Greenworks GD24CS30 Cordless Chainsaw with Brushless Motor

Greenworks GD24CS30 Cordless Chainsaw with Brushless Motor

Greenworks GD24CS30 Cordless Chainsaw with Brushless Motor, 30cm Bar Length, 7.8m/s Chain Speed, Auto-Oiler, Kickback Protection WITHOUT 24V Battery & Charger, 3 Year Guarantee

From the brand

greenworks hero image brand storygreenworks founded in 2009 garden home DIY garage tools one battery powers all solution did you know across the globe greenworks B08SWC12WT GD24X2CS36K4X Cordless Chainsaw with Brushless Motor, 35cm Bar LengthB06X997WDQ line trimmergreenworks has over 1000 unique patents battery technology and designB08CC1GY8M power tools drill driverGreenworks cordless angle grinder GD24AG (Li-Ion 24 V 10.500 rpm 125mm disc diameter a greenworks product is inspected up to 14 times before it leaves our factoryGreenworks GD24SDS2 Cordless SDS Hammer Drill with Brushless MotorGreenworks Cordless High-Pressure Cleaner GDC40

See all Greenworks Tools

Weight: 2.57 kg
Size: 30cm
Dimensions: 15.01 x 10.01 x 2.01 cm; 2.57 Kilograms
Model: 01-000002007007
Part: 2007007
Colour: Green, Black, Grey
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: Yes
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Greenworks
Dimensions: 15.01 x 10.01 x 2.01 cm; 2.57 Kilograms
Quantity: 1
Size: 30cm

32 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    J’ai besoin d’une trononneuse mais je n’apprcie ni le bruit ni l’odeur d’une thermique, ni l’entretien.

    Je me suis donc tourn vers une machine batteries.

    J’ai dbit en 1 mtre aujourd’hui un arbre tomb cet hiver vraiment surpris par la rapidit et ce silence.

    Je verrai par la suite mais a commence bie

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This tool is perfect for smaller topiary and bush grooming. With a range of accessories and a smart carry pouch, it is easy to store. Being a smaller blade, it is perfect for smaller areas of detail and grooming. I have used these on my circular topiary bushes and they were easy to use, gave a neat and tidy look and enabled me to do the grooming quickly too.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Compact and powerful

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My first impression of this mini chainsaw was of how surprisingly light and easy to handle it was. It worked really well in cutting back some hedgerow in my garden and comes with a battery (unlike some other models on the market) so I would definitely recommend.

  4. CharlenTurgeon says:


    La uso la circa tre mesi e posso dire che fa il suo lavoro egregiamente.
    Ottima la batteria che ti consente di lavorare per almeno 40 minuti di durata effettiva.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo prodotto, leggero,maneggevole,silenzioso e facile da pulire, ottimo rapporto qualit prezzo

  6. Anonymous says:


    materiel tres pratique, avec environ 1h de batterie. dfaut : les vis qui tiennent la lame sur le guide ont tendance se dvisser au cours de l’usage. Il faut penser les resserrer en cours de coupe.

  7. Alix Langone says:


    Se usate la motosega saltuariamente, per piccoli tagli e durata limitata (non superiore ai 70 minuti) questo il prodotto che fa per voi. Molto facile da usare anche per poco esperti, durata della batteria 1 ora circa, per ricaricarla completamente necessita di circa 4-5 ore. La consiglio a chi usa la motosega poche volte all’anno

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Really pleased with this chainsaw. Not a heavyweight in the forest type of saw but a useful home based tool. Quite powerful and light enough to be very manageable.

  9. ChristeBoshears says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been an avid chainsaw user for years, started off with a couple of petrol ones – which always start off great and then gradually become less reliable over time with the need to get them serviced and difficulties in starting them / mixing petrol when you want to quickly get on with a job. So I moved over to electric and they are great, but limited, unless you are always sawing within a decent proximity to a plug socket and don’t mind the cable getting tangled up in the logs and constantly tripping over it.

    So I decided to take the plunge with a battery powered saw – started off with a Black and Decker, but the chain speed was only 4m/s – which is fine if you want to cut balsa wood, but useless for logging, so that went straight back. I searched Amazon for a faster speed chain which would offer a longer battery life, so wouldn’t constantly have to stop and charge – which would be frustrating.

    And I found the Greenworks GD24X2CS36K4X – And what an amazing find it was!

