4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you’ve played Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future you already have a good idea what you’re in for except there’s now skateboards and bikes thrown in along with boost mechanics, soundtrack can grate for the uninitiated but like I said above if you’ve played JSR you’ll love this game.

  2. BetteCheongCheo says:

     United Kingdom

    Was sent an American copy of the game. Not a big deal as it will still work on a U.K. PS4, but the collector in me didn’t want all that American rating nonsense all over the box.

  3. AngeliaMcKie says:

     United Kingdom

    If you’re familiar with the Jet Set Radio duology you’ll feel right at home here, as Team Reptile have managed to perfectly capture the atmosphere, visuals and vibe of the original games much better than any developer (including Sega) has done since. Gameplay is fluid and explorative, with plenty of chances for long combos and high score chains, more similar to Future than the first game, and introduces it’s own tweaks that give the game it’s own identity – a different graffiti system, reworked combo system, focus on tricks for boost rather than collecting spray cans, and a more involved story.

    Personally, because it is so close to their inspiration, I did find myself missing some of the original’s aspects, including the difficulty of the first game – but I think that’s probably nitpicking. I also would’ve liked to have seen more of the different challenges in the game, particularly more of the race sections which felt underutilized with only one optional race really posing any significant challenge. The game is relatively short, clocking in at 17 hours for my playthrough to 100%, which includes exploration for hidden secrets in each of the game’s 7 areas. It doesn’t outstay it’s welcome, and I actually think that since the core gameplay for skating and building up score combos is kept quite simple, this is the perfect length for what they designed – although I would’ve appreciated some more arcade style challenges towards the end of the game, or even after the credits.

    In summary, this is a fantastic game whether you are familiar with the Jet Set Radio series or not, and I highly recommend giving it a try if the art, music or idea of chaining environmental combos together appeal to you. It’s a vibrant, punchy and well produced game that feels like something Sega would’ve produced in its heyday, rather than what you may expect from an indie developer.

  4. JefferyGunther says:


    Che cos’ Bomb Rush Cyberfunk? Per i suoi ideatori (Dion Koster e Team Reptile) un omaggio alla cultura di strada, visto che lo stesso Koster cresciuto facendo breakdance.
    Per i videogiocatori invece, un grandissimo rimando a quei Jet Set Radio di Sega, che nei primi anni 2000 hanno fatto impazzire la gente. Ed come tornare a quei tempi, dato che il gioco ne riprende sia l’estetica (ma con l’aggiunta dell’alta definizione), sia lo stile delle musiche, con un electro funky memorabile (addirittura due tracce sono state realizzate da Ideki Naganuma).
    L’unica pecca che ci trovo che in alcune zone hanno esagerato col verde acido, che rovina un po’ l’estetica generale, ma per il resto un giocone.
    Apprezzatissimi anche gli sticker omaggio.