God of War (PS4)

God of War (PS4)

God of War (PS4)


A bold new narrative

As mentor and protector to a son determined to earn his respect, Kratos is faced with an unexpected opportunity to master the rage that has long defined him. Questioning the dark lineage he’s passed on to his offspring, he hopes to make amends for the shortcomings – and horrors – of his past.

A darker world

Set within the untamed forests, mountains and realms of Norse lore, steel yourself for a distinctively new and dangerous land complete with its own pantheon of creatures, monsters and gods.

Vicious combat

With an intimate, over-the-shoulder free camera that brings the action closer than ever, combat is up close, frenetic and unflinching. Kratos’ powerful magic axe is a brutal weapon as well as a versatile tool for exploration. Always be on your guard.

Dimensions: 19 x 13.5 x 3 cm; 60 Grams
Model: 711719386070
Dimensions: 19 x 13.5 x 3 cm; 60 Grams
Origin: United Kingdom

36 Responses

  1. KathyWinkle says:

     United Kingdom

    God of War is a PlayStation classic for PS4; I thoroughly enjoyed playing it, and reached 100% completion.

    It is an excellent game with an engaging story, with some top notch voice acting, and excellent game play.

    As you might expect with a title like God of War, the game has it’s fair share enemies to fight, and battles to win. Your main weapons are the Leviathan Axe, and his Blades of Chaos, which are unlocked and can be upgraded as you progress.

    You also unlock various Asgardian realms while working your way through the game, and each has to be explored, with puzzles to complete, and enemies to eliminate.

    God of War is well worth the time to play.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is definitely one the best games I have played on PS4, in terms of everything the graphics, gameplay and story. The other god of war games were great but this is on another level but it is different but in a good way. You can tell how much care and detail was put in to create this game. God of war is also a good challenge and it isn’t the easiest game to complete which is refreshing.

  3. Demetrius9860 says:

     United Kingdom

    This game is stellar. Do you like Norse mythology? Do you want to see Kratos come to terms with his nature as something more than human, and the guilt of passing such a burden to his son. I don’t care who you are, buy this game if you can. 10/10.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This game starts with something rather basic and takes you in an adventure in a way I had never seen before. It takes you on a journey effortlessly and will keep you in front of the TV until the end.

    There is nothing specific that is incredible about this game, but absolutely everything is great. The storytelling, the characters (unless one acts in a punchable way), the gameplay, everything is good without standing out.

    In the end I realised I never felt like putting the controller down a single time. It all flows so naturally, you never feel like you have reached the end of a chapter. In the end I never felt like it was a good time for a break and kept playing.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Would you expect any less from a God of war game? It maybe be different however it is god of war. It truly makes you feel like a god playing it. the combat is different yet a lot more technical, and as you would expect, brutal. The new open world aspect is great as it has plenty of lore and side that are fun and interesting. if you havent played it yet, this game is a must.

  6. musingmar says:

     United Kingdom

    Sweet game, I cannot recommend this game enough. The storyline is amazing, aswell as the graphics. I havent stopped playing since i got it. Gives me kinda a last of us vibe. The reason im giving 4 stars instead of 5 is due to packaging. The disk was out of the case so got a little scratched on the way here. But hasnt caused any problems so far so not a big issue. 2nd hand games should be sealed properly when getting sent it might spoil the fun for others.

  7. GlendaBrill says:

     United Kingdom

    I loved the dynamic between Kratos and Atreus (and another character later on, but I don’t want to spoil that).
    The game overall was very enjoyable thanks to its highly competent design. I did find combat a little repetitive after a while – but that may well be a subjective thing.
    The environments looked and felt great and having no camera cuts is quite a technical achievement and makes the entire experience feel a lot more immersive.

  8. Catherine Fredman says:

     United Kingdom

    A great game, with many, many, many fighting upgrades you can purchase with XP.
    It’s flawlessly executed, as Kratos the Sparta God and his son Atreus set out to scatter the ashes of their dead wife/mother, more and more is required in order to finish their journey, which is to scatter her ashes on the highest peak in all 9 realms.

