Intex 57422 3-Hoop Inflatable Paddling Pool 147 x 33 cm

Intex 57422 3-Hoop Inflatable Paddling Pool 147 x 33 cm multicoloured

Intex 57422 3-Hoop Inflatable Paddling Pool 147 x 33 cm multicoloured


Intex 3-Hoop Inflatable Paddling Pool

The Intex Sunset Glow Kiddie Pool is perfect for the kids who like to go underwater. Designed with 3 bright, colorful rings and a comfy inflatable floor, it sets up easily in the backyard for loads of splash-filled fun.

Size: Approx 58" x 13" / 147 cm x 33 cm
Dimensions: 147 x 147 x 33 cm; 1.6 Kilograms
Model: 57422NP
Material: Vinyl, Plastic
Colour: Multicolor
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 3 years and up
Assembly: No
Dimensions: 147 x 147 x 33 cm; 1.6 Kilograms
Material: Vinyl, Plastic
Quantity: 1
Size: Approx 58" x 13" / 147 cm x 33 cm

18 Responses

  1. MillieDeen says:


    Tenamos el mismo modelo de piscina ms pequeo, con un dimetro menor. Compramos este modelo porque el otro se le quedaba pequeo. Le durar este ao y podr jugar el siguiente, pero poco ms ya que es muy poco profunda y dentro de poco es posible que se aburra.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Acquistata per far divertire la mia piccola con i sui cugini amici .
    Utilizzata da bimbi di 4/5 anni molto agitati e sono soddisfatto a pieno della qualit e della robustezza .
    Comodo in particolar modo il fondo con i cuscinetti gonfiabili ideale per bambini super agitati . Molto facile la pulizia nel complesso super consigliata

  3. Anonymous says:


    Compramos estas piscinas para utilizar con los nios en la iglesia, la verdad es que estn muy bien para hacer juegos, se inflan fcilmente y a la hora de recoger ocupa poco espacio cuando la guardamos deshinchada.
    Al utilizarlas en el suelo dos se nos pincharon, ya que se ve que la arrastramos y no tuvimos esa precaucin.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Das aufblasbare Planschbecken von Intex hat einen guten Eindruck hinterlassen. Das Produkt wirkt sehr gut verarbeitet und ist zudem einfach aufzubauen.

    Die Farben des Planschbeckens strahlen in ihrer Buntheit und beeindrucken auch nach lngerer Zeit in direkter Sonneneinstrahlung, ohne zu verblassen.

    Besonders positiv ist der geriffelte, aufblasbare Boden, der nicht nur fr eine angenehme Haptik sorgt, sondern auch dem Rasen darunter zugutekommt. Nach einer Woche intensiver Nutzung an derselben Stelle ist keine braune Stelle auf dem Rasen zu sehen. Auch verliert es nur sehr wenig Luft im Laufe der Zeit, man muss also nicht stndig nachpumpen.

    Allerdings gestaltet sich die Reinigung des Beckens, sowohl innen als auch auen, etwas mhsam. Die geriffelte Struktur erschwert das Entfernen von Schmutz und Verschmutzungen. Dennoch berwiegt meine Zufriedenheit mit dem Produkt.

    Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem aufblasbaren Planschbecken von Intex. Es berzeugt nicht nur durch seine hochwertige Verarbeitung und das tolle Design, sondern auch durch seine Langlebigkeit und den positiven Effekt auf den darunterliegenden Rasen.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Just lovely and attractive. Easy to blow up, great size and appealing all around. Good for indoor use too

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOggi voglio parlarvi di un must-have per l’estate: l’Intex 57422, una fantastica piscina a 3 anelli! Questa piscinetta di dimensioni 147 x 33 cm vi garantir ore di divertimento acquatico nei caldi giorni estivi.

    Cominciamo con il design. La piscina Intex 57422 disponibile in un vivace mix di colori verde, giallo e fucsia. Questo design allegro render sicuramente il vostro cortile o il vostro balcone un luogo di puro divertimento estivo. I tre anelli offrono stabilit e resistenza strutturale, garantendo che la piscina rimanga in piedi senza problemi durante le vostre avventure acquatiche.

