Resident Evil 2 (PS4)

Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.7 x 0.1 cm; 109 Grams
Model: 5055060946121

130 Responses

  1. KathlenHemmant says:

     United Kingdom

    I loved the original when I was younger and expected to be disappointed by the remake, but in my opinion it’s the best game of the series. There’s enough of the original game but with modern graphics and updated controls and playing style (no more fixed cameras and no more door loading screens). I’ve got back into gaming mainly through this game.

  2. AGKPaulina says:

     United Kingdom

    Love the resident evil series glad this came out on the ps4

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s tense, claustrophobic, and genuinely terrifying. But stick with it, and it’s unquestionably worth it.

  4. Stephen Edelstein says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought for my husband who thoroughly enjoyed it. Packaged well!

  5. ThelmaSams says:

     United Kingdom

    Quick delivery, game sealed up, no problems with the product.
    Highly recommend.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    If you’re a fan of the original resident evil games on playstation I absolutely recommend this. It’s similar enough to feel like the same game but at the same time different enough to feel like a completely new game and worth playing. Unlike the original there is much more replay value with a lot of game modes, trophies, challenges and extra stuff. However, it is quite different to the more recent resident evil games and I can understand why some people might not like it. It’s not as fast paced as most modern action games and there is a lot of backtracking and thinking involved. I put the game on hardcore mode because I like a challenge but after playing the game for several hours and progressing quite far I found the game was impossible because I had wasted too many bullets early on and had not boarded up the windows in the west corridor, which meant the place had become infested with zombies. So I had to restart the game and play thought it all again, this time boarding up windows earlier on and only killing certain zombies in key places that would affect me later on in the game (or save even more bullets by just shooting them in the legs so I can run past them). For this reason I’d recommend you don’t play it on hardcore mode first time round because it will almost certainly result in having to restart the game. If you play this game on easy or standard mode it’s probably a lot more action and shooting as the zombies are easier to kill and you have more bullets, but for a real challenge I’d recommend playing it on hardcore mode after because it’s very tactical and the whole game is like one big puzzle (what the is the best order to collect the required items? Which windows should you choose to board up? which zombies should you kill and which ones should you just run past? etc.)

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb game. Every bit as good as I remember from years ago. Still scary as hell. Well worth a buy!

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A lot of pros for this game – I remember playing this in my youth.
    The scares and chills are still there.
    As far as the game goes, it’s really brilliant, spooky and scary
    The mechanics of the game are simple like drawing your weapons etc and shooting and aiming is simple enough.
    The voice acting seems pretty well done and the graphics are really superb. It hasn’t lost that scary edge.
    You get some extra player stories to play as well! It’s really nice to see what the citizens of Raccoon City did after the outbreak.

    There’s only one or two negatives…
    The game is fast paced and it seems to have lost a lot of its story and puzzles.
    I distinctly remember more puzzles and a longer game, all in all with sporadic playing, I completed this game in under four hours.
    Another negative is the G-Virus William Birkin Tytant battle with the crane. My lord above what a pain in the arse! Took about five attempts and some mild swearing but it’s a nightmare for me.
    The lickers seem to leap at you and blend into my view, I don’t know if that’s just my game. It doesn’t spoil the game, but it’s irritating.
    Claire’s and Leon’s story are also practically identical which is a real kicker too, there is only so much that is different.

    The negatives as you can tell are massively trivial and I’m nitpicking at best here.
    For me, it’s pure nostalgia, it’s graphically beautiful, nicely voice acted and despite my disappointment of a lack of tough puzzles, it still manages to be a brilliant but sadly short game.
    Recommend and brillia

  9. ElvinHFNRkie says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Great purchase. Bought for my partner and he is addicted to the game. Highly recommend.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersResident Evil 2 senza ombra di dubbio uno dei migliori remake di questa generazione.
    Capcom ha svolto un lavoro impeccabile sotto tutti i punti di vista, riuscendo a soddisfare pienamente le aspettative di tutti i fan della saga.
    Questo Resident Evil sfrutta tutte le potenzialit del Re Engine e regala al giocatore una qualit grafica accattivante, scenari ben dettagliati e nemici terrificanti.
    Come nel capitolo originale anche qui la storia pu essere giocata sia nei panni di Leon che in quelli di Claire. Entrambi i personaggi hanno una propria storia con delle importanti differenze, quindi per concludere il titolo necessario portarle a termine entrambe.
    C’ da dire per, che per quanto riguarda le differenze tra le due storie mi sarei aspettato qualcosina di pi, sotto questo aspetto non siamo ai livelli del capitolo originale.
    La durata complessiva giocando entrambe le storie di circa 12-15 ore totali, una longevit che non fa impazzire ma comunque tipica di Resident Evil.
    Il mio consiglio per portare l’esperienza ai massimi livelli quello di iniziare subito il gioco nella modalit Estrema, ovvero il pi alto tra i livelli di difficolt selezionabili, in modo che possiate immergervi il pi possibile nell’atmosfera e nelle ottime meccaniche da survival horror che questo titolo in grado di offrirvi.
    Il mio giudizio complessivo non va oltre le 4 stelle, perch comunque parliamo di un titolo intenso ma non eccessivamente “vasto”, quindi se dovessi bocciare qualcosa direi senza ombra di dubbio la longevit.
    Resta comunque un ottimo titolo che consiglio vivamente, sia agli amanti della saga sia a tutti quelli che sono alla ricerca di un buon survival horror.

    – Versione Acquistata: PS4

  11. SammiePantano says:

     United Kingdom

    Great game and more or less follows the original. Gameplay is a bit slow at times. Would have preferred slightly better graphics. Great to re play a classic game.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Just finished the second play-through. Incredible. Scary. Beautiful. Well acted, story was great. And really difficult and fun to try and get S rank. Just wish i had more ammo to kill zombies with haha.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had been eagerly anticipating this since rumours started quite a few years back. When the day finally came I wasnt disappointed. You once again step into the shoes of rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy and searching sister Claire Redfield, only this time everything is that much better. From sound design to environments, character and enemy models, every part of the game has been remade but still gives that feeling of a 1998 nightmare. Camera is now in 3rd person over the shoulder as opposed to the fixed camera angles of the first 3 games and the tank controls are gone but if anything it just brings the game up to date while giving you a good dose of nostalgia. Enjoy and good luck, you’ll need it..