    What I will say, is for such a seemingly massive game, it’s not actually that massive, and if you just concentrated on the main storyline, you could probably be done in 15 hours.
    I wish I’d have explored a lot more before cracking on with the main story. Because despite Atreaus constantly asking if we can go exploring and Kratos telling him no, we’re scattering the ashes then going home!
    If you do that, you will literally scatter the ashes then go home.
    As soon as you reach the credits, the game seems to die off a bit, and the only 2 people left who will talk to you are the Dwarves. Oh year, and of course Monir.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI apologise for not writing a review month ago, but I had to complete the game to offer my full fledged review…and honestly…

    GoW has been an extraordinary experience and phenomenal journey.

    Before, I judged this game thinking it’ll be another toxic game (due to its notorious franchise), but BOOOOOOOOI was I wrong! This reboot radically shifted my impressions and completely changed my perspective.

    This game is the whole package: incredible story, amazing cinematics, beautiful graphics, fun gameplay, awesome soundtrack and likable characters! I could go on and on with each part, but I am gonna keep it short.

    What I loved about GoW the most, is the story. GoW explores many themes, notably ‘grief, growth, fatherhood, and acceptance’ are central themes and delivered perfectly well into the narrative. GoW makes you emotionally connect with the characters and make you feel like you are on this journey with them.

    A journey of growth and accepting your past.

    So truely, GoW is worth it.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    At the beginning I was skeptical to buy it because I was unsure of the new style of this game against its predecessor but I can firmly say that this game have overcome all my doubts, story is intriguing and well linked with things on the past , gameplay is great and contact system is made perfect even if at the beginning seems a bit on the simple side but with the time become more efficient. What else ? Graphic looks beautiful even if on PS4 (non pro) I had some little lag and freezing , this game will leave you a sense of satisfaction and leave room for a sequel. Well done Santa Monica 8.5/10 for me

  11. Alrealon Musique says:

     United Kingdom

    This game is really really really good, I always liked the tomb raider (rebooted) structure of interconnected sections with a hub area it’s better than open world games because there is no wasted space and it’s better than linear games because it gives you a sense that you are in an actual world not just tight corridors. The relationship between the characters and the twists and turns of the story are superb. The graphics are breathtaking and runs well on a base PS4. totally worth it and I am happy it doesn’t have DLC just a great package with an ending and a hint at a sequel.

  12. EmoryNKSuqsnhwn says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersGod of War is a very good game. It has a story similar to the The Last of Us; puzzles like Uncharted ; boss battles on every other turn just like the difficulty in Dead Space. However this is my gripe… it really doesn’t offer much more than endless boss battles, interrupted by lesser bosses, and then a puzzle. Saying this I feel the game has been overhyped a tad. If you like Uncharted or a good shooter like Far Cry it doesn’t mean you’ll like this hacker slasher. The game needs more than the aforementioned in my opinion. The story is thin and it takes itself very seriously. The difficulty is quite challenging even on normal mode but on most battles it is fair.

    God of War is not for everyone…. but it is good.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI have never played a God of War game before, but I specifically bought a PS4 for this game, and I do not regret that decision at all. This was probably my favourite game of 2018 so far (will see if Spiderman beats it).

    Throughout the story of the game you see the bond between Kratos and boi grow, and it feels very heartfelt. The combat is very enjoyable and sometimes very challenging. The exploring aspect of the game is great, as it’s accompanied with some nice little stories told by Kratos.

    If you’re looking for a very good story-driven game, that looks and plays amazingly I would recommend this game.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersBought this on Prime and there was a delay getting it. Not next day as promised and had to chase Amazon to prioritise once it came back into stock. The game itself looks lush and it is definitely worth buying. However all the 5 star reviews can blind you that this is a good, but not absolute masterpiece. The Last of Us is a masterpiece, this game is very good. The combat is complex and sometimes just feels like bashing buttons without really understanding what it does. It gets repetitive after a while and I went from give me a balanced story and level of challenge to just give me a story level to just get through the game. When I finished it I didn’t feel the absolute satisfaction I got from the naughty dog games like the Uncharted series of the last of us or even Red Dead redemption, which is easily the best fiver I spent on a game. I also didn’t quite get Kratos’ relationship with his son Atreus was as close as Jol and Ellie in TLOU.

    This game is pretty big and lots of extras to do and find if you enjoy that kind of thing. But once I finished the game I am now ready to sell it.

