Waterdrop 10UA-UF 0.01 μm Ultra Filtration Under Sink

Waterdrop 10UA-UF 0.01 μm Ultra Filtration Under Sink Water Filter for Baçtёria Reduction

Waterdrop 10UA-UF 0.01 μm Ultra Filtration Under Sink Water Filter for Baçtёria Reduction, 30,000 Liters Chlorine Reduction Capacity, Direct Connect to Kitchen Faucet, WD-10UA-UF

  1. 0.01 μm UF membrane
  2. Mineral Drinking Water
  3. Economical Solution
  4. Easy Installation
10.01 μm UF membrane2Mineral Drinking Water3Economical Solution4Easy InstallationCompact DesignSteady,Fast Water FlowSafe Materials

Can the system reduce TDS?

No. TDS value isn’t directly related to water quality.

TDS stands for total dissolved solids.

Waterdrop under counter water filter reduces harmful pσllutants while retains natural minerals, which are beneficial for your health.

What is the difference between the WD-UA system and the WD-UB system?

The WD-UA system does not come with a faucet. It will connect to your existing faucet. Meanwhile, the WD-UB system comes with an additional water faucet.

Can the product filter well water?

No. This system is designed for Municipal Tap Water. If using well water as the source, please make sure the feed water has been through a pre-filtration system. For the solution with a pre-filtration system, please search for WD-PFK.

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Replacement for 10UA


Replacement for 10UA (UF)







Filter Fineness Advanced 0.01 micron 0.5 micron Advanced 0.01 micron 0.5 micron 0.5 micron Advanced 0.01 micron
Reduce Substances Bactёria、Chlorine、Lead、VOC Chlorine、Lead、VOC、Chloroform Bactёria、Chlorine、Lead、VOC Chlorine、Lead、VOC、Chloroform Chlorine、Lead、VOC、Chloroform Bactёria、Chlorine、Lead、VOC
Filter Lifespan ‎30000 Litres ‎30000 Litres ‎30000 Litres ‎30000 Litres ‎30000 Litres ‎30000 Litres
Faucet No Include No Include
Size 9.1 x 9.1 x 31.2 cm ‎35.7 x 19 x 13.8 cm 9.1 x 9.1 x 31.2 cm ‎35.7 x 19 x 13.8 cm
Reduce TDS
Retain Beneficial minerals

Weight: 1.46 kg
Dimensions: 9.14 x 9.91 x 31.24 cm; 1.46 Kilograms
Model: WD-10UA-UF
Part: WD-10UA-UF
Colour: Black
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Waterdrop
Dimensions: 9.14 x 9.91 x 31.24 cm; 1.46 Kilograms

27 Responses

  1. Devie says:


    un ottimo prodotto abbastanza facile da istallare per chi ha buona manualit nel fai da te, il sapore dell acqua decisamente migliorato, ha eliminato il sapore di cloro, ho provveduto a fare test della qualit dell acqua e un notato delle migliorie, prodotto consigliatissimo per chi ha dei dubbi e vuol essere sicuro dell acqua della rete idrica nazionale, e il filtro di ricambio costa poco

  2. RandySilverman says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFcil de instalar y con unos resultados muy buenos. No se puede comparar con una osmosis inversa por lo que cualquier comparativa de este estilo carece de sentido. El producto funciona muy bien y filtra a un nivel ms que aceptable.

  3. Kate Reilly says:


    Da ich einen neuen Wisch Saugrobotter habe, wir sehr kalkhaltiges Wasser in Kiel haben , aber kein destiliertes Wasser fr den neuen Robotter verwenden soll, habe ich mich fr diesen Watherdrop entschieden. Sehr robusten Eindruck, kinderleichte montage.
    Nun drinke ich nur noch Leitungswasser und der Geschmack ist sofort merklich besser.
    Auch fr meine Kchengerte ist das Wasser positiv.
    Preis Leistungsverhltnis ist sehr gut.

  4. Jonathan Terrasi says:


    I bought this product in the Netherlands and transported it myself to Costa Rica. Here I installed it under the kitchen sink. This was easy, thanks to the adapter pieces. It fits the US system!
    The water is potable and filtered. Awesome!

    Product performs as advertised. Packaging and materials are in high-quality. I am very satisfied.