  14. karenb says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a complete brand new game as well as it being a remake. Good up to date version of the game if you’ve never played the older ones.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely amazing game. Exactly the same story line (slight variation would be have been good in my opinion), but would highly recommend.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Classic amazing game. Bought as gift. Used click and collect in next. Great service. Product arrive on time no issues. Packaged well and no quality problems with Game. Bought as gif

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    One of the best resident evils in the series in my opinion and great classic remastered to unbelievable quality as expected on latest generation consoles and i enjoy the story modes and everything else

  18. GilbertoDempsey says:

     United Kingdom

    my god… im still angry with myself for wait to play this game for so long . im was not a resident evil guy… and i got resident evil ;revelations2 to play with my wife and really like it.. so i decided to give another try on this one that everyo9ne was giving great reviews.. and it changes everything i thought about Resident evil.. congratulations Capcon.. this is a masterpiece and deserves the best reviews . (ps: dont sell it after play.. i did that after i finished… but now i missed 🙁 … )

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A jumpy jaunt through Raccoon City in a creepy and welcome remake with amazing cinematic graphics and fluid gameplay…..
    Please check out my full review at and check out my insta: mbs_midnight_geeks 🙂

  20. Tina3273iww says:

     United Kingdom

    Amazing remake of a classic title. Genuinely scary when Mister X turns up which really give you a sense of urgency and fear.
    Looks beautiful and controls perfectly, I can’t recommend this enough!!

  21. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Had the game on digital copy but as a fan of the franchise i like to have an physical copy so got this for a low price

  22. DorotheCate says:

     United Kingdom

    Ok Right so I thought I could play on hard difficulty because I’ve played other residents evils but oh no , Too hard for me I mainly think because I’m a main Nintendo game just used to easy games lol

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Played the original love it, the remake is just as good as the original, well worth it of you’ve played the original, if you haven’t played the original buy it anyway. Highly recommend.

  24. Christian3085 says:

     United Kingdom

    Love the games series of resident evil. Am going to buy all the previous ones and the up coming ones. Love horror games and films.

  25. CamillaStrickli says:

     United Kingdom

    This RE2 remake has rightly been well received and has several honourable mentions on critics’ game of the year list and rightly so. I’m far from a Resi fanboy, the only other I have played (and absolutely loved) was the classic Resident Evil 4 on the PS2. Being honest (ok wussy!) I find survival horror games can be a bit stressful but overcoming that brings its own rewards and satisfaction. Anyway, for the uninitiated, this is a remake of the original RE2 which dates back to the original PlayStation of the last century. Because of that don’t expect a massive free roaming open world extravaganza but do expect a tense, cerebral and claustrophobic affair that will have you using your brain as much as your trigger finger.

    After initial scene setting (hey the zombies are taking over and trucker didn’t get to finish his burger ! ) you find yourself stuck in the Raccoon PD station and newly separated from your new bestie (Claire or Leon depending on who you decide to play as first). With little ammunition and only a dying cop to turn to for advice you have to find your way out of this museum piece (it once was a museum!) of a building whilst overcoming the undead who have other ideas As said, whilst tense and challenging at times it is also a very “fair” game. The excellent Cluedo-style map is your friend as you navigate dark corridors as getting from A to B is never straightforward. Locked doors that require certain keys or tools are marked and if you no longer have need of an item it is marked also so you can free up inventory slots (in your hip pouch). It is well paced and cerebral but with plenty of genuine jump out of your seat moments too.

    Being “old” it is fairly short and I am now on my second run playing as Claire which I’m actually enjoying more as she has more interesting weapons and her voice acting is far better (when surrounded by zombies Leon speaks with all the urgency of somebody deciding what to order at Starbucks unfortunately). Knowing most of the puzzles and lock combos helps too I guess but combat definitely seem to be easier as Claire I’ve only been eaten a couple of times so far.

    This game would definitely appeal more to older gamers who don’t mind backtracking or even reaching for a pen and pad occasionally, rather than adolescent Fortniters, as the gameplay is pretty “old skool” but with a fresh coat of UHD paint. I’m old enough to know better and am luvvin it.

  26. HollieWelsh says:

     United Kingdom

    The original RE2 is my 3rd best game of all time, so it’s fair to say I had high hopes for the remake, as well as being a little wary they’d sully the reputation.

    I was blown away by how good it actually is. Seriously, it has to be one of the best games of 2019 by a distance.

    If I had any critique of it, the last third or so is very dull, the new music isn’t a patch on the original (which you can buy as DLC, shame on you Capcom as it should have been an unlockable) and it doesn’t quite have the same tense atmosphere as the 90s version. The extra modes are mundane too, I didn’t bother with most of them as they’re all the same essentially, but they are free so it’s a nice bonus for those that do enjoy boring, timed rush to the end missions. Personally I’d have preferred an updated Mercenaries mode to the same game mode done over and over with different character models, and 10 types of bean curd.

    The gameplay, graphics, sound design and gunplay are fantastic though, I didn’t stop playing til I’d finished it about 6 times, I’m lucky to finish most games once.

    Absolute essential if you haven’t played it yet, especially given the new low price, and the fact RE3 Remake is coming in April.

  27. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I honestly don’t think a lot of people grasp just how big an event it was this game coming out. If Capcom HAD to get one game right ever, it is this one. This is the game of a lifetime, This is the kind of game that could make or break a company. I’m happy to say, Capcom pulled it off. It’s astounding how well this game looks, performs and feels to play. It’s the perfect middle ground between restrictive controls from the past and modern controls. You don’t feel as defenceless as you did in the original ps1 version, but you don’t feel as powerful as you do in RE4 to 6. The atmosphere, the environments,the creatures ranging from zombies, zombie dogs, Tyrants and the iconic RE2 enemy… The Licker!, everything is done spectacularly, this is survival horror. The police station is well known as one of the best locations in the series, and it is recreated here in astounding detail. There’s also plenty of content to sink your teeth into, 2 playable characters, 4 scenarios, collectables, unlockable weapons, costumes and scenarios, free DLC, this is a fantastic Resident Evil game, and if you weren’t into the first person RE7, this is a return to traditional RE game play and puzzles. The RE engine is a masterpiece, and after this and RE7, I can’t wait to see the future of this series. We’ll done Capcom, new and old fans will be happy with this game.

