PROMAXPOWER Walkie Talkie Earpiece for Motorola CP040 DP1400

PROMAXPOWER Walkie Talkie Earpiece for Motorola CP040 DP1400 GP300 GP88 GP68 CT150 Two way Radio, Radio Earpiece, D-Shape Security Earpiece with PTT Mic for Bodyguard

Motorola Standard 2pin
2 pin standard diameter
Top pin: 2.5mm
Bottom pin: 3.5mm
Compatible With Motorola Standard 2pin Radios:
CP Series: | CP88 CP040 CP100 CP110 CP125 CP140 CP150 CP160 CP180 CP185 CP200 CP200D CP250 CP300 CP200XLS. |
GP Series: | GP2000 GP2100 GP3188 GP3688 GP280 GP300 GP308 GP63 GP68 GP88 GP88S GP600. |
Midland: | G15 G18. |
Hytera (HYT): | PD405 PD505 TC-500 TC-600 TC-700 TC-610 TC-620 TC-2110 TC-1600 TC-510. |
SP Series: | SP10 SP20 SP50 SP50+. |
P Series: | P10 P50 P50+ P040 P080 P100 P110 P200 P1225 P1225LS. |
CT Series: | CT150 CT250 CT450 CT450LS. |
PRO Series: | PRO1150 PRO2150 PRO3150 RDU2020 RDU2080D. |
CLS Series: | CLS446 CLS1110 CLS1410 CLS1413 CLS1450 CLS1450C CLS1450CB CLS1450CH CLS1453CB CLS1453CH. |
MU Series: | MU11 MU11C MU11CV MU12 MU12C MU12CV MU21C MU21CV MU22CVS MU24CV MU24CVS MU24CVST. |
MV Series: | MV11 MV11CV MV12 MV12CV MV21C MV21CV MV22 MV22CV MV24CVS. |
SU Series: | SU210 SU22 SU22C SU210 SU220 VHF/UHF. |
SV Series: | SV10 SV11 SV11D SV21 SV12 SV22 SV22C. |
XV Series: | XV1100 XV1400 XV2100 XV2600 XV4100. |
XU Series: | XU1100 XU2100 XU2600 XU4100. |
Other Series: | XTN Series: XTN446 XTN500 XTN600. AX Series: AXV5100 AXU4100. DTR Series: DTR410 DTR450 DTR510 DTR550 DTR610 DTR650 DTR2430 DTR2450. RDX Series: RDU2020 RDU2080D RDU4100 RDU4160D RDV2020 RDV2080D RDV5100. GTI, GTX, LTS2000, VL50, VL130, PMR446, ECP100, PR400 |
1) Q: Is this earphone suitable for use in noisy environments?
A: Yes, the D-shape Earpiece/PROMAXPOWER is designed with noise reduction technology that enables the earplugs to tightly fit and eliminate noise, making it ideal for use in noisy environments.
2) Q: Can this earphone be worn for extended periods of time?
A: Yes, the earphone is ergonomically designed to provide comfort even during prolonged use, making it suitable for various applications such as police, security personnel, firefighters, hikers, travelers, and event security personnel.
3) Q: Does the earphone come with a clip?
A: Yes, the earphone comes with a 360-degree rotating clip that can be attached to any part of your clothing, eliminating the need to turn your head during use.
4) Q: Can this earphone be used discreetly?
A: Yes, the D-shape Earpiece can be concealed in the collar, making it difficult to detect and ideal for discreet communication in cautious situations.
5) Q: What activities is this earphone suitable for?
A: This earphone is versatile and perfect for various activities such as skiing, racing, hiking, and large-scale event security, as well as for use by amateur enthusiasts, police, security personnel, and firefighters.
Oreillettes reue bien emballe et bien prsente dans sa pochette.
Contenu de la pochette :
– 1 x Oreillette 2 broches avec Micro PTT ,compatible MOTOROLA.
L’oreillette est, globalement, de bonne facture.
La finition de l’oreillette est correcte et les matriaux utiliss pour sa conception semblent tre assez robustes.
La finition du micro PTT est plutt bonne.
Les 2 broches s’adaptent bien sur un MOTOROLA XT420 et l’oreillette est parfaitement comptible avec ce modle.
La longeur de fil permet une installation aise.
La pince de fixation du Micro PTT (Push-to-talk) serre bien et peut-tre installe sur un haut de costume ou de treillis sans risque de se dcrocher ou de tomber.
L’oreillette, quant elle, s’enfile sur l’oreille et tient trs bien en place.
La qualit de transmission vocale du Micro PTT est correcte, sans toutefois tre exceptionnelle. Les interlocuteurs comprennent parfaitement chaque mot transmis et le PTT fonctionne bien.
Ceci dit, attention ne pas parler trop face du micro sinon cela devient incomprhensible; d en parti l’absence de mousse anti-pop sur l’entre du micro.
Avantages du produit :
– Bonne longeur de fil,
– Facile installer et mettre en place,
– Confort d’utilisation,
– Compatibilit avec de multiples modles MOTOROLA
Inconvenients du produits :
– Absence de mousse anti-pop l’entre du microphone.
Cette oreillette fait trs bien le job.
La qualit sonore de l’oreillette est bonne. Les interlocuteurs sont compris facilement et distinctement et nous comprenent, galement, facilement.
L’ajout d’une mousse anti-pop l’entre du micro PTT serait apprciable.
