Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch, IPX8 Travel Essentials

Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch, IPX8 Travel Essentials Holiday Accessories, Case for Swimming Vacation Beach Kayak, Dry Bag for iPhone 15 14 13 12 11 Plus Pro Max Galaxy 1 Pack Black

Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch, IPX8 Travel Essentials Holiday Accessories, Case for Swimming Vacation Beach Kayak, Dry Bag for iPhone 15 14 13 12 11 Plus Pro Max Galaxy 1 Pack Black
Die Handyhlle besteht komplett aus Kunststoff, macht aber einen hochwertigen Eindruck und lsst sich durch ihre Leichtigkeit und das kleine Packma berall mit hinnehmen, z.B. an den See oder auf Wanderung/Fahrradtouren. Mein Galaxy S21 passt super rein und es ist auch noch ziemlich viel Platz, falls man sich ein greres Smartphone anschafft.
Das Verschlieen klappt dank der zwei Riegel problemlos und die Hlle hlt absolut wasserdicht und geht auch nicht von selbst auf. Bedienen des Displays durch die Hlle klappt wunderbar. Mein Handy ist zwar bereits wassergeschtzt, aber ein zustzlicher Schutz kann nie schaden. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass ich mit der Hlle jetzt super beim Schnorcheln im Urlaub Unterwasser fotografieren und filmen kann, aber das konnte ich leider noch nicht testen. Freue mich aber schon sehr drauf, sie dafr einzusetzen. Praktisch ist auch das Band, welches mitgeliefert wird. ber die Haltbarkeit kann ich leider auch nichts sagen und hoffe, dass die Hlle lange halten wird.
Von mir gibt es fr die Hlle 5 Sterne und ich kann sie bedenkenlos weiterempfehlen.
Cog esta funda para poder llevar el mvil mientras estoy en el agua y as no preocuparme de si me lo van a robar.
La funda es estanca, por por lo que si la cerramos bien no entrar agua por ningn lado. El cierre es muy sencillo, para abrirla, tiraremos de las dos pestaas de los laterales y as abriremos la funda, para cerrarla solo hace falta encajar las pestaas en su lugar y volver a cerrarlas, y ya no entrar agua.
El plstico de la funda al ser transparente por los dos lados podremos colocar el mvil como queramos que se ver perfectamente y podremos manejarlo con ella puesta, lo nico que no leer la huella obviamente.
La cmara funciona perfectamente y saca buenas fotos con ella puesta y no hace que se vean mal.
La usaremos durante todo el verano para nuestras vacaciones.
Etui en plastique assez costaud qui rsiste l’immersion en eau.
Le systme de fermeture est compos de 2 clapets qui se referment parfaitement sur l’tui.
Un cordon est fourni pour l’attacher.
On peut facilement utiliser son smartphone en touchant l’cran, aucun souci.
La bolsa es amplia de modo que caben casi todas las medidas habituales de mviles y tambin pueden meterse tarjetas, dinero y todo tipo de cosas importantes que no quieres que se te mojen o llenen de arena de playa.
He probado la estanqueidad y me ha funcionado bien.
He mantenido la bolsa bajo el grifo del agua un rato y all no ha pasado nada. Parece segura y recomendable para la funcin de preservar lo que metas dentro en perfecto estado.
Cover per acqua fantastica era un po’ scettica visto che ne ho provati di vari tipi ma le recensioni veritiere me l’hanno fatto acquistare provata con l’iPhone 15 Pro di mio marito che gi di suo Water Proof ma questo permetter di proteggere il telefono dal sole che potrebbe rovinare i connettori e tutto quanto
Si tratta di una classica custodia impermeabile per Smartphone.
La tasca costituita da materiale gommoso trasparente, che dovrebbe garantire la protezione, potendo per continuare ad utilizzare il dispositivo “touch” contenuto.
La chiusura realizzata tramite un elemento costituito da due parti in plastica rigida, che sono chiusi tramite due levette, poste alle estremit della chiusura; in questo modo i lembi della apertura del sacchetto sono schiacciati tra di loro, realizzando cos la chiusura impermeabile (foto).
Infine troviamo un cinturino, che pu essere fissato alla parte superiore della custodia tramite un moschettone, sempre in plastica.
Il cinturino pu essere assicurato al collo o a qualsiasi gancio o elemento che ne permetta il fissaggio.
I materiali utilizzati sono di buona qualit; si deve comunque porre attenzione a non allargare troppo i lembi superiori della apertura, per non danneggiare il sacchetto.
Ho “collaudato” l’impermeabilit della custodia, in condizioni controllate e mi sembra che funzioni.
Qualche avvertenza/consiglio:
Se si bagna, asciugare bene la custodia, prima di estrarre il dispositivo contenuto; dato che il sistema di chiusura pu contenere dell’acqua residua, preferibile aprire la custodia a “testa in gi” e far poi scivolare fuori il contenuto.
