Ultrasport weight bench

Ultrasport weight bench

Ultrasport weight bench

Ultrasportfolding weight benchexercises Bench fitness station


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Size: 115 x 43 x 145 cm
Dimensions: 115 x 43 x 145 cm; 13.4 Kilograms
Brand: Ultrasport
Model: 331100000163
Colour: Black
Manufacture: Ultrasport
Department: Unisex
Dimensions: 115 x 43 x 145 cm; 13.4 Kilograms
Size: 115 x 43 x 145 cm

39 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Il prodotto arrivato in tempo e senza incidenti. Non do cinque stelle, perch ho dovuto regolare i dadi principali, la panca non era praticamente solida durante l’utilizzo, sembrava che tutte le sue parti si muovessero

  2. Anonymous says:


    Lo primero que quiero decir es que no es perfecto. Para m, tiene sus pros y sus contras, pero teniendo en cuenta todo, me parece un buen banco de entrenamiento para casa despus de varias semanas de uso.
    Sus aspectos positivos:
    – Precio: yo pude conseguirlo por 90, normalmente est sobre los 120 (tuve suerte), an as por 120 habindolo usado, no me parece mal.
    – Es bastante estable. No puedes esperar que no se te mueva absolutamente nada el respaldo como uno de gimnasio, pero va muy bien (tampoco cuesta como uno de gimnasio…).
    – Los acolchados son cmodos (no s cunto durar, espero que mucho).
    – Tiene varias posibilidades de inclinacin incluyendo el declinado, aunque hay que tener cierto cuidado de no escurrirse al hacer declinado…
    – Mido 1.90cm, y el respaldo es lo suficientemente largo como para poder apoyar la cabeza.
    – Se ve de buena calidad (el tiempo dir).

    – Lo peor que le veo son los apoyos. Cierto es que el suelo de mi casa es un poco deslizante, pero ya le podran haber colocado a los apoyos algn tipo de material antideslizante, habran quedado estupendamente, y seguro que no habra incrementado en nada su precio. El problema es que segn qu ejercicios hagas (en mi caso particular), se me ha movido el banco y un par de sustos me he llevado (puede ser hasta peligroso). Por lo que he decidido poner el banco encima de la tpica esterilla de yoga/abdominales. El problema es que con el peso del banco, el mo y las mancuernas, termina por hacerse agujeros la esterilla, pero mientras sirva a su propsito, me va bien (fotos), de esta forma he evitado que se me deslice.
    – No me gusta la distancia que hay entre el respaldo y el asiento cuando est el banco desplegado. Hay demasiada distancia y en ciertos casos, te puedes hacer algo de dao, ya que el culo puede terminar en ese espacio. Si tienes cuidado no debe pasar nada…
    – El sistema de fijacin (pasadores) no me encantan, ya podra ser otro sistema, pero esto ya es cuestin de gustos.

    Lo volvería a compra

  3. ClintonIsx says:


    per il montaggio ho perso un p di tempo con alcuni pezzi tipo le viti e i bulloni perch nelle istruzioni alcune vengono raggruppate sotto lo stesso numero pur essendo di dimensione diversa, vabb comunque non sono chiarissime ma neanche impossibili da seguire alla fine sono riuscito nell’impresa. La utilizzo per fare molti tipi di esercizio 2-3 volte a settimana, non perfettamente stabile traballa leggermente e ho messo uno spessore sotto uno dei piedi a parte questi dettagli mi ritengo soddisfatto dell’acquisto

  4. Anonymous says:


    Extremely easy and convenient to set up since it comes assembled and folded. I’m a tall guy and it both long and wide enough to accommodate me. Would be 5 stars but there were some minor misalignments in the welding. I have to hammer in and out the seat adjustment pin. On the plus side, the tightness of the pins means that it doesn’t rattle at all. Works well on my wood floor.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A lot more stable than I thought it would for the price

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great price and delivery, a bit rocky with slack pin holdings when inclined and gap between pads quite large and uncomfortable. Good piece of kit overall though and decent for the price

  7. HannahCrutchfie says:

     United Kingdom

    Cant believe the quality at the price. Really perfect for your average home gym enthusiast. Comes made, and very easy go move. Delighted.