  28. VirgiliKinchen says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Awesome game 20 years ago I loved this game played it for hours and hours so cool that it’s got a total update

  29. Hayley Everett says:

     United Kingdom

    I don’t know what changed in capcom but my god they have been giving us some good quality stuff as of late.This game is a love letter to the original and it’s just made for losers like me who grew up playing the original even though they were too young cause violence didn’t affect kids back then! I digress this game plays so good and the recreation of the environments is phenomenal. I am so happy they got red of tank mechanics as well cause in my mind that was an era limitation not a feature like many like to believe, Get over it nerds. Buy this game.

  30. JuniorCribb says:

     United Kingdom

    Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. I’ve completed the game twice and it still brings me back again for a third time. Also there are 4 more FREE DLC extra games when you complete the game, but to get add on costumes they come at a price of either 9.99 or 11.99, depends if they are on discount from the company Capcom.

  31. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Holy potatoes this game can be terrifying it’s a fantastic re-imagination of resident evil 2. Leons adventure takes on average 6-7 hours and yeah it’s worth its money. It’s one of my favourite horror games to date and I do think resi 4 was last good one before ps4 and the new ps4 one was fantastic too but only in v

  32. SadieFinch says:

     United Kingdom

    There are two storylines available to play, Leon and Claire’s, which are more or less the same except for following different routes around the Raccoon City PD and that Leon encounters Ada on a number of occasions and Claire has to save a young girl called Sherry. The latter is the daughter of a couple of scientists who have created the G-Virus (thought it used to be T but never mind) turning most people into mindless zombies or horrific mutations.

    Also, they have different weapons: Leon having the pistols, shotgun, flamethrower and magnum and Claire the pistols, grenade launcher, spark shot (electrocution device) and semi-auto machine gun. The normal red, green and blue herbs are available to combine to restore health and protect against poison (blue) as well as different types of gunpowder. Normal gunpowder combined makes pistol ammo and one normal + one high grade makes the secondary weapon so shotgun ammo or acid/flame rounds. Two high grades make the magnum or machine gun rounds.

    There are many puzzles as usual amidst the mayhem of dealing with the zombies and mutations some of which are easy but with others slightly more challenging but not too difficult. As most of the time you are going around with a flashlight in the dark, if you run you generally risk getting jumped on by a zombie lingering around a corner or the much more dangerous ‘lickers’ who need dealing with via the higher grade weapons not the pistols. It is possible to creep around them slowly and avoid being challenged or shoot them in the head with the pistols but they normally don’t die straight away and you end up losing health. A great feature is that if you carry the combat knife or a grenade you can press L1 if you are grabbed hold of an either stab them or blow them up (which you speed up if you shoot them with a grenade).

    The normal typewriters are there to save your game in certain rooms as you only need the good old ink ribbons on hardcore mode in this version. I recommend that you save regularly to avoid being killed and having to replay what you had previously nearly done. As with all Res Evil games, you need to search every room carefully as there are certain key objects that you cannot afford to miss to proceed otherwise you end up stuck and have to endlessly retrace your steps looking for those that you didn’t find. They do make it slightly easier for you on the map though as thoroughly searched rooms end up showing as green and those with still items to pick or things to do being shown in red.

    Overall, this is a decent remake of the original with good graphics and game play. The main negative being the two storylines are way too similar in that you have to even repeat the same puzzles and tasks over again. There is a point to playing the 2nd round as I did Claire’s story and it unlocked the 4th Survivor bonus game which is a hardcore take them all on time trial. The 2nd run also has a slightly different ending and some key items are in different locations and some codes changed to some of the puzzles but everything else remains the same except for the fact that there seems to be a few more zombies leaping out at you and the tyrant turns up way earlier than before. I kind of wish there was a normal or standard mode where you got more ammo though as even though it’s more difficult to keep running out it takes a lot of fun out of the game play. Below are some tips to defeating the bad guys at the end for those who are struggling.

    Both Claire and Leon have to take on the mutation with 3 eyes. I found that the pistols were the best to deal with this guy as you have to shoot the eye in his leg, back and left shoulder and it has less recoil than other weapons but the submachine gun works fine too. Also, the creature has a tendancy to lead with its left claw (the one to your right) so its quite easy to run up to it and duck past it to the left without getting hit especially when it’s stationary. It’s best to wait for the crosshairs to converge when you are aiming before pulling the trigger. Yeah, you can waste your higher grade weapons on him but it’s not really necessary. The grenades though are useful.

    Leon then has to take on the tyrant guy (who follows you around for a lot of the game trying to kill you totally dressed in black) on a small platform. However, the space is just big enough for you to run from corner to corner and avoid his constantly outreaching claws to avoid losing health. When you have damaged him enough, he crouches down and starts to recharge and it’s really important that you disrupt this process with either a grenade or shooting him rapidly in the chest otherwise you die. Later, a rocket launcher is passed down to you from some girl possibly Ada above and you can finish him off.

    Claire is then faced with a huge monster whilst trying to escape with Sherry on the shuttle. Here you have a mini-gun and I found it best to just run around the train and wait for it to come to the sides and then blast it and repeat. You have to be careful when it climbs the walls though as it can jump down on you. The main thing is most of its eyes are in its chest so you have to focus all your fire there.

  33.  United Kingdom

    Great game and great price too. Very happy with this purchase

  34. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Ok,so I had a midlife crisis at 48 and bought a PS4 so I could experience zombie slaying once again. First glance I would say this is a great remake of my all time favourite game on the old PS1.


  35. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Excellent, I vaguely remember playing the original when I was younger but it’s quite tough to go back to those games without discovering how dated the graphics were. This new version looks stunning with more modern control set. I played through on normal difficulty as Leon and found it mildly challenging with plenty of ammo lying around. I’ll be starting my second play through soon as Claire to see how the story differs. Overall, great game and really enjoyed it.

  36. EsmeralHanton says:

     United Kingdom

    This game brings the original to life with great graphics. The gameplay is actually improved as well making it a must buy if you liked the PS1 version. There were plenty of unlockables, and the replay is high with bonus episodes. I did find the zombies too bullet spongy and lack of ammo an issue but only in the second scenario, having played all other resident evils it was far worse, making reloads more frequent. Also the fact you have to buy the original music is annoying, I never buy microtransactions on principle. For these two reasons it gets 4 stars not 5.

  37. UATEdwinayuiutw says:

     United Kingdom

    I rate the Resident Evil 2 Remake 9/10, that’s how you do a remake, amazing job. Don’t forget the main game has 2 characters Leon and Claire, plus 2 scenarios each for them. So is worth playing it 4 times. Plus the DLC missions are free to download and are very challenging. I rate RE2 Remake higher than the recent God Of War 2018 and Mortal Kombat 11. Defo a very solid game of the year contender. One of the best in the long running series and as good if not even better than Resident Evil 4.

