DJI Osmo Action 3 Adventure Combo – 4K HDR Action Camera

DJI Osmo Action 3 Adventure Combo – 4K HDR Action Camera, 10-Bit Color Depth, Waterproof, HorizonSteady, Cold Resistant & Long-Lasting, Extension Rod, Vlog Camera for YouTube

From the brand

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Top Accessories

Weight: 0.11 Kilograms
Dimensions: 7 x 4.4 x 3.3 centimetres
Brand: DJI
Model: AC002
Part: CP.OS.00000221.01
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included)
Dimensions: 7 x 4.4 x 3.3 centimetres

21 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Ero indeciso tra questa e la gopro 11 alla fine ho scelto questa la versione combo batteria infinita punti di forza semplicit nell’ utilizzo qualit superiore app che funziona alla perfezione molto semplice da usare posso solo consigliarla

  2. LarryRamon says:


    Osmo Action 3 Combo Adventure un prodotto eccezionale che merita indubbiamente tutte e cinque le stelle.

    La sua qualit video in 4K e le funzionalit avanzate di stabilizzazione dell’immagine garantiscono riprese incredibilmente fluide e nitide.

    La presenza di due schermi, frontale e posteriore, rende l’inquadratura semplice anche durante le riprese di s stessi.

    La durata della batteria notevole e il design resistente all’acqua lo rende perfetto per avventure subacquee e sport estremi.

    Inoltre, la combo offre una vasta gamma di accessori utili per sfruttare appieno le potenzialit della action cam.

    In sintesi, Osmo Action 3 Combo Adventure una scelta senza dubbio eccellente per chi desidera una camera d’azione all’avanguardia e versatile.

  3. KarolSteadman says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFr Leute die gern coole Videos machen ist die Cam ein Muss!
    Vorab habe ich mich mir die GoPro11 geholt um sie mit der DJI zu vergleichen. (Leute lasst die Finger von Cams unter 200, wenn ihr Leistung und Qualitt haben wollt) Die Bedienung ist nach etwas Eingewhnung bei beiden Cam’s einfach und berschaubar. Videos in hoher Auflsung empfand ich auf einem 4k 85Zoll-TV von der DJI minimal besser. Was besonders hervorzuheben ist, ist der Akkuverbrauch. Die DJI hat bei 4K aufnahmen fast doppelt so lange ausgehalten als die von GoPro11. Das ist absolut klasse, man braucht nicht stndig an die Akkurestleistung denken und kann sich auf das Filmen konzentrieren. Die Vorteile waren mir persnlich klar und der Preisunterschied hat es bestrkt mich fr die DJI zu entscheiden.

  4. ToniaBrady says:


    Ordine, acquisto e ricezione del prodotto ok.
    Pro: qualit dei filmati, kit completo per iniziare soprattutto le tre batterie.
    Contro: con quello che costa il kit non esiste che dopo 12 minuti di ripresa va in protezione per surriscaldamento. Mi auguro che al pi presto si possa risolvere questo problema

  5. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHallo,
    ich hatte die Osmo Action 1 und bin nun auf die 3 gewechselt, diese macht scheinbar alles etwas “besser” als die 1er (obwohl die 1 immer noch ne Top Cam ist).
    Bei meinem 3er Modell (Adventure Combo) hab ich das Problem, dass das Display nicht abschaltet obwohl es in den Einstellungen so eingestellt ist.
    Das passiert allerdings NUR bei Timelaps Aufnahmen, es bleibt einfach eingeschaltet.
    Die Firmware ist aktuell (Stand Juni 2023), einen Werksreset habe ich bereits durchgefhrt-ohne Erfolg.
    Deshalb wird die Cam jetzt zu Amazon zurckgehen und wir repariert, bin echt gespannt ob das funktioniert.
    Auerdem habe ich eine weitere “Verschlechterung” zur Osmo1 bemerkt: Es gibt die “Belichtungsserien” nicht mehr.
    Damit konnte man 3 oder 5 Fotos schnell hintereinander schieen und daraus lieen sich schne HDR Fotos basteln.
    Ich hoffe das kommt per Firmware Update noch nach, habe DJI daraufhin angeschrieben.

    Gre aus Thringen……

    PS: das Problem mit dem Display das bei Timelaps nicht abschaltet ist gelst…….man muss das kleine Mondsymbol anwhlen, dann klappt’s

  6. jamphel says:

     United Kingdom

    Lost my Osmo Action 1 so this was the logical replacement. Charged very quickly, and took it the same day on a 100 mile MTB ride across Wales. The magnetic connection is genius, picture quality improved, front touch screen improvement, better menus, better battery life etc. All round, just an excellent upgrade. Was quite intuitive thanks to prior experience, so can’t comment on how user friendly it is for a newcomer.

