GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with N04 M.2 NVMe SSD

GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with N04 M.2 NVMe SSD PCIe Peripheral Board

GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with N04 M.2 NVMe SSD PCIe Peripheral Board,Metal Case,Official Active Cooler, 64GB SD Card,HDMI Cable,27W 5.1V 5A Power Supply for Raspberry Pi 5 (8GB RAM)

raspberry pi 5 8gbRaspberry Pi 8GB kitraspberry pi 5 active coolerraspberry pi 5
We are GeeekPi, a team of professional electronic creators.

We specialize in designing and producing DIY manufacturing accessories such as Raspberry Pi accessories, Orange Pi accessories, arduino kits, electronic modules, LCD displays, cases and heat sinks and more.

Our business extends all over the world to make Raspberry Pi with fun and convenience. And create endless possibilities with these components, leading you into the world of electronics and turning their ideas into reality.

GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with 64GB SD Card

8GB RAM,64GB SD Card,Premium Black Metal Case with Passive Cooling

Exclusive Pi5 kit from GeeekPi that includes the 8GB RAM version of the latest generation model of the Raspberry Pi family (features the Broadcom BCM2712 quad-core Arm Cortex A76 processor @ 2.4GHz), Comes with almost everything you need to build a mini PC and start any single board computer project.

Everything together works great. With a clear storage box, all components are neatly arranged in the box.

What’s in the box?

  • Includes Raspberry Pi 5 8GB with 2.4GHz 64-bit quad-core CPU (8GB RAM)
  • Includes 64GB Micro SD Card (Class 10)
  • GeeekPi Premium Raspberry Pi 5 Metal Case
  • Official Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler
  • N04 M.2 NVMe to PCIe Adapter
  • Micro HDMI to HDMI Cable – (Supports up to 4K 60p)
  • GeeekPi 5.1V 5A 27W USB-C PD Raspberry Pi 5 Power Supply with Noise Filter – Specially designed for the Raspberry Pi 5
  • USB MicroSD Card Reader
GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with N04 M.2 NVMe SSD PCIe Peripheral BoardGeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with 128GB SD CardGeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 4GB Starter Kit with 64GB SD CardGeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit with 64GB SD CardGeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 4GB Starter Kit with 64GB SD Card
Customer Reviews 4.7 out of 5 stars 4 4.5 out of 5 stars 32 4.1 out of 5 stars 14 4.7 out of 5 stars 21 4.7 out of 5 stars 21
Price £169.99£159.99£139.99£149.99£129.99
Storage 64GB 128GB 64GB 64GB 64GB
Cooling With official Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler With Armor Lite V5 Active Cooler With Armor Lite V5 Active Cooler passive passive
Case material Metal ABS ABS Aluminium Aluminium
N04 M.2 NVMe SSD PCIe Peripheral Board X X X X

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Hace unas semanas, recib este pack de raspberry pi5 y puedo comentar que es muy completo, ya que es como llevar una ordenador, pero muy pequeo.

    Que viene? Junto a la raspberry pi5 nos encontramos que viene una fuente de alimentacin 3a 5v, un cable hdmi a microhdmi, un adaptador para poner SSD, un lector de microsd y una microSD 64gb para meter el sistema operativo.

    Que me ha gustado?
    – El pack te viene con todo lo necesario para empezar a utilizarla.
    – La gran comunidad que ofrece la raspberry. Ya que nos abre un abanico de posibilidades ya que tiene la posibilidad de usarla como centro multimedia, como consola retro o incluso como pc usando linux o windows arm aunque este ultimo no tiene el mejor rendimiento.
    – Posibilidad de usar SSD, en vez de la tpica SD. Aguantando mejor la lectura y escritura de fichero que una SD, adems de obtener un mayor rendimiento.

    Que no me ha gustado?
    – Su elevado precio comparado con otros dispositivos arm con caractersticas semejantes.

    En resumen es un dispositivo interesante y mas si eres una persona que le gusta cacharrear como es mi caso.

    Un pack bastante completo de raspberry pi5

  2. LorenTDOHinfklw says:


    Il GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8 GB Starter Kit il kit definitivo per iniziare in modo pi che adeguato il vostro viaggio nel mondo del Raspberry PI.

    Ha tutto quello che serve, ed anche di pi, per costruire il vostro Raspy peraltro con accessori di ottima qualit: case metallico con generosi fori di ventilazione per aiutare il dissipatore con ventola, anch’esso in dotazione, oltre ad alimentatore, scheda SD, cavi, tutti di ottima qualit.
    La ciliegina sulla torta l’adattatore N04 da M.2 NVMe a PCI incluso nel kit, permettendovi di usare schede SSD M2 come memoria di massa. Insomma, potrete costruire un vero PC di piccole dimensioni, ma di grandi prestazioni.

