CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets | Natural

CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets | Natural and Wildlife Friendly | Suitable for Organic Growers | Chemical-Free Garden Protection | Safe for Pets and Children | Long-Lasting (500g)

CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets | Natural and Wildlife Friendly | Suitable for Organic Growers | Chemical-Free Garden Protection | Safe for Pets and Children | Long-Lasting (500g)

CaplinTec Slug & Snail RepellentCaplinTec Slug & Snail Pellets

Protect Your Garden Naturally

Safeguard your plants and wildlife with CaplinTec’s innovative, chemical-free Slug & Snail Repellent.

Our 100% chemical-free pellets provide effective defence against slugs and snails, without containing any toxins which can pose a threat to beneficial insects, pets, and even your precious plants.

Here’s why CaplinTec Slug & Snail Repellent is the perfect choice for your garden:

  • Chemical-Free Protection: CaplinTec uses only natural ingredients to repel slugs and snails, keeping your garden safe without harming beneficial insects, wildlife, or your plants.
  • Safe for Children & Pets: CaplinTec pellets are safe to use around children and pets, giving you peace of mind.
  • Protects Your Ecosystem: Our unique formula helps maintain the natural balance in your garden, allowing beneficial insects and wildlife to thrive.

Enjoy a thriving garden and a healthy ecosystem with CaplinTec Slug & Snail Repellent.

Dimensions: 18 x 15 x 9 cm; 500 g
Model: CT-SSD
Part: CT-SSD
Dimensions: 18 x 15 x 9 cm; 500 g

6 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I don’t know if these work. It is true that I seem to have less slugs snacking on my plants recently but honestly, bearing in mind the amount of rain we’ve had this year, they could have just drowned!

    Either way .. so far my plants seem to have managed to escape fairly well unscathed – I’ve had a few nibbles here and there, but mainly those that I hadn’t put pellets around.

    After some time, the pellets just seem to swell up and then get absorbed into the soil, although a few missed the pots in my little greenhouse I have so included a photo of what they look like as they’re breaking down.

    I do like the fact that, as they break down they also help feed the plants, which is a great bonus.

    But they are expensive and, as they’re meant to just move the slugs and snails on to other, unprotected plants, essentially you need to use them a lot even if you only have a few plants you want to protect.

    It’s also rather weird that there are no ingredients on the packaging, nor any useage instructions. Whilst I understand there is some additional information on the sellers page – this type of information should also be being provided on packaging.

    4.0 out of 5 stars CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets

  2. TommyBreeden says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAs a passionate advocate for organic gardening and a graduate in Animal Welfare and Conservation, I deeply value solutions that preserve both my garden’s health and the surrounding wildlife. CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets have been a revelation for me. Living in a vibrant conservation area teeming with diverse wildlife, including my beloved cats who roam freely in the garden, I needed a solution that not only protects my veggies but also respects the delicate trophic chain. These pellets are a game-changer because they effectively deter slugs and snails without posing any risk to other species. I genuinely appreciate that they are chemical-free and safe for pets and children, aligning perfectly with my commitment to sustainable practices. Since using CaplinTec pellets, I’ve seen a significant reduction in slug and snail activity, allowing my garden to thrive while maintaining harmony with nature. Highly recommended for anyone who cherishes their garden’s health and the biodiversity around it!

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve now been using these pellets for nearly a month. They appear to be working. Slug / snail damage to my vegetables has greatly reduced. If they continue to work I will certainly purchase again.

  4. Diane Estrella says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI recently ordered the CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets, first off, at 11.99 for a 500g bag, these pellets are on the pricier side, especially compared to traditional slug repellents. However, I was drawn to them because they claim to be natural, wildlife-friendly, and safe for pets and children, which is a big plus for anyone concerned about using chemicals in their garden.

    The pellets are brown and almost look like chicken feed. They don’t have a strong odour, which is nice since some repellents can be quite pungent. The big selling point for me was that these pellets also claim to improve soil quality as they biodegrade. I’ve had issues with traditional blue pellets getting mouldy, but I haven’t seen that happen with these yet.

    Using them is straightforward. You scatter them around the base of plants, ideally in the early morning or late evening when slugs and snails are most active. The pellets are weather-resistant, so they don’t break down immediately with a bit of rain, but frequent reapplication is needed, especially after heavy showers.

    As for effectiveness, it’s a bit early to tell conclusively. So far, I’ve noticed fewer slugs and snails around my vegetable plants, which is promising. I appreciate that they deter rather than kill, which means I’m not finding dead pests around the garden. This is more humane and better for the ecosystem. The fact that they enrich the soil is an added bonus, and I’ve noticed my plants looking a bit healthier already.

    – Natural and chemical-free
    – Safe for pets and children
    – Improves soil quality
    – Easy to use and weather-resistant

    – Quite expensive for the quantity
    – Needs frequent reapplication, especially after rain
    – Lack of detailed ingredient information on the packaging

    Overall, while they are a bit expensive, the CaplinTec Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets seem to be a promising alternative to chemical repellents, especially if you’re looking for something safe and eco-friendly. Time will tell how effective they are over the long term, but initial results are positive.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting natural slug repellent pellets

  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI am constantly waging war against slugs and snails. Some battles I win, and others I lose.

    I try a number of products – all natural because I am afraid of harming any other wildlife, but normally I find that something sprinkled on the soil is the best solution.

    These granules are completely natural, made of a variety of ingredients (they are not mentioned on the packet). On the Caplintec website it states that the ingredients are wool industry waste product with seaweed grown in Scotland and other plants grown in the UK.

    I have sprinkled some around my bean and tomato plants, and so far, so good. The website states that these can last up to 3 months, depending on the weather. I guess if it rains a lot (which it has been doing for months ….) you will have to replace them more often, but they degrade into the soil and enrich it, so it is a win win whatever the weather.

    Looking forward to having a slug and snail free summer! I also like the fact that I am supporting a UK business when using these products.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThese are wildlife friendly so hedgehogs and thrushes will be safe while we hope the snails are banished from the veg patch. These natural plant extracts have been extruded into pellets to sprinkle around the garden. Mine seems to have a rather large amount of dust along with the pellets, I will see how good it is tonight once its dark. I left a bowl of dog food out overnight, doing this usually results in lots of slugs and snails entering the bowl. I have previously tried a ring of thick bare copper wire around the bowl but that didn’t work to ward off the slugs. I spread these pellets liberally around the bowl and set up a camera to see the results. This product works. All the slugs gave the pellets a wide berth and I didn’t see a single snail so perhaps they like me didn’t like the smell. Oh and they didn’t put the hedgehog off from entering the bowl to get some food.
    Edit: After a few days and some rain showers the pellets are now ignored and we are back to being slug central at the dogs bowl. I can only say that the pellets loose whatever deterrent they have once wet, and if that’s the case watering your veg plants will stop it working requiring a new sprinkling and that will soon work out expensive. Back to the container of beer for my slugs I think.

    4.0 out of 5 stars Slug & Snail Deterrent Pellets