    AND it never froze or failed during the ride, unlike the common experience with the competitor brand…….

    A no brainer.

  7. Pocket-lint says:

     United Kingdom

    Was torn between this and the go pro glad I went with this my mate got a fo pro but has had a lot of issues I don’t have with the dji it just works and does a fantastic job of what it’s ment for I use mine on a kayak and swimming it’s just awsome

  8. LidiaFvmfwixtx says:

     United Kingdom

    I read early batch have some focues issue. its seems now they fixed it. works great for me. really liked the battery case system where u can charge almost everywhere when u got a usb c charger. I do like the softerwear have shooting tempate/example for how you can shoot your event/action, really good for a first time action cam user like me.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Very impresses with this camera, its zoom and array of lenses. Definitely better than a go pro imo. Adventure combo is excellent, 3 batteries and 1.5m tripod included and case. The magnetic clip attachment is better than gopro as well imo, can clip from tripod to different mount in seconds without the need to screw on and off.

  10. Leesa2133c says:

     United Kingdom

    Three choices, this, the GoPro or one of the myriad cheap ones. I’ve bought a few cheap ones and really, they don’t compare well.

    If you are considering this or the GoPro, both will be good for you. It’s just a matter of comparing features.

    I bought this on features, especially the magnet guided quick release. I also liked the idea of how a third party cage can accept peripherals. The plastic cage that comes with it will protect it ok but you have to take it off to change battery or SD card.

    If I have one small concern, and I personally don’t use it for close up vlogging, the focus could be sharper close up. For what I’m using it for, biking, skiing etc it’s great.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this, does everything you need, quick mounts, just brillia

  12. zapasin says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought Adventure combo used for a price I couldn’t say no to and honestly I couldn’t tell it had been used previously. All accessories including camera looked brand new to me.

    Having tested this little action camera for a month before submitting a review, I have to say that it’s functionality as a motorcycle helmet action camera is second to none. The magnetic mount is hands down what caught my eye instead of a goPro. The fact I can unmount and then mount it as a car dash cam without having to unscrew knobs makes life so much easier.

    The build quality is very good and feels premium not like cheap and flimsy like my very first action camera which was a Crosstour CT9900.

    Internal camera audio sounds clear so no complaints there. Not sure how clear audio will be if used in an environment where it’s loud but I imagine not amazing as these types of action cameras always need external microphones to capture crisp clean audio.

    The video quality at 4k 60fps is very good and the rocksteady stabilization is insane and definitely as good as my Insta360 One X2 flowstate stabilization. Haven’t tried recording at 4k 120fps so can’t comment on that.

    The battery life seems to be around 120mins when recording in 1080p 30fps around around 80mins when recording at 4k 60fps so the acclaimed 180mins I have no idea where DJI got that from. The extra 3 batteries and charging case is handy when going on long motorcycle journeys so that’s definitely a plus.

    The Quick Settings feature is definitely useful when switching out different recording settings but you can’t set the one button shutter when the camera is off to any of these Quick Settings which is just dumb. You can’t set the camera to instantly take a photo with the one button shutter when the camera is off either…DJI need to roll out a new firmware update to add these features immediately.

    Night recording is usable but not amazing…so don’t expect amazing video quality if you’re planning on using this at night time. There’s definitely motion blur with rocksteady applied so if you set the camera is manual exposure settings the blur is less notable.

    Initially I didn’t think the front facing touch screen is all that important or useful but it definitely is when used for vlogging yourself to see what you will look like in the frame. The touch screen on the back seems to be slightly more responsive than the front touch screen but this is a minor issue for me.

    The camera cage provided is useful but why you cannot remove the battery or SD card without taking the cage off is annoying.

    It comes with a selfie stick but I haven’t used this yet as I mostly vlog with the insta360 One X2 as it has the invisible selfie stick feature.

    I wish the adventure combo came with a protective foam camera case just so you don’t scratch the lens cap but you can always replace the lens cap as it’s removable which is a bonus.

    An important firmware update DJI needs to add is the ability to set the microphone gain level to go lower than -12dB after inserting an external microphone because when used as a motorcycle helmet camera, any speed exceeding 45mph the camera audio becomes distorted and unusable. DJI recommends their DJI wireless mic system but that costs nearly 300 which is ridiculous.

    Overall I would highly recommend this camera but the audio needs fixing when used as a helmet camera.

    Would give 4.5 stars but the option isn’t there. If DJI fixes the the external microphone audio gain levels to combat the distortion at high speeds then it’s easily a 5/5 from me.

