Amazon Basics Uninterruptible Power Supply, 850VA, 4 IEC

Amazon Basics Uninterruptible Power Supply

Amazon Basics Uninterruptible Power Supply, 850VA, 4 IEC Outlets, with Shutdown Software

Protection from data line surge

With 4 IEC-C13 outlets, APFC load support, and RJ11 connectors, Amazon Basics uninterruptible power supplies protect your devices from surge through your phone line, modem, or wired DSL connection.

Dimensions: 28.96 x 10.01 x 14.3 cm; 5.1 Kilograms
Model: Aurora Vista 850 IEC
Manufacture: Amazon Basics
Dimensions: 28.96 x 10.01 x 14.3 cm; 5.1 Kilograms

24 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Trs simple configurer et brancher pour protger un petit NAS maison des coupures de courant cet hiver. Pas test le logiciel vendu avec, mais mon serveur a reconnu l’onduleur sans problme. Un peu bruyant l’usage quand il se dclenche.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersComme tous les autres : le cble de branchement au secteur n’est pas fourni. Vu que dans mon cas, c’est pour remplacer des onduleurs existants, a ne me gne pas. Dans le cas o c’est pour protger un ordinateur, nous avons dj un cble !

    L’onduleur se comporte normalement avec une version rcente de NUT.
    Sous Windows 7, il est reconnu aprs l’installation automatique du pilote. Aprs l’installation de Winpower, je vois le statut de l’onduleur et peut dclencher un short test.

    Les commandes disponibles sur l’onduleur :

    # upscmd -l amazon
    Instant commands supported on UPS [amazon]:

    beeper.disable – Disable the UPS beeper
    beeper.enable – Enable the UPS beeper
    beeper.mute – Temporarily mute the UPS beeper – Obsolete (use beeper.disable or beeper.mute)
    beeper.on – Obsolete (use beeper.enable) – Turn off the load immediately – Turn off the load with a delay (seconds)
    load.on – Turn on the load immediately
    load.on.delay – Turn on the load with a delay (seconds)
    shutdown.return – Turn off the load and return when power is back
    shutdown.stayoff – Turn off the load and remain off
    shutdown.stop – Stop a shutdown in progress
    test.battery.start.deep – Start a deep battery test
    test.battery.start.quick – Start a quick battery test
    test.battery.stop – Stop the battery test

    Pour les variables rglables, c’est pas foufou mais a fait le taf :
    # upsrw amazon
    Nominal output voltage (V)
    Type: ENUM
    Option: “200”
    Option: “208”
    Option: “220”
    Option: “230” SELECTED
    Option: “240”

    Interval to wait after shutdown with delay command (seconds)
    Type: STRING
    Maximum length: 10
    Value: 20

    Interval to wait before (re)starting the load (seconds)
    Type: STRING
    Maximum length: 10
    Value: 30

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersEinfache Installation (Stromstecker an USV und mitgelieferter Kaltgertestecker an die NAS). Power Button bettigen, fertig. Zustzlich habe ich noch das mitgelieferte USB Kabel zwischen Synology NAS und USV eingesteckt. Die USV wird von der Synology DiskStation (NAS) erkannt und arbeitet einwandrei. Auch Akkustandsanzeige wird von NAS erfolgreich aus der USV ausgelesen. Kaufempfehlung!

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersLe produit est pas mal.
    Facile d’utilisation. Un guide est disponible avec l’onduleur (un format PDF est disponible sur la fiche produit).
    On installe l’onduleur, on le raccorde lectriquement, on raccorde ses appareils et on allume, la batterie commence charger.
    On entends un peu de bruit mais ce n’est pas drangeant, surtout lorsque ce n’est pas en face de nous ou ct.
    Le logiciel par contre lui … n’a personnellement aucune utilit, l’interface est aussi vieux que l’interface de Windows 98. Personnellement mme en tant que technicien informatique, je n’y comprends pas grand chose.

