HSU Aluminum Twin Camera Mount for GoPro, Longer Dual

HSU Aluminum Twin Camera Mount for GoPro

HSU Aluminum Twin Camera Mount for GoPro, Longer Dual Adapter Work for GoPro with Media Mod Frame or Waterproof Housing

gopro dual mountgopro dual adaptergopro dual mount

Standard 1/4″ Thread Hole

  • The three holes in the middle of the bracket are 1/4″ threaded and can be used with extension rod-like magic arms.

  1. gopro dual mount
  2. gopro dual mount

HSU High Quality Camera Mount for GoPro Action Cameras

gopro twin adapter

Dual Twin Adapter

gopro vertical mount

Vertical Mount

Cold Shoe Adapter

Cold Shoe Adapter

gopro tripod mount

Tripod Adapter

Magnetic Mount

Magnetic Mount

Bike Mount

Handlebar Mount

extension arm

Extension Arm

Customer Reviews 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 3.5 out of 5 stars 32 4.6 out of 5 stars 56 4.7 out of 5 stars 941 4.7 out of 5 stars 9 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,818 4.5 out of 5 stars 506
Price £12.99£11.99£9.99£9.99£18.99£15.99£12.99
Key Function Dual Adapter Mount Vertical Mount Cold Shoe Interface Tripod Mount Magnetic Mount Handlebar Mount Extension Arm
Come with Thumbscrew
Material Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy
for All GoPro Action Cameras

6 Responses

  1. Joan E. Solsman says:


    Bellissimo supporto in alluminio con viti, brugola e rondellina in gomma.
    Il supporto semplice perch si possono inserire 2 Action Cam + ci sono 3 fori filettati per poterci fissare microfoni o ulteriori supporti, telecamere o Action Cam.
    La distanza perfetta per inserirci 2 GoPro senza problemi e nel mio ultimo utilizzo ho optato per una Hero 11 e Insta360 OneRS.
    Utilizzo perfetto, supporto di qualit in alluminio (indistruttibile) e molteplici possibilit d’utilizzo. Non solo per varie comparative ma anche per lavoro.
    Prezzo abbordabile di 17 con un ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo.

    Mi serviva un supporto simile per varie comparative

  2. JuanitaBouton says:


    Questo supporto pi lungo consente di installare accanto due cam dotate di custodia subacquea (o altra custodia ingombrante) o di media mod.
    Il problema sempre lo spazio e la distanza tra i dispositivi: con questo supporto in ottimo alluminio, si risolve in un batter d’occhio il problema.
    Dalla foto si pu anche evincere la differenza con il supporto “fratello” per l’installazione delle cam senza cover ingombranti.
    Un accessorio/moltiplicatore che serve nella dotazione individuale. Ad un prezzo vantaggioso.

    Un supporto utilissimo per collocare la GoPro e altre cam sulla moto

  3. Jacqui says:


    Diese HSU Doppelhalterung ist von ausgezeichneter Qualitt. “Flgelschrauben” anstatt der beiliegenden Schrauben mit Sechskantschlssel htte ich mir vielleicht noch gewnscht, da man gerade Gopro und Co. doch recht oft abnimmt.
    Diese Halterung hat “viel Platz”, das heit, die beiden Action-Cams sitzen recht weit auseinnander.
    Besonders gut finde ich die 3 1/4 Zoll Schraubaufnahmen, was die Halterung nochmals deutlich praktischer macht, da man auch andere Gerte montieren kann.
    Sehr gut.


  4. Anonymous says:


    Man kann so an einer Halterung zwei Aktioncams anbringen, wobei zum Beispiel eine nach vorne und eine nach hinten zeigt. Natrlich eignet sich das auch super fr den Vergleich von zwei Kameras, in dem man wirklich genau das gleiche filmt. Ich persnlich nutze den Doppelarm nun fr die Befestigung einer Beleuchtung, welche ebenfalls eine Actioncam Halterung hat.

    Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist wirklich super und das ganze rmchen ist extrem stabil gearbeitet. Was mir nicht so gut gefllt sind die beiliegenden Schrauben. Natrlich kann man so eine Platzsparende Befestigung machen, weil der Schraubenkopf nicht heraussteht, allerdings braucht man so halt auch immer Werkzeug. Ich hatte gedacht die Schrauben passen fr die 3 Schraubenlcher auf der Platte zur Befestigung anderen Zubehrs. In Deutschland bekommt man einzelne 1/4 Zoll Schrauben zwar auch in einigen Baumrkten, diese sind aber immer recht teuer.

    Ansonsten aber solide Platte, die garantiert ein ganzes Leben lang hlt.

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a good few items from HSU. I like the design and quality – always simple but all-metal, very sturdy and lightweight.

    I actually have a dual mount by HSU already, but a shorter one – 3.5″, while this one is 4.6″. Does it make a difference? Quite a big one.
    The old mount was all about space saving. You were able to fit two GoPro models next to each other, but if you wanted even one of them in a waterproof case (or any case really, even the silicone one), there was no chance. Similar with mounting many GoPro/fill light sets.
    Here you have plenty of room. Even with both cameras in a thick waterproof case, there’s ample space left. You can make all sorts of mixes of equipment and the majority will fit.
    On top you have the addition of 3 ” – 20 screw threaded holes for mounting even more gadgets.
    The set comes with screws, well, regular screws, not the typical action camera ones. Not sure why (is it about space saving again???). You also get an allen key to securely screw them in. I think I’ll use the typical screws, got plenty.

    Price wise it’s 3 more than the shorter adapter (which came with regular screws too) and at 13 I’m happy with good value for money. I can now customize my sets better, without worrying about any lack of space. Definitely worth recommending.

    Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Lots of space for most action cameras in cases or other combos, good quality and price

  6. DanelleLoving says:

     United Kingdom

    Arriving in a easy to recycle small cardboard box, this product works exactly as described. It holds 2 action cameras side by side absolutely perfectly. Or, with the addition of suitable fittings, I could use it hold stuff like RGB lights, flashes or microphones.

    It’s also well made from solid aluminum, so it’s nice and light.
    Light and strong enough to throw in a bag and not worry about.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Works perfectly