    Il prezzo attuale (attorno ai 200) potrebbe spaventare, ma purtroppo dovuto in gran parte all’aumento del costo del Raspberry per i famosi problemi di approvvigionamento chip.
    Quindi, in definitiva, il costo del kit assolutamente adeguato al prezzo del RB Pi 5 8 GB (il top) e tutti gli altri componenti di grande qualit del kit.
    Molto bene

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great raspberry pi starter kit. It includes everything you need to get yourself set up and going. It is good value for money and it works great at home.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Ormai i raspberry sono dei computer a tutti gli effetti, e con l’ultima versione di questa board si pu fare veramente di tutto, io ci ho installato home assistant per gestire la domotica di casa. In questo kit c’ tutto l’occorrente di cui si ha bisogno, incluso l’alimentatore, un case con ventola per ospitare la scheda, una scheda aggiuntiva per montare un ssd m2, e tutta una serie di accessori extra come sd da 64gb con lettore usb e cavo hdmi. Di potenza a bordo ce n’ tanta, il mio sistema di domotica non batte ciglio, anche se ultimamente il prezzo di questa scheda aumentato di molto non posso che consigliarla per la sua qualit e versatilit.

    Starter kit perfetto

  5. NildaFuller says:

     United Kingdom

    The Raspberry Pi 5 can be used for many things including desktop use and retro emulation.
    It also comes with Bluetooth and WiFi capabilities.
    With the GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 8GB Starter Kit You have everything you need to get started in one box. The inclusion of the M.2 SSD PCIe Peripheral Board is a nice touch, especially for those looking for faster storage options. While the 64GB SD card is handy, having a small M.2 SSD would have been a much better addition. But you can always grab a cheap one yourself.
    The metal case is good quality and the cooler is great for keeping your Raspberry Pi 5 cool, especially considering the 3x performance bump over the Pi 4. It also comes with a HDMI cable and power supply, which are essential accessories that can be overlooked.
    Overall, this kit contains everything you need to get started and I am over the moon with it.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic Pi 5 starter ki

  6. Patrick Collinson says:


    Als jemand, der mit dem Selbstprogrammieren beginnen mchte, war ich auf der Suche nach einem zuverlssigen und benutzerfreundlichen Set. Der neue Pi 5 bertrifft definitiv seinen Vorgnger, den Pi 4, in puncto Leistung und Funktionalitt.

    Das Set enthlt alles, was man als Einsteiger bentigt, um mit dem Programmieren zu starten. Die Anleitung ist klar verstndlich, und alle notwendigen Komponenten sind enthalten. Die Einrichtung ist einfach und unkompliziert.

    Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die Vielseitigkeit des Raspberry Pi 5. Man kann damit nicht nur programmieren, sondern auch eine Vielzahl von kreativen Projekten realisieren, sei es im Bereich der Elektronik, Robotik oder IoT.

    Insgesamt kann ich das GeeekPi Raspberry Pi 5 Set jedem empfehlen, der sich fr Technik und Programmierung interessiert. Es ist eine groartige Mglichkeit, um in die Welt des Selbstprogrammierens einzutauchen und eigene Projekte umzusetzen.

  7. Anonymous says:



    Vorab zur Info: Ich habe dieses RPi 5 Starterset kostenlos zum Testen angefordert, was aber meiner Objektivitt hinsichtlich der Bewertung keinen Abbruch tun sollte.

    Ich gebe hier bestmglich meine Meinung ber Qualitt, Haptik, Funktionalitt, Umweltaspekte und Preis-Leistungs-Relation ab.

    Dieses Starterset beinhaltet grundlegend alles, was man zum Einstieg in die Raspberry-Welt braucht. Ein gut verarbeitetes Metall-Gehuse liegt genau wie ein M.2 NVMe zu PCIe Adapter bei, ebenfalls ein kleiner, leider aber auch lauter Lfter.

    Die mitgelieferte Micro-SD-Karte bietet 64 GB Platz und kommt von SanDisk (Ultra).

    Man braucht nur noch das fr seine Zwecke bentigte OS-Image zu laden und los geht’s.

    In meinem Fall htte ich mir noch einen POE+ HAT im Lieferumfang gewnscht, wre bei dem Preis sicher machbar gewesen. Zudem ist das HDMI-Kabel sehr dick und unflexibel.

    In Anbetracht des doch sehr ambitionierten Preises vergebe ich hier vier Sternchen.

    Danke fr eure Zeit, wenn ich helfen konnte, freut’s mich

    Ordentliches, aber teures RPi 5 Starterset…