  15. Amber17Xra says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is arguably one of the best games released this year, if not during the last decade. The story is one of the most encapsulating gaming experiences i’ve ever had, so well written with highs and lows that flow into one another with intrinsic mastery. The combat is not only enjoyable, but also extremely deep (easy to learn but difficult to master) very different from previous god of war iterations, but that is far from a negative. This game ticks all the boxes which is so rare from a triple A title now days. I could not recommend this game any more and will continue to encourage friends and family to enjoy what it has to offer for years to come.

  16. DanieleMilano says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt’s a good game, but gaming is a very personal experience (just like life ha ha).
    I loved the visuals, a very pretty game this. The combat is also quite enjoyable. Slinging your axe to have it return to your hand is great fun. Some of the puzzling elements are very well done too and I thoroughly enjoyed the vast majority of the game.
    Having said all that from my own personal point of view, there were a number of things I wasn’t overly impressed with.
    For the first hour kratos referring to his son as ‘boy’ was mildly amusing but it quite quickly gets old.
    I’m a big fan of open world games with lots of side quests and options for things to do. (Probably my favourite PS4 game being the Witcher.
    Now they are different games but I would rather have the ability to choose where I go and what I do.
    God of war is not a true open world game and the experience (if you are an more open world game fan) can feel quite linear and stifling, again only in my opinion.
    Also some of the puzzles to open the chests ie throw your axe at things in a specific order within a timeframe etc just left me cold I honestly couldn’t be bothered with them and the ones I did do weren’t really worth the effort for what I recieved.
    And then we come to the ending, it just sort of fizzles out. One minute your chatting the next the credits are rolling and there was a real sense of ‘is that it? ‘ . According to sources I’ve seen there are no plans for DLC so maybe a second instalment is planned to tie up all the loose ends and questions.
    The story is OK, the game is good I’d certainly recommend playing it but I think personally it’s a little overated in a lot of ways.
    Kratos movement is adequate but doesn’t feel quite as good as some characters you get to control in other games. His climbing ability is limited to certain areas and only works when you press o when looking in the right place. (And I know the Witchers climbing mechanic was pretty awful too but at least you could attempt things!).
    Horizon Zero Dawn, Witcher 3 ,Assasins Creed Origins all had better control systems, more to do and arguably better stories, again in my opinion.
    I’m glad I played it, it’s not bad I just think it could’ve been so much more.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Perhaps the greatest game of all time?

    Well why does he has a kid with him and mostly calls him boy rather than his name?

    Also its all too easy with him he can distraught them while you go in for the kill but you know that’s what game makers seem to do nowdays make a alley with no source of who they really are and kill them off at the end most other games seem to do this

    Anyway the combat is well put and smooth and he is somewhat fast in his attacks don’t get me wrong (so wrong) its a awesome game from the start till end

    Also I might as well say that I did not come here for graphics I came here for the actual gameplay 🙂 like in most games

    Also a big also the enemy’s seem to be so easy once you hit them cuz they be stunned which basic are dead so easy if only they block your moves and put up a fight

    I just wanted a big challenge oh yeah they is bosses giant bosses which you need to learn there moves before you take them down

    so yeah fun for few hours

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 27 From Our UsersI’m not sure I can add anything here that others haven’t already commented on, so I’ll keep this review short…


    -Amazing graphics (especially on the Pro), Amazing story, Amazing gameplay
    -Developer included two areas that other developers would have sold without and then added as costly DLC
    -Easy to play but difficult to master (I played on normal for the main game and majority of side quests, and switched to easy to mop up the remaining trophies… the last Valkyrie took me a few attempts even though I was levelled up and had great armour)
    -For those with OCD (like me) who like to collect all trophies on games, this has a fully obtainable list with a mixture of easy and challenging trophies (I’m an average gamer and I eventually achieved the platinum).


    -A rarity for me, but I can’t think of any…

    If you liked games such as Uncharted, The Last of Us or Hellblade, then pick this up today.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I very rarely give any game a solid score but this game pushes all of the right buttons for me.

    It’s redefined the God of War series as a whole but remains faithful to why the games were so good before. That being the story, characters and narrative are so gripping that I couldn’t stop playing. Plus they have retained the knack of bringing a sense of realism to the mythology used.

    This is not the old God of War you think you’ve heard of or new. It’s brand new for this series with a new combat system and levelling. Before it was all combos and grinding for red orbs to upgrade gear. Now it’s like a normal RPG- combat isn’t about combos and instead you can be more creative. I can say so much more but this would be a really long review. Although throwing the axe never gets old.