  5. NevaLazzarini says:


    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersVivant dans une zone avec des coupures de courant rcurrentes , j’ai choisi d’investir dans un onduleur.
    Avec 900 Watts et un prix de 130 euros , mon choix fut vite fait.
    A la rception , il pse son poids avec ses 10 kgs.
    L’installation est trs facile.J’ai command des Adaptateur IEC C14 / CEE7 Femelle pour y brancher mes appareils et rcuprer un cble d’alimentation CEE 7 C13 puisque celui fournit ne convient pas.
    On branche les batteries qui sont quasiment pleines 85 % et je lance les tests.
    tant sur Windows 11 ( qui reconnait l’onduleur en natif ) , j’y branche un de mes pc avec un cble USB 2.0 A mle vers B mle ( Je n’ai pas installer un logiciel de gestion type Eaton UPS Companion )
    J’y ai branch 2 PC avec ecrans 32 et 24 pouces , un DAC , une imprimante , une box TV et un TV de 43 pouces.
    Je coupe au disjoncteur , l’onduleur prend le relais et se met Bipper. Windows 11 m’indique 7 minutes ce qui me laisse le temps d’teindre proprement mes machines.
    Conclusion , l’onduleur fonctionne.
    Pour info , c’est un rebadgeage d’un onduleur Eaton 5E1500IUSB ( Line-Interactive , Rgulation automatique de la tension (AVR) , bruit : <45 dB 1 mtre , logiciel : Eaton UPS Companion )
    Si la fiabilit est au rendez-vous , a sera un excellent achat.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGot this to replace my aging APC box and it’s a good little workhorse. Kept my NAS up and running for a good 40 minutes when we had an outage a few weeks ago. Just a shame its USB monitoring link is a bit cranky and not recognised by TrueNAS and only a windows monitoring tool included. Missing a bit of a trick there which lets it down IMO. God knows why the review wants to know the ‘Wifi signal’ rating!

  7. ErinAlbarran says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersC’est la version 1500VA avec 6 prises IEC. Install avec un PC gamer + 2 crans 27″ + accessoires, Windows 10 + logiciel WinPower. En charge sans PC 6 heures. Branchement cble USB, Windows le reconnait puis passe automatiquement en mode batterie. Aprs installation de WinPower, permet de vrifier les charges et configurer les notifications et temps d’arrt. Le logiciel dit aussi que c’est une line-interactive. C’est vrai, il y a une odeur d’lectronique chaud pendant 1 2 jours, mais rien d’inquitant. Dans mon cas, avec environ 140W permanent, c’est seulement 13% de capacit utilise selon WinPower. Test donne 96% batterie aprs 1 minute, et 81% de batterie aprs 5 minutes. Mon systme permet donc de faire tourner durant 20 minutes sans abimer la batterie. L’UPS s’teint tout seul en ayant averti Windows, 2 minutes avant, de fermer les fichiers. L’UPS se rallume tout seul la reprise. Franchement, le rapport qualit/prix est imbattable. videmment, je ne connais pas la durabilit, cela ne fait que 2 semaines. Je l’ai pris avec l’extension de garantie de 2 ans. Chut, l’UPS vient de Eaton…

  8. TabathaMacklin says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersUPS nella media dei prodotti economici per carichi non superiori ai 700 watt. Come da riscontro di altri utenti nella confezione viene fornito un cavo in uscita per il backup elettrico, anzich il cavo di alimentazione per collegarlo alla presa di corrente. Il retro del gruppo inondato da prese IEC per le apparecchiature da alimentare, mentre sono assenti prese schuko. Manca anche il software annunciato in descrizione che va scaricato dal sito di WinPower. Usando un tester digitale ho appurato che la corrente fornita durante il blackout corrisponde pi o meno a quella segnalata dal display del gruppo. Con un voltmetro analogico invece la tensione scende a circa 160 volt, segno che l’onda pseudo sinusoidale non particolarmente pulita. Nel complesso riesce a reggere Pc, monitor ed eventuali dispositivi collegati per almeno 10 minuti, ma bisogner valutare nel tempo se queste caratteristiche verranno mantenute.