  13. Eric Franklin says:


    Ho acquistato questa action cam, in versione “Adventure combo”, in aggiunta ad una economica presa in precedenza. Nella scatola troviamo: la action cam, la scocca protettiva, tre batterie LiPo da 1779 mAh con la relativa custodia che funge anche da caricatore, un cavo usb-c/usb-c, due supporti magnetici con relative viti di fissaggio, una guarnizione supplementare in gomma per l’obbiettivo, una base adesiva ed il bastone allungabile da 1,5 m. Al momento la sto ancora testando, ma gi dalle prime riprese fatte mi ritengo soddisfatto. Rispetto alla precedente cam siamo decisamente su un altro livello, ma questo gi lo sapevo. I pochi video fatti risultano nitidi e fluidi, fatti con la cam montata sul manubrio di una e-bike percorrendo una strada bianca. Non si notano sobbalzi di sorta, la luminosit buona e la nitidezza notevole. La batteria sembra avere un’ottima durata ed il fatto di poter usufruire di altre due batterie, sempre LiPo da 1770 mAh, garanzia di poter filmare sessioni molto lunghe. Pratico e sicuro l’aggancio magnetico, che non si stacca se non premendo due alette laterali che garantiscono la tenuta anche in condizioni critiche. Aggancio che, utilizzando la scocca protettiva, consente di poterla utilizzare anche in verticale. Comodissimo il fatto di avere anche un display frontale, nel caso si vogliano fare dei selfie. I display sono touch e molto luminosi e nitidi. Le molte funzioni sono intuitive e raggiungibili facilmente. Non mi dilungo nelle questioni prettamente tecniche in quanto in rete si possono trovare tutte le informazioni necessarie, compresi molti video tutorial e video recensioni, che consiglio di visionare in caso si fosse interessati all’acquisto. Questa action cam stata spesso messa a confronto con la GoPro Hero 11 e devo dire che, nonostante tutto, ne sempre uscita bene. Certo, la GoPro ha qualche caratteristica migliore, per il prezzo decisamente pi alto e, se non si dei professionisti con necessit particolari, la DJI Osmo Action 3 se la cava alla grande! Mi riservo di aggiungere altri particolari quando l’avr provata in maniera pi estesa. Per terminare, non ho messo la quarta stella perch nella confezione la DJI non inserisce il carica batterie (consigliato da almeno 30W), che va acquistato a parte. Piuttosto che prendere quello di DJI, ne ho acquistato uno, da 30 W, allo stesso prezzo (sempre su Amazon) che per ha due ingressi, un USB-A e un USB-C. Per quanto riguarda la action cam, al momento sono molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto.

  14. MaiLivingston says:


    Increble cmara de accin! Recientemente compr la Osmo Action 3 en Amazon y estoy muy impresionado con su rendimiento y calidad de imagen. Esta cmara es una verdadera joya para cualquier persona que ame los deportes extremos o simplemente quiera capturar momentos emocionantes en su vida diaria.

    Una de las caractersticas que ms me gustan de la Osmo Action 3 es su capacidad para grabar video en 4K a 120 fps, lo que da como resultado una calidad de imagen increblemente ntida y vibrante. Adems, la estabilizacin de imagen es de primera clase, lo que hace que las tomas sean muy fluidas y sin temblores incluso en condiciones extremas.

    Otra caracterstica impresionante de esta cmara es su pantalla frontal, que es perfecta para grabar vlogs y selfies. Con esta pantalla, puedo verme mientras estoy grabando y asegurarme de que todo est en su lugar antes de empezar a grabar. Esto ha hecho que mis vlogs sean ms interesantes e informativos para mis seguidores.

    La Osmo Action 3 tambin es muy fcil de usar, con una interfaz de usuario intuitiva que me permite cambiar rpidamente entre los diferentes modos de grabacin y ajustar la configuracin segn sea necesario. Adems, es resistente al agua hasta 11 metros de profundidad, lo que significa que puedo llevarla a cualquier lugar sin preocuparme por daarla.

    En resumen, estoy muy contento con mi compra de la Osmo Action 3 en Amazon. Es una cmara de accin impresionante que ha superado todas mis expectativas. Si ests buscando una cmara de accin de alta calidad que tenga una excelente calidad de imagen, estabilizacin de imagen y una pantalla frontal

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWanted to upgrade my old GoPro Hero 7 Black but since GoPro raised the prices crazy and I don’t like to pay for subscriptions I looked elsewhere. I own DJI drone so the idea came along to try their version of action camera. Viola! It is great! Built like a tank, battery is solid. I love the magnetic lock and the very long handle. And the price is epic. I paid 299 for adventure combo. Soo far soo good!

  16. LeonorRodger says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Beats go pro bye 1000000000000 best action or YouTube can ever!!!!!

  17. Greg Nibler says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I,m a retired professional photographer who loves hiking in all weather throughout the year, My canon R6 has been a utter hopeless camera, it can’t handle cold weather or damp conditions, the EVF will mist up rendering the camera out of action, to make matters worse the video performance is terrible with poor metering and a IBIS that simply isn’t fit for purpose a 2500 waste of money.