    It’s easy to assemble and setup – less than 10 minutes and I was out chopping wood. The batteries arrive with partial charge so you can have a little play straight away. Charging takes around an hour and the charger has dual ports, so you don’t have to charge one then the other. Also, it has a fan to keep the batteries cool while charging – which is a nice touch.

    The saw cuts with ease, I can’t put say that there’s any difference between the power delivered by the Greenworks saw compared to a petrol-driven one. The chain rarely stopped during cuts unless I was applying too much pressure and it goes through 25cm logs like they are not even there! The saw is a great weight and very well balanced. I didn’t experience any kickback, but if I did, the “dead man’s handle” would keep me safe from injury.

    It took two full charges to get through all of the logs on picture 3 (plus a wood chopper to split them of course), but the batteries offer very generous life per charge and if you use the test buttons on the battery to indicate what power’s left you can plan your jobs accordingly.

    I can’t recommend this saw enough, it gives you the freedom to be mobile, the simplicity to not be bothered with technical issues associated with an ICE engine and it’s sooo satisfying to slice through logs with such ease.

    If you’re a first timer, make sure you have adequate protection, as a minimum I’d recommend steel toe boots, helmet with faceguard and ear protectors (it’s still quite loud even though it’s electric) plus some Kevlar chain sawing gloves.

    Other than that I can’t see myself ever looking back. Happy sawing folks!

    5.0 out of 5 stars In 20 years of chain sawing I've never been so happy with such an all-round fantastic saw!

  10. Anonymous says:


    Bisogna fare subito una premessa un articolo sicuramente valido a livello hobbistico un articolo che comunque molto leggero come qualit migliore sicuramente la leggerezza la facilit di utilizzo il fatto di poter utilizzare le batterie aiuta tanto alla leggerezza perch solo batterie e di 24 ha piuttosto leggere per quanto riguarda tagliare piccola legna e potature leggere si comporta molto bene chiaramente le difficolt vengano fuori alla lunga quando si prova a cercare di tagliare legna di diametri oltre 10,15 cm allora il problema l si fanno sentire tutti dovuti da un motore che va piuttosto violento vale quello che costa come giudizio finale…. Per quanto riguarda le durate delle batterie bisogna dire che si comporta abbastanza bene per quanto riguarda legne di piccoli dimensioni e quindi posature leggerissimi chiaro che se si trova a tagliare le unghie grosse le batterie scendono in maniera molto veloce e ti permettono di lavorare solo pochi minuti. Detto questo secondo che esigenze ha una persona comunque un prodotto che ti pu permettere di potare siepi in maniera facile e rapida

  11. BrittnyFrantz says:


    Buon rapporto prezzo qualit, maneggevole e poco pesante. Va fatta attenzione al tempo di utilizzo. Un uso prolungato pu compromettere l’integrit del motore.

  12. LCCotter says:


    Dopo aver provato altri modelli a batteria e essermi trovato INSODDISFATTO nelle prestazioni, mi sono deciso a prendere questo modello, modello non certo economico ma dal prezzo piu’ impegnativo.
    Divido la recensioni in due parti
    1:PRESTAZIONI. ebbene questa motosega ha una velocita’ di taglio e una facilita’ nel tagliare anche tronchi di dimensioni molto generose, sui 30 cm, con tronchi piu’ grossi non mi sono azzardato ma non ho molti dubbi che con un po’ di pazienza e di gioco di mani si possa andare oltre
    2BATTERIA: avevo anche un paio di batterie da 2 mah e ovviamente con tagli difficili ho consumato molta batteria, e comunque mi ha permesso di fare un oretta di potature varie con piccole pause senza problemi: in dotazione le ha a 4 mah e mi riservo di valutarle ma visto come si e’ comportata con le 2 m ah sono ottimista che si possa ottenere molti tagli in piu’: UNICA INCOGNITA E’ QUELLA CHE HANNO UN PO’ TUTTI: LA VITA DELLE BATTERIE QUANTE VOLTE POTRANNO ESSERE UTILIZZATE E RICARICATE?
    Acquisto che mi ha soddisfatto, per le mie esigenze, e’ chiaro che per un boscaiolo professionista e da lavori impegnativi e duraturi come ore serve altro. E dubito che a batteria si possa ottenere questo.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Corta troncos de 20cm como si nada. fcil de manejar.llevo pocos meses con ella.pero por ahora calidad precio inmejorable