  9. Anonymous says:


    Lo confesso, ho acquistato questo ups grazie ad una recensione che “negativizzava” l’assenza di prese shuko e, solo per questo motivo, lo ha declassato drammaticamente.
    A mio avviso un ottimo prodotto. rimpiazza un gruppo di continuit che mi ha accompagnato 10 anni. le prese iec, numerose, sono assolutamente comode. il display che indica lo stato della batteria e il voltaggio in ingresso davvero utile. l’interfaccia usb non necessita di software, windows 10 riconosce l’ups e lo gestisce senza difficolt. monta una 12v9A, quindi davvero un ottimo prodotto.silenzioso e di ridotte dimensioni.
    nella scatola (si chiama Amazon Basic, non Amazon Luxury), trovate un cavo di interfaccia usb e un cavo iec maschio femmina. se utilizzare un pc, vi sar sufficiente staccare il cavo che va alimentatore e usarlo per alimentare ups, con il cavo in dotazione alimentate il pc.
    FAVOLOSAMENTE semplice ed efficiente. altro che recensione negativa. Ops… consigliatissimo.
    Arrivato in tempi rapidissimi, anche trpppo, un giorno prima rispetto al previsto.
    grazie AMAZON.
    Edit: nonostante W10 riconosca lo stato di “batteria”, l’utilizzo del software WinPower permette di gestire lo spegnimento in automatico. Il codice da utilizzare per l’installazione scritto sul manuale, il download possibile farlo da qui:


  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Great gave 30 min battery back up for 2 server and router and a switch perfect for DR site or home use

  11. CarleyRawls says:


    Nach einigen anfnglichen Problemen (Software nicht wie in der Anleitung beschrieben verfgbar, muss ein wenig Recherche betrieben werden) bei der Einrichtung funktioniert die USV einwandfrei. Mehrere Tests haben ergeben, dass der angeschlossene Server bei Stromausfall zuverlssig herunter gefahren wird. Einziger Verbesserungsvorschlag: Es knnte eine Option geben, dass der Warnton bei Stromausfall nur einmalig abgespielt wird und nicht dauerhaft wiederholt wird.

  12. DarylBraxton says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBuon UPS con caratteristiche lodevoli. In fase normale silenziosissimo. La ventola si accende solo in presenza di calo o assenza di rete elettrica. Non ha rilasciato nessun odore sgradevole nelle prime ore di utilizzo. Da verificare ancora la tenuta di carica oltre 30 min. Per adesso consiglio l’acquisto. Una nota da evidenziare riguarda il cavo di alimentazione errato (non schuko o spina italiana). Disagio prontamente risolto da Amazon.

  13. Kellee1708 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersDoes exactly what it says on the tin. Installed in minutes. Not at all noisy. No need to setup winpower app on Windows 10 as W10 detects the battery / UPS itself – but I did anyway. Currently using <20% of the power. Would have preffered the 1500VA unit but it was withdrawn. A no brainer if you want a basic UPS.

    Exactly as advertised.

  14. HEATHER @ runfastermommy says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been working from home since long before lockdown, but at the end of last year, my home set up changed from a laptop to a PC. As we do sometimes have micro-powercuts, I’d been investigating uninterruptible power supplies so I was pleased to be offered the chance to try this one.

    Because of the batteries it contains, the first thing I noticed was how heavy it was. It’s a substantial piece of kit. It needs plugging in directly to a mains socket, and not via an extension cable, so this is something to bear in mind if – like me – your home’s previous owners weren’t into tech and there’s a lack of sockets. Following an electrician’s visit to make a double socket, we were off.

    The supply is easy to use and despite its size, fairly unobtrusive stashed under my desk. I haven’t (yet) had to use it in a power cut, but I’m reassured by its presence, particularly on days when I’m working on big and complex projects.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersDa ich beim Preis selber unsicher war und bisher nur Vine-Bewertungen vorhanden sind, schreibe ich meine erste Bewertung und hoffe, dass diese bei der Entscheidungsfindung hilft. Fr mich ist die USV fr den Preis die perfekte Lsung. Zur Absicherung von hochempfindlichen Systemen ist sie aber sicherlich nicht geeignet, da hier Online-USVn (mit entsprechendem Preis) klar besser sind.

    Die USV wurde als Ersatz fr eine 700VA APC gekauft, da dort das Batterypack defekt war. Sie dient der Absicherung eines ESX, eines NAS und zwei Switchen.

    Damit die richtige Reihenfolge beim Herunterfahren eingehalten wird, ist die USV per USB-Passthrough an eine Linux-VM angebunden. Diese erfasst den Status der USV und fhrt bei Stromausfall alle weiteren Gerte entweder per Skript oder direkt aus der mitgelieferten WinPower Software herunter. Installation und Konfiguration der Software gingen mit der im Internet abrufbaren Anleitung recht einfach von der Hand. An einem Windows-Rechner wurde die USV ohne weitere manuelle Installationen als Batteries erkannt und entsprechend eingebunden.