    In a way this isn’t about Kratos and instead is about something else. You play as Kratos but the story is really wonderfully crafted and, for me, didn’t have one boring part.

    Lastly I’ll say that this game can provide a challenge in multiple ways. Optional bosses, secret areas and rewards for pushing yourself.

    In short: this game redefines the God of War series as a whole and offers a brand new experience. It’s also a great starting place for newer players.

  20. GradyNHUrf says:

     United Kingdom

    Incredible, emotional, amazing. There are many superlatives I could use to describe God of War but those 3 pretty much sum it up perfectly. From the opening scene I was hooked, the graphics are amazing, the sound is incredible, terrific voice acting and Kratos looks and sounds better then ever. The combat is more than just hack and slash now, combos are gone and now it’s just about brutal attacks with your axe taking on a wide variety of enemies, including Ogres, Dragons and Trolls. The highlight for me is the relationship between Kratos and Atreus. Things are strained between them, shown with little nuances like Kratos rarely calling him by his name, instead barking commands like “boy, come here” and scolding him regularly for his enthusiasm and excitement at the world around him. As the game progresses, their relationship grows and becomes stronger, and the exchanges between the 2 are both poignant and heart rending. Kratos soon realises that his son doesn’t need as much protecting as he first thought. In the end, is he saving his son, or is Atreus saving Kratos? Enough said, just play this masterpiece and see for yourself!!

  21. LoriSouleq says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 53 From Our UsersOne of the best (if not the best) games of this console generation so far.

    This is a dark, mature action adventure game that will last around ~20-30 hour game (with no filler content) depending on how much you explore, and difficulty level you selected with emphasis on quality over quantity.

    The game has a very nice pacing/progression system that feels very natural. The game does not hand hold you, or set you to your own devices; rather gives you enough information to figure things out on your own

    Different from past God of War (GOW) games is that, this game is a over shoulder 3rd person view vs isometric view (camera with birds eye view panning in and out). The camera is very tight fixed, and behind kratos making it more grounded and personal. Entire game is pretty much one-shot (assuming you don’t get any game over screen).

    The game has beautiful environment and the lighting is very impressive. It runs
    1080p 30fps on PS4 (original or slim)
    4k 30fps, and performance mode 1080 60fps (dips at times) on the PS4 Pro

    If you play on PS4 pro it’s preferred you play at 30fps. The combat this time around is less combo based than past games, and more methodical as it’s more about precision hits, quick turns*, and dodging; being aware of your surroundings due to the fixed over the shoulder view. So 60fps is not really necessary unless maybe you’re playing on the hardest difficulty mode.
    * For quick turns there’s a learning curve to keep form being disoriented during right corridors.

    Sound is amazing. Get your headset or home theater system ready because you’re in for a treat as the game has really nice surround sound option. Does not support 3D audio in the PlayStation Platinum headset which is disapointing. Hope they add it in, in the future.

    Music typical for GOW games with drums, string instruments and orchestral vocals that really gets you pumped up

    There are some audio ques that help unlock hidden items so keep an ear out

    Interaction/dialogue with kratos and his son feel very real and not dialed in or exaggerated. very nice banter between the two and other characters as well

    As mentioned before, very mature yet dark. The story is more narrative driven and has more character development than past games where you’re just full of rage and kill everything in sight. Each character has complex motivations in what they’re set out to do

    Takes place in Norse mythology instead of Geek

    The main plot is that Kratos’ wife has died and she wants her ashes spread from the highest mountain

    Kratos takes his son with him on this journey and through a bonding experience they both grow stronger as they reach their final destination. the journey isn’t that simple as it seems as there are twist and turns along the way and enemies they have to face

    You do get some insight on how Kratos reach this land after GOW3, but it’s sprinkled throughout instead of one long exposition

    Side quests brings out lore of the game and also way to upgrade your skill tree

    There are boat sections in the game where Kratos gives his son life lessons, conversely his son gives inside knowledge of the world he learned through observation/what he learned from his mother; which makes you more invested in the characters.

    The combat has a lot of layers/options to it.