  14. JerrellTier says:


    La motosega funziona bene.. taglia facilmente anche legna di media pezzatura.. la durata della batteria sufficiente x fare mezzoretta di lavoro. La consiglio x chi ha della legna da tagliare a livello casalingo. Disponendo di una seconda batteria opzionale da 4Ah si pu lavorare tranquillamente x diverso tempo dandoci il giro

    Prodotto valido, consigliato in ambito domestico.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Molto valida per rami del diametro di pochi cm ( max 5-6 ). Meno impegnativa e un p meno pericolosa delle motoseghe a scoppio e corrente con maggior potenza e barra da 40 cm. Assolutamente non adatta per usi gravosi/professionali. La linea Greenwork non in generale delle pi economiche ma di qualit corrispondente al prezzo

  16. Lauren Adhav says:

     United Kingdom

    Smaller than I thought it would be but it is heavy and sturdy, compact item.
    Haven’t had the chance to use it yet – but it looks as though it will be easy to handle especially as no cables. Charges really quick.

  17. GenevaShin says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersArrivata nei tempi come spesso accade con Amazon.
    Premetto di non essere certamente un boscaiolo e per fare qualche taglio nella seconda casa ho sempre utilizzato una piccola ma efficace Alpina da 25,ideale per le mie esigenze.
    Per aveva un limite (non per colpa sua) ovvero essere alimentata a benzinadalla mia casa di montagna occorrono 12 km per andare dal benzinaio e altrettanti per rincasare,poi doversi ricordare di lasciare vuoto il serbatoio per non aver problemi di carburazione (in uso qualche giorno e poi ferma per un anno),oltre allo sperpero di benzina che se inutilizzata (acquistata spesso in eccedenza per evitare di farsi 24km per mancanza di carburante) risulta piena di deposito e quindi non pi buona l’anno successivo e tutto questo mi ha portato a fare questa scelta.
    Ero un po’ scettico,ripeto di non essere certamente uno del mestiere,per dopo alcuni giorni di utilizzo e con un paio di abbattimenti (anche se non proprio indicata) mi ha sospeso positivamente.
    Con 2 batterie da 4h non ho nulla da eccepire sia per quanto riguarda la potenza e neppure per quanto riguarda l’autonomia,pensavo decisamente peggio.
    Pure quando le batterie hanno una sola tacca,la motosega non ha un calo vistosissimo.
    Per tagliare rami freschi,tagliare legna secca a misura tale per essere utilizzata in qualsiasi stufa,abbattere pure qualche albero di una discreta dimensione non teme neppure rivali col motore a scoppio,se pensiamo alla quasi totale assenza di manutenzione (giusto l’olio per la catena),una rumorosit nettamente inferiore,levi il dito e si spegne (nettamente piu sicura di quelle a scoppio),premi due dita (poi una la rilasci) e si accende immediatamente,sempre pronta senza dover dipendere dalla benzina,tutti “dettagli” che per l’uso di cui ne faccio io,ad oggi la rendono perfetta.
    Attualmente il mio unico “dubbio” sta esclusivamente nelle batterie,ovvero non vorrei aver problemi di ricarica dopo un lungo periodo di inutilizzo,questo sarebbe un vero limite,anzi si tratterebbe di un enorme handicap che cambierebbe totalmente il mio giudizio,ma questa indicazione l’avr solo il prossimo anno e sar mia premura aggiornare il voto ad una stella se dovesse accadere cio (visto il prezzo di due batterie che in pi neppure vengono vendute senza l’esborso del caricabatterie ma vendono tutto il pacchetto) perch per quanto mi riguarda il non dover dipendere dal carburante cio che rende una spanna sopra questa motosega ma se poi capita di ritrovarsi morte le batterie per il lungo inutilizzo,avrebbe dell’assurdo e cambierebbe totalmente il mio giudizio
    Ho evidenziato questa incognita/possibilit,perch ho letto di alcuni acquirenti che dopo un periodo di inutilizzo si sono ritrovati batterie che non si ricaricavano
    In questi attrezzi/utensili il cuore pulsante,l’energia,la ninfa sta proprio nel reparto batterie,se queste hanno problemi,allora meglio farsi 24km per reperire la benzina

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersUsed to take down the branches of a large tree before cutting down the main tree easily cut though 6-8inch thick branches without issue – excellent purchase if you are already on the battery system or one of the similar companies that use the same batteries

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I dislike chainsaws for the fact that they can chop you in half!
    This is easy to use, can easily chop down those woody scrubs that have overgrown and would be difficult to cut back with a handsaw

  20. DoyleCombes says:

     United Kingdom

    This is one strong piece of machinery. Luckily I had a friend who was able to use it for me, which included putting it all together. There is no way I would have been able to do that myself. As another reviewer pointed out, it might be a good idea to require licenses for these things. In lieu of this, I would recommend that no one use this whilst alone.

