Interface sofort mit allen Funktionen erkannt, also nicht nur Audio.
    Es braucht nur ca. 10mA, was der Beweis fr ein modernes effizientes Chipset ist und daher lt sich der Stick auch an einem einfachen USB Kabel an einem Ort installieren, wo die Antennen nicht auffallen, z.B: unter dem Schreibtisch. Ideal fr Homeoffice mit maximaler Flexibilitt. Um das Beste aus den beiden Diversity Antennen zu bekommen, am besten in einem 90 Grad Winkel zu einander ausrichten, dann werden beide Polarisationsebenen untersttzt, was die Verbindung besonders solide macht.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It works very well, great range, I can walk into another room and still get great audio with very little latency. Fairly easy to install, however please note if you are plugging this into a computer it may not install properly if your computer has built in bluetooth, so you would need to disable the built in one in device manager before plugging this one in. But otherwise great value for money and great quality. Would recommend.

  30. Hilary Wardle says:

     United Kingdom

    Only had this five minutes and already my Cooler Master Bluetooth RGB keyboard is no longer endlessly trying to connect to the Bluetooth dongle I had on my PC previously.

    Looks good too. Worthwhile purchase.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought this assuming that it would work with Linux, despite the description, and I was rewarded!

    It was recognised immediately with no configuration, and extended the range as expected.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Swapping this out for a standard Blue tooth dongle, I was pleased to find the range I could wander with my headphones on from the PC was notably increased in the house, with the signal reaching downstairs of an average home, from the upstairs office, without the previous drops in connection.
    While this distance is still well short of the theoretical flat open field range, there are a internal partition walls and floors in the way.

    However the nature of your home, and walls may not give you the same results.

    Downside is the the size, which is magnified by the antenna – but equally that’s also why it has the range at this price point.

  33. Muoi4355ogtzfo says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great but range will obviously be shortened when the signal is going through walls.

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Nicely made. A good design. Looks the business.

    I had hoped to use this with my Windows 7 laptop. No joy on that front.

    I can say that the quality of manufacturing seems high. It has that look and feel that I associate with good quality products. My intuition might be all I’ve got to go on but, whilst I don’t want to blow my own trumpet too much, I feel I have an eye for these things.

    I hope these opinions and observations are helpful.

  35. Drake Hawkins says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDue to the width of the adapter, you may need a short USB extension or leave a port next to it empty. Given a non challenging environment, the adapter has good range, however if you suffer from poor Wi-Fi reception, then this adapter will probably exhibit similar performance issues.

    Happy to report that HomeAssistant running on an RPi 4B recognizes the Bluetooth adapter as soon as it is plugged in; there is no need for drivers etc. The box suggests that the adapter will not work with Linux, on the RPi 4B; I could clearly see the devices MAC address.

    I have no hesitation in recommending this Bluetooth adapter.

    Good range and works with HomeAssistant on RPi 4B

  36. JoseEsp says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a drawer full of Bluetooth adapters that don’t work. I upgraded my pc to windows 11 pro and this works. No disc no downloads no fuss.

  37. HoseaWilley says:

     United Kingdom

    I use this Bluetooth adapter when I am working from home and need it when I use my headset for online meets with colleagues.

    The range is very impressive, even when I am in various rooms with brick walls in between. The connection hasn’t dropped out so far.

    It’s not very expensive, so given that fact and how much it assists me in my video chats, I consider this adapter good value for money.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This dongle arrived in compact packaging and was simple to install. It really is “plug and play”. I connected it to my laptop and it found all available devices. I have primarily used it for my Bluetooth headphones, and it definitely extended the range (even outside). It also effortlessly connected to my Bluetooth speaker.

    It is simple to use, affordable and does it’s job well. It’s noticeable when attached to a laptop, but not too obtrusive. What more can you ask ? Recommended .
    I hope you found my review helpful.

    Does the job well !

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have found that this device most certainly improves the BT range throughout my reasonably sized property.

    Connecting to my PC was effortless with this device being plug and play, and within a couple of minutes I was able to walk around indoors with some headphones on and listen to music with no drops outs or interference (unlike other dongles I have tried in the past). I have not yet tried it in the garden, but I expect it to work well as my garden is not at all large and at all times is close to the property.

    I have tried it with headphones and various buds, and connecting is always fast and glitch free.

    I believe this is a good product, and if you suffer from poor BT reception it could well be worth a try.

  40. NateHeffron says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this to use in my partners desktop PC as he likes to walk around the house whilst wearing headphones and listen to content he’s streaming. Just like any Bluetooth dongle it’s easy to set up. We haven’t tested this in a straight line to its limit but it works well within the house, through walls, upstairs and even out into the garden.

    Works well

  41. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent quality and value for money. Instantly connects to devices and holds signal/communication well. Seems well made and set to last.

  42. ErnestiMing says:

     United Kingdom

    I wanted to give the ZEXMTE Long Range USB Bluetooth Dongle a go as I like to wander the house while using my Bluetooth headset connected to my PC but suffer from constant signal drop outs.

    The form factor was very promising, with the dongle sporting a pair of large antennae that can be angled for best effect.

    The dongle installed easily as Windows automatically installed the drivers, I tried this on a desktop and a surface pro, no issues with either.

    In practice, the dongle has provided an improvement over internal Bluetooth adaptors, allowing me to wander that little bit further, however it’s not quite as powerful as I would have hoped, with some drop out when walls get too much.