  38. Dowser says:

     United Kingdom

    Easily one of the best games I’ve ever played, graphics are phenomenal

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Loved it the first time and even more on the PS4 Pro so so good. Really hoping for them to make nemesis next would be so good.

  40. JameWanganeen says:

     United Kingdom

    See title..
    Click add to basket
    Wait …..
    Knock knock.

    Enjoy game.

  41. Daniel Starkey says:

     United Kingdom

    Never played the original Resident Evil 2 (school friend never let me touch the controller) but this was good, no Last of Us but few games can top that. I only played as Leon, started Clare’s story but it just felt like in repetition.

  42. CathleePartee says:

     United Kingdom

    Great reimagining of a classic game. tight controls, good story, good graphics and playability.

  43. RachelleCausey says:

     United Kingdom

    Being a huge fan of the original RE 2 back in the say this was a must buy for me. There is all the same jumps, thrills and chills of the original game in vastly improved graphics. If you loved the original or are looking for a tence and rewarding gaming experience RE2 is your go to

  44. KarenDarden says:

     United Kingdom

    This remake was so much fun. A while ago I tried playing the original game on PS3 and it was just… so flipping hard. The tank controls and camera angles and pixellated characters… I couldn’t deal with it. But this gave me a chance to play the game and have fun! The A and B stories between Leon and Claire can be a bit disappointing in the sense that they’re not hugely different from each other. I was kind of expecting completely different playthroughs but still lots of fun.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Awesome remake. It’s very much in the spirit of the original. Really loved i

  46. Michael Andronico says:

     United Kingdom

    A brilliantly remastered game, fantastic game play, thank you. Absolutely endless fun.

  47. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this as a gift for my husband… well hes played it none stop, he loves the game would recommend it to anyone who love the Resident franchise.

  48. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It is amazing how they got so much right with this game and yet some flaws emerge that should have been very obvious.

    The graphics and gameplay are mostly stunning and excellent. This is top-tier quality.

    The downsides are where it gets interesting. Some of them have been carried over due to the age of the original game. For example, there is much backtracking to open doors once you’ve obtained the relevant keys etc. In modern-day gaming this comes across as rather repetitive and lazy, cheaply increasing the length of the game.

    Secondly, there is an invincible enemy or two who randomly appears and stalks you throughout a large part of the game. At first this is quite startling and unnerving in the fun sense, however it quickly becomes grating, as he can also cause you to backtrack a lot to escape or waste precious ammo in stalling him until you can escape. This is also surprising as Resident Evil 7 had the same issue and I’m surprised they didn’t learn from that.

    Finally, the zombies themselves, or specifically their impressive and frustrating ability to absorb bullets like raindrops. It makes some sense to discourage us from fighting every single zombie, however it also becomes tedious and frustrating that I have to expend 6 or 7 bullets to ensure a zombie is permanently neutralised. This is not practical and is not enjoyable.

    While I was playing this an observer noted that “it needs more action” and I think they were right. There is too much banal content that was accepted 20 years ago due to the limitations of technology. Perhaps Capcom did not want to stray too far from the source material, but I’m a firm believer in rose-tinted glasses needing to be removed. I could have enjoyed this game so much more and I am glad it was a gift because it really is not worth the launch price. Wait until it is 20 or less.

  49. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got it on the release day and im still replaying it, the last survivor dlc (which was free!) Is a great additio

  50. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Excellent game you have to work out safe settings and things

  51. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    RE2 holds a very special place in my heart and this remake did a truly amazing job of making the player fall in love with Claire Redfield, Leon Kennedy and Raccoon City all over again. Gameplay is smooth and mixes old school RE with the new RE standards but makes it feel more grounded compared to the past few main titles in the RE series. The cutscenes are beautiful and certain scenes near the end of Claire’s story really hit you in the feels. I definitely preferred Claire’s story over Leon’s. (For the true story, play Claire first and Leon second) it felt more fleshed out compared to Leon but Capcom could have done that little bit more to flesh it out. The only cons I can think of is the lack of a true A/B story (the original had a A story and a B story, which showed what each player was doing during their escape from Raccoon CIty) unfortunately, RE2 remake only offers this in name alone and does not actually offer a true 1 story line to follow which is very disappointing and the other con would be the city streets being much less compared to the original. But for a newbie to the series. RE2 is a standalone entry to begin with and is truly a masterpiece. RE2 original is still the better game but RE2 remake offers a much more intense ride.

  52. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The game is amazing and it’s a gem for the fans of the saga! I pre ordered the game and it arrived promptly on the release date. The whole purchasing experience was very smooth and impeccable.

  53. CortezAdamek says:

     United Kingdom

    Great game, really well done remake and omg is Mr X terrifying at firs

  54. Rachel Cavanaugh says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s between of the best games of 2019 and all the time. It’s stunning and horrific at the same time.

  55. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Good game. Instant classic and perfect for me considering I never originally played resi 2 PlayStation one.

  56. PhillipDickerma says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAn absolute incredible remake, if you enjoyed the old resident evil games decades ago or like horror survival then this remake needs to experienced,atmospheric spooky puzzle solving using maps zombie dogs bone chilling lickers-res evil boss fights,this is the original type resident evil as it should be.

    With the 2nd run versions unlocked once normal modes completed you essentially get multiple different versions to play,once i started i could not stop playing it really is that addictive….fantastic game pure perfection.

  57. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Masterpiece, easily one of the best horror games on PS4!

  58. Michel3317 says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic game. Played through it 6 times and still missed things. Story is a little short but great remake worth full price.

  59. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A must have a for resi fans and if you want to relive the 1998 original

  60. AletheaMartinov says:

     United Kingdom

    Absolutely amazing remake, played all the way through it multiple times just because i couldn’t get enough of it!

  61. RebeccaLDN says:

     United Kingdom

    his is a good game but i felt disappointed when i completed it. its too short, the puzzles do not work in a police station setting as well as they did in the mansion and the biggest disappointment is the 4 stories are nearly identical. should this of been a full priced game. in hindsight i would of purchased it a few months on when the price had dropped, maybe a raid mode should of been added, still i enjoyed what was there the zombie coming out of the darkness of the cafeteria very scary

  62. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This game is brilliant! It is faithful to the original but also manages to feel fresh. The game is challenging without being too punishing and has an engaging story. It looks amazing and the sound design really adds to the tension. Buy this game!

