Shakti Premium Acupressure Mat Black Level 1, Sustainable

Shakti Premium Acupressure Mat Black Level 1

Shakti Premium Acupressure Mat Black Level 1, Sustainable & Durable, Relieves Stress & Tension, Promotes Relaxation & Focus, Ethically Handcrafted Acupuncture Mat in India, Organic Cotton Certified

From the brand

ShaktiMat craftspeopleShaktiMat designShaktiMat charityShaktiMat sustainabilityShakti Premium Acupressure Pillow Jaipur Level 1, Sustainable & Durable, Relieves Stress & Tensio...Shakti Premium Acupressure Pillow Chai Level 1, Sustainable & Durable, Relieves Stress & Tension,...

Pair your mat with a pillow

Weight: 0.63 Kilograms
Brand: ShaktiMat
Origin: India

29 Responses

  1. Kim Wong-Shing says:


    Die Shaktimat ist gut verarbeitet und schn gestaltet – Farbe (in meinem Fall grn) und Aufdruck sind optisch ansprechend. Aber vor allem wirkt das mit der Akupressur sehr gut: Durchblutend und entspannend. Die Shaktimat ist ein richtiges Wohlfhl-Utensil zum Wellness-Selbermachen!!

  2. Tanaya Tak says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersDiese Matte ist fantastisch. Ich habe hin und her berlegt diese oder eine gnstigere. Ich bin froh mich fr diese entschieden zu haben, die Qualitt ist super, die Matte ist etwas dicker als andere, weich und qualitativ hochwertig. Hinzu kommt ein gutes Gefhl Frauen in Indien vernnftig zu bezahlen von daher finde ich den Preis angemessen. Zum nutzen kann ich sagen , es tut erstmal weh, nach 2-3 Minuten ist es okay, ich bin auch schon darauf eingeschlafen. Ich fhle mich entspannt. Ich benutze sie fr den Rcken und auch fr die Fe. Jeweils 20-30 Minuten. Super kann ich tatschlich empfehlen. Danke

  3. Gia Liu says:


    So good. Start with a light material shirt but have now stepped up to straight skin. You need to focus at the start but once you get through the first few minutes of discomfort it fades away and feels amazing. Stick it out to gain the rewards.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersMy hubby kept mentioning this type of acupressure mat as a means for us to relax and try at home. He is a physiotherapist and always looking for ways to be proactive with his body. This mat has not disappointed. I got him the level one and it works great. He tried it, then I tried, then all my friends have tried. Once you get beyond the first few minutes of it being uncomfortable it’s oddly relaxing and brings a lot of blood flow to the areas it’s laying pressure to. I’m VERY satisfied and we use it almost daily.

  5. FreemanV14 says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIl faut aller voir le site pour connaitre le principe des coussins d’acuponcture… on aime ou on aime pas ! on y croit ou on n’y croit pas ! Le produit est conforme la description et de trs bonne qualit ! les picots sont dur… et quand on prend appuie pour ce relever… on sent que le plastique est trs costaud et trs piquant !

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI slipped on some stairs and hurt my back so I’ve been using it for that and it has helped a lot – it has reduced the dull pain that I was feeling on a daily basis. It’s a tad uncomfortable when you first start (like it says) but then the warmth comes and you just relax – I like to do it while watching a tv show or movie. Level one was perfect for starting out. Gets the job done!

  7. Lavonne Treskatsch says:

     United Kingdom

    Made the mistake of buying a cheap replica, well the spikes aren’t sharp enough on the replica but the shakti mat is a lot sharper & reading this you probably think that’s a bad thing but it isn’t. Shakti really is the best on quality. Wish they sold a level 3 on Amazon though. Shakti if your reading this please will you sell level 3 mat & pillow on here please?

  8. Producer says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve left a little while to write this review. Now while it takes a little getting used to its incredible, it’s now a part of my night time routine and my back is feeling so much better. I’m ready to level up!