  8. JeroldNPHT says:

     United Kingdom

    Love this item, nice and sturdy whilst not bulky. The quick release pins are easy to use and make it simple to quickly set up or pack away whilst it also has a useful handle to carry around.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This bench arrived in the flat state making the box rather large and bulky but saving on having to do any assembly.

    There are a lot of ways to configure the bench allowing for a full body workout using it from bench presses to leg raises and push ups with a customisable incline.

    The bench feels sturdy to use and can then be stored away fla

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWish legs had bit of padding as I kicked into them walking in the dark way too many times. Good range of options for workout it seems sturdy enough wobbles a bit the way it’s designed but you don’t really feel like it will break at any point. Rubber on top seems thick enough easy to clean if I was to buy one again I would go for one of the more expensive one with barbell rack and leg extension. Not the cheap one tho something for like 300 as I feel like that’s what I’m gonna spend on top of this one getting barbell rack but unless you bench with a bar this might last you a good while

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve trained in gyms all my life and I’ve worked as a PFT in some gyms. Was looking for a bench which would meet my home training needs whilst packing it away between workouts.
    This bench is sturdy, comfortable, easily erected and folds down making it suitably smaller…….Fantastic!

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought as an impulse buy but it’s really opened up my home workouts

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Delivered exactly as described.
    Amazon estimated an early delivery through no fault of the courier so it was late by 36 hours or so but the equipment itself is excellent quality and very easy to set up.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This workout bench is absolutely brilliant. Easy to store away, comfy and definitely worth investing in. As a gym user, this bench has given me everything I need to be equipped with.

  15. HoseaWilley says:

     United Kingdom

    May need to be tighten on seat/back rest pivoting screw, apart from that, excellent value compared to similar products.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Took some time looking at the different option on Amazon, ordered this one in the end. It’s perfect. Very solid, I’m sure you will be happy with this item

  17. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersEdit : Attention mon commentaire ( comme la totalit des autres commentaires ) ne concerne pas l’article actuellement en vente , pour lequel la mme appellation a t conserve, ainsi que les mmes commentaires clients .
    L’article que j’ai achet est un banc inclinable simple 85 qui n’a rien a voir avec celui nouvellement dcrit dans cette annonce ( . Je prcise car je trouve le procd moyen et assez trompeur )
    l’article que j’ai achet est en photo de ce commentaire.

    J’ai attendu beaucoup…..beaucoup….beaucoup de temps avant que le banc soit disponible .
    mais ds qu’il a t disponible , il a t livr en 2 jours !

    Le banc est parfait en tout point pour mon usage .
    aussi bien techniquement qu’esthtiquement , je le trouve carrment au dessus en terme de qualit que les bancs de chez dcathlon.

    Contrairement a ce que j’ai pu lire, le banc est arriv entirement mont , il est en mode “pli” dans le carton , par ailleurs, le banc est bien protg avec des mousses , aucun dgt a dplorer a la sortie du carton .

    il a 3 positions possibles pour l’inclinaison de l’assise, et 7 positions possibles pour l’inclinaison du dossier ( avec le dclin qui se fait sans le “pin” l’pingle .
    Je m’entraine dans une salle de sport donc j’ai l habitude du matriel pro , et ce banc me semble tout a fait correct pour un entrainement individuel a la maison.

    l’ usage que je compte en faire c’est principalement du travail aux haltres ( 35kg maxi dans chaque mains )
    du dvelopp couch a plat , du dvelopp inclin 45, du dvelopp paule 90 et dvelopp dclin .

    Je ne l utiliserai pas en banc abdominal , car je n’aime pas le travail abdominale avec les pieds bloqus, mais je pense que c’est ok pour cet usage galement.

    il me semble parfaitement stable dans toutes les positions.
    J’ai quand mme resserr un peu les boulons de l’assise et du dossier, histoire de ….

