Thrustmaster TFRP – T. Flight Rudder Pedals (T.A.R.G.E.T Software, PC)

Dimensions: 349 x 314 x 200 cm; 1 Kilograms
Model: 2960764
Origin: China

146 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    I’ve been using Hotas 1 on Xbox MSFS and I’ve had no issues. Easy to use and program and no issues with control.

    I’ve flown various aircraft and all performed well with Thrustmasters Hotas 1

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This was a replacment for my Saitek Proflight pedals that I had for about 7 years.

    Its definetly a lot more sturdy and has more metal than the Saiteks and I can feel a lot more resistence as well, the pedals are also a bit more “normal” sized so my size 9 feet can touch the toe brakes without having to shuffle my feet.

    The downside to these over the Saiteks is that the pedals are MUCH closer to gether and you dont really get the same degree of leverage/control over the yaw axis and I’ve had to greatly turn down the sensitivity in-game, it’s also not as comfortable as your feet have to be together when you’re using it.

  3. AthenaBravo says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Resistance springs could be a little stronger, other than that then superb for the price point.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    This will be one of my shorter reviews, as there honestly isn’t much to be said here. The build quality is even better than that of the throttle/joystick combo this is meant to augment, which stands to reason as it has to support the same feet that supports my 105Kg body on a daily basis. What I mean by “This is the risk you’re faced with” is that once you get the Captain’s Kit, you WILL inevitably get this too, so you might as well budget for it. Can the Captain’s Kit be used without the pedals? Certainly, and to great enjoyment. But let’s be real here, people – we wouldn’t eat HALF the candy bar, would we? 🙂

  5. JaxonCorbett says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    After using this product for 4 months I have found no problems with the product since first using it.

    It is easy to setup and intergrade into an existing system.

    I love this product but wish the price was a bit less for what it is.

    If I was to purchase a new set of flight sim rudder pedals i would look at spending a bit more and get something more advanced.

    Overall I found them to be a good beginners set of rudder redder pedals, depending on what you want to do.

  6. MarshalHildreth says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    If you want to advance to the next level I give my recommendation to the T. Flight Rudder Pedals.
    Coming in around 90 you can’t go wrong.

    Just like the real thing, heel and toe, Using the heel to control the rudder, whilst the toe operates the brakes, the Left does the left brake, the Right does the right brake, and both operate both brakes.

    Having over 10hr flight time in a real Cessna 152H this product has brought me closer to the world of flight simulation.

    The only thing I need to further this is purchasing a ButtKicker attached to the back of my chair, to simulate the wind punching you in the back.

    Anyhoo it’s easy to set up and you don’t have to purchase the Thrustmaster Range as it comes with an RJ45 to USB adapter. Just need to set up the Brake range to my liking.

  7. KristineBrownin says:

     United Kingdom 🇬🇧

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersThe counter acting rudder action is nice with smooth movement. Toe brakes work independently. Installed and running in 5 minutes with very little fuss. Comes with USB adaptor if you don’t have TM controller to plug it into. Only downside is it could use a bit more grip underneath as it has a tendency to slide/move slightly under heavy brake use and I have it in a carpe

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great addition to your flight sim set up for beginner price

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great, just make sure u download latest drivers and software from website.

  9. AliciaTerpstra says:

     United Kingdom

    Fantastic addition for my MSFS. Easy to setup and a good range of options to customise it. Very good quality. I’ve used it with other Simulators other than MSFS and works a treat.

    Worth the money

    Simply Superb

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Work well with Condor Gliding SIm. Rudder control is critical for a glider so adds degree of realism. Easy to set up and work perfectly. Well made and sturdy. Not cheap but worth it.

  11. Anonymous says:


    Precio muy interesante para la calidad de este producto. Su funcionamiento es extraordinario.

