FDTEK Universal Travel Adapter with 2 USB C and 2 USB A

FDTEK Universal Travel Adapter with 2 USB C and 2 USB A Ports, Universal AC Socket International Travel Adapter- all in One Travel Plug Adapter Worldwide UK to EU USA AU CN 200 + Countries

FDTEK Universal Travel Adapter with 2 USB C and 2 USB A Ports, Universal AC Socket International Travel Adapter- all in One Travel Plug Adapter Worldwide UK to EU USA AU CN 200 + Countries
Der FDTEK 5-in-1 Reiseadapter ist ein absolutes Must-Have fr jede Reise! Mit zwei USB-A und zwei USB-C Anschlssen sowie einer AC-Steckdose deckt er alle meine Ladebedrfnisse ab. Er funktioniert in ber 200 Lndern — von Deutschland ber die USA bis Italien — und ist somit perfekt fr weltweite Reisen. Die kompakte Bauweise und das durchdachte Design ermglichen eine einfache Handhabung und Aufbewahrung. Die stabile Bauqualitt und die zuverlssige Leistung haben mich beeindruckt. Der Adapter ist nicht nur vielseitig, sondern auch sicher und praktisch. Klare Empfehlung fr alle, die viel unterwegs sind und einen verlsslichen Adapter suchen!
Ich habe den Reiseadapter fr Auslandsurlaub und Geschftsreisen (weltweit) bestellt. Hier sind meine Eindrcke:
1. Vielseitige Anschlussmglichkeiten:
Der Reiseadapter bietet 2 USB-A, 2 USB-C und 1 AC Steckdose. Das ermglicht das gleichzeitige Laden von bis zu fnf Gerten, was besonders praktisch ist, wenn man mit mehreren elektronischen Gerten unterwegs ist.
2. Kompatibilitt mit ber 200 Lndern:
Dieser Reiseadapter ist wirklich ein Universaladapter. Er deckt ber 200 Lnder ab, darunter beliebte Reiseziele wie Grobritannien, Italien, die USA und Australien. Egal wohin man reist, dieser Adapter ist ein zuverlssiger Begleiter.
3. Kompaktes Design:
Trotz der vielen Anschlussmglichkeiten ist der Adapter kompakt und leicht. Er passt problemlos in jedes Reisegepck und nimmt nur wenig Platz ein. Das Design ist praktisch fr Reisende, die viel unterwegs sind.
4. Laden ber USB-Anschlsse:
Die USB-C-und USB-A Anschlsse untersttzen solides Laden, was besonders fr viele Smartphones und Tablets wichtig ist. Ganz Wichtig ist hier dennoch zu wissen, dass der Adapter kein schnelles Laden (PD-Fast Charging) ber seine USB Anschlsse untersttzt und somit leider nicht fr grere Equipments wie Laptop, etc. geeignet ist.
5. Robuste Verarbeitung:
Der Adapter macht einen hochwertigen und robusten Eindruck. Er fhlt sich stabil an und scheint fr den hufigen Gebrauch gut geeignet zu sein. Die Stecker sitzen fest und sicher, was ein wichtiger Aspekt fr die Sicherheit ist.
6. Einfache Handhabung:
Die Bedienung des Adapters ist intuitiv und unkompliziert. Die verschiedenen Stecker lassen sich leicht ausklappen und wieder verstauen. Die klaren Symbole und Beschriftungen erleichtern die Auswahl des richtigen Steckers.
7. Auch fr auslndische Stecker geeignet
Der Adapter hat noch den Vorteil, dass man die auslndischen Anschlsse in Deutschland (oder woanders) ebenfalls benutzen kann. D.h. wenn man z.B. Besuch aus den USA oder UK bekommt und dieser Elektrogerte mit US/UK-Stecker dabei hat, kann er mit diesem Adapter seine Gerte auch in Deutschland benutzen
Der Reiseadapter ist ein unverzichtbares Zubehr fr jeden Reisenden. Er bietet eine Vielzahl von Anschlussmglichkeiten, eine breite Lnderabdeckung und USB Laden in einem kompakten und robusten Design. Besonders die Mglichkeit, mehrere Gerte gleichzeitig aufzuladen, ist ein groer Vorteil. Ich bin mit der Leistung und Qualitt dieses Adapters sehr zufrieden und kann ihn jedem empfehlen, der viel reist und eine zuverlssige Lsung fr seine Ladeanforderungen sucht.
This compact travel charger is great for if you’re travelling to hotels etc as it offers an all in one solution where you can take it, plug it in, and not just plug something in but also connect your USB devices to charge.
I use it when travelling abroad as it comes with UK plug US plug and European plug settings – you just slide out what plug you want or need. The sliders are really tight at first before you’ve used them a few times though
You can then connect your devices into the USB ports on the top. There are two USB-C and two older USB-A connections which is great
It can charge up to 20W if you need something charged quickly, otherwise do as I do and connect your devices last thing and night and charge overnight whilst you sleep.