    Die USV steht im Keller, sodass die vorhandenen Betriebsgerusche, als auch der anfngliche chemische Geruch bei mir nicht negativ zum Tragen kommen. Soll die USV aber im Bro betrieben werden, sollte man dies bedenken.

    * Gutes Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis
    * Erstaunlich gute Software (WinPower), welche auf fr alle Betriebssysteme zur Verfgung steht
    * Agent kann im Netzwerk mehrfach installiert werden, wobei nur ein Client direkt an die USV angeschlossen wird. Die restlichen Clients beziehen den Status ber diesen und knnen remote heruntergefahren werden.
    * Es besteht die Mglichkeit vor Herunterfahren ein eigenes Skript auszufhren
    * Es knnen SSH Host remote heruntergefahren werden (sehr eingeschrnkte Optionen, bspw. kein alternativer Port)
    * ESX Hosts knnen automatisiert heruntergefahren werden

    * Es wird nur ein C13/C14 (Kaltgerte-“Verlngerungskabel”) und ein USB Typ-A / Typ-B Kabel mitgeliefert. Zum Anschluss der USV selbst wird ein normales Kaltgertekabel bentigt. Der Anschluss von Endverbrauchern erfolgt ber weitere C13/C14-Kabel die zustzlich gekauft werden mssen
    * Battery-Pack ist vermutlich nicht ohne weiteres zu Wechseln.
    * Die USV hat einen starken “Chemie-Geruch”, welcher in einem Bro sicherlich bis zum Ende der Verdunstung stren wrde
    * Je nach Betriebsmodus (Erhaltungsladung, Ladung) ist ein leisen Brummen zu hren.

  16. thenewshortreview says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI am using this device to power my most important IT equipment in the event of a power failure, this includes the router and a Synology NAS drive.

    The unit was easy to set up, and has proved itself to be reliable in keeping a power supply going when there are power cuts, especially the micro power cuts that seem to follow an outage here.

    It has coped very well with these micro power cuts keeping everything running smoothly, which after all is whole purpose of a UPS.

    So far it is performing as well as the market leaders.


  17. Chris Jefferies says:

     United Kingdom

    I normally use APC so I was interested in seeing how AmazonBasics compares, for a cost-saving. They are a reasonable product. 6 IEC outlets is fine for home or a small business. The shutdown software must only be USB-available and this is not suitable for me as I’d need to configure USB passthrough to the virtual guests and I’m not in a position to do so, so I wasn’t able to test that fully. The 1500VA is more than enough for a server, firewall, router, and switch, and the load does appear to be fine. The UPS runs quietly and doesn’t overheat. I manually tested a 30 minute downtime, which is more than enough to do a controlled shutdown of services in a power-outage scenario. With the software configured, you can automate that, which is even better.

    All in all recommended.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersIf you still use a desktop computer, it’s likely these days that it’s an expensive high power machine used either for gaming or graphics work. So, an uninterruptible power supply – or UPS as they are commonly abbreviated to – is a wise insurance policy. This one is a good value option.

    Most of us now use mobile devices such as tablets or laptops, which contain a battery, so they have their own backup power should the mains supply fail. A desktop computer does not, and any sudden loss of power can cause serious damage and a loss of data. My mother was using her rather older computer when a local transformer blew, creating a power cut to the street. As a result her desktop PC bricked itself, and she ended up paying over 200 to a specialist engineer, to retrieve her files. If she’d had a UPS like this she’d have been fine, and saved a lot of money.

    Essentially this is a box containing a lead acid battery, a power inverter, and some clever electronic circuits. You plug your PC into it, and it into the mains socket, from which it feeds power to your computer whilst constantly trickle charging itself, ready for action. In the event of a loss of mains power it instantly switches over to backup, fed by the lead acid battery and converted to 230V AC at a max load of 3.7 amps, by the onboard inverter. As soon as it activates it gives a warning beep every 10 seconds, reminding you to save any unfinished work and safely close down your computer.

    This might be a “basic” device, but it contains everything I need for a UPS. The front mounted illuminated LCD screen gives a useful display showing both input and output voltages, operating mode and battery charge state. There are four EIC C13 supply sockets on the rear and a handy USB-B socket on the front. The rear also has in-out sockets for surge protection cover of a phone line. Included with the UPS are two leads – a male to female C13 power lead (‘kettle” type lead) plus a USB-B to USB-C converter cable that allows charging of mobile devices. There is no direct C13 to mains plug lead, for that you need to use the one that comes with your PC.