    Le cot pliable est galement trs utile , mme si l’encombrement reste massez important pli.
    la hauteur du banc quand il est pli ne permet pas par exemple de le ranger sous un lit .

    je n’ai pas encre d’exprience de ce banc dans le long terme , je ne sais donc pas encore comment il va vieillir ,
    le revtement ne semble pas super rsistant , mais a priori , en prenant soins de ne pas poser des poids dessus a devrait le faire .
    Pour l’instant je n’ai aucune raison de regretter mon achat , bien au contraire .
    je trouve qu’il a un excellent rapport qualit prix.

    Pafait en tous points pour mon usage et pour le prix .

  18. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDie Trainingsbank ist gut verarbeitet. Sie kann flach oder schrg in verschiedenen Winkeln eingestellt werden. Man kann sie auch negativ stellen, d.h. mit der Lehne schrg nach unten, wenn man z.B. Sit-ups fr den Bauch machen mchte. Die Bank bietet fr ca. 100 Euro ein gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis. Die verschiedenen Einstellungen werden mit einem Steckstift eingestellt bzw. arretiert, den man herauszieht und an passender Stelle von rechts durch die Lcher fhrt bzw. bei der Stellung nach unten ganz weglsst. Wenn man die Bank nicht braucht, kann man sie platzsparend zusammen klappen und z.B. unter dem Bett oder dem Sofa verstauen.

    Ich habe nur zwei Kritikpunkte: Die Lehne wackelt bei der aufrecht gestellten Bank (wenn man also gerade sitzen mchte) etwas. Hier htte ich mir mehr Stabilitt gewnscht. Auerdem ist das Verstellen der Bank mit dem Metallstift etwas “fummelig”, d.h. man bekommt den Stift nicht immer auf Anhieb rein, weil man mit der linken Hand die Lehne ruhig halten muss, damit die Lcher der Lehne auf gleicher Hhe sind wie die Lcher des Untergestells und man gleichzeitig mit der rechten Hand den Stift von rechts reinstecken muss, der auch noch eine versenkbare Kugel besitzt (zum besseren Halt, damit er nicht herausrutscht).

    Mit diesen zwei kleinen Schwachpunkten kann ich aber gut leben. Immerhin reden wir hier ber eine preisgnstige Bank fr zu Hause und nicht ber eine zehnmal so teure Bank frs gewerbliche Fitnessstudio.

    Ich habe mir die Bank Mitte Mrz 2020 zu Beginn der Corona-Krise gekauft und sie bis heute mehrmals wchentlich im Dauereinsatz gehabt. Ich bin nun – Ende Mai 2020 – nach zweieinhalb Monaten immer noch zufrieden. Die Bank zeigt keine Abnutzungserscheinungen und verrichtet gut ihren Dienst.

    Fr bessere Stabilitt und um den Boden zu schonen, empfehle ich, die Bank auf eine groe Gummimatte zu stellen, z.B. eine der Yoga/Pilates/Gymnastikmatten, die man fr etwa 20 Euro bekommt. Das hat auch den Vorteil, dass man die Lang- und Kurzhanteln ebenfalls dort ablegen kann zwischen den Stzen und sich nicht den Boden (bei mir Parkett im Wohnzimmer) kaputt macht. Ich wrde die Bank wieder kaufen.

    Insgesamt gebe ich vier Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a really good weight bench.

    The bench itself was easy to construct, the instructions were clear and simple to follow. The seat appears hard, but it’s surprisingly comfortable. The bench allows for a multitude of workouts, for abdominal and arm/ shoulder building, the booklet gives you lots of exercises that can be carried out using the bench, if you are not a regular gym goer.

    To assist with using the bench, you can amend the angle, the back and seat of the bench, making it comfortable and safe to use. It does not come with any weights, these need to be purchased separately.

    The only downside, once it’s constructed, you have to find somewhere to store it as it cannot be folded down.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple to put together and very solid (which is a euphemism for sodding heavy). It is what it is – nothing special, but no flaws either.

    Unless are going to hit the ‘roids, this is plenty good enough

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNeeded some gym gear for home during covid 19 lockdown. Wasn’t feeling optimistic as some people are taking advantage by charging literally hundreds of pounds for a single dumbell! Really good product. Arrived already assembled and its very sturdy. Ridiculous value for money considering the lockdown situation!