    Easy installation for US system, immediate results

  5. Anonymous says:


    Der Filter war mit etwas handwerklichem Geschick ruckzuck installiert. Die mitgelieferten Flexschluche sind ausreichend lang. Der Filter erfllt seine Aufgaben hervorragend. Insbesondere fllt das natrlich bei der Kalkbildung auf. Der Wasserkocher sieht innen aus wie neu, was vorher definitiv nicht der Fall war. Zuvor haben wir mit einem Brita-Filter gearbeitet. Das ist aber lstig und langatmig, jedesmal gute 10 Minuten zu warten, bis 1,5 Liter Wasser durchgelaufen sind. Der Wasserdruck ist nach dem Einbau des Filters geringer, was aber nicht strend und vllig normal ist. Kaufempfehlung

  6. Anonymous says:


    Me decante por este filtro por que al principio quera comprar una pequea osmosis pero al mirar bien desechaba ms agua de la que produca.Muy contento con la calidad de agua seguro que no es todo lo pura que te ofrece una osmosis pero para consumo tiene un sabor muy neutro y agradable creo que funciona bien no se puede pedir ms.

  7. MarioBrowne says:


    Il Waterdrop 10UB-UF un sistema di filtraggio dell’acqua sotto il lavello che utilizza la tecnologia di ultrafiltrazione (UF) per rimuovere contaminanti come cloro, piombo, fluoruro, cattivo gusto e odore. Il sistema ha una capacit di filtrazione di 30.000 litri ed garantito per durare fino a 12 mesi.


    Efficacia di filtrazione: Il Waterdrop 10UB-UF in grado di rimuovere contaminanti fino a 0,01 micron di dimensioni, inclusi batteri, virus e protozoi.
    Qualit dell’acqua: L’acqua filtrata dal Waterdrop 10UB-UF ha un sapore e un odore pi puliti e freschi.
    Installazione facile: Il sistema facile da installare e richiede solo un po’ di tempo e fatica.
    Rapporto qualit-prezzo: Il Waterdrop 10UB-UF offre un buon rapporto qualit-prezzo.

    Tempo di filtrazione: Il Waterdrop 10UB-UF ha un tempo di filtrazione leggermente pi lento rispetto ad altri sistemi di filtraggio dell’acqua.
    Cartucce di ricambio: Le cartucce di ricambio sono relativamente costose.

    Il Waterdrop 10UB-UF un sistema di filtraggio dell’acqua sotto il lavello efficace e conveniente. una buona scelta per chi cerca un modo per migliorare la qualit dell’acqua di casa.

    Valutazione: 4/5

    Consigliato a:

    Chi preoccupato per la qualit dell’acqua di casa
    Chi cerca un modo per migliorare il sapore e l’odore dell’acqua
    Chi alla ricerca di un sistema di filtraggio dell’acqua sotto il lavello conveniente
    Non consigliato a:

    Chi cerca un sistema di filtraggio dell’acqua con un tempo di filtrazione rapido
    Chi alla ricerca di un sistema di filtraggio dell’acqua con cartucce di ricambio economiche

  8. Anonymous says:


    Es muy sencillo de colocar y de cambiar los recambios. El agua queda sin ningn sabor. La mejor compra que he hecho. He tenido el Fontanilla y no me ha dado el mismo resultado y es bastante ms caro

  9. YvonneMHMtoq says:


    Excellent et facile installer.
    Je ne suis pas doue pour les travaux mais c’tait assez facile.
    Le dbit de l’eau s’est lgrement rduit mais a m’arrange car le dbit de mon robinet tait trop fort de toute faon.

  10. KristaCoane says:

     United Kingdom

    The devise is easy to install. It took from me 5 minutes to install it and the flow rate of water is very good. The taste of water is better now. It is highly recommended to buy this item.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Ho comprato questo filtro in quanto stavamo rinnovando la cucina e ho voluto fare un upgrade. Facile da montare (fate attenzione a quale flessibile va in ingresso e quale in uscita) subito funzionante. Una piccola pecca che all’inizio l’acqua sapeva un pochino di plastica ma col tempo passato. L’acqua si sente fin da subito che pi leggera e soprattutto non si sente pi il sapore fastidioso del cloro. Lo consiglio altamente

  12. Anonymous says:


    Es un filtro que cabe en cualquier sitio.
    Los manguitos son muy largos, por lo que se puede ubicar relativamente lejos de la toma de agua.
    Las indicaciones que lleva, instrucciones, son tan claras que es difcil equivocarse.
    A pesar de haber dejado correr ms 5 minutos, como dicen las instrucciones, el sabor del agua no resulta del todo agradable, no sabe a cloro ni a ningn metal, es como a papel mojado, o eso me parecio a mi.
    Quizas cuando lo use ms cambie mi opinin.

  13. Elana83Bkcala says:


    Viene con todo lo necesario para que sea como un aadido ms a cualquier grifo de agua fra.