    Most importantly, it did not come with any oil, which meant it was inoperable until some was obtained. Once it was useable, it did a good job and the battery lasted as long as was needed. How long it would have lasted beyond that, I don’t know.

  21. JeffereyRauch says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI bought a couple of Green Works products with chargers and batteries, they are terrific (lawnmower and strummer) I wasn’t completely convinced the batteries would fit the pole saw.
    Not only did the batteries fit, but the saw works perfectly, I started trimming two really tall Laurels with the extension pole then cut them down completely. An excellent job, I have had quite a lot of experience with a chain saw, but anyone could do what I did.
    I couldn’t recommend Green Works highly enough.

  22. ShelliFullarton says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is the first time I’ve ever used a chainsaw so when it comes to all the technicalities I’m no where near able to give enough information, however I was pleasantly surprised by it.

    It’s actually pretty easy to assemble and only required a few minutes really. The hard part was working out what goes where. The instructions are pictures and I found it somewhat confusing as to the chain attachment.

    Once I’d figured out how to take the compartment off it was pretty simple to attach. At first when you undo it starts to make a clicking. I stopped undoing it because I thought I’d done something wrong. Once I realised I should continue it comes off fine. I found then that the chain had some slack and couldn’t for the life of me work out how to tighten it. On other models I’ve looked at they have a separate chuck to bring the chain to the correct tension.

    I realised that what you have to do is pull the blade guide away from the saw before tightening the cover back on. That then holds it in place at that set tension. Although it did seem to come loose after a while on my first attempt. Second time it stuck in place.

    It was somewhat difficult to cut wood as I was very worried I’d take my leg off. I know of someone who was seriously injured with a petrol one. I chose to clamp the wood I was cutting but it pulled it towards me. This is my clamps at fault and I had someone help me hold larger pieces.

    It’s more about being confident as once I soon knew how it handled I got the knack to tear through pieces.

    The reason I wanted a chainsaw was for breaking down wood. I have an open fire and store wood up during the spring and summer. Then I usually use a mitre saw but it’s normally wet outside so I don’t like doing it too much. This seemed like a simple solution.

    Once I’d got the grips with how it handled it was really good. It cut through some pieces that were at least the width of a mature tree.

    There’s only one thing I was disappointed with and that’s the fact it didn’t have oil with it. I used some motor oil I had but it would have been a nice add-on to add even a tiny bottle.

    My storage box is now ready with pieces for burning and I’m very happy.

    Others have said they didn’t feel safe or it didn’t come with safety features. I personally don’t get this. The button is in the perfect place and as soon as you stop pressing it instantly stops.

    Also you have to position the knuckle guard before it will even work. It seems safe to me. Pull the guard towards you, hold the safety and press the trigger. What’s hard about that or how would that equate to being unsafe?

    The unit itself feels well made it’s about as heavy as an impact drill. It’s simple to use and handle. Just make sure you have the chain as tight as possible. Just moved the guide away and it will pull tight, then screw the side cap on.

    Always take the battery out when you’re doing something with the blade. Common sense! Also worth saying these batteries are really decent. Thirty min charge gave me an entire afternoon with no loss of power. The batteries also work on all Greenworks tools! Absolutely brilliant that you can do this.

    4.0 out of 5 stars A cut above the rest!

  23. tweeter63m says:

     United Kingdom

    I am not a professional but have owned 3 chainsaws in my time. The first was a large petrol driven one to bring down large trees, the second an electric cable saw for garden, construction and fire wood cutting. This saw is similar in its capabilities to the latter. I have used it to cut/prune up to 30mm branches and also in constructing a pergola cutting 50mm square posts. All of these jobs it did well and was particularly easy to handle because of its much reduced weight and no cable to get in the way. I have not as yet run out of battery power, but it charged quickly after each use. The saw is noticeably quiet. Like all chainsaws it is a dangerous piece of equipment and this model is perhaps a little too easy to turn on, but it also stops immediately you release the trigger. There is a lock on the saw by pushing forward the guard, which cuts down accidental activation providing it is on. (it would have been nice to have had some chain oil shipped with the saw, so that it could be used immediately). To sum up I am delighted with this chainsaw, a good tool to have.