    Instead of Quick Timed Events (QTE) there’s a stun meter which which needs to be filled up for kratos make his signature final finishing moves on enemies. Feels very natural as you don’t get a huge button prompt the middle of the screen

    I like how the core combat is mapped to the trigger buttons instead of the face buttons making combat feel more natural

    There’s a skill tree that cater to how you want to play: defensive, offensive, focus on physical or magical attacks, range vs close combat, master a weapon over the other, etc

    You can upgrade weapons and armor by collecting materials

    Kratos’ main weapon this time around is the leviathan axe (very similar to Thor’s (Marvel movies/comics) weapon Mjolnir) instead of his chained blades of chaos. You can throw the axe and have it call back to you like a boomerang. You can swing and throw the axe at enemies and fun to master as you have to judge the timing of when the axe will return to you as without your axe you may only have your bare fists to do battle till it comes back

    There is some strategy involved especially in the higher difficulty settings. Some enemies are super effective against certain weapons/skills you have to be aware of

    Krato’s son comes along with you on the journey and is able to help with by stunning/detract enemies with an arrow which you can control the activation. Overtime as he becomes more experienced in combat more options are available. He’ll also yell out tips when needed** or jump onto enemies to slow them down. Also you can view his journals after you defeat an enemy to find out hidden weaknesses

    **Seeing the camera is so tight, he’ll give you tips you are not able to see at times due to blind spots

    Armor and clothes can be crafted, purchased, or upgraded via dwarf blacksmiths in game . It changes krato’s physical appearance in game. Some armor/clothing piece has slots for enchantments which effects stats

    Enemies attack you gorilla style as they can attack at anytime they want instead of gathering up in a circle and attacking one by one. Each enemy have different variety of skills, health, size, weakness and speed

    There are backtracking at times that builds on exploration. Also the environments sometimes change when going back making the location feel different yet the same. There’s also hidden areas you cannot access until you get a particular item giving the game this somewhat of a metriod-mania style to it

    Through mini objectives like kills specific about of enemies to get exp rewards

    Side quest gives you glimpse of story narrative, exp gain and or material. It doesn’t feel like fetch quests or something you have to do to directly upgrade your character . There’s no fluff and the side quests does not feel tacked on as it feels necessary, yet optional

    You’ll naturally stumble onto some side quests as the map only shows an overview of the land with a compass that points you to your main objective. Fast travel is limited, making exploration in the forefront. There’s not too many side quests making it feel open and direct at the same time

    As of this review, this is best PS4 game in my opinion. Sets a new standard for video games

    5.0 out of 5 stars A Masterpiece. A MUST Buy

  22. Gary Berry says:

     United Kingdom

    This game is a competitor to Horizon: Zero Dawn in some senses. It is slightly less ‘open’ than Horizon, but the combat, artwork and sheer luxury of the game experience is, I think, rather better. So, why 4 stars? Having completed it now, I was immensely disappointed with the ending, or rather, the lack of it. It just suddenly ‘ends’. There is no big boss, no denouement, no twist, no particularly interesting element of the story. The credits just start rolling. I won’t spoil the story, but there is not much to it.

    In this sense, Horizon is *much* better. The story in Horizon is topical, the narrative builds slowly and it has various interesting twists. The storyline here, in comparison, feels rather flat and, as I say, it suddenly just ends with almost no warning. Prepare yourself for a letdown.

    I think what has happened here is that the developers know they have a gem on their hands. Thus, they have taken a commercially strategic decision and cut out about 40% of the game content so that they can release it as a paid add-on. That is fine, but the way it has been done has, unfortunately, detracted from the overall experience.

    Overall, this is a great, great visual and auditory experience of a game, let down by a rather dull story and an abrupt, unremarkable ending. But don’t let this put you off buying it – for the sheer experience alone I think it is worth the money. But if you are very price-conscious, I’d suggest waiting until the inevitable expansion pack is released.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI continue to be amazed by some of the games we’re treated to on the PS4. Last year the game that stood out was Horizon Zero Dawn, which was a huge open world adventure that took me a couple of months to platinum. This year, amongst others, God of War is catching my attention.

    I never played previous God of War games but I’ve really enjoyed playing this one. Again it’s a big open world adventure, with a story line that you can follow or go off piste and explore realms and locations to increase your inventory and abilities. The story develops really well and you become attached to the adventures of the main characters. The game is challenging and rewarding, with some of the enemies being real swines to take down. I’ve had several weeks of solid enjoyment out of God of War, and I’ve got a little bit further to go before I fully complete the game and platinum it, by which time I’ll have more than had my money’s worth. 2018 game of the year contender.