  12. ShantaeChauvin says:


    Die Pedals funktionieren, wurden sofort erkannt und der Flugluimulator von Microsoft hat auch die entsprechenden Voreinstellungen. Was mit nicht so gefllt ist:
    – Sie ruckeln etwas, da ntzt auch kein Fett.
    – Die Pedale stehen zu nah bei einander, das macht das fliegen recht anstrengend
    – Wenn man sie direkt an die Wand stellt, kann man nicht mehr richtig bremsen, d.h. man muss noch einen Abstandshalter dazwischen klemme

  13. MarianoWilley says:

     United Kingdom

    The professional rudder pedals for home simulator cost a lot. But these are definitely required for anyone looking to get into siming. Especially tail dragger aircraft.

  14. GiseleGauthier says:


    It is a good low budget Rudder Pedal, but, I wish it was more smooth to maneuver ( maybe because it is still new), it is not as smooth as I wish to fine control the Airplane., and I have still to use the joystick when micro movement is needed.

  15. Jermaine6261 says:


    Bon pdalier exactement ce que je cherchais. Attention de bien initialiser se pdalier dans Flight simulator sinon il a tendance s’emballer.

  16. Anonymous says:


    la pedaliera funziona perfettamente solo utilizzando l’adattatore rj12 fornito nella confezione non funziona inserito nella presa del tca quadra

  17. Anonymous says:


    Habe mir diese Pedale als Ersatz fr die Z-Achse am Joystick gekauft.
    Das aufstellen und einrichten am PC geht erwartungsgem einfach ber die Bhne, am PC angeschlossen wird das Gert sofort erkannt und verfgt ber zwei Achsen. Der Widerstand beim bewegen der Achsen ist gut und die Pedalgre/Fuauflageflche ist auch in Ordnung (Schuhgre 47) der Abstand der Pedale zueinander lsst sich soweit ich wei nicht einstellen ist aber angenehm gro. Das Gert wird auch in jeder Software/Spiel erkannt und funktioniert tadellos.

    Soweit gutes Produkt zum fairen Preis.

  18. Anonymous says:


    Es macht sehr viel Spa damit Flight Simulator zu spielen. Qualitativ sehr hochwertig. Nur die Antirutsch Polster knnten besser sei

  19. NereidaTrombley says:

     United Kingdom

    What I needed and available when hard to find elsewhere

  20. VickiJulius says:

     United Kingdom

    Good product just a shame the hotas flight stick sucks which makes this product useless if the joystick doesn’t work

  21. Anonymous says:


    Utilis pour le simulateur de vol Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
    Plusieurs points :
    1) attention au tout petit interrupteur sur le connecteur qui fait l’interface entre le RJ11 du pdalier et l’USB: il faut bien le positionner sur l’icne “avion” et non “voiture” pour que a marche bien
    2) Une trappe dessous est prvue, il est beaucoup plus agrable, si on veut reprer facilement et sans rflchir la position neutre, de remplacer via cette trappe le tout petit ressort d’origine; on peut sans problme mettre autre un ressort trouvable en rayon dans de grosses enseignes de bricolage (pour ma part j’ai trouv a chez “arthur l’enchanteur et il a fallu modifier un peu la taille du ressort avec des outils) mais puisque moins de 3 euros (et 3 minutes) de brico y suffisent, a vaut le coup.
    J’aurais mis 5 toiles si je n’avais pas d trouver tout seul la solution ce problme de pdale trop molle et de position neutre trop floue, alors que la solution pour le rsoudre m’a cot 2,70

  22. Anonymous says:


    Parfait…malgr qu’il soit vendu pour Playstation il fonctionne parfaitement pour mon hotas x box.

  23. Anonymous says:


    verbessert das Fliegen im Vergleich zum Joystick mit Z-Achse ganz erheblich!

  24. HectorVillanuev says:

     United Kingdom

    For my husband’s birthday I wanted to get him the one thing he really wanted but with Brexit I’d almost given up these are great best he’s owned and were very rare to get hold of at the original price too thank you!

  25. EddyBorchgrevin says:


    Je l’utilise pour Xplane et Msfs2020 ! Content au dbut j’ai t un peu du par la suite .en effet au fur et mesure il perd de prcision et oblig forcer pour tourner et donne des saccades au lieu de fluidit. Je regrette j’aurai d attendre le retour du palonnier logitech

  26. MohammaGutterid says:


    Prodotto molto valido e consegna in anticipo rispetto a quella stimata.