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis apparatus is helping significantly with my weight training and exercises. I can honestly say without the Ultrasport Unisex’s TR-5 Pro Compact Weight Bench, I would not be doing my training efficiently and perhaps be injuring myself.

    The Ultrasport Unisex’s TR-5 Pro Compact Weight Bench was simple to set up following the instructions supplied and had it all assembled and ready after making space and unboxing all the parts to build.

    There are different setups you can do making the Ultrasport Unisex’s TR-5 Pro Compact Weight Bench, multifunctional training weight bench. Making this workbench versatile:

    five-way adjustable backrest.
    three-way height adjustment.
    In the different Variations/positions the Ultrasport Unisex’s TR-5 Pro Compact Weight Bench is very sturdy. This is all due to the robust steel tubing with a robust finish, high-quality foam padding.

    The backrest and the seat are both very comfortable, strong and water repellent – easy to wipe down after a workout.

    All the materials are there to serve a purpose and have been chosen for their properties helping the Ultrasport Unisex’s TR-5 Pro Compact Weight Bench function effectively.

    I love this Ultrasport Unisex’s TR-5 Pro Compact Weight Bench and I can see improvements in my body physique.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a decent weights bench, though it feels like it’s at the budget end of the spectrum.

    It can be set in a wide variety of positions, making it very versatile.

    It seems reasonably solid, though it doesn’t seem quite as robust as ones you might find in the gym.

    Can’t comment on the value for money as it says it’s currently unavailable. But I’d expect it to cost something like 50.

  24. LynwoodAsbury says:

     United Kingdom

    Ultrasport Weight Bench, Professional Weight & Multifunctional Sports Equipment for Home Use

    As expected, this arrived in a large box that was slimmer than I had imagined, but very heavy nonetheless. I think the courier was relieved when I went out to his van to give him a hand carrying it to my door.

    On unpacking,I found the main assembly, plus seat and back rest were already assembled. Along with this was a small box which contained a selection of nuts, bolts, adjustment pins, bracket, handles and an assembly booklet. The assembly booklet is quite easy to understand, at first it gives a detailed parts list along with step by step instructions on assembly. The instructions were accompanied by easy to follow detailed diagrams. Once the parts were identified and checked that they were all there, assembly took me less than 30 minutes.

    The weight bench is described as ‘Professional’ but for ‘Home Use’ which seems to be a contradiction to me? Despite the misleading description, this is not a bad bench. I’ve had quite a few weight benches over the years, some better than others. This bench is quite sturdy, it most definitely isn’t up to Professional standards. It is more than capable for home use, provided it is used for the type of exercising/weight training that it’s designed for.

    The weight of the bench is 195kg, so it’s a little heavy to lug around. It will fold down for storage, but maybe not as small as some would like. For me it’s ideal as I have a small amateur gym at home, this folds up nicely for tucking away in a corner. You do need to remove the pins for storage but that only takes a few minutes. Maximum rated user weight is 130kg, it’s not clear if this is the user plus weights, or weights used?

    I believe this to be intended for exercising and dumbbell use, not for heavy weights. Interpreting the max recommended weight as including man and weights, I would think this would work out at around 50kg of weight for a 13 stone man. I’m sure the bench will take more than that as it is quite sturdy, but I guess they have to give a maximum weight to cover their backs.

    If the bolts are fully tightened, this bench is as sturdy as others that I’ve owned. The weakest part that I could find is the hinge on the back rest as this folds up and down. The bolt that is used for the hinge is quite robust along with the hinge bracket being made from a decent gauge metal. Comparing this to a similar hinge on my multigym, this hinge is far stronger. The backrest is just for resting so it shouldn’t take a lot of heavy weight, but it does wobble slightly, nothing that is off putting. The bolt may need to be periodically tightened

    Along with dumbbell work, there are other exercises that can be performed on this bench. No, this is never going to compete with Sports Centre equipment, but their equipment usually cost many thousands of pounds, this bench is designed for home use. I do feel this is a decent enough bench for most people, it will handle a good amount of dumbbell weight. But if you are into using very heavy dumbbell weights then you may wish to look elsewhere. For the vast majority of people, this bench will serve them well – Plus it folds up!