    After testing it several times I can confirm that this UPS works perfectly, and I am therefore happy to recommend it. Not only does it provide peace of mind in the event of a power outage but also very useful surge protection as well. At the current cost of around 60 I rate it as excellent value for money.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersPros: powerful enough for home use, 6 outlets, surge protection, good software.
    Cons: bulky, heavy, buzzing, no sound control, no surge energy rating, no user battery swapping.

    Having a UPS is very handy for mission-critical work that has to be either properly saved, or if there is a specific shutdown sequence, but it can also be useful for other use-cases where the loss of data would be costly, inconvenient or undesirable in case of a power outage.
    Do note that this product is not intended for commercial use, only for household use, meaning that it cannot be used for any mission-critical use-cases such as backup for server racks, medical equipment, etc. and is mainly intended for home IT equipment as it says in the manual.
    This power supply is rated for 1500 VA/900W of power output which should be plenty for home use, I tried using it with my relatively powerful PC (9th gen i5 and GTX1050Ti) and it showed to be under 40% of maximum capacity even when running GPU benchmarks. So based on that I would say that it could easily handle a single PC with a monitor, speakers, Inkjet printer, modem, and other accompanying devices that are usually used with a PC.
    This unit has 6 IEC C13 sockets which are fine but a single UK socket would be really helpful, or at least an IEC C14 to UK socket adapter, instead of having to order one separately and thus having to wait before using this product. Which ties with another issue where they didn’t include a power cable as they assume you would have one for a PC, thankfully I did have a spare UK to C14 cable but some people might not and in my opinion it is a bad cost-cutting idea.
    The provided USB Type-A to USB Type-B cable is very short (110 cm) so if you need it to be further away you might need to buy a longer cable.
    This UPS offers both backup power as well as surge protection for connected devices and surge protection for the phone line. However, unless the power supply is turned on the surge protection for the phone line isn’t working which is annoying, I might want to power down devices but keep the Internet working. They haven’t mentioned anywhere the surge energy rating which tells you how robust the surge protection is, so I plugged it to my excellent surge protection extension cord.
    When plugged to a PC and if the provided USB cable is used the PC immediately recognizes it is connected to the UPS, and when the power is cut it immediately says the remaining time before the power runs out which was about 32 minutes for my desktop. That should be plenty of time for important work to be wrapped up and saved. When the power goes out the unit starts beeping to warn you that you are running off of batteries instead of the line power and that you should save your work and power down your device, however, it is far too annoying and too frequent, I wish if it had some sound control.
    The most annoying thing about this product is the constant buzzing, it sounds like cricket chirping and I can definitely hear it even with speakers on. They should fix that because it is really irritating and it can only be turned off if you completely unplug the device from the power outlet.

    Overall, this is a quite useful device in case of a power outage or voltage drops, however, in the UK the power line is rather stable and there is very little reason to buy this device. The experience using this device was decent but there are some issues and I give it 4 stars. As for the pricing, at the time of writing of this review the pricing wasn’t revealed but I would say that this device is worth between 100 and 120.

    4.0 out of 5 stars In an event of a power outage

  20. CrazyWithTwins says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis AmazonBasic “UPS” is a superb product I hope Amazon makes this readily available soon. Many years ago I played in a little known rock band called DVSK (Donavan, Vaughn, Stefan and Kevin) we did the pubs and clubs back in the ’80s. I play several instruments the Guitar (rhythm and lead) also the Bass Trombone and Piano Accordion. It was a fairly easy transition to using arranger Keyboards. I like to create musical compositions featuring my favourite songs from various artists and also produce my music. This musical setup is only temporary as I am in the process of preparing my home studio over the coming months. Everything you see in this video is connected to the AmazonBasics UPS. This TEST was a live recording and when I pulled the plug no glitches it was perfectly seamless. The load indicator registered only one bar on the UPS four-bar segment display. Then after an hour on test completion, the UPS showed the battery as still being fully charged. The UPS wasn’t usable straight out of the box but came very well packaged so I had to buy additional cables and connectors.