    In summary, if you’re missing Bluetooth capability this dongle represents a decent option that gives that little bit more range.

    Improved my range a bi

  43. Mike Pettigano says:

     United Kingdom

    My desktop PC does not have Bluetooth but does now.

    Just plug it in and the BT icon was added on the bottom toolbar next to time and date.

    I have been using it with Jabra BT ear pods and it works fine with a good range.

    I did also try pairing it with my Android mobile which it did but it would not stay connected and I assume it is because this dongle wants to link to slave devices such as a mouse, keyboard or speakers.

    No complaints

  44. CNET says:

     United Kingdom

    This long range bluetooth adapter works as expected, and it is very easy to use small device.
    The data transfer rate is about 3 megabits per second.
    Has buil in latest 5.1 bluetooth which works very quick.
    There is no any drive required, just plug and play.
    The dual antennas are rotable, with which you can set the signal strength, improve signal sensitivity.
    Effectively improve the receiving and transmission distance up to 150 meters.
    It is compatible with multiple different devices.
    It is very good value for money product I have to admit.
    Good quality for sure.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It is easy to use, works well ar doing its job as a bluebooth dingle, and it is very convenient and small so it is easy to carry around too.

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersHonestly this is the best Bluetooth adapter I have ever used for PC gaming!

    I have tried so many big name brand Bluetooth adapters to use my PS5 controller on PC and although they work I really needed to sit very close to the adapter otherwise I would have disconnection and latency issues.

    With this one is it’s simply plug and play and the range is soo good I can even sit on my sofa or go to the kitchen without losing connection or having latency issues.

    I use ds4windows and have it set so when the input delay goes over 10ms the controller flashes red.

    With all the previous Bluetooth adapters I have used my controller would flash red constantly if I moved a meter away from the adapter!

    With this one I can literally go around the house and it hasn’t flashed red on me once!

    My input delay reading on DS4windows is between 1ms -1.5ms which is absolutely fantastic. (See pictures)

    Yes the price is higher than other Bluetooth adapters but I think it is justifiable considering the solid connectivity and the range.

    I will be purchasing a second one for my upstairs gaming PC!

    I highly recommend.

    Excellent Bluetooth adapter.

  47. BillLeggeydk says:

     United Kingdom

    “Long Story Short”

    If you need extra few devices connected at once, this is an option to go
    Small and lightweight
    Easy to set all up
    Extremely easy to connect, plug and play
    Long range, so you can use your device up to 15m away.

    Value for money 10 out of 10

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perfect little adapter, plugged into my pc and waited for drivers. Connected straight away with no issues. My devices were able to see and connect to it straight away. The range is far better than my old Bluetooth dongle, I can pick up Bluetooth now from outside the room. Good quality and good value for money. Very happy with this.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My venerable Windows 10 desktop PC doesn’t have Bluetooth hardware, but adding Bluetooth was trivial with this dongle – plug it into a free USB port, wait 30 seconds or so for the drivers to automatically install, job done.

    With that done, I was able to connect to a Bluetooth speaker and stream music with no problems at all. So it seems to do exactly what it is meant to, and it’s reasonably priced.

    The only caveat I would add is that I am somewhat sceptical about claims of 150 metres range – even if this dongle with its big antennas is capable of transmitting over that distance, Bluetooth requires 2-way connections, and I’ve never seen any other Bluetooth device which was capable of transmitting over anywhere near that range. So don’t buy this expecting to be able to listen to your Bluetooth headphones at the bottom of the garden – you’re likely to be disappointed!

    But other than that – seems to work as advertised, and is an easy and cheap-ish way of adding Bluetooth to a PC.

  50. KayleeColwell says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a Sennheiser headset – which I was able to take as far as the top of my stairs, before the connection started to destabilize on my previous Bluetooth 5.1 adapter. With this adapter I even went all the way down the stairs and there was no sign of destabilization! The signal was solid; unwavering. I would guess that this adapter will cover the whole house and even some parts outside. WoW – I am very impressed. Watching movies with my Sennheiser shows great lip-sync, so there is minimum delay. Installation was straight forward; Windows 11 found the device and installed it.

    Downside: slightly more expensive than other USB Bluetooth adapters.

    I can well recommend!

  51. ChristaRodgers says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great bluetooth adapter for anyone that has connection issues in their house. I got this primarily to use my PS5 controllers with my PC and whilst I don’t really need the long range for that, it’s great to connect that PC to my bluetooth speaker in my kitchen and this does that flawlessly. As far as PS5 controllers, I plugged this into my PC running Windows 11 and they connect smoothly with no messing about through Steam. There is a driver you can get for them too if you want to use them off Steam, but I didn’t bother messing about with that yet. If you plan to use this with a controller through Steam though, this is basically plug and play. As a secondary use, it’s great that this has the range to reach the speaker in my kitchen, which is about 20m away from the PC and goes through two walls. My phone actually struggles with connections in the kitchen, but this connects to my speaker and holds solid, so that’s great.

    I suppose the one downside if I was being very picky, is that it is pretty big. It’s about the size of a USB thumb drive and the antenna add quite a bit to that too, it sticks out by about 2 inches from the back of my PC. Maybe if you are just using controllers a metre or so away you can get away with something smaller, but if you need a good strong connection that has the ability to reach most the way round your house, or you don’t mind the extra size of this and are willing to prioritise connection over looks, then this is definitely worth a good look.