  9. Jan Mercker says:

     United Kingdom

    I asked for this from my hubby for Christmas after watching the ad, which popped up on Instagram. As with everything, I did my own research away from social media and all feedback is positive, including mine….

    I have an extremely high pain threshold so wasn’t particularly nervous. When you first lie on it, it’s fine, then it starts to hurt as your weight relaxes onto the spikes. After a minute or so, it starts to subside, warm up and then your back is just one giant throb! It’s insane. I could barely hold a thought in my head. First time I did 5 mins. Today I did half an hour and that was with hugging my knees to my chest to increase the impact. Afterwards, I was in a total stupor and I’m still completely zen 3 hours later.

    A fabulous mindfulness/meditation tool, highly recommended. I’ve already decided which colour I’m getting for level 2

    5.0 out of 5 stars A natural relaxation method

  10. Luke Lancaster says:

     United Kingdom

    Heard about this via work (as part of self care in the role I wrk in) I already meditate but this has been a game changer. It focuses the mind (I went in for the full 20 mins lying on a bare back straight away but that’s not everyone) and has definitely improved my very poor sleep.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I came across an epic Instagram and, given my interest in mindfulness, decided to give it a shot. The Shakti mat arrived in the afternoon, I laid it out on the laminate floor, stripped off my shirt, and dived right in. Initially, the spikes were moderately/severely uncomfortable, but not quite painful. Confirming what the video had indicated, I felt like getting off the mat as I thought I was bleeding. After a few minutes, the initial discomfort subsided, and I sensed my body submitting, allowing me to fully commit my weight to the mat.

    With a bit more time, my back warmed up, and the fists I made loosened and my shoulders relaxed onto the mat. Resistance faded away, and I found myself breathing deeply, entering a state of profound meditation. I observed what appeared to be a bee on a flower gathering pollen, saw the outline of a naked woman with curves, and envisioned a vivid green oil painting of trees/bushes with red fruits. Notably, I also experienced an itchy nose! I After my alarm rang (20 minutes), I got onto my bed and drifted off into a nap with drool on my pillow before realising I was still working from home and promptly logged back on 😀

    As someone inherently mindful and creative, this experience elevated those qualities to the next level. I look forward to my next session tomorrow . A valuable tip is to refrain from any movement once you lie down, as the sensation of the spikes is in the background at all times, and any movement can intensify the moderate/severe discomfort. Listening to meditation music enhances the overall zen ambiance.

    Despite the higher cost, I didn’t mind investing in the Shakti mat, as I’m enthusiastic about supporting its ethical production practices and contributions to local charities. The Yogis were right, you can’t enjoy pleasure without some pain.

  12. Stephanie Osborn says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI purchased the level 2 and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I adjusted to it. Don’t get me wrong, it is uncomfortable initially, but the benefits really do outweigh the temporary feeling as you adjust. The first few minutes are the most intense in terms of stinging, but after that, it gets less until you feel super relaxed it’s almost meditative. Deep breath work is key. Your mind just melts away all thought as you enjoy the feeling of being inside of your body!

    I look forward to getting on my mat each night. I use it on my bed before I go to sleep. So far I’ve managed an hour. It’s such an amazing wellness tool, I can’t recommend it enough. I’m going to purchase the pillow for my neck, as the mat doesn’t go as far as the shoulders. You can even take it away with you as it easily folds into a case or bag.

  13. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersLa ShaktiMat se presenta como una autntica revolucin en el mundo del bienestar y la relajacin. Al principio, puede ser un poco intimidante con sus puntos de acupresin, pero tras algunos minutos, uno puede sentir cmo la tensin y el estrs comienzan a disiparse.

    Su diseo, inspirado en las antiguas prcticas de acupresin, parece estar bien pensado, brindando una distribucin uniforme de puntos que permite abordar eficazmente zonas clave del cuerpo. Los materiales empleados son de alta calidad, lo que garantiza una experiencia duradera y cmoda.

