Although some people find this a disappointing film in the franchise, I personally think it is second only to the original with Arnie. An interesting time period with a strong female lead.
Enjoyed the movie with its different setting for a Predator film. All round solid performance. The only down side was the sleeve and very slim case. Sleeve was warped ( like it was under high heat) and the case is not the strongest.
Bought on a whim after reading reviews here on Amazon. You have a fascinating choice of viewings – If you want to you can access the Comanche Audio track, and you get a lot of intereting extras. When the film started I felt I was in for a fascinating viewing experience. Something completely different, and what’s more, interesting. Sadly I am sorry to say that a bit of boredom set in as our warrior’s quest seemed to be going nowhere. Then towards the final 40 mins or so it leapt to a rather unpleasant set of sequences with French trappers – and then the final face off with the title creature. It was here that I lost the plot completley. I won’t explain why (Spoilers – I don’t do, but…young female “warrior” and very very big, nasty “Predator”?) However, the locations are excellent, the casting very unusual – apart from the trappers they all appear to be native Americans. The lead puzzled me a bit – AMBER MIDTHUNDER – looked 14, actually was 25! How old is the character meant to be? Never explained and therefore some logic in the action scenes went out the window. Sometimes very graphic and violent this is an unusual film and well worth seeing, and remember….my opinions are just that, not facts. You should see this and judge for yourself. (Subtitles very good – Comanche, French and English – Like I said, a fascinating unusual film!)
Although some people find this a disappointing film in the franchise, I personally think it is second only to the original with Arnie. An interesting time period with a strong female lead.
Enjoyed the movie with its different setting for a Predator film. All round solid performance. The only down side was the sleeve and very slim case. Sleeve was warped ( like it was under high heat) and the case is not the strongest.