  63. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What they managed to do with this re-make its truly fantastic

  64. DannyBeveridge says:

     United Kingdom

    This game is awsome i am one of the fans of old school have played all the resident evil games my favorite is resident evil 1 remake but next is this one have played the original back in the 1998 and loved but this one is bigger than the original 🙂 😉

  65. Jacinto02Q says:

     United Kingdom

    This is one truly great horror game. Survival horror game. Play smart stay sma

  66. ChristiCastella says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve been looking forward to this game since it was announced, and it’s even better than expected! The graphics, sound quality, and gameplay of this are amazing, and the character designs, especially those of the zombies, are fantastic. The game feels modern and new, while still managing to keep the nostalgia and overall feel of the original RE2. The camera angles, and aim controls are much improved on the original game, and the voice acting and cutscenes are brilliant. There are four different main story modes in this game, each take around 8 hours to play, so you get loads of use out of this! This game really is an example of an incredible remake, and will provide you with hours of scares!

  67. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    his game is fantastic, love the controls, and they way it feels. first resi game i played was Resi 5 and from what i have found out, that wasn’t very well loved by the fanbase. this is true survival horror at its best. get this and you will not be disappointed.

  68. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Bought as a present for my husband and as expected he loves it.

  69. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWell what can I say which hasn’t already been said? A favourite from my youth so I was hoping and praying that Capcom would do things right and I can safely say they have gone above and beyond! The atmosphere, the gameplay, the story. It’s still RE2 but the story has much more to it. Just be careful of mr X. He no only appears in the B Scenario……. also I hope one day they will make an update or DLC for original music. As the main police entrance is missing that iconic music!!!!

  70. DenishaMannino says:

     United Kingdom

    I was hugely skeptical of Capcom’s intentions when I heard about the remake of Resident Evil 2. The original is my perhaps favourite game and based on the last decade of entries into the series, Capcom seemed bent on destroying Resident Evil.

    It’s with great pleasure I can say that they nailed it. This game pays homage to Resident Evil’s foundations, what made it great to begin with, it’s a love-letter to fans and I have to praise Capcom for this. They did what I didn’t think they were capable of any more. They made a genuine Resident Evil game.

    This game has a genuinely unsettling, creepy, scary atmosphere. It’s incredibly gory, it’s very challenging, as zombies have been made significantly more difficult to defeat than in earlier entries and lickers are incredibly dangerous and resilient. Ammo conservation and inventory management are hugely important factors here, you’re simply not going to be able to run and gun like a madman a la Resident Evil 5.

    Graphically the game is perhaps most accomplished on the PS4. It’s absolutely gorgeous, eerily realistic at times and beautifully detailed. One thing I’m really impressed by is the voice acting and motion capture, the former is really very good, not just for Resident Evil but in general and the facial animations are very realistic as well. The audio in general as well in this game is top of the line.

    I have some very minor criticisms, but seeing as this game massively exceeded expectations and goes in right near the top of the very best Resident Evil games to date. I don’t feel they detract in any meaningful way.

    I’ll briefly list my quibbles anyway though. For example, I thought they could have let us stay in the city a little more, perhaps come across more people who survive, at least for awhile, just expand the game at the edges a bit. However, I hear there is free DLC coming that will offer mini-scenarios to play with so maybe that will sort that issue.

    On game-length I was suspicious of claims that it’s an 8 to 10-hour game. It’s not. In my first playthrough as Claire on standard difficulty, I completed the game in under 6 hours. There is no way it should take 10 hours to complete even for a total newbie to the series. But due to the multiple scenarios there are 15 to 20 hours of campaign play, before you even attempt Hardcore difficulty or the bonus modes.

    In summary this is the best Resident Evil since 4 in my mind and I actually prefer this game to 4. It’s definitely in my top 5 all-time Resident Evil games. You should absolutely buy this game and reward a developer for doing the right thing with the game and the main DLC.

  71. KelvinHeller says:

     United Kingdom

    Super quick delivery. Awesome scary game play!! Was my fav game back in the day.

  72. s.e. smith says:

     United Kingdom

    Had this game since release day. It is fantastic. The first play through is like a labyrinth with puzzles thru ought. Combined with the walking dead, the puzzles become more testing. It is a real challenge. Come 2nd run you feel so much more confident with your surroundings and the game begins to blossom into a compelling story. Only downside, is there is no point / coin system to spend on upgrades like all other resis bar 7. However, as a long time resi fan, this instalment is no let down. Resi 4 will always remain my favourite, but this one has jumped straight into that number 2 spo

  73. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ok so I loved the original and played it recently waiting for this to be released and I still really enjoyed it. That being said there are obviously alot if similarities (like a good remake should) but lots if differences as well (also like a good remake should). I will keep this simple, the game is fantastic, looks fantastic and very replayable. It deserves the 9.1 on metacritic!

  74. AugustusJ21 says:

     United Kingdom

    Having just finished my first playthrough with Claire Redfield, admittedly on Assisted Mode, I can say, this game is bloody good, what stands out, notwithstanding the obvious 3rd person perspective, is the fact that you can forget what you know about the original version, the layout of areas, whilst similar, it is not a copy and paste job, similarily puzzles and enemies are not always in the same places as before, the setting itself is now dark in a lot of places, building tension in a great way, the sound is fantastic, the graphics are top quality.

    It is a great return to form, with item management, backtracking was always a thing, yes it can be a pain, knowing when to engage in combat or run, I had a blast, I literally jumped a mile, at a moment, which was also in the original, but I thought it may have been different, CAPCOM kind of suckered me there, again I did this on Assisted, to begin with, I always do that, so in terms of how easy that made things, I don’t know, I think I died once, quit because death was likely two or three times, I have heard complaints about folks running out of ammo, I never had that issue, that may also tie into the settings, or possibly they were playing it like an action game, train yourself to not do that, it isn’t like the most recent Resident Evil games.

    Finishing, I think it is a really great remake, much like the Gamecube Remake of RE1 back in the day, it adds bits and bobs without redoing the whole story, Sadly I did not buy from Amazon, it was cheaper locally at the time

    Resident Evil 2, The Remake, no spoilers, hopefully................