    I shall certainly be using this, it is ideal for a quick workout with a few sit-ups and dumbbell use.

    Thank you for reading my review, I hope you have found it helpful.

  25. Sam Smith says:

     United Kingdom

    Simple to build, took maybe 15 minutes out the box. Decent size and the padding is very thick/ cushioned. Easy to clean / wipe down. Plenty of space to add and leave all different equipment such as your weight and ropes etc. Ability to do basically anything you would with weights. Everything is built to a high standard and looks awesome. Reason for 4 stars is there was some scratches on the item which must have happened while being thrown about in the back of the van for delivery.

    Not much more I can say, looks and works how I expected. Great job and reasonable price comparing to others!

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI had to wait a few weeks for this bench to come back in stock but I’m glad I did.I looked at some others at a similar price but was put off by the reviews.
    It was important for me that the bench folded up neatly as it’s used in quite a cluttered room & has to be propped against a wall when not in use. It came well packed & ready to go without any assembly, 3 metal pins adjust the seat, back & leg support. After a few sessions I find I can get it setup or folded down in under a minute. It is a little under 3ft long when folded & about 9in deep so quite unobtrusive. It’s comfortable & sturdy & holds my 14st weight easily. Highly recommended.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersComes ready assembled, sturdy as hell! Me and my mates love it in the garage. Sit ups, bench presses! Opens up whole new set of exercises to do.

  28. LashawnTarver says:

     United Kingdom

    Great bench does exactly what i need. The bench is perfect for me.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersSpent a lot of time researching this before I bought it. The folding point is important to me due to lack of space, but I also wanted something solid and reliable which I could use for regular, hard workouts. I’m far from being a serious bodybuilder, and don’t lift massive weights, but I do workout hard and didn’t want something which I was going to worry about collapsing under me.

    The relatively low cost concerned me, as well as the concern of fake reviews (if you ever post a negative review on here, it’s amazing how quickly a barrage of contradicting reviews appear to counter it….).

    Anyway, as it turned out, I needn’t have worried. The bench was delivered on time, was exactly as described and rock solid in use. It’s very quick (1 min) to unfold, and less to put away. It’s very solidly made, and honestly not much worse than ones I’ve used in gyms. Am very pleased with it.

    If I was being really picky (and I’m deliberately trying to find fault here), I’d say it’s a bit low to the ground (the seat could be an inch or two higher for my preference). And I do wonder whether the padding will wear as well as a more expensive bench – although that’s not based on anything other than paranoia – so far it all seems fine. The only other thing is (and again being really picky) whilst this seems to be one of the most compact folding benches I’ve found, with a few tweaks to the design, it could probably have been slightly narrower when folded.

    In summary, if you’re looking for a fairly basic, folding bench, then I would thoroughly recommend it. And not just for the price, but for any price. I’m not sure what I would have wanted out of a more expensive bench. Definitely a good buy.
    Quick addendum to this review, having now worked with this for a few weeks.

    It’s still a really good bench, and still very solid, but there is a flaw if you plan to use this for sit-ups. There’s a big gap between the seat and back rest (2 inches?) which makes sit ups difficult. Am not sure whether this is a standard flaw with any folding bench, but worth bearing in mind if this is important to you, and enough to justify removing a star from my review.

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis bench comes ready assembled in a box. The only thing you need do yourself is slide on the sponge pads and unfold. It did seem to feel quite rickety when I took it out the box and indeed, does rattle a bit when you pick it up to move it. BUT….moving it isn’t what you use it for, that’s for storage. Lying on it it feels incredibly solid. I’m not sure I really believe it supports 500kg (and the manual say 400kgs – which is still a bit farfetched). It’s very easily adjusted with the moving of pins and YES, it actually goes to a decline position even though the description doesn’t say that. I needed one that I (and my wife) could move around easily inside a squat rack. And it’s light enough to quickly move out of the way. Job done!