Bon produit.
The PROMAXPOWER 2 Pin Radio Earpiece, compatible with Motorola CP040, DP1400, GP300, GP88, GP68, CT150, and other models, is a perfect addition to my two-way radio setup. The D-shape security earpiece with a PTT mic offers discreet communication and a hands-free experience. Particularly useful in noisy environments, it helps counter wind noise, ensuring clear and effective communication. The compatibility and functionality of this earpiece make it an essential accessory for anyone relying on two-way radios, enhancing communication efficiency and providing a reliable solution for various situations. PROMAXPOWER has crafted a quality earpiece for seamless communication in challenging conditions.
The earpiece conforms to description. I have pretty biggish ears but still the ear hook is comfortable as its very soft. The sound is OK but rather tinny and voices can get lost a bit with high ambient noise levels around you, generally OK for the current very reasonable price.
Connector fits some but not all of my talkies, the centres of the two pins is 8mm apart, check that is the correct spacing on your talkies sockets and you should be fine.
PTT switch is rubber buttoned but rather small and a bit stiff, might get a bit tiresome with high repetition usage, OK for general/light use.
Il set testato su un ricetrasmettitore PMR, con aggancio al padiglione auricolare, si presenta gradevole da portare, molto ben tollerato e in breve ci si scorda pure di averlo indosso. Ha caratteristica speculare,ossia pu essere portato all’orecchio destro o ribaltato a 180 nell’orecchio sinistro.
La riproduzione audio del mini-altoparlante ha timbrica leggermente plastificata,non propriamente naturale, molto buona per quando riguarda le voci femminili, un po’ meno per i timbri maschili. Ad uso vocale va bene, ma se si dovessero riprodurre suoni musicali non andrebbe affatto bene a causa degli scompensi a inizio e fine banda (nello specifico,taglia via le frequenze ultra-alte e quelle ultra-basse).
Dotato di clip a coccodrillo metallico piuttosto pratico,con buona stretta su camicia,giacca e/o maglietta, ha pulsante di trasmissione/ricezione proprio sulla clip: i primi minuti di uso sono un po’ confusi,la posizione del tastino da cliccare la si deve memorizzare un po’: la gommatura puntinata aiuta non poco ad individuarlo e centrarlo con le dita.
Il doppio connettore jack mono ha dimensioni generose ed robusto per colpi e strappi improvvisi: la capsula microfonica celata alla vista ed presente solo il classico forellino, bisogna ricordarsi di ‘clipparlo’ dirigendolo verso il viso e non verso l’esterno, pena un rimbombo ambientale. La clip metallica orientabile,ossia ruota verso il soffitto o verso il pavimento.
La capsula microfonica a condensatore riproduce fedelmente,tuttavia il grosso del lavoro lo svolge lo stadio preampli del trasmettitore che utilizzate: sta al cliente dosare il segnale per non saturare e distorcere,l’unit omnidirezionale della capsula non potr mai fare miracoli ma solo captare la voce umana a 20 cm. di distanza.
Qualche difficolt ci pu essere con persone deboli di udito: ad alto volume,la distorsione inizia ad essere preponderante nell’altoparlante e ci ostacola l’intelligibilit della comunicazione verbale:son casi rari e dipendono unicamente dall’utilizzatore e dall’et avanzata.
Sulla durata di guaine isolanti e siliconiche , specie se esposte al sole, non ho elementi d’analisi utili alla valutazione generale.
Se ne suggerisce l’utilizzo a chi lavora o guida con entrambe le mani,ricordando che se non si possiede la funzione vivavoce si ha l’obbligo di pressare sulla clip il PTT di trasmissione.
Cavo per ricetrasmittenti, molto comodo da usare in quanto consente di avere le mani libere durante l’uso della ricetrasmittente.
Ha un pratica e robusta clip che ne consente l’aggancio ad una cinghia o altro.
Il microfono integrato e l’auricolare assicurano una conversazione pulita.
l’aggancio dell’auricolare in gomma e si posiziona senza creare fastidi.
Il prezzo in linea con quanto fornito.
Ne consiglio l’acquisto a tutti i possessori di apparecchi ricetrasmittenti.
I would give 3 stars if I had paid a higher price for it cos the audio comes out very muffled, despise the poor quality it’s yet understandable. I picked it cos I didn’t want to expend money so I can’t expect it to sound like prime.
I like the way that it looks neat, the mic isn’t massive like other popular brands, it’s quite discreet and practical for not having excessive wires. For me It deserves 5 stars based on its price rage.
This PROMAXPOWER Walkie Talkie Earpiece works well. The earpiece has a flexible design where you can turn the ear bud 360 degrees, allowing you to use it in either ear. It also moves up and down so that you can position the ear bud exactly right for you. The ear bud doesn’t go inside your ear, it just sits in the entrance to your ear which allows you to hear what’s going on around you but still hear the walkie. There is a foam cover you can optionally apply to the ear bud.
There is a lapel clip with a PTT (press to talk) button which means you can operate the walkie without needing to get it out which is useful, especially if you have it underneath your jacket out of sight. The lapel clip itself rotates 360 degrees so that it’s very flexible when attaching it.
Note that you need to make sure this set is compatible with your walkie talkies since models vary with what headphones they will take. I have 3 sets of walkie talkies and this earpiece only fits one of them with the two pin jack type connector.
Overall this earpiece works as expected and seems good quality for the price.