  75. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Interesting gameplay. Enjoyed playing as Leon and Claire in the two different scenes. Tyrant is a feller that you can’t even defeat until the end of the game for Leon and as for Claire it’s Sherry’s dad that mutated thing monster from God knows where!! Lol it would have been nice if they could make them run more faster than what they are running now as I find it slow and I’m sure other players do too. Overall it’s very interesting

  76. KayleneDarbyshi says:

     United Kingdom

    The original Resident evil 2 is quite simply my favourite game of all time. So it’s not a stretch to say I’ve been waiting for this for a while. I never played resident evil 1 until the GameCube remake which is awesome so I had big expectations for this. It is really good. Not perfect. Others have said there are things missing. No spiders. No headstomp. Zombies take ages to kill with the pistol. Not enough healing items or secondary weapons on standard difficulty. Too many on assisted mode. And the big one. The 2 charecters campaigns are too similar. Even the B scenarios are almost identical. On the upside it looks gorgeous. I’ve played through all four versions of the game. And will still replay to get the trophies. Al in all a very good reason for me to stop playing other games for a while. I’m sure I’ll go back to it in time just as I have replayed the original game easily 50 times as I still have it on my PS3. I just hope now they remake number 3.

  77. Charity says:

     United Kingdom

    A really good game to play and arrived on time

  78. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersHad this on pre order for a while and got it for 37.00 which was absolute bargain. I was at first a bit skeptical about remake as Resident Evil 2 is an absolute classic and resisted the one shot demo and waited for full game. I have to say it is an absolute belter , graphics , sound and overall feel has hit the mark. Playing as Leon at the minute and loving it . Do not hesitate to buy as game of the year so far for me . Bring on Resident evil 3 and Dino Crisis remake

  79. jeeryu says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWell worth the years waiting for release . Graphics are stunning and story line is just brilliant , the game it’s self is so additive . Zombies are tuffer then ever in hardcore mode . If your resident evil fan buy this game now money no object here , you be stupid not to .

  80. Manslaughter-Andy says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersThis game feels just how you’d expect a proper survival horror to, It genuinly makes you afraid of what could be around the next corner, especially when ammo is so limited that missing more than a handfull of shots could render you completely helpless against the horde of zombies and other monstrosities looking to sink their teeth into you. Its not completely overwhelming though, it just doesnt give you time to catch your breathe and usually just as you’re getting to know your surroundings there’ll be some new threat introduced to keep you on you’re toes. Basicly If you cant see a typewriter, you’re not safe!.

    It took me around 8 and a half hours to complete Claire’s campaign but im the sort of player that likes to take my time and enjoy the game’s extremely tense horror atmosphere rather than just powering through it.
    The games not all over after just 1 playthrough though, you unlock the other side of the story and get to play as Leon in an altered version of his campain called Leon 2nd run, the same applies if you complete Leons campaign first, you’ll unlock Claire’s 2nd run. So thats 4 campaigns and a bonus unlockable extra game mode all togeather which isnt bad at all.

    I highly reccomend this game to anyone who enjoyed games like Dead Space, Alien isolation, the other Resident Evil games and just survival horror in general.

  81. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersNormally I wouldn’t write reviews but playing this game I thought it deserves it.

    First of all I have completed the Leon S Kennedy story mode and then I started and completed the Claire Redfield story mode and if you fancy starting the game from the beginning don’t click on new game but do click on New Game (2nd Run) and it starts Leon off in a totally nwe area of the police station so there’s quite a few different ways of playing the game.
    Capcom have done amazing job of remaking this game. The graphics, one liners, costumes you can change the characters into and constant action from start to finish. Very happy with this game.

  82. AshleeQweoole says:

     United Kingdom

    Back in 1998 Resident Evil 2 was my favourite game. For years I was waiting for a remaster, instead we got a remake. I was so excited when I heard it was on the way but also filled with trepidation, would a great game and story be ruined? I am pleased to say, no. This game is fantastic. Of course graphically a massive improvement over its 20 year old predecessor, great voice acting, more adult and incredibly satisfying. Without giving away any spoilers, the tyrant/Mr X is truly terrifying and relentless and just when you think ‘phew I’m safe’ you feel your heart jumping through your chest
    For who have played the original it will be both familiar yet different and those who haven’t played the original will realise what made the game so loved by fans.
    Like it did in 98 RE2 has a new place in my favourites list.

  83. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWhen I first heard about the RE2 remake my initial reaction was, “Oh no… in an era full of failed re-boots and profit-driven re-releases, is this gonna be another rubbish attempt at reimagining one of the greatest RE games of all time?”.

    Then I saw the E3 demo last year, and I was astounded at how scary, atmospheric and faithful this game looked to it’s original.

    The last time I played the original Resident evil 2 on PS1 was some 14 years ago! So this re-imagination really takes me back. There is the perfect mix of new elements as well as old elements. There are new puzzles, new items, but of course there’s the same scary enemies from the original including the lickers, them terrifying plant creatures in the lab that will literally eat your head whole if you approach too near, and of course the man himself, Mr X!! (This time with a complimentary hat!!!).

    The story is the same but has certain little twists, but overall this game is groundbreaking and even more enjoyable than the disappointing RE7 (which could have been a great game if it were over the should and not that dreadful first person view).

    Old gamers will be taken back by visiting all the old areas and creepy rooms as the 1998 map, and will also be greeted with newer and more revived parts of the map. I highly believe this remake has also had a lot of inspiration from RE4. In fact, think RE2 meets RE4, because this is basically the summary of this game.

    This is the best remake of a video game since the GameCube release of the original RE in 2002. Buy this for a challenging, fun, scary and groundbreaking experience!! Old gamers, be prepared to go back to the old days of survival horror (even play the original 1998 music throughout the gameplay and you will really be taken back by nostalgia) and new gamers, step into the old school roots of RE, and you may even find yourself investing in the older PlayStation and Gamecube games in the series!

    One of the best games I have played in many years. And really don’t know how anyone could give this game one star. I read a one star review basing their rating on “there being no spider enemies in this game, like the original”. Just because the producers left one (just ONE) enemy out doesn’t mean the entire game is deserving of a one star rating. They also replaced that enemy with a new and more challenging and SCARIER enemy in the sewers. The producers had to add some diversity to the plot, character, map and items as other wise gamers would be complaining on how boringly similar it would be to its original.

    Thank you Capcom for taking me and my adult siblings back to our childhood by playing this brilliant remake of a fantastic 90s game! And Capcom you really gave the fans want they had been waiting for for so many years! Capcom have touched a lot of people’s hearts with this beautifully crafted video game.