    Lo he instalado en Alicante y mejora la calidad del agua muchsimo.

    Tiene un adaptador que saca una conexin extra de agua en la conexin habitual de cualquier latiguillo de un grifo. Hay aue tener en cuenta que los tubos pequeos deben introducirse hasta la marca que tienen para evitar prdidas.

    El filtro se instala super fcil con un cuarto de vuelta cuando toque cambiarlo. El grifo funciona sper bien y la calidad del agua excelente.

    Por la relacin calidad precio se merece un 10/10

  14. CarmenXqyozgjyx says:


    Facile a installer, pas besoin d’ajouter un robinet, il suffit de driver l’alimentation en eau froide de votre robinet de cuisine vers le socle du filtre avec les flexibles qui sont fournis.
    Installation simple, deux vis a fixer sous votre evier, gabari fourni galement ainsi que bagues d’adaptation selon diametre de votre alimentation en eau froide.
    La dure de vie de la cartouche assure une autonomie importante d’un an environ, avec un filtrage trs fin.
    Pas de chute de pression importante.

  15. GitaU81fpvxsym says:

     United States

    Using it for drinking water in our cruising sailboat.
    We filter the fresh water from the boats storage tanks.
    Those are filled with city water at marinas.
    No taste or odor in the filtered water.
    Easy to install, the kit had everything needed.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United States

    The water quality and taste are on par with distilled, obviously it isn’t but that’s okay. Been using 2.5×10 filters and been struggling to get ones that remove the increase in chlorination from the city water, I use it to fill 5 gal jugs for my bottom feed water dispenser. Created an auto water fill and shut off so I can walk away while it fills. Install was easy. Ended up just using 1/4″ tubing. Easy peel and stick drill template, only thing that would make it better would be a cheap bubble level but I really can’t complain. I want to install on upstairs for the fridge now.

  17. Kelley14Yrugj says:


    Acquistato in quanto alcuni amici ne sono in possesso e me l’hanno consigliato. Confermo che il prodotto ottimo, prezzo basso, facile da montare, l’unica cosa che ho dovuto sostituire una guarnizione in quanto, con quella originale la pressione del rubinetto senza filtro era troppo bassa. Problema risolto. L’acqua buona, priva di odori e sapori. Consigliatissimo.


  18. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo filtro con ottima qualit prezzo.
    Installato in autonomia in 5 minuti collegandolo direttamente al rubinetto del lavello. L’ingombro minimo, pi o meno come una bottiglia. La pressione in uscita leggermente diminuita per via del filtraggio ma nulla di grave.
    Acqua buonissima. Nessun odore di cloro o altro ed insapore

  19. Mandy Walker says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersSi installa in un attimo
    Non l’ho nemmeno fissato a muro ma appoggiato a terra
    Il sapore buono. Per ora sapore di cloro non mi ancora ricapitato
    Consiglio cmq di montare con rubinetto a 3 vie (2 ugelli) o di prendere la versione con rubinetto se si vuol fare un ulteriore buco al lavello

  20. Jen at Red Hot Books says:


    Despus de 25 aos con smosis inversa, he instalado este filtro por comodidad respecto al mantenimiento, la calidad del agua de este filtro no es comparable con el agua osmotizada, aconsejara instalarlo ???, pues si no quieres complicarte con los cambios siempre incmodos de la membrana, etapas, agua de rechazo y volumen que ocupa debajo del fregadero, S, por la calidad de agua, NO, ya que el sabor es aceptable, yo lo he instalado con grifo para beber, y como es lgico para otros consumos cotidianos, como cocinar, infusiones, etc. !!!

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Highly recommended now we can drink from the tap without bothering to filling the jug.
    Costumer service its Great if you need to asked anything they will reply im very short time.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Recommend

  22. WilfordHitt says:

     United States

    This filter is being used in a trailer supplied with lake and well water. It definitely has a prefilter on the line.
    Installation was not easy, only because it went in a trailer with limited room for access.
    We also had to purchase a Sharkbite T connector as this situation had no shutoffs to screw in to. I suspect Waterdrop may have supplied that if I had asked.
    It does leak intermittently from somewhere under the faucet but I have a tray under it and it’s not a problem short term. Waterdrop has been exceptional in helping try to fix the problem and is sending a new faucet assembly to try.
    There is good water flow and I haven’t been sick from drinking water from this filter. Considering we use a .01 micron filter on canoe trips from unfiltered lake water, I’m sure this will be just fine. I don’t feel a need to actually have the water tested.
    All in all, I’m one happy camper who doesn’t need to haul drinking water any more!