     United Kingdom

    I’m quite happy with this small cordless chainsaw. I found it very easy to set up, although the instructions are not very good it is fairly simple – top up with chainsaw/mower oil then remove the sprocket guard, hold the blade in position, attach the chain to the sprocket and the blade, replace the guard and tighten the sprocket. Meanwhile, charge up the battery, which iirc took about 3 hours. It does come partly charged but I don’t know by how much as the chainsaw wouldn’t work until the battery was fully charged.

    So far, I’ve mainly used it to cut up some old decking for disposal and it’s been absolutely fine. It’s quite lightweight and fairly small so I wouldn’t use it to try and cut down anything other than a small tree, although it was fine trimming off a couple of self seeded saplings in the hedge that had grown to about 2 – 3 inches in diameter. Initially, I used it for about 5 minutes then put it on charge but the charger switched off after about 20 seconds as it was still fully charged. I’ve used it 3 times since for a total of about 10 minutes, so maybe 15 minutes altogether and the battery charge has gone down by one mark but the chainsaw still worked. Nevertheless, I put it on charge and that took at least an hour to get back to full again.

    Safety is obviously a big issue with chainsaws and there’s quite a lot of info about this in the manual but the quick start instruction sheet of illustrations is largely incomprehensible. My biggest concern would be that the chain brake needs to be pulled towards the user to start the saw, but it does not automatically spring back into the off position so you have to do that manually, which could be a problem if the cut out button should jam into the on position as has happened to me on a few occasions with electric mowers and strimmers.

    Unlike another reviewer, I haven’t had any issues pressing the lock button when picking it up and so far I’ve found the whole thing ergonomically well designed and easy to handle, although I haven’t used it a lot due to not receiving it until after I’d already done by hand most of the jobs in the garden I would’ve used it for. Also I’ve not used chainsaws much so I’ve been very cautious when using this one. There’s a lot of plastic so I wouldn’t want to drop it from any height, but otherwise everything seems well made and durable. Generally speaking I’d say this is great for small jobs around the garden, cutting down small trees, lopping branches or cutting up wood for a fire. As yet I don’t know if the saw chain is a standard size or if it’ll be difficult to replace if needed, but the battery can be used in other Greenworks tools of the same power. My only real issue with this chainsaw, and the reason I’ve only given it four not five stars, is the price – it seems very expensive compared to some others, even some others made by Greenworks.

  25. Trena1629ung says:

     United Kingdom

    I live in a house with a quantity of fruit and holly trees in the garden, along with three oak trees in our drive. Combine that with the fact that we possess woodland adjacent to our house requires me to own chainsaws. Personally, I believe that everyone should possess a chainsaw license before purchasing one as apart from a circular saw, chainsaws are probably the most dangerous tools I have ever used.

    This chainsaw is somewhat heavier than similar items available from other manufacturers, primarily due to the fact that it has two 24v batteries to deliver the 48v current to drive the motor. I found the weight reassuring and whilst a bit heavier than my Stihl petrol saw, the weight delivers appropriate weight to aid cutting.

    The saw arrived and required assembly for which there is a multi-tool which allows you to remove the retaining bolts to fit the chainsaw bar and chain. The opposite end of the tool is a flat screwdriver to adjust the tension on the chain. The directions for assembly are straightforward and the only word of caution I have is to ensure that you fit the chain in the right direction (there is a visual guide on the saw) and to make sure that the chain is set at the right tension. The batteries were not charged and required charging for over an hour in the supplied double charger – a very fast charge – the batteries have a charge indicator on the base which is activated by pressing a button. These batteries can be used on the whole range of 24v Greenworks garden range. There is one other part of the set up, which is filling the reservoir on the side of the saw with chainsaw oil, which is essential – YOU NEED TO PURCHASE CHAINSAW OIL WITH THIS ITEM, if you don’t already possess it. Run the saw for three minutes to stretch the new chain and then adjust the chain tension if necessary and you are ready to go.