    1. IEC-C14 Cable Connector Plug to 1 Gang Mains Power Lead so that I could daisy chain my other gangs that power all my gear. Amazon only supplied a useless IEC-C14 to IEC-C3?

    2. UK Power Cable (IEC-CI3 to BS 1363) there wasn’t one supplied and without this cable, the UPS cannot be Powered/Charged from the mains supply?

    3. AmazonBasics USB 2.0 A-Male to B-Male (4.8 m / 16 Feet) the one supplied was way too short for my setup.

    First thing is to plug the UPS into the mains supply and allow it to charge for at least 6 hours. There is a power button under the LCD which switches the UPS power outlets on or off, whilst in the off mode the UPS enters its charge state and when on it will supply power whether plugged or unplugged from the mains supply. There is a slow bleep warning when there is a loss of mains power and this will bleep will quicken warning of low battery charge. I believe I could run my entire setup as seen for several hours. The connection to my Laptop was simple Windows 10 recognised this device instantly as an HID UPS battery in device manager. If you click on the Battery icon on your Windows taskbar it will show as Battery 2 for a Laptop and Battery 1 for a Desktop Computer.
    I don’t require shutdown software I’m more for protecting my live recording workflow from a power outage or power surge that could potentially destroy hours of creative work.

    For those who are interested, I’m powering the following for this live test:
    microKorg, Korg EK-50, Casio CT-X5000, Yamaha PSR E463, AKAI MPKmini, Behringer Crave, Tascam Portastudio 32SD, Tascam DR-44WL, Roland Stream Station UA-4FXII, Focusrite Scarlet Solo Gen 2, Two Condenser microphones using phantom power, ART Tube MP Microphone Preamp, 2x USB 3 Powered Hubs, USB LED lighting, Creative Labs T20 Speakers, Trust Gaming GXT 4628 speakers, Parrot Boombox Speakers, Hantek DSO8060 Handheld Oscilloscope, Angetube Webcam, Apeman LCD projector, Roku 3 and BT Phone on its charging base.

    The video speaks for itself the glimpse of some projected animation is my CGI work from 2004 called “The Werewolf” which can be viewed on Youtube. The music is my own musical arrangement of a song from one of my favourite bands. There are four keyboards and a synth being controlled live from my Laptop and the music was recorded from this session. Everything you see during this test is connected to the AmazonBasics UPS. I am confident that this product will protect my workflow and equipment. If I had a second UPS I would be able to power my Router and Fibre. Therefore If the phone line remained unaffected I could still possibly retain internet connectivity during a power outage. I highly recommend this AmazonBasics UPS and still give this a five star despite the lack of important cable connectors as previously mentioned. I hope Amazon will add these for free or as an add-on when this product becomes available.

  21. Sarah Jacobsson Purewal says:


    Hola gente Cmo estais? Hoy me gustara hablaros de este “sistema de alimentacin ininterrumpida” o por sus siglas “SAI”. Resumiendo, es una regleta de enchufes con un par de baterias de coche dentro, y en caso de fallo de la linea elctrica, entran de manera automtica (sin corte electrico) a funcionar las baterias y tienes hasta 50 minutos (a mxima potencia) de uso de tu dispositivo elctico.

    Para que es esto til? Hay muchos dispositivos elctricos que se suelen querer proteger frente a un apagn elctrico. El primero en que se piensa en un hogar es el sistema de videovigilancia y el router. As los ladrones lo tendrn mas dificil pues aunque apaguen la luz, nuestro sistema los seguir grabando y vigilando.
    En entornos de trabajo es muy til porque adems de proporcionarnos una bateria por si se va la luz, protege al ordenador o los dispositivos que enchufes de sobrecargas de tensin o problemas de ruido elctrico. Algo muy comn en sitios con neveras, o cualquier cosa con motor elctrico. Est har que el TPV de nuestro trabajo funcione durante mucho mas tiempo y evitemos averias, as que ya estara mas que amortizada la inversin.

    Posee una pantalla digital para ver la condicin de uso del SAI, pero adems se puede conectar al ordenador y tras bajarnos un programa configurarla como queramos (trae la licencia dentro para su uso)

    Dispositivo muy completo y til, si la gente supiera para que sirve se usara aun mas.

    ¿Quieres proteger tu ordenador, alarma o cámaras de videovigilancia? Pues sigueme...

