TVON TV Stand on Wheels for 13-43 Inch TVs, Height

TVON TV Stand on Wheels for 13-43 Inch TVs

TVON TV Stand on Wheels for 13-43 Inch TVs, Height Adjustable Corner TV Stand Tall TV Floor Stand Portable Mobile TV Stand with Wheels Max.VESA 200x200mm,up to20kg,Black 


18 Responses

  1. CharlotLevine says:


    Installato molto velocemente….sembra robusto e perfetto per quello a cui mi serviva (portare un tv tra portico e altre parti di casa) ….
    Forse unica nota negativa che rimane un po basso il tv anche alla massima altezza bastavano 20 cm in pi….

    Facile e veloce

  2. MatildaSalo says:


    Pi di quanto mi aspettavo, veramente ben fatto, struttura in metallo robusta e stabile. In dotazione tutto il necessario per il montaggio comprese viti di diverse dimensioni per adattarle ai fori della TV. Io ho montato un TV da 32 pollici ma sicuramente,
    data la robustezza, in grado di reggere TV ben pi grandi. Certamente da consigliare.

  3. RJXPriscil says:


    Hallo Produzent und Lieferer! Die Qualitt ist sehr gut! Und das Zubehr fr die Montage auergewhnlich gut sortiert verpackt! Ihre Anleitung fr die Montage war sehr hilfreich, es hat gut funktioniert! Danke!

  4. DannyBeveridge says:


    Gute Qualitt, ein bisschen Wackelig (habe aber auch deinen sehr groen Fernseher aufgegangen), jedoch erfllt der Stnder zu 100% sein Ziel und Zweck. Bin sehr zufrieden! Wnschenswert wre noch eine kleine Ablage fr eine Box (Apple TV etc.), wer so etwas nicht braucht ist gut bedient mit dieser Wahl!

  5. DemetriaBurroug says:


    Quando vidi il prezzo drizzai le antenne ma quando lessi il peso di poco pi di 5 Kg mi smorzai immaginandolo un prodotto poco robusto, ma decisi comunque per l’acquisto.
    All’apertura della scatola rimasi sorpreso per l’accuratezza e l’ingegnosit dell’imballo ed immaginai che anche forma e dimensioni dell’oggetto fossero stati anche pensati per un imballo efficace.
    Nella confezione vi sono tutti i componenti e minuterie necessari per ogni forma di TV inclusi quelli curvi, e di posizionamento dei vari cavi.
    Fattura impeccabile, precisa, verniciatura goffrata, resistente e gradevole al tatto.
    Con sorpresa, stringendo anche forte le varie viti ho constatato la robustezza ed indeformabilit dell’acciaio.
    In dotazione una chiave a brugola ed una chiavetta fissa per i dadi. Per il montaggio occorre anche un cacciavite a stella non fornito ma sicuramente che tutti possediamo gi.
    Stabile, ruotine scorrevoli (le avevo comunque lubrificate con uno spray al teflon prima di montarle, cosa che consiglio di fare), con molte regolazione possibili.
    Un solo piccolo appunto non positivo va alla regolazione in altezza che sebbene sia sufficientemente ampia, per effettuarla occorre smontare e rimontare 4 viti e, se fosse necessario modificarla spesso, occorrerebbe un poco di pazienza

  6. AngelinKinsella says:


    Ich nutze den Stnder mit einem 27er Monitor fr Produkterklrungen. Ich blende dazu ein paar Bilder bzw eine Prsentation ein.
    Der Stnder lt sich super leicht zusammen bauen und hat die beste Anleitung fr den Zusammenbau, die ich je gesehen habe. Jede Art schrauben in einem einzelnen Folienfeld und beschriftet – also absolut Idiotensicher. Mega!

    Der Stnder selbst lt sich in der hher verstellen und hat einen Halter, an den man alle mgliche Monitore ran schrauben kann – sogar mit vielen Abstandhaltern und verschiedenen schrauben – also hier wurde an alles gedacht.

    Wer sowas sucht hat hier den perfekten Stnder. Sogar anstelle der Rder sind auch noch Standfe dabei, wenn der Stnder nicht gefahren, sondern nur stehen soll.
    Grandioses Preis-Leistungsverhltnis. Bin begeistert.