  27. Alex says:

     United Kingdom

    hey are more comfortable than my old set and seem to work better in my flight sims. All axis are accurate and response is ideal. I found setting them up in win 10 pro first, then installing Thrustmaster drivers worked better for me

  28. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Ok, these are one of the two affordable rudder pedal sets available on the market so you’re not exactly blessed with choice. These are plastic with metal sliders but they do feel fairly solid and I don’t feel like I’m in danger of breaking them unless I do something daft. They’re plug and play and I had no issue with the PC (Windows 10) detecting them. The only downside I would say is that the pedals are quite close together and they could really do with being another six inches further apart.

    I must admit, I wasn’t too happy forking over the money for these but I’ve wanted a set of rudder pedals ever since I first played FSX over a decade ago. With a bit of luck they will last as long as some of my other controllers and will end up being a good investment.

  29. Constan80G says:


    La sensibilit est rglable, on ne fait plus attention une fois qu’on a l’habitude. Cependant , l’objet est assez petit et en plastique, c’est trs lger et ca a tendance se dplacer… J’ai d le bloquer avec un carton contre un mur… Dommage qu’il n’y a ait pas de ventouse pour la fixer au sol.

  30. Anonymous says:


    Comprado para regalo, lleva dos aos utilizandolo y como el primer dia

  31. Anonymous says:


    obusto preciso funzionale, una cosa l’avrei progettato a base quadrata non ovale messo contro il muro tende a spostarsi verso sinistra o destra

  32. Anonymous says:


    Trs bonnes finitions, prise en main parfaite malgr ma pointure (45). calibration automatique en amenant le contrleur en bute de chaque c

  33. Daniel Chubb says:


    Dopo aver acquistato il prodotto ho avuto alcuni problemi ad installarlo e farlo riconoscere a FS 2020 ma grazie all aiuto del Support Center di Thrustmaster ho installato il tutto e funziona egregiamente . Sono stati gentili, professionali e pazienti perch mi hanno seguito con parecchie mail per una settimana intera sino a che non ho risolto completamente e con soddisfazione il problema. Tengo a precisare che la pedaliera era perfettamente funzionante sin dall’inizio ma io non la configuravo correttamente .

  34. Anonymous says:


    Ottima pedaliera, per quello che costa da un ottimo valore aggiunto alla simulazione di volo.

    Unico difetto la sua poca inclinazione che rende scomodo le frenate in fase di atterraggio
    ho perci effettuato una modifica aggiungendo un rialzo nella parte posteriore, ora va molto meglio e credo la cosa sarebbe dovuta essere prodotta cos di fabbrica

  35. PriscilBeaumont says:


    Fr 99 bekommt man hier stabil stehende, rutschfeste und recht bequeme Rudder-Pedals. Die Rudder-Pedals funktionieren auch nach mehr als einem halben Jahr wie am ersten Tag.

    Sie bestehen bis auf die metallischen schienen auf denen sich die Pedale bewegen aus Plastik.

    Die Pedals bewegen sich wie beschrieben. Die “Bewegungsfreiheit” ist fr Flugsimulation ausreichend und vermittelt ein verhltnismig realistischen Gefhl. Die Pedale haben einen am Kabel befestigten Schalter der es ermglicht zwischen einer “Autofunktion” und einer “Flugzeugfunktion” umzuschalten. Dieser bewirkt allerdings nicht dass Die Links-/Rechtsbewegung gesperrt wird. Die Pedale bewegen sich also wie sonst auch.

    Zum Autofahren in den entsprechenden Simulatoren kann Ich die Pedale daher nicht uneingeschrnkt empfehlen sondern wrde auf zweckmig gebaute Modelle verweisen.

    Allgemein stellen die Pedale fr 99 einen sehr guten Einstieg in die Flugsimulation dar und bieten dabei alle bentigten Funktionen. Daher wrde Ich sie sowohl Anfngern sowie fortgeschrittenen empfehlen.