  24. BarryWhiteman says:

     United Kingdom

    Quick warning this review contains spoilers!!

    Man oh man where to begin, first off I haven’t even touched the precious titles, but the story and script writing in this game is so incredible that anything major from previous games (I watched summary videos) is covered.

    So I started playing going in expecting a game that I would spend a couple of hours a night on before going to sleep etc to chill out on. But SIE and Santa Monica really went all out, and before I knew it I’d clocked 12 hours and barely even scratched the surface.

    To begin with, combat kicks ass, an axe that reminds me of Mjolnir from MCU Thor, totally awesome and reactive enemies, and character building upgrades. Nothing’s quite as satisfying as throwing an axe at some dude running straight at you, make them fall over, sprinting over and beating them to death with your bare hands, and then magically recalling your axe to hand, to turn around, parry another dude, and chop them to pieces. The designers really did an insanely good job with making Kratos look and feel angry and bloodthirsty in a fight.


    Now the boss fights are also really cool, very hack and slash but it just has that slight twinge of awesome that sets it apart from the other hack and slash titles we’ve seen in the past 5 years. I’ve just embedded my axe into one of Thor’s god damn sons, and beat the absolute living shit out of another.

    The beginning of the game is just as insane as the rest (that I’ve played do far anyway), throwing you straight in to facing a Norse God, Baldur, who can’t feel any pain or die, even when you snap his neck like it’s a can of pop.

    The Spartan Rage is just incredible and makes you feel stupid powerful, literally god like, for brief moments, until it depletes and it’s back to tactically dodging and throwing and hacking and ogres and draugr and whatever else is in your way.

    Atreus, the son of Kratos, is actually something that I thought would just get in the way, a small mechanic that woudlnt have much of an impact on the game other than story wise, but again I was surprised and very impressed to find that as you upgrade (through experience and crafting) the boy he actually becomes more of a badass himself, going from running away from enemies to shoot with his bow to jumping on them for you to attack freely momentarily.

    Puzzles are also fun, sometimes infuriating, but also very much rewarding. Finding that last rune to break a chest seal and getting the loot feels like an achievement, and often rewards you with high level items that actually help you throughout the game.

    Story wise it’s a strong contender to games such as the Witcher 3, and yet it’s so very simple. The baseline of it all being to take your wifes ashes to the highest point in all the 9 realms, which is later revealed to be in the realm of the giants, and not in fact in midgard. The fact that the game is in a Norse mythological setting just makes it even more interesting in my opinion, as it just adds that extra kick of awesome that many titles have lost over the years.

    Overall it’s just an incredibly well done game, and I can’t wait to see what SIE do next with the title.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOne of the best games I have ever played on the PS4. I though nothing would really beat Uncharted 4 on a rich story, cinematic action and adventure, but this game just reached a new level and I have never been so happy to buy a game a full price. It’s a long game too, around 25 hours in total to complete the game, but loved every second of it and found moments when I was letting my dinner get cold just so that I could get to the end of a stage (it’s a really difficult game to put down, just because it’s so fun to play!). I love the father and son relation and how it develop[s over the period of the game, where in the beginning Kratos is rather quite cold with his son – but you find as they go on their journey they start to understand and connect with each other. Santa Monica Studios have done the PS4 proud!! Deserves Best Game of 2018 award!!

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    GOD 2018 is not like the old games, which has pissed of a few old fans. So if you don’t like the thought of a *The Last of Us* + *Dark Souls* combo stay away.

    The game strengh is it’s story. Gameplay is okay and will keep most people entertained. Boss fights is mixed. Story boss fights is kinda… just there. Then we have a lot of big Trolls that fight 99% the same way each time and gets boring really fast. The Valkyries fights are the only real challenge in this game. They are fine as long as you play the game on normal or easy. Play on higher difficulty and they just become bullet sponges nightmare and takes way to long to beat.

    This is not a bad game. But it’s a 10/10 in my book either. I did have some fun playing this. Go into this game with low expectations and don’t eat the hype and you will be fine.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been playing PS games for 20 years+. This is the first time in a very long time that I stay genuinely engaged with a storyline, trying to guess and work out what’s next.