    La dimensione di 147 x 33 cm perfetta per i bambini e per chiunque desideri rinfrescarsi durante le giornate calde. abbastanza spaziosa per sedersi comodamente o sdraiarsi e godersi l’acqua fresca. Potrete anche invitare un paio di amici a unirsi a voi per un tuffo rinfrescante e creare ricordi indimenticabili insieme.

    La piscina realizzata con materiali resistenti e durevoli, garantendo la sua durata nel tempo. abbastanza resistente da sopportare l’uso regolare e le attivit giocose. La superficie liscia vi permetter di sedervi o sdraiarvi comodamente senza irritare la pelle. Assicuratevi solo di preparare una base morbida e senza oggetti appuntiti per evitare eventuali danni alla piscina.

    L’installazione della piscina Intex 57422 semplice e veloce. Non avrete bisogno di attrezzi speciali o di complicati processi di montaggio. Basta gonfiare gli anelli utilizzando una pompa ad aria e riempire la piscina con acqua. In pochissimo tempo sarete pronti a fare un tuffo e godervi il fresco sollievo dell’acqua.

    Un altro punto positivo la facilit di svuotamento e ripiegamento. Quando avrete finito di utilizzare la piscina, baster svuotarla e piegarla per riporla comodamente. Questo vi permetter di risparmiare spazio e di conservare la piscina in modo semplice e ordinato quando non in uso.

    In conclusione, se state cercando un modo divertente e conveniente per rinfrescarvi durante l’estate, la piscina Intex 57422 la scelta perfetta. Il suo design colorato, la dimensione ideale e la facilit d’uso la rendono una soluzione eccellente per rilassarsi e godersi l’acqua in tutta comodit. Prendetela al volo e preparatevi per un’estate piena di divertimento acquatico!

  7. ArleenBarringto says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Really good size for how cheap it was. This can fit my 6 year old and 2 year old comfortably with plenty of room for splashing. Took no time at all to inflate too which was handy.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Good size used as a ball pit. Sizes are sturdy once blown up

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersMy dog loves it! Great size for anyone though! Very sturdy and not too high so can’t get too deep so great for kids as well!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great pool

  10. Amazon Products says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Nice & large , good quality

    Only downfall is the blue base to sit on is not thick so does still feel like you are sitting on the floor but is extremely comfortable 🙂

    Stays inflated for a very long period

    4.0 out of 5 stars Good size pool, great colours

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    As described. Plenty big enough. Used a pump to inflate as several rings and the base all need pumping. Even a basic pump (which I use to put air in my Pilates ball too) worked fine, took ten mins. Nice to have the bouncy base/bottom.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Love this pool, quite large and had no problem blowing it up apart from having to use a yoga ball pump as didn’t buy another pump. Hopefully will last the rest of the summer!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic!

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Inflatable base section is a nice touch to make it very comfortable for kids

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a really nice pool. It is a good size for my 2 and 4 year old to play in together. The bottom part inflates too which makes it nicely cushioned!

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersVery happy with the pool. Big enough for my 10 months old baby and me together. Very soft padded. I dont mind the middle ring being full with warning signs, I think in fact its very useful and helpful. It took me about 10 min to inflate it with a foot pump.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very happy!

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely love these!!! Was delivered quickly and was exactly as pictured I believe I have purchased products are suitable for their own, the price on Amazon is a very good quality product sales is very high.
    Works just fine. pretty good product Very functional. Love how easy it is.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFab, this is a bit bigger than some of the standard ones and is great as we have a slide that you can make into a water slide and we put this into the pool. We’ve had no problems with the base staying inflated.

  18. JorgPannell says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis is such a fantastic paddling pool. It’s a great size and the padded inflatable base is sheer genius. I use this to cool primarily to cool my feet and take a quick dip on those rare British hot summer days. My excuse is that I bought it for my 3 year old grand daughter who loves the bright rainbow colours. My sister saw it & wanted one too to take away to her summer lodge. Very happy to recommend & speedy delivery.