    Infos zu meinem Anwendungsbereich:
    Flugsimulation in X-Plane 11 und Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.

  36. Anonymous says:


    Ich verwende diese Pedale mit dem Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 und bin mit ihrer Qualitt und Genauigkeit zufrieden. Der fr den Anschluss an den PC bentigte T.RJ12-USB-Adapter liegt bei, ist aber so gut versteckt, dass ich ihn zunchst nicht finden konnte. Insgesamt ein empfehlenswertes Produkt, schade, dass ich 2 Monate warten musste, um es zu bekommen.

  37. Anonymous says:


    Excellent palonnier d’entre de gamme.
    Bonne ractivit, et a l’air solide.
    Produit test sur Xbox One.

  38. EllieHerring says:


    Das grte Manko fr mich ist der fehlende gut sprbare Nullpunkt (Neutralstellung). Auch gleiten die Pedale nicht ruckelfrei. Aber wenn man sich daran gewhnt hat wird das “Feeling” besser. Preis Leistung insgesamt passen aber.

  39. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    product looks good but as yet untried still waiting for the rest of the flight sim ki

  40. The Minnesotan with the German-Irish Name says:


    Wer ein Rudder sucht das funktioniert und nicht hunderte Euro ausgeben will ist hier richtig. Nicht jeder ist als Gelegenheitsflieger gewillt so viel Geld auszugeben.

    Besonders zu erwhnen seih die Mglichkeit, das man sowohl schieben” kann als Seitenruder, als auch zustzlich kippen” als Fubremse links und rechts. Das ergibt zustzlich die Mglichkeit das in Fahrsimulationen als Gas/Bremse zu nutzen ohne ein weiteres Teil zu kaufen.

  41. MalindaSpivey says:


    Als auch echter Pilot kann ich nur sagen, dass die Pedale inkl links/rechts Bremse sehr gut ansprechen.

  42. ElvinGayaeovzhn says:


    I use it for X Plane on Mac with Thrustmaster Joystick

  43. maleenhancementx46 says:


    I am writing the review after using 3-4 months the rudders grip with floor is not at all good their is a play while operating & with time i can feel the friction while applying the rudder may be its bcoz of dust particles I will use some lubricant and give a feedback but over the calibration & the quality of plastic is good

  44. Lynn La says:


    Als Ersatz fr meine Saitek Rudder Pedals habe ich die Thrustmaster ausprobiert und ich bin angenehm berrascht. Gut gebaut und bei Benutzung knirscht nichts. Einzig der Abstand zwischen den Pedalen ist etwas klein geraten, dafr ist der Preis halt unschlagbar.

  45. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThese are for the determined player! The magnetic sensor they use does not wear out like a potentiometer. So while these are expensive the sensor will be consistent over the entire life of the product. I have used these for years and eventually the ball joint just becomes sloppy and the trigger switch will fail. However that takes years, ordinary joysticks fail very quickly because the potentiometer wears out. These just go on forever.
    The last three of these I have bought the trigger switch has failed. This is largely because the trigger switch is just a generic, cheap micro switch. I have even bought a pack of switches now so I can repair them in future! But even so, inside about three years the ball joint will wear out and that will be the end of the joystick. It does help if you frequently add some silicon lubricant but sooner or later it will be the death of the stick.
    By the way, these are in fact just two identical joysticks. They even supply the parts to convert from right to left and left to right handed for both of them. The set just represents a saving over buying two separate joysticks.
    Unfortunately, in recent years the price of these have just gone through the roof. When I first started buying the single joysticks they were 25 each. Now they are 110 the pair. That’s insanity. These are good sticks but there is no way they are THAT good. The quality just isn’t there. Given how expensive they are, Thrustmaster should solve the problem of the sloppy ball joints and the cheap trigger switches so they justify their high price.
    Recommended with some complaint!!

  46. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Quality bit of kit every bit as good as all the others on the market.
    Easy to rig, the only nuisance is having to go on line to download the drivers.