    Aunque al principio puede requerir un periodo de adaptacin para quienes no estn familiarizados con este tipo de terapias, rpidamente se perciben los beneficios. Desde mejorar la circulacin hasta ayudar con el insomnio, esta esterilla se convierte en un aliado imprescindible en las rutinas diarias de relajacin.

    Uno de sus puntos fuertes es la facilidad de uso, ya que simplemente se necesita un lugar tranquilo y unos minutos al da para empezar a notar los beneficios.

    En resumen, la ShaktiMat combina tradicin y diseo moderno para ofrecer una herramienta poderosa en la bsqueda del bienestar. Altamente recomendada.

    5/5 estrellas.

  14. TeganReayn says:

     United Kingdom

    I bought the Level 1 Shakti mat and neck pillow, as recommended for a first time user. I have swiftly ordered a return and purchased Level 2 instead, as personally I found it to be entirely relaxing and comfortable straight away.

    Maybe I’m a glutton for pain? I don’t know, but I have pushed it as far as I could with having my 69kg partner lie on top of me whilst on the mat, and only that brought the sensation that I was expecting to get from it initially. So, I’ll report back once I’ve had a try of the Level 2, and see if I eat my words!

    All in all though, despite the mat not being quite painful enough for me presently, I thoroughly enjoyed the relaxing sensations it brings, and it’s perfect for a midday pick me up whilst working from home. It definitely kicks your mind back into gear!

    Very much looking forward to my ongoing Shakti journey!

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAs a first-time user of the Shakti Mat, I’m genuinely amazed by the incredible benefits I’ve experienced in such a short time. It was easy to get accustomed to and has quickly become an essential part of my daily relaxation routine. Not only has it helped alleviate physical tension, but I also find myself more centered and at peace after each use. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their well-being in a holistic manner. A truly transformative product!

  16.  United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 35 From Our UsersShould come with a health warning that going from level 1 to level 3 will initially feel like a form of medieval torture. I’ve used a level 1 Shakti Mat for a while and got to the point where it felt weirdly comfortable and even the dog didn’t mind it! So, saw the level 3 mat and thought let’s cut the middle mat out and just go all in, how much more ‘spiky’ could it be!

    So to clarify, the first time I used the level 3, I couldn’t see for 5 minutes due to my eyes streaming, and not could I talk due to my clenched teeth. The accompanying burning sensation felt like someone had applied copious amounts of tiger balm and deepheat then dried it with a blowtorch.

    But, after 5 minutes of seeing ‘Jesus’, that sensation subsides and the relaxing feeling is amazing and my quality of sleep has improved since using it. Much like eating hot curries the I tail pain is felt twice, once when you get on and secondly when you try to peel yourself off it, other than that, amazing product, worth the extra money and supper relaxing once you get used to it.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersNot used as much as I would like but love this. At first you think oh blimey that’s uncomfortable but the more you lay on it the more acceptable it becomes, actually fell sleep. Try it on your bed it’s a bit more forgiving. Great quality, rolls away easy ( I should have bough the neck pillow too) I bought the black one which was a great choice

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have had mine for a long time now.
    Takes perseverance and time to build up resilience. But once you do it’s worth it.
    One of my friends actually falls asleep for hours on his.
    I usually do an hour when I wake up early in bed and read my book
    Fab for any aches and pains.

  19. DanielleNewby says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersJe note 5 ce petit “tapis” … En effet c’est trs dsagrable et douloureux les 5 premires minutes mais apres on ne le sent quasiment plus et le rsultat est vraiment la.
    J’ai dormi toute la nuit sans tre rveill par des douleurs au niveau des lombaires.

    Pour commencer j’ai uniquement expose la peau au niveau de la moitie basse du dos et le haut avait un t shirt.

    Concernant le prix … J’avais test des tapis no name a 20 et c’tait insurportable donc il y a peut etre moins cher et efficace mais au moins je sais que celui me convient.