  31. DerekCushman says:

     United Kingdom

    This weight bench is sturdy, super easy to set up for use, the angle adjuster works well, the seat and back are nicely padded and offer just about the right amount of support and I’m very happy with it for home workouts. The different levels give me the versatility I was looking for and I love that it can be collapsed for storage when not in use.

    I think it’s a good investment for the price and would recommend it to others.

  32. SusannahStultz says:

     United Kingdom

    Nothing to hate. It’s sturdy and serves it purpose.Was expecting it to be a little rickety due to its price, it’s not at all. I definitely recommend if you don’t want to spend a fortune on kit.

  33. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersThis bench is exceeded my expectations for a folding bench below 100. The main benefit of this bench that made me choose it was the fact that it folds in half to a relatively small size, a lot smaller than the ones that fold up but leave the legs out. There is no assembly required, the bench comes in the folded state, and requires literally 60 seconds or less to unfold and setup ready for workout (this is done by removing 4 detent pins, unfolding, and then replacing).

    The bench itself is plenty long and wide enough for myself, I’m 6-foot and there is plenty of room, I’m not the heaviest of people but the bench seems very solid when setup, although I don’t believe it will support the stated 500kg weight (the manual also states 400kg not 500kg, but most gym benches have a max weight of 250kg, let alone a folding one). The bench weighs about 15KG i’d guess, it also has a carry handle so it’s easy to move around when folded.

    There were a few paint chips, dents and material scratches and one of detent pins that came with the bench is damage (the spring has collapsed), although this doesn’t really bother me, and I use that pin just for foot-rest position. Amazon also refunded me 20% of the price due to these minor defects so I’m very happy overall.

    The seat positions are fine (and the seat is very large), the back-rest positions are also very good (decline, flat, multiple incline positions). Only downside is there is a rather large gap between the seat and the backrest in the decline position, however after reading other reviews of similar products I believe this is the case with the majority.

    In conclusion, if you’re looking for a decent, sturdy bench for working out at home and you want it to be able to fold up when not in use to a size that can easily be put in a cupboard, wardrobe or under your bed I would say this is probably the best one you’ll find for under 100.

  34. EltonXNGKkwmql says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersmake sure you are aware of its size and weight as too heavy and too large for me and awkward to fold away. I am have waited in 2 days so far for courier return as item has to be signed for which is inconvenient as I work. If you are aware, it is an excellent produc

  35. nichhola says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve recently replaced my old York bench with this and must say I’m quite impressed with the quality construction and sturdiness of this Ultrasport weight bench. It’s every bit as good as my york one but without the high price tag. This bench folds down relatively easily and even though it doesn’t fold completely flat, it still fits perfectly under my bed.

    Highly recommended!

  36. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I love this bench. It was easy to assemble out the box and i’ve had no troubles with it since. Very simple and straight forward piece of kit. It feels very safe and secure when i’m using it (even although i’m the one who built it!)

  37. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The last bench I bought was a non-collapsible York one. It was about 70’s worth. I was against a collapsible one because I thought it’d be flimsy, and definitely weak and unstable… not so with this Ultrasport bench. (Admittedly it can’t collapse to a truly thin flatness, but it’s enough so that I can just slide it under my bed.) Out of the box, this is pretty easy to assemble — simple instructions — although I did ask my partner to help (because it makes it easier all round). The foam bench/padding feels good, not cheap and pathetic as I initially feared. The bench easily handle my weight (over 13stone) plus the weights I lift. It’s handle my movement when it comes to dips and lifts fine. Definitely a good home purchase for anyone looking.

  38. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We are really pleased with this Weight Bench. It is solid and robust and feels very safe to use. It can be adjusted for different exercises and the padding is adequate. I especially like the fact it can be easily folded up if space is at a premium.

    Excellent for home use.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is an adaptable and sturdy piece of kit requiring only minmal assembly. I have a lat pull down system st home and can use this Ultrasport bench to give a good solid workout to most major body parts . Unlike other benches I have owned it is foldable and portable so great for people who are short of space. One minor downside is what you lose here – some of the padding – which is less generous than some of the more expensive and well-known brands . All in all though this is not half bad for the price and will meet the needs of many home gym addicts.