    I’ve been wanting an action camera for years but never wanted a gopro, along comes the Osmo action 3 last year and I was put off by the focus issues, I left it until last week to order which is still a lottery when buying the DJI. It turned up the next day and went hiking the day after, and I must say what a fun camera to use. its smaller than I thought and weighs nothing compared to carting around camera kit. It was raining and windy and it made no difference to the camera, it also handled the wind far better than my R6.

    Walking along the tracks in Scotland you often see stream so in went the Osmo which made tiny stream and pools look like i was diving in some massive river when in ultrawide.

    The omso is very easy to use and its stabilization is light years ahead of canon and other major camera manufacturers. I even shocked the Osmo down my coat on its poll and the IS made it look so smooth yet natural.

    The mimo app work on my samsung a04s phone and have yet to use it with the camera when out hiking.

    One thing to note, the auto exposure works smoothly and is not aggressive like the canon R6 which send either the sky or ground blown out or too dark. canon should take some advice on how to do video that for sure and at 379 you wont go far wrong, its miles more fun than full size cameras.

  18. Rachel Dixon and nJane Dunford says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    A great alternative to the GoPro and very reliable – unlike the aforementioned GoPro. Great battery and new updates have introduced 10 bit colour. I haven’t seen an issue with the soft focus on my model, maybe this has now been sorted. Well worth it and a very good price too!

  19. ConcepcionMalla says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBetter than GoPro10/11 – Osmo3 Inc Timecode & reliable, waterproof -16m, Only negative is the removable foot.
    Gopros regularly freeze/crash so you need to remove battery to re-start, No Osmo I’ve ever used has that problem. When you rig 6 to a car it motorbike and the director says go they have to work, Osmo action does without fault in all conditions. I’ve given up on gopro as they have caused me so many heat attacks hen the shoot is a one off stunt and not repeatable. Yes I love the Osmo1 and Osmo3 because they don’t let you down. (Never used the Osmo2)

  20. Daniel Starkey says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have been reluctant with this purchase due to YouTuber’s complaints in regards to focus. After talking to DJI’s Pre Sales team, I was guaranteed the focus issue has been resolved and that my unit won’t get it. I bought one from DJI’s website before going on a two day trip. The day I received it, shot some footage with it and sent it to DJI’s technical team who confirms my unit is free from the focus issue. I happily kept the product and took it on my trip. My previous action camera was the Go Pro Hero 7 Black and here is the good and bad. Whilst the Action 3’s overall image quality isn’t on par with the latest Go Pro, here is the good that lead me to switch to DJI’s offering.

    Value – The action 3 is more affordable, especially if you get the Adventure Combo. All of the accessories it comes with are much more expensive than if you were to go for the standard combo and buy all of the accessories individually. The extra batteries and battery charger is the main selling point for me. Excellent value for 100 more!

    The Ease of Use – DJI’s menu is much easier to navigate.

    Technically more reliable – Go Pro tends to lag and freeze alot, leading me to having to take the battery in and out just to get it to turn on. DJI’s camera turns on first time, every time.

    Image quality – The Action 3 when used in the right lighting situation is very sharp, but not too sharp. Go Pro is noticeably too sharp which looks unnatural to me (if you like that, then that’s absolutely fine). It definitely performs better in low light than Go Pro due to less noise.

    Battery life- this is the huge factor, one battery lasts a long time, even at 4K 60fps.

    Overall, I am happy with this purchase and I think it was worth the money.

  21. Felica85Atv says:

     United States 🇺🇸

    Golden Review Award: 20 From Our UsersI’ve owned the Original Osmo Action ever since it was released and it became one of my favorite cameras to use. Like all DJI products, they aren’t perfect out of the box, but with firmware updates, they only get better. I skipped on the OA2 because I didn’t like the modular design, but when this one was announced, I pre-ordered it immediately.
    There’s mixed reviews on YouTube about it and I can’t speak for them, but I can speak on my own experiences using this camera.

    The not so good…
    So far, I can’t switch between front and back screen while recording (this option became available on the original OA a few months after its release. The microphone doesn’t pick up as well as the front mics when talking behind the camera. The last is lack of ability to mount an external mic to the camera, but there is a solution.

    The good…
    Maybe I was one of the lucky ones? But the picture quality is AMAZING! I love having the option to choose different fields of view, the zoom option is nice and much better low light performance. Being able to film 4k 120fps and 4k slow motion is great. Plus it never overheats and outlasts GoPro on both battery life and heat threshold. The build quality is excellent as well as the redesign of the battery door. The battery life is phenomenal! I can film in 4k at least twice as long as I can on my original OA. The front mics pick up sound well and I found a solution for an external mic mount. I just picked up a selfie stick / mini tripod which has a cold shoe mount on the side. All in all I am very pleased with my purchase.