    There’s a lot of game time to be had here, I’ve been going 50 hours+ so far and there’s still so much to do. The characters, stories and speech are well developed, with often fun or interesting rhetorics thrown in when roaming the game.

    The controls, moves and abilities develop well, keeping me engaged constantly.

    Negatives: I found the first couple of hours of gameplay a little slow, but I think it’s to get you used to the storyline, characters and controls. Other than that, it’s a fantastic game I would recomend to anyone.

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWhere do I even begin? Having played all God of War entries, I am absolutely amazed, I mean seriously AMAZED at this game. I have completed the game today after 40+hrs. I tried to collect all collectables as much as I could but I have yet to find all the secrets of this amazing new world! The relationship between Kratos and Atreus is both savage (BOOOYYYY!!!) and touching. It really did make me feel emotional watching the scenes. The gameplay is fantastic although at times I kept forgetting the various combos. Fighting is smooth, engaging and very fun. Love the runic attacks and the RPG element to the game. Love the fact that the world is not too big and not too small. just right in the middle. The narrative, characters, bosses and the main villain are all excellent. The voice acting is superb. Basically, in other words it is definitely worth the 10/10. Simply cannot wait for the next instalment and let me assure you, there will be one for sure teehee. Stop reading and go buy it, play it, love it, cherish it. You won’t regret it.

  29. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The way this game has been put together is beautiful, you can really tell that a lot of time, effort and soul has been put into this game.

    Kratos is back and has matured into a wiser God, teaching his son the ways of a God and how to be strong. Beautiful storytelling, beautiful soundtrack, fantastic gameplay and exploration. A real achievement in the gaming world which has now raised the standards.

    Way better than ‘The Last of Us’ which I see constant comparisons too, this game actually has amazing gameplay unlike that one. This isn’t just a game, this is art.

  30. MaricelAnderson says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI’m big on Story Rich Games so i though i’d give this a try. Wasn’t fully hyped when i started, but by the time i completed it, it gave me a feeling in which i haven’t felt for a long, LONG time. That feeling of actually being sad because you’ve completed a game, and that you know you will not feel that same sense of wonder when you explore the fantastic and fully immersive world that has been created by Santa Monica Studio’s.

    I have never played any previous GoW games, so i watched a lore video on Youtube to get me started. Simply Put, The protagonist, Kratos, alongside his son, “Boy” (Atreus) embarks on a journey to scatter his Wife’s Ashe’s Atop the highest mountain within the 9 realms. Kratos is a retired God, armed with a Fantastic Beard and an axe which is possibly the Greatest weapon created in any Video Game, due to it’s ability to be recalled and thrown during combat with a press of a button.

    The Combat is Brutal, If you’ve ever wanted to watch someone built like Dwayne Johnson, (Maybe a little bit smaller, however) cut ghouls in half with an axe, you’re playing the right game. You can also enhance on your ability’s giving the game an RPG Element, allowing you to also upgrade, buy/sell and craft gear for you and Atreus. This allows you to preform certain actions which cause more damage to enemies and stun them, Meaning that during combat you have to adapt your fighting style when faced with different enemies. This intricate combat system almost makes combat a well choreographed fight, especially when you gain the ability to throw your Axe, recall it then instantly preform a heavy/light attack on enemies with the push of 2 buttons, as opposed to throwing your Axe, fighting with your fists, recalling the axe etc etc. During Certain boss fights, the fighting can become real time, and therefore making it like watch a movie in which you, as the player are controlling Kratos.

    The story is beautifully written. By the end of the game you are so attached to Kratos and Atreus, that you appreciate the Scenes between the two more and more. At the beginning you can relate with Kratos frustration with his son, but the two characters develop, together. Kratos is trying to come to terms with his past, (See GoW 1-3 + all the spin off’s), and Atreus is trying to learn how to fight, and impress his father throughout the whole story. You will meet the Antagonist very close to the start, so be prepared to be blown away in the best boss fight made to date.