  7. BettyHardison says:


    Ottima soluzione per una camera piccola dove non c’era possibilita’ di mettere la tv su un mobile o a muro. Facilissimo da installare grazie alle istruzioni presenti e anche alla piccola chiave inglese e alla piccola brugola presenti nel kit di montaggio. Robusto e maneggevole.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersRobusto, elegante, facile da montare e da utilizzare, il tutto ad un prezzo veramente conveniente. Complessivamente un ottimo acquisto. Unica pecca, forse limitata al solo modello di TV in mio possesso: come si vede nella foto il mio televisore, un LG da 24″, presenta gli ingressi in un incasso sul retro in posizione quasi centrale e quindi a rischio di copertura da parte della piastra di supporto. Ora lo stand prevede questa eventualit fornendo dei distanziatori componibili che lasciano libero l’accesso agli ingressi, per le viti in dotazione non sono lunghe abbastanza per questi distanziatori e quindi sono stato costretto a procurarmene altre da solo.

    Ottimo prodotto ad un prezzo conveniente

  9. Jay says:

     United Kingdom

    I took a gamble on this as my TV is 49 inches but still has the correct mount dimensions (200×200) and was within the weight limit. Now I can tuck my TV away quite neatly when not in use. Love the 90 degree spin, not a lot of choice out there for that.
    Dead easy to put together and comes really well packaged. Feels quite secure on there. No complaints.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Grea

  10. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersOttimo stand, lo uso con soddisfazione anche con TV pi grandi di quelli indicati (attualmente ci ho messo un LG da 47 pollici) e non fa una piega.
    L’ho scelto per la necessit di utilizzare la TV come monitor sia in orizzontale che in verticale nel mio studio per riprese foto/video.
    Unico neo di un prodotto altrimenti perfetto, secondo me, il fatto che per poter alzare e abbassare la TV occorra svitare due viti, con una chiave a brugola da una parte e una pinza o una chiave inglese per tenere fermo il dado di fissaggio dall’altra. Avrei preferito un sistema di regolazione e di lock pi rapido, in modo da poter effettivamente variare l’altezza da solo senza farmi aiutare da qualcuno ogni volta.
    In tutta onest per non so quanti avranno questa mia stessa necessit, presumo che molti una volta fissata la TV la sposteranno di rado.
    Altro punto a favore del prodotto, oltre alle rotelle sono presenti anche dei piedini in gomma da montare in alternativa alle rotelle per tenere tutto fermo in maniera stabile su qualsiasi superficie.

  11. EzekielMichels says:

     United Kingdom

    I explored a universal TV stand designed to accommodate a range of TV sizes. Its adjustable height and rotation features offer flexibility in viewing angles. The choice between lockable casters and adjustable feet is a thoughtful addition, catering to different usage scenarios. The cable management system is a practical feature, helping maintain a tidy setup. Its installation process, while straightforward, requires some attention to detail. The stand’s overall stability and adaptability make it a sensible choice for those seeking a versatile TV mountingsolution.

  12. SallyWienholt says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a small TV at the end of my bed which I used to balance on my windowsill, but it was too messy and slightly too far from my bed to be comfortable, so I decided to get this stand so I could wheel it to the foot of my bed. It wasn’t too difficult to set up and I like that it was adjustable. I did find that because the wheels were gliding on carpet that it was a little difficult to maneouvre and I feel like the main handle would snap if I wheeled it too aggressively. However, it has been very useful and I am glad I bought it. Would recommend to anyone whose TV is in an awkward place.

  13. PorterDelossant says:


    Sono passate 2 settimane e per ora mi trovo benissimo. bello resistente e si muove senza problemi con le ruote in dotazione. L’unica cosa che credevo che si potesse ruotare finito l’assemblamento, invece puoi girarlo solo durante l’assemblamento mettendolo o in orizzontale o in verticale.
    Ma tutto sommato mi piace, un prodotto con un buon materiale.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This tv stand which has wheels it is really useful, especially for our office. Before I got this one, I checked to make sure it was the right size for the tv we use for presentations and putting it together was a simple process, I managed to do it all by myself and I found the stand to be both sturdy and stylish which is a nice bonus.

    The wheels on the stand are a big help because they let me move the tv to different spots in our office depending on where we are having our presentations. The wheels glide really smoothly even on wooden floors and It is so easy that sometimes I can just push the stand with the tv on it using one hand.

    The tv fits perfectly on the stand and it holds the it securely which is important for me and my colleagues. This stand has been exactly what me and my colleagues needed, it does its job well so I am pretty happy with how everything has worked out with it.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    For the smaller TVs out there, usually a TV stand or wall mounting is the standard option, but if you really need something like this then I cant recommend this enough.
    Its very easy to build, all parts constructed well and no issues with screw threads ect.
    Once put together its a solid bit of kit.
    TV is easy to put into it and it never feels like its going to topple over.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    You receive a well made TV stand which is suitable for most screens, from 13 inch to 43 inch.