  84. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThis is the best recent Resident Evil game. Much better than RE7 as the Re Engine is a lot more realistic and gives the game a creepy atmosphere. I am not far into Claire’s scenario but the only thing letting it down is how easy the puzzles are. I recall them making you think a bit harder in the 90s version. If you buy the standard copy, you can upgrade it to delux by downloading the bundle from PSN or Xbox Live. That way you get a physical copy of the game and the extras like costumes and orginal soundtrack which sounds great.

  85. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersPlayed the original in the late 90’s and have carried on with the franchise over the years. This game does not disappoint, it’s managed to keep enough of the original elements to take you back but added a whole lot more. A must buy for any resident evil fan or would be fine as a stand alone game to someone who has never played any of the other games.

  86. LCCotter says:

     United Kingdom

    Second best Resi game after 4. Amazing remake, hope other classics get this level of love and attention. 9/10.

  87. FideliaWhitwort says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersNext day delivery with Prime. Game is a complete remake. Gorgeous on PS4 Pro /4K

  88. Hannah says:

     United Kingdom

    Superb game. Very scary. One to play over and over agai

  89. MargheritaMansf says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersamazing game feels good great gameplay with scary and hard moments for this game a score is a 10/10

  90. DerekFlinchum says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAlmost finished my first round with Claire and I have to say I’m impressed. Although I definitely did NOT miss Tyrant haha.

  91. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersAs a huge fan of the original Resident Evil 2, I have been waiting for this game for a long time and I have to say, it does not disappoint.

    The atmosphere is amongst the creepiest and unsettling I have ever experienced in a game and the combat is frantic and heart-pumping. Capcom have clearly poured a great deal of love and care into this project.

    Turn the lights and the phone off and immerse yourself in this nightmarish masterpiece.

  92. EtsukoLarcombe says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersThis is classic resident evil made for the modern era. Combining old styled puzzles, exploration and horror with a new angle and engine. Beautiful graphics and exiting gameplay that’s truly scary. Capcom is doing amazing things lately and I’m exited too see what’s next for resident evil.

  93. HarrietHowey says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersWell it’s finally here, was really looking forward to this game and it lives up to the hype.
    Many moons ago, I played the original re and re2, loved them, great games to play with your other half as did I over 20years ago so there was a lot of memories for me.
    This time playing myself as a singleton but still a lot of fun and frights.
    Early days played 2hours last night and had to go to bed at 2am
    Visually great, sounds and frights right up there, going to take my time and enjoy.
    Got the game yesterday 40 with free delivery so good deal.
    If you enjoy these games then it’s prob worth picking up a second hand ps4 for this game and the last if us part 2.

  94. AllanScurry says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 17 From Our UsersBeen waiting a long time for this. Been a fan of resident evil since the first one in 1996. Although the resident evil 7 was excellent, and got back to what resident evil should be like. It still missed a little of the old games. But this one is as refined as resident evil 7. With the added bonus of the old game feel. To get me in the mood, I’ve been playing the remastered resident evil one. Which although was brilliant made, the controls were the same as the first version as well as the camera. This however is silky smooth, the ability to aim correctly and with pin point accuracy is excellent. If you were a fan of the old games, this is going to take you back to your childhood with the added advantage of not being frustrated by old controls and camera angles.

  95. FerminLawless says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 82 From Our UsersResident Evil 2 is a reimagining of the classic 1998 Survival horror game, set in the location of Raccoon City which – following the events of the first Resident Evil game – now finds itself completely overrun by the hordes of the undead.

    As before, you can play the game from one of two perspectives, that of either Leon S Kennedy or Claire Redfield, both of whom are unfortunate enough to find themselves caught up in the apocalyptic events, Leon because it is his first day on the job as a Raccoon City police officer, and Claire because she is desperately trying to find her brother Chris.

    Like in the original, each character has a different campaign from the other as they tackle the zombie menace from opposite perspectives. Some of the areas that are open to Leon will not be for Claire, and vice versa. Each character also has a very different arsenal of weapons to the other, meaning that their style of play is distinct.

    It took me about 8 hours complete my first play through. In truth your second play through will probably take less time as you are able to breeze through those parts of the game that are identical for both Leon and Claire, but with ‘new game+’ options for both characters (which will be slightly different from your original play through’s), there is plenty of incentive to play through a couple of times with each character, meaning you have here a game that has a great deal of replayability, well in excess of twenty hours worth of game play, and provides plenty of value for your money.

    Your adventure as either character starts on the road outside the city limits at an abandoned gas station in a short scene that effectively acts as a game tutorial. Here you will learn how character and camera movement operates, aiming and shooting works, and how to use your inventory and use various items. The game effectively drip feeds you further tutorials as you proceed so you never feel at a loss with regards what to do or how things work.

    From this very first scene it’s immediately obvious just how good the visuals are. Characters are extremely realistic looking, so much so that in cut scenes you can seemingly see every skin pore, hair, and bead of sweat! Character movement is fluid and natural, and the use of lighting and shadows makes every part of the game scary and foreboding.

    Sound is also very good. The voice talent is excellent and scenes are well scripted – no more corny ‘master of unlocking’ lines or anything like that! As you traverse the dark corridors of the Raccoon City Police station and other locations, rain will batter the windows, steam will vent from broken valves, water will drip from overhead pipes, and the sound of the dead is never far away, all of which creates a very palpable feeling of dread at almost every turn.

    Controls are similar to those that fans of the franchise have been using since Resident Evil 4. The left stick moves your character, whilst the right stick operates the camera. There are no fixed camera angles unlike the very early Resident Evil games, and this method helps to increase the sense of anticipation as you are forced to frantically search every corner and shadow for threats rather than have the entire room laid out for you to see.

    The left trigger readies your weapon, whilst the right trigger is used to discharge it. The left shoulder button readies secondary weapons such as the knife. The keypad is used to interact with items, reload your weapons, and access your inventory and other menus. It’s all very fluid and ergonomically designed.

    In terms of story, as I mention at the top of the interview this is a reimagining of the classic original game rather than a simple remake. Whilst the broad strokes of the storyline and most of the characters remain the same (and you will still meet the likes of Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin, and Marvin along the way), the fine details are quite different, so even if your memory is good enough to recall every detail of a game you probably last played twenty years ago, this one should feel almost entirely new and fresh to you.

