Jovees Herbal Tea Tree Oil Control Face Wash For Women/Men |

Jovees Herbal Tea Tree Oil Control Face Wash For Women/Men | Size: 120ml x Pack of 1 | Oily and Sensitive Skin | Paraben and Alcohol Free | Deep Cleanses Skin | Control Acne & Pimples

Jovees Herbal Tea Tree Oil Control Face Wash For Women/Men | Size: 120ml x Pack of 1 | Oily and Sensitive Skin | Paraben and Alcohol Free | Deep Cleanses Skin | Control Acne & Pimples



  • Moisten your face with a splash of water.
  • Squeeze out a small coin-sized amount of the product on your palm.
  • Rub your hands together and massage gently on your face and neck.
  • Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Follow it up with a refreshing toner and an oil-free moisturiser. Use twice a day for best results.

Weight: 0.12 Kilograms
Dimensions: 4 x 4.3 x 16.1 cm; 120 g
Brand: Jovees
Model: 8906007670159
Colour: Multicolour
Manufacture: Jovees Herbal Care India Ltd
Dimensions: 4 x 4.3 x 16.1 cm; 120 g
Volume: 120 Millilitres

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Its gives me very amazing results. Tea tree face wash is the best skin cleanser ever. It gives freshness & glowing skin, and removes excess oil. No chemicals, Tea tree herbs help in controlling the pimples. Moisturize the skin and value for money.

    Its gives me very amazing results. Tea tree face wash is the best skin cleanser ever. It gives freshness & glowing skin, and removes excess oil. No chemicals, Tea tree herbs help in controlling the pimples. Moisturize the skin and value for money.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Jovees Herbal tea tree face wash helps deeply to clean the skin, helps to remove excess oil from the skin . it is for oily and Sensitive Skin. It feel fresh after using this face wash. It is paraben has nice smell.

    Jovees Herbal tea tree face wash helps deeply to clean the skin, helps to remove excess oil from the skin . it is for oily and Sensitive Skin. It feel fresh after using this face wash. It is paraben has nice smell.

  3. HoraceMartens says:


    I bought Jovees because of the ingredients inside, which are very minimal. It does smell like Teetree but it also smells a little floral too. I use only a tiny pea size to wash my entire face with it, but It can be pretty stripping to your face. I’m not sure why, it could just be my skin but I would use it carefully. But as long as you moisturize after you wash your face, you should be good!

    I bought Jovees because of the ingredients inside, which are very minimal. It does smell like Teetree but it also smells a little floral too. I use only a tiny pea size to wash my entire face with it, but It can be pretty stripping to your face. I'm not sure why, it could just be my skin but I would use it carefully. But as long as you moisturize after you wash your face, you should be good!

  4. Anonymous says:


    No complain about the product. It’s a good face wash, doesn’t make your skin dry. but the smell, from tea tree is a bit strong, again it’s the ingredient nothing with the product. overall happy

  5. Emily Price says:


    Quelques annes que j’essaie tous les produits inimaginables, des prix allant du simple au triple pour ma peau sensible. Je ragis facilement tous les facteurs qui abiment les pores de ma peau, et c’est le premier nettoyant visage qui ne me rend pas la peau grasse, qui m’embellit la peau, la nettoie, et la protge efficacement. Vraiment j’ai t bluff par ce produit et je ne cesse de le recommander mon entourage qui le choisit aussi. Les dlais de livraison sont longs (2-3 semaines) mais compte tenu du rsultat et du prix, a vaut vraiment le coup !!! De plus, il n’y a aucun produit nocif l’intrieur +++++++++

  6. Anonymous says:


    J’adore ce gel nettoyant
    L’odeur est trs agrable
    N’assche pas du tout la peau c’est trs doux
    Mais en mme temps nettoie bien la peau on sent la peau purifie

  7. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAprs avoir test diffrents produits qui irritaient ma peau ou la rendaient grasse, j’ai dcouvert par hasard les proprits de l’arbre th australien. Cela fait un an que j’utilise ce produit et je n’ai jamais eu de problme avec lui. Ds que je me lave le visage avec un autre produit, j’ai immdiatement la peau grasse ou des boutons de graisse! Je n’ai plus d’acn donc je ne prtends pas que ce produit est un produit miracle mais en tout cas, il convient bien ma peau.
    Ce produit est expdi d’Inde et trs bien emball. Les dizaines de timbres et l’emballage m’ont surpris la premire fois que je l’ai reu! Il met parfois plus de jours arriver qu’Amazon l’affiche.
    J’aurai prfr que ce produit soit fabriqu plus prs cause de la pollution que cela gnre mais hlas il n’y a qu’en Australie ou en Asie qu’on en trouve…