    This type of stand is freestanding, it’s on wheels, I can see this being great in a classroom type environment, if at home, it’s easy to move for cleaning around it.

    The quality is very good, very solid, very easy to put together.

    This is a quality stand, ideal for the TV, a space for the laptop, which is ideal if connecting it to the TV.

    It’s not cheap but its very good quality, sturdy well made good looking stand

  17. IndiaSouth says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve used this for my PC monitor rather than a TV as I’ve been wanting to get a standing desk for a while. This so so easy to install the monitor too and it tilts if needed too! The monitor can also be rated 90 degrees too.
    It’s very sturdy and feels well made. A little fiddly to assemble but can be done independently

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersTVON TV Standon Wheels for 13-43 Inch TVs, Height Adjustable Corner TV Stand
    I’ve just finished putting this stand together. Easy to do and doesn’t take long.
    The manual is very clear and easy to follow, and includes a part checklist. Everything that should be supplied in the pack was as it should be.

    This is a long review – I’ve hopefully given some useful information.

    Where I mention TV, it is also suitable for mounting a monitor as long as the monitor has the suitable vesa mounting holes. I fitted a 24″ monitor to the stand.

    The stand has the option to fit casters so that it can be wheeled around, or feet if it is to remain in one place. Each foot height is adjustable, ideal if the stand is going to be on a slightly uneven surface.

    I chose to go for casters. Each caster can be locked in place, ideal if the stand is on a smooth surface. The casters came locked position.

    The stand
    The stand consists of six main components that have to be assembled – two sides and a cross piece for the base, and three poles for the support.
    The bottom pole is fixed to the base and held in place with bolts.
    The middle pole is coupled to the bottom pole by means of a bolted on collar, and the bottom of the top pole fits into the top of the middle pole, held in place by two bolts. The height is adjusted according to what part of the top pole the bolts pass through.

    Prefixed to the top of the pole is the support for the vesa plate.

    Vesa plate
    A TV normally has bolt holes on the back, usually four in the form of a square. The bigger the TV, the wider the gap between the holes. Likewise, the thickness of the bolt holes can vary. These holes may be referred to as vesa mounting holes and are used to fix the TV to a stand or mounting.

    The stand comes with a vesa plate which mounts to the back of the TV. This then hooks onto the pole support where it is then held firmly in place by two silver bolts.
    The plate is big at 23 x 23cm and has mounting holes at positions suitable for vesa hole spacing between 75 and 200mm, plus 200 x 100mm. My 24″ monitor has 75mm spacing.

    Mounting the TV
    Various size bolts are provided to mount the plate. Spacers are also provided that can be fitted between the plate and the back of the TV if required so that there is a gap between the plate and the back of the TV. I used the large spacers when mounting my monitor because I needed to allow easier access to the sockets at the back of the monitor.

    DO NOT try and force the bolt further than it will go, or this may damage the TV. If the bolt sticks out after mounting the plate, then fit a spaer(s) between the plate and the TV as necessary.

    Thy bolts all need an alan key (supplied). Personally, I always find alan keys fiddly to use. I prefer to use a suitable size ratchet screwdriver (short one if tight for space) and the equivalent alan key type bit. The bit size is 5/32. Most screwdriver / bit sets come with this size.

    When fixing the caster on, do not expect to tighten the caster by rotating the caster. Casters are meant to freely rotate in any direction, so that will not work! The castor should be tightened by using the supplied spanner. This can be a bit fiddly. It may be easier to try and tighten the nut as much as you can by hand, then finish it off with the spanner.

    Tighten the post join bolts by holding the nut in place with the spanner whilst tightening the bolt. If the night isn’t tightened fully, the pole may have a slight wobble.

    Pole hook for vesa plate. The vesa plate hooks over the ends of the two silver bolts on the top of the pole bracket. These bolts are NOT meant to be tightened. The two short silver bolts supplied (D) should then be used to secure the plate to the bracket.

    The TV can be rotated 90 degrees (this position would probably only be used for a monitor). You have to rotate by rotating the TV. It can be a bit stiff. If the TV dousn’t look quite level after mounting, you may need to rotate it slightly/
    Make sure that you hold the TV in such a way that it doesn’t get damaged while doing to. Make sure you don’t start to bend / flex the screen in the process!

    The TV can be tilted up / down. The supplied large black thumbscrew fits in the back of the vesa support bracket at the top of the pole (at the back, in the hole above the up arrow). Once the TV is in the tilt position you want, tighten the thumbscrew to hold it in that position.