    Operating wise there are a couple of safety features. In common with every saw I have encountered the trigger is operated with the right index finger and the right hand thumb depresses the “safety mechanism”. In order for this feature to work you must pull the chain guard towards you.

    I tested this item on a holly tree and severed a 4 inch thick bough with ease. The new chain is sharp, but more importantly the 48v system is as powerful as my Stihl petrol model, with excellent torque and far better than a 40v model I tested from a different manufacturer – sliced straight through without any reduction in cutting speed. I didn’t cut any more wood as part of the trial as I ran out of options! Suffice to say, this saw is very powerful and ideal for those like me who have a degree of wood to cut and just need to access a chainsaw periodically. It won’t completely replace my petrol saw, but for when you don’t need to fell a large tree and need about 30-60 minutes of cutting, this saw is simply ideal.

    A few tips:

    +. Try to attend a chainsaw training course if you have never used one before, or at the very least watch some of the videos provided by responsible manufacturers. Chainsaws are easy to activate, but require a degree of competence as mistakes can have serious consequences.

    +. Always wear safety equipment. As a minimum, I wear gloves, hearing protection and a mask. For logging I wear steel toe capped boots and a helmet as well. I should buy leather “chaps” as well.

    +. If what you need to cut requires you to climb, get a professional in to do the job. One kick back when you are on a ladder could have serious consequences.

    +. Check the oil level and chain tension every few cuts, particularly with a new chain. The oil level is visible through the translucent gauge on the side of the saw and coloured oil is better than clear oil for this purpose as it is easier to see.

    +. Store the batteries off the saw and keep then in a warm place during the winter.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Absolutely great chainsaw - the “dogs”

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It took a littel while to asembell but afte that works very wel

  27. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersDas ist nun mein drittes Greenworks Gert.
    Aber von Anfang an.

    Am Wochenende bestellt. Lieferung sollte Montag kommen, kam aber nicht. Am Montag um 2 Uhr frh schon im Paketverteilerzentrum 40km weit weg. Lieferbesttigung bis 21 Uhr. Warum weiss nur DHL.
    Am Folgetag endlich. Voller Vorfreude das groe Paket aufgemacht, ernchternd festgestellt, der grne Kerl lag lieblos in der Kiste. Da nicht mal eine Folie darum war, war die Beschichtung zum Teil weg. Mangelanzeige an Amazon wurde fr mich zufriedenstellend und sehr schnell bearbeitet. Dafr ein Lob.

    Heute ging es in den Wald. Ich hatte 3 Akkus je 4AH dabei. l war aufgefllt, aber nicht mitgenommen.

    Erstaunlicherweise zog die Sge ganz gut durch. Sie ist sicher kein Vergleich zu der Benzin Sge vom Schwiegervater, trotzdem machte sie ihre Arbeit sehr gut.
    Da die Kette ja nun deutlich langsamer luft, dauert es eben auch seine Zeit.
    Der Akku reichte 11 Schnitte. Der Durchmesser lag zwischen ca. 20 cm und ca. 27/28. Jedenfalls dicker als das Schwert lang ist.
    So wie die letzte LED am Akku nach dem 11 Schnitt blinkte, war auch das l am Minimum Strich angekommen.
    Ich hatte ja kein l mitgenommen, also war mein Test zu Ende.

    Ich bin sehr zufrieden. Was gefllt mir nicht.
    Zunchst luft die Kette beim Loslassen nach. Zwar ist die kenne nicht so schnell, aber nachlaufen birgt die Gefahr des Verletzens.
    Als zweiten Punkt sind die Krallen aus Plastik. Ich weiss nicht, wie lange die halten werden. Aus Metall fnd ich jedenfalls besser.

    Nach lngerer Nutzung, werde ich meinen Bericht sicher nochmal erweitern.

    Es dauert eben etwas länger, aber ich finde sie fast Top

  28. OnitaHartford says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This is an excellent chain saw and had saved me money already

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Haven’t used it yet but we’ll pleased with it .easy to use and safe .

  30. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Works great and not very heavy as I am 71 plus enjoyed using this so did my grandson cuts perfec

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our Usersdoes a brilliant job for a battery operated saw.BEST ONE I HAVE USED,also a great price

  32. FletaVVXrmht says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Hi look good to me not try it yet thank you Arthur Cabble