In generale non consiglio di utilizzare la custodia in immersioni continue, o comunque in contatto permanente con l’acqua; gli esempi descritti sulla pagina del Marketplace mi sembrano ottimistici ed azzardati.
Se si lascia un po’ d’aria all’interno del sacchetto, la custodia galleggia; si realizza quindi una protezione da cadute accidentali in acque profonde.
Un appunto, relativo al normale uso di uno Smartphone inserito nella custodia; la pellicola che compone il sacchetto pu interferire con la telecamera frontale (riconoscimento facciale) e tipicamente rende inservibile il riconoscimento biometrico (impronta digitale).
Quindi questa custodia consigliabile se si deve proteggere il proprio (costoso) dispositivo, in utilizzo “outdoor”, non solo dall’acqua, ma anche da polvere e terra, salsedine, cloro, ecc.
Ad esempio in piscina, al mare o al lago, durante delle gite in barca, in situazioni dove si debba continuare ad utilizzare lo Smartphone anche sotto la pioggia o in ambienti molo polverosi o sporchi.
Non lo utilizzerei per fare foto in acqua o per immersioni /”snorkeling”; per quello ci sono prodotti specifici e di altro costo (Cover)(foto).
Sostanzialmente, in relazione al costo ridotto e prevedendo un utilizzo “realistico”, direi che si tratta di un prodotto sicuramente consigliabile; non faccio quindi fatica ad assegnare il massimo punteggio.
Well-made phone pouch, nice thin material, It has the two lever clamp mechanism at the top, which appears effective, and is made of a very flexible material, making it easier to insert the phone.
The phone case took my iPhone XR and cover not a problem. Recommended.
“But it’s just a plastic bag”! It may appear that way on first viewing, but this Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch offered for review under the Amazon Vine programme is rather more than that. The clue is in the product description — waterproof. I learnt the hard way going out cycling and getting caught in sudden torrential rain that not protecting your phone can mean it simply stops working. A standard small plastic bag will keep some of the worst off, but if conditions are dreek then moisture can still easily form within the bag. This pouch eliminates that thanks to thicker than normal plastic, and a lockable entry point that really keeps the water out. It additionally comes supplied with a lanyard. The pouch is so effective it is possible to go swimming with any phone up to 7.2″ long safe in the knowledge that water is not about to encroach. For anyone who wants to carry a phone on a kayak, boat, paddle board, surf board or keep the salt and water away this is a boon. For cycling or running to ensure you keep the phone operable in case you need to call for assistance to get home this is also ideal. It is certified to IPX8 standard, which means safe to immerse to one meter or deeper, and will withstand water incursion for up to 30 minutes. However it can be vulnerable if sprayed at high pressure, such as with a pressure washer — but then why would you? Whilst an IPX rating isn’t specifically designed to keep out dust it will, which is a useful feature for mountain and gravel bike riders where dust is thrown up. It is also possible to operate the phone whilst inside the pouch, including buttons on the side thanks to the curved construction. The plastic is clear enough you’ll still get a good picture underwater.
I am impressed by this case.
The mechanism to seal the pouch is very good and gives confidence that it will not let any water in. The material feels tough and should not tear or puncture easily. You can also operate the phone’s screen while it is in the pouch, for instance to take photos (although making a phone call underwater may not be easy 🙂 ).
The instructions that come with the pouch suggest you test it at home with paper or card inside, before risking it with your phone, which is wise advice.
I got this mainly to protect my phone on the beach, on a boat or in heavy rain etc., and it is more than adequate for that purpose.
It is easy to say how great something is, or how rubbish it is, but without the details to shout about, whats the point, but this one, has a little of both, it is brilliant in 99% of its being, but the 1%, albeit not a deal breaker, for some it might be.
The 99% first, this bag is very well made, decent thickness and very crystal clear, you can fit your phone inside, up to around 6.8″ so most will fit, the clasp at the end is a double click clasp and it seems to (up to now) work very well, it keeps the water out, I have used it in the bath to watch TV, and yes, I dropped it, DUH ! but nothing not a single drop got in, you can use your phone well from outside of the bag, however I found occasionally you did have to double press or more on some things to get it to work, but that is probably just me.
Pictures come out OK, very pleased with the outcome of these, and will carry on using it to take pictures in the sea when we go away later in the year, and hopefully they will come out really well. Using the phone whilst in the bag is not brilliant, so avoid that, you just have issues hearing them, and they hearing you, so to use as a phone is not that great.
Now the downside, for those who like to have lots of techy use for their items, you will be upset at the lack of fingerprint recognition, yes I know, not that important, but for some it will be a reason not to buy this item, and you should not let that be a barrier to purchasing, as this really is a great buy, and with the very long lanyard you can keep you phone hidden from view and dry.
But that is not all, the Thermoplastic Polyurethane phone cover, can be used for all sorts of items, not just your phone, documents, money, credit cards and so on, anything really that you want to keep dry that may be damaged or destroyed when wet, so this may be classed as a phone bag, it is more than that, and it works really well.