    The way the game is laid out is also almost entirely different from the original. You still start out on the streets of the city desperately trying to find your way to the assumed safety of the Police Department, although sadly you do not have a run-in with an unfortunate gun store owner at this time (but who knows what might happen later!)

    The vast majority of the game as before is set within the confines of the Police station and the secret underground Umbrella laboratory,however other than certain key areas – such as the main entrance hallway of the Police station for example – the rest of the game map is almost completely dissimilar from what you would have seen before. You will still find all of the kinds of things you would expect from the Police station, but the layout of the landscape is pretty much entirely different from before.

    The objective of the game is still to escape with your life, and you will of course still find yourself embroiled in a conspiracy of epic proportions, but at the start you will find yourself restricted to one small part of the map and are required to solve a series of small puzzles or mysteries in order to proceed to other areas. As is tradition, these puzzles are always of the ‘find hand crank/find I.D card/find diamond key/find 3 x medallions’ variety.

    Whilst looking for key mission items you will also find a variety of useful inventory items to help you keep the hordes at bay. These range from simple ammunition for your weapons, heavier weaponry such as the shotgun or grenade launcher, special weapons such as flash bang and fragmentation grenades, to components that make your existing weapons more deadly or effective (such as the extended pistol magazine). The game sees the return of the well known ‘herb’ method of healing injury and poison (as well as the usual first aid sprays), but also the use of the ‘gunpowder’ system of producing ammunition, which didn’t appear in the original version of this game (not being first introduced until Resident Evil 3).

    As usual one of the best things about any Resident Evil game are the monsters that you have to face along the way, and this game doesn’t disappoint. All of the favourites are there, from the ubiquitous zombie (no more mutated Spanish or African villagers!), dogs, and lickers, and you will also find yourself stalked by returning key characters such as the monstrous William Birkin and mysterious Mr X.

    Combat has become more detailed than ever before. I recall my shock and excitement in the first version of this game when I blew a zombie in twain with a shotgun, and the top half continued to crawl towards me. In this new game however you can blow all sorts of parts off zombies. Of course the best way to put a zombie down for good is a head shot, but you can shoot their arms off, or knee cap them to send them sprawling to the floor – and yes – blow them in half with a shotgun if you like!

    Combat is not without it’s problems however.

    The main frustration I have with it – in fact probably the main frustration with the entire game – is just how difficult it is to put down the average zombie and make sure it stays down for good. One would think that a good single shot from a pistol to the centre of the forehead should be enough, but I have had zombies that have literally taken seven or eight shots to the cranium to permanently kill, which is just ridiculous!

    It is the case that a hit to a superficial part of a zombies head such as the jaw will result in quite realistic cosmetic, non-fatal damage (I’ve had zombie with their entire faces blow off still shuffling towards me), but I’ve frequently seen zombies take a couple of hits to the brain pan, fall down, get back up, take a couple more hits, fall down, and get back up again! A lot of the time they will lay there seemingly dead (again) and not react at all to your presence when you walk over them, but then be back on their feet when you exit and return to the room a couple of minutes later! My advice: If you see a corpse lying on the floor, give it a poke with your knife to make sure it really is just a corpse!

    Ammunition is never in plentiful supply and you’ll always want to make your shots count because of it’s scarcity, so it’s extremely frustrating to time and time again hit a zombie right in the sweet spot only to see it shrug it off or get back up for another go at you! Other weapons such as the Magnum, Shotgun, and Grenade Launcher seem as deadly as ever, but the standard pistol is VERY under powered, and sadly it’s this weapon that you’re going to find yourself relying on for the vast majority of your killing.

    Zombies are also very, very difficult to hit at all, despite their generally slow movement, as they sway and loll back and forth, and even more difficult to lay a head shot on – let alone half a dozen head shots – so my recommendation for non-hardcore gamers who are looking to enjoy rather than be frustrated by the experience of playing is to go with the ‘assisted’ game mode that offers a degree of auto-targeting.

    Camera angles can also make it very tricky fighting off enemies. This is partly by design as the game creators needed a way to make the standard, slow moving zombie more scary and intimidating and thus designed it so that they will attack when, and from a direction that made them scarier and more difficult to anticipate. It’s not uncommon however to find yourself backed into a dark corner and hopelessly spinning your cross hair around, trying to properly focus on an enemy without success, especially in darker areas and especially against faster moving enemies like dogs and lickers. The key to success then is positioning and to always try to ensure you have safety at your back, a long, clear line of fire to your front, and a way out if you need it.

    Despite these frustrations, Resident Evil 2 is still a terrific gaming experience that will be as exciting for new people who have come to the franchise as it will be for those like myself who are revisiting this game after a two decades long period of absence. It’s great to see the franchise return to Raccoon City and it’s traditional roots, and there’s nothing here that’s so bad it would force me to offer the game anything less than the maximum five star review.



  96. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersFor oldie gamers like me you will be delighted with the game…..and then some. All characters are enhanced, the story is the same as the original with a few needed tweaks here and there. Sherry is actualy likable now!! lol.

    On the scare factor – it is scary from start to finish just like the original, the soundtrack adds to the tension. the layout of the police station is mostly the same but it feels fresh and new. There are some new areas to explore and all will firmly put you in your place if you go rushing in guns blazing. Ammo is scarce just like the original so AIM FOR THE HEAD. Headshots are good if you stand still and take your time with each one. The zombies tend to sway their heads around alot so its hard to get them.

    The cut scenes are REALLY damn good I loved the 1st time you meet the cheif in the parking lot its so intenst. Watch out for those heavy footsteps too……mr x is coming to get you.

    As a hardcore fan of the original I am very impressed and releived at the effort put in for this game. They really went above and beyond to make this one super special. They have made this gamer very VERY happy. Thank you Capcom.

  97. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI think this is one of the best remakes of all time. Capcom did a great job remastering it and rewriting the story. It’s scary, gives you the chills and can make you jump very often. Can definately recommend to all the fans of RE and fans of survival horror games you won’t be dissapointed.


  98. FacelessFood says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFantastic game. Great reimagining of the game. Claire is cute.

  99. SuzannaSCW says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis remake of Resident Evil 2 is absolutely stunning in terms of graphics and gameplay , this is a perfect example of how to remake a classic , if you loved Resident Evil 2 on the PS1 back in 1998 then i highly recommend you buy this , Survival horror is back and Resident Evil is back the way it should be played.

    A Stunning Remake Of A Playstation Classic.

  100. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersIf your a previous fan or new to the franchise, just buy i