  20. Jay says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersGreat product, well made, amazing values abs mission as a business. Just getting used to it but managed 20 mins with bare skin on day one, slept like a baby looking forward to continuing with it. Be warned, it’s sharp! It’s a challenging practice but doable I think..

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersI’ll be honest and say I scoffed at this, getting targeted on wrong was I.

    This is incredible for relaxation, both physically and mentally. I opted to go in with the highest level, purely due to not wanting to have to buy another in the future.

    The first 3 sessions were toughI wanted to get off after 30 seconds. Once you ride through that discomfort it’s really incredible.

    I can compare this to having an amazing deep tissue massage. Wonderful before sleep or any time in the day when you want to switch off and relax

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWas expecting this to be more uncomfortable, based on reviews saying the first 5 minutes can be sore. I’ve only found it relaxing from the outset. Pointy, but in a good way. Tempted to get the level 2 or 3 now! Wanted it for my back. So heating and soothing. It came with a name tag for the Indian lady that crafted it, and a QR barcode to learn more. I’m really impressed.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersI cannot praise this self help mat enough, everyone should have 1 of these in their homes. It’s just as good if not better than a salon/spa therapeutic treatment. I go for acupuncture by a professional for anxiety and another chronic condition , I’ve been going for almost 2 years and I use the Shakti mat at home between the visits. I love that at home I use my mat, can turn off the lights and listen to some tibetian flute music , cover with a blanket and within minutes I can feel my anxiety just melt away and my breathing is markedly slower and rhythmic. Go straight to bed afterwards , get off to sleep in minutes. My best purchase of 2023 for sure !

  24. Brad Bourque says:

     United Kingdom

    Just get it works, I got it to ease the fibromyalgia and has also helped my slipped disc, sciatica and a hip burtis!! Had some relief after 1 week with the matt. Pillow is excellent too!!

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ok I’ve only tried it once but I love it! I put on a 10 minute guided meditation as I thought it would help with the initial pain and I had to do another 10 minutes as I enjoyed the sensation so much! Can’t wait for tomorrow! So relaxing! It’s not painful, but interesting! Really great purchase!! I’m just hoping it helps with my stress and sleep

  26. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersWell the first experience was painful, let’s be honest. Considering how much I had invested in the mat I was determined to persevere. First attempt was 2-3 mins of wondering what if bought into.
    I did some more reading and video watching and the second attempt was 10 mins, the first 5 mins are the worst then as you breathe and relax it’s far less uncomfortable and then you feel no pain just heat and tingles.
    Third and fourth were 30 mins and discomfort was a minute or so.
    My tips are: place it on bed. Use it at night before sleep, put mobile on silent. I used headphones and listened Tubular Bells or Vangelis and concentrated on breathing. Try to get comfortable at the outset, wriggling into new position hurts.
    I sleep better and my pain threshold increased. Next purchase in the neck pillow.
    Breathe. Relax and enjoy.

    4.0 out of 5 stars It gets better.

  27. KarlO42gywkk says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersDifficult to measure stars on comfort and pain relief when you’re deliberately lay on a bed of spikes!
    I was recommended this by my brother who has used it every night for nearly 2 weeks and am so glad I purchased.
    The stages you go through mentioned on the Shakti website/literature when using are accurate, yes the spikes are sharp but wow with controlled breathing and a couple of minutes to regulate and deep breathe you don’t really feel them.

    I found the whole experience amazing and fell asleep whilst on it for over 20 mins, coming around with a fully relaxed feeling and had a great nights unbroken sleep 🙂

  28. Sarah Szczypinski says:

     United Kingdom

    Grateful for the quality of the product and it’s strong ethical creation. Used every night since purchased with a huge relief to shoulder tension experienced after first use and continuing.

  29. Dan Graziano says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersWas a bit sceptical about paying the price for the original mat, but now find i fall a sleep for over 45mins totally relaxed and feeling the pressure points being treated. I suffer with lower back pain and muscle ache in neck and shoulder, i find this helps with treating the issues. It will take time for me to fully recover I hope, but using alternative treatment does help.