KKSB Raspberry Pi 5 Case – Space for Official Raspberry Pi

KKSB Raspberry Pi 5 Case - Space for Official Raspberry Pi Active Cooler

KKSB Raspberry Pi 5 Case – Space for Official Raspberry Pi Active Cooler, HATs, and Addon Boards

KKSB Raspberry Pi 5 Case – Space for Official Raspberry Pi Active Cooler, HATs, and Addons

Raspberry Pi 5 CaseRaspberry Pi 5 CaseRaspberry Pi 5 CaseRaspberry Pi 5 Case

Some Examples of Possible Applications

  • Home Automation Systems: Ideal for housing Raspberry Pi setups dedicated to smart home applications, ensuring organized and secure placement.
  • Educational Projects: Suitable for educational initiatives, providing a protected environment for Raspberry Pi setups used in coding and programming lessons.
  • Media Centers: Perfect for creating compact media centers, allowing users to efficiently organize entertainment systems with Raspberry Pi configurations.
  • IoT Prototyping: A fitting choice for IoT enthusiasts and developers seeking a reliable housing solution for their Raspberry Pi setups in prototyping endeavors.
  • Server Configurations: Apt for server setups due to its efficient ventilation and adaptable design, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.


Compatibility Raspberry Pi 5
Material Aluminium
Surface Treatment Sandblasted – Anodised, Black
Compatible Accessories Compatible with KKSB DIN Rail Clip – Space for Raspberry Pi HATs, Addons, and Official Raspberry Pi Active Cooler (These Accessories are Not Included)
Raspberry Pi 5 Case

Raspberry Pi 5, DIN Rail Clip, Heatsink, and Addons are NOT included.

Items Included:

  • KKSB Case
  • 40-Pin Stackable Header
  • Rubber Feet
  • Fasteners

6 Responses

  1. JonathoCanter says:

     United States

    There aren’t a lot of options when looking for metal cases with room for more than one hat. This case has plenty of space for two hats with a cooler. I was able to get the official Raspberry Pi cooler, a Geekworm SSD hat and a Adafruit GPS hat installed in the case, but it wasn’t easy. Since you can’t get a screwdriver in the case once you have more than one hat installed you have to build the stack outside the case and then gently bend the thin metal to get everything in to the case. To secure it I ordered an assortment of M2.5 screws and installed the screws from the bottom of the case. If the top of the case split in the same way the bottom of the case does it would be significantly easier to get everything installed.

    There aren't a lot of options when looking for metal cases with room for more than one hat. This case has plenty of space for two hats with a cooler. I was able to get the official Raspberry Pi cooler, a Geekworm SSD hat and a Adafruit GPS hat installed in the case, but it wasn't easy. Since you can't get a screwdriver in the case once you have more than one hat installed you have to build the stack outside the case and then gently bend the thin metal to get everything in to the case. To secure it I ordered an assortment of M2.5 screws and installed the screws from the bottom of the case. If the top of the case split in the same way the bottom of the case does it would be significantly easier to get everything installed.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Il case ben fatto e solito, segnalo solo che una delle 4 viti molto complicata da avvitare perch completamente ostruita dalla scheda madre e dal case stesso. Alla fine c’ho rinunciato.

    UPDATE: aggiungo anche che per montare il Raspberry insieme anche ad un hat di espansione, dovrete comprare delle viti pi lunghe (M2,5 x 10 mm) perch quelle in dotazione non sono sufficienti nel caso dobbiate usare anche i distanziatori per montare l’hat.

  3. DarleneLemon says:


    A construo da caixa bastante slida, bastante espao para usar active cooling e outros acessrios.

    nico ponto negativo encontrado est na fixao, visto necessitar de uma uma chave bem pequeno por causa da altura reduzida. Tirando isso nada a apontar.

    Barata e Sólida

  4. Chris Cooke says:

     United Kingdom

    Nice and solid little case and does what it should. A bit confused why it has two holes in the top near the front edge, these seem to line up with some on the bottom so perhaps for stacking them… but surely there should then be some on the rear of the case too? Anyway it is a nice little case

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It’s true I had another case for my raspberry pi I ordered it’s from the same manufacturer I believe and the metal on that one is at least three times as thick I mean you could park a car on the raspberry pi case. The purpose of a case is to protect the item inside of it I think this would do fine but if you dropped a book on it or something like a dictionary I don’t know that it would withstand.

  6. Anonymous says:


    I like the cutoff for the power button and it works very good actually. A lot of space for extra NVME base or extra fan. It takes time to fit the nvme base and nvme SSD in this case but it is possible.