There’s not much to say about the waterproof case as it’s such a simple product, but it does the job perfectly fine. I recently went on holiday and had my iPhone 11 in here, it fit perfectly and kept it waterproof as I went snorkeling and diving.
The quality of the material is really good, the colour was true to the picture and you’re also able to use the phone whilst it’s in the case. I’ve had other cases where it just waterproofs it and you’re not able to use the phone at the same time. The price at 7.99 is very good and matches the product.
Although water repellency is pretty good on modern phones, these pouches are still very handy for wet and humid environments.
The pouch is labelled for phones and indeed my iPhone Pro Max (with case) fits in no problem. However, this pouch could be used to store all manner of electronic items or precious documents that need water protection.
I’ve ran the paper test suggested on the box and can confirm the contents of the pouch remained bone dry after being fully submerged in water for 2 minutes. Great product for the price, 5 Stars.
Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch,
The Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch, feels well made using decent quality materials and comes with a neck strap.
The advert says its an 8.3 inch pouch but it struggled to house my Mate 20X and its 7.2 inch so they must be taking into account the frame etc which is a little annoying, however it took my S23 Ultra with ease and sealed well.
The case IS waterproof after testing it for around 30 minutes in my hot tub there wasn’t any sign of water ingress which is good! Its also easy to use the phone whilst its in the case however my Mate 20x kept coming up with an error something to do with the camera being covered when it wasn’t, strange.
Well-made phone pouch, nice thin material, best one have tried so far, much prefer it over the plastic type covers.
It has the typical two lever clamp mechanism at the top, which appears effective, and is made of a very flexible material, making it easier to insert the phone. The joining seam is the smallest have seen on this type of case.
It survived a half hour submersion test, without any sign of water intrusion on the kitchen towel I placed inside.
The phone case took my Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (6.5 inch display) without its case and I could operate the phone really well, pretty much like it was not in the case, though of course finger print recognition does not work.
Having tested a number of these type of cases I personally prefer the ‘seamless’ type like this one, without the border, as you can see more of the phone if you are pressing the volume or power buttons, This is made from a very thin flexible TPU material, unlike some of the others that feel a bit more plastic.
Plenty of uses for this type of case, where protection for the phone / other small valuables might be needed, not just for actually going in the water. Anywhere you think it might get wet on outdoor activities — hiking / cycling etc.
From the above tests and looking at the general build quality, I am confident it will do the job it is designed for, bonus that the phone works better than inside other pouches have tried.
“But it’s just a plastic bag”! It may appear that way on first viewing, but this Razobws Waterproof Phone Pouch offered for review under the Amazon Vine programme is rather more than that. The clue is in the product description — waterproof. I learnt the hard way going out cycling and getting caught in sudden torrential rain that not protecting your phone can mean it simply stops working. A standard small plastic bag will keep some of the worst off, but if conditions are dreek then moisture can still easily form within the bag. This pouch eliminates that thanks to thicker than normal plastic, and a lockable entry point that really keeps the water out. It additionally comes supplied with a lanyard. The pouch is so effective it is possible to go swimming with any phone up to 7.2″ long safe in the knowledge that water is not about to encroach. For anyone who wants to carry a phone on a kayak, boat, paddle board, surf board or keep the salt and water away this is a boon. For cycling or running to ensure you keep the phone operable in case you need to call for assistance to get home this is also ideal. It is certified to IPX8 standard, which means safe to immerse to one meter or deeper, and will withstand water incursion for up to 30 minutes. However it can be vulnerable if sprayed at high pressure, such as with a pressure washer — but then why would you? Whilst an IPX rating isn’t specifically designed to keep out dust it will, which is a useful feature for mountain and gravel bike riders where dust is thrown up. It is also possible to operate the phone whilst inside the pouch, including buttons on the side thanks to the curved construction. The plastic is clear enough you’ll still get a good picture underwater.
The pouch is big enough to contain other important things too — an emergency 20 note for a taxi perhaps, a credit card, a map — all will be kept dry and secure until you need them. The 7.99 price tag is a little steep, but then it rather depends on the use you intend to put it to. If you are out and about a lot and likely to get wet frequently it is worth all the money for that security and peace of mind. If only occasionally you may not feel the same. Personally I like the considerable step up from the thin plastic bag I’ve used until now, with the phone definitely feeling clammy on drizzly days. No such issue here, even given the miserable weather and frequent showers we have suffered during March 2024.
Tested the holder upon first receiving the pouch, as per instructions.
Toilet paper remained dry in the pouch – hurrah!
Phone fits well in pouch (iPhone 15 Pro) – but depends on type of case you have surrounding your phone. Mine is a Zagg case and it seems to have massive friction problems with the pouch, making it hard to put into the pouch.
This is not a fault of the pouch at all, but should be considered if you have a shiny type protection case for your phone.
Easy to use and a great amount of comfort for 8, knowing your phone isn’t going to get wet or have sand ingress.