    One of, if not THE best game i have ever played, i do not have a bad thing to say about this. Hats off to Santa Monica Studio for creating a master peace that will be played for many many years to come, and will be remembered as the best game of the century.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 8 From Our UsersThis is a great game, and you should buy it, but it’s definitely not a masterpiece that many are claiming it to be. The graphics look outstanding, but eye candy isn’t everything: for example, you’re pretty limited in terms of exploration which is a shame because there are many areas that are really enticing for exploration and you’re left with the feeling of only if….The story is good, though at times it can be a bit too heavy-handed with its cinematic obsession. When the game backs off from being a movie it plays far better and you can enjoy everyday talk between a father and his son while you travel by boat, which resonate more than the over the top moments. The over the shoulder combat can be a problem (with the use of directional indicators), especially later in the game when you face multiple enemies with purple health bars that can take you out with one hit, as you constantly find yourself rolling around to gauge where your enemies are, get one or two hits in and repeat the process. If you didn’t have Atreus to help with the combat then this game would make Bloodborne and Dark Souls seem easy as pie. Overall, it’s a great game and it’s worth buying, but don’t expect miracles.

  32. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Iv always been a god of war fan but i can safely say this is the best one ever the game is now a huge open world to explore with secrets and items hidden everywhere the games graphics are amazing and the combat is also very satisfying and great fun there are upgrades for your character and power ups ect when i first played it i found myself not wanting to switch it off the hallmark of a great game i would recommend this fantastic game to anyone and its one of the best games iv played in a while buy it today you wont be sorry

  33. Mike Ng says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersGaming this year has been getting bad press from microtransactions to paying for save slots and other bad things for the gaming industry.

    This is the game that will blow your mind away the great challenging fun fighting system Spartan rage is my favourite, EPIC BOSS FIGHTS, I just love throwing the leviathan axe and call it back never gets old, graphics are beautifully stunning especially the environments are the best and now the story of Kratos and his son I’ve never experienced a incredible story of father and son before let alone the norse mythology keeps you interested after the events of the last series GOW 3 this new series is years later can Kratos become better than his old self? Also the side quests, collectibles and other things that you should find about by playing this game yourself it will make you keep playing for so many more hours.

    I do hope they make a DLC story great work to everyone in the making of this game you have proven to give gamers what gaming should be a unpredictable masterpiece.

    GOW = EPIC Game

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Where to begin…? This game is amazing. Have played all the previous GOW games and this one is probably by far the best in the series, in terms of gameplay, graphics, storyline, the music. Everything is stunning from the moment you start the game your hooked straight away. Its up there with the likes of Uncharted 4, The last of us if not surpasses that level. It met and surpassed my expectations on every level and everything you could hope for in a GOW game. Theres the main missions, then plenty of side missions and you can explore the world to gain collectibles and use them to upgrade kratos, and atreus. Theres also bosses, mini bosses, and tougher enemies as you progress. You don’t have to play any of the previous games to play this, that’s if you have a ps4. But you should. This should definitely be game of the year, and one of the best games I’ve ever played.

  35. JeniferDaly says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 32 From Our UsersOk, let me start by saying that you don’t need to know the backstory or anything about the previous God of War games to actually REALLY enjoy what I think is the most engrossing and engaging games of all time. As a PlayStation exclusive, chances might be that you’ve come across some of the older gems in the series…but a lot of it is covered in the game. I’ve had the game since Friday and just wish I had more time to play it.

    I’m probably about 80% through the main campaign but have decided to explore a bit as I picked up a few extra skills along the way.

    As an owner of Sony’s last epic game, Horizon Dawn, this game feels miles apart. It just feels more accessible, more visceral and exploring never gets old. From the lore, to the relationship between father (Kratos) and son (Atreus), to the fighting and puzzles, it just never gets old.

    This game sets the bar for a beautiful story, amazing graphics and edge of your seat battles…everything about this just grips you from start to finish, so do me a favour, strap yourself in, put your arms up, smile for the photo and just enjoy the ride!

    You won’t regret it, I promise.

  36. DeeMoreland says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersAn absolutely thrilling game which I could discuss much more, but I better get back to completing the game first before potentially a full review. So far of the many hours I have played, this has delivered in all aspects the hype that’s been around the game. The storyline has been heartwarming with the father/son relation, yet more importantly, gripping with action through an epic adventure of the main quest and various side missions that fill a lengthy time. I’ve seriously enjoyed the intense combat system in the game, there’s plenty of gruesome thrilling battles, with almighty boss battles similar to its previous games. Its stunning graphics is genuinely one of the best I’ve seen so far on PS4. Unless this game somehow extraordinarily messes up later storywise, which I know won’t, I thought I’d add to the parading reviews of the game for those still considering.