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I cannot believe the difference that this filter has made!
    The tap water was not the worst but still bad enough to have us buying bottled water each week – even a filter jug didn’t have enough effect.
    With this filter what comes out of the tap tastes identical to bottled water and the price of it will soon be covered by the savings on the bottles we are no longer buying.
    Fitting was easy and I reckon that it will be around 18 months before we need a replacement filter. Highly recommended

  24. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I love this water filter and great customer service from the company. I originally purchased this and then installed several months after I received it. It worked great to start then the cold water became very slow to fill a 1 gallon bottle took 4+ minutes. I contacted (email) the company about that and asked if they had any to advise on how to increase water flow or if I didn’t remember that the water would become a trickle. What great customer care, they sent me a new filter right away and bam! I got my life back! Seconds to fill my 1 gallon bottle (watering the plants with filtered water, cooking with filtered water, brewing tea & coffee with filtered water) I’m just so happy with it. My city water taste alright but this helps it taste even better! I notice a difference with all the above post using the filter on my water. I installed on my kitchen sink cold water line so I have filtered cold water whenever the need strikes. Such a enhancement! I recommend if you have any issues, reach out to the company and they’ll be happy to help!

  25. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI purchased this unit in February and have been using it for a few months now and I have been very very pleased with the results. The lightweight compact design was a big selling point for me, as was the easy installation. The unit appears to be very well made and durable. The included parts made the installation a snap.

    After three months of use I can confidently say that the water taste and quality are excellent and the fact that the filter is WQA Certified to NSF 42 and 372 standards is also a plus and extremely important.

    I had some initial questions regarding testing and certification standards and customer service was very fast to respond.

    With a stylish but functional compact design, easy installation, durable parts, great water taste and quality — as well as excellent customer service — this little unit is a real winner and can’t be beat.

  26. ElyseHateley says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI recently purchased the Waterdrop 10UA-UF 0.01 m Ultra Filtration Under Sink Water Filter, and I must say that I am thoroughly impressed with the quality and effectiveness of this product.

    The water filter is incredibly easy to install and connects directly to the kitchen faucet, making it a convenient and efficient solution for clean and filtered water. The filter reduces lead, chlorine, bad taste & odor, and bacteria, ensuring that the water I drink is pure and healthy.

    I particularly appreciate that the filter uses USA tech, which guarantees its quality and effectiveness. The filter has a long lifespan of up to 8,000 gallons, which means I can enjoy clean and filtered water for an extended period without having to replace the filter.

    Overall, I would highly recommend the Waterdrop 10UA-UF 0.01 m Ultra Filtration Under Sink Water Filter to anyone looking for a reliable and effective solution for clean and filtered water. The convenience of installation, long lifespan, and excellent filtration capabilities make this product an excellent investment for anyone looking to improve their water quality.

  27. Morgan Little says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 18 From Our UsersI just moved and my place place has pretty poor water quality, my water lines have significant amount of iron / rust in the hot lines, and there was a slight musty flavor to the water. It’s a new building so they are still flushing out the lines. I didn’t feel like buying Brita filters all the time, I also already have a hole cut out in my counter top for a soap dispenser, so I bought this to install into my counter top. Install was easy and simple, all the hookups were clear and easy to understand. Installed in 10 mins and tested there was no leaks. They even included a mini roll of teflon tape (but more than you ever need for this install), a thoughtful gesture. The countertop dispenser felt like good quality, pretty heavy, and the spout is made out of metal. All the connectors looked like they were well made. You get more than enough feed line, so you need to cut to fit if you don’t need it all. If you are cutting, make sure to leave a clean vertical cut (ideally with a utility knife, and not a pair of scissors), so you don’t have issues with leaks later.

    So I had access to a HP Liquid Chromatography machine, so I had my water tested prior and post filtration. Was careful to make sure my samples were jot contaminated. The filter made a pretty dramatic difference on a number of metrics.

    Pre-filter iron was 33 PPB or 0.03 mg/l, post filter it went down to 0.3 PPB or 0.0003 mg/l.
    Pre-filter Copper was 143 PPB, post it went down to 2.9ppb

    Took the nasty musty odor / taste out, and made the water pleasant to drink.

    This filter will not filter out dissolved solids, like calcium and sodium. My water had very high levels of both (55,000 ppb of sodium and 26,000 ppb of calcium, it’s within municipal standards, but makes my water taste slightly salty), neither metric changed outside of the normal margin of error from the HPLC machine. So if you are looking to soften your water this isn’t what you are looking for, you need a reverse osmosis filter for that, but RO filters also filter out good minerals so you lose out on those.

    Overall very satisfied with this, and highly recommended.