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThe purpose of a UPS is to protect the work on your computer in the event of a power cut. It’s basically a big battery which will run the computer and its peripherals for long enough for you to save your work and shut down in an orderly fashion; it also provides protection against spikes and other damaging mains effects. Please note – they are not designed to allow you to keep working during a power cut; they just give you time to save work and shut down.

    This is a fairly basic UPS. It uses a lead-acid battery – which weighs a not inconsiderable 5kg – and it will run a typical computer with a monitor etc for 10 – 15 minutes. It’s easy enough to install; just plug the mains cable that goes from your wall socket into your PC into the back of the UPS, and the supplied cable from the UPS into your PC, and turn it on; that’s pretty much it.

    There are three additional mains outputs on the back of the UPS, but cables are not provided for these – you’ll need to find those for yourself. This strikes me as a bit mean; the cables concerned would add next to nothing to the cost of the UPS, but will be significantly more expensive as standalone items.

    The UPS has an LCD screen showing the current input and output voltage, the level of charge, and whether it is charging or supplying power. I tried failing the mains to my PC by pulling the wall plug out, and the PC carried on without a glitch; the UPS seamlessly took over, albeit while making a very annoying loud beep every 15 seconds or so to let you know you need to shut down. So it does the job.

    Amazon haven’t yet released pricing for this UPS, but given it is in the AmazonBasics range, it ought to be competitive. If you do live in an area with lots of power cuts, it’s well worth the investment for peace of mind, and it is easy to use and setup. But one star docked for the lack of peripheral power cables.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This AmazonBasics Uninterruptible Power Supply is delivered well packaged in quite a compact box that provides good protection for what is a heavy item weighing over 10 kilos. It is actually a rebadged version of the Centralion Aurora Vista UPS which is a good thing as Centralion are a well-established supplier of UPS equipment. This 1500VA model, however, is not currently listed on the Centralion website which offers 1200VA and 2200VA options for this model.

    It is supplied with a USB-A to USB-B lead and a 1.2M C13 to C14 IEC lead as opposed to the C13 to US 2 Pit lead shown on the listing. This is sensible as you will probably replace at least one UK Mains to C13 (Kettle Type Connector) with the unit uses for mains input but it would have been good to know as I had preordered additional C13 to C14 leads. Clear instructions from Amazon are also included but there is no warranty or support information apart from generic Amazon links.

    The unit is simple to set up with clear instructions. Your existing C13 mains lead plugs into the unit and then you connect up to 6 devices via the C14 connectors on the back of the unit. The USB-B output connects to the main PC / Server via USB-A and this is used to monitor the state of the machine and facilitate a smooth switchover. The additional connectors can be used to power peripherals such as monitors although it is worth remembering that the greater the load the shorter the battery backup. You then turn on the power using the switch on the front.

    The unit will also act as a voltage regulator and protect devices from power surges or dips. There is also two RJ45 sockets to allow the incoming telephone line to be routed through the unit to protect the modem or router from power surges. I am not sure if this will affect the speed and stability of broadband or superfast broadband connection so I have not used this function as the router belongs to the provider anyway. However, this could be useful for some, especially if you are in a remote location or fed via overhead wires.

    The unit has a clear blue LCD display at the front which shows the input and output status as well as the battery charge and status. The built-in batteries are two sealed lead-acid (hence the weight!) and are rated at 12V and 9Ah which is the same as the Centralion Aurora Vista 2200 and offer the same estimated backup time of 50 minutes at 100W although this will reduce exponentially with a greater load. The unit delivers a Modified Sine Wave on backup and should give time to close important work before they are exhausted. They are not replaceable and will have a finite life but should last for many years.

    Overall this is a professional-looking and easy to use UBS that has a lot of features and should give many years service. Anyone who is working on critical documents on a desktop computer should consider some sort of UPS while this may also help to smooth out a dodgy mains supply. There is currently no price on the listing however Amazon Basics has a good track record for competitive pricing and the Centralion products it is based on are competitive in their area.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Feature rich Uninterruptible Power Supply

  24. Jayson1120 says:

     United Kingdom

    Got it to protect my Mac Mini server as the power to my estate can be flaky. Just plugged in the supplied USB cable and the Mac recognised it as a UPS under energy saver in System Preferences. Now to write a script to shut down my NAS and that can be protected too. There is a code supplied for WinPower software for Windows users.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Power protection for my Mac