It even comes with a little travel case (I dont’ really use these but it’s good to have anyway)
Si tratta di un adattatore da viaggio universale, solido e compatto. Ha un meccanismo per cui il connetore elettrico da usare viene fatto scorrere e, una volta fuori, un meccanismo ad incastro ne evita il ritrarsi. Un pulsante laterale, una volta premuto, consente il ritrarsi del connettore. dotato di due porte usb-a e due porte usb-c che permettono la ricarica di vari dispositivi (ma non e’ un fast charger); vi inoltre un fusibile per evitare sovraccarichi (e anche un fusibile di ricambio). Di dimensioni ridotte, pu essere portato ovunque, diventando un valido supporto per chi viaggia spesso; anzi, andrebbe lasciato in valigia. Il costo abbordabile lo rende interessante.
Tuttavia, ci sono due cose da sottolineare prima di acquistare questo prodotto. Per prima cosa, manca un connettore schuko, sia in ingresso che in uscita (cosa giustificabile, considerato che non deve essere usato con apparecchi di elevata potenza). Secondo, l’uso limitato ad apparecchi di non elevata potenza: circa 1840W con corrente 230V e 880W con corrente 110V (come dichiarato nelle istruzioni, che sono anche in italiano). Ad esempio, un asciugacapelli farebbe saltare il fusibile. Come detto, il prodotto fornito con un fusibile di ricambio da 8A da 10 mm, ma andrebbe vista la reperibilit di tali fusibili. Terzo, l’adattatore non ha una messa a terra per gli apparecchi ad esso collegati, cosa che va valutata a fronte della limitazione di potenza sostenibile dall’adattatore.
Detto questo, si tratta comunque di un oggetto valido e onesto, che potrebbe essere tenuto come soluzione alternativa nel kit del viaggiatore.
Ho ordinato questo adattatore in vista di un viaggio in Giappone (ci sono anche le prese per quello).
A differenza di altri adattatori, di sicuro ha molte opzioni e si presta ad un utilizzo in molti paesi del mondo.
Ho provato a smanettare con i meccanismi a molla e sembrano reattivi e resistenti: quanto dureranno effettivamente si vedr, magari ritorner sulla recensione per qualche update.
Se proprio devo trovare una pecca, se di pecca si tratta, comunque la sua voluminosit (penso necessaria, per, se si vogliono avere tutte queste opzioni). Pensavo fosse importante rimarcarlo in quanto comunque un oggetto che ci si porta dietro in valigia.
I have just used this on a trip to Czech, it worked perfectly and it’s very versatile with plenty of usb and usb c ports. The plug ends just slide back in after use easily, it’s compact for what it is but can’t be expected to be very small due to the different plug parts. Still, it fit nicely in my case and I will be sure to keep with me for future trips.
This is a really usefull take anywhere travel adapter.
What you get is a cube like plug which has the duel function of adapting and country socket to any plug type and visa versa. Plus it has four usb charging sockets too.
To operate you simply slide one of the three toggles on the side downwards and out pops the desired plug type for your location. Firmly push down and click into place and you now can plug your device into its power source. The same applies the other way round too.
It’s compact and although a square chunk it can be carried easily in a bag or waist pouch for when needed.
Would recommend.
I’ve put this to the ultimate test and taken this travel adapter on holiday to Morocco.
Morocco has 2 pin round sockets, so I’m using the adapter to convert that into the normal 3 pin configuration.
Changing the pin configuration to plug into the sockets in the country you’re visiting is as easy as sliding the correct pins out from the socket housing. Covering pretty much the whole world, you should be able to take this anywhere.
On the front is the converted socket part. Again, you can plug in leads or equipment from pretty much anywhere in the world and be confident it will work. It really is an anywhere to anywhere converter. Just be careful of the voltages though, it’s only a pass through connector, it won’t change 340 volts to 110 volts or vice versa.
I used it in Morocco to charge 2 phones and a powerbank at the same time, and it worked as advertised, delivering around 15 watts to each phone. No idea about the power into the powerbank but it took the normal amount of time to charge as it would in the UK.
Pretty good all-rounder adapter. Recommend.
J’ai utiliser cette adaptateur de voyage lors de mon sjour au Japon ce mois ci, et c’est un produit qui fonctionne bien et rend bien service en dplacement.
Je l’ai utiliser principalement pour un usage smartphone mais aussi pour de petit appareil d’hygine comme la brosse a dent electrique.
Sont prix est trs bon et le produit fonctionne bien seule chose a prendre en compte pas de charge rapide pour les smartphones ici faut aller sur des modles plus chers pour cela, mais sincrement cela fonctionne vraiment bien. (2 petits fusibles sont inclus en spare au cas ou)
This travel adapter works pretty much everywhere you need – works perfectly in the EU / UK / AUS and US.
You don’t even lose a socket space as you can plug a device in to this adapter, which is quite handy.
There are several ports, which means you can connect cables directly and charge devices this way. There are 2x USB-C and 2x USB-A ports.
Portability is perfect as it is lightweight and doesn’t take up much room.
Currently priced at 16.99 at the time of this review, which I think is good value. There is even a 15% voucher available at this time which further reduces the price.
Used this recently in Amsterdam with no issues. It’s very versatile with different options for different countries. The locking mechanism is secure and fixes well, released easily with the button press. It’s nicely made and feels solid enough.
It comes with a spare fuse, which is good as they seem to be proprietary or at least non-standard.
Having the USB ports is very useful, with a decent amperage (3.5a) but no charging protocols like QC. Be aware, it’s relatively bulky so will stick out quite a bit from the wall.
Overall I would recommend this travel adaptor
Transparency Notice: I received this product for free through the Amazon Vine program. My participation in this program does not influence my reviews in any way. I strive to provide honest and unbiased feedback based solely on my personal experience with the product. I may update this review if I have any significant additional thoughts or experiences to share.
Je voyage souvent et videmment j’ai besoin d un adapteur pour le tlphone , mon sche cheveux et tous les appareils lectriques
Il est joli et possde diffrents type de prise pour viter de devoir changer d adaptateur chaque continent
Trs simple utiliser
Utilis Londres la semaine dernire , il fonctionne trs bien.
Un Indispensable avoir dans sa valise !
Je recommande +++
This is the second one i’ve got of these, they’ve got 3 sliders which enable you to plug into USA, UK or EU sockets and plug anything into that. The only issue here is that there is no ‘earth’ connection, so whatever you plug into this will not have earth fault protection (live wire touching a metallic case/shell). So, DO NOT use this with appliances that have a metal body, these are called class I (1) appliances. Such items are metal body kettles, portable ovens, microwaves etc.
This is perfectly fine for other items (class II (2)) these include travel PLASTIC kettles, hairdryers, TVs and most items with a non-metallic body.
In addition to the socket conversion, there’s also 4x USB charger ports…2x standard USB + 2x USB-C, plenty of options for charger most items and quickly with the USB-C ports.
They don’t come with a travel pouch, not a real problem as it packs away to a square block.
Great travel adapter, just be mindful of the socket limitations and you’ll be fine. I give 4 stars for it’s versatility.
Traveling often, the need for a reliable adapter becomes clear after landing in a new country and discovering your devices can’t be charged. With this gadget, I found myself seamlessly powering up my tech in various countries without having to carry multiple adapters. It’s surprisingly light, slipping easily into my luggage or even my pocket, negating the fear of running out of battery while exploring. The inclusion of spare fuses was a thoughtful touch, reflecting a consideration for safety and convenience. However, it’s crucial to remember it doesn’t convert voltage, a detail that could catch some off guard.
It looks well made. It takes up very little space in the case and is easy to use, making it ideal for traveling.
2 USB A and 2 USB C ports can charge multiple devices at the same time.
This is a perfectly acceptable universal travel adapter, just like dozens of others at a similar price on Amazon. I have been using one like this on my travels for many years, and I am still happy with it. This one is reasonably good quality: The action of the push-out socket pins is smooth, and they click firmly into place. The Universal AC socket is also smooth/solid when plugging something in. The whole thing is fused, and there is a spare fuse in the same compartment. My only criticism is that the total output of the USB sockets is just 3.5 A. If fast charging is important to you, then I recommend to spend a little more and buy one of the brands with much higher USB outpu
The universal plug adapter arrived boxed and with a brief but helpful manual that lists all of the countries that it can be used in. In this respect it is clearly very versatile, being able to take a very wide range of international plugs, and similarly able to be used in sockets in a wide variety of countries. The list however doesn’t take into account that some countries use more than one plug type. For example as far as I can see, though please do check this for yourself, the main Indian and South African sockets (type D and M) are not catered for.
As well as mains plugs there are two USB A sockets and two USB C sockets so theoretically it should serve all electrical and charging needs without the need for other adapters. I couldn’t find the output wattage of the USB C sockets so I cannot be sure if it will manage to charge devices with the charging requirement of, say, a laptop without using the mains socket.
The size and weight are about typical for a universal charger, larger and heavier than a single country adapter of course but if touring, or if you don’t want to keep a drawer full of adapters ready for your next holiday or business trip, this ticks the box.
The adapter seems well made and is fused. If fact it even has a spare 8A fuse included.
At the current cost of 17.99 with a 15% voucher this is about typical of the cost of equivalents on the Amazon site. It seems a good universal adapter to me but as it doesn’t offer anything